2x 6Bs
Speaking as a low grade punter I think Rubicon has lots more to go at compared to the Tor. It even has a soft touch 7a (sorry, 7A), an extreme rairity on peak lime. What more could you ask for?
Otherwise for general pottering with buggy and family the monsal trail is a good idea.. ?
Quote from: erm, sam on July 21, 2016, 04:39:26 pmSpeaking as a low grade punter I think Rubicon has lots more to go at compared to the Tor. It even has a soft touch 7a (sorry, 7A), an extreme rairity on peak lime. What more could you ask for?You mean A Millers Tale? That 7A on the rh side of Kudos wall you mean? The one that's easier than all of the 6B's
Looks good, so is that the 7A method or the easy method? Seems way more easy stuff at Rubicon than the Tor which is good!I'm guessing the grit crags we're going to are quiet this time of year with climbers?
The stuff on Tideswell dale (ET bone home etc..) is a nice little buttress - it's 2 min up a path up the hill, but the path along the valley floor below it is very buggy friendly )like a road) and if MrsLuke could be persuaded to potter down the valley and back whilst you got a quick hour in on the rock??? I could see that working.. Otherwise for general pottering with buggy and family the monsal trail is a good idea.. ?