the shizzle => shootin' the shit => Topic started by: Norton Sharley on October 26, 2002, 09:47:12 am

Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Norton Sharley on October 26, 2002, 09:47:12 am
Yo party peeps, finally joined the ranks now that copper wire has been found north of the border.  

Just so's you all can get a wee bit jealous we're off snowboarding tomorrow.  Yup, it's snowed all week and is currently gorgeously sunny with visible snow level from this 'puter at about 2000ft.

Anybody ready for some backcountry adventures?
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Bubba on October 26, 2002, 10:28:20 am
Yeah man - let's do some pow pow :D

Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Norton Sharley on October 27, 2002, 06:11:28 pm
And God said that in a land where there is no Gritstone there shalt be snow in such copious amounts that thou shalt be able to snowboard from October to April.  And said snow shalt be put on the mountains in a fine powder form, particularly in the lee of the hills.  And that if thou can be arsed to walk up the hills thou can produce fresh tracks all day, wherever thou so shalt desire.

Amen. :lol:

So what did you boys do this weekend? :up:
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Bubba on October 27, 2002, 09:18:06 pm
Fuck all really - too pissed friday, then car being serviced saturday, and it was pissing it down here today. Did a bit of work on my woodie, but nowt  else really.

So, have you sussed any good stuff then? You two taking tranceivers out with you? Did you ever find that website on Scottish off-piste?
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: mark on October 28, 2002, 09:34:00 am
And yea, the sorrow of those who rode the Scottish hills was great and their wailing rose up onto heaven for lo the scratches on the bases of their boards were terrible and did cut to the heart of the dude who had brought the board forth from the land of the heathens over the water.

You destroying that beautiful board sheep-dodging over rocky hills? Or have you got a sacrificial board for Ben McScratchy?
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Norton Sharley on October 31, 2002, 07:41:37 pm
I could do with a second board, but then it would be all heavy, and since I intend doing a lot of off piste the last thing you want is a weighty board!  I will obviously be avoiding rocks at all costs for both our sakes, however what do you do avoid going out?

You still going to the States often?

You know anywhere I can get a transceiver?
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: mark on November 01, 2002, 09:09:32 am
No way round it really. Boards are there to be used and that means they get trashed eventually. Quite liberating when a board starts to reach the end of its life as you feel no hesitation going for any good snow despite possible rock damage. But it makes me wince when I hit a rock on a new board.

Nope, US trips have dried up as I've moved project. So no more cheap boarding holidays under the guise of business trips for me

Don't know anywhere that will do good deals on transceivers. Could do with one as my brother's - which I've had on permanent loan - is knackered.
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: SamT on November 01, 2002, 09:59:39 am
yo yo yo

Hows about we try and sort transeivers out for Serre. The off piste potential there is increadible. Beg borrow of buy - we could all do with them.

Anyone up for trying to sort out a guide for a day or two.  :hyper:
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Bubba on November 01, 2002, 10:08:05 am
I'm gonna see how I'm riding first after not doin' it for a while, but I reckon if we get a guide (and we should do really, shouldn't we?) then they can probably sort the 'ceivers and the shovels....

Like your signature you little bastard  :D
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Norton Sharley on November 08, 2002, 11:17:26 pm
If Sam were to pick an Emoticon that was the one.  You should just have that as your avatar  :!:  :!:

Alternative signatures for Sam and Mike?
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Norton Sharley on November 08, 2002, 11:25:13 pm do cheapest transeiver at £145 each, ouch.  Or rent for £20 - £30 each per week, now we're talking.  Come on you boys with internet access at work, find us a deal......... :idea:  :roll:  :oops:  8)  :?  :(
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Norton Sharley on November 17, 2002, 08:05:06 am
I can get avalanche transceivers at cheap prices, how cheap is yet to be established but problably about £100 each  :D  coming direct from the importer.  They are allegedly the easiest to search with and retail at £220 each normally :( .

Anyone interested?  Also shovel and probles available.  Check out for info   8)
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Bubba on November 19, 2002, 08:09:58 am
If I was doing more boarding then I'd jump at the chance but I just don't need one at the moment. One week in Serre C isn't enough justification  :cry:
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Norton Sharley on January 06, 2003, 06:58:43 pm
Bouldering on semi-dry rock, pah!

Just had two of the best days out boarding ever.  OK not much snow but what  a view, not a cloud in the sky, blah, blah.  Had to follow gullies to keep on the pow pow, but that's just fine by me.  Wifey got a bit stressed but there you go.
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Bubba on January 07, 2003, 10:47:46 am
Yeah yeah yeah, well there's got to be some consolation to living in that midge-infested land of the bog  :P
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Bubba on January 09, 2003, 09:16:13 am
Ordered my transceiver, shovel and probes yesterday - massive expense but might save my life.....that'll be five us fully kitted up in Serre Chevalier - let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!!

Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Bubba on January 09, 2003, 11:27:47 am
Crazy or what?

Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: mark on January 09, 2003, 01:22:26 pm
Yeah, but what about this dude? Such incredible technique and bravery. Surely this guy is pushing the boundaries of modern snowboarding.

Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Norton Sharley on January 11, 2003, 06:05:19 pm
That'll be you then Mark?

Been out boarding again today.  Snow has all turned to sugar - it's been -6 again all week.  At least I was on me board though  :wink:
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: mark on January 13, 2003, 09:32:03 am
Yup, that's me. Seems a long time ago. Hope I can remember how to ride.
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Bubba on January 13, 2003, 09:47:25 am
Errr.... I think you'll be ok Mark  :wink:  Good photo that. Was watching TB7 last night - amazing stuff.

I'll be bumbling along but not too bad I hope - probably need to spend day one setting up the new board  :D  and the gorgeous new Flow bindings - none of that adjusting the high-back angle by pulling a bit of cord nonsense now - the new ones you just set once, then just use a lever to open/shut them - couldn't be easier. They've even got proper forward lean adjustment too.....
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: mark on January 13, 2003, 10:08:29 am
What board have you gone for?
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Bubba on January 13, 2003, 10:12:02 am
Lib Tech Phoenix 160... mmmmmmmmmmm!!!
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Bubba on January 15, 2003, 09:28:09 am
After spending half of last night playing hide and seek with Mark & Sam on top of a very dark, windy Stanage, I'm now confident (ish) that I know how to use an avalanche transceiver.

Anyone ever had to use one of these in a real situation? I bet it's a lot harder actually digging someone out than finding your mate lying on top of a boulder.
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Bubba on January 27, 2003, 10:39:51 am
Inspired by last week's pow fun I've just been looking at the La Grave website - anyone ever ridden/skied La Grave? What was it like? Did you get a guide?
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Bubba on January 27, 2003, 04:59:15 pm
Tragic news for the snowboarding world is the death of Craig Kelly, one of the gurus of the sport, in an avalanche along with 7 others last week:

See transworld snowboarding (,13009,409901,00.html) for the full report.
Title: shnooooooooooboarding
Post by: Bubba on February 28, 2003, 09:27:33 am
On a lighter note - here's a cool toy for those of you with steep back gardens:
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