the shizzle => bouldering => Topic started by: No Rope on May 18, 2004, 02:51:17 pm

Title: Video Contest
Post by: No Rope on May 18, 2004, 02:51:17 pm
I just wanted to let all of you know that there will be 20 vids going up over the next couple of weeks on  Check them out and vote away!

Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 20, 2004, 09:51:47 am
y'all ukb wiggaz better go vote big props to Kim's font vid, ( (#4) which is on there now.

Not least cuz its reprezenting the UKB clique - we gots me, Quim, scouse, jimbo and andy b up in this muthafukka. west west ya'll.

Title: Video Contest
Post by: Bubba on May 20, 2004, 10:04:59 am
I'll have to watch them all properly with sound at home but Kim's vid is great - the start is well funny; I was thinking "what's going on here" before an psychotic looking Scouse suddenly launches into view - nice  :)
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Scouse D on May 20, 2004, 12:44:30 pm
fucking hell. i'm gonna be famous :8)
Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 20, 2004, 12:47:29 pm
yeah, as the guy who spazes off peter pan. :lol:  :wink:
Title: Video Contest
Post by: cofe on May 20, 2004, 12:51:32 pm
didn't you used to have your pic or a namecheck in climber every month - i beleive thiis was the piss-take of choice when we first met such a rock star as thee. :wink:
Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 20, 2004, 12:54:19 pm
it used to be "find out what neo-classics scouse had put up by reading climber".
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Scouse D on May 20, 2004, 01:03:17 pm
word D. I thought you just hung out with me for lifts but the truth will out. Cofe, you can blow me later :wink:
Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 20, 2004, 01:13:12 pm
worth remembering that your place in climbing history is guaranteed, what with your photo in the nWales bouldering guide. Well i say guaranteed - only to those who own a good quality magnifying glass.

Title: Video Contest
Post by: cofe on May 20, 2004, 01:33:18 pm
what do you mean????? scouse is giving a great spot in that photo :worthy:  :worthy:  :wink:
Title: Video Contest
Post by: unclesomebody on May 20, 2004, 01:47:16 pm
nice video Kim.  I'll have to make sure to register and vote.  If we all get in are votes for you and vote the rest down then maybe you could split the prize!  :lol:  :wink:
Title: ..
Post by: No Rope on May 20, 2004, 08:02:28 pm
Great to see you are supporting the home town guy!!  I think it is a great video for sure... Oh so many more to come!  Thanks again all!!

Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 20, 2004, 08:36:49 pm
i wouldn't bother with the rest of them as the result is now a foregone conclusion..... :8)  :lol:
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Bubba on May 20, 2004, 09:11:42 pm
I've just watched all of them back to back and I do think that Kim's is the best film.

Fast paced, but nicely edited, not a "cut-fest" and a good mix between the road-trip, the bouldering and the forest itself. Nice use of music to seperate the different parts of the film and some clever use of slow-motion/fast-forward effects without becoming over the top.

2nd I'd put the Hueco film - the stills at the start were good and a good chilled soundtrack, well framed camera-work and some good looking bouldering.

3rd would be the Squamish film - mainly close in camera work of the harsh looking granite bouldering at the base of the big wall of Squamish Chief. A sort of claustrophic feel to it, and a really nice soundtrack - what's that track anyone?

4th Sherman Roof clip - It conveys how it can feel sometimes when you're sessioning a project all day, and the problem looks excellent - nothing wrong with the film apart from just a bit relentless, and the framing wasn't so good at times.
Title: Video Contest
Post by: mark on May 20, 2004, 10:41:59 pm
Nice one, Kim, that's really good. Any chance of a breakdown of what the problems are? I can identify a fair few of them but others are new to me.
Title: Video Contest
Post by: hongkongstuey on May 21, 2004, 02:35:03 am
i'm about a third of the way through a HK bouldering shirt - found atrack i liked and gradually piecing the bits to it - if i get it done soon i'll send it in - far more interesting than all this main stream stuff...........
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Kim on May 21, 2004, 04:20:44 am
Quote from: "unclesomebody"
nice video Kim.  I'll have to make sure to register and vote.  If we all get in are votes for you and vote the rest down then maybe you could split the prize!  :lol:  :wink:

yeah some kind of holds-for-votes scandal...  :lol:

mark, will post a list of the problems up when i get home next week, tho i spect dave n scouse might have a go before then...

an cheers for the analysis bubba!  :up:
Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 21, 2004, 09:38:36 am
Quote from: "Kim"
mark, will post a list of the problems up when i get home next week, tho i spect dave n scouse might have a go before then...

damn straight i'll have a go:

Just like Allo Allo, you have been wathcing (in order of appearance).....

Scouse on Peter Pan (Rocher Mofo Passage)
Andy on Sale Gosse
Moi on Smatch
Road footage
Andy on Salle Gosse
Andy on Rubis Sur Longle
Scouse on Peter Pan (2 angles)
Me off Peter pan (2 shots)
Scouse on Ange Naif
Andy on Rubis
Scouse on top of Ange Naif
Andy on Ange Naif
Scouse celebrating on top again
Scouse on the other hard move on peter pan (2 shots)
Scouse on peter pan again (2 shots)
Scouse on Arabesque
Scouse on Salle Gosse
Scouse on le Cyclope (Reconnaissance)
Scouse on Vision d'Escaflowne (Reconnaissance)
Me on Vision d'Escaflowne
Me on Smatch (2 angles)
Me on Surplomb de bivouac
Me landing Peter Pan
Me landing le Poids des Soupirs (Petit Bois)
Andy on La Baleine
Andy on Peter Pan lower move (2 shots)
Andy on Salle Gosse
Andy on La Baleine
Andy on Peter Pan again (2 shots)
Andy no Salle Gosse again
Kim on Vision d'Escaflowne (2 angles)
Kim on Travaux Forcés (gorge de Chats)
Kim on Smatch
Forest Views
Someone topping out into sun
Scouse twirling brushstick
Kim on summert at Reconnaissance
Jim flashing Vin Rouge
Kim trying vin rouge (3 angles)
Scouse on Poids Des Soupirs (2 shots)
Jim on Poids des Soupirs
Scouse on Ange Naif
Some beetle
Me on Surplomb De Bivouac (3 angles edited)
Scouse on Arabesque
Andy on Rubis Sur Longle (2 angles edited)
People walking fast
Emma on Anglophobie LH (Reconnaissance)
Emma on roof thing (Roche Aux Sabots)
Emma on an arete (Franchard Sablons)
Car handbreaking
Andy on P'tit Poum (Reconnaissance) (2 angles)
Andy on Festin de Pierres
Road shot
Scouse spinning off Peter Pan
Scouse on Jacks Finger
Kim on Travaux Forcés (2 angles)
Scouse on Jump (2 angles)
Scouse on Le mouton à 6 Pattes (5 edited shots)
Me on Poids des Soupirs (7c!)
Ending titles

All off the top of my head you understand...... :oops:
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Bubba on May 21, 2004, 09:44:20 am
That's a lot of problems for a clip that's just a few minutes long !!
Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 21, 2004, 09:48:49 am
actually theres only about half a dzoen problems there, peter pan, ange naif, rubis, smatch, salle gosse !
Title: Video Contest
Post by: a dense loner on May 21, 2004, 12:19:54 pm
dave, u look like u can actually dyno on that vid  :wink:

scouse, wot kind of drugs r u on? u look like the very devil himself is comin up behind u!
Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 21, 2004, 12:23:02 pm
scouse is generally mainlining ibuprofen at the crag.
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Scouse D on May 21, 2004, 12:23:40 pm
Ibuprofen, ibuprofen gell and psyche are all I need to fail on problems
Title: Video Contest
Post by: a dense loner on May 21, 2004, 12:25:26 pm
god scouse, i can do that without the medication  :lol:
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Scouse D on May 21, 2004, 12:26:52 pm
But can you do it and look like the devil incarnate at the same time?
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Scouse D on May 21, 2004, 12:27:20 pm
Ibs make scouse go crazy....
Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 21, 2004, 12:29:39 pm
fucking hell D you must have built up a right Ib tollerance by now. I bet 800mg doesn't even touch the sides anymore.
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Jim on May 21, 2004, 12:54:07 pm
can you get 800mg? tell me, tell me.....
them 400mg don't touch the sides anymore
I'll have to start double dropping  :lol:
Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 21, 2004, 01:01:50 pm
i was thinking 800 as an amount rather than a self-contianed unit. Maybe you could start making painkiller products especially for boulderers - 1g ibs, , ibuprofen+caffine enery drinks etc...
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Jim on May 21, 2004, 01:13:17 pm
it'll be well needed. just had two days in wales and my body is absolutely fuct
Title: Video Contest
Post by: hongkongstuey on May 21, 2004, 06:00:27 pm

a few bits of scrappy editing, but not too bad for an evenings work.......
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Bubba on May 21, 2004, 06:36:02 pm
Like it Stu - bet you feel a bit odd carrying a pad in HK  :D

Only complaint is there's a bit which is a bit too compressed and I couldn't see it properly, but apart from that it's an interesting bit of film, and the bouldering looks good too - must be nice to have all that to yourself!
Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 21, 2004, 09:45:31 pm
views perfick for me

nice hairline BTW stu. :8)
Title: Video Contest
Post by: hongkongstuey on May 22, 2004, 12:53:13 am
Quote from: "dave"
nice hairline BTW stu. :8)

i modelled it your goodself...........

following a rather harsh critique from the misses (too much crammed in was her view) and a more thorough search through my archives (almost 9 full dv tapes) a slightly reworked version is now up - same link
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Andy B on May 24, 2004, 03:58:59 pm
Quote from: "dave"
Someone topping out into sun

Thats Le Mur du Son at Petit Bois.  :up:
Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 24, 2004, 04:12:37 pm
good knowledge

see on here ( - i'd like to speak to the wad that thinks its 6c+.  :huh:  :?:
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Andy B on May 24, 2004, 04:23:47 pm
Quote from: "dave"
good knowledge

see on here ( - i'd like to speak to the wad that thinks its 6c+.  :huh:  :?:

Yeah, I saw that when we got back, but those comments about it being 7a/ 6c+ are from people who have started from the high hold on the left. From which position that grade is probably about right. The crux moves of the problem is pulling off the ground from the lower holds (that are the only holds most people could reach from the ground on one or no mats) and reaching that higher hold. I think that is what the later poster on there is implying as well. Those other guys are obviously either well tall or using more than one mat.

(this also justifies me whinging at you for trying to reach that higher hold from the ground :wink: maybe.)
Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 24, 2004, 04:32:51 pm
aye, but i still couldn't pull onto the high hold, QED it must be harder than 7a :wink:
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Bubba on May 28, 2004, 11:11:13 am
There's some more vids up on the page now - some of them pretty good too.

Yosemite v-grades look pretty harsh!
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Doylo on May 28, 2004, 11:18:37 am
they're supposed to be nails there!
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Stubbs on May 28, 2004, 11:50:25 am
Was completely put off the Kubrick vid by the awful soundtrack - not even inspired to watch it without the sound. When that guy is filming midnight lightning, wouldn't you have got that other bloke to move, or at least cut him out? spoils it really.
Title: Video Contest
Post by: dave on May 28, 2004, 11:54:22 am
Quote from: "Stubbs"
When that guy is filming midnight lightning, wouldn't you have got that other bloke to move, or at least cut him out? spoils it really.

the camera could have use a tripod there anall - looks proper shakey otherwise innit.
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Bubba on May 28, 2004, 11:55:56 am
There's one of them where the soundtrack is badly done, with no attempt to mix / cut stuff together, just one track ends and the other one starts.

Framing seems to be a common problem, you often get hands / feet missed out of the shot, which can be frustrating.
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Carnage on May 28, 2004, 11:59:23 am
Quote from: "Bubba"
There's some more vids up on the page now - some of them pretty good too.

Yosemite v-grades look pretty harsh!

They are! Very crimpy and you've gotta be dead accurate on the edges/footwork as some bits are polished to fuck (Midnight Lightning for example)

Still some classics that are ok for the grade like Cocaine Corner V5 - Have to check these vids out when I get home, see if theres anything I recognise.  :)
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Stubbs on May 28, 2004, 12:02:06 pm
with no attempt to mix / cut stuff together, just one track ends and the other one starts

Nothing like the smoove pimp daddy editing and camera work on one of the Font vids, shame about the climbers!  :wink:
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Scouse D on May 28, 2004, 12:21:38 pm
Quote from: "Stubbs"

Nothing like the smoove pimp daddy editing and camera work on one of the Font vids, shame about the climbers!  :wink:

I know. Must be disheartening when the climbers on a video are so strong
Title: Video Contest
Post by: Stubbs on May 28, 2004, 01:51:54 pm
Nah, to be honest i reckon i reckon Kim's Font Vid is the best out of the lot, with no bias at all. A lot of the other ones just look a bit thrown together and not proffesional or owt. good job! :worthy:
Title: Re: Video Contest
Post by: Will Hunt on March 03, 2020, 12:30:36 pm
Does anyone know what happened to this Font video? At first I thought it was Font Emotions but it seems not.
Title: Re: Video Contest
Post by: SA Chris on March 03, 2020, 01:20:13 pm
I expect www.beardownproductions has long ago been snapped up by hipster beard owners.
Title: Re: Video Contest
Post by: Scouse D on March 03, 2020, 10:32:55 pm
A low res version is here
Title: Re: Video Contest
Post by: fatneck on March 04, 2020, 08:32:30 am
Question is - did it win!?!?!
Title: Re: Video Contest
Post by: James Malloch on March 04, 2020, 08:45:24 am
How a climbing film should be! That was ace!
Title: Re: Video Contest
Post by: Will Hunt on March 04, 2020, 09:54:02 am
Font Emotions is one of the best bouldering films ever made (the other two of the top 3 being Glory Days and Lifetime Project), but it doesn't match with this problem list:

Just like Allo Allo, you have been wathcing (in order of appearance).....

Scouse on Peter Pan (Rocher Mofo Passage)
Andy on Sale Gosse
Moi on Smatch
Road footage
Andy on Salle Gosse
Andy on Rubis Sur Longle
Scouse on Peter Pan (2 angles)
Me off Peter pan (2 shots)
Scouse on Ange Naif
Andy on Rubis
Scouse on top of Ange Naif
Andy on Ange Naif
Scouse celebrating on top again
Scouse on the other hard move on peter pan (2 shots)
Scouse on peter pan again (2 shots)
Scouse on Arabesque
Scouse on Salle Gosse
Scouse on le Cyclope (Reconnaissance)
Scouse on Vision d'Escaflowne (Reconnaissance)
Me on Vision d'Escaflowne
Me on Smatch (2 angles)
Me on Surplomb de bivouac
Me landing Peter Pan
Me landing le Poids des Soupirs (Petit Bois)
Andy on La Baleine
Andy on Peter Pan lower move (2 shots)
Andy on Salle Gosse
Andy on La Baleine
Andy on Peter Pan again (2 shots)
Andy no Salle Gosse again
Kim on Vision d'Escaflowne (2 angles)
Kim on Travaux Forcés (gorge de Chats)
Kim on Smatch
Forest Views
Someone topping out into sun
Scouse twirling brushstick
Kim on summert at Reconnaissance
Jim flashing Vin Rouge
Kim trying vin rouge (3 angles)
Scouse on Poids Des Soupirs (2 shots)
Jim on Poids des Soupirs
Scouse on Ange Naif
Some beetle
Me on Surplomb De Bivouac (3 angles edited)
Scouse on Arabesque
Andy on Rubis Sur Longle (2 angles edited)
People walking fast
Emma on Anglophobie LH (Reconnaissance)
Emma on roof thing (Roche Aux Sabots)
Emma on an arete (Franchard Sablons)
Car handbreaking
Andy on P'tit Poum (Reconnaissance) (2 angles)
Andy on Festin de Pierres
Road shot
Scouse spinning off Peter Pan
Scouse on Jacks Finger
Kim on Travaux Forcés (2 angles)
Scouse on Jump (2 angles)
Scouse on Le mouton à 6 Pattes (5 edited shots)
Me on Poids des Soupirs (7c!)
Ending titles

All off the top of my head you understand...... :oops:

There's obviously a lot of crossover. Like beetle footage, and footage of Peter Pan etc, but the quoted list doesn't mention Marie Rose etc. So two different films were made? I don't think Poids des Soupirs appears on FE. Don't think there's more than one very brief clip of someone falling off Sale Gosse either?
Title: Re: Video Contest
Post by: andy_e on March 04, 2020, 01:13:37 pm
Hold on to your hat, Will. I think I have both versions saved at home.

The old segment of this thread is some dope heyday UKB shit, word.
Title: Re: Video Contest
Post by: tommytwotone on March 04, 2020, 03:38:33 pm
It's a good idea we've all grown up and moved on from all that, eh?

Ah, actually - hang about.
Title: Re: Video Contest
Post by: andy_e on March 04, 2020, 04:56:06 pm
I think I have both versions saved at home.

Word, I straight up do. 10-4. If someone can give me the 411 on how to share it via Limewire or Napster then I'll send it over.
Title: Re: Video Contest
Post by: spidermonkey09 on March 04, 2020, 05:00:17 pm
Title: Re: Video Contest
Post by: Will Hunt on March 04, 2020, 05:12:30 pm
I think I have both versions saved at home.

Word, I straight up do. 10-4. If someone can give me the 411 on how to share it via Limewire or Napster then I'll send it over.

I believe the twenty twenty protocol is to bung it in a Dropbox? I am very excited for this!
Title: Re: Video Contest
Post by: andy_e on March 04, 2020, 05:14:49 pm
I'll do that in exchange for a moritorium on downgrading.
Title: Re: Video Contest
Post by: Will Hunt on March 04, 2020, 05:18:27 pm
You drive a hard bargain. I can perhaps agree to limit any downgrading behaviour to problems which Fiend has projected?
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