the shizzle => shootin' the shit => Topic started by: Houdini on September 18, 2006, 08:59:41 pm

Title: Extractions.
Post by: Houdini on September 18, 2006, 08:59:41 pm
Figuring I'll need a wisdom extracted soon.

Anyone had a wisdom tooth extracted privately (recently) & know how much your average dentist would charge for that?

And what are the chances of getting this done on the NHS if that is at all possible these days?

Any tooth-pullers out there?

I'm figuring a few of you are gonna offer to do it for free, like... 
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Mike Tyson on September 18, 2006, 09:04:04 pm
I haven't had it done myself, but know folk who have had well, interesting results. Its like any medical/dental procedure I guess.

I only got my first filling this year. I hadn't been to the dentist in 9 years. Kinda got varuois aches and pains myself, but am avoiding the trip back.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Houdini on September 18, 2006, 09:08:46 pm
Last time I went to the dentist was a couple of years back after falling climbing with a rope in my mouth.   Came out at a lovely 40° angle it did.  The guy freezed me up - got an ugly looking tool from his drawer and pushed it back in, all to the music of a bloody gurgle from my gum.  Shit, he even painted some ceramic over a teeny cavity on the tooth before he pushed it back in.  Didn't charge a bean.  How nice.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: underground on September 18, 2006, 09:15:48 pm
That must have smarted. My missus went to an NHS dentist a while ago who commented 'NHS prices are getting as much as private'.

Mesen, I'd book to go to the Charles Clifford dental hospital in Sheff where they train all the students
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: mark on September 18, 2006, 09:18:19 pm
Have you read Yvon Chouinard's recent book "Let my people go surfing"? He tells in that of how his father pulled his own teeth out with a bottle of whisky and a pair of pliers. Higher pain threshold than me.

I need to have a wisdom tooth out. It's not urgent, but it will need to come out. My dentist is making an appointment for me at the dental hospital here in Sheffield. He reckoned it would take about six months. That's all through the NHS. No idea what it will cost me.

I've had one out before. I was up in Edinburgh when this appalling pain erupted in my mouth. Having no dentist in Edinburgh, I walked in to the Dental Hospital. They took a look and said I needed to have the tooth out straight away. A dental student did it under the watchful eye of one of the senior teaching staff. Didn't take long, not much pain, very impressed. Plus it didn't cost me anything.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Houdini on September 19, 2006, 06:55:54 am
Mark.  Your reply reminds me of those hairdressers offering free haircuts as long as you are happy to be mauled by a student snipper...   But I'll bear than in mind thanks.  It's not through lack of hygiene but space at the back of my jaw.   It's been sitting there for 30-odd years wondering whether to break through the gum or not and when it finally decides to - it tries to push the penultimate out with it...   Where's the wisdom in that?  My gob's not as big as you'd imagine....

(Underground.  The rope fuck-up:  no it didn't hurt at all; it happened far too quickly.  It's a very odd feeling though & took me a while before I realised the tooth was actually still there.  It kinda feels like a phantom limb now.)
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Simon S on September 19, 2006, 09:13:14 am
I've had one out last month by the NHS, I seem to remember it was about £25 very roughly (although I can't really be sure). It wasn't a particularly unpleasant experience although it was rather uncomfortable once the aneasthetic wore off. It took a couple of weeks to settle down, and it didn't stop bleeding for 2 days.
My Mum had an extraction done a couple of years ago privately and that was over 50 notes.

Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Houdini on September 19, 2006, 09:16:42 am
Thanks peeps.

My God am I afraid of dentists.... it safe?
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: mark on September 19, 2006, 09:35:04 am it safe?

Oooh, scary film.


I've changed my mind. I'm not going to have my tooth out in case the surgeon looks anything like Laurence Olivier.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Houdini on September 19, 2006, 09:39:07 am
Die weisse engel!
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: dave on September 19, 2006, 05:20:16 pm
extraction on the NHS will cost you £42.40:
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Houdini on May 15, 2009, 07:06:25 pm
Strike a light, nearly 3 years since the O/P. 

Had the offending wisdom tooth removed yesterday afternoon: 

£130 for initial consulation
£280 for 1 hours work [same rate regardless of treatment]
£5 for codeine [great w/ a Corsican syrah]
£10 travel

= £425 for one extraction private.

Not bothered about the cost, got what I wanted immediately, & on the upside, still no fillings aged 36 8) and no need to be fucked around by an NHS dentist who'll rush you through as if you were livestock.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: GCW on May 15, 2009, 07:16:34 pm
You could have slipped me a few beers and I've have done it for you.

Not done it, but it can't be much different from getting the pliers on broken bones, can it?

Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Houdini on May 15, 2009, 07:39:59 pm
The picture speaks a thousand words but I wonder what tale that gent would tell?  I reckon he was fuckin' hammered when he used that shifter, mind.  :'(

Still not in anyway convinced by the NHS, other than it's ability to offer low quality care.  Glad I spent the cash.

Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: magpie on May 15, 2009, 07:44:59 pm
I had all four of mine taken out at the beginning of the year, under GA, on the NHS and it didn't cost me anything.  How did I manage that if everyone else is paying?  It was fucking awful though, I'd have been demanding my money back had they charged anything. 

Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: (woz) on May 15, 2009, 07:57:17 pm
I had all four of mine taken out at the beginning of the year, under GA

Ouch. Hamster face?

dont hate the player houdini, hate the game...
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: magpie on May 15, 2009, 08:00:38 pm
I had all four of mine taken out at the beginning of the year, under GA
Ouch. Hamster face?
And then some, they had to take bits of bone out too so it was quite messy, I have photos but I am also have some dignity I'd like to cling to.  I bruised really badly as well, it wasn't pretty.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: GCW on May 15, 2009, 08:06:59 pm
Still not in anyway convinced by the NHS, other than it's ability to offer low quality care.

In any particular respect, hOUD?

I am also have some dignity I'd like to cling to.

Dignity?  :lol:
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: magpie on May 15, 2009, 08:12:48 pm
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Sloper on May 15, 2009, 11:18:23 pm
I had to have a molar removed under general anaesthetic (some time ago) and it cost a bloody fortune.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Houdini on May 15, 2009, 11:35:37 pm
RE:   NHS.  All of it, G.

I feel the UK should have moved to a more private and direct form of funding as the Germans' do quite succesfully.  IE:  Fraudini pays 400 euro a month towards her health insurance which is matched by her employer.  The moment she needs something - and this has included CAT scans recently - it's next day service.  There are no waiting lists in Germany, plus there is provision for the very poor.

One of the reasons that country can offer this is they do not waste trillions in Iraq and Afghanistan and on nuclear arms.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Houdini on May 15, 2009, 11:46:25 pm
I should also add that my German/Hungarian brother-in-law is a Hannover-based surgeon, and he is very happy in his work, and rarely if ever complains.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Houdini on May 15, 2009, 11:54:58 pm
I had to have a molar removed under general anaesthetic (some time ago) and it cost a bloody fortune.

Why did you need a general?  I was quite impressed by the progress in anaesthesia in the 25 years since my previous extractions as a youth and now,   massive difference, especially the topical applications.  That's not to say I didn't skirt the edges of the anaesthetic this time - as I sure did, but the dentist was attentive and topped me up frequently.

While we're on the subject, pass me the codeine!   :furious:
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: GCW on May 16, 2009, 08:22:53 am
I won't pollute the thread with a debate on the pros and cons of the NHS, we'd be here all week.

What I will say is that it's a great idea- care free at the point of need, and (ideally) minimal waits.  Unfortunately, the underfunded infrastructure can't consistently live up to the ideal.  Where it's good, it's as good as your Bratwurst based system.  But when it's average or below average....

Having said that, when you got that bottle stuck the service was good and it was removed pretty quickly....   :P
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Houdini on May 16, 2009, 07:33:19 pm
That's true, but they missed the Iguana I crammed up there first and my AM abulutions have never been the same since  >:(

Imagine how bad it would be if there were no/little private treatment available?  I still say people should expect to pay for swift hi-calibre treatment; you don't see the poor scrimping on fags and booze now, do we?

Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: St Hubbins on May 17, 2009, 09:24:14 am
I had to have a tooth out last month. Went to a NHS one, it was grubby and full of people who had skipped their morning shower. After paying out for the first visit I was told to come back in 6 weeks to have it removed!!!

Fuck that i thought, and went private. Found a swish place with an attractive receptionist and a water feature in the waiting area. Removed tooth next day. £290 in total.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: slackline on May 20, 2009, 12:44:20 pm
Forgot to add this the other day when I found it, but if you're thinking of having wisdom teeth out for cosmetic regions (i.e. to prevent you're front teeth getting pushed around), you might be interested in reading this (
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Jaspersharpe on May 20, 2009, 01:38:26 pm
Having inherited useless teeth I have had a ton of work done over the years. All of it on the NHS and 99% of it absolutely spot on. It's luck of the draw I know and perhaps I've just been lucky so far but I've never even considered going private. When people tell me how much they've paid for similar treatment to some of the stuff I've had done (for buttons) it amazes me.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: SA Chris on May 20, 2009, 01:46:09 pm
Dunno about anywhere else in the country, but locally you have almost no chance of getting an NHS dentist. I did find one when I first moved here, but it was in a really dodgy estate, and they made a total mess of a root canal treatment that the g/f's dentist had to fix (they left half the root behind, which rotted and infected the gum, and then claimed it was impssobile to fix and wanted to extract). I have gone to him only since. He took me on as a private patient, even though he was NHS at the time, but he is fully private now. Of everyone in our dept at work (about a dozen) only one has an NHS dentist, as she has lived in a town outside Aberdeen for 30 years. And he is about to retire.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 20, 2009, 01:59:17 pm
If anyone is looking for an NHS dentist in Sheffield, I can reccommend Broadfield Dental ( - they are still taking on patients. I got Lagers Jr MK1 registered there and they've been great.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Jaspersharpe on May 20, 2009, 02:09:21 pm
It doesn't seem to be such a problem in Sheffield. I switched NHS dentists a couple of years ago, no bother.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: magpie on May 20, 2009, 02:22:17 pm
I hear a lot of horror stories about not being able to get an NHS dentist up here but I've never had a problem, I just go the the nearest one when I move and they sign me up.  I've been really lucky with the latest one too, they're very cheap and pushed me through to have my wisdom teeth done much sooner than I expected.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Houdini on May 20, 2009, 02:27:15 pm
There's no luck of the draw at all w/ dental treatment.  All about where you live and how many people are there w/ you.  Sheffield is relatively wealthy and thus well appointed. 

If you lived in Norfolk which has a sparce population you'd struggle to find an NHS dentist.  Wages are low in that part of Britain (shit all work and largely agricultural) and NHS dentists are chock-a-block to the gunnels.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: SA Chris on May 20, 2009, 02:30:08 pm
Sheffield is relatively wealthy and thus well appointed. 

Whereas Aberdeen is in Scotland. I think Magpie is lucky, as most people in Glasgow area have lost all their teeth by their mid teens through brawling and drinking too much IRN BRU.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: magpie on May 20, 2009, 02:33:38 pm
Chris has a point actually; only a small percentage of Glaswegians actually have teeth, so there is less demand here. 

;D <--- me, still with teeth, for now.
Title: Re: Extractions.
Post by: Jaspersharpe on May 20, 2009, 02:40:24 pm
If I lived in Norfolk then the least of my worries would be finding an NHS dentist. However, I take your point Houd.
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