UK Buildering Championships 2007 - Results (Read 2788 times)


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The competition held last Saturday went extremely well. More than 40 climbers from all over the country turned up to compete on a circuit of problems following the Thames from Tower Bridge to Battersea. In the end the day was far more about exploring, and finding new problems than serious competition, but the winner Tom Peckitt beat some impressive competition to take the men's title. Faye Stevens won the female title, and the day ended thankfully with nobody arrested!

The plan is to run the competition in another city next year, and the film from this years event will be released along with a DVD guide later in the summer.

More photos on

(c) Jarek Bogdanowicz


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Go Faye and Tom - Leeds represent!

Looked like a fun day out but it was boiling! The climbing must have been well greasy.


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Nice one Tom n' Faye. Good picture too- hope the finger is still ok.


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Looks like you found some pretty cool and well varied problems there.


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I had a lot of fun that day! It was a really laid back, friendly atmosphere and a bit of an experiment! It involved a lot of walking in the searing heat and humidity which was far more knackering than the builder problems. I have to say I was very surprised by the quality of problems around, with almost infinite scope for more. It generated lots of interest by the public who gathered to watch the antics, as long as we weren't swiftly moved by the police. A few pedestrians were so intrigued they had to try it themselves. One of many highlights was the daring ascent of the underside of the Albert bridge over the Thames by Caed and myself. After several pints it seemed like a brilliant idea - and it was!!  I'm now on the hunt for builder problems everywhere I go now!

P.S. Dave (monkey boy): got no credit on my phone to call you back - will be in Sheffield in a few weeks for a bit of                                                                     limestone action. Give me a call if you can.
      Dan (Woz): I finally have those Evolvs for you. You in Leeds or back at home?


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Is there any scope for a nationwide series or is buildering still in its infancy so to speak?


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  • obsessive maniac
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The comp was a bit of a trail run, with the organizers and participants not knowing what to expect (or even if it would happen at all due to police intervention). It is still in very early stages but from how well the weekend went and how well received the event was I think there is scope either for an annual competition or series.

A major issue is the building owners consent. I believe there are two ways to run a comp like this. First, to keep it unofficial but risky (as it may be slowed due to legal issues), which was the approach of the comp on Saturday or, second, gain permission from a few locations to make it more official (if anywhere would let us).

I personally do not enter serious or official competitions as I enjoy the informal/less serious approach to climbing and it may be a shame if this competition lost its street edge. It may be a good thing to have a comp run in this way. However, it could be a major event in the climbing calendar as the quality of many builder problems cannot be argued. It depends on the direction Caed and the other organizers want to take.

How would the climbing population want to see this run, thoughts/suggestions?


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