the shizzle => news => Topic started by: erm, sam on March 13, 2011, 09:21:56 am

Title: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: erm, sam on March 13, 2011, 09:21:56 am
Carlo Traversi • The Game V15 (2nd Ascent) (

What a total tosspot. Good climber he may be but what a fucking idiot. Game rape, positions filled, cock rings. Honestly do they have no fucking clue?
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Duma on March 13, 2011, 01:25:46 pm
What a total tosspot. Good climber he may be but what a fucking idiot. Game rape, positions filled, cock rings. Honestly do they have no fucking clue?
Agree  it's childish and sad, but none of that was said by carlo - he didn't make the video.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Krank on March 13, 2011, 01:48:37 pm
carlo is the one talking about game rape and filling positions, clearly a  :wank:
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Drew on March 13, 2011, 02:27:41 pm
No, Carlo was the one sounding bemused by the "game rape" comments. It was some guy called Conner trying, and failing, to be funny. Carlo just wants to talk about the climbing.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: yorkshireman on March 13, 2011, 03:06:43 pm
carlo wasnt the one with the game rape tags it was the camera man,carlo looked as though he was trying to just be cool and get on with talking about the climb.jeez some of the people on here seem to be quite square,you shopuld here me and my mate rikko at parisellas talking about beavers! :???:
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Stubbs on March 13, 2011, 04:15:53 pm
Wow I bet you sound really cool.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: account_inactive on March 13, 2011, 05:09:43 pm
carlo wasnt the one with the game rape tags it was the camera man,carlo looked as though he was trying to just be cool and get on with talking about the climb.jeez some of the people on here seem to be quite square,you shopuld here me and my mate rikko at parisellas talking about beavers! :???:

I'm glad you guys stick to the wings so as not to get in my way
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: yorkshireman on March 13, 2011, 05:55:58 pm
Wow I bet you sound really cool.

Yeah like you wouldn't believe ::)
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Ru on March 13, 2011, 06:18:51 pm
carlo wasnt the one with the game rape tags it was the camera man,carlo looked as though he was trying to just be cool and get on with talking about the climb.jeez some of the people on here seem to be quite square,you shopuld here me and my mate rikko at parisellas talking about beavers! :???:

The difference is that you're not trying to be a professional climber, you're not promoting a sponsor, and there isn't a video of you posted on most climbing news sites. Whether this is Carlo's fault or not, it is crass behaviour at best and offensive at worst, and he doesn't distance himself from it. It does nothing to promote the sport and makes boulderers look like idiots. After Carlo's last few videos, if I were a sponsor I'd be seriously thinking of dropping him - this is hardly "brand ambassador" behaviour. If bouldering was a mainstream sport he'd be vilified for this.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Jim on March 13, 2011, 06:56:03 pm
well put Ru.
There is a massive difference between taking the piss with your mates and taking the piss on a vid that is all over the internet
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Nibile on March 13, 2011, 07:12:20 pm
yes exactly. well put Ru.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Huffy on March 13, 2011, 07:37:16 pm
Jesus, the bitches are out today!

So this guys a tosspott for going along with a shitty joke on a vid that he did not put online?

Before we all start moaning about how offensive and unprofessional the vid is take a quick look at the sponsor heavy, mainstream sport of skateboarding - watch any video from the last few years and i guarantee theres at least one fully sponsored guy getting in trouble with the police, fighting, breaking public propery, and generally getting absolutely fucked on drugs or alcohol (I always love THAT guy). I cant imagine skate forums with this sort of witch hunt going on. They keep on behaving like this whilst promoting the sport, getting paid by sponsors and selling product.

In some ways bouldering IS the skatebording of the climbing world. Its a young persons sport...and if i was a betting man i'd risk money that majority of people here with a problem with the behavior on that video being over 30:sorry:...(those of you >30 have an excuse...cos it wasnt like this in OUR day was it?)...if not then you're too young to be whinging ...get on with it

Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Ru on March 13, 2011, 08:05:15 pm
So this guys a tosspott for going along with a shitty joke on a vid that he did not put online?

It's on his blog.

Before we all start moaning about how offensive and unprofessional the vid is take a quick look at the sponsor heavy, mainstream sport of skateboarding - watch any video from the last few years and i guarantee theres at least one fully sponsored guy getting in trouble with the police, fighting, breaking public propery, and generally getting absolutely fucked on drugs or alcohol (I always love THAT guy). I cant imagine skate forums with this sort of witch hunt going on. They keep on behaving like this whilst promoting the sport, getting paid by sponsors and selling product.

In some ways bouldering IS the skatebording of the climbing world. Its a young persons sport...and if i was a betting man i'd risk money that majority of people here with a problem with the behavior on that video being over 30:sorry:...(those of you >30 have an excuse...cos it wasnt like this in OUR day was it?)...if not then you're too young to be whinging ...get on with it

Personally I'm not offended by it, I just think it's crass. Bouldering isn't skating. Most of the places we climb are owned by people who, if they thought that if we were the sort of people that fought, broke public property or got "absolutely fucked on drugs or alcohol" would ban us from going there.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: yorkshireman on March 13, 2011, 08:10:37 pm
i agree in a way that you do have to conduct yourself in a way that portrays your sponsors,therefore your living in a good light but he cant exactly be villified for what his friends do can he?if thats the case im glad im not a sponsored climber,it sounds like no fun at all and thats the reason i climb,to have fun and have a laugh with mates
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Huffy on March 13, 2011, 08:46:42 pm
Personally I'm not offended by it, I just think it's crass. Bouldering isn't skating. Most of the places we climb are owned by people who, if they thought that if we were the sort of people that fought, broke public property or got "absolutely fucked on drugs or alcohol" would ban us from going there.

Fair enough Ru but your issue has nothing to do with access to a piece of land, it has to do with conduct and the impact this has on sponsorship. There are people in all sorts of sports acting crassly and whether you like it or not they'll continue to excel in their field and sell product regardless.

If an american president can get his dick sucked and still be allowed to represent the worlds most powerful country i think we can let Carlo off here. ;)
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: chummer on March 13, 2011, 08:53:42 pm
Huffy I see what you're trying saying and but lets not do the skating-climbing comparisons please, too many significant differences and generalisations for my liking bud.

Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Huffy on March 13, 2011, 09:22:46 pm
Skaters are just one example of a similar demographic to Carlo whos actions dont affect their sponsorship...if you dont like this one then why not look at footballers... :worms:

And i'm out like Gadaffi (thanks Rob)
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: chummer on March 13, 2011, 11:30:23 pm
Skaters are just one example of a similar demographic to Carlo whos actions dont affect their sponsorship...

well now you've put it like that Huff I completely understand the comparison and agree with your point!  :kiss2:

Although skating (street skating to be specific) inevitably has a bit of an anarchic and anti social edge to it in way it uses the urban environment which I don't think bouldering does at all. Anyways, going a little  :offtopic: sorry

Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: mrjonathanr on March 13, 2011, 11:32:33 pm
Carlo is clearly not perpetuating the lame banter, but he's not turning away from it either. If it's on his blog, he's responsible for it, he's tacitly endorsing it. Just because you can find a skating subculture which is more crass doesn't make this bullshit acceptable.

Rape?? :lol: :lol:

Get a life: there are plenty of kids who'll look up to their climbing heroes as role models in other ways, that's how it works with kids growing up. I don't remember Jerry endorsing misogny. I can think of the odd one who did however - and I despise them for it.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: gme on March 14, 2011, 02:56:18 am
I am not offended by it at all but don't find it funny, however i guess some kids will think its properly funny and like the image it portrays. I know that at 15-20 i would have found it funny.

Climbing has always had an anarchic side to it as well as the gentlemanly tweeds and pipes image. All sports have different sides to it and its usually to the sports benefits. I think that its been to the detriment of climbing development that its missed out on the "too the Max" extreme sports image that attracts the younger generation but can see bouldering changing that.

The climbers image of being quite geeky has never been able to attract the likes of Nike into our sport and therefore there is a lack of money to pay the top climbers, which is a shame as they put just as much effort into what they do as a top skater/surfer. This then holds back the progression of our sport as many people drop out as it is just not possible to scrape a living off sponsorship.

Its possible to have many images in a sport and therefore attract all people. Surfing as an example has quicksilver as its biggest sponsor, all of there athletes are squeaky clean ideal role models who rarely get caught pissed up or doing something that may effect there sponsors image.Or they have the arty different muse types such as Dane Reynolds that again play to the image they want to portray.
At the other end you have Volcom who are also a very successful company who only sponsor the opposite type of person, drunk, fighting, womanising tattooed wild boys who your mum would be shit scared off but it works and lots of people like it.

So if Carlo and other young Americans want to go down this route rather than the boring perfect image that Sharma has then good luck to them, it make the whole thing more interesting and gives everyone a choice of what to follow.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Carnage on March 14, 2011, 04:47:28 am

For some reason this has now become a slang term for being successful or winning at something and seems to be used most often by Yanks. I hear it most when playing online video games where its very common to hear 'get raped!' when someone gets blasted.

Its all a bit distasteful and very, very lame...... 

Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: slackline on March 14, 2011, 06:38:17 am
The difference is that you're not trying to be a professional climber, you're not promoting a sponsor, and there isn't a video of you posted on most climbing news sites. Whether this is Carlo's fault or not, it is crass behaviour at best and offensive at worst, and he doesn't distance himself from it. It does nothing to promote the sport and makes boulderers look like idiots. After Carlo's last few videos, if I were a sponsor I'd be seriously thinking of dropping him - this is hardly "brand ambassador" behaviour. If bouldering was a mainstream sport he'd be vilified for this.

Fortunately none of this is a problem because if his sponsors don't like the video they'll drop him and his prominence will diminish due to less time being available to exclusively climb.

In fact if anyone is really put out by the crassness of the video then why not write to his sponsors and let them know how you feel?
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: blacky on March 14, 2011, 12:50:16 pm
why not write to his sponsors and let them know how you feel?

Flippin 'eck, that's a bit vindictive, non? Give the guy a break, he's only 22 and probably not completley aware of the responsibility that comes with being an uber-wad. I know I was certainly not very sensible at that age. On the video he does, to be fair, seem to condone the comments but he was probably just trying to be polite to one of his mates by giving him a response to some obviously dumb banter, perhaps not thinking the said mate would be stupid enough to put that stuff on the internet.

Certainly an error of judgement by Traversi, for not either checking the video before it was posted or not making his buddy remove the pointless banter before the (crap) footage was posted, but not a flagrant abuse of his position. If i was his sponser i'd be having a quiet word in his ear about vetting videos more closely rather than dropping him.

As I understand it "Raping" is a term used widely in computer gaming, which is a lot bigger in the states than here, and is probably therefore more acceptable to American ears than our sensitive little British shell-likes...
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: slackline on March 14, 2011, 01:03:23 pm
why not write to his sponsors and let them know how you feel?

Flippin 'eck, that's a bit vindictive, non? Give the guy a break, he's only 22 and probably not completley aware of the responsibility that comes with being an uber-wad.

Would be more effective than moaning about it here though.

If i was his sponser i'd be having a quiet word in his ear about vetting videos more closely rather than dropping him.

Perhaps any sponsors are blissfully unaware, and without it being bought to their attention it will remain that way.

As I understand it "Raping" is a term used widely in computer gaming, which is a lot bigger in the states than here, and is probably therefore more acceptable to American ears than our sensitive little British shell-likes...

See comment from Carnage above.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Stubbs on March 14, 2011, 01:11:42 pm

Flippin 'eck, that's a bit vindictive, non? Give the guy a break, he's only 22 and probably not completley aware of the responsibility that comes with being an uber-wad.

Ahem (
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: mrjonathanr on March 14, 2011, 01:55:15 pm
It's distasteful and CT shouldn't be normalising this mentality by allowing this sort of rubbish to appear on his blog. He's put it out there, it's cool with him. Make of that what you will.

edit: end of rant
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Jaspersharpe on March 14, 2011, 02:15:55 pm

Flippin 'eck, that's a bit vindictive, non? Give the guy a break, he's only 22 and probably not completley aware of the responsibility that comes with being an uber-wad.

Ahem (


Having never met him I can't comment on whether or not it's a correct assumption but from what I've seen of him on the internet he comes across as a choad (,4073.msg289370.html#msg289370). Seeing as the choadish behaviour has been in films made or promoted by him then he either needs some advice on self promotion or some advice on not being such a choad. Either way, it would seem that people need to stop making excuses for him. 22 is old enough to know better.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: mrjonathanr on March 14, 2011, 02:36:10 pm
Give the chap a right of reply, he may just need time to reconsider??
comment page (
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: T_B on March 14, 2011, 03:09:39 pm
If you watch it carefully, Carlos seems to be embarrassed by the questions from the cameraman (check out his body language and the way that he repeats the question back to the cameraman). I don't think it reflects badly on him at all - he's simply been ambushed by the cameraman and doesn't know how to respond to his idiotic questioning. I'm cringing at the cameraman and the first guy who is interviewed, not Carlos.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: SA Chris on March 14, 2011, 03:23:37 pm
Agree totally. It's the bloke who filmed it and put it out there who is the dick.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: mrjonathanr on March 14, 2011, 03:28:46 pm
Well I'd agree (I did view it carefully btw) but only if someone else had posted it on his blog without so much as a by-your-leave. Carlo's responsible for the contents of his blog. He's responsible for endorsing its contents by association. It's hardly a major scandal, just unpleasant, and a very poor example.

T_B: what's Trevor got to do with it? :P
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Jaspersharpe on March 14, 2011, 03:34:24 pm
Exactly. Presumably the "bloke who put it out there" is him (unless someone else writes his blog for him). I don't see it as that much of a big deal, just that this, along with that greatest flasher crap, doesn't exactly paint him in a great light.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: slackline on March 14, 2011, 03:38:07 pm
Don't be hating on tha Geez!  :P
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Jaspersharpe on March 14, 2011, 03:43:17 pm
I was wondering how long it'd be........  :)
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: slackline on March 14, 2011, 03:45:41 pm
I felt a suitable amount of time had passed and things were starting to almost get sensible.  :tease:
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: mrjonathanr on March 14, 2011, 03:56:01 pm
Actually I've just noticed he's sponsored by Chris Griffith's company Verve so that'll seem pretty tame to them I expect.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Yoof on March 14, 2011, 04:41:04 pm
Anyone going to say "Good effort"? Jeez go on UKC ;)

I will: Good effort Carlo. :)
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Jaspersharpe on March 14, 2011, 04:51:13 pm
Try the significant repeats thread. This thread was started as a discussion about the video, not the ascent.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Nigel on March 14, 2011, 05:19:02 pm
This must be unbelievably tame to anyone who has ever climbed with Doylo/the Cattells/most people from Wales!
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Doylo on March 14, 2011, 05:33:25 pm
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Fiend on March 14, 2011, 05:34:23 pm
Exactly. Presumably the "bloke who put it out there" is him (unless someone else writes his blog for him). I don't see it as that much of a big deal, just that this, along with that greatest flasher crap, doesn't exactly paint him in a great light.

Tend to agree with this. It's not a huge deal but it is a bit crass as far as crag banter in a very public video goes. Could have been more tastefully vulgar and funnier. Also could have had a lot less of it and a lot more filming from better angles.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: yorkshireman on March 14, 2011, 05:39:16 pm
tbh i can see why carlo has put the video on his blog,its got him climbing a font 8c/8c+ on it.fair enough he could have edited out all the game rape stuff but he probably though most people would find it funny or atleast not be bothered by it.personally if you had footage of me doing a font 8c i wouldnt care if you edited me to look like hitler and had me reading quotes from mein kampf if it still proved i had done on of the world hardest boulder problems :)
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: erm, sam on March 14, 2011, 07:28:46 pm
As the thread starter, my follow up two penneth is thus:

Agreed the camera man is the number one dickhead with the the random guy and then CT as knobheads equal 2nd, but never the less it could have been edited and posting it on your blog = condoning the contents.

I am not personally offended by the comments but I think them unpleasant and the world does not need any more mindless misogynism than it already has. Rape is real, it is mostly perpetrated by men against women and anything which normalises it or makes it less socially unacceptable is bad.

I don't really care how many beaver jokes you make at the Cave, or how climbing with the Catterals would turn me pale.
I just think that behavior such as on the video is crass and stupid and putting it on a high profile video that will probably be of interest to a huge number of people is short sighted.
I don't think their actions will directly effect the number of rapes, but I think highly profile people who may be sources of inspiration for others posting such material up helps to create an atmosphere that is less inclusive for all individuals, and that can only be bad.

I don't start crying when people post about a problem having rapey holds or what have you but I wish they wouldn't.
I sometimes wish people would consider how their actions might positively or negatively impact on the wider world outside their own personal experiences.

Here endeth my thoughts on lads joking about rape.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Baron on March 14, 2011, 08:19:30 pm
Agreed Sam:,9275.msg149552.html#msg149552 (,9275.msg149552.html#msg149552)

Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: hairich on March 14, 2011, 08:33:37 pm
jesus,you go on a liquid natural gas terminal for 10 mins and there is a shit storm on the internet.good to see ya getting dragged back in huffy.did you get wed yet.and for my 2 penneth i have heard a lot worse at the tor
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Jim on March 14, 2011, 08:39:31 pm
I heard a lot worse from my own mouth but I don't put it on the internet and I am certainly not climbing at the cutting edge or sponsered.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: clgladiator on March 14, 2011, 08:46:54 pm
I heard a lot worse from my own mouth but I don't put it on the internet and I am certainly not climbing at the cutting edge or sponsered.

Should it make a difference? At the end of the day even if you're sponsered, you're still human. Bad / childish language behaviour is everywhere including at the crag, if you dont like it thats perfectly correct. But why why whinge about it on the internet, and how is a joke (poor taste or otherwise) news!
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: erm, sam on March 14, 2011, 09:14:46 pm
But why why whinge about it on the internet, and how is a joke (poor taste or otherwise) news!

Well, I wasn't really whinging.
After seeing the video in the news thread I mentioned that I thought they were idiots, Slackline hived it off to stop the news thread going off topic and then I thought I'd better add a few thoughts as my sentence had generated a pages worth of discussion with nothing more from the OP.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: mrjonathanr on March 14, 2011, 09:28:32 pm
It's not a major scandal, but it doesn't have to be beyond criticism when something which is pretty offensive gets posted on the net as a joke by someone who is obviously going to be a massive role model to a lot of young guys - and girls. (Maybe a few less of them now, tho).
I think erm sam got it about right, and judging by other posts I think a few people would agree with that.

edit : I think blog comments have to be moderated before appearing so I guess I'm being over-critical.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Carlo Traversi on March 14, 2011, 09:52:53 pm
Apologies guys.  I didn't make the video and in an effort to get content out as fast as possible, I posted without thinking about it.  Despite the fact that everyone was purely joking around, I do agree that it's distasteful for it to appear in a video.  I fixed the source file on vimeo.  It's just the send now.  I appreciate the feedback.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: saltbeef on March 14, 2011, 09:57:13 pm
is it true you like traversing?
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: ferret on March 14, 2011, 10:00:36 pm
Apologies guys.  I didn't make the video and in an effort to get content out as fast as possible, I posted without thinking about it.  Despite the fact that everyone was purely joking around, I do agree that it's distasteful for it to appear in a video.  I fixed the source file on vimeo.  It's just the send now.  I appreciate the feedback.

good effort on picking up on this and responding positively and so fast to the critisism. great effort btw..

is it true you like traversing?

i really hope so...
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: mrjonathanr on March 14, 2011, 10:05:48 pm
Hi Carlo, thanks for having the grace to post a response.  :wave:
Good tick by the way. Jon
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Jim on March 14, 2011, 10:06:16 pm
Apologies guys.  I didn't make the video and in an effort to get content out as fast as possible, I posted without thinking about it.  Despite the fact that everyone was purely joking around, I do agree that it's distasteful for it to appear in a video.  I fixed the source file on vimeo.  It's just the send now.  I appreciate the feedback.

good effort on picking up on this and responding positively and so fast to the critisism. great effort btw..
agreed. Great effort on the send as well
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: erm, sam on March 14, 2011, 10:26:12 pm
Hugs all round!
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: fatdoc on March 14, 2011, 10:35:13 pm
As the thread starter, my follow up two penneth is thus:

Agreed the camera man is the number one dickhead with the the random guy and then CT as knobheads equal 2nd, but never the less it could have been edited and posting it on your blog = condoning the contents.

I am not personally offended by the comments but I think them unpleasant and the world does not need any more mindless misogynism than it already has. Rape is real, it is mostly perpetrated by men against women and anything which normalises it or makes it less socially unacceptable is bad.

I don't really care how many beaver jokes you make at the Cave, or how climbing with the Catterals would turn me pale.
I just think that behavior such as on the video is crass and stupid and putting it on a high profile video that will probably be of interest to a huge number of people is short sighted.
I don't think their actions will directly effect the number of rapes, but I think highly profile people who may be sources of inspiration for others posting such material up helps to create an atmosphere that is less inclusive for all individuals, and that can only be bad.

I don't start crying when people post about a problem having rapey holds or what have you but I wish they wouldn't.
I sometimes wish people would consider how their actions might positively or negatively impact on the wider world outside their own personal experiences.

Here endeth my thoughts on lads joking about rape.

well said
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Duma on March 14, 2011, 11:19:34 pm
How this thread has developed is great, and is one of the (main?) reasons why UKB is awesome.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: nik at work on March 15, 2011, 07:51:09 am
Apologies guys.  I didn't make the video and in an effort to get content out as fast as possible, I posted without thinking about it.  Despite the fact that everyone was purely joking around, I do agree that it's distasteful for it to appear in a video.  I fixed the source file on vimeo.  It's just the send now.  I appreciate the feedback.
Nice one for responding to the comments, and good climbing. I'm impressed on both counts :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: slackline on March 15, 2011, 08:27:22 am
Apologies guys.  I didn't make the video and in an effort to get content out as fast as possible, I posted without thinking about it.  Despite the fact that everyone was purely joking around, I do agree that it's distasteful for it to appear in a video.  I fixed the source file on vimeo.  It's just the send now.  I appreciate the feedback.
Nice one for responding to the comments, and good climbing. I'm impressed on both counts :thumbsup:

 :agree: Props for sorting out the video and posting here.  Good skills on the Game too.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: Ru on March 15, 2011, 08:43:47 am
Great response Carlo, and great send. 

Shark, now this is all fixed etc can we lock the thread and maybe even delete it so that it doesn't show up if Carlo's name is Googled?
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: SA Chris on March 15, 2011, 08:53:34 am
is it true you like traversing?

i really hope so...

It would be contraversial if not.

Nice one CT. Hope this isn't the last we hear from you on here.
Title: Re: Carlo Traversi video; The Game
Post by: shark on March 15, 2011, 10:14:40 am
Great response Carlo, and great send. 

Shark, now this is all fixed etc can we lock the thread and maybe even delete it so that it doesn't show up if Carlo's name is Googled?

I'll lock it.  We all make mistakes - its how we respond that's important. The way Traversi responded reflects very well on him. If he asks for it to be deleted I'll delete it.
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