In fact during his recent trip to Magic Wood (Switzerland) on the 12th of August Kilian managed the 3rd ascent of the Chris Sharma's link up of Unendliche Geschichte part 1 and 2, 8B+!
Summer, 37 degrees. We are straight at the way in the Averstal. With the thoughts we are in the swimming pool, the remainder of us sweat in the car. Verena, the Stöhr girl and I cruisen in the valley and I admire for the first time the blocks „of the Magic Wood “. After a short break geht's by the cool wet of the Aversrhein and ran to the Boulder. We roam across the area together and I select ourselves the most beautiful lines. From time to time, if one sees exact, one sees Dave hopping also by the forest - from block to block. Although I with the match the Bouldern the route climbing prefer am I at the rock nearly only with rope on the way - I notice now. With the heavy Bouldern I lift pull it not off and somehow me after Voralpsee. I could increase however somehow after each Boulder and grew in such a way also the motivation. At the latest as I before infinite history stood wanted I no longer away from here. After a few attempts succeeded to me the second part of the infinite ones. For the first part unfortunately no time remained the forces at the end already was there and Masters in L `bad animals was thus approaching, rest day. To the match I returned to the valley and was motivated for more! I climbed the first part of the infinite ones and, since the Boulder always consisted for me of a part, worked I from now on on the connection. Two climbing days later I slipped already from the door ramp… Past Saturday, bake in action, the Durchstieg! And the first face folds (of the broad Grinsen).
Where does the line go? Above the chapz head in the pic are at least two bolts, is it a route??