Font Film to End all Font Films - "Between The Trees" (Read 85921 times)


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  • obsessive maniac
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here here.jesus the film is the funniest piss take /hard climbing film since ben and jerry and simon filmed the real thing.if you dont believe me all the interviews in "the forest" were all done in london because they forgot in france


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I just found an application for my macbook where I can have films as my desktop background. currently got between the trees on constantly. Genious.


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er...could you share that with me?



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and me please!


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I saw it (for free 'natch) and thought it was excellently put together, and should be a big hit on the gay fetish scene.

My one moan was that it was really hard to understand just how hard the climbing is, I've felt some of the (non) holds on kheops and to see it put away like an easy pink was simply not on.

Likewise Duel.


I watched it over Xmas and whilst I enjoyed it I have similar criticisms.

If the numbers weren't there you'd be forgiven for thinking dual was indeed science friction. For people who aren't as clued up on names etc.  (Nat thought it looked piss) its not as easy to identify just how well tyler was performing and I think thats a shame.
Some people I've talked to on this matter have said "but its not the style", the simple fact of the matter is that one glimpse at the foot holds and that crimp gets rid of any doubt about how hard the problem actually is.

I hated the explosion bit at the start but thats just me.

The chalkbag on the other hand was incredibly well done.

I think all of the complaints or comments re: the text in L'etranger has been addressed.

I've finally got round to watching this having been bought it (at my request) for my birthday. To be honest I'm dissapointed. I just found the whole thing pretty boing. I didn't feel involved, everything is filmed from so far away, very detatched, and mainly static you don't get a sense of how bad the holds are, how hard the climbing is, how hard the climber is trying or anything. The vast majority of the problems you don't see a single facial expression - its like trying to have a one-way conversation with someone witohut making eye contact.

The music is also overpowering, for the most part you can't hear any sounds of holds being hit or slapped or any grunts of effort (I had a similar beef with HTTP:BLOC in this respect) - I don't know if this is because the music drowns it out or because there aren't any cos the camera is too far away from the action to pick up the sound. Having thought etranger was poor (when I get need 2gig of space on my mahcine this will be the first thing to go) I really tried hard to come into this with an open mind and enjoy it, I sat down psyched for some font action, bearing in mind i'd forfeited £14s worth of birthday present to get it I really wanted to like this. I got to about 16mins30 before i twitched and went to reach for the remote to hit FFwd but i stopped myself. By a minute or so later I couldn't help anymore and fastforwarded though large chunks of it.

The explosion thing at the start was just weird, I didn't rate it. The chalkbag bit was very well done technically, but didn't feel it added anything to the film, I didn't make sense or seem to have any purpose except as a nod to Yeah Right, and it worked better in Yeah Right for my money.

The bit I liked this best were the ones where you could actually see faces and closeup shit, like apparement etc.

Of course it may grow on me in subsequent viewings but to be honest I don't think it'll get the chance. Its just too slow, detatched and ultimately, just, well, boring. I never thought I'd say that about one of the world's best climbers climbing in the world's best climbing area.


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  • obsessive maniac
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i think you have to remember unkle is not a pro and has not the same he turns pro it will only get one pulls pritch for one summer because he was just getting started and now its seminal


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logistics and "pro" aren't anything to do with it as far as i can see.


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  • obsessive maniac
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i agree with the points you made dave.if you can do a better job with the same finance and camera get ye to the forest i await the results with the same anticipation as btt.if not give the guy chance to improve.i am sure he learnt a lot from pritch whilst there


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I recently saw this too, and whilst I like the music and the climbing, I also agree with some of the points raised previously by dave and others:

- There wasn't enough close up shots of the holds
- Not enough capturing of the expressions of Tyler on the problems (audio and visual)

There are things that work in favour of doing this.  For example, keeping the intrigue and trying to evoke some curiosity in people for the first point.

The second point may just well be from the fact that Uncle didn't get the opportunity to (visually) simply because Tyler managed to send them very quickly!  Plus, not having a second person/hd camera to be able to capture this may be a factor.  Of course this presumes that he only has one hd cam/himself to do this. 

These points take something away from the film.  That said, I am deaf so I did not follow the talking at all and just ffwd to the climbing.  The climbing was very impressive and I enjoyed watching Tyler and Uncle on the problems.

Make no mistake, I thought it was great, just you can't always cater to everyone needs.


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if you can do a better job with the same finance and camera get ye to the forest i await the results with the same anticipation as btt.if not give the guy chance to improve.

Sorry I didn't realise you have to be francis ford coppola to pass comment on a film these days. How am I not giving him chance to improve? If I pretended I loved it, how would that help him?


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i agree with the points you made dave.if you can do a better job with the same finance and camera get ye to the forest i await the results with the same anticipation as btt.if not give the guy chance to improve.i am sure he learnt a lot from pritch whilst there

Agree with Dave that anyone can write a review. He didn't like it and went into detail why. Nothing wrong with that.

SA Chris

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Can I review dave's review?


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Can I review dave's review?

Only if you've paid dollar to read it.


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this is a good point. WIthout honest feedback from people who arent scared to come forward and give it then the filmmaker is left thinking everything is brilliant and they do the same again - to a smaller and smaller audience.

To be honest, if you're not big and ugly enough to be able to take onboard CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, you shouldnt release things to the public domain.

I thought Dave's review was honest and fair enough. Its pretty much what I said when I first watched it. On the other Dave looks too much like the count from the muppets for my liking.

SA Chris

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Can I review dave's review?

Only if you've paid dollar to read it.

I'll buy that for a dollar.

Actually,  will I bollocks. (Sorry BenF)


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Keith said he welcomed constructive criticism anyway.

Bernard Jefferies

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The climbing wasn't hard enough in my opinion


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