Wafflings of a Lanky Punter (Read 217983 times)


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#25 Back for more!!
May 13, 2010, 01:00:09 am
Back for more!!
12 May 2010, 9:39 pm

Days of rain- 51

Dry days- 79

After the Blobs were in bed I headed back to Stronstrey to get a few more pictures do some more bumbling.  It was another nice evening, and I quickly nipped round the quarry taking the last photos I need for the guide.  Once I'd done this I warmed up doing a few new eliminates on the Wurzel Gummidge block.  I had wanted to do a dyno from the slots in the break to the top but I was struggling to get my fingers out, so left that one for fear of needing some K-wire action.

I repeated R-Man's problems in the quarry.  TREEOH I did by pulling on with an undercut, then superspantasticlanking to an OK sloping edge.  This would be much harder if you couldn't reach, but I'm not sure how Robin did it.  Working my way round and ticking problems I ended up at the old Nemesis on the Phat Haendel bock- the dyno from undercuts to top.  I've tried this quite a number of times now and it's always felt hard.  Today it still felt hard.  Eventually, however, I managed to get 3 fingers half a pad onto the top, my foot stayed on and I held the swing.  I'll give it font 7a but it's very morpho.  Funky move though.

I had a quick look at Howsat but didn't fancy sliding down the hill on my back if I came off, so left it and headed back home as it was getting dark.  I see R-man has added more problems to the Broken Jokes Buttress at Egerton, I need to get back and finish the, er, unfinished business.  As well as Warton, Trowbarrow, Woodwell, Earl, Almscliff........

A video will magically appear here tomorrow.  Woooo.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#26 Lancashire 7+8 List
May 15, 2010, 01:00:26 am
Lancashire 7+8 List
14 May 2010, 9:34 pm

I've finally completed the epic task of researching and listing the 7s and 8s in Lancashire.  Thanks to Greg Chapman for allowing me to use his LakesBloc lists, which have been updated with FA details and added to with the South Lancs stuff.  Thanks also to all the kind people that have checked details adn made corrections, you know who you are.

Feedback is very welcome, especially with corrections and updates.  Link are here (right click and save as will probably be best):

Lancashire 7+8 list by grade

Lancashire 7+8 list by crag

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#27 Burbage bumblings
May 18, 2010, 01:00:25 am
Burbage bumblings
17 May 2010, 5:27 pm

Days of rain- 52

Dry days- 83

I didn't know where to go today as it was forecast to be warm.  I had to drop the Blobs off and pick them up, which limited timing a little.  In the end I plumped for Burbage South, partly as The Rib is on my 2010 list and partly for revenge on Crash N Gurn.

I parked up at 10 and wandered down.  I ended up walking along the edge as I've never really bouldered there.  After a bit of stomping around (and managing to skin an ankle on a boulder) I ended up at The Rib.  I made quite reasonable progress on this, but the last move (the crux) spat me off a few times.  In the video you'll note I try to get my right foot up with my left heel still on, in fact I ended up swapping this to a toe and getting a higher right foot.  I have to say conditions weren't the best, so I'm keen to get back on it in better temps.

I also had a look at Fuji Heavy Industries (not sure what to do here) and Electrical Storm (nails) as well as gazing at Attitude Inspector (need a spotter I think) and the Alliance (ditto).  Then I wandered to the boulders, heading straight for Crash n Gurn.  Last visit I couldn't even pull on the thing, but that was because I was trying to use a higher foothold (blame BeardyBeast).  Today I tried it off the lower smear and- lo!- I pulled on.  Within a few goes I was touching the jug, so I put the camera on.  I nailed it next go, jumped down and did it again.  I moved the camera and did it again- 3 in a row.  It's a knack thing, and once it works it's pretty OK to repeat.

After this I wandered over to the Sheep where I met Dan, who I'd met at the Cliff when we tried Matterhorn Sitter.  (UpTown, if you read this he says hello and is looking forward to a Keel rematch.)  He and his mate were just leaving after dropping the easy top of Talk To Me, Martin.  We had a chat, then they headed off.  I failed to top out the Sheep despite getting there a few times- dunce.  Tired I think.  After this I did some easier stuff, then my alarm went off at 2pm so I had to leave.

Every time I go to the Peak I get utterly spanked, I've no idea why but it's true.

from GCW on Vimeo.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#28 Monty Rides Again
May 19, 2010, 01:00:09 am
Monty Rides Again
18 May 2010, 9:06 pm

Days of rain- 52

Dry days- 84

I had a spare hour this afternoon, so in blazing sun (23 degrees) I braved a look at Lower Montcliffe.  Maid In Stone was my aim, I don't think it's had a repeat since R-Man did it May 2008.  Not that anyone boulders at Monty anyway.

I had a look, it's all on positive holds with quite dynamic moves between- my kinda thing.  I did it quite quickly, then shot a couple of angles (it's a hard problem to film).  Second ascent of an R-Man esoteric classic?  Nothing new there then!

After this I had a brief try at Indian Face SDS, but it was far too hot and all I acheived was a downhill slide on my back.  I then did all but the last move on Dinosaur Adventure 3D, which felt 7a to me.  So I still have a couple of things to get back to, plus R-Man's 7a+ traverse Bach.  I'm off on Thursday morning, so I'll head out.  Ot sure where yet though.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#29 Not according to plan
May 20, 2010, 01:00:12 pm
Not according to plan
20 May 2010, 10:30 am

Days of rain- 52

Dry days- 86

It hasn't rained for ages, so I had quite a surprising morning.  I'm on a 2-10 shift again, and I'd wanted to go to Woodwell.  Unfortunately a crash shut down the M6 North and one look at the tailbacks had me going all the way round the roundabout and then heading East.  I thought I'd have a look at Jumbles, mainly for the dyno project.  When I got there I was greeted by a greasy looking crag.  I put my hand on a vertical, featureless face and found my hand became wet.  I'm not talking damp, I mean wet- water dripped from my hand when I shook it.  This was the case everywhere, and it wasn't seepage it was water oozing from the rock everywhere.  I went back to the car and thought of somewhere else to go.

Egerton.  Broken Jokes is always dry, let's go there.  I had to park further down the hill as they seem to be building another 3 houses at the top of the road.  I snuck under the barbed wire, down the path to Broken Jokes- and it was wet.  What the f**k?  Exactly the same thing as Jumbles, running with water.  With a feeling of despair I went to look at an old R-Man project round the corner.  It was dry-ish, being in the open air, but a bit mucky and made of that greasy Lancs rock that always feels damp.  After some brushing I managed to pull on the thing, get stood up.  And then fall off.  I think there's a crimp waaaay up there, and it'd involve a rock onto the right foot and a stretch.  Unforunately, the undercut bust my right elbow and I had to stop trying.  I now have font elbow, which is on fire and has reactivated my superficial radial nerve entrapment symptoms.  Ball.

If these conditions had happened on a statue of Mary, it would be classed as a miracle and widely lauded as the crying statue.  Occuring in grotty Lancs quarries, it won't get the same publicity but it's still a weird occurence.

WHat annoyed me most was that I actually paid to park at Jumbles this time.  Arse.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#30 Scorchio!!!
May 25, 2010, 01:00:12 am
24 May 2010, 10:01 pm

It has been hot- too hot for me.

We has a busy weekend.  Saturday it was Blob 2's birthday barbeque, then some friends stayed over and much alcohol was quaffed.  Sunday I woke up a little worse for wear, so we went out to get the kids riding bikes without stabilisers.  After a superb demonstration from one of her friends, Blob 1 made good progress.  She was keeping goign well, but seems to like turning left.  Looking at the video, LankyDad looks a tad silly but the borrowed cap was essential in th estrong Sun.

Jim suggested an evening boulder, but opted to leave it due to the heat.  After work today Blob 2 had another cycle- cycling seems OK now, so next up is stopping and starting.  Tomorrow I will try to get some bouldering done.  Maybe.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#31 In the words of Moony......
May 25, 2010, 07:00:12 pm
In the words of Moony......
25 May 2010, 1:24 pm

Days of rain- 52

Dry days- 91


I headed to Woodwell this morning, where I met Paul (Craven?) who was warming up there.  He soon shot off to WoR so it was down to (unfinished) business.

Basically, I had a few goes and got to almost- holding the lip crimp.  So I jumped up, put the camera on and got ready to crush.  I nearly-held it again, then next go the heel/toe scraped my ankle and re-opened the Burbage South ankle gash, sending blood all over the place.  And that was it, no more goes.  I'm annoyed as I thought I'd get it today and I'm a little concerned the crimp will disappear before I can head back next week.

Screaming Slave felt greasy and I had no chance today.  Sanctified Strong I did in 2 halves but never linked.  I can get the good flatty OK but I end up doing it as a jump, and I'd rather keep my feet on during that move.

All in all, a sack of cack.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#32 In the words of Moony.....
May 27, 2010, 01:00:56 am
In the words of Moony.....
26 May 2010, 7:52 pm

Days of rain- 52

Dry days- 92

....should've done it that time.  Admittedly it wasn't Moony that said it in Stick It, but the sentiment applies.

I had a surprise couple of hours free so I zoomed to Woodwell with some dressing to pad the ankle.  Weak Sam was there already, and despite the drizzle the crag was pretty dry.  As usual the banter was good, unfortunately conditions weren't.

Weak Sam suggested a crappy sloper intermediate for the BOBN move to the lip, and bugger me it works.  It basically reduces the swing so that I can get the lip fairly statically.  Awesome, I thought- but then I found I couldn't hang the lip edge to get the pocket.  Balls.  After numerous goes I still didn't manage it, my foot hurt like hell and skin was failing.  So progress, but still no cigar.  I hope with fresh fingers and less greasy conditions it'll go.

Incidentally, Weak Sam recently did the sit start to Texas Hold 'Em at Trowbarrow.  He suggested a grade of 7b, with his usual smile.  He wouldn't be drawn on it so I've added it to the Lancashire 7+8s as 8a, although this may be a bit off.  Good work as usual, and I'll be interested to see when he gets his CyL projects done.  And thanks for the CurlyWurly, Weak Man.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#33 Too old for 3 days on
May 28, 2010, 01:00:13 am
Too old for 3 days on
27 May 2010, 9:27 pm

Days of rain- 52

Dry days- 93  (it rained a lot today but I managed to get out, so +1 to dry)

The BlobMinder was off today having teeth drilled or somesuch, and The Boss was working, so I had Blob 2.  After we dropped Blob 1 off at school we headed North through the rain, avoiding the blocked M6 accident zone, to Woodwell.  Screaming Blob meant we went via the service area to use the toilet, but finally arrived at the crag via the Trowbarrow yumping road, always a favourite.  Except not with the Boss.

Despite the rain Tom's is hanging in there, still bone dry.  But very greasy.  I warmed up by brushing off more stupid tick marks, then I had a look at Sanctified Strong, getting it done in 3 goes today, although it was a bit of a faff as I couldn't get the heel to sit right until I moved my hand via a toe hook.  I pulled on BOBN very briefly but the skin and weak fingers prevented any real try.  So I did the easier stuff again, then we bumbled to the middle area.

H2O was slimy as hell, and conditions weren't great around NBD.  I still can't work out where Dragon goes, but there were lots of ticks up the vague groove right od Not Bad Nige start.  I didn't try it anyway.  I had a few goes at Whistler Direct, which feels reasonable.  I'd have had a few more goes but Blob 2 was getting cold, so we decamped to the cafe for her to get some hot chocolate.  Then back home for some lunch.

Once the Boss arrived back, and Blob 1 had been to Rainbows and back, the sun was out and it was only 19:30.  A plan hatched, and it was grudgingly accepted by The Boss.  Ginnster was busy, he says he was decorating but I think that's some excuse.  I went to Lower Montcliffe, hoping to try Dinosaur Adventure 3D in cooler temps as it's always felt heinous before now.  I jumped straight on it and was pleasantly surprised to get it first try.  Instantly, a brief downpour arrived but it was so short I was able to look at Bach.

I was with R-Man the day he did Bach and it felt hard then.  Today was the first time I've been back.  And it still felt hard.  It's a traverse that uses 2 tiny pockets, and with my fat fingers I can only get the slightest fingertip into them.  Today I was managing to tickle the crucial edge waaay out left, but pretty soon I had a deep cut in my left index finger, the tip going numb as well.  So that was that, but it was getting towards twilight anyway.  

So I've got a few busy days, but I'm off Monday as I start nights that night.  Annoyingly, this is also a bank holiday so my usual advantage of having quiet crags will not apply.  I may go somewhere different on Monday, then get BOBN nailed on Tuesday (assuming the hold is still there).  Nemo helpfully tells me the move I can't do is piss easy.  Cheers.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#34 Bumbling around at Newbiggin
May 30, 2010, 07:00:06 pm
Bumbling around at Newbiggin
30 May 2010, 4:44 pm

Days of rain- 53

Dry days- 95

Yesterday I did some pull ups and hangs, also looking at trying to get the left shoulder a bit stronger.  Today I had both Blobs but it seemed Ginnster and BeardyBeast were keen to get out, so Newbiggin was suggested as a child friendly (and non-busy Bank Holiday Weekend) venue.

So we arrived at 11:00, and BeardyBeast and miniBeast were already at the parking.  We headed up to the Whiteout boulder and met up with Ginnster.  Blobs were arranged on the mat whilst being given foodstuffs, which kept all 3 of them entertained whilst we had a clamber.  BeardyBeast and I had a brief look at Whiteout Roof but without the block it was horrendous, I think you need to have fingers of steel and sideburns to match to crush that one.  We did the other easier problems on the block, then Tom arrived (a fellow Pasty man it seems).  After a while it was getting hot so we shifted over to The Fridge area.

BeardyBeast and I had a look at The Fridge.  I'd had the idea of a lower start to this, but my memory was obviously defective as it basically adds a couple of cramped moves and the standard start is clearly the best.  BeardyBeast crushed it using a bicycle footsqueeze after getting the higher edge.  I was struggling to get the good hold, but then remembered the way I did it last time and finally latched it, managing not to fall off the rest.  It's maybe 7a+ but it's quite morpho, and the first move is pretty reachy.

I did some child herding whilst The Ginnster and Tom looked at the problem right of Ingleborough wall, but avoiding the good hold round right.  Ginnster took interesting falls from the mantel, in the style of a bag of sand dropped from a church tower.  BeardyBeast was practising falling off of Slap Arete, so once kids were sitting in one spot I had a go.  Initially it felt really hard, but then the heel squeeze I used last time came into play and BOOM it was in the bag.  There was a question of a dab from the Meat and Potato crew, so I thought I'd try again.  And just like Crash and Gurn I did it 3 in a row.  I guess you either have 'it', or you don't.

I did the easier crack problems right of Ingleborough wall, then it was departing time.  Ginnster and Tom were going to have a look at Farleton, via the stuff at the left end of Newbiggin.  Both Blobs were asleep in the car pretty quickly, giving me the chance to eat their lollies- I love those Drumsticks, and besides: you snooze, you lose.

I was supposed to be going to see Slayer tonight, but when push comes to shove I can't be bothered.  This was originally planned for 20th November 2009, but due to back issues Mr Araya couldn't do it.  So it was reschedules to March 7th, then rescheduled to today.  I was super psyched to go originally, but now noone else is going and getting into Manc and back on Sunday night is a total pain.  It's not like I've never seen them before, so it's not a huge loss.  Other than The Haunted are supporting, and I'd have liked to see them- really liked their stuff even from the At The Gates days.  I must be getting old.

I think Ginnster got some footage, so I may blatantly steal it once it's online.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#35 The Beauty Of Being Done
June 02, 2010, 04:53:56 pm
The Beauty Of Being Done
2 June 2010, 12:54 pm

Days of rain- 54

Dry days- 97

After a weekend with the Blobs, Monday was spent..... with the Blobs.  It's good to spend time with them, but we always seem to turn the house into a sh*t tip and then the Boss comes home and there's hell to pay.  And who gets it in the neck?  The Blobs that made the mess?  Or LankyDad?  Hmmmmm.

Anyway, I'm on nights this week, and Monday night wasn't too bad.  I was therefore rather annoyed to find Tuesday was filled with precipitation.  So The Boss took Blob 1 and I to see "Tooth Fairy", which was perfect as it mindless child entertainment and I didn't need to think.  After that it dried up and I was tempted to risk Woodwell, but instead I opted to spend time with the family (gain Brownie points) so we went to Pizza Hut then to look at new cars for the Boss.

Last night was busy-ish, but today dawned dry and bright so I had to get out.  After a brief trip home for some Cocoa Pops and to collect my kit, I was off to Woodwell.  Unfinished business.  I warmed up repeating Sanctified, then moved left a few feet.  I was pleased to see the BOBN hold was still there.  I pulled on and got to the lip first attempt.  It was all going to pivot on the move to the pocket.  I tried the move from LH lip, RH crimp but never stuck it.  So why bother, let's just go for it!  

After missing the pocket several times I noted my left foot lock was slipping so I swapped from the Booster to the trusty old Verde.  The sock was still on to protect the ankle wound, as ther's enough blood on this problem already. First go in Verdes was close, but no cigar.  Second go I hit the pocket but my feet came off.  Despite a slight bramble dab, I held it and finished the thing off.  I first tried this many moons ago, and had 3 or 4 goes intermittently since.  Since working it, it's been baking my noddle so to get it done is a huge relief.  Although, there's going to be something else to work at.

I had a few goes at Screaming Slave and nearly held the lip.  Then I exploded off the Nothing To Say Dyno, which was a sign to go home.  Which I duly did.  Working again tonight, so there's potential to get out tomorrow.  I've no idea where, as the forecat is for hot weather.  I suppose there's still Poison waiting for me.

from GCW on Vimeo.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#36 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
June 04, 2010, 01:41:36 pm
Fun looking problem, but what the hell is going on with your pockets?  :shrug:

Crag fashion FAIL!


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#37 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
June 04, 2010, 02:50:04 pm
Magic bottomless pockets. I can put as much as I want in them and they never fill up.

I don't think I own a pair of trousers for bouldering that remain in one piece.


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#38 The worst day for grit?
June 05, 2010, 01:00:33 am
The worst day for grit?
4 June 2010, 10:09 pm

Days of rain- 54

Dry days- 99

I had a busy night last night, travelling around the North West.  Today dawned clear and bright, and true to form it was going to be warm.  I knew the Lime was the way to go, but I couldn't be bothered failing on the Pit Problem or similar today- I fancied something different.

Wimberry is a venue I've only been to twice, both times it was hot hot hot and I didn't do a lot.  I wondered if it'd be viable for today as it can catch a breeze.  I texted the BeardyBeast and Jim.  Jim replied promptly to say he was away, so I set the SatNav and headed out.

I was at the parking by 11:00 and it was already pretty busy, lots of folks taking the opportunity to paddle in the reservoir and bask in the sun.  I paid my £1.40 for parking (it's actually £1.30 but the bastard machine doesn't give change) and set my sights for the Fish boulder.  Within minutes it became obvious it was hot.  The walk in to the Fish near killed me, and I had to sit down in the shade and drink a litre of water before doing anything else.

After a while I had a look at Fish Arete, which appeared to be made of butter and after a few pretty poor attempts I moved round to look at teh 6b+ right of Dark Matter (aka Ego).  It was so hot and greasy I couldn't hold the slopers, and I rapidly lost skin.  Retreat!  Back to Fish Arete, which was the main problem I wanted to get done.  After several more goes I managed to get my toe hook to work and caught the higher butter knob on the arete.  Flail flail struggle struggle and I was on top.  It felt tough for the grade today, but that was completely due to the fact I was sliming off every hold I used.

I had a 2 minute look at the Coarse Traverse, which seemed OK, then wandered to the Groove boulder.  I did the Groove after a couple of goes, although my left wrist didn't seem to like it.  Then I looked at the 7a up the flakes on the Shell Shot.  I made quick progress on this, until it became clear that the higher flakes flex noticably when weighted.  I opted to leave them be and went to the Tank.

By this time I was physically exhausted by the heat, so I did a few of the easy problems on the Tank then lay around for a bit before heading for home.  Tonight has involved frenzied packing of bags for our little package tour.  To be honest I'm a little nervous as the forecast for Tunisia suggests mid 30 degree heat.  I may not come back alive.  I am going to try to take the opportunity to send the HV20 off for repair, but I'll nedd to run around tomorrow to get it posted.  Then hopefully it'll be back when we return, back to its proper glory.

So here's the highlights (?) of today.  I suggest you rub some olive oil into your hands and then sit in the airing cupboard to get the feel for the day.

from GCW on Vimeo.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#39 The Weakling Returns
June 15, 2010, 01:00:03 pm
The Weakling Returns
15 June 2010, 10:31 am

Days of rain- 57

Dry days- 107

After a week spent at an all inclusive hotel in Tunisia, I am a lot heavier and feel rather weak.  I'm working 2-10 today so I went to Wilton 3.  To cut to the chase it was very hot, and I failed to do anything.  Local Knowledge felt pretty committing, R-man's new things were scrittly and greasy and after half an hour I gave it up as a bad job.  Same shift tomorrow, so here's hoping for a better session.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#40 Too hot for fatty
June 16, 2010, 01:00:10 pm
Too hot for fatty
16 June 2010, 11:01 am

Days of rain- 57

Dry days- 108

Another 2-10 shift, another moring crag session.  Longridge today and it was scorching at 10am.  Basically I greased off everything, although I felt a little more solid as I fell off of Big Marine (whatever that means).  I am becoming fairly sure that this is one problem I just can't do.  Catching the pocket just doesn't happen, ever, and any number of clever feet positions make any difference.  I guess it's just about my weak left shoulder, but I've had f@*k knows how many sessions on the thing with no progress at all.  Anyway, I only lasted an hour sweating in the heat and falling off traverses before I retreated back home.

I've had an e-mail from Canon to say the repair of the camcorder is underway and will be £153.  Oh well, not much can be done about it.  Hopefully I will have it back soon to make more shite videos.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#41 Re: Too hot for fatty
June 16, 2010, 01:51:20 pm
although I felt a little more solid as I fell off of Big Marine (whatever that means).

You hit the ground with a louder thud?  :shrug:


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#42 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
June 16, 2010, 02:10:21 pm
No, hands and feet felt much better.  Until I tried the move which gave the usual result.

Although after the all-inclusive-Tunisian-weight-gain, I'm surprised you didn't feel the ground shake each fall.

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#43 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
June 16, 2010, 03:41:47 pm
When you visiting the Lakes next oh Lankyeth one?


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#44 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
June 16, 2010, 03:43:16 pm
Not sure, but I shall drop you a PM when I intend to head up.  Generally it's a week day as that's the only time I get a full day free.


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#45 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
June 16, 2010, 03:50:44 pm

Too hot for fatty
16 June 2010, 11:01 am
Catching the pocket just doesn't happen, ever, and any number of clever feet positions make any difference.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter

After taking the L shaped hold with your left, have you tried a heel in the right side of the finger rail or are you too tall for that?  If you can make it work it really locks you in so you can work your fingers in to the best position.


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#46 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
June 16, 2010, 03:54:31 pm
Too tall for that.  I have tried it before, but the last time my LH popped and I landed on my head.  Not tried that way since.

I think the issue is I struggle to hold the sloper/pinch due to my left shoulder instability.  And being fat and weak.

Mike Tyson

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#47 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
June 16, 2010, 04:26:19 pm
Nice one. May be able to sneak off from work for an afternoon so defo let me know.


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#48 Stronstrey Evening
June 18, 2010, 01:00:08 am
Stronstrey Evening
17 June 2010, 8:47 pm

Days of rain- 57

Dry days- 109

Tonight I managed to get a pass, so met up with the Ginnster at White Coppice about 6pm.  We wandered up to Stronstrey past all of the cricket spectators, and headed to Escaping Jam to escape the sun.  We did my traverse, Spanners, first.  It felt more straightforward this time, and the Ginnster used an easier sequence on the first hard bit, so the 6b grade may not be 100% accurate.  I did the Tony Bland variations, which felt harder today than I remember.  I managed Cackhanded Compliment once I remembered how, then failed a few times on Escaping Jam which the Ginnster crushed in good style.

Then we moved over to the Handle block, from where David Vetter looked as good as before- still pretty pleased with that one!  Ginnster and I both did Love Handle, then I shook my way up Phat Haendel.   To be honest it was all in the direct sun so it all felt pretty tricky.  Then we headed down and had a play on the eliminates on the Wurzel Gummidge wall.  It was still pretty hot, so after a while we sat down in the sun with a can of lager and watched the sun/cricket/Blackpool Tower.

Tomorrow I may escape a little early, but I'll have to wait and see.  No idea where to go if I do, going to be hot again.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#49 Progress, or something like it
June 21, 2010, 01:00:35 am
Progress, or something like it
20 June 2010, 8:41 pm

Days of rain- 57

Dry days- 112

I didn't get to go out on Friday in the end.  So today I'd arranged to head to Silverdale with BeardyBeast.  He arrived with MiniBeast in tow about 10:30, and after a Toys R Us visit for them to get footy stuff, we went to Woodwell.  There were a couple of guys there already.  One was trying BOBN and failing on the move to the pocket- I'm glad it isn't just me.  I'm not sure if it was the arrival of BeardyBeast, MiniBeast, Blob 2 and myself but they left after a bit.

Basically, I got a lot closer to holding the lip on Screaming Slave, mainly by using 4 fingers on the sloing edge rather than 3 and a squeeze.  BeardyBeast looked pretty good on AOSD, getting close to the dyno at the end- just the match in the roof to sort, and I reckon he'll be in there.

We moved to the middle section and failed to do much with Tree Root and Griddle Groove Tourist Tick.  Whistler Direct put up a decent defence, seeing us both fail on the last move.  BeardyBeast had a look at Rigpa, flashing it to the base of the groove and declaring it easy.  The groove was dirty so he didn't finish but it makes me wonder if we've got the wrong line.  After this I had a look at Not Bad Dave sitter, and by using a hold for my left foot 3 inches left of usual I managed to get on it much better.  I got as far as the move to the LH sidepull before the flatty so that's decent prgress, although I am aware the hard bit is still to come.  At this point the Boss and Blob 1 arrived and we headed for a cream tea.  Unfortunately they were out of scones, a punterish mistake if there ever was one.

Tomorrow I start at 13:00 so I may head out for a bit in the morning, maybe Jumbles but I'm not sure yet.  Too much to do, and not enough power.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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