NNFN!!!! (Read 909157 times)

James Malloch

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#2575 Re: NNFN!!!!
March 19, 2020, 12:12:59 pm
A bit of a selfish NNFN given I’m still in work (for now) with decent pay...

But the regulation (IR35) which caused me lots of stress in the last 2-3 months where I was forced to change how I was employed, taking a huge pay cut in the process, has just been delayed by a year after being torn apart by the Lords & given the current Coronavirus problems.

So everything was needlessly changed and now I’m stuck on a new contract with much less pay and much few employment rights... I doubt my client will revoke their new policies & issue a new contract (despite no cost impacts to them other than paperwork to change contract).

All in all a bit of a pain!

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#2576 Re: NNFN!!!!
May 18, 2020, 08:50:20 am
Yesterday was my second day back on the rock. 15 minutes into the session my wrist made an audible pop while pulling on a sloper. After a gentle test pulling down on a sloper, it was agony. Fuck.

My wrist is now painful to varying degrees in all but a neutral position, particularly pressing and pulling. I can't even hold a saucepan.

This injury completely blind sided me because I've never had any wrist problems before. After some research, I'm now terrified that it could be a 'TFCC' tear which sounds like a nightmare to manage, however my symptoms don't seem to line up completely. Others have advised me that it could be just a sprain of some kind.

I'm just trying to keep it immobile for now, I have bought a splint which should arrive tomorrow.

Not sure about going to Minor Injuries either given the current circumstances.

Anyone had experience with a similar injury?

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#2577 Re: NNFN!!!!
May 18, 2020, 09:49:21 am
Yes, see my thread. If it helps I was told that TFCC will unlikely have an associated pop but I'm not a physio.

The thing (some time later) which gave my physio confidence in this was my ability to do a press up.


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#2578 Re: NNFN!!!!
May 18, 2020, 12:36:08 pm
Are PMs working again? Maybe ask Carwyn (Sheavi on here), he's a physio and did something similar to himself on a Font trip, so he'll have researched it at least.


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#2579 Re: NNFN!!!!
May 18, 2020, 01:21:51 pm
I would get a zoom consultation with Jon O,


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#2580 Re: NNFN!!!!
May 18, 2020, 01:26:11 pm
Hey, you should get a general idea of what it is, by accurately checking where the painful spot is.
Tfcc location is quite precise.
Good luck!


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#2581 Re: NNFN!!!!
May 18, 2020, 01:59:56 pm
Also bear in mind even if you have a load of the TFCC symptoms, it may not be TFCC. Myself and a couple of physios were convinced I'd damaged it given pain location and various tests but MRI confirmed otherwise.

Best of luck!


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#2582 Re: NNFN!!!!
May 18, 2020, 03:48:15 pm
Only a minor NNFN but.......

The shine of a fab family day* at Windgather was somewhat taken off by me standing in a human shit quite early in in the day. Pretty unpleasant at the best of times but in the current climate a potentially viral ridden shit smeared all over my fly trainers was not ideal.

Not definitely climbers but still pretty disappointing. Go before you go, pack it out or dig a hole. It’s not that hard.

*Wandering along the bottom of the crag with my 7yo just pointing at lines saying, “Can I try that one dad” was awesome though!

Blue Boy

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#2583 Re: NNFN!!!!
May 18, 2020, 08:05:59 pm
Thanks for the advice everyone! I'll have some consultation when the coffers allow I think.

Reading around, it seems like immobilisation for a few weeks is the treatment for all the wrist injuries I've read about so far, so I'll be doing that.

Poking around for tenderness and comparing that to anatomical diagrams points me towards the scapholunate ligament as the source for pain. Which is more or less in the middle of the wrist. Of course I'll wait to get a proper diagnosis before taking any action though.

On another note, this couldn't have come at a worse time, I moved to Sheffield in mid march with lots of climbing in mind. As you can imagine, I've not done much.  Just three outings :'( . I suppose I'll have to be someone's (socially distant) belay bitch in the mean time to keep me sane, any takers?


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#2584 Re: NNFN!!!!
May 18, 2020, 08:33:16 pm
John is on Abbeydale Rd and has an ultrasound machine (and the skill to use it) which gave an amazing view into my spannered hand in January. I'd recommend it.


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#2585 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 08, 2020, 09:28:15 pm
So, it’s been revealed this afternoon/evening that a man died in custody, in the cells of Torquay police station (actually a little while ago, several days).
He was coloured/black, apparently.
There is no information about how he died, but already there is a FB group set up to organise a protest and another to organise a riot.

Our business is the building immediately across the road from the police station.

That someone has died is awful. The anxiety that is now hanging over us, the residents of the surrounding houses and businesses is also awful. We’re not expecting trouble tonight and the protest is arranged for Sunday, but...


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#2586 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 08, 2020, 10:13:36 pm
Poking around for tenderness and comparing that to anatomical diagrams points me towards the scapholunate ligament as the source for pain. Which is more or less in the middle of the wrist. Of course I'll wait to get a proper diagnosis before taking any action though.

Only just seen this. Get a diagnosis pretty quickly and consider paying for a scan if advised. A completely ruptured S-L ligament has a relatively short window in which it can be reattached. After that it can only be reconstructed which is quite an invasive operation with poorer outcomes. It's not a ligament you can do without as a lack of one usually leads to problems. Don't want to scare you and it's probably not that if you did it pulling on a sloper (usually caused by falls onto outstretched hands), but it's something you want to get investigated just in case.


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#2587 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 09, 2020, 07:22:51 am

That someone has died is awful. The anxiety that is now hanging over us, the residents of the surrounding houses and businesses is also awful. We’re not expecting trouble tonight and the protest is arranged for Sunday, but...

Hi there, I'm sure you're not equating the loss of property with the death of a human being but the emphasis in your statement is identical.


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#2588 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 09, 2020, 07:35:23 am

That someone has died is awful. The anxiety that is now hanging over us, the residents of the surrounding houses and businesses is also awful. We’re not expecting trouble tonight and the protest is arranged for Sunday, but...

Hi there, I'm sure you're not equating the loss of property with the death of a human being but the emphasis in your statement is identical.

Dude, you are way off the mark.

Seriously, fucking so far off. Knob.

Absolute toss.

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

We’re not some fucking mega corporation, you prat. We’re already on the brink of losing everything. You think the people who want to start a riot are supporters of civil rights and equality? You think they actually give a toss about the man who died?

Of course I’m (and by that I mean me, my partner, my children) don’t equate a loss of life with damage to property, that doesn’t mean that such damage wouldn’t be a personal tragedy for us. Do you not grasp, that despite my jovial attitude on here, I/we might be going through an existential  crisis already? Struggling to find a reason to continue? Dealing with the fallout of having face an uncertain future and having the rug yanked out from under our feet?
Oh yeah, I try to be positive when I talk about it on here and I’ve been working hard to find an alternative, but the world isn’t exactly running smoothly at the moment. Our current “self sufficient” life is hanging by a thread and almost every direction we turn, we hit a dead end.

Now, we have to contend with possibly being victims of people intent on causing havoc, for fun. The protests? Not a problem. Shit, I’ve been on many marches. If (and it actually looks very unlikely, given the stuff his SS caseworkers etc have already made public) he was “killed” or “allowed to die” by negligence or malice, then those responsible should be held as such.

If you think we should just “suck it up” because there was another injustice or somehow think that injustice gives people the right to inflict injustice on on other innocent people, screw you.

So, if you thought I would be ashamed to be anxious about what might come out of this, because of your self righteousness and patronising crap, you are fucking mistaken. Nothing could have harden my position more.

To be clear, for the idiots at the back, I don’t equate my anxiety to the tragedy of Mr Francis death.
If you think we have no right to feel anxious or feel like we are facing our own, if lesser, tragedy as a result; then you are not human.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2020, 08:05:32 am by Oldmanmatt »


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#2589 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 09, 2020, 07:38:05 am
apologies to OMM. I jumped in with both feet. Sorry
« Last Edit: June 09, 2020, 07:56:10 am by ben_pritchard »


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#2590 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 09, 2020, 08:03:58 am

That someone has died is awful. The anxiety that is now hanging over us, the residents of the surrounding houses and businesses is also awful. We’re not expecting trouble tonight and the protest is arranged for Sunday, but...

Hi there, I'm sure you're not equating the loss of property with the death of a human being but the emphasis in your statement is identical.

Property that only might be lost as well.

I read your post in exactly the same way as Ben did OMM. The emphasis is identical and thus equates someone's death with the anxiety you're now feeling. That doesn't mean I immediately think you're racist, or that you actually think the two are equivalent, but it's right to call you out on it as that kind of thought process and narrative absolutely prioritises the wrong thing.

nik at work

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#2591 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 09, 2020, 08:23:02 am
FWIW I disagree.

I absolutely understand your anxiety Matt. I hope that, if there are any protests, they are peaceful.

Weirdly when I say “I’m starving” I am not equating my level of hunger with the millions of people around the world who are you know, actually starving.

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#2592 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 09, 2020, 08:24:13 am
Although I think calling Ben a knob was a bit mean 😁

SA Chris

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#2593 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 09, 2020, 09:01:26 am
prat seemed fair though :) :)


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#2594 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 09, 2020, 10:44:58 am
I absolutely understand your anxiety Matt. I hope that, if there are any protests, they are peaceful.

Oh absolutely, but I also hope that they result in meaningful change without the need for further violence.

Matt I totally get that you're scared of rioting and damage, but try to remember that the vast majority of the protests recently have been entirely peaceful, and often when things have flared it's been due to the actions of a tiny minority, people actively trying to discredit the protests by sparking confrontation, or the police themselves aggressively breaking things up. Just because a handful of cunts people are posting on Facebook about a riot doesn't mean it will happen.


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#2595 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 09, 2020, 01:49:22 pm
I think way more important than any discussion about rioting and protests is the fact that Matt is having a pretty rough time of it right now and could do with our support, even if it is just words and encouragement. Hang in there Matt, and if there is anything I can do then please pm me.

nik at work

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#2596 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 09, 2020, 02:02:55 pm


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#2597 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 09, 2020, 04:48:57 pm
I’ve spent the day crawling around the roof space of the Bunker, trying to fit a rather large new ventilation system. This is not a fun activity in a 200 year old building. Lots of big hammers, smashing down walls and power tools. Very therapeutic.

I am definitely struggling, but will find a way through.
Yesterday was hard.

I got an email from the Navy, after six weeks of silence, saying the role will be going ahead, but nobody knows when. Thats more than six months now of on again off again.

I got an email from the RFA, requesting more info and all of my original certificates etc, except, I sent all of my certificates to the MCA two days before lockdown, to renew my CoC (license, if you will) and now they’re stuck in some abandoned office waiting for the MCA to recommence operations. They sent me a temporary, PDF, CoC, so I can work legally, but the RFA don’t seem able to grasp this.

Then, in the afternoon:

I got a phone call, from Jan Van den Berg, my boss from 20 odd years ago who recommended me for the General manager/MD role at the shipyard in Dubai. He tells me he wants me out there as his technical Manager and I should expect a call, imminently, from the Chairman of the group.
I’m still waiting. 

It’s not the first time Jan has promised me a role. It’s the third time in two years. Last time I was almost booking tickets.

Then I get home to a seriously upset Polly, who’s been getting worried messages from all directions, that we’re about to have the protests arrive on our doorstep.

It is looking much less likely to get out of control or even become much of a thing, this afternoon.

These things are just the stuff that have arrived in the last few weeks. They don’t sound bad in isolation, but it’s been almost two years since we realised we couldn’t continue as we were and it’s taken that long to even generate such tenuous employment offers and I have had to spend almost 5k to renew my licenses (even then I’m going to have to find work before I can think about Professional Institute fees and trying to get all those corporate memberships back, so I can tack the letters on to my name again. Ironically, no letters, means a harder job hunt in the first place).
You cannot just get back on the horse after a seven year career break.

It’s all very first world problem, all a bit middle class angst.

I tried applying for a few lower level positions, even technician roles (I mean, somewhere back in the mists of the last century, I was a time served apprentice, Master Craftsman and Artificer) but got knocked back as “over qualified” repeatedly.

I feel pretty bloody useless, actually.

What I mean is, sorry for snapping, I get how it looked.

And thanks for the support, too.


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#2598 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 09, 2020, 05:43:28 pm
Yikes. Anxiety can make the worst outcome seem the most likely one. Hope it calms down.


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#2599 Re: NNFN!!!!
June 09, 2020, 05:52:10 pm
Sorry you're struggling Matt, hope things improve. And sorry for the harsh reaction; I'm easily triggered atm but that's no excuse.


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