the shizzle => bouldering => Topic started by: GCW on December 04, 2006, 09:24:09 pm

Title: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 04, 2006, 09:24:09 pm
OK, I know distance isn't a guide to difficulty but what's the biggest dyno (measured from hand-hold to hand-hold) that we know of?  Went to a certain venue with a tape measure......
Dynos at Stoney:
1.  Quents 205cm
2.  Kirton Dyno  180cm
3.  George's Wall Dyno  175cm
4.  One Arm Bandit  170cm
5.  Young American  157cm
6.  Megatron  155cm
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: (woz) on December 04, 2006, 09:33:47 pm
That is brilliant - I thought I was obsessed with stoney. I'm surprised that one armed bandit is bigger than megatron turbo though.
You should get yourself to the Rainbow rocket boulder in font and measure all five there...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 04, 2006, 09:34:39 pm
You pay, I'll go  :great:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on December 04, 2006, 09:36:56 pm
I prefer to climb than survey
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 04, 2006, 09:42:00 pm
So do I, but recent topics (ie Unjust Dyno) got me thinking and comparing.  How do you grade a dyno?
Without resorting to comparison with other dynos?

Chleb I Roze
Kena Loacha
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: (woz) on December 04, 2006, 09:46:13 pm
Up to a point the length of a dyno doesn't really affect the grade though - The dawes 6 incher that was brought up on here a while back being a prime example.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on December 04, 2006, 10:05:41 pm
Hah, brilliant! Obsession makes the climbing world go round...  ;D

So how big is the Unjust dyno then?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: monkey boy on December 04, 2006, 11:39:01 pm
Rainbow rocket 7c+/8a is pretty massive! The biggest one (dyno that is) i have ever seen. Must be way over 2 metres, 2.5 maybe!
But yeh i think a dyno has to be massive to make it considerably hard, normally the angle and hold size determines the grade and of course the foot holds or lack of.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Richie Crouch on December 04, 2006, 11:43:05 pm
Quent's is soft still for the grade or maybe thats me being a lanky tw@! I'd say the Kirton Dyno felt harder seeing as it took more than way more than 2 attempts - all to do with the hold you are catching  :-\

I'll have to get down to check out this unjust dyno you speak of  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: hongkongstuey on December 05, 2006, 05:08:37 am
Dynos at Stoney:
1.  Quents 205cm
2.  Kirton Dyno  180cm
3.  George's Wall Dyno  175cm
4.  One Arm Bandit  170cm
5.  Young American  157cm
6.  Megatron  155cm

Big Dyno at the Roaches has gotta be approaching 2m between handholds - have a photo of me on it somewhere and my feet are above the start hold when I'm at full stretch on the finish jug
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nash1 on December 05, 2006, 07:28:55 am
I had forgotten about those dynos, how hard are they Font-wise btw??

Isn't Smash around 2m?
What about Froggy Dick??
Hale Bopp?
Come on, we need some nerd input here...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on December 05, 2006, 07:37:10 am
Come on, we need some nerd input here...

Some more nerd input you mean?  :-\
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 05, 2006, 07:55:13 am
Less of this conjecture please- we need proper measurements, not guesses.   :)
I've done Quent's twice.  Took less than 10 goes in 2000 and I thought it was very soft 7b.  Last week it took a couple of day's sweat, so it may be OK at 7b  (I'm 6'3").  Kirton is OK when you get the right bit of the hold, and catch it at the Point.  Same as any dyno I guess.
What's the world Dyno record now?  About 275cm or so?  So we've a bit more to do on the outdoor dyno front.....
Since it's p***ing it down today I may go and measure the Nexus and Unjust Dynos for comparison.  I'll let you know.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: BenF on December 05, 2006, 08:14:44 am
Less of this conjecture please- we need proper measurements, not guesses.

Should I find myself in the near future at Pex Hill with a measuring tape or metre rule, I promise to measure some of the big jumps there.  There are certainly some dynos of over 2.0m, maybe 2.2m. 

I am surprised that no-one has got onto this before and created some form of ranking or list of big jumps around the UK. 
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: fatdoc on December 05, 2006, 08:38:44 am
quents is fuckin desperate once you realise you have to do a foot intermediate in flight... at 5 ft 7 that's what i have always tried... done all the others at minus ten, never took more than 1 session on each. seems to me that quets is the hardest there... though as it's a big holds to big hold sort of a leap it's not as fum as megatron or one armed bandit IMO. Then again, i can do them!!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Bonjoy on December 05, 2006, 08:51:24 am
This one looks big
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on December 05, 2006, 09:04:27 am
That one looks amazing. I notice on YG someone who says they are a V4 climber managed it 2nd go. V8/V4? Dynos eh, what are they like?


3.  George's Wall Dyno  175cm

GCW, are you sure about this one? I'm about that height and I seem to remember when I'm hanging the jug I can just get my feet on the handhold, which must mean it's a bit heigher (me + arm)? Did you measure to the jug in the break, or the sloper?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 05, 2006, 09:06:21 am
Nah, JP's only 5 foot tall  ;)
Does look pretty big though.  How far is the Niche Dyno at Brimham?  Or the Tank Project at Wimbery?
Edit to r-man:  To the JUG.  The sloper is about 165cm.  Sorry.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Bonjoy on December 05, 2006, 09:12:15 am
That one looks amazing. I notice on YG someone who says they are a V4 climber managed it 2nd go. V8/V4? Dynos eh, what are they like?


 Although not stated on YG this dyno is an eliminate as there are layaways up the wall. My guess would be that Mr V4 climbed the wall using these. It looked solid V8 to us as a dyno, it's a looong way and your going off a flatty rather than a jug.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: AndiT on December 05, 2006, 09:13:46 am
I thought with Quents you were meant to go to the sloper below the big hold in the break? Atleast that is how it used to be described. I remember hearing that he finally did it at 5.00 in the morning or something after leaving a night club early to get the right conditions?

The biggest dyno's must be those of an undercut to start type affair. I'd probably go for Stu's suggestion of the lower tier dyno at the Roaches, it is over two metres between holds. There are probably bigger foothold to hand hold ones though.

Maurice Gibb perhaps, that is really big!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Bonjoy on December 05, 2006, 09:15:54 am
I thought with Quents you were meant to go to the sloper below the big hold in the break? Atleast that is how it used to be described. I remember hearing that he finally did it at 5.00 in the morning or something after leaving a night club early to get the right conditions?

That'll be George's Wall dyno your thinking of.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on December 05, 2006, 09:18:55 am
Edit to r-man:  To the JUG.  The sloper is about 165cm.  Sorry.
Huh. That's odd. :-\

Although not stated on YG Solid Air is an eliminate as there are layaways up the wall. My guess would be that Mr V4 climbed the wall using these. It looked solid V8 to us as a dyno, it's a looong way and your going off a flatty rather than a jug.
That's good news. It's back in my amazing-things-to-try book.

There are probably bigger foothold to hand hold ones though.

Yeah, or possibly even foothold to somewhere above handhold. 2nd gen moves again. These are going to be the biggest.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: AndiT on December 05, 2006, 09:52:03 am

Yeah, or possibly even foothold to somewhere above handhold. 2nd gen moves again. These are going to be the biggest.

I think these are dodgy, where do you draw the line? I mean, does running up the slab at the back of Ramshaw count as the biggest dyno in the world, I mean I just keep kicking off and kicking off all the way to the top. If something is overhanging you can't do these 2nd Gen type things.

BonJoy, yes, of course you are correct, that is Georges Wall, my humble apologies.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on December 05, 2006, 10:11:45 am
I think these are dodgy, where do you draw the line? I mean, does running up the slab at the back of Ramshaw count as the biggest dyno in the world

Do you mean the huge slab just up the slope from the easy bouldering? I hadn't tried running. It's a little scary up there. Or do you mean a different one?

I'd say if you started hanging a hold on the rock, and the only way upwards was to propel yourself into a run, then that would be an absolutely brilliant dyno. I can't think of anything like this though... Most running slabs involve a run up from the ground, which whilst dynamic, is clearly not the same thing.

If something is overhanging you can't do these 2nd Gen type things.

Yes you can. Look at the picture of Solid Air above. (or the video - )

 It's the overhanging ones that are the best, because you have to get the timing just right - you can't stand up straight onto the hold as you'll hit the wall, and if you push back too much you'll end up miles away. Obviously having big footholds helps.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 05, 2006, 10:31:47 am
R-Man:  Don't forget these measurements are to the hold and do not take into account wrapping your fingers over a jug etc.  If you have a big bucket to catch (e.g. Quent's) this may add 10cm to the effective distance you need to travel.  Does that makes sense? :-\

So we have:
1.  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
2.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
3.  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
4.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
5.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
6.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
7=.  Megatron  155cm Stoney
7=.  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

I've been sneakily looking at some 2nd gen moves on the Nexus wall, but don't tell anybody  ;)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fiend on December 05, 2006, 11:38:06 am
God you can tell you climb at the Brownstones, it seems to breed this sort of behaviour...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on December 05, 2006, 11:40:52 am
This from Beanie man...  ;)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on December 05, 2006, 11:44:52 am
yes but he is correct
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 05, 2006, 11:55:42 am
Which is worse?  A strange obsession with head-wear?  Or an interest to see what the maximum possible dyno-distance is? ::)
Brownstones does create slightly obsessive behaviou I admit. :whistle:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fiend on December 05, 2006, 12:10:55 pm
I have bouldered at Brownstones, once...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 05, 2006, 12:13:43 pm
That explains a lot.........
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: StuM on December 05, 2006, 12:14:01 pm
I think Chris Graham did a BIG dyno at Kylo in, called caterpult or something, its massive. Was a video of it on smart boys but not looked at it for a while.

On the dyno at the roaches... I've got a photo of myself on it, my right toe hooked (by accident, this is very dodgy beta if you plan to use it) on the starting handhold and my arms outstretched, I still didn’t reach the hold. Considering I'm 180cm tall and you can add an extra foot and a half say for how far I can reach above my head that makes it possibly 225cm hold to hold.  
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: AndiT on December 05, 2006, 12:19:40 pm
 :agree:Yeah, catapult looks amazing and seems to use that 2nd Gen idea. That must be one of the biggest anywhere.

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on December 05, 2006, 12:28:03 pm

There's a video on ukb somewhere, but the search function isn't working at the moment.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Bonjoy on December 05, 2006, 12:30:59 pm
Doesn't it use that mono out right, if so it's not that far distance wise compared to other dynos.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 05, 2006, 12:33:24 pm
:agree:Yeah, catapult looks amazing and seems to use that 2nd Gen idea. That must be one of the biggest anywhere.  Numver 54, Font 8a?
If it goes from that mono it isn't actually a looooong way between hand-holds.  Not disputing that it's nails though.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 05, 2006, 12:44:21 pm
It either uses that mono or he's giving us the finger cos he's done it and we haven't   :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: moose on December 05, 2006, 01:03:57 pm
how about the Niche Dyno at Brimham for the list (V9/V10).  Its unlikely to be the longest but still worthy of note - especially as there's a video...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 05, 2006, 01:32:43 pm
When Danny's got his hands on the target hold the starting hold is at knee level, or just above.  This would make it about 6' I guess (somewhere around 180cm).
What's the one at Kyloe out?  Called learning to fly or something like that?  How far is that?
How tall is Andy Higginson?  In the new Peak guide there's a photo of him on the Big Dyno (Roaches).  Looks about full reach from starting to finishing holds.  I'm 6'3" (190cm) and full stretch for me is 240cm (just under 8feet).  I guess that will be over 200cm easily and probably our current leader?  If anything this isn't as far as our Roaches challenger....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on December 05, 2006, 01:53:35 pm
It's great to  see so much SCIENCE at work.  ;)

Unless you were serious about JP being only 5ft, Solid Air looks a full stretch too. So that, the Roaches dyno, and Rainbow rocket seem like the top three.

Other noteworthies (though I suspect none of these are in the same leagure as the three above)
Greg's Dyno at Trowbarrow
Froggy Dick -
Smash -  (why is there a video of a man doing this naked? why?)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: AndiT on December 05, 2006, 02:04:34 pm
Can we include dyno's on routes too? Or would that need to be in the chuffin section.....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Scouse D on December 05, 2006, 02:05:57 pm
how big is Maurice Gibb?(the dyno not the sadly passed BeeGee)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: StuM on December 05, 2006, 02:46:49 pm
Maurice Gibb is big, maybe in the same league as the roaches dyno but as its diagonal its hard to make a good guess, i'm sure its more than 2m handhold to handhold though. As a comparison I was nearly touching the finishing hold on MG (only tried it for one session), I can do the Roaches one fairly easily but i was probably a full foot short on Rainbow Rocket!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Houdini on December 05, 2006, 04:36:36 pm
The Clockface project, Rainbow Walls, Slate.  This is well over two metres.  I'm not sure if it ever been jumped.  It's there for the taking.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: moose on December 05, 2006, 05:10:48 pm
if project are allowed... how about the "tank dyno" at Wimberry?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: monkey boy on December 05, 2006, 05:39:04 pm
Froggy dick (7b) and smatch (7b) are both pretty big but not too hard. froggy dick is definately the harder of the two. Kangaroo city and mr. dynamite in font are both examples of dynos that you dont have to travel along way on for them to hard.
Niche dyno at brimham is good again but not too taxing. The distance on this isnt the problem its holding the top hold.
catarpult looks amazing but very hard, another one on the to do list.

Never been to Wimberry what is the project dyno like?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy_e on December 05, 2006, 05:43:16 pm
Nails, green, the starting holds keep breaking and it's got poor footholds if i remember rightly. There's an animated gif of JB falling off it somewhere.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 05, 2006, 08:49:11 pm
Kangaroo city and mr. dynamite in font are both examples of dynos that you dont have to travel along way on for them to hard.

Woah!!!  We're interested only in distance here.  Doesn't matter how hard a dyno is, only how far it is between holds.  It can be V6 but if it's 250cm between holds it wins!!!!

I can see I'll have to have a trip to the Roaches and Gibb Tor, with both my boots and tape measure.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: fatneck on December 05, 2006, 09:27:28 pm
Don't think it's had a repeat yet and I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet, but Owens "seven foot dyno" at Pex is around 213cm. BenF, we'll have to have a measuring sesh soon!!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: hongkongstuey on December 05, 2006, 11:06:24 pm
old video of the big dyno for you:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 06, 2006, 08:04:19 am
Thanks HKS.  That's a nice looking move.  Holds appear about 2 inches further apart than you are tall........  Any clues?
I may not have found the longest dyno yet but I've got quite a few projects to do!!!
Thanks UKB posse
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Will Hunt on December 06, 2006, 08:43:54 am
Fatneck is right. Apprently the "7 foot dyno" at Pex is exactly tht making it a confirmed 213cm. Im pretty sure that only lanky owen has done it. got him a clip on Sky Sports Extreme channel or summat. The famous lanky poo.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: AndiT on December 06, 2006, 09:17:52 am
old video of the big dyno for you:

Bloody hell, I've not seen that in a while, I've got a few more grey hairs now but still the same vest! I'm 6'2" and it's an arm length too, Roaches dyno is atleast 7' and really similar but slightly shorter than Catharsis: ( Hold to hold Maurice Gibb is shorter than the Roaches dyno so I think it can be counted out...

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Matt on December 06, 2006, 11:59:54 am
There is some really long dyno to the right of pebble wall at almscliff (not the PW variation that I'm on, but further right), can't remember exact details, but it's from the low chalked holds to the right of the crack to the top. I'm 183 and according to my ruler that must be ~210, but could be more if I could actually remember where it went. (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: AndiT on December 06, 2006, 12:06:11 pm
Yeah, I've done that one. It uses a hold on the inside of the crack. It's really big flight-wise, but not massive hold-to hold. Good though. Massive jug on top and potential for eliminates using different hand holds and footholds. Kind of a make-your-own dyno-to-suite type affair.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Dr T on December 06, 2006, 12:51:07 pm
length on this one is huge if you go from hold to hold...
no hand holds though... (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 06, 2006, 01:02:53 pm
no hand holds though...

Looks like it might go from an undercut?  Does seem pretty big though.  Another 200+cm effort.  I'm not sure we can allow it as it can be done as per the video, which isn't that impressive.
We need more accurate data on these flights!!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on December 06, 2006, 01:58:50 pm
Possibly nothing that huge, but some great dyno shots in this thread:,5602.0.html
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nash1 on December 06, 2006, 04:23:49 pm
The Buckstone is 175cm from base of the chips to the lip of the top... if anyone is interested...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 06, 2006, 04:49:30 pm
The Buckstone is 175cm from base of the chips to the lip of the top... if anyone is interested...
Thanks.  Did you measure it?  If so, well done for getting into the mood of this topic!!!
Funny how dynos we think are Big aren't as long as you may expect.   :-\
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nash1 on December 07, 2006, 08:33:55 am
I had (rather sadly) asked a mate to measure it a few years back so I could build it on a wall, the top jug is 30cm overhanging from the chips as well, I never had the heart to delete the file he sent with the diagram, and this thread made me go back and see!!
Nerdy fun indeed...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Monolith on December 07, 2006, 11:08:54 pm
Talking of problem emulation - has anyone read that excerpt in the Fontainebleau circuits book about the philosophy professor that painstakingly matched Fatman hold for hold, angle by angle?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: BenF on December 08, 2006, 08:26:36 am
has anyone read that excerpt in the Fontainebleau circuits book about the philosophy professor that painstakingly matched Fatman hold for hold, angle by angle?

Yes.  I spend so much of my sad life reading guidebooks, I've usually read pretty much every word of every guide that I own.    Anway, that's not what you asked about. 

I can't remember (I didn't say that anything I read actually sinks in), does it say in the guide whether or not the guy managed to climb Fatman after his efforts?  Or was all that prior to him making the first ascent? 

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: a dense loner on December 08, 2006, 10:14:58 am
oh my god
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nash1 on December 12, 2006, 04:01:46 pm
So no one else has gone out with a tape measure then. Dissappointed, I must say... :thumbsdown:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 14, 2006, 04:54:54 pm
Yeah, me too.  I thought there would be more sad obsessives on UKB.  Next time I'm at Trowbarrow I'll measure Gerg's and see if it's longer than Quent's........
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 17, 2006, 03:14:05 pm
Wet day so I've been to the Red Wall..... with a tape measure of course.  The results may surprise a few of you.  Greg, do 6 Foot Sicks and Greg's go from the jug or the Undercuts?  And what is in for feet?  Measurements below are from jugs, knock off 5cm for undercuts:

1.  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
2.  Greg’s Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
3.  6 Foot Sicks  193cm  Trowbarrow
4.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
5=  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
5=  The Buckstone Dyno
7.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
8.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
9.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
10=.  Megatron  155cm Stoney
10=.  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

These are the measured ones.  Big Dyno, Maurice Gibb etc mat be longer but not officially until they are measured.   ::)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: account_inactive on December 17, 2006, 04:35:48 pm
oh my god

I second this emotion
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nash1 on December 18, 2006, 06:25:51 am
Mr GCW... RESPECT! Good work lad, this is the sort of dedication which we wanna see! :great:
How hard is Quents graded again??
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on December 18, 2006, 07:46:17 am
oh my god

I second this emotion

I see your emotion and raise you this emoticon ::)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 18, 2006, 08:09:32 am
oh my god

I second this emotion

I see your emotion and raise you this emoticon ::)

I see your emotion and emoticon and I raise you a better laid out table...... with grades!!!!!

1   205cm   Quent’s Dyno   7b   Stoney Middleton
2   195cm   Greg’s Dyno   7b   Trowbarrow
3   193cm   6 Foot Sicks   7c   Trowbarrow
4   180cm   Kirton Dyno   7a+   Stoney Middleton
5=   175cm   George’s Wall Dyno   7b+?   Stoney Middleton
5=   175cm   Buckstone Dyno   7b   ???
7   170cm   One Arm Bandit   7b   Stoney Middleton
8   165cm   Nexus Dyno   V4   Brownstones
9   157cm   Young American   7a+   Stoney Middleton
10=   155cm   Megatron                7b   Stoney Middleton
10=   155cm   Unjust Dyno   7c??   Brownstones

And an emoticon.   :o
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Andy F on December 18, 2006, 08:24:13 am
Fatneck is right. Apprently the "7 foot dyno" at Pex is exactly tht making it a confirmed 213cm. Im pretty sure that only lanky owen has done it. got him a clip on Sky Sports Extreme channel or summat. The famous lanky poo.

As shown at the Kendal film fest a few year back, entitled 'Pex in the city'. Rather a pithy play on word I thought  ::)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 18, 2006, 08:32:40 am
Measured and confirmed:
1   205cm   Quent’s Dyno   7b   Stoney Middleton
2   195cm   Greg’s Dyno   7b   Trowbarrow
3   193cm   6 Foot Sicks   7c   Trowbarrow
4   180cm   Kirton Dyno   7a+   Stoney Middleton
5=   175cm   George’s Wall Dyno   7b+?   Stoney Middleton
5=   175cm   Buckstone Dyno   7b   
7   170cm   One Arm Bandit   7b   Stoney Middleton
8   165cm   Nexus Dyno   V4   Brownstones
9   157cm   Young American   7a+   Stoney Middleton
10=   155cm   Megatron                7b   Stoney Middleton
10=   155cm   Unjust Dyno   7c??   Brownstones

Probably big too:
1.  7 Foot Dyno  213cm  Some hole out West  ;D
2.  Big Dyno  "over 200cm"  Roaches
3.  Maurice Gibb  Big  Gib Tor

In reply to Andy F:  Get your tape measure out and check if it really is 7 feet-  this is a science thread.  I was disappointed by the lack of 2" on 6 foot sicks and suggest a re-name to "6 Foot Force" or something   :wall:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Greg C on December 18, 2006, 09:06:30 am
Wet day so I've been to the Red Wall..... with a tape measure of course.  The results may surprise a few of you.  Greg, do 6 Foot Sicks and Greg's go from the jug or the Undercuts?  And what is in for feet?  Measurements below are from jugs, knock off 5cm for undercuts:

1.  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
2.  Greg’s Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
3.  6 Foot Sicks  193cm  Trowbarrow
4.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
5=  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
5=  The Buckstone Dyno
7.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
8.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
9.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
10=.  Megatron  155cm Stoney
10=.  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

These are the measured ones.  Big Dyno, Maurice Gibb etc mat be longer but not officially until they are measured.   ::)

Greg's Dyno - Goes off the jugs and uses a dink for your RF and a shallow pocket for your LF.
6 Foot Sicks - This uses the undercuts and pretty much anything for your feet. It was also more a huge span (rather than a dyno) for first ascentionist, as he's got a fair wingspan.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 18, 2006, 09:19:11 am
Greg's Dyno - Goes off the jugs and uses a dink for your RF and a shallow pocket for your LF.
6 Foot Sicks - This uses the undercuts and pretty much anything for your feet. It was also more a huge span (rather than a dyno) for first ascentionist, as he's got a fair wingspan.

Ah, thanks Greg.  Is that left foot in pocket "28" on your latest topo?  I was going to have a go yesterday but it was soaking on that section.  Looks excellent.  Have to go back again.

3.  6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow  Should be "6 Foot Threes" now I suppose.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Greg C on December 18, 2006, 11:39:58 am
Ah, thanks Greg.  Is that left foot in pocket "28" on your latest topo?


3.  6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow  Should be "6 Foot Threes" now I suppose.

The name refers to the height of the FAist (Tom Burns), rather than the distance between the holds.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 18, 2006, 11:43:48 am
I did suspect that but others stated otherwise earlier.
Thanks for the beta- have to get cracking on these dynos.  6 Foot Sicks must be some span- any repeats as yet?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Greg C on December 18, 2006, 02:36:46 pm
I did suspect that but others stated otherwise earlier.
Thanks for the beta- have to get cracking on these dynos.  6 Foot Sicks must be some span- any repeats as yet?

Not that I know of.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: AndiT on December 19, 2006, 05:02:27 pm
Undercut Dyno on Roaches lower tier is 238cm to fingertips, if you catch it at it's worst point. Beat that!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on December 20, 2006, 09:30:05 pm
1.  Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
2.  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
3.  Greg’s Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
4.  6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
5.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
6=  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
6=  The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
8.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
9.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
10.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
11=  Megatron  155cm Stoney
11=  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

We have a (current) winner!!!! :yawn:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on December 20, 2006, 10:21:16 pm
As shown at the Kendal film fest a few year back, entitled 'Pex in the city'. Rather a pithy play on word I thought  ::)

A film about Pex, or just about the dyno? Is it on the net by any chance?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: fatneck on December 21, 2006, 06:35:41 pm
Just about the dyno as far as I'm aware, was very short and I've never found it on the net Having said that I'm not the most net savvy individual... Would be interested if you could find it...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: unclesomebody on January 10, 2007, 12:07:20 pm

big dyno at the end of this (atrocious) video.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fiend on January 10, 2007, 12:54:10 pm

big dyno at the end of this (atrocious) video.

Indeed that looks big.

And indeed the video is atrocious, a pity as the climbing looks quite good. Like the dog, though.

BTW, GCW, do some number crunching on this one:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Nibile on January 10, 2007, 01:18:44 pm
in a real secret area of the meschia surroundings theres one very big dyno, thats a holizontal jump under a roof. its called superman, its 8a and i cant find pics on the net.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on January 10, 2007, 01:30:45 pm
in a real secret area of the meschia surroundings theres one very big dyno, thats a holizontal jump under a roof. its called superman, its 8a and i cant find pics on the net.

There's apparently one called Clark Kent at Meschia, given 8a (or possibly 7c+). Is this the one you mean?


Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: unclesomebody on January 10, 2007, 01:31:28 pm
in a real secret area of the meschia surroundings theres one very big dyno, thats a holizontal jump under a roof. its called superman, its 8a and i cant find pics on the net.

I've seen a video of that and it is big. Not a dyno you'd want to fall off too much as you'd probably land on your face.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Stubbs on January 10, 2007, 01:37:18 pm
I'm sure I've seen video of Klem on a problem that sounds like that - almost horizontal dyno to a big jug on the lip? Think he had the footage on his tour.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on January 10, 2007, 01:41:47 pm
It used to be on the Salomon website - just checked and it's not there anymore. But it's the one in the photos above.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Nibile on January 10, 2007, 02:08:19 pm
i think in the last two days ive become even dumber than before.
first i reply about meschia in the wrong thread, then i call klark kent superman...
hmm, perhaps too much chalk breathing lately?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Resonate on January 11, 2007, 01:22:21 pm
hale-bop hale-bop hale-bophale-bop hale-bop hale-bop hale-bop hale-bop hale-bop hale-bop  (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on January 31, 2007, 01:04:15 pm
Just to big up the Lancs Bouldering Posse, a new entrant in the top 3.  Nice going R-Man.

1.  Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
2.  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
3.  Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
4.  Greg’s Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
5.  6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
6.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
7=  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
7=  The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
9.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
10.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
11.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
12=  Megatron  155cm Stoney
12=  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on January 31, 2007, 01:37:05 pm
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on January 31, 2007, 01:38:46 pm
Overjoyed though I am, words of wisdom echo through my head...

1st the worst
2nd the best
3rd the one with the hairy chest
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Bonjoy on January 31, 2007, 01:54:21 pm
It always used to be:
1st The Worst
2nd The Best
3rd The Dirty Donkey
at our school anyway.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Scouse D on January 31, 2007, 05:44:16 pm
Did you go to the 'School of no-Ryhmes'?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on January 31, 2007, 05:49:16 pm
1st the worst,
2nd the best
3rd is better  than all the rest...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Bonjoy on January 31, 2007, 06:01:32 pm   :-\ Interesting
I'm not the only one:
In Sheffield in the mid 1980’s, they said First the worst, second the best, and third the
dirty donkey.
  :thumbsup: Local rhymes for local people.

The continuations for fourth we received (numbers in
brackets) were: the dwarf that sat/fell/stood in the sauce (29), the horse who fell/sat/got
covered in the/tomato sauce (8 ); the dwarf that went/got kicked up north (2), the dirty
dishcloth (2); the golden eagle (2); the dork (2); the dwarf that blew off (1), the dwarf who
sat in some gorse eating tomato sauce (1), the dwarf that fell off his horse (1); the ghost,
eating toast, half-way up the lamp post (1); the king of the north
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Scouse D on January 31, 2007, 06:07:05 pm
See what he did there Lovejoy? 'Best' and 'Rest', 'best' and 'chest'. Both good...
'best' and 'donkey' though?

I'd like to see who authored your source information. I bet he was one of those English teachers who said poems didn't have to rhyme. I don't disagree that poems don't have to rhyme, but everyone knows that limericks are the true art form.

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Scouse D on January 31, 2007, 06:10:29 pm
Having read your post again I actually noticed some pretty impressive rhyming, although rhyming 'Dwarf' with 'off' requires a level of poshness not commonly found around sheffield.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on January 31, 2007, 06:55:01 pm
Did you go to the 'School of no-Ryhmes'?

Did you go to the school of no spelling?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Scouse D on February 01, 2007, 10:44:10 pm

Did you go to the school of no spelling?

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 01, 2007, 10:59:58 pm
 ;D  Failed your 11+ then......

P.S.  My Gran didn't know anything about hairy chests (or so she claimed  :-\) but she knew about the "dirty Donkey".  And she's old (and therefore knows all the stoopid kids rhymes)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nash1 on February 03, 2007, 07:45:51 pm
Just to big up the Lancs Bouldering Posse, a new entrant in the top 3.  Nice going R-Man.

1.  Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
2.  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
3.  Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
4.  Greg’s Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
5.  6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
6.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
7=  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
7=  The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
9.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
10.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
11.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
12=  Megatron  155cm Stoney
12=  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

Ok, was out at Sabots today and just had to go back to Smash for this thread only. I didnæ have a tape measure with me, but I went up and dangled from the jug with one hand and I could just touch the starting holds with me toe. I am 1,83m and I worked it out, it is 220cm + or - 5cm.
Comes in nicely at number two.
Might get to Froggy Dick and Vin Rouge tomorra...

It's good to get this baby ressurected!!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 04, 2007, 12:47:12 pm
Sorry.  Only proper measurements allowed.   :spank:   ::)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nash1 on February 04, 2007, 09:07:59 pm
Sorry.  Only proper measurements allowed.   :spank:   ::)
Harsh, still I am not giving up. Froggy Dick is about 20cm shorter than Smash, and Vin Rouge is a full 50cm shorter than Smash from the rh undercut to the jug. That means Froggy is 2m and Vin Rouge is 1.70m
Still, there was no tape measure so these may be chucked out, but I will stand by them.
The big shame is that I didn't latch either Froggy or Vin, my whole body had that 'Font-ache' from a long day yesterday. Always a pleasure... :boohoo:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 05, 2007, 08:16:38 pm
I guess I should start a new thread  :-[ but

“My dyno’s bigger than your dyno”:

1.  Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
2.  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
3.  Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
4.  Greg’s Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
5.  6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
6.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
7=  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
7=  The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
9.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
10.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
11.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
12=  Megatron  155cm Stoney
12=  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

“My dyno might be bigger than your dyno but I haven’t measured it and it’s just an estimate”:
1.   Smash  220cm +/- 5cm  La Roche aux Sabots 
2.   Solid Air   220cm Eastby 
3.   7 foot dyno  213cm  Pex Hole 
4.   Froggy Dick  200cm  Franchard Isatis
5=.   Catapult  180cm Kyloe In 
5=.   The Niche Dyno  180cm   Brimham
7.   Vin Rouge  170cm  Franchard Isatis
8.   Maurice Gib  big cm  Gib Tor 
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nash1 on February 05, 2007, 11:02:58 pm
Surely that list should be on the front page of most national papers, it's a work of art and includes some of the most valuable information known to mankind...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 06, 2007, 09:26:44 am
Surely that list should be on the front page of most national papers, it's a work of art and includes some of the most valuable information known to mankind...

I think it would be great to have an international database of lengths of dynos.  Guidebooks could even add it in:

Quent's Dyno 7b  (205cm) Dyno from......

Guidebook teams please take note  :goodidea:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Resonate on February 08, 2007, 04:42:57 pm
edit: never-mind
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: fatneck on February 14, 2007, 09:54:38 pm
Quote from: GCW
The 7 Foot Dyno  213cm  The Glorious Pex Hill

Repeat and distance confirmed this weekend, third ascent imminent...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 14, 2007, 09:57:26 pm
Quote from: GCW
The 7 Foot Dyno  213cm  The Glorious Pex Hill

Repeat and distance confirmed this weekend, third ascent imminent...
How dare you mis-quote me!!!!  I'm calling my lawyer.
Is the distance measured officially now?  Honest?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: fatneck on February 14, 2007, 10:07:02 pm
Well it was officially measured when it was first done, it's just that I hadn't spoken to the said measurer untill last weekend. Also, I expect "Pex in the City" to be available to all to view soon
                                                             before the end of the year
                                                             one day......
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 14, 2007, 10:14:14 pm
Well it was officially measured when it was first done, it's just that I hadn't spoken to the said measurer untill last weekend. Also, I expect "Pex in the City" to be available to all to view soon
                                                             before the end of the year
                                                             one day......
Put me down for a copy.

“My dyno’s bigger than your dyno”:

1.  Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
2.  7 foot dyno  213cm  Pex Hole 
3.  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
4.  Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
5.  Greg’s Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
6.  6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
7.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
8=  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
8=  The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
10.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
11.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
12.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
13=  Megatron  155cm Stoney
13=  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

“My dyno might be bigger than your dyno but I haven’t measured it and it’s just an estimate”:
1.   Smash  220cm +/- 5cm  La Roche aux Sabots 
2.   Solid Air   220cm Eastby 
3.   Froggy Dick  200cm  Franchard Isatis
4=.   Catapult  180cm Kyloe In 
4=.   The Niche Dyno  180cm   Brimham
6.   Vin Rouge  170cm  Franchard Isatis
7.   Maurice Gib  big cm  Gib Tor 
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Richie Crouch on February 15, 2007, 12:00:35 am
The 7" Dyno will get iced next trip for sure, the conditions on Monday were a bit on the slippery side... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it  :-[

Then it's over to the Breck for something a bit more mentalist  :whistle:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 15, 2007, 11:39:02 am
Nice one.  I may have to have a look at this mythical Pex dyno when I've exhausted the rest of my leaping projects.  Need to visit the Roaches too.....  So much to do, so little time 
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: StuM on February 15, 2007, 12:19:05 pm
How hard is the 7 foot Pex dyno? anyone got any photos.

Did the big dyno @ Roaches again a couple of weeks ago, i can confirm it is very big.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Andy F on February 15, 2007, 12:33:21 pm
Dunno about a grade for Owen's dyno, 'cept it is a bit, well morpho...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 15, 2007, 04:29:19 pm
Dunno about a grade for Owen's dyno, 'cept it is a bit, well morpho...

Totally unlike most other dynos then?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Andy F on February 15, 2007, 04:42:23 pm
There are dyno's out there that aren't morpho at all. Probably. Well more like possibly. Maybe.  :whistle:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 15, 2007, 04:45:53 pm
There are dyno's out there that aren't morpho at all. Probably. Well more like possibly. Maybe.  :whistle:

True.  I guess The Mythical Six Inch Dyno is like that.  Loads are easier for people under 6 foot too....  :whistle:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on February 15, 2007, 04:53:10 pm
Most dynos are easier for tall people, just because they don't have as far to jump. But they generally aren't properly morpho, in same way that making a big reach from an undercut to an almost nonexistent crimp is impossible if you haven't got the span.

Y'all don't believe me. Check dis:

Spudd Webb, 5ft 7, winning the slam dunk contest in 1986. Bear in mind the ring is set at 10ft.

If you can't dyno, it's not because you're too small.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 15, 2007, 04:57:08 pm
Most dynos are easier for tall people, just because they don't have as far to jump. But they generally aren't properly morpho, in same way that making a big reach from an undercut to an almost nonexistent crimp is impossible if you haven't got the span.

Not sure I entirely agree with you there.  It depends on the feet too so a lanky person may be too bunched to use higher footholds that a shorter person would get a good push off of.  Give and take I guess.  I would say many dynos are Morpho, but not all.

If you can't dyno, it's not because you're too small.

Nah, but it's as good an excuse as any.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Richie Crouch on February 15, 2007, 11:28:25 pm
Spoke to Owen about the 7ft dyno and he reckoned around 7b+ which I would agree on - it's a bit harder than most others I have done and kinda morpho maybe... but i do find it slightly bunched and hard to get perfect momentum going - so it may even suit a slightly shorter than 6"2 frame to get more push off the foot ledge  :-\
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: whispering nic on February 16, 2007, 12:24:11 am
making a big reach from an undercut to an almost nonexistent crimp is impossible if you haven't got the span

Tim Lowe used to use this tactic in bouldering comp play-offs coz of his ridiculous span...

There is a 7 1/2 ft dyno on the left hand end of the original bendcrete section of the West View wall. Two average pockets to a bucket. Class.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Resonate on March 02, 2007, 10:40:39 am


can't really make out the holds tho
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Stubbs on March 02, 2007, 10:58:46 am
Grat shot, i feel sorry for the spotter! Is that one of the problems DAve G does in Dosage 3?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on March 02, 2007, 11:43:23 am
Yes it is. I think its a still from the blocnotes DVD.
Its not really a dyno, it goes static
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: unclesomebody on March 02, 2007, 11:55:51 am
The still is from Memento and it is featured in dosage when DG does a fun dyno. Ofcourse it goes static, it's 7A.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 02, 2007, 11:59:44 am
Yep- looks fun.

But how far is it?   :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: unclesomebody on March 02, 2007, 12:13:12 pm

Its not a dyno, it goes static

Ofcourse it goes static, it's 7A.

how do you measure a dyno when it's actually a static move?  :-\
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 02, 2007, 05:47:45 pm
DG does a fun dyno
You measure from the holds it was done from to the finishing holds.  Lots of dynos are eliminates, just look at Stoney.  I'm not quite sure of your point, Unc.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: monkey boy on March 07, 2007, 03:12:13 pm people.wmv

Check out these for good dynos!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 07, 2007, 06:38:52 pm people.wmv

Check out these for good dynos!

That link is broken  :'(
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: monkey boy on March 08, 2007, 12:00:49 am
oops sorry am not very good with computers! Just go on the website under videos for it! Some quality one move wonders, some pretty big too!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: LucP on March 09, 2007, 11:56:13 am
Turbo Kleenex, Albarracin, Spain 2.05m
Iberia, Navalossa, Spain 2.38m

I took part in a dyno comp at Candelario, Spain back in 2003.  My best jump was 2.30m.  The winning jump was something like 2.65m!  My friend David nearly nailed the 2.7m dyno that got rigged up.  The guys who appear to be really tuned into dynoing are the Basquian climbers...trully amazing.

At El Escorial there is another big dyno called Feeling The Wind.  Don't know how big but it's probably around 2m

My wife became the first womens dyno champion of Spain with her jump of 1.65m!!  She entered for a laugh, and not believing that she could dyno (having never dynoed in her life) and walked away with all the prizes!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: cowboyhat on March 09, 2007, 01:29:20 pm
I reckon this is because all the Spanish have big legs.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 09, 2007, 01:30:39 pm
“My dyno’s bigger than your dyno”:

1=  Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
1= Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3=  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
3= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
5. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
6.  Greg’s Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
7.  6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
8.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
9=  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
9=  The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
11.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
12.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
13.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
14=  Megatron  155cm Stoney
14=  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

“My dyno might be bigger than your dyno but I haven’t measured it and it’s just an estimate”:

1.   Smash  220cm +/- 5cm  La Roche aux Sabots
2.   Solid Air   220cm Eastby
3.   7 foot dyno  213cm  Pex Hole
4.   Froggy Dick  200cm  Franchard Isatis
5=.   Catapult  180cm Kyloe In
5=.   The Niche Dyno  180cm   Brimham
7.   Vin Rouge  170cm  Franchard Isatis
8.   Maurice Gib  big cm  Gib Tor
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: cowboyhat on March 09, 2007, 01:40:12 pm
I might try to get some sponsorship for being equal first World Dyno Champion.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: LucP on March 09, 2007, 01:43:45 pm
Seeing as this is about dynos here's Part 1 of Anticristo, 8a, El Escorial.

It goes out as well as up.  You're dynoing for a blind hold.  Fun fun fun!

Mis amigos out in Madrid have a host of big dynos.  There's Catapult at Escorial, Flower Pot at La Pedriza and something else, name escapes me, at Penas Blancas.  I'll drop them an email and see if I can get some details from them.  I know that one of the Penas Blancas problems goes diagonally downwards....does this count??  I also ask about David Perinan's Feeling Rewind at Albarr....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Paz on March 09, 2007, 02:30:52 pm
Even though it looks staticable I like that, authentic "Venga, Venga" too.

Can't believe Quent's Dyno is the third biggest, when I don't find it too bad, yet I can't touch the Kirton one.  And I've been back enough times and done it again everytime someone previously hinted I'd started in the wrong place, so I must have done it by now. 
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: fatneck on March 11, 2007, 09:58:21 pm
Ahem... The 7ft Dyno has been measured and should be in the confirmed list surely?
Also, it's Pex Hill, not Pex Hole thankyou very much....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Monolith on March 11, 2007, 10:03:03 pm
Also, it's Pex Hill, not Pex Hole thankyou very much....

Literally speaking, it is a hole. In the way GCW intended, I think he was having a dig at the NW's pride and joy Si. Shall we teach him a lesson? Maybe duct tape his fingers to some holds on Monoblock until he cries blood and apologises?

It's a beautiful dyno. Good effort by Penishands to get it 2nd go like.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 11, 2007, 10:04:24 pm
Sorry, I cut and pasted that and missed out the confirmed length.  Now corrected:

“My dyno’s bigger than your dyno”:
1=  Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
1= Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3.   7 foot dyno  213cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hole
4=  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
4= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
6. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
7.  Greg’s Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
8.  6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
9.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
10=  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
10=  The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
12.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
13.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
14.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
15=  Megatron  155cm Stoney
15=  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

“My dyno might be bigger than your dyno but I haven’t measured it and it’s just an estimate”:
1.   Smash  220cm +/- 5cm  La Roche aux Sabots
2.   Solid Air   220cm Eastby
3.   Froggy Dick  200cm  Franchard Isatis
4=.   Catapult  180cm Kyloe In
4=.   The Niche Dyno  180cm   Brimham
6.   Vin Rouge  170cm  Franchard Isatis
7.   Maurice Gib  big cm  Gib Tor

Happy now?   :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: LucP on March 12, 2007, 09:17:34 am
How big is Vienna at Bowden Doors...surely that should make it on the list?

Before I forget I though that you might appreciate Anticristo, Part 2!

And no it's not staticable.  The patatas (which is hard to see as the sun blew out the whites thanks to the chalk) is way round the lip of the roof (which is somewhat foreshortened by the lense from the angle I shot it at)  I think this is a bit more obvious in the second part.  You did have me wondering about it, though, and had me looking at it again and again.  The roof bit is bigger than it first appears.  Maybe if you had incredibly long arms and short stumpy legs....

Anyway enjoy.......

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: fatneck on March 12, 2007, 10:21:59 pm
Fantastic! The angle is much better in part dos. Have some waddage..
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: LucP on March 13, 2007, 07:39:28 am
Cheers, Fatneck, much appreciated.  I agree it does work a whole lot better from that angle.
Luc :-)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Resonate on March 16, 2007, 10:52:08 am
this one's quite big too (
not sure it's anywhre near the ones mentioned so far but still.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nash1 on March 16, 2007, 04:56:07 pm
I see the world record stands at 2.70...
Hmm, can't we find aything outdoors which smashes that??
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 16, 2007, 07:49:41 pm
I see the world record stands at 2.70...
Hmm, can't we find aything outdoors which smashes that??

Ahem,6570.msg93697.html#msg93697   :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nash1 on March 18, 2007, 07:46:47 am
I see the world record stands at 2.70...
Hmm, can't we find aything outdoors which smashes that??

Ahem,6570.msg93697.html#msg93697   :lol:

Good use of  :lol: !!  :oops:  Seems like I'm going round in circles! Got to get out more!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nash1 on March 20, 2007, 03:41:31 pm
Had a butchers at Rainbow Rocket today, by 'eck, it's Huuuuge. I reckon it may come in on top of the list, but I need to measure it next time first!!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 20, 2007, 07:20:45 pm
Good one- get to it.
Let's have some pride and get the UK the biggest dyno ever!!!!! (no offence Nibs)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 21, 2007, 11:20:56 am
The World Dyno record has been equalled at 270cm.  See UKC news/ Planet Scary.

Eighteen year old Sergii Topishko from Ukraine, Age 18, levitated 2m 70cm to equal the world record. On an attempt to surpass the world record (2m 75cm), Topishko came short and didn't manage to latch the hold.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Resonate on March 22, 2007, 09:27:22 am
The World Dyno record has been equalled at 270cm.  See UKC news/ Planet Scary.

Eighteen year old Sergii Topishko from Ukraine, Age 18, levitated 2m 70cm to equal the world record. On an attempt to surpass the world record (2m 75cm), Topishko came short and didn't manage to latch the hold.

said video... (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on May 19, 2007, 10:43:27 pm
Still a bit short of 270cm, but got a nice 2nd gen dyno in tonight.  Video available soon.

1.=  Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
1.= Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3.   7 foot dyno  213cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
4.  The I.L.T. Dyno ( 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
5=  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
5= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
7. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
8.  Greg’s Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
9.  6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
10.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
11=  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
11=  The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
13.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
14.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
16.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
17=  Megatron  155cm Stoney
17=  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on May 20, 2007, 09:07:51 pm
Charlotte Rampling Direct, well its longer than my up stretched body from tip to toe by 3" so that beats them all...
but its a route so you proberbly will discount it... like all my other problems... :boohoo:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on May 20, 2007, 09:14:19 pm
Not at all.  If it's a dyno and you measure it it gets on the list, whether it's a route or not.  Credit where credit's due.
Chances of a 270cm dyno outdoors?   :-\
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nash1 on May 21, 2007, 08:20:37 am
I must measure Rainbow Rocket, that is well over 2m, you have to put your foot on the hand hold on the way past it to get a 2nd kick... could be a contender...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on May 21, 2007, 12:06:06 pm
Clm dangled from the top hold of rainbow rocket and his feet were still quiet a bit above the handholds. Its massive
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on May 21, 2007, 12:08:07 pm
Clm dangled from the top hold of rainbow rocket and his feet were still quiet a bit above the handholds. Its massive
Thanks Jim.  If you can measure it properly and let us know, I'll give you a Waddage!!!  Is it bigger than the Roaches effort?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on May 21, 2007, 12:09:11 pm
easily I recon
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on May 21, 2007, 12:16:48 pm
I must measure Rainbow Rocket, that is well over 2m, you have to put your foot on the hand hold on the way past it to get a 2nd kick... could be a contender...

i'm sure you don't have to do that. we've tried it and its not out of the question to get within half a foot or so just dynoing normally - and in our group bogg was getting closest and he's not that tall.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Andy B on May 21, 2007, 01:03:47 pm
I must measure Rainbow Rocket, that is well over 2m, you have to put your foot on the hand hold on the way past it to get a 2nd kick... could be a contender...

i'm sure you don't have to do that. we've tried it and its not out of the question to get within half a foot or so just dynoing normally - and in our group bogg was getting closest and he's not that tall.

I'm sure bogg was even closer than six inches. I was convinced that he was going to do it that session.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on May 21, 2007, 01:07:40 pm

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on May 21, 2007, 01:25:46 pm
he must of had a spring in his step that day
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 28, 2008, 07:15:22 pm
Just an update- finally measured one new dyno at Blackstone that R-Man did fairly recently.  Bigger than expected to!!

1.=  Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
1.= Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3.   7 foot dyno  213cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
4.  The I.L.T. Dyno 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
5=  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
5= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
7. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
8.  Robin's Dyno  198cm  Blackstone Edge
9.  Greg's Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
10.  6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
11.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
12=  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
12=  The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
14.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
15.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
16.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
17=  Megatron  155cm Stoney
17=  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Houdini on February 28, 2008, 09:25:19 pm
Doesn't Rainbow Rocket piss over every single one of these by some distance.  I forget what it is?  2.6M?

Saw the Orc crush this.  What an amazing sight that was.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 28, 2008, 09:37:21 pm
Quite possibly, but so far noone has measured it.
Next time you're there measure it and we'll have the answer.

Although looking at this ( the dudes appear to be full stretch from hand to toes, which for me is 230cm, and I'm lanky.  It may well be the Undercut Dyno still leads.  Anything undercut to top will be ahead due to body position.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 28, 2008, 09:38:35 pm

His toes are below the starting hold, so 230cm is likely an overestimate.

EDIT:  sodding links.
Look at this page ( and look at the 3rd pic of Alexis Allayaud.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Houdini on February 28, 2008, 09:47:07 pm
The guy who did RR is way taller than you.  Neil_h will measure it for us, won't you Neil?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 28, 2008, 09:50:31 pm
He better had or there'll be some punterin goin on.
C'mon Neil, we've been missing the measurement too long.

On those vids it almost seems like a 2nd gen move.  I wanna try it.

EDIT:  Houd, how tall is Alexis Allayaud?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Houdini on February 28, 2008, 09:57:15 pm
If Alexis is the FA of RR then getting on for 7'  (info from Neil_h)  Truly I look at the vid and he dominates that rock w/ his presence.  FYI  The Orc is no giant just a man w/ very strong legs indeed and great in-flight co-ordination.  The 7b to RR's L is only a foot-ish less!  Great landing though, perfect finishing hold.  Get some meat on those thighs youth!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 28, 2008, 09:59:50 pm
You know I like dynos.
Will skipping help?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Houdini on February 28, 2008, 10:02:00 pm
Probably not.  Though it's good for triceps, which....

What am I saying?  Yes, it's 110% the best dyno training ever.  As is golf, and boulles.  No really it is.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 28, 2008, 10:05:55 pm
Most of dynoing is about technique

and LANK
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Carnage on February 28, 2008, 10:19:10 pm
I expect the best training is jumping off the ground as high as you can. Then doing the same with weights. A buddy of mine is the best a dynos I know and because of years playing high school volleyball in Canada, fuck, can he jump.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Paul B on February 29, 2008, 01:47:48 am
check out the jump in this vid at about 10s in.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jaspersharpe on February 29, 2008, 10:25:01 am
Awesome jump though it is I'm glad that Rainbow Rocket has been downgraded to 7C in the new 7&8 guide. People put in a lot of hard work to CLIMB 8A. It's a big grade and a big milestone and I've always felt that it devalued it a bit when you could tick the same by simply jumping. I mean at least stuff like Deliverance involve a bit of climbing. RR is something a basketball player could probably piss with a bit of coaching.  :whistle:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Bonjoy on February 29, 2008, 12:44:08 pm
Here here
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on February 29, 2008, 12:49:43 pm
rainbow rocket still strikes me as being more than just a grade harder than the 7b+ next to it.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jaspersharpe on February 29, 2008, 12:56:47 pm
Possibly but how do you grade jumping between ledges? Houdini's H grades perhaps.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on February 29, 2008, 01:12:28 pm
i think to suggest a problem like rainbow rocket is simply jumping between ledges is to negate a whole facet of climbing. it ain't easy and although its mainly a distance thing it ain't atechincal or basic in any way. you're on smears for feet and a narrow slot for hands - so you've got to find your set of smears you can trust without them being so low you can't reach or so high you can't wind up. You've got to pull really hard to get the upper body into the rock and transmit the leg force upwards. You've got to make sure you don't snap your fingers backward in the hold when you go, and you've got to coordinate 101 different body movements in a split second to get anywhere near to height unless you're pushing 6'7". its not just a matter of just relaxing and going bells deep like Smatch or the Roaches undercut dyno, or just pulling like fuck like Georges wall, its everything in one.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jaspersharpe on February 29, 2008, 01:26:57 pm
True enough and you could get into the argument that totally basic pulling problems require less "technique" but I'm not going to. All I know is that it left a sour taste seeing people claiming 8A for it. Just an opinion.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 29, 2008, 01:33:21 pm
Why not think of it as an 8a dyno?
Just like traverse grades aren't comparable with bloc problems, just think of an 8a dyno as being an incomparable grade to a "proper" 8a.
And, for what it's worth, I think dynos can be amongst the most technical problems there are.  Timing, not everyone can use it.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on February 29, 2008, 01:41:25 pm
There was some debate at one point about the 8a version of rainbow rocket being to a specific point on the top and that there was also a 7c version - never understood this though since when you're trying it theres only 1 obvious way of doing it. I don't know if the 8a way is the "normal" way which everyone tries and the easier way something else (dynoing sideways to the finish of the 7b+?); or if the "normal" way is the easier one and the 8a version is some hard eliminate. like the guy with a dick on his face: fuck knows.

8a dyno is in every way comparable to a normal 8a (assuming they're graded right). for everyone who's good at dynos you could find who've dynoed 8a but never climbed harder than 7c otherwise i bet you can find a dozen 8a climbers who've never dynoed hard than 7c. you could repeat this excersise ad infinitum by substituting "crimpy" and "slopey", or "delicate" and "thuggy", or "roof" and "slabby", "limestone" and "gritstone" etc etc etc.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on February 29, 2008, 01:49:08 pm
pulling like fuck like Georges wall

What's this? George's wall a power problem? I disagree. You don't need much strength, it's just knacky.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on February 29, 2008, 01:54:07 pm
all i can say is out of all the dynos i've ever done, george's wall (to the break not the sloper) was by far the one where i had to pull the hardest. i'm 6' with long legs, hanging on a jug with 2 small edge footholds in front of my face, dynoing to a jug vertically above - theres no knack to that.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 29, 2008, 01:54:49 pm
Dave- that was the point I was trying to make, badly.  Style is what I meant- dynos are very different in style to most other problems.
Aren't all dynos knacky?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Johnny Brown on February 29, 2008, 02:00:18 pm
Must admit I found George's wall rather more technical than anything on Minus ten.

I think Dave's speaking sense here - Dynos are a skill required for contemporary bouldering as much as any other. I may have dynoed 8a but it doesn't leave a sour taste anymore than watching Ru's power-to-weight ratio being exploited on Mushin'.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on February 29, 2008, 02:01:12 pm

Aren't all dynos knacky?

not as much as this:

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 29, 2008, 02:03:42 pm
But not all Knackis are dynos.......

Funny, I thought George's wall was OK, so was Quent's.  I found Megatron the hardest of the bunch.   :shrug:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Kingy on February 29, 2008, 02:11:28 pm
On the subject of dynos, on the Young American is it always done double or do some folk stick it one-handed as I can hit the top every time with one hand but can never stick the fucker? I find it much harder to generate the momentum to get two hands up there.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 29, 2008, 02:14:20 pm
I've done it one handed and it's easy to stick.  Fine as the double if you get your right foot stuck to the correct bit of polish.  As far as I am aware it's supposed to be a double, as is the Kirton.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Kingy on February 29, 2008, 02:16:41 pm
Oh right cheers I'll give it another blast, have tried going for the higher better left hand bit and the lower slopier right hand bit of the top. Good to know it is possible this way.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on February 29, 2008, 02:17:28 pm
i don't know offhand if there are rules on this, but there is one particular place on the top you can hang going 1-handed, bit of a drag on the lip. its deffo easier to hang 2-handed, though obviously a bit harder to get the distance and coordination. if you're trying to hone the 2-handed coordination thing, try the double-double dyno (previously described as Young American in the rockfax) - same start position, dyno double to the sides of the upper block, then again double to the ledge. no big distances but its all about timing and shit.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Kingy on February 29, 2008, 02:20:03 pm
Aye cheers dave I do the easier one as a warm up to get the timing right before trying the proper version. Will keep trying, am not a natural 'dynoer' but reckon it really helps your climbing.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 29, 2008, 02:26:45 pm
Ha  ha, I find the double to oppo edges of the block, then double to top harder than doubling straight to the top.
"Morpho" is the word.

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Kingy on February 29, 2008, 02:29:55 pm
Bugger, one happy day I will stick that thing then I can hang up my boots... ::)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on February 29, 2008, 02:30:26 pm
What did tony hart's plasticine sidekick drink when in France?

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on February 29, 2008, 02:37:07 pm
all i can say is out of all the dynos i've ever done, george's wall (to the break not the sloper) was by far the one where i had to pull the hardest. i'm 6' with long legs, hanging on a jug with 2 small edge footholds in front of my face, dynoing to a jug vertically above - theres no knack to that.

Perhaps your height was a problem? Anyway, I find that instead of just hanging from the jug with feet up, bouncing my right foot into position as part of the wind up seems to work well:

I could keep going if I didn't get so dizzy.

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nash1 on February 29, 2008, 02:57:01 pm
...and back to Font.
I think the easy version of RR (7c??) is using the double kick with the feet, i.e. smearing a foot on the mini mini slab of the starting hand holds on your way past. The full-on 8a version is just using the starting smears for the feet. I think I may have read that somewhere.

The 7b and 7b+ left of RR are definately not just for lanky folk cos the hard part is holding the top, not getting the distance. There is a lot of technique in there too. (yep, you guessed it, all my hardest ticks are dynos, even tho I am not tall!)
Barbatruc, Smash, Deferlante, Voltex...oh the list is almost endless... :bounce:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on February 29, 2008, 03:02:19 pm
And while I'm on the subject (even if no-one else is), has anyone seen anyone do George's to the sloper? Now that must be hard. 7c+? 8a?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on February 29, 2008, 03:05:02 pm
...and back to Font.
I think the easy version of RR (7c??) is using the double kick with the feet, i.e. smearing a foot on the mini mini slab of the starting hand holds on your way past. The full-on 8a version is just using the starting smears for the feet. I think I may have read that somewhere.

If thats true then its theres basically only 1 problem, and its 7c.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Kingy on February 29, 2008, 03:06:03 pm
No I ain't seem noone even try it. Agreed this must be harder than 7b if it took Quentin 3 or 4 years to do as he states in his interview in the Power of Climbing.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on February 29, 2008, 03:23:02 pm
I don't remember that. Damn, who did I lend my POC to? Was under the impression that this was a Dawes problem. Is it not?

Oh, and I've tried it a couple of times. It's easy to hit the sloper double handed REALLY HARD. But hanging it is something else...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 29, 2008, 03:27:55 pm
There's some specific footholds for the sloper one, aren't there?
Didn't we discuss this before?   :-\
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on February 29, 2008, 03:36:14 pm
As far as I'm aware, the only rule for both is that you dyno from matched on the jug. Other handholds not allowed.

We have talked about George's wall before, but nobody knew much about the sloper variant. However, that was some time ago, and I thought perhaps that in this new age where monsters walk the earth with no fear and almost everybody seems to be eating 8a's for breakfast, someone might have had brunch...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Kingy on February 29, 2008, 04:02:49 pm
Yeah some vague bells are ringing about the Dawes's involvement with this problem in some climbing mag years ago but dunno any details about who did it first etc. Hopefully someone will clarify....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Kingy on February 29, 2008, 04:30:09 pm
Anyone got any idea how big Hale Bopp is? Must be >2m?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on February 29, 2008, 05:05:19 pm
looks about 6ft to me, so probably a touch short of 2m.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on February 29, 2008, 05:07:48 pm
Found the comment about George's Wall Dyno that I was thinkin gof:

i spoke to johnny about this problem once. he stated that he did not know how it came about that he did the first ascent. but he aknowledged quint fisher had done it first.

he went on to say quint had done it from specified low footholds which is why he went to the sloper.

i however used whatever footholds (high) and then dynoed to the break as i could not get the sloper.

Hale Bopp ain't as big as you may think, the holds are crap though.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Kingy on February 29, 2008, 05:20:48 pm
Yeah the starting holds are small grattons, gratins whateva u want to call em!! Then a huge leap to the square cut top. Cool, that's another small gap in my stoney knowledge filled!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on February 29, 2008, 05:47:21 pm
Interesting. So the really hard dyno could actually be even harder, if Stoney foothold rules are obeyed...

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Houdini on February 29, 2008, 08:30:57 pm
by simply jumping.

I strongly disagree w/ this.  As a boner of crimps, a nasty horrid little man that must apply as much force as is humanly possible to any piece of rock to climb it - I find  L E T T I N G  G O  the most desperate game in the world.  I respect dyno-ers as it took me a decade to learn how to slap on the fly.  There is more to dyno-ing than meets the eye.  The first hurdle is mental; the second is synchronicity; the 3rd contact strength; fourth: fear of failure.  It ain't just a jump.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Houdini on February 29, 2008, 08:34:15 pm
If thats true then its theres basically only 1 problem, and its 7c.

Are you telling that to me, Ru, Dawes, Katz, assorted gimps - or just other 6' 1" men?  :whistle:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on February 29, 2008, 11:38:28 pm
well if you've got to kick off the handhold on the way past for the easiest beta then yeah theres no reason why runts shouldn't be able to do it - much more so than a normal 1st gen dyno.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on March 01, 2008, 10:29:27 pm
bit of hale bop action for you

me and tim are both 6 foot 1 and we were only a little short

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: c.j.d. on March 02, 2008, 09:31:50 am
Here's one - I will try and put up a shot of this later.  Jacadi left hand variant (8a+).  This is a 6 foot dyno in a 45/50dgree roof to a FAT sloper!  Awesome problem - check it out...  Also, Le Puce (1st ascent Fred Rouhling) 8a - again same roof, not sure how far 6 foot plus (maybe 7?).  Jacadi original 8a, 5 foot plus (your hand is still on when you catch the lip, but still, a long way). Cool little roof.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on March 02, 2008, 05:33:23 pm
i did la pruce, i am 6 foot 1 with a plus 4 index, i could just reach between the start holds and the jug on the lip, mind you dynoing to it was a nother question, shit feet, and a very big swing when you hit it, must have taken me 60 goes over 5 sessions

but if you looking for amazing backwards action check this shit out (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on September 25, 2008, 10:59:37 pm
Back to SCIENCE!!!!

1.=  Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
1.= Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3.   7 foot dyno  213cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
4.  The I.L.T. Dyno 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
5=  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
5= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
7. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
8.  Robin's Dyno  198cm  Blackstone Edge
9.  Greg's Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
10.  6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
11.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
12=  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
12=  The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
14.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
15.  Jumper's Dyno (aka Niche Dyno)  168cm  Brimham
16.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
17.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
18=  Megatron  155cm Stoney
18=  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on September 26, 2008, 06:45:46 am
Hey Neil, I'll be back down in novemeber. I hope you've got a mint dyno circuit worked out for us
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 26, 2008, 08:53:13 am
you talking to me
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: c3po on September 26, 2008, 08:56:19 am
 Check these dedicated dyno monsters - (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on September 26, 2008, 12:11:36 pm
you talking to me
well there's no one else here, who else I am I talking to?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 26, 2008, 04:30:15 pm
you going to stop at mine?

you sure you are up for one of my dyno circuits.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on September 26, 2008, 05:21:12 pm
I'll be ready. You got a gite early novemeber for 3 or 4?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 26, 2008, 06:30:55 pm
I'll be ready. You got a gite early novemeber for 3 or 4?

all 3 are emtpy from the 8th onwards, for now
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on October 02, 2008, 08:48:58 am
And straight in at number one...

Quote from:
After 76 (yes, 76) days of effort Skyler Weeks has done what he feels to be the hardest jug-to-jug dyno in the world, Zion. It measures about 8 1/2 feet (~260cm) from start hold to finish, and jumps directly out a river-sculpted scoop in Clear Creek Canyon, Colorado. Skyler didn't propose a grade for the climb. Skyler currently lives only for dyno climbing. He trains with Denver Nuggets, the professional basketball team. This footage as well as other huge dynos, will be included in Chuck Fryberger's new film Pure, which will also feature many other top boulderers from around the world. The DVD is scheduled for release in early 2009.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on October 02, 2008, 08:56:09 am
you gotta love american names. that report is solid gold.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: philo on October 02, 2008, 08:47:09 pm
has anyone measured catapult up the woods yet?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Kingy on October 02, 2008, 08:53:58 pm
Somebody should dangle a tape measure down the Tank Dyno project too. Waddage to the first accurate assessment!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 02, 2008, 09:01:44 pm
Right, I may need to get on the case.  SCIENCE is vital in this thread.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nik at work on October 02, 2008, 09:04:17 pm
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 02, 2008, 09:11:40 pm
If the pissing continues to be down, let's do a UK dyno measuring tour.

You got a 5m tape measure?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Kingy on October 02, 2008, 10:06:47 pm
Right, I may need to get on the case. 

All results will of course be verified by an independant third party prior to any waddage being issued...but if it looks about right compared to the photo of a strong girl attempting it on p295 I may relax this requirement.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Slide on October 02, 2008, 10:46:26 pm
I will of course, leave myself open for all attack as i've not read all of the posts but i'm pished so here we go. 

Its v easy to measure a 'dyno'.  What is much harder is to measure percetage?!

At 5'7, i suprisingly held my old school records for high jump in the first three years of high school (11, 12, & 13 years aprox) and realised deperessingly that the only skill i had, had limitations.  The plus side was that the school was demolished when i left. Leaving me Eternally school record holder. Not bragging like...

So my point is:  Height is always a limitation in true upward measurable dynamic sports so therefore all height related sports achievments should only truely be measured by a handicapped system or perentage more accurately!

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: tommytwotone on October 02, 2008, 10:54:35 pm
As a fellow shortarse, I concur.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: DubDom on October 02, 2008, 11:38:12 pm
Do you think the same approach should be applied to the high jump in olympics?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: lagerstarfish on October 03, 2008, 05:35:25 am
Slide, there are special short-person sports where style counts more than objective achievement -  gymnastics.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Slide on October 03, 2008, 10:23:46 am
Dubdom: I'm not sure about changing the olympics but we do have a handicapped system for golf and horse racing.  Whether there's a place for it side by side the traditional ways i probably don't think so.  My only point is thats its in tother sports.

Largerstarfish: Thats why i took up snowboarding! Shame i didnt take up gymnastics though.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jaspersharpe on October 03, 2008, 10:33:11 am
Horse racing is handicapped because it's based on betting. Golf handicaps are only for amateurs.

Bloody dwarf contingent.  ::)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Slide on October 03, 2008, 10:40:39 am
Balls! You got me there.

Wonder if i could get in the 'special' olympics' then  :whistle:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jaspersharpe on October 03, 2008, 10:49:48 am
The wheelchair dyno comp would be worth watching.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Eddies on October 03, 2008, 12:12:11 pm
Back to SCIENCE!!!!

1.=  Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
1.= Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3.   7 foot dyno  213cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry

Blah blah blah

You need to add Maurice Gibb to that list (Biiig dyno at Gib Torr) I seen it done wid me own eyes.
Im sure i mentioned it at the start of this thread?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 03, 2008, 05:28:18 pm
You need to add Maurice Gibb to that list (Biiig dyno at Gib Torr) I seen it done wid me own eyes.
Im sure i mentioned it at the start of this thread?

Once somebody measures it, it'll go in the list.

Nik and I had a babysitting session today.  And I was disappointed with this distance:

1.=  Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
1.= Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3.   7 foot dyno  213cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
4.  The I.L.T. Dyno 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
5=  Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
5= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
7. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
8.  Robin's Dyno  198cm  Blackstone Edge
9.  Greg's Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
10.  6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
11.  Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
12=  George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
12=  The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
14=.  One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
14=.  The Tank Boulder Project  170cm  Wimberry
16.  Jumper's Dyno (aka Niche Dyno)  168cm  Brimham
17.  Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
18.  Young American  157cm  Stoney
19=  Megatron  155cm Stoney
19=  Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Kingy on October 03, 2008, 07:29:37 pm
14=.  The Tank Boulder Project  170cm  Wimberry

That was quick! Nice one. how the hell is this thing so short and it ain't been done  :-\ The footholds must be abysmal.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 03, 2008, 07:37:38 pm
It goes from oppo sidepulls, with poor feet, on a slightly overhanging face.  i would expect getting the height would be hard.  i've not tried it, but if JB has tried I'm sure he could expand on it.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Kingy on October 03, 2008, 07:40:21 pm
yeah that would make sense, I guess if its a pull down hold ur going off you could generate a bit more 'oomph'. Somebody needs to drop Skyler a line....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on October 03, 2008, 07:46:33 pm
footholds not great, one hand is kinda cupping a flat sidepull and the other is not on much, maybe an undercut. this just illustrates what a meaningless statistic the length of a dyno is. Anyone for the worlds largest cubic zirconia?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Kingy on October 03, 2008, 07:49:25 pm
Surely it must be of some relevance, at least of passing interest anyway.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 03, 2008, 07:51:17 pm
Dave, who said it was? 

OK, I know distance isn't a guide to difficulty but what's the biggest dyno (measured from hand-hold to hand-hold) that we know of? 

Lists, lists, R-Man, lists.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Drew on October 03, 2008, 10:06:49 pm
Let's add that major addition

1. Zion ~260cm Clear Creek Canyon, Colorado
2= Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
2= Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
4. 7 foot dyno  213cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
5. The I.L.T. Dyno 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
6= Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
6= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
8. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
9. Robin's Dyno  198cm  Blackstone Edge
10. Greg's Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
11. 6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
12. Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
13= George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
13= The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
15= One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
15= The Tank Boulder Project  170cm  Wimberry
17. Jumper's Dyno (aka Niche Dyno)  168cm  Brimham
18. Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
19. Young American  157cm  Stoney
20= Megatron  155cm Stoney
20= Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 03, 2008, 10:14:04 pm
Be careful with your "approx" 260cm nonsense.  This is a serious thread :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Drew on October 03, 2008, 10:33:00 pm
Have a word with Skyler then! Get him to measure it properly.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on October 04, 2008, 05:27:55 pm
you can't put a project on the list.
Ok then, add this one, lower windowsill to roof gutter on my house - 4m ish?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Slide on October 05, 2008, 12:31:33 pm
1.=  Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
1.= Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain

Surly these are the biggest, no?

On a different point. Sorry. Not only have i become a 'regular' on this site i've also gained two karma points. get in  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Drew on October 06, 2008, 12:44:00 am
260 > 238

So no.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy_e on October 06, 2008, 11:42:30 am
it's only approximately 260 cm though, allowing for 10% in either direction, meaning it could be as low as 234cm!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: lagerstarfish on October 06, 2008, 12:26:40 pm
Isn't the US cm about 0.6 of a UK cm? or is it that they just have more cms in their ms? I can't remember.

Any reccommendations on what type of tape measure to use, GCW? I'm thinking about the Stanley DynoRight, but am unsure whether yellow and black is the best format for modern rock. Will buying one which uses 1080i be better value than 720p on tape?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: slackline on October 06, 2008, 12:58:53 pm
Isn't the US cm about 0.6 of a UK cm? or is it that they just have more cms in their ms? I can't remember.

No cm's is the subdivision of a metre into 100 equal units.  The length of a metre is a SI (International System of Units) and is defined as the distance light travels in a vacum in 1299,792,458 of a second (had to look the exact figure up I'm afraid as I couldn't remember it, but also found the justification of this measurement in wikipedia article ( which was that they were trying to define 1/10000000 of the distance from the equator to the north pole).
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: lagerstarfish on October 06, 2008, 01:11:56 pm
No, no, no., Slackers.
Quote from: lagerpedia
A cm is the length of each side of each face of a cube of water that weighs 1 gram. The gram was defined as the standard weight in which cocaine was sold in paris in 1810. The m was the height of Napoleon's nose above the ground when he was wearing heels. It is just coincidence that there are 100 cm in one m.
In order to make everything seem bigger in the new world, French settlers in North America in the 19th century used smaller cms for measuring stuff - a practice which has continued to this day. The same practice has seeped into their (US) whole economic system, making the rest of the world think that everything from North America is worth far more than it really is. Opinion is divided on how many US cm are in a US m.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: slackline on October 06, 2008, 01:20:19 pm
No, no, no., Slackers.
Quote from: lagerpedia
A cm is the length of each side of each face of a cube of water that weighs 1 gram. The gram was defined as the standard weight in which cocaine was sold in paris in 1810. The m was the height of Napoleon's nose above the ground when he was wearing heels. It is just coincidence that there are 100 cm in one m.
In order to make everything seem bigger in the new world, French settlers in North America in the 19th century used smaller cms for measuring stuff - a practice which has continued to this day. The same practice has seeped into their (US) whole economic system, making the rest of the world think that everything from North America is worth far more than it really is. Opinion is divided on how many US cm are in a US m.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

That'll be why I always felt short-changed by the lines of coke I had in the US, they just don't cut it like they do here in blighty
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: lagerstarfish on October 06, 2008, 01:29:04 pm
More importantly, In America a pint's a pound, but here a pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter. This goes some way to explaining why America looks at the rest of the world with a "did you spill my pint" look on its face.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Hoseyb on October 07, 2008, 01:25:26 pm
I know its a route and therefore slightly off topic, But the clockface project on rainbow walls is basically one massive dyno. I think Nodder has had a few goes so it probably should stand up to some of these on the list...

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Houdini on October 07, 2008, 04:29:41 pm

The move has never been done.  It does not exist in any sense of the word, route or no.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 07, 2008, 06:23:17 pm

Very restrained hOUD.

Right, less chat more SCIENCE if you please!!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Drew on October 07, 2008, 06:43:32 pm
14=.  The Tank Boulder Project  170cm  Wimberry

Very restrained hOUD.

Hypocrite   :P
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 07, 2008, 06:51:06 pm
Not at all, I was just surprised that hOUD only said pillock.  Most unusual, I think he must be ill.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on October 07, 2008, 07:02:26 pm
the charlotte rampling dyno wipes all there aforementioned....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: uptown on October 11, 2008, 11:57:05 pm
Can you refresh the list G?
There's real science on the nqbv thread - rainbow rocket at 2450.
Has this had a British ascent yet or do we struggle to go the distance?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 12, 2008, 10:00:49 am
Right, back to SCIENCE:

1.  Rainbow Rocket  245cm  Franchard Sablons
2= Undercut Dyno  238cm  The Roaches
2= Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
4. 7 foot dyno  213cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
5. The I.L.T. Dyno 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
6= Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
6= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
8. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
9. Robin's Dyno  198cm  Blackstone Edge
10. Greg's Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
11. 6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
12. Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
13= George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
13= The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
15. One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
16. Jumper's Dyno (aka Niche Dyno)  168cm  Brimham
17. Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
18. Young American  157cm  Stoney
19= Megatron  155cm Stoney
19= Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

Honorary mentions:
Zion ~260cm Clear Creek Canyon, Colorado
The Tank Boulder Project  170cm  Wimberry

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fultonius on October 12, 2008, 10:12:31 am
Rainbow rocket must have had loads of british ascents no? Even I know someone whos done it.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on October 12, 2008, 01:50:06 pm
Rainbow rocket must have had loads of british ascents no? Even I know someone whos done it.   :thumbsup:

who do you know?

my mate pissed it (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Munkii on October 12, 2008, 02:26:35 pm
 :o that's pretty damn big!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fultonius on October 13, 2008, 04:54:19 pm
The guy who did RR was some dude called Will who moved up from Sheffield to Glasgow earlier this year.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on October 13, 2008, 05:53:32 pm

I did it like the guy in that video, putting your foot up on the starting holds.

I believe this version now only gets 7c/7c+, I think for the 8a tick you have to go off the smears which seems impossible when you're on the problem.

Which ever way you do it it's amazing!!

A must try for any springy climber while in font   ;D
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on October 13, 2008, 08:30:45 pm
That bloc is awesome and the couple of dynos to the left of RR are worth doing as well
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jaspersharpe on October 14, 2008, 08:00:00 am

I did it like the guy in that video, putting your foot up on the starting holds.

I believe this version now only gets 7c/7c+, I think for the 8a tick you have to go off the smears which seems impossible when you're on the problem.

That's a bit like the World dyno record bollocks about not using the starting holds for feet. Surely that's the sensible thing to do as it makes it less about height and more about technique (plus not using holds just turns a classic problem into a stupid eliminate). I get why 7+8 gives it 7C now anyway.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on October 14, 2008, 08:04:15 am

I did it like the guy in that video, putting your foot up on the starting holds.

I believe this version now only gets 7c/7c+, I think for the 8a tick you have to go off the smears which seems impossible when you're on the problem.

That's a bit like the World dyno record bollocks about not using the starting holds for feet. Surely that's the sensible thing to do as it makes it less about height and more about technique (plus not using holds just turns a classic problem into a stupid eliminate). I get why 7+8 gives it 7C now anyway.

I know and he knows it only 7c that way, it was a joke and a bet, basically I had a bet that he couldnt do an 8a dyno by christmas, the forfit was a punch in the face at xmas dinner, so he did it and went a bought the old guide book for the 8a tick..

 ;D ;D ;D

still amazing effort, I love dynos but I couldnt get anywere near
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jaspersharpe on October 31, 2008, 09:53:02 am
Some Yank's repeated Sykeler Weak's big dyno "Zion". The one that 8a.dogshit were claiming was 8C+ due to how long it would take someone to repeat it. He did it third go.

And has claimed 8C+!

Ha ha ha ha. I'm not sure if that's actully funny, tragic or both.  :shrug:  :spank:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on October 31, 2008, 09:59:13 am
A case of a vicious circle disappearing up it's own arse.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on October 31, 2008, 11:25:19 am
I'd take 8c+ for it
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fiend on October 31, 2008, 12:01:58 pm
A case of a vicious circle disappearing up it's own arse.
Poetically and accurately put.

It should still be in GCW's List O'Science though.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jaspersharpe on October 31, 2008, 01:52:04 pm
I'd take 8c+ for it

Yeah I'm hoping it's for the massive irony factor in which case it's a stroke of genius. But he is American.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jaspersharpe on November 26, 2008, 10:22:41 am (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 29, 2009, 08:40:54 pm
Been out measuring today:

1. Rainbow Rocket  245cm  Franchard Sablons
2. Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3. Undercut Dyno  223cm  The Roaches
4. 7 foot dyno  213cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
5. The I.L.T. Dyno 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
6= Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
6= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
8. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
9. Robin's Dyno  198cm  Blackstone Edge
10. Greg's Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
11. 6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
12. Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
13= George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
13= The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
15. One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
16. Jumper's Dyno (aka Niche Dyno)  168cm  Brimham
17. Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
18. Young American  157cm  Stoney
19= Megatron  155cm Stoney
19= Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

Honorary mentions:
Zion ~260cm Clear Creek Canyon, Colorado
The Tank Boulder Project  170cm  Wimberry
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Tommy on March 29, 2009, 08:45:44 pm
Brilliant! Now that's true list dedication!  ;D
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 29, 2009, 09:05:22 pm
Brilliant! Now that's true list dedication!  ;D

I haven't personally measured some of those, so there's still potential adjustment for:
Rainbow Rocket
7 foot dyno
Turbo Kleenex
The Buckstone Dyno
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nik at work on March 29, 2009, 09:31:55 pm
I'll try and get to Rainbow Rocket when I'm in Font for an official sanctioned measurement.

Did you not measure Buckstone when we were there? Looks like a return visit is on the cards...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 29, 2009, 09:47:24 pm
No, didn't take the official dyno-measurerer.
Yeah, it's on the list for this year too.  And I'd quite fancy a look at Rainbow Rocket, looks ace!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 29, 2009, 11:04:00 pm
Non-quality vid: (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SamD on March 29, 2009, 11:44:28 pm
Haha some phenomenally attentive spotting and heterosexual hands on hips posing from me there  :whistle:, bon effort GCW.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: hongkongstuey on March 30, 2009, 06:02:33 am
another old vid of the same problem here (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: AndiT on March 30, 2009, 07:56:06 am
Those were the days!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Johnny Brown on March 30, 2009, 09:46:30 am
...being able to piss it when you didn't have to wear Boreals?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on March 30, 2009, 10:26:12 am
No, didn't take the official dyno-measurerer.
Yeah, it's on the list for this year too.  And I'd quite fancy a look at Rainbow Rocket, looks ace!

Rainbow Rocket is ace, it was even bigger than I thought, I was rather shocked when I got there and stood under it   :o

Voltex to the left of it is really good too!


Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on March 30, 2009, 10:32:19 am
<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value=";;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" /><embed src=";;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><br /><a href="">Dumby Project</a> from <a href="">Willackers</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.

This is my project at Dumbarton, it's off 2 really poor holds to a really awkward to catch sidepull jug on a very overhanging wall, I've been trying it for some time now but it's fookin nails to hold the jug.

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nik at work on March 30, 2009, 11:16:48 am
That last go was close.

Doesn't look very far distance wise? Not a put down, I'm sure the holds are poor and the catch is desperate and such like, but this thread is all about distance. Looks like a cool move (if graffitti strewn dank quarries are your bag :))
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on March 30, 2009, 12:29:07 pm
Are we including roped/route dynamics!!!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on March 30, 2009, 12:30:40 pm
You'd be suprised how far it actually is between the holds!
I will take a tape on my next visit and get the measurements  :P
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fiend on March 30, 2009, 12:40:37 pm
Masterful use of vimeo linking code there :)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on March 30, 2009, 12:48:45 pm
Ha ha!

Can I detect a hint of sarcasm there....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 30, 2009, 12:52:01 pm
I got pretty close to that Dumby dyno in the 90s.  I got pretty close to it for a couple of years, but never landed it. Be good to see it done.

As an aside, I did the Undercut Dyno going with my right hand because my left shoulder is unstable, but I reckon going with your left is easier.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on March 30, 2009, 01:02:30 pm
I got pretty close to that Dumby dyno in the 90s.  I got pretty close to it for a couple of years, but never landed it. Be good to see it done.

Nail Mcnair said he knew someone who had been trying it but not done it, is that you?

It's a long way to go off poor feet and hands and the jug isn't really a sinker, I've had my hand on it so many times, really psyched to get it done and I'm sure I can.

It a bigger distance between the holds than a lot of the dynos on the list.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 30, 2009, 01:07:12 pm
Measure it and see.  Please report back.
May have been me, I had a fair effort on it 1994 onwards.  But I know others have tried it.
I never found getting the distance too bad when you get the knack, just holding the top is the crux :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on March 30, 2009, 01:12:47 pm
I never found getting the distance too bad when you get the knack, just holding the top is the crux :lol:

It's so hard to hold!, quite sharp too.
I keep having a go every time I go so hopefully it'll go, or I might just keep popping off the top hold, for ever  :(
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 30, 2009, 01:19:39 pm
I might just keep popping off the top hold, for ever 

That's why I sacked it :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on March 30, 2009, 01:23:06 pm
What do you reckon the grade would be if I was to bag it?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 30, 2009, 01:29:01 pm
I don't know, dyno's are weird.  It felt at least 7c/+ to me (bear in mind I'm lanky and like dynos), think it's one of the hardest I've been on.  But dyno's are weird in that it may feel 7b when you land it, then you'll wonder why it took so long.  :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on March 30, 2009, 01:40:34 pm
I don't know, dyno's are weird.  It felt at least 7c/+ to me (bear in mind I'm lanky and like dynos), think it's one of the hardest I've been on.  But dyno's are weird in that it may feel 7b when you land it, then you'll wonder why it took so long.  :lol:

I'm also pretty tall and like dynos, I've done lots and i've always got them in a session, I did rainbow Rocket in about 5 tries and found it pretty easy, the same with lots of others but no matter how many times I hit that hold it just won't stick! >:(

It's got to be 7c+ for sure, maybe a tad harder??  :-\

We'll see.....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 30, 2009, 02:05:21 pm
It could be 8a+ for all I know, never nailed it :lol:
Not tried Rainbow Rocket, be a good one to compare it to.

Good luck anyway.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on March 30, 2009, 03:24:07 pm

9b, maybe 9b+    :P

Cheers man
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on March 30, 2009, 07:05:25 pm
My dyno is bigger than all of yours!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 30, 2009, 07:06:47 pm
Sorry Pat, forgot to say any dyno can be included, as long as it's measured.
Which dyno are you referring to by the way?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on March 30, 2009, 07:09:38 pm
2nd generation dynamic moves!
The Gardoms Wall  (T/R) 2.5 meters?
Johnnys Foundry problem... a distance of at least 3 meters!!!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on March 30, 2009, 07:13:29 pm
239 cm...
The Gardoms Wall, aka... Assasin.
E9 for shuzzle!!!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on March 30, 2009, 07:15:31 pm
(OK, not as big as the foreign ones!!!)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on March 31, 2009, 01:26:15 pm
But not really in the same genre as the ones you are mentioning,,,
sorry was bored and wanted a argument!
please ignore me...
johnnys was the most impressive dyno I have ever seen performed!
worth noteing...
Loose Cannon, Cromlech Boulders!
That Ramshaw one...
Maurice Gibb?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nik at work on March 31, 2009, 02:26:57 pm
When you say Johnnys dyno at the foundry do you mean the one that went round the righthand end of the bendcrete bouldering wall horizontaly at ground level starting at the right arete of the wall and essentially running around the base of the wall to finish on the side of the low roof bit? The above description is all from memory so may be a bit out. If it is that one it certainly looked great, but was actually not that hard. More about learning where to put your feet and keeping running when gravity tells you you're falling off. More akin to a wall of death than a dyno.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on March 31, 2009, 02:42:18 pm
dank quarries are your bag

(cough) rivelin (cough)

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on March 31, 2009, 06:42:21 pm
Yeah... thats the one Nic at work! as I said... its a bit more 2nd generation than you usual dyno, and it was harder for the tall.

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nik at work on March 31, 2009, 07:06:29 pm
Oh yes much harder for the tall. A low centre of gravity seemed to be the key. I seem to remember that once you let go of the starting holds you take three steps then fling yoursely wildly sideways and backwards to catch the finishing hold. I might need to visit the foundry with a tape measure...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on March 31, 2009, 07:31:38 pm
It was also extended to start from the arete, from a blue jug... sure thats gone but it was not more than 10" from the arete!!!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: rginns on May 27, 2009, 07:25:08 pm
Now for a bit of Lancashire Esoterica...

I went down to crag x aka Jumbles and found this nice dyno - I went down tonight with a tape measure and it weighs in at 164cm

It feels exactly like Nexus dyno but with a bigger left foot. I reckon about V3 ish, though I could be way out as I've no idea how to grade dynos!

I doubt it's been done before unless r-mans paid a visit!  ;)

Cheers! (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on May 27, 2009, 07:50:24 pm
Love the dismount :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: rginns on May 27, 2009, 08:08:59 pm
'ere that's a proper mince that is!  :great:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on May 27, 2009, 10:21:30 pm
Love the dismount :lol:

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have a dyno treat in this months dose of font, you guys wait.. there big big and big and even bigger
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on May 27, 2009, 11:07:27 pm
Now for a bit of Lancashire Esoterica...

I went down to crag x aka Jumbles and found this nice dyno - I went down tonight with a tape measure and it weighs in at 164cm

It feels exactly like Nexus dyno but with a bigger left foot. I reckon about V3 ish, though I could be way out as I've no idea how to grade dynos!

I doubt it's been done before unless r-mans paid a visit!  ;)

Cheers! (

Nope, never tried it. Nice one!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on May 29, 2009, 04:14:11 pm
here you go a snippet of this months dose, me on the rainblow rocket bloc

Rememebr as always to click to watch full hd version (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on May 29, 2009, 05:32:35 pm
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Duma on May 29, 2009, 07:30:38 pm
But what about that nasty little SS arete ( round the back? Could never even pull on to that when I've tried!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on May 29, 2009, 07:33:01 pm
But what about that nasty little SS arete ( round the back? Could never even pull on to that when I've tried!

technically on a different bloc (thank god)  ;D

I pulled of the ground once and managed to get no were near the top  :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on May 29, 2009, 08:19:59 pm
I really want to go look at that bloc next Font visit.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on May 30, 2009, 12:12:13 pm
Back to SCIENCE:

1. Rainbow Rocket  245cm  Franchard Sablons
2. Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3. Undercut Dyno  223cm  The Roaches
4. 7 foot dyno  213cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
5. The I.L.T. Dyno 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
6= Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
6= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
8. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
9. Robin's Dyno  198cm  Blackstone Edge
10. Greg's Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
11. 6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
12. Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
13= George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
13= The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
15. One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
16. Jumper's Dyno (aka Niche Dyno)  168cm  Brimham
17. Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
18. Rick's Dyno  164cm  Jumbles
19. Young American  157cm  Stoney
20= Megatron  155cm Stoney
20= Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

Honorary mentions:
Zion ~260cm Clear Creek Canyon, Colorado
The Tank Boulder Project  170cm  Wimberry

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on August 23, 2009, 02:13:35 pm
Brief vid of 4 dynos at Brownstones: (

Also managed to miss another one off the list.

1. Rainbow Rocket  245cm  Franchard Sablons
2. Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3. Undercut Dyno  223cm  The Roaches
4. 7 foot dyno  213cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
5. The I.L.T. Dyno 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
6= Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
6= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
8. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
9. Robin's Dyno  198cm  Blackstone Edge
10. Greg's Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
11. 6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
12. Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
13= George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
13= The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
15. One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
16. Jumper's Dyno (aka Niche Dyno)  168cm  Brimham
17. Dynostrung 167cm  Brownstones
18. Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
19. Rick's Dyno  164cm  Jumbles
20. Young American  157cm  Stoney
21= Megatron  155cm Stoney
21= Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

Honorary mentions:
Zion ~260cm Clear Creek Canyon, Colorado
The Tank Boulder Project  170cm  Wimberry

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on August 24, 2009, 08:08:50 am
I like this vid, cant help but notice how easy they look, what are the grades on these problems?

also there is a new dyno in town, air sweeden at elephant.... man its hard and far and in a roof, will measure it next time I am there for you all. vid will be in this months dose (i hope)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on August 24, 2009, 06:18:18 pm
Nothing harder than 7a+ there Neil.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on August 24, 2009, 07:22:04 pm
they look nice thats all, maybe if I  ever come back to the uk I will pop in and give them a bash
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on August 24, 2009, 07:25:15 pm
They are nice.  R-Man did Ridiculous Dyno originally, goign with his left hand- my dodgy shoulder prevents this. (

R-man: (

I think I've put weight on since the last time I did that dyno  :o  :o

I'll do a proper dyno vid once I nail a few more classic ones.  Mmmm, I love dynos.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: clm on August 25, 2009, 03:46:14 pm
Freezing that first vid at 13 secs makes it look like not such a big dyno (although i note that you are a lanky twat).  Maybe measurements from footholds to handholds would give a better measure of massiveness.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on August 25, 2009, 03:59:14 pm
If you turn up the sound on this and listen to GCW's feet (from 25 sec), he plays a lovely castanet rhythm on the rock.  Most remarkable. (

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: a dense loner on August 25, 2009, 08:45:11 pm
sorry, i've got other things to do
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on August 25, 2009, 09:05:22 pm
Apology accepted. I'm sure you've got lots of posts you aren't interested in to reply to. Off you tootle then...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on August 28, 2009, 09:33:30 pm
Mr Tickle is 1.62m, and really fookin steep.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on August 28, 2009, 09:35:23 pm
Thanks Will.  It deserves to go in.

1. Rainbow Rocket  245cm  Franchard Sablons
2. Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3. Undercut Dyno  223cm  The Roaches
4. 7 foot dyno  213cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
5. The I.L.T. Dyno 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
6= Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
6= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
8. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
9. Robin's Dyno  198cm  Blackstone Edge
10. Greg's Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
11. 6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
12. Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
13= George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
13= The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
15. One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
16. Jumper's Dyno (aka Niche Dyno)  168cm  Brimham
17. Dynostrung 167cm  Brownstones
18. Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
19. Rick's Dyno  164cm  Jumbles
20. Mr. Tickle  162cm  Dumbarton
21. Young American  157cm  Stoney
22= Megatron  155cm Stoney
22= Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

Honorary mentions:
Zion ~260cm Clear Creek Canyon, Colorado
The Tank Boulder Project  170cm  Wimberry
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on August 29, 2009, 09:59:31 pm
Had a brief visit to Eastby today.  Jim Purchon's dyno ( goes straight in at No 3!!

1. Rainbow Rocket  245cm  Franchard Sablons
2. Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3. Solid Air  228cm Eastby
4. Undercut Dyno  223cm  The Roaches
5. 7 foot dyno  213cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
6. The I.L.T. Dyno 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
7= Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
7= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
9. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
10. Robin's Dyno  198cm  Blackstone Edge
11. Greg's Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
12. 6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
13. Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
14= George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
14= The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
16. One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
17. Jumper's Dyno (aka Niche Dyno)  168cm  Brimham
18. Dynostrung 167cm  Brownstones
19. Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
20. Rick's Dyno  164cm  Jumbles
21. Mr. Tickle  162cm  Dumbarton
22. Young American  157cm  Stoney
23= Megatron  155cm Stoney
23= Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

Honorary mentions:
Zion ~260cm Clear Creek Canyon, Colorado
The Tank Boulder Project  170cm  Wimberry

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on August 30, 2009, 11:41:57 am
that looks right nice, easy version of the rainbow
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on August 30, 2009, 11:44:18 am
Yeah, except the hold you go for is a poor sloper, which is why (I assume) Jim matches straight away.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: uptown on September 04, 2009, 03:34:12 pm
Dave dispatched PWVariation, Black wall dyno and Blackhead with consumate ease today, he was trying 'The King throw' as I left and was getting mighty close - That should be on your list G, if it's been done?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy_e on September 04, 2009, 07:34:19 pm
Dave? Cowl? Simmonite? Mason? Parry? Norton? Throw me a bone here.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: uptown on September 04, 2009, 08:44:48 pm
From Cheltenham?
Toms mate.
On a video at st.bees?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on September 04, 2009, 10:02:39 pm
he was trying 'The King throw' as I left and was getting mighty close - That should be on your list G, if it's been done?

What is this? 
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: uptown on September 04, 2009, 10:17:43 pm
Big jump from start of PW to top, long way up right.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy_e on September 05, 2009, 12:07:00 am
Ah, that Dave. Not met him yet. Pistol Whip Variation? As in your thing? Or something else?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Stubbs on September 05, 2009, 08:51:11 am
Pebble wall variation, i.e the lankster problem to the right from the undercuts, I need to learn how to jump and get that done!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Johnny Brown on September 05, 2009, 09:05:35 am
That's a good 'un, a bit blind. You can jump through Pebble wall an' all, that's a great move.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy_e on September 05, 2009, 09:33:47 am
Ah, too many PWs. PWVariation is a good one though!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: uptown on September 05, 2009, 10:30:41 am
Ah, too many PWs. PWVariation is a good one though!
Pebble wall.
Pebbleless wall.
Pebbleless sloper wall.
Pebble wall variation from undercuts.
Pebble wall variation from the low jugs.
All been done, all good, but I'm not here to discuss their minutiae.
I'm talking about the King throw.

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on September 05, 2009, 09:53:12 pm
So does that dyno from the break to the top?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: uptown on September 05, 2009, 10:05:20 pm
So does that dyno from the break to the top?
From right hand in break, left hand on that crimpy thing to the right. Dave did it today my spies inform me. I asked Nemo to get a tape measure on it just for you G, but you know he doesn't listen to me often.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on September 05, 2009, 10:10:37 pm
left hand on that crimpy thing to the right

I don't follow, can't picture it.  I'll make a special trip over with the official Dyno MeasurererTM.

EDIT:  Grade?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: uptown on September 05, 2009, 10:16:19 pm
So does that dyno from the break to the top?
From right hand in break, left hand on that crimpy thing to the right. Dave did it today my spies inform me. I asked Nemo to get a tape measure on it just for you G, but you know he doesn't listen to me often.

Some dumbf*** got his left and right mixed up. Sorry.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy_e on September 06, 2009, 05:09:42 pm
Wait til you see the video, Dave makes it look so easy! He also did Underhand, good effort!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on September 07, 2009, 11:46:27 am
I got Dave doing the Pebble Wall Dyno on vid the other day. It's a pretty long way. I never seen it done before. It's not the usual way of dynoing PW (i.e. undercutting the break and going to the top) but a more direct dyno from the break with left and the crimp with right straight to the top. It's basically inbetween PW and the 7b variation. He seemed to think 7b+ was fair but if you can't jump you ain't got a hope.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on September 07, 2009, 12:01:11 pm
I did that PW dyno couple of year back, i seem to remember there being a juggy sidepull low, went from that to top (i.e. the same line as the uundercutting thing but I coudln't get on with the undercutting so just jumped from the low starting jug). good problem, 7bish range.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: uptown on September 07, 2009, 10:19:16 pm
I did that PW dyno couple of year back, i seem to remember there being a juggy sidepull low, went from that to top (i.e. the same line as the uundercutting thing but I coudln't get on with the undercutting so just jumped from the low starting jug). good problem, 7bish range.
That's pebble wall variation from the low jugs, 7b+ morpho. This new one is further left.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on September 09, 2009, 10:04:30 am
Here's the footage of Dave G doing the Pebble Wall Dyno. Wish I could figure out how to show it in slow motion cos it looks incredible. Literally like he is flying.

Pebble Wall Dyno, Almscliff (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: slackline on September 09, 2009, 10:19:15 am
Wish I could figure out how to show it in slow motion cos it looks incredible. Literally like he is flying.

Just watch it over a really slow, net connection (or somewhere that your bandwidth is throttled such that it makes all videos appear in very slow-motion, like here at work  :P)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on September 09, 2009, 10:26:15 am
Hadn't thought of that one  :-\
It's actually quite an awkward position to spring from, it's not the biggest dyno out there.
He did go and try the Wimberry Dyno the other day. I reckon in his prime he would stand a good chance of doing it. It doesn't look much harder than some of the other dynos I've seen him do. I think he might be keen to get back on form for that one. Amazing project.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: rginns on September 10, 2009, 10:16:35 am
Here's the footage of Dave G doing the Pebble Wall Dyno.

nice work, that left foot looks shiite!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 17, 2009, 07:03:25 pm
I have to say right now, but we have just got back from exploring some new rocks in font,

and no dyno is going to be bigger than the one we found today, imagine rainbow rocket but stick another few feet on it, with a second geration move in the middle,

pics soon :)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 17, 2009, 07:08:56 pm
sorry problem with pics, they will be on soon
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on September 17, 2009, 07:12:14 pm
Try another thread - My picture's bigger than your picture?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on September 17, 2009, 07:17:05 pm
Sod the pics, where's the measurement  :P
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on September 17, 2009, 07:39:18 pm
Here's the footage of Dave G doing the Pebble Wall Dyno. Wish I could figure out how to show it in slow motion cos it looks incredible. Literally like he is flying.

Pebble Wall Dyno, Almscliff (

What grade does that go at? Looks quality!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: uptown on September 17, 2009, 07:50:07 pm
What grade does that go at? Looks quality!

It's got to be a minimum of 7c, though my guess is harder. I think Tom said Dave mentioned 7b+, but he's jumped 8a before and these things are incredibly morpho to climb, and hence even harder to grade before consensus. Get to it Will, I've seen you, you've got the necessary dimensions and track record.  ;D
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on September 17, 2009, 07:55:40 pm

Looks amazing!, I'll have a go next time I'm down that way, I'll have to wait for my bloody ankle to get better before I start jumping around again  :'(
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Moo on September 17, 2009, 08:14:14 pm
just on a side note as this seemed to be the most likely thread to produce an answer, has catapult at kyloe in been repeated yet?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on September 17, 2009, 08:17:19 pm
Someone told me Earl had repeated it, might be wrong though?... :-\
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 17, 2009, 09:39:28 pm
Sod the pics, where's the measurement  :P

my tape measure is not big enough  ;D
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 17, 2009, 09:46:30 pm

 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on September 17, 2009, 09:50:34 pm
There's dynos.
Then there's 2 holds that are a long way apart  ;)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 17, 2009, 09:51:39 pm
technically 4 holds

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 17, 2009, 09:54:49 pm
in reality its only a foot or so higher than rainbow rocket, the foot holds are better, but there might be a second way of doing it, too side pulls up in the wall, and measuring with the brush stick this might be possible

wait and see
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on September 17, 2009, 10:10:43 pm
Get to it mate!

That looks MOOSIVE!!!

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on September 17, 2009, 11:16:01 pm

Is he playing keepy uppy with that spear on his chin? Impressive.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 18, 2009, 08:49:57 am
did you not know thats the new in thing, you dont get the tick unless you can balance a big pole on your chin on the send
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: ferret on September 18, 2009, 12:45:49 pm
Sod the pics, where's the measurement  :P

my tape measure is not big enough  ;D

u must have a pretty shit tape measure it only looks about 3m
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 18, 2009, 05:39:28 pm
bloody B&Q
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: slackline on September 18, 2009, 07:53:17 pm
bloody B&Q (

Bloody cheapskates (  :)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 18, 2009, 09:45:52 pm
ok not as big as the last one, but another new bloc we found in this new area, its hard around 7c, the hand holds are poor and its about 20/30 degrees overhanging

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: tommytwotone on September 18, 2009, 11:42:55 pm
ok not as big as the last one, but another new bloc we found in this new area, its hard around 7c, the hand holds are poor and its about 20/30 degrees overhanging


Shit man, that looks awesome - I'm out in a few weeks...where's that shit??
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 19, 2009, 06:10:40 pm
its in anew area that is in devlopment, so far there about 200 problems with more being added each day, drop me a line before you come out I will link you a topo once its drawn up with the new stuff on
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jaspersharpe on September 19, 2009, 11:00:50 pm
its in anew area that is in devlopment, so far there about 200 problems with more being added each day

C'est la vie.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy_e on September 21, 2009, 12:48:38 pm
technically 4 holds


Jesus tittyfucking Christ! That's massive. Do you not need a few bolts in that one? We saw those two people at Canche aux Merciers, cool dog!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on September 21, 2009, 01:54:55 pm
Is that lass an in situ IOC judge who does a dope test on anyone who succeeds? A piss taker if you will.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on September 21, 2009, 01:59:53 pm
Someone told me Earl had repeated it, might be wrong though?... :-\

Google doesn't throw anything up. Apparently Chris Graham can't repeat it?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on September 21, 2009, 04:38:34 pm
Someone told me Earl had repeated it, might be wrong though?... :-\

Google doesn't throw anything up. Apparently Chris Graham can't repeat it?

Dave (who did that Pebble Wall Dyno) got the closest I have seen or heard of on Catapult. There's some footage of him (in a session or maybe 2) hitting the break again and again. He nearly stuck it on a couple of occassions, stopping for a split second. He never went back to Northumberland and gave up climbing just after. Shame, another session and he would have done it. I think he may be a bit gutted now as he didn't realise the significance and he's had some bad mountain boarding and work injuries to his hand now.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Moo on September 21, 2009, 07:53:09 pm
I think graham spent a fair while trying it, so to repeat would just be beyond the call of duty.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on September 24, 2009, 12:41:14 pm
Just a quick question out of interest. Has Rainbow Rocket been downgraded to 7c+? Has it always been 7c+? Is there an 8a version?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: T_B on September 24, 2009, 12:53:29 pm
surely even more so that halle bopp rainbow rocket is massively height dependent and therefore giving it a grade is a bit meaningless?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 24, 2009, 01:13:24 pm
Just a quick question out of interest. Has Rainbow Rocket been downgraded to 7c+? Has it always been 7c+? Is there an 8a version?

the 8a version was always with out stepping onto the hand hold. 7c+ if you do, but as all dyno's depends on how far you can jump, for me it was the hardest dyno i have done, days and days jumping. but I can generally do technical 7c dynos in a few tries.  :-\
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 24, 2009, 01:17:35 pm
ok so you all you font dyno people out there, this is the official pole of the hardest dynos, in fact 99% of dynos in the forest.

le belvedere   electro   8a+
la canche aux merciers   jacadi   8a+
rocher saint german   operation plats du desert   8a/8a+
rocher saint german   soucis d'air   8a
rocher du paradis(puiselet)   magic circus   8a
la canche aux merciers   saut de puce   8a
rocher canon   sauvez alain robert   7c+/8a
rocher de cassepot   boys fly   7c+/8a
franchard isatis   vin aigre   7c+
franchard sablons   rainbow rocket   7c+
franchard cuisiniere   hale bopp   7c+
rocher du mauvais passage   vol a la tire   7c+
maunoury   instinct   7c+
J A martin   vol au dessus d'un nid de caucou   7c+
J A martin   arian 5   7c+
95.2   future barbares   7c+
rocher de milly   robo cop   7c+
cuvier rempart   voltige   7c/7c+
la reconnaissance   flying fat 97   7c/7c+
apremont bizons   scream   7c
rocher saint german   vulcain   7c
franchard hautes plaines   deux faux en plats reels   7c
franchard sablons   jakari droite assis   7c
franchard pascal meyer   l'air de rien   7c
franchard ermitage   52 gerald   7c
rocher de la salamandre   besoin d'elle   7c
rocher de bouligny   le plat pays   7c
rocher du paradis(puiselet)   fleur de peau   7c
95.2   l'ange naif   7c
bois rond   lucky luke   7c
bois des long vaux   phobos moon   7c
la rocher qui tourne   palpitaions   7c
la reconnaissance   master frog   7b+
rocher saint german   jump   7b+
franchard isatis   kangaroo city   7b+
franchard sablons   voltex   7b+
franchard cuisiniere   super flux   7b+
franchard cuisiniere   mister dynamite   7b+
rocher d'avon   catch me if you can   7b+
rocher du mauvais passage   peter pan   7b+
boigneville   miro   7b+
rocher aux sabots   fanny chippie   7b+
bois rond   sensation   7b+
videlles l'abattoir   le jet du bi   7b+
beauvais   la bombe humaine   7b+
cuvier rempart   washington sniper   7b
franchard isatis   canonball   7b
franchard isatis   la ou finit la raie des fesse   7b
franchard isatis   une explosion de bonhur   7b
franchard isatis   froggy dick   7b
franchard sablons   jokari droite   7b
franchard sablons   mortel transfert   7b
franchard cuisiniere   double entorse   7b
franchard cuisiniere   soiree bresilienne   7b
rocher de la salamandre   nouvelle vague   7b
rocher d'avon   le dansuer   7b
marion des rocher   big mak   7b
restant du lang rocher   sankookai   7b
maunoury   morphomaniacs   7b
maunoury   movement activated   7b
mont simonet   coincident   7b
petit bois   le poids des soupirs   7b
rocher aux sabots   smatch   7b
jean des vignes   volt face direct    7b
95.2   jafresse airline conection   7b
95.2   the zyno   7b
la mare a plat   orgasme cosmique   7a+
rocher saint german   triste sir   7a+
rocher de cassepot   double axle   7a+
franchard hautes plaines   les araignees de mars   7a+
franchard cuisiniere   entorse   7a+
franchard cuisiniere   la deferlante   7a+
rocher d'avon   basta   7a+
mont sarrazin   jetable   7a+
95.2   jet michaud   7a+
   keo   7a+
videlles les rocher   fear factor   7a+
beauvais   tse-tse   7a+
bas cuvier west   jus de paume   7a
cuvier rempart   immodium   7a
la reconnaissance   escaflwne   7a
apremont bizons   shoot left hand   7a
rocher saint german   ariane 4   7a
rocher saint german   affirmaatif   7a
rocher de cassepot   snake totem   7a
franchard isatis   vin rouge   7a
franchard sablons   sylphide   7a
gorge du houx   titanus   7a
rocher du lang boyau   ric et rac   7a
rocher du mont morillon   when pigs fly   7a
rocher des demoiselles   jet d'eau   7a
restant du lang rocher   devers s'y colle   7a
mont simonet   paddo jump   7a
mont sarrazin   arcansas   7a
rocher fin   naufrage d'une illusion   7a
rocher aux sabots   jet set   7a
rocher aux sabots   le bond del l'hippotame   7a
bois rond   toubib or not toubib   7a
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on September 24, 2009, 01:38:09 pm
Magic Circus looks quality!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on September 24, 2009, 01:49:49 pm
Where,s the measurements neil! No SCIENCE
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 24, 2009, 01:53:59 pm
Where,s the measurements neil! No SCIENCE

dont worry  I have a little project in the making, 3rd of the way there, I am going to all hte dynos in the forest and measure everysingle one of them just for you  :)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on September 24, 2009, 02:03:07 pm
Cheers. Hurry along now. I'm sure you are going to do them all too!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on September 24, 2009, 05:26:38 pm
neil could tell me which dyno jacadi is please? i know that there is two on same roof next to each other, is it on the left or right as you look into the cave?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 24, 2009, 05:59:55 pm
its the left one as you look in, a hold has broke but its still possible, a freind of mine got very close to doing it last time we were there
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: a dense loner on September 24, 2009, 09:36:15 pm
bloody hell neil thats some dyno list!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on September 24, 2009, 10:15:09 pm
wow that sounds sick hard gd effort by him ,thanks thats cleared that up for me
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: ferret on September 25, 2009, 09:15:01 pm
bloody hell neil thats some dyno list!
yeah imagine all the time u could waste doing dynos in arguably the best area in the world for technical climbing
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 26, 2009, 10:21:05 am
bloody hell neil thats some dyno list!
yeah imagine all the time u could waste doing dynos in arguably the best area in the world for technical climbing

Its hardly a waste if time, dynos are great fun on rest days and rainy days ;D

anyway a lot of the dyno's in font are very technical
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: rainbow on October 07, 2009, 09:02:23 pm
As I've been dubbed The Guardian of the Churnet, think its my duty to add this to the list. The Pegasus Dyno F7b+ = 178cm. At Gentleman's, Basically its the starting holds of the nose problem to the ledge. ie without the use of the two biggies out right as per Nose Prob.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on October 07, 2009, 11:00:44 pm
what about pif paf? at cuvier, the double handed dyno, thats 7a isn't it?
right good fun anyway, should be on anyones list
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on October 08, 2009, 09:49:56 am
what about pif paf? at cuvier, the double handed dyno, thats 7a isn't it?
right good fun anyway, should be on anyones list

I agree, bit easy but fun, its in one of my videos
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on October 09, 2009, 12:41:04 pm
new dyno in the wye valley down south, going back to distance 203cm around 7c ish worth a jump if you like dynos and your near by. There are a two others near by going from around 150cm to 175cm both good fun and about 7a+ ishjavascript:void(0);
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nic mullin on October 09, 2009, 03:07:32 pm
new dyno in the wye valley down south, going back to distance 203cm around 7c ish worth a jump if you like dynos and your near by. There are a two others near by going from around 150cm to 175cm both good fun and about 7a+ ishjavascript:void(0);

Where are these at, yo?

Is the 7c the infamous huntsham project?

Nice one.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on October 10, 2009, 12:49:43 am
ezy nick yeah its on the boulder below the slug cant remember the name but the one tom w has been on for a while, two crimps to sloping crack really good! Tech two hand catch as well as the 2meters between lots fun in the swing im down there sunday got sick new project to try out come up if your near
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: a dense loner on October 10, 2009, 04:36:04 pm
can you repeat that paragraph in english?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Drew on October 10, 2009, 04:43:18 pm
Just sprinkle a liberal handful of missing fullstops, and it should start making more sense.  ;)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nic mullin on October 12, 2009, 12:02:16 pm

Good effort Dave, was in Yorks over the weekend but down that way this coming Sat/Sun, will give you a shout.

I'll try and upload a pic of this dyno - it is both big and nails. Top effort.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on October 12, 2009, 04:45:55 pm
cheers nic, hopefully cu sat/sun
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on October 19, 2009, 07:04:23 pm
theres a new dyno in town 7c+/8a......... Does not look far but the holds you are pulling of are very poor, right hand is half pad one finger undercut, left hand is undercut sloper full pad deep, the bloc is about 15 degree overhanging and the top aint no jug  ;)


Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: rodma on October 20, 2009, 08:35:02 am
Looks like a good line, is that at Cuisiniere?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fiend on October 20, 2009, 11:30:34 am
Dynos aren't really "lines" though, are they? More like two points in space...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: slackline on October 20, 2009, 11:54:59 am
Dynos aren't really "lines" though, are they? More like two points in space...

Tsk, tsk, you need to brush up on your Eucledian Geometry ( Fiend as any two points have a unique straight line
 ( connecting them.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 20, 2009, 12:03:10 pm
Dynos aren't really "lines" though, are they? More like two points in space...

So Deliverance isn't a line?  Or Buckstone Dyno?  Or Hale Bopp?  Or Smatch?  Or Quent's Dyno?

You make me sick with your pathetic static climbing nonsense.  Pah, it's just a lack of vision, Fiendy my old mucker.  Get on some leapy stuff  :P
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: rodma on October 20, 2009, 12:54:14 pm
Dynos aren't really "lines" though, are they? More like two points in space...

As opposed to several points in space, like most boulder probs :P

I guess cracks and whatnot would be "lines" in your book, saying that a crack is a bit like the opposite of a line too, a kind of line-negative
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on October 20, 2009, 01:09:04 pm
saying that a crack is a bit like the opposite of a line too, a kind of line-negative

or an enil?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on October 20, 2009, 04:02:18 pm
Looks like a good line, is that at Cuisiniere?

na a new bloc just opened at Rocher des Demoiselles
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on October 20, 2009, 07:00:28 pm
Dynos aren't really "lines" though, are they? More like two points in space...


Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on October 20, 2009, 07:03:03 pm
Looks like a quality dyno!

Font in 3 weeks!, come on!!

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on October 20, 2009, 08:21:26 pm
a new bloc just opened

For anyone who doesn't have their euro-british climbing dictionary handy, this means "a recently developed boulder".
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nik at work on October 20, 2009, 08:34:31 pm
English translation from the Jive-talkin mutha-fucka, whatever next?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on October 20, 2009, 09:56:35 pm
its anglo-jive all the way. I hate it when a thread reads like a bad babelfish translation.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fiend on October 22, 2009, 01:17:20 pm
its anglo-jive all the way. I hate it when a thread reads like a bad westwood show script.
::) :P

Dynos are about as much "climbing" as slack-lining is - tangential gimmickry, lauded by a few and irrelevant to most. Not least in the context of this thread where the further apart the holds are, the less of a climbing feature there actually is on the rock.

Anyway as you were, gents  ;)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: slackline on October 22, 2009, 01:26:28 pm
its anglo-jive all the way. I hate it when a thread reads like a bad westwood show script.
::) :P

Dynos are about as much "climbing" as slack-lining is - tangential gimmickry, lauded by a few and irrelevant to most. Not least in the context of this thread where the further apart the holds are, the less of a climbing feature there actually is on the rock.

Anyway as you were, gents  ;)

So what do you think of Sharma's dyno on that arch in the Med?

Finish to Barriers in Time?

C'mon, you've clearly not been reading PATRul's posts, you need to o p e n y o u r m i n d
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on October 22, 2009, 02:15:58 pm
Dynos are about as much "climbing" as slack-lining is - tangential gimmickry

So to extrapolate backwards, at what point does any dynamic movement become relevant to climbing? Lunging? Slapping? Deadpointing? Or is static 3-points-of-contact the only real climbing in your eyes? Not being pedantic, just intrigued by the viewpoint.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on October 22, 2009, 02:51:46 pm
On the other hand, doing dynos must be good for avoiding DVT.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on October 22, 2009, 03:06:26 pm
I dont hink dynos are real climbing, but take away all those routes that have a dynamic move in there and thats a good proportion or routes that would never be climbed

anyway what other type of climbing can you do when your drunk, slab? :-\
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on October 22, 2009, 03:08:51 pm
all those routes that have a dynamic move in there

especially since that is all of them, by definition.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fiend on October 22, 2009, 07:34:33 pm
Dave your earlier posts made a lot of kittens cry  >:(

Why is it that all the dyno afficianados are tall people anyway?? You'd have though they wouldn't have needed to do it....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Johnny Brown on October 22, 2009, 07:38:23 pm
Yeah Johnny Dawes, what a giant. You're talking nonsense Fiend. Suggesting dynos aren't climbing is about as forward looking as calling 'buttress climbs' 'unjustifiable'. Get with the fuckin programme, its 2009, this was supposed to be the future, where is my jetpack etc?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nik at work on October 22, 2009, 07:42:51 pm
I think dyno's are ace :thumbsup: and I am mostly all short.

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fiend on October 22, 2009, 07:44:52 pm
Dawes is an exception as well you know, and the midget massive has only just turned up on this thread HI NIK.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 22, 2009, 07:59:03 pm
A lot of Dynos are harder if you're tall, especially the ones with high feet.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nik at work on October 22, 2009, 08:05:24 pm
Shut up you lanky tart.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: rginns on October 22, 2009, 08:20:26 pm
 :agree: :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 22, 2009, 08:30:02 pm
I'm sick to the back teeth of these whinging short people, moaning about how hard done by they are and how far away holds are.
Not my fault you stopped growing prematurely  :-*
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on October 22, 2009, 10:10:44 pm
I'm sick to the back teeth of these whinging short people, moaning about how hard done by they are and how far away holds are.
Not my fault you stopped growing prematurely  :-*


I get it all the time, they're just jealous that we're 6 inches stronger.....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 22, 2009, 10:34:54 pm
I get it all the time, they're just jealous that we're 6 inches stronger.....

Nik's only 5'3", so it's more than 6 inches.

But what he lacks in height, he makes up for in whinging.   8)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on October 23, 2009, 01:14:23 pm
Thin white duke had to go to DEF CON 1 to do froggy dick after been beaten to victors ledge by a smaller, much heavier person
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Johnny Brown on October 23, 2009, 01:20:08 pm
I don't think the camp hand was helping.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: rodma on October 23, 2009, 01:33:12 pm
I get it all the time, they're just jealous that we're 6 inches stronger.....

Nik's only 5'3", so it's more than 6 inches.

But what he lacks in height, he makes up for in whinging.   8)

Jeez, I thought I was short.

There is definately a basic correlation between stature and size of chip on shoulder

Something like actual height + chip height = 6'6"

Above that height people stoop a little in a negative-chip way. This also goes some way to explain why scots (in general) display the largest chips on their shoulders.

Although, it has to be said that not everyones chip manifests itself in a feeling hard done by kind of way. Some of us are just ridiculously overcompetitive  ;D
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Andy B on October 23, 2009, 01:45:15 pm
There is definately a basic correlation between stature and size of chip on shoulder

Something like actual height + chip height = 6'6"

I think it's more like:

Chip size = size of people you climb with
                              height x span

I'm average height, with just under average span, but climb with a bunch of lanky streaks of piss, and have a colossal chip perched on my deltoid. I'm sure that if I climbed with Ru or Stu I'd be much less bitter. Of course then I'd probably give up climbing due to being burnt off all the time.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: rodma on October 23, 2009, 01:53:38 pm
There is definately a basic correlation between stature and size of chip on shoulder

Something like actual height + chip height = 6'6"

I think it's more like:

Chip size = size of people you climb with
                              height x span

I'm average height, with just under average span, but climb with a bunch of lanky streaks of piss, and have a colossal chip perched on my deltoid. I'm sure that if I climbed with Ru or Stu I'd be much less bitter. Of course then I'd probably give up climbing due to being burnt off all the time.

 :agree: I did think about a multiple

For indoor boulder problems it would be very similar to yours

(Height of setter - my height)^2 = how shit I will say the problem and or setting and or setter is (are)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on October 23, 2009, 02:14:01 pm
Classic toxic dwarf syndrome.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: robertostallioni on October 23, 2009, 02:56:53 pm
Thin white duke had to go to DEF CON 1 to do froggy dick after been beaten to victors ledge by a smaller, much heavier person

Trouser-free ascent for extra antigrav.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: mark s on October 23, 2009, 06:20:18 pm
its anglo-jive all the way. I hate it when a thread reads like a bad westwood show script.
::) :P

Dynos are about as much "climbing" as slack-lining is - tangential gimmickry, lauded by a few and irrelevant to most. Not least in the context of this thread where the further apart the holds are, the less of a climbing feature there actually is on the rock.

Anyway as you were, gents  ;)

Finish to Barriers in Time?

 :o :o
was scared doing it the normal way
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: mark s on October 23, 2009, 06:25:42 pm
A lot of Dynos are harder if you're tall, especially the ones with high feet.

agree there.
dyno's are also an easy way of massaging your ego in font,7's are alot more do'able.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Percy B on October 23, 2009, 06:53:38 pm
C'mon Jim. That ain't DEFCON 1, thats DEFCON 2.

DEFCON 1 is a bollock naked ascent - tried and tested on Loskotts Harvest Moon in the Deep South of the US many years ago. I would have been dead if a local redneck had caught me in the woods with nowt on, thus giving me the extra psyche needed for to dispatch!

DEFCON 1 is saved as a serious last resort though, honest :-[
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Johnny Brown on October 23, 2009, 07:00:40 pm
after been beaten to victors ledge by a smaller, much heavier person

None other than Shaun Ryder himself! I didn't even know he climbed, so imagine my delight at catching him burning off an almost-naked ex junior champion!

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nik at work on October 23, 2009, 07:32:07 pm
Ace t-shirt.

Not sure I like the way this thread seems to be suggesting I am a bitter and twisted dwarf...

(I am a bit taller than 5'3")
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 23, 2009, 08:01:48 pm
(I am a bit taller than 5'3")

Aye, 5' 31/2"
When you have to give your height in 1/2 inches, you're desperately trying to sound taller.  It's like when kids say they are 5 and 3/4, instead of 5.
It's sad that people can't just accept who they really are........

......SHORT ARSES!!!  :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on October 28, 2009, 08:40:31 am
dynos in font part 1 (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: slackline on October 28, 2009, 09:15:06 am
Nice vid (yet again!) Neil.

Fav is @1m20 looks very slopey holds to be hanging
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on October 28, 2009, 10:09:11 am
pif paf at cuvier, think jims fav
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on November 29, 2009, 05:10:46 pm
Can someone confirm which holds the 7 Foot Dyno at Pex goes from?  I'd heard it was from break to break, but I suspect it's holds 2 and 4 below, having been today and also looked at Pex and the City.  Going from 1 and 3 felt about 7a/+ but I only had a brief look.

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nik at work on November 29, 2009, 06:26:46 pm
Could you not just measure 7ft from the finishing hold and presumably the hold would be there?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on November 29, 2009, 06:56:14 pm
I did, but I want to be sure which holds are right.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy popp on November 29, 2009, 09:11:59 pm
I don't the answer I'm afraid Gareth (I hate dynos) but give us a shout if you come down this way again.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on November 29, 2009, 09:15:51 pm
Will do.  Next time Disney on Ice is on, and it isn't raining, I'll give you a shout :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy popp on November 29, 2009, 09:34:24 pm
I did wonder what the fuck you were doing at Pex on a day like today.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on November 29, 2009, 09:35:56 pm
Pex in the pissing rain.  Disney on Ice.

Tough choice  :-\
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: fatneck on November 30, 2009, 08:53:47 am
2 and 4 lad. Get it done!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on November 30, 2009, 05:39:14 pm
Thanks for that.  In which case, back to SCIENCE:

1. Rainbow Rocket  245cm  Franchard Sablons
2. Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3. Solid Air  228cm Eastby
4. Undercut Dyno  223cm  The Roaches
5. 7 foot dyno  213cm 215cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
6. The I.L.T. Dyno 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
7= Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
7= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
9. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
10. Robin's Dyno  198cm  Blackstone Edge
11. Greg's Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
12. 6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
13. Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
14= George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
14= The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
16. One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
17. Jumper's Dyno (aka Niche Dyno)  168cm  Brimham
18. Dynostrung 167cm  Brownstones
19. Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
20. Rick's Dyno  164cm  Jumbles
21. Mr. Tickle  162cm  Dumbarton
22. Young American  157cm  Stoney
23= Megatron  155cm Stoney
23= Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

Honorary mentions:
Zion ~260cm Clear Creek Canyon, Colorado
The Tank Boulder Project  170cm  Wimberry
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fiend on November 30, 2009, 06:09:05 pm
Why is Zion merely an honourary mention again?? Is it because it lacks the aesthetics of, say, the 7 foot Dyno??
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on November 30, 2009, 07:34:49 pm
Because nobody has formally measured it.

I guess the official list is thus:

1. Rainbow Rocket  245cm  Franchard Sablons
2. Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
3. Solid Air  228cm Eastby
4. Undercut Dyno  223cm  The Roaches
5. 7 foot dyno  215cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
6. The I.L.T. Dyno 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
7= Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
7= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
9. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
10. Robin's Dyno  198cm  Blackstone Edge
11. Greg's Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
12. 6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
13. Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
14= George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
14= The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
16. One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
17. Jumper's Dyno (aka Niche Dyno)  168cm  Brimham
18. Dynostrung 167cm  Brownstones
19. Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
20. Rick's Dyno  164cm  Jumbles
21. Mr. Tickle  162cm  Dumbarton
22. Young American  157cm  Stoney
23= Megatron  155cm Stoney
23= Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

Honorary mentions:
Zion ~260cm Clear Creek Canyon, Colorado
The Tank Boulder Project  170cm  Wimberry

Where those in italics are ones that haven'y been measured by the LankyDynometerTM.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nic mullin on March 20, 2010, 08:33:43 pm
new dyno in the wye valley down south, going back to distance 203cm around 7c ish worth a jump if you like dynos and your near by. There are a two others near by going from around 150cm to 175cm both good fun and about 7a+ ishjavascript:void(0);

Here's a couple of photos of this, and an eliminate version of it. Both are big, hard and unrepeated as far as I know. Get to it.

Original problem:

From the other side, showing the swing:

Eliminating the jug:


Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on March 20, 2010, 08:41:52 pm
Edited with back-links.

Original problem:

( (

From the other side, showing the swing:

( (
Eliminating the jug:

( (

EDIT:   Beat me to it Nic  :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy_e on March 21, 2010, 12:12:18 am
Nice one dyno dave. and nice pics as per nic.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on April 02, 2010, 06:15:37 pm
 :spam:cheers andi thanks Nic. Still lookin for bigger moves, swiz, Austria and Italy. I'll let ya kno if any turn up! :)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Drew on May 02, 2010, 11:02:55 pm
So I've now done the 5th biggest dyno in the World, and I only get 7A for it?

P.s. YYFY!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy_e on May 03, 2010, 12:40:40 am
when are you back from europe dave? you need to come up to leeds
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on May 21, 2010, 10:17:57 pm
hey andy, still in europe for a while. Been sniffing out sum jumps here and there, in val daone at mo (italy). Got a project dyno 244cm step up style, pretty difficult. Did one in cresciano dont kno if its been done before, and also one in magic that i dont kno if its new or not. Ill try and get sum pics of them put on the site. Ill be up to leeds deffinatly when i get back but so much to do around here, Mello next then Zillertal. hope ya well mate catch ya soon
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: moose on May 22, 2010, 07:50:32 am
A short flight.... but is it the hardest dyno?  It cropped up in piece on the hardest single move problems (and yes fellow accolytes, Gaskins was eventually mentioned in the thread).

Belly Flop V12/13 (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on May 22, 2010, 09:21:23 am
That video makes it look as if you can catch the lip with your hand on the undercut :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: slackline on May 22, 2010, 09:57:19 am
 :lol: Those face-plants are well funny, good job he had a ton of mats.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on May 22, 2010, 10:22:11 am
...and one to stand on to start.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: tomtom on May 22, 2010, 01:28:11 pm
There is some prime examples of nauseating 'beeeda' style californian come on 'send it' type drivel.... as well.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: rginns on May 28, 2010, 11:45:58 pm
Belly Flop V12/13 (

This guys a dick. "c'mon Chris, c'mon Chris, c'mon Chris, c'mon Chris, " Give it a rest.
Bag of toss
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fiend on May 29, 2010, 09:52:00 pm
That's more outwards than upwards and he makes will ackers seem restrained and dignified...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on May 30, 2010, 10:39:47 am
he makes will ackers seem restrained and dignified...

I am
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on June 25, 2010, 10:29:43 am
Check out this jump by Dave Gater. This guy really can fly it seems. Haven't been able to slow it down at work but I'm sure it'll look amazing in shlo mo.
It's an FA in a place called Daone, Italy. He's on a bit trip around Europe at the moment and done quite a few big dyno FAs. This one is 253/4 cm making it bigger than Rainbow Rocket and with worse holds. He didn't give it a grade.
Good effort mate!

Dave's Massive....Italian Dyno (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: JamesD on June 25, 2010, 11:15:31 am
A short flight.... but is it the hardest dyno?  It cropped up in piece on the hardest single move problems (and yes fellow accolytes, Gaskins was eventually mentioned in the thread).

Belly Flop V12/13 (

I almost cried with laughter watching this!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on June 25, 2010, 01:14:27 pm
Nice video Tom, gotta love dynos!!!  Out of interest, how tall is Dave?  I note he can get his hand on the final hold with his foot on the starting handhold, which for me is about 240cm:


*This is not a criticism of Dave or his dyno, 'cos I reckon it looks ace.  But this thread is based on SCIENCE. 
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on June 25, 2010, 01:33:34 pm
You might be comitting the classic error of parallax there. Foot is in line with finishing hold, but not necessarily on? Finish hold is quite a lot to the left.

A2 = B2 + C2
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on June 25, 2010, 01:45:57 pm
What are you talking about.  The measurement is from start hold A to finish hold B.  At one point foot is on the start hold and hand is on the finishing hold.  So the measurement is AB, which is how far you can reach.

Unless dynos are now measured round corners?   :P
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on June 25, 2010, 01:56:59 pm
No worries. He's measured it with a tape and he's a tradesman so it's certainly 253/4. the angle doesn't show you the full size. Here's a pic:

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Drew on June 25, 2010, 01:57:52 pm
I think the confusion arises in the point at which the foot ceases contact with the starting handhold. I think the foot comes off, just as the hand reaches the top. Incidentally, is this a bit of an eliminate? It looks like he could just go straight up to a much closer hold. What are the rules regarding eliminates?

Also... is that pic an attachment in an email? That would explain why I can't see it.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on June 25, 2010, 02:02:06 pm
Straight up is an existing dyno at about 7a. I wouldn't agree with eliminate, just variation. Think Rainbow Rocket boulder has a few dynos to different heights from the same hold. This doesn't make any less of a great dyno!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on June 25, 2010, 02:07:30 pm
No worries. He's measured it with a tape and he's a tradesman so it's certainly 253/4. the angle doesn't show you the full size. Here's a pic:

Code: [Select]|0|8CCE0EFA45C1120||

Something wrong with your link Tom.

Drew, I've downloaded it and checked it frame by frame (yes, I'm sad) and his toe is still on the starting hold when his hand is above (gone further and about to come back down on) the finishing hold (see picture in my previous post).  So if he stands on right tip toe and does a full reach with his left hand, the dyno is a bit less than that.  Which is where I get my 240cm from, so his reach is 14/15cm more than mine.

Eliminate?  It's a dyno, the point is the challenge, the technique and the timing.  As far as I'm concerned if there's an obvious start and an obvious finish it's a perfect target for a dyno.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on June 25, 2010, 02:10:13 pm
Think Rainbow Rocket boulder has a few dynos to different heights from the same hold. This doesn't make any less of a great dyno!

all the rainbow rocket dynos go from seperate holds, bar the rainbox rocket starting hold itself might actulaly have a 7c+ straight up (rainbow rocket) and maybe a 7b+ diagonally leftward - not really eliminates, more like seperate lines. (My memory of this boulder might not be 100% though).
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on June 25, 2010, 02:18:48 pm
Sorry, here you go, let me know if this doesn't work:


Yes, he is tall.

"the rainbox rocket starting hold itself might actulaly have a 7c+ straight up (rainbow rocket) and maybe a 7b+ diagonally leftward - not really eliminates, more like seperate lines."

The same as this then?

"Eliminate?  It's a dyno, the point is the challenge, the technique and the timing.  As far as I'm concerned if there's an obvious start and an obvious finish it's a perfect target for a dyno."

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Johnny Brown on June 25, 2010, 02:41:08 pm
That's photo's genius. Classic tradesman's trick - 'I'll just measure up for the parts', 'hmm, bit for them, bit for me'. I bet his garage is like aladdin's cave...

GCW, you're a genius, more accurate than a man with a tape measure.

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on June 25, 2010, 02:45:40 pm
Where does a hold start anyway? If you measure it to the start of the chalk it's only about 244cm. Are there RULES? Or is there only SCIENCE?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on June 25, 2010, 03:20:01 pm
RULES can be broken.
SCIENCE is irrefutable.

The way I measure it is from the highest bit you have a hand on to the nearest bit/lip of the target hold.  Call me harsh, but like the budget, I'm fair.


1. Dave Gators' Dyno  254cm  Daone, Italy
2.  Rainbow Rocket  245cm  Franchard Sablons
3. Iberia  238cm Navalossa, Spain
4. Solid Air  228cm Eastby
5. Undercut Dyno  223cm  The Roaches
6. 7 foot dyno  215cm  The Glorious, Majestic Pex Hill Quarry
7. The I.L.T. Dyno 207cm  Brownstones Quarry
8= Quent's Dyno 205cm  Stoney
8= Turbo Kleenex 205cm Albarracin, Spain
10. Ridiculous Dyno  204cm  Brownstones
11. Robin's Dyno  198cm  Blackstone Edge
12. Greg's Dyno  195cm  Trowbarow
13. 6 Foot Sicks  188cm  Trowbarrow
14. Kirton Dyno  180cm  Stoney
15= George's Wall Dyno  175cm  Stoney
15= The Buckstone Dyno  175cm
17. One Arm Bandit  170cm  Stoney
18. Jumper's Dyno (aka Niche Dyno)  168cm  Brimham
19. Dynostrung 167cm  Brownstones
20. Nexus Dyno  165cm  Brownstones (the original V4 is the furthest, so far)
21. Rick's Dyno  164cm  Jumbles
22. Mr. Tickle  162cm  Dumbarton
23. Young American  157cm  Stoney
24= Megatron  155cm Stoney
24= Unjust Dyno  155cm  Brownstones

Honorary mentions:
Zion ~260cm Clear Creek Canyon, Colorado
The Tank Boulder Project  170cm  Wimberry
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on June 25, 2010, 06:14:15 pm
List transferred to the Wiki (, so further list updates will stay there so as to avoid cluttering this thread.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on June 26, 2010, 01:28:39 pm
I think this Daone dyno should be held off the official list. At least till GWC has measured it with his method, from which part of start hold to which part of finish etc. But at least it's a reference to a large dyno.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on June 26, 2010, 01:31:41 pm
Sorry GCW.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on June 26, 2010, 01:39:55 pm
It's noted which ones weren't measured by me, but it looks good so lets leave it on there.  Plus I doubt I'll be going there any time soon.  Although when I go to Font this year I must remember my tape measure.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on July 04, 2010, 10:44:26 am
It seems Wyler Skeeks has now latched 285cm. (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Johnny Brown on July 05, 2010, 05:13:28 pm
Word on the street is that Skyler has made room in his hectic circuit of world ranking jumping competitions for a day out on the grit. Guess where he's headed?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: slackline on July 05, 2010, 05:21:47 pm
Kinder Scout?

(More realistically Buckstone Dyno and Deliverance)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Johnny Brown on July 05, 2010, 05:32:52 pm
I'll give you a clue - it rhymes with Quim-sherry.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Paul B on July 05, 2010, 06:17:37 pm
project dyno thing that you're pictured on?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Baldy on July 27, 2010, 03:13:29 pm
I reckon Froggy Dick has to be quite long, and it has an amusingly immature name.


No idea how long. But Anthony is about 6 foot 3 I think (guestimate) and he barely made it.
2m+ I would guess...?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: slackline on July 27, 2010, 03:21:52 pm
I reckon Froggy Dick has to be quite long, and it has an amusingly immature name.


No idea how long. But Anthony is about 6 foot 3 I think (guestimate) and he barely made it.
2m+ I would guess...?

You've pasted the URL of the page that displays the picture rather than the URL of the image itself.  See here ( for how to embed images, with particular detail on pictures hosted at Flickr (although if you're on the "new" Flickr page layout the Greasmonkey script option won't work as its designed to work with the old style pages).
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on July 27, 2010, 03:28:43 pm

If he's 6'3" and the starting handhold is by his shin, it's a lot shorter than the Roaches Dyno  (which is 223cm).  Could be 2m though.

However, I am off to Font soon and I will take the Official Dyno Measurerer with me.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Baldy on July 27, 2010, 04:00:21 pm
For sure - First attempt at embedding photos, perhaps next time I wont be such a failure  :(

I just read back and froggy dick has already been posted. But I still thought it was super impressive when he did it, not the longest ever, but more than I could think about touching.
Needs a tape measure so we can get science on the business.

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Steamboat Stello on July 27, 2010, 04:14:33 pm
I'm guessing from the lack of announcements that Skyler didn't get the Wimberry dyno project? Was he close though?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Johnny Brown on July 27, 2010, 04:24:58 pm
Not heard anything since they told me they were going. Its more technical than big, and conditions on the day weren't ideal, so I didn't rate his chances that highly, but then again he is Skyler Fucking Weeks.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Rob F on July 27, 2010, 08:51:14 pm
Not heard anything since they told me they were going. Its more technical than big, and conditions on the day weren't ideal, so I didn't rate his chances that highly, but then again he is Skyler Fucking Weeks.

Hit the edge twice but unable to hold. When went back had ragged his skin from dynoing his way round stanage and unable to complete unfortunately. Went down south for some DWS dynos before heading home.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on July 27, 2010, 10:32:56 pm

If he's 6'3" and the starting handhold is by his shin, it's a lot shorter than the Roaches Dyno  (which is 223cm).  Could be 2m though.

However, I am off to Font soon and I will take the Official Dyno Measurerer with me.

froggy dick is small, you dont have to jump really if your 6 foot and above, more or a quick step up
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on July 27, 2010, 10:40:13 pm
about 220 for froggy dick, just measured it
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on July 27, 2010, 10:41:42 pm
It's noted which ones weren't measured by me, but it looks good so lets leave it on there.  Plus I doubt I'll be going there any time soon.  Although when I go to Font this year I must remember my tape measure.

shame you here when i go away, if you forget your tape measure you can borrow minw  :)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on July 27, 2010, 10:46:29 pm
I've packed it already, just in case  :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Baldy on July 27, 2010, 11:37:41 pm
good man for getting out there quickly with the tape measure

(by the way neil I think I accidentally left my copy of echo wall in one of your gites - but I took your copy of pilgrimage in my computer disk tray. Maybe we can swap back if I return?)

and re:
you dont have to jump really if your 6 foot and above, more or a quick step up

rather too much technique and dynamism for my liking.

How far is slam? - that has to be fairly high no?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on July 27, 2010, 11:50:02 pm
good man for getting out there quickly with the tape measure

(by the way neil I think I accidentally left my copy of echo wall in one of your gites - but I took your copy of pilgrimage in my computer disk tray. Maybe we can swap back if I return?)

and re:
you dont have to jump really if your 6 foot and above, more or a quick step up

rather too much technique and dynamism for my liking.

you can keep pilgrimage its rubbish, but you can ave echo wall back  ;D

How far is slam? - that has to be fairly high no?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: mark s on July 30, 2010, 02:40:08 pm
just been reading up on the skyler dyno 'zion'. seems v8 is the grade now,but skyler keeps bringing up the old chestnut that he used differant foot holds.well thats the way it is,if its easier the v8 way did he not use them.
is he in charge of his own hype?
can he do real hard dynos? saw chris grahams catapult at kyloe yesterday.that looks seriously hard.not a million miles but tough as.....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Johnny Brown on July 30, 2010, 03:40:37 pm
It would seem so: (

There is so much rock in the near 50 miles to where i'm staying that it blows my mind. This place is also made for dynoing which is excellent! After the world record I put my best effort to get the FA of the Wimberry Dyno. This has been said to be one of the worlds hardest dyno projects and has been tried since 1990. The best climbers in the world have tried and failed! I gave it everything I had and landed in the end jug's lip 2 times and got spat sad!
Today I cleaned and found a HUGE project in Stanage that I also landed in the lip of teh jug 2 or 3 times! My whole body is aching and i'm bleeding from 6 fingers as I type haha... I have exented my stay in sheffield/peak distric to finish off these First Ascents until they go down! Rest day tomorrow... So excited!

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: mark s on July 30, 2010, 04:49:18 pm
haha, how unfortunate(fortunate) for the police to be there to stop him soloing that arch.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on August 03, 2010, 01:44:07 pm
Well, Dave Gater has done it again! He recently got the FA of a mamouth dyno in Mlynsky Vrch, Czech Repubilc, whilst on his Euro tour. The 'Czech Chuck' is the biggest dyno he's ever done and larger than his recent addition in Daone, Italy. He hasn't given a measurement (to aviod controversy) but it has to be up there (or further) with the biggest around.
I have to say, I've seen a lot of dynos and I've seen him crush many 8a dynos with ease and this looks like one of his finest. He is easily the most naturally talented dynoer I've ever seen, nearly sending Catapult years ago in a couple of sessions before a series of injuries stopped him. Here's a vid of a failed attempt but he does have one of him sending it. Unfotunately, he's having problems sending that one over. It's also worth noting that he did this on his own over a very bad and slopey landing. Enjoy:

The Czech Chuck (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fiend on August 03, 2010, 03:22:04 pm
That looks vast!

Don't see how not measuring it avoids controversy.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: rootask on August 03, 2010, 05:20:39 pm
2nd gen! good work dave
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: robertostallioni on August 03, 2010, 05:27:33 pm
Tom. I quite liked the look of his shirt, but unfortunately it was out of shot before I clocked the brand. Perhaps in future it would be possible to designate  a few seconds at either the end, or better still the beginning of these video shorts to advertise any fancy clothing/equipment?  :)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on August 03, 2010, 10:30:17 pm
Now that's a good idea  :-\ Afriad I can't help you with this one either.
Incredible looking dyno! Pretty good effort to put up to massive and impressive dynos (this one and one in Daone, Italy) in two countries a few weeks apart.

FA of The Czech Chuck (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on August 04, 2010, 09:10:13 am
It would seem so: (

We went out to Dumble Door tonight

Seems like someone is struggling to tell the difference between Harry Potter and Dorset Geography,

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on August 11, 2010, 03:07:48 pm
Just out of interest does anyone know what kind of distance Sousis D'air is at St Germain? I have been looking at sum pictures and it looks quite big. Neil maybe you could help if your in the woods with your tape.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on August 12, 2010, 10:14:28 pm
Does anyone know if Catapult at Kyloe has seen a second ascent yet?

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Fiend on August 12, 2010, 10:27:26 pm
FA of The Czech Chuck
That is mental, love the foot jump, one of the few genuinely interesting dyno things I've seen.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on August 13, 2010, 11:57:35 am
Does anyone know if Catapult at Kyloe has seen a second ascent yet?


Don't think so. Don't think Chris has even repeated it. One ascent and that's it as far as I'm aware. The only person I've heard of getting really close is Dave and that was just after the FA many years ago. Got footage of him hitting the break again and again and nearly holding it a couple of times. Injury stopped him but hopefully when he gets back strong from his Euro mission he'll give it another go.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jaspersharpe on August 13, 2010, 12:18:22 pm
Tom. I quite liked the look of his shirt, but unfortunately it was out of shot before I clocked the brand. Perhaps in future it would be possible to designate  a few seconds at either the end, or better still the beginning of these video shorts to advertise any fancy clothing/equipment?  :)

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on August 13, 2010, 02:45:05 pm
Does anyone know if Catapult at Kyloe has seen a second ascent yet?


Don't think so. Don't think Chris has even repeated it. One ascent and that's it as far as I'm aware. The only person I've heard of getting really close is Dave and that was just after the FA many years ago. Got footage of him hitting the break again and again and nearly holding it a couple of times. Injury stopped him but hopefully when he gets back strong from his Euro mission he'll give it another go.

I didn't think anyone had repeated it, I thought Earl may have done it at some point.

I did the same last weekend. I have footage of myself hitting the break several times. I'm pretty sure I would have done it last week but i had to stop trying because it destroyed my girly skin. Off next weekend to finish the job hopefully.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on August 13, 2010, 06:50:01 pm
Get it done mate!!! Would be a really good would monk life. You tried that?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on August 13, 2010, 07:19:31 pm
Just out of interest does anyone know what kind of distance Sousis D'air is at St Germain? I have been looking at sum pictures and it looks quite big. Neil maybe you could help if your in the woods with your tape.

I was actually going there today, tape measure in hand, but it started pissing down so I never made it.

However, I've updated the official dyno list on the wiki.  Have a look. (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: benj_d on August 15, 2010, 01:36:45 am
Does anyone know if Catapult at Kyloe has seen a second ascent yet?


Interesting...  :-\ on the other channel someone has ticked it on 9/8/10 apparently but they are set as 'hidden'.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on August 15, 2010, 10:59:55 am
Just out of interest does anyone know what kind of distance Sousis D'air is at St Germain? I have been looking at sum pictures and it looks quite big. Neil maybe you could help if your in the woods with your tape.

its not far, I can span between the two holds, but its a sidways dyno and the crux is holding the hold because its rubbish, dont bother
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: chillax on August 15, 2010, 03:07:52 pm
on the other channel someone has ticked it on 9/8/10 apparently but they are set as 'hidden'.

Let me guess, marked down as "TR, Dnf"?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on August 15, 2010, 03:16:20 pm
Oh right, well it looked quite far. Totally cut loose from the rock between holds. I thought it was actully a very gd dyno. I think the crimp is essential to stick the swing, but as distance goes do we have an idea?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on August 15, 2010, 03:20:58 pm

Oh right, well it looked quite far. Totally cut loose from the rock between holds. I thought it was actully a very gd dyno. I think the crimp is essential to stick the swing, but as distance goes do we have an idea?

its not far, I can span between the two holds, but its a sidways dyno and the crux is holding the hold because its rubbish, dont bother
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: benj_d on August 15, 2010, 04:26:42 pm
on the other channel someone has ticked it on 9/8/10 apparently but they are set as 'hidden'.

Let me guess, marked down as "TR, Dnf"?

Obviously not or else i wouldnt have commented on it. It just says 'sent'.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on August 16, 2010, 09:07:27 pm
on the other channel someone has ticked it on 9/8/10 apparently but they are set as 'hidden'.

Let me guess, marked down as "TR, Dnf"?

Obviously not or else i wouldnt have commented on it. It just says 'sent'.

I thought someone would have heard about it if it had got a second ascent? I was down there trying it on the 7th! Bugger!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: benj_d on August 16, 2010, 11:07:09 pm
on the other channel someone has ticked it on 9/8/10 apparently but they are set as 'hidden'.

Let me guess, marked down as "TR, Dnf"?

Obviously not or else i wouldnt have commented on it. It just says 'sent'.

I thought someone would have heard about it if it had got a second ascent? I was down there trying it on the 7th! Bugger!

Just what i thought! although if they are set as hidden it could just be a modest person who has done it and uses ukc just as a record for himself. I'll probably see Chris on wednesday so i'll ask if he knows anything about this.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: mark s on August 17, 2010, 02:24:25 pm
Wonder if the same 'hidden' who has done the darkside at back bowden
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on August 18, 2010, 10:43:40 pm
Wonder if the same 'hidden' who has done the darkside at back bowden


I'm sure if it's been done we'll find out who's done it.............
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy_e on August 18, 2010, 11:29:18 pm
It was Medwards on a family holiday. He thought it E13 6c though.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on August 22, 2010, 03:38:47 am
Catapult 8a+ (

2nd ascent?

My mate Tom asked Springer and he seems to think so.

Get in!  :P
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Johnny Brown on August 22, 2010, 09:23:42 am
Fuckin' hell Will, good effort!!  :o How long did it take you? Looked like you could have gone further too. You should get yourself over to Wimberry.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on August 22, 2010, 09:50:48 am
Cheers man.

3rd go, second session. Under 20 attempts I reckon.

Psyched!  :)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jim on August 22, 2010, 11:06:27 am
What Johnny said  :o :jaw:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: richieb on August 22, 2010, 04:24:23 pm
Yep thats a great effort. I was totally gob smacked by catapult when I first saw it in the flesh. Nice one.   
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on August 22, 2010, 07:23:32 pm
As said elsewhere Will, nice one.

(and nice one you too richie).
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on August 22, 2010, 07:46:15 pm
Cheers guys, I'm well happy!

I might have to make a trip to Wimberry in the winter for some more jumping around!  :bounce:

Does anyone know of it having another ascent? Is the UKC log a load of bull?  :shrug:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Paul B on August 22, 2010, 07:50:31 pm
I would take the UKC log with a large pinch of salt...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on August 22, 2010, 10:32:19 pm
Nice one word. Catapult is one of the most ridicolous looking things I've ever seen. It looks about 8d. For that reason alone I bet its had fuckall repeats, difficulty of climbing notwithstanding.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Baldy on August 22, 2010, 10:35:59 pm
Cheers guys, I'm well happy

That's funny, you sounded a little glum in the video...

You made it look so easy though, where is the difficulty?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Paul B on August 22, 2010, 10:36:57 pm
aren't you all spelling it wrong? I could swear the first reports had it as Caterpult but that might just be me  ;)

Edit, the right hand is in a shit shallow mono, the left hand is on an undercut. Its fucking miles too.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on August 22, 2010, 10:56:05 pm
i thought the left hand was a juggy rugosity thing? The mono is pretty shallow and slopey, but i suppose the footholds are good/big.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on August 22, 2010, 10:57:24 pm
aren't you all spelling it wrong? I could swear the first reports had it as Caterpult but that might just be me  ;)

Edit, the right hand is in a shit shallow mono, the left hand is on an undercut. Its fucking miles too.

According to UKC log book it's Catapult, according to Springers video it's Caterpult, hmmmmm  :-\

The Mono is piss poor and it's really hard to get your feet up as well, plus it's miles!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Paul B on August 22, 2010, 10:59:27 pm
Dave - Juggy, rugositys can't also be undercuts?  :shrug:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on August 22, 2010, 11:02:21 pm
Dave - Juggy, rugositys can't also be undercuts?  :shrug:

It's a bit of both.......... :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on August 22, 2010, 11:05:21 pm
Dave - Juggy, rugositys can't also be undercuts?  :shrug:

I never said it wasn't an undercut....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on August 22, 2010, 11:07:47 pm
I heard you jump from a slopy jug and a four finger mono to the break, which is a gaston undercut.

Well, distance?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on August 22, 2010, 11:08:52 pm

Well, distance?

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: SA Chris on August 23, 2010, 09:21:26 am
Wonder if the same 'hidden' who has done the darkside at back bowden

Maybe there's some young mutant dark horse in the County. Did anyone see a bicycle parked at either Back Bowden or Kyloe Out really early one morning? Or a wandering Spanish spotter?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on August 23, 2010, 08:36:22 pm
Respect willackers! I've been there, but not as far as u! Gd work, from sustenpass!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: benj_d on August 24, 2010, 02:13:57 am

Does anyone know of it having another ascent? Is the UKC log a load of bull?  :shrug:

Sorry forgot to post back on here..

Spoke to Chris on friday about this thread and the ukc claim. He wasnt aware of another ascent. He did mention a friend of a friend called tom in edinburgh trying it though, am guessing this is you! Big well done!!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: mark s on August 24, 2010, 11:05:29 am
I heard you jump from a slopy jug and a four finger mono to the break, which is a gaston undercut.

Well, distance?

Got to love those 4 finger mono's :-)

Good effort on catapult.
Not only a big jump but more importantly it looks technical(if a dyno can be technical)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Krank on August 25, 2010, 09:22:30 am
spotted these on the other channel this morning. Both over 250cm, quite a long way

FA of The Czech Chuck (

Dave's Massive Italian Dyno (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: slackline on August 25, 2010, 09:43:38 am
Both already in the thread  ;)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Krank on August 25, 2010, 09:47:07 am
oops, seems ukc news is 2 pages behind us in reporting, i am shocked
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on August 25, 2010, 10:52:32 pm
I heard you jump from a slopy jug and a four finger mono to the break, which is a gaston undercut

Sounds like shagging to me!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on August 25, 2010, 10:55:53 pm
I wonder If you know about the massive Dyno project near Kentmere...
I have done one Jug to Jug rt wards,
The Jug on the lft I have latched loads but never held the swing...
ring any bells???
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on August 25, 2010, 11:06:56 pm
Is that the thing at Tongue Scar, Pat?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on August 25, 2010, 11:10:20 pm
going to keep a little quiet about it... cause its a little bit brilliant.
the start jug is located to the right of both finishing holds... so its a diagonal trajectory.
Its well on the beaten track. Just not obvious at all!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on August 25, 2010, 11:22:07 pm
Cool, let me know when you get it done so I can measure it :lol:

I should get back on  my dyno projects, although my knees may never thank me for it.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on August 25, 2010, 11:28:01 pm
I am doing all the Tors around the South West... Not many dynos!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on August 25, 2010, 11:28:34 pm
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jaspersharpe on August 26, 2010, 07:40:29 am
Hey Pat, they were selling a beer in The Sheaf last week called "Idle Eyes". I found it amusing. :beer2:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Idol eyes on August 26, 2010, 10:20:28 am
I bet it was strong, dark... had a great body... and no one liked it!!!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Jaspersharpe on August 26, 2010, 10:33:10 am

Didn't try it, too expensive.....
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy_e on August 26, 2010, 10:50:02 am
I saw that in he hunters the other week too...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 16, 2010, 07:52:12 am
37 meter dyno, take some to beat this  ;D

37 m Kingswing Dyno! (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on September 16, 2010, 08:26:51 am

That's awesome!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 16, 2010, 07:20:31 pm
ok my new font dyno vid for you all to enjoy, I had to erase the last one as my new official font dyno list didnt have half of them on there

So 157 dynos in font above 7a, here are is the first 50 for you

Part 1 of dyno dose (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nik at work on September 16, 2010, 07:45:01 pm
I predict GCW will fully spunk his pants when he sees that.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 16, 2010, 07:51:38 pm
he already did when I sent him the list and a tape measure,
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: nik at work on September 16, 2010, 07:54:37 pm
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on September 17, 2010, 12:11:26 am
Still 134 to measure.......
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on September 17, 2010, 08:04:18 pm
ok measure these, in order of the video

52 gerald 7c
Basta 7a+
Bigmak 7b
Boysfly 7a
Toubis or toubid 7a
Lentre deau 7a
Cannonball 7b
Surplomb de la coquille direct 7a+
Le 9 dur 7a
Double jeu jete 7a+
Smash 7b
Crapovski 7a+
Deua foux un plats real 7c
Double dyno at gorge oux chats 6c
Fanny chipie 7b
Froggy dick 7b
Gasthaus unterslag 7c
Immodium assis 7b+
Jafresse airline connexction7b+
Jakori droit 7b+
Jet deau 7a+
Jet set 7a
L'Ange Naf 7c
Jet set at manoury 7a
Jump 7b
Jump at st germain 7b+
Kangaroo city 7b
La danseur 7b
Le bivouac assis 7c
Le jue de pomme 7a
L;oblique 7a
Megawatt 7c+
Mortal transfert 7b
Movment activated 7b
Naufrage dun illusion 7a+
Nouvelle vague 7b+
Phobos moon 7c+
Peter pan 7b+
Rainbow rocket 7c+
Soiree bresilienne 7b
Sur-prisses 7b+
Sylphide 7a
Un explosion de bonhier 7b
Vin rouge 7a
Vision descaflowne 7a
Voltex 7b+
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on September 17, 2010, 09:53:52 pm
ok measure these, in order of the video

52 gerald 7c
Basta 7a+
Bigmak 7b
Boysfly 7a
Toubib or toubib 7a  96cm
Lentre deau 7a
Cannonball 7b  210cm
Surplomb de la coquille direct 7a+
Le 9 dur 7a
Double jeu jete 7a+
Smash 7b 228cm
Crapovski 7a+
Deua foux un plats real 7c
Double dyno at gorge oux chats 6c
Fanny chipie 7b
Froggy dick 7b  216cm
Gasthaus unterslag 7c
Immodium assis 7b+
Jafresse airline connexction7b+
Jakori droit 7b+  158cm
Jet deau 7a+
Jet set 7a 
L'Ange Naf 7c
Jet set at manoury 7a
Jump 7b
Jump at st germain 7b+
Kangaroo city 7b
La danseur 7b
Le bivouac assis 7c
Le jue de pomme 7a
L'oblique 7a
Megawatt 7c+
Mortal transfert 7b  200cm
Movment activated 7b  216cm
Naufrage dun illusion 7a+
Nouvelle vague 7b+
Phobos moon 7c+
Peter pan 7b+
Rainbow rocket 7c+  234cm
Soiree bresilienne 7b
Sur-prises 7b+
Sylphide 7a  173cm
Un explosion de bonhier 7b
Vin rouge 7a+  194cm
Vision descaflowne 7a
Voltex 7b+  221cm

Give us a special discount and we'll come to measure more   :P
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on October 05, 2010, 05:14:10 pm
ok did a little measuring in the forest today

my new dyno the big G at franchard raymond 180cm goes at 7a+
the project dyno, we were hitting the holds but it was wet 240cm its going to be big, 40 degree overhanging and jumping up and sidways, will post some footage soon
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on October 14, 2010, 07:29:20 pm
Well, after going to Spian for 2 weeks to meet Dave Gater, he amazed me with his dynoing skills. We went to Escorial (very conditions dependant) where he sent a 7c+ in a few goes and an 8a dyno in 4 goes (incidentally called Catapult). We then went to Navalosa, where he nearly flashed Iberia, an incredible dyno on a perfect block. He did it second go - easily. This is well known for being a big, far dyno and settled at 8a. He then proceeded to do the sit start into the dyno at 8a+. The climbing is technical and thin. It took several goes for him to latch the dyno start holds but he then did the dyno as soon as he completed the start.

Then it was off to Albarracin, where he flashed Turbo Kleenex - 8a. He then proved how easy he found it by doing it double in a couple of goes!!!

This is an awesome acheivement and shows how talented he is at dynos (he has climbed an 8a "proper problem" too). If he finds all those 8as so easy then think how hard those FAs in Czech and Italy must be!!! They still remain ungraded. I've been climbing for a while now and never seen anyone who can dyno like him

I have footage and vids of all of this (plus lots of other cool photos of hard and not so hard but nice stuff). I can't upload it for a week or two so watch this space
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 14, 2010, 07:38:59 pm
You almost write like you're trying to quieten neighsayers, of which there are none.

I look forward to the vid.  I hope you measured the appropriate dynos.  If not, get back around  :lol:
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on October 14, 2010, 08:01:20 pm
No, not at all. Just thought it was news worthy as I found it very impressive! We did take some measurements but can't remember what they were
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: GCW on October 14, 2010, 08:28:28 pm
Agree it's most impressive!

We did take some measurements but can't remember what they were

Bloody useless  ;)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on October 14, 2010, 08:39:28 pm
I know  ;)

I'll see if Dave wrote them down
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on October 14, 2010, 10:05:58 pm
Well, after going to Spian for 2 weeks to meet Dave Gater, he amazed me with his dynoing skills. We went to Escorial (very conditions dependant) where he sent a 7c+ in a few goes and an 8a dyno in 4 goes (incidentally called Catapult). We then went to Navalosa, where he nearly flashed Iberia, an incredible dyno on a perfect block. He did it second go - easily. This is well known for being a big, far dyno and settled at 8a. He then proceeded to do the sit start into the dyno at 8a+. The climbing is technical and thin. It took several goes for him to latch the dyno start holds but he then did the dyno as soon as he completed the start.

Then it was off to Albarracin, where he flashed Turbo Kleenex - 8a. He then proved how easy he found it by doing it double in a couple of goes!!!

This is an awesome acheivement and shows how talented he is at dynos (he has climbed an 8a "proper problem" too). If he finds all those 8as so easy then think how hard those FAs in Czech and Italy must be!!! They still remain ungraded. I've been climbing for a while now and never seen anyone who can dyno like him

I have footage and vids of all of this (plus lots of other cool photos of hard and not so hard but nice stuff). I can't upload it for a week or two so watch this space

Impressive stuff!  :bow:

After all that dyno practice he should returning and crushing catapult then!  :)
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on November 09, 2010, 12:09:38 pm
Here's a vid of Dave sending Toy Story in Spain. Whilst climbing at Escorial (where Dave sent several hard dynos) a couple of locals told us about a dyno that was done over 10 years ago and thought to be 8b/8b+. It had never had a repeat. SInce then loads of strong spanish climbers have tried it including Danni Andrada. Danni apparently said he thought it was at least 8b. Along comes Dave and does it in a few sessions.

Toy Story:

Toy story (
Thanks to Miguel  and for the vid

Also, have a look at this little vid I threw together. It includes an FA of a very hard dyno project at Escorial at the end. Unfortunaltey the footage doesn't do it justice but Dave reckoned it is as hard as Toy Story. Take a look at the second ascent of Iberia SDS (8a+) too. Well impressive!!/Dave%20Crushing.wmv (!/Dave%20Crushing.wmv)

(Can't seem to embed, if anyone can feel free to)

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Baldy on November 09, 2010, 12:40:39 pm
Top class dynoage. :bow:
but did you measure any of them?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on November 09, 2010, 12:52:33 pm
Dave did but I haven't got any of the measurements. I'll try and find out and get back to you
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: TomP on November 09, 2010, 01:27:24 pm
Ok here are the distances:

Iberia: 247cm
Turbo Kleenex: 202cm
Catapult: 171cm
Saturn: 242cm
Toy Story: 180cm
Anticristo (not in vid), 7c+ at Escorial: 208cm

Czech Chuck: 260cm
Daone asaur (Daone, Italy): 252cm

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Baldy on November 09, 2010, 02:08:32 pm
I genuinely didn't expect a reply to that.
Top class.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on November 09, 2010, 07:46:12 pm

Nice one, Toy Story looks nails!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: neil h on November 09, 2010, 09:00:20 pm
me and mike are on it, its raining here in font, were of to spain for some toy story action
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on July 14, 2011, 02:07:36 pm
Two pretty boring questions, 1- heard a word that Mr Weekes has been in the UK over the summer checking out some project jumps. Anyone know how he got on, or what he ticked?
2- How is the 240cm sideways 40 degree over hanging project of yours going Neil? Sounds super interesting, would love to see some footage or pics of it.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on April 25, 2012, 03:36:40 pm
So worlds hardest! Ive seen one called Golden Gate at Silvapark, weighs in at 8b. Not sure if its a straight out dyno or a few moves, anybody seen it or has pics?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on April 25, 2012, 04:43:10 pm
Golden Gate


silvretta-bouldern.avi (
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on April 25, 2012, 05:24:30 pm
I'm guessing 8A+/8B is as hard as dynos currently go.

In the UK, Caterpult, Walk Away, some jumps in Wales?

Though if sitstart dynos get a look-in (they probably shouldn't), this looks tough:

Feed The Need 8a+ (

Just had a quick google, and there are a couple of V12 dynos in the states.

Belly Flop - (

The Flying Dutchman - (

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on April 25, 2012, 06:10:36 pm
Well that was what I was thinking, do they stop around 8a+/8b? This flying dutchman thing looks crazy! As I thought that Golden Gate is a problem with a dyno in it, the description I read just said dyno. Walk Away, is this in the lakes? Again Ive never seen this, need to get out a bit more I think! Thanks for putting up these vid links r-man.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: r-man on April 25, 2012, 06:59:18 pm
Walk Away is the Gaskins special at Fairy Steps, tiny holds on a vertical wall. Both repeaters used a dyno, rather than the high step done on the FA.

Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on April 25, 2012, 07:43:15 pm
Shoot! And that gets 8b! Holds must be non existent! Interesting to see, its defiantly not your average looking dyno!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on April 25, 2012, 08:58:44 pm
Mr Tickle Extension 8a+ (FA) (

This is still un-repeated  :whistle:
Title: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: Oldmanmatt on April 25, 2012, 09:07:59 pm
Mr Tickle Extension 8a+ (FA) (

This is still un-repeated  :whistle:

I see the spotter was ready...
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on April 25, 2012, 09:18:25 pm
looks like a sweet dyno Will. Have you not tried black rocks or wimberry since your CUFA ascent?
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: willackers on April 25, 2012, 09:23:47 pm
The dyno on its own took me ages and the extension was a very long term project, Malc repeated the dyno and found it hard,  he tried the extension a little as well but didn't do it, although I'm sure he would have if he'd really wanted to.

I've had a session on the Black Rocks project and didn't do too well, I've been very close to the Wimbery one though, I had a session a few weeks ago but it was cut short when I ripped my hands to bits on it.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on April 25, 2012, 09:31:49 pm
Really! Solid effort, I think sticking the finish will be tough at wimberry, is it sharp th finish? There is a dyno at guisecliffe that Im pretty sure hasn't had a second ascent! Clutch, its next to sprite, don't think its 8a+ hard tho! Get back to the tank and get that done if your close, hope it goes for ya, that would be a nice one to do!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy_e on April 25, 2012, 09:48:28 pm
Dave Gater, Clutch, Guisecliff, first ascent on Vimeo ( ;D
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: slackline on May 02, 2012, 06:12:27 pm
This looks quite big/hard...

( (
Dave on the FA of Big Kicks Direct ( by nic mullin (, on Flickr
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on May 02, 2012, 09:02:08 pm
That guy so needs to have a son called Ali.
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: scooby doo on May 03, 2012, 03:22:13 pm
He's got a daughter called Alison! Will that do? Big Kicks Direct is around 215/220cm I think, so it might get on GCW's list, not 8c though! Maybe 7bish?
Title: Re: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: dave on May 03, 2012, 03:45:43 pm
He's got a daughter called Alison! Will that do?

That'll do nicely!
Title: Re: My Dyno's bigger than your Dyno
Post by: andy_e on May 03, 2012, 10:34:04 pm
Quality picture Nic. 7B my arse.
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