the shizzle => shootin' the shit => Topic started by: hairich on January 04, 2011, 09:55:51 pm

Title: ben moon autobiography
Post by: hairich on January 04, 2011, 09:55:51 pm
just doing a bit of market research.who on here would buy/read a book done by ben a la stylee of jerry and ron
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: SA Chris on January 04, 2011, 09:58:21 pm

Probably wouldn't be as good as jerry or Ron, but would still read it.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: dave on January 04, 2011, 10:01:13 pm
depends if it was any good. who would be writing this autobiography?
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Jim on January 04, 2011, 10:02:32 pm
you could always read it to decide if it was worth reading or not
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Sloper on January 04, 2011, 10:05:34 pm
my life through the cars I have owned.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: clgladiator on January 04, 2011, 10:10:23 pm
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: dave on January 04, 2011, 10:11:42 pm
you could always read it to decide if it was worth reading or not

Ideally they'd write two, then you could check em out. Direct comparison.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Stubbs on January 04, 2011, 11:20:34 pm
One called Ben and one called Moon.  Take the afternoon off!
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Sloper on January 04, 2011, 11:33:49 pm
Would one have V grades and the other font grades?
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: chris j on January 05, 2011, 08:08:58 am
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: rginns on January 05, 2011, 09:25:39 am
Moon has always come across to me as a bit of a cock. But I'd still probably read it...
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: andy popp on January 05, 2011, 09:29:29 am
No, Ben is not a 'cock', very far from it.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Jaspersharpe on January 05, 2011, 09:54:38 am
 :agree: He's very much not a cock.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: rginns on January 05, 2011, 10:15:24 am
I'm sure he's not. He's a total beast too,  and I'd be interested to read such an autobiography.

I'm sure he comes across very well in person.
Maybe I misinterpret his total focus and dedication.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Adam Lincoln on January 05, 2011, 10:18:43 am
I would buy one.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: account_inactive on January 05, 2011, 10:30:41 am
just doing a bit of market research.who on here would buy/read a book done by ben a la stylee of jerry and ron

I've always thought he was a nice guy. Just the other day we were having a cup of tea, at his house, chilling with Chris.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Adam Lincoln on January 05, 2011, 10:32:10 am
just doing a bit of market research.who on here would buy/read a book done by ben a la stylee of jerry and ron

I've always thought he was a nice guy. Just the other day we were having a cup of tea, at his house, chilling with Chris, Dave and Jerry

Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: roddersm on January 05, 2011, 10:44:28 am
I'd buy it for sure.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Richie Crouch on January 05, 2011, 10:49:08 am
I'd be interested in buying one too. Lots of good photo content in the middle pages helps too!  :)
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: cheque on January 05, 2011, 11:00:20 am
I'd buy it if it was of the standard of the Jerry and Ron books. If it read like a transcript of his section in Hard Grit I'd be less keen, though!
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: dontfollowme on January 05, 2011, 11:19:15 am
I'd buy it (is it too late to do a poll?)
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Monk on January 05, 2011, 11:24:03 am
I'd definitely buy it too. He always came across as a nice guy when I saw him at the plantation.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: SA Chris on January 05, 2011, 11:30:09 am
I'd buy it if it was of the standard of the Jerry and Ron books. If it read like a transcript of his section in Hard Grit I'd be less keen, though!

Or his bit in the Power of Climbing. Not a scratch on those about other young upstarts...
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Doylo on January 05, 2011, 11:49:34 am
From what i know Moony's story isn't quite as inspirational as Jerry's but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be worthwhile. If he could bring passion like that quote of his in power of climbing it would be a good read. I'd buy it!
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: grimer on January 05, 2011, 12:09:37 pm
Maybe the difference between Ben and Jerry and Ron is with the latter two you always got a sense of the personalty more than with Ben. Someone here who didn't know Ben said he came across as a cock but those who know him say he's anything but. Perhaps that's because in public he doesn't present himself very obviously whereas in person  Jerry and Ron are related to what they appear to be in the media. I think it's that ability to percieve a personalty that would make reading a book on someone appealing. I'm not saying a Ben book wouldn't be interesting but it makes it a less obvious one.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: ShortRound on January 05, 2011, 12:34:34 pm
I really enjoyed Jerry's biography, just finished reading it for the second time. I'd buy a biography of Ben Moon if written and researched as well as the Jerry one.

I think as Jerry and Ron are universally known for multidiscipline climbing, especially the iconic trad routes they put up, their biographies would be of interest to more climbers whereas I would guess that Ben's would appeal most to boulderers and sport climbers.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: grimer on January 05, 2011, 12:39:36 pm
The Jerry one was actually terribly researched. Take, for example, the bit where it says that Malcolm Smith went from climbing 7c+ to 8c+ in a season just by climbing on his board.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: slackline on January 05, 2011, 12:40:21 pm
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Offwidth on January 05, 2011, 12:57:09 pm
I think it's that ability to percieve a personalty that would make reading a book on someone appealing. I'm not saying a Ben book wouldn't be interesting but it makes it a less obvious one.

Plenty of biographies of unlikely folk outside the small world of climbing have gained critical and sometimes even commercial success. If there is a story to tell and the writing is good, it will work.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: remus on January 05, 2011, 02:12:49 pm
Id buy it (assuming it was well written of course.) The fact that he's not an overly public figure a la Jerry and Ron makes it a more interesting proposition in my opinion.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Paul B on January 05, 2011, 02:16:52 pm
Malcolm Smith went from climbing 7c+ to 8c+ in a season just by climbing on his board.

See Jasper, its all there.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Doylo on January 05, 2011, 02:22:32 pm
Ye he didn't do Magnetic en-route did he!

Moony's Power of climbing quote:
It is my reason for living. It is from climbing i draw my inspiration for life. It is my direction, ever onwards; the movemnt; the striving always to go one better than before; the challenge both physcial and mental; searching for that little bit more power, stamina and mental control; the bringing together of all for that supreme effort.

Like i say if he could harness some of this passion and psyche and bring it to the book he could be onto a winner.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Jaspersharpe on January 05, 2011, 02:24:01 pm
The Jerry one was actually terribly researched. Take, for example, the bit where it says that Malcolm Smith went from climbing 7c+ to 8c+ in a season just by climbing on his board.

Yeah which fuckwit let that glaring error through?

See Jasper, even the man who wrote it admits it's bollocks.

I know!  ;D
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Jaspersharpe on January 05, 2011, 02:24:36 pm
Do you carry TPOC around with you Doylo?
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Doylo on January 05, 2011, 02:27:02 pm
ye in case i need to bat one out, always turn to the jasper sharpe page!
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Jaspersharpe on January 05, 2011, 02:30:31 pm
Not the Jerry page?!  :o  ;D
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Johnny Brown on January 05, 2011, 02:30:41 pm
I'd be really interested in learning more about how he was influenced by his Dad ( I suspect Ben's story might be a bit more thoughtful than Jerry's, which would appeal to me more to be honest.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Doylo on January 05, 2011, 02:32:27 pm
Not the Jerry page?!  :o  ;D

No i prefer blondes to brunettes.
I actually don't own a copy of TPOC bit i wrote that moony quote in the front of my route book years ago. Proper inspiring!
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Ru on January 05, 2011, 02:44:33 pm
I'd be really interested in learning more about how he was influenced by his Dad ( (

His dad looks just like him in this photo. Very close resemblance.

I'd be interested to read Ben's biography. His articles have always been thoughtful.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Johnny Brown on January 05, 2011, 02:48:14 pm
Yeah, that photo is striking isn't it? I didn't realise he died when Ben was so young.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: SA Chris on January 05, 2011, 02:48:39 pm
I wonder if his sister influenced him at all (
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Jaspersharpe on January 05, 2011, 02:53:21 pm
Yeah, that photo is striking isn't it? I didn't realise he died when Ben was so young.

Me neither.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: dobbin on January 05, 2011, 03:39:15 pm
I fucking love Ben Moon. He is still my hero. I have now been camped outside his house for 16 years with only one brief sighting (back in 98, he punched me). I would love to read a book about his life. If I had his autobiography I bet he would let me in, and perhaps even make tea and stuff.

I remember when I first saw him in the Broadfield ('94) and i just had to go and say something, but I was star struck, couldnt think of a thing, so I bounded over and stood there gawping for a minute until his mate nudged him and he turned around,
"You know Pump up the power? could you do it like this <describes wack sequence>"
"err, yeah, I suppose so"
"Ok thanks"

I had now spoken to Ben Moon.
Quote from: Ben Moon
it was the scene of a bloody uprising...
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Doylo on January 05, 2011, 03:56:46 pm
Danny Cattell used to come over to see us in Sheffield when he was a youth and he always got carried away with the booze. Anyway one night Moony was out and a starstruck Danny danced around him chanting "you're ben moon, you're ben moon, you're dead strong, you're dead strong". What must he of thought!
Mind you i used to feel starstruck when he was in the school! legend!
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: GraemeA on January 05, 2011, 03:58:51 pm
He moved house  ;)
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: dobbin on January 05, 2011, 03:59:44 pm
After one of the 'future of the school' meetings, I sat between keith and seb. Keith sat there nursing a pint of water, whilst seb and i got throughly tucked into the beers, then later Ben and Andy Cave came in (this was in the Sheaf), and seb now with my wife's scarf tied around his head like a bandana, crawled across the floor to Ben and Andy and told him that he was my hero and that I loved him. Seb was not well the next day.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: BB on January 05, 2011, 04:00:29 pm
I'd buy it. The missus would too. She once discussed the size of my trousers via email with the man himself. She was fucking made up!
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: grimer on January 05, 2011, 04:28:32 pm
The Jerry one was actually terribly researched. Take, for example, the bit where it says that Malcolm Smith went from climbing 7c+ to 8c+ in a season just by climbing on his board.
Yeah which fuckwit let that glaring error through?
See Jasper, even the man who wrote it admits it's bollocks.
I know!  ;D
No, I have just watched uncut footage of Malcolm's life between doing The Maximun (or whatever it was) and doing Hubble, and I was right - nothing, only the board.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Jaspersharpe on January 05, 2011, 04:36:31 pm
Shit the bed! That means Malc must have lied about doing Magnetic and therefore all his other ascents must be questionable.

Including the ones I saw him do or belayed him on.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: hairich on January 05, 2011, 04:47:51 pm
dylan next time your getting a part mullett.somone do a poll im too busy
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: rich d on January 05, 2011, 04:52:45 pm
I'd buy it. I saw him climbing at burbage south, said hello and he said hello back - walked back to the car grinning like a twat.I also bought some trousers off him at the ourdoor show in brum a few years back and he said hello then too!
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Johnny Brown on January 05, 2011, 04:55:09 pm
Shit the bed! That means Malc must have lied about doing Magnetic and therefore all his other ascents must be questionable.

Ha! I knew it all along. When has being strong indoors ever translated to achieving outdoors? Its time we flushed these bullshitting weightlifters out of the sport  once and for all.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Paul B on January 05, 2011, 04:58:38 pm
I think we first met in B&Q... buying spanners.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: BB on January 05, 2011, 05:01:29 pm
Shit the bed! That means Malc must have lied about doing Magnetic and therefore all his other ascents must be questionable.

If he claims a four minute mile then I'm calling bullshit.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Jim on January 05, 2011, 05:52:05 pm
whilst seb and i got throughly tucked into the beers
I don't think you've ever tucked into a beer Dobbin. More like nursed a shandy.

ps didn't you used to have a different first name but changed it to ben after ben moon? you were going to change our whole name to ben moon iirc but you thought it was going a little too far.  ;D
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: slackline on January 05, 2011, 06:14:27 pm
ps didn't you used to have a different first name but changed it to ben after ben moon? you were going to change our whole name to ben moon iirc but you thought it was going a little too far.  ;D

Think you missed this on Twitter the other day, but re-arrange to "Bent Moron".
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: petejh on January 05, 2011, 06:16:52 pm
I remember at a military climbing competition in Sheffield probably around 2000, Ben Moon came in to demonstrate the finals route. The MC did his introduction 'ladies and gents Ben Moon, one of the UK's top climbers, will now demonstrate the route for the finals' at which point a squaddie in the crowd piped up very loudly 'Who the FUCK is Ben Moon?'  :lol:. Moon looked a bit embarrassed, and proceeded to piss his way up the route (which tbh being a military comp was probably about 7c).
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: al123 on January 05, 2011, 06:44:14 pm
well here is a claim to fame! when i bought my first pair of climbing shoes back in maybe march time in outside in hathersage, big ron walks in asks for some shoes and the size, says something like "hello, just getting into are we? its a great sport" then pays and walks out, i didnt know it was him at the time just some old local geezer but i went to pay and his book was there and im thinkin "thats weird, he looks just like that man hmmmmm...." i walk out and start walking home and then stop by a wall to put my new shoes in my bag and ron comes past again and heres the best bit, i say " umm hello... are you ron fawcett?" and he says "yes, i am." me "can i have your autograph pleaaaasee" "of course" i rumage around in my bag for what seems like a age and pull out a torn half of A4 and he signs it, " To Emlyn, ron fawcett"  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. the said paper has now seemed to have vanished. bollocks. i have met Johnny dawes too but i wont bore you with that story, well not yet anyway...... :yawn:
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: mrjonathanr on January 05, 2011, 07:11:08 pm
On an autograph theme, whilst sitting in a cafe in Apt I was once asked for my autograph by a rather attractive French girl. Actually I should say'we', tbh. Zips and Plantpot looked incredulous and I think only Ben actually signed his moniker -which was really what she was after, I suspect.

coda: I went to Stockport Wall just before Christmas, mid-afternoon. Some lanky grey-haired guy with glasses was just warming up on the traverses. I think I must have been the only one there who knew who Martin Boysen is - when I mentioned his presence to one of the staff they just looked bemused.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: andy_e on January 05, 2011, 07:37:12 pm
I once saw Martin Boysen three times in a week - first at brownstones, then at outside in hathersage, then again the same day at high neb... Also at brownstones that day were Allen and Bancroft and Nige Bonnet (I think).
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: The Sausage on January 05, 2011, 07:47:42 pm
I was fondled by John Redhead in Pete's Eats toilets...
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Moo on January 05, 2011, 07:52:32 pm
I would definatley love to read a ben moon autobiography. The only problem I had with Jerry's was that i felt it could have been twice as long by going into a bit more depth about some of his more important ascents and giving just a bit more insight. As a result of not including this, to me the book just felt a bit rushed like they thought you were going to get bored by reading about any detail. But before anyone bites my head off i still thoroughly enjoyed it.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Doylo on January 05, 2011, 07:54:37 pm
I was fondled by John Redhead in Pete's Eats toilets...

ever had a wank whilst holding your mates ropes?
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Jim on January 05, 2011, 07:55:49 pm
Well if the books going to be anything like this thread then it'll be on to a winner
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: mrjonathanr on January 05, 2011, 07:58:20 pm
Moo: With an avatar like that no-one's going to bite your head.

Sausage: probably not as rare an accurrence as you might (or might not) think... Please only post proper claims to fame: I once shared a pint with Richard Harris, stuff like that.

 (Actually he sat down at the same table as me in a Covent Garden pub, to drink a coffee. I think I plucked up the courage to ask the time, that was about it - I'm not Richard Burton ffs..)
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: petejh on January 05, 2011, 09:45:57 pm
I was fondled by John Redhead in Pete's Eats toilets...

ever had a wank whilst holding your mates ropes?

Define 'ropes'
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 05, 2011, 10:59:15 pm
I stood next to a drinking pal while he taunted Prince(ss) Naseem trying to provoke a fight
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: grumpycrumpy on January 06, 2011, 10:16:38 am
I was stood next to a mate when he had his arse fondled by Jane Birkin  ..... 
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 06, 2011, 03:22:02 pm
I was stood next to a mate when he had his arse fondled by Jane Birkin  .....

How long ago are we talking about here
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: grumpycrumpy on January 06, 2011, 04:05:49 pm
About twelve years ago ...... And she definitely still had 'it' ......   
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Moo on January 06, 2011, 04:32:48 pm
I've had a shower with dense beat that........
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Andy B on January 06, 2011, 04:39:27 pm
Is it really as small as everyone says?
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: grumpycrumpy on January 06, 2011, 04:56:25 pm
Is it really as small as everyone says?

What ? ..... Dense's shower ? ......
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: andy_e on January 06, 2011, 06:55:51 pm
Rumour has it that he has a small cubicle.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: tomtom on January 06, 2011, 07:03:06 pm
Looks like its a tight fit...

Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: cofe on January 06, 2011, 07:04:42 pm
I don't want to know what you googled to get that...
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: tomtom on January 06, 2011, 07:09:55 pm
I don't want to know what you googled to get that...

"Tiny shower"... honest...

page 10 past the sex scenes... (
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: clgladiator on January 06, 2011, 08:26:20 pm

not quite what i expected to be honest  :-\
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Jim on January 06, 2011, 11:46:38 pm
Is it really as small as everyone says?

What ? ..... Dense's shower ? ......
his head of course
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Fiend on January 07, 2011, 11:09:05 am
Still a small head slides in easier.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: slackline on January 07, 2011, 11:14:02 am

And then someone dropped the soap....

Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Doylo on January 07, 2011, 11:19:37 am
Is it really as small as everyone says?

all i have to say about that is: 't-shirt first'!
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Falling Down on January 07, 2011, 12:45:54 pm
This thread needs a NSFW tag or those posts shrinking  :spank:
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: chris05 on January 07, 2011, 12:52:44 pm
 :agree: Had to do some quick clicking
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: slackline on January 07, 2011, 01:06:52 pm
 :oops: Sorry people, can't modify now as too much time has elapsed, only a mod/admin can.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: J_duds on August 24, 2012, 01:31:46 pm
Vertebrate to publish autobiography of legendary British climber Ben Moon

More here: (
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: J_duds on August 24, 2012, 01:52:01 pm

Moon's autobiography, provisionally titled Statement is due out in September 2013!!  :)

Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Jaspersharpe on August 24, 2012, 02:08:40 pm
Top name for it.
Title: Re: ben moon autobiography
Post by: Offwidth on August 26, 2012, 10:46:08 am
Vertebrate to publish autobiography of legendary British climber Ben Moon

Will the required crimp strength to page turn increase as the story gets more exciting?....or is that just for the second hand copies?
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