the shizzle => bouldering => Topic started by: hongkongstuey on October 18, 2002, 12:55:56 am

Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: hongkongstuey on October 18, 2002, 12:55:56 am
Bigger Better and Harder than Deliverance or the Buckstone - coming soon to a gallery near you (well, the one on this site actually):

The Big Dyno, Roaches Lower Tier, V8

Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: hongkongstuey on October 18, 2002, 01:35:44 am
i've also got some video clips of people doing it which i'll edit together and get on the net at some point
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: Bubba on October 18, 2002, 07:39:51 am
Nice pic Stu, and thanks for sending us a copy - keen to see the vid. We might be off to that side of the Peak this weekend so might try to get some footage too - might look good filming it from above...
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: hongkongstuey on October 18, 2002, 08:26:08 am
it does - although i think the best angle i got was from hanging off the arete and shooting diagonally down. distance shots of it also look good

the misses is off out of town for a few days so i can hop on the computer and start editing stuff without fear of being called a crap boyfriend - will let you know when its done
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: Bubba on October 18, 2002, 08:50:43 am
We might have two cams out too which will be nice... Rumours of Obsession Fatale possibly being done this w/e too which will be nice to watch with sweaty palms
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: hongkongstuey on October 18, 2002, 09:07:19 am
I'll be well impressed if those boys onsight it - its not that hard but it would be easy to bugger it up ala Kevin Thaw style - any footage would be interesting to watch!
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: Bubba on October 18, 2002, 09:26:43 am
Quote from: "hongkongstuey"
I'll be well impressed if those boys onsight it

Think that's the idea...
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: hongkongstuey on November 13, 2002, 12:21:27 am
Bubba - heres what you've been waiting for:

and another clip of the classic arete problem at the upper tier:

followed jons formating advice for quicktime as its well easy to do - plus premiere etc are giving me massive hassle at the minute (won't capture or play any imported clips! just jumps from opening frame to final one! its doing my head in)
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: hongkongstuey on November 13, 2002, 12:25:22 am
forgot to say - both clips are relatively small - <2mb - so shouldn't take too long to down load - or eat up too much of my bandwidth (feel free to host them here if you want as i'm gonna e mail the parties involved, let them watch them then take them off the site :md:
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: Bubba on November 13, 2002, 07:49:36 am
Cheers for the link Stu, will view them after work - quicktime won't install on this box for some reason.....

Possibly host them for you, but I'll see how bandwidth goes on the new server - you could always put them in a password protected area of your site?
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: dave on November 13, 2002, 08:47:17 am
nice vids.

That dyno looks piss, but i expect its deceptive!
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: hongkongstuey on November 13, 2002, 09:23:55 am
Quote from: "dave"
That dyno looks piss

If only it were! like i said, it took me three months of trying on a regular basis before i eventually snagged it - for comparison, the Buckstone took me half hour anmd a handful of tries

Andi makes it look easy mainly due to him being about 6ft 3 or something!

Hint if you try it - go for the top with the right hand - as per photo at top of thread - its easier that way

think the grade settled at V8 (no plus!) / Font 7b+ / UK ungradeable!
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: dave on November 13, 2002, 09:31:02 am
yeah, i suppose the buckstone is quite straightforward in comparison, i.e. not off undercuts.

Hopefully i will be with a krew ripping up the roachez this weekend, weather permitting. If so I'll certainly have a go cuz it looks mental. I take it the top hold is fairly good?
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: Bubba on November 13, 2002, 09:53:28 am
Anyone ever tried that one at Brimham?? Even bigger than the Roaches one - ridiculous problem.
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: hongkongstuey on November 13, 2002, 10:04:13 am
Quote from: "dave"
I take it the top hold is fairly good?

Its ok but certainly no jug - a good hold to loose a stack load of skin off - its one of those dyno's where you don't want to find yourself going either up or down when you hit the hold
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: dave on November 13, 2002, 10:13:33 am
Quote from: "hongkongstuey"
a good hold to loose a stack load of skin off

Cheers for the beta - a good one to flash then!! (in my dreams)

Quote of those dyno's where....

Thats a hell of an apostrophe abuse. :wink:
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: james on November 13, 2002, 10:46:20 am
That dyno is f**king menkle.  It dosn't look that hard but when I hung off the top hold, my feet were about two foot above the starting hand holds :eek3: .   The problem to the far left of the dyno is good, B6 acording to PB.
Do you fancy a trip to the Roaches at the weekend Mike?  It would be good to meet up with Mr G and crew :lol: , we could also give justin a call.

Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: Bubba on November 13, 2002, 10:48:23 am
I'd be up for it in theory if we get a cold day - see what the others want to do....mind you, the impreza will have just been chipped so any excuse for a drive  :P
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: Bubba on November 13, 2002, 12:35:24 pm
(Finally he outwits the proxy server and mangages to install QT)

Good vids Stu!

Who's the lass on the arete?  - like her style.....

The one of the dyno makes it look much smaller than it is in real life - doesn't look to bad on the vid - weird.
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: dave on November 13, 2002, 12:45:24 pm
Quote from: "Bubba"
- like her style......

I've never heard it called that before. :whip:

I've also never seen the arete done that way before, i usualy work my RH up the arete, via that tiny crimp, and slap for the top. But i guess she ain't 6'1".
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: james on November 13, 2002, 12:54:49 pm
The impreza chiped, :hyper: .  You can realy test it out on those back roads to the roaches.  
  I am keen to get on Bobba Fet and that project in the cellar that we were trying.  You need to complete that slab direct as well and get yourself another V8 tick.

Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: Bubba on November 13, 2002, 01:01:02 pm
I've never heard it called that before.

Heh heh, that is actually what I meant, you filthhound you!
I've also never seen the arete done that way before

Nor me, might try it though as it's gotta be better than my way  :?
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: Bubba on November 13, 2002, 01:03:37 pm
Quote from: "james"
You need to complete that slab direct as well and get yourself another V8 tick.

Too right, though of course, grades are meaningless to me, I just climb for the motion  :wink:

Chip had better make a difference or I'll be most unhappy. Just been reading horror stories about modded Prezas on scoobynet - gotta be well careful modding turbos by the sounds of it.
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: dave on November 13, 2002, 01:13:51 pm
At the risk of sounding like a complete knobsack (a risk I run quite frequently), what is all this shiz about a "chip"?  :huh: In my vocab, I only know "chip" to mean one of the following: a piece of fried potato, a vandalised hold, a hole in yer paintwork, or something you get done to allow a playstation to play copied games, and i assume you are really refering to neither of the above.
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: hongkongstuey on November 13, 2002, 01:19:02 pm
The lass is Luisa - Gus from Mountain Fevers bird - she uses cocktalk a bit i think (and not just to Gus fnar fnar)

if yoiu want a larf, try the arete one handed (left is advisable) its a nice party piece to have sorted to impress punters (topping out one handed is quite interesting though!)
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: Bubba on November 13, 2002, 01:24:15 pm
Chipping is re-mapping the ECU on a fuel injected car (the thingy that controls when the injectors fire, etc). The standard chip program is often a bit wooly to take into account different altitudes, emissions regs, crap fuel, etc, so a re-map just optimises it.

It's a bit hit and miss I find. On my two last cars it varied. I had an E36 BMW 325i which it made a big difference too, and then an old bimmer 535 which it didn't do that much too (largely to the extremely restrictive exhaust system, methinks). So, fingers crossed. The Preza already has a filter and pipe which helps maginify any effects of the chip.

I just like chipping things I think - my mobike is chipped, my old psx was chipped, we're thinking of getting the cat chipped  :!:  and I'm trying to find a ps2 chip that doesn't involve 5 hours with a soldering iron to install.

Chipping is righteous, chipping is good.
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: Bubba on November 13, 2002, 01:25:43 pm
Quote from: "hongkongstuey"
The lass is Luisa -

That'll be Ms Giles then - she's a good trad climber too I hear.....well her CT profile seems to say so anyway....
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: dave on November 13, 2002, 01:30:11 pm
I gets you. Cheerz for clearing that one up.

Quote from: "Bubba"
I'm trying to find a ps2 chip that doesn't involve 5 hours with a soldering iron to install.

Theres probably a bloke down the <insert pub name> that can do it for a tenner - there seems to be one in every pub in south yorkshire. Or failing that, some car boot sale near Donny.
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: Bubba on November 13, 2002, 01:36:44 pm
Lot trickier that than the ps1 mod apparantly, and much more illegal, so lots of the places you used to be able to get yer ps1 done at won't touch ps2.

I'd do it myself, but am not confident at my soldering ability and it'd be too easy to trash you ps2. You can get it done via courier for £100 which when you think about it, is only the price of a couple of games, so would quickly repay itself. Then of course you need a DVD writer, and lots of hiring from Blockybuster.....
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: justfunk_ on November 14, 2002, 01:38:16 pm
It is not too hard if you go with both hands/double believe it or not. It makes it easyier to catch it latch it and then dispatch it?


Are you over here this wknd then?
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: dave on November 14, 2002, 02:27:39 pm
Is it esssential to be quite so limp-wristed with the trailing hand, like Stu is in the photo? :wink:


Did he shout "oooh shut that door" upon landing it? :lool:
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: fatboySlimfast on November 14, 2002, 06:40:13 pm
hes sooooooooooooo butch that stuey, all that eastern promise :wink:
Title: the BIG dyno
Post by: hongkongstuey on November 15, 2002, 12:15:01 am
Quote from: "dave"
Is it esssential to be quite so limp-wristed with the trailing hand, like Stu is in the photo? :wink:

what can i say................................ :oops:

its a bizarre one if you go with your right hand as you end up trailing the back of your left one up the rock as you jump - loosing much skin in the process

i suspect the shout was more along the lines of "take that you bastard" having just latched a move i'd been trying for an eternity. as for that eastern promise..... you boyz don't know what you're missing.........
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