the shizzle => for sale / wanted => Topic started by: Paul B on February 06, 2009, 02:09:19 pm

Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on February 06, 2009, 02:09:19 pm
A while ago someone (Dylan?) suggested that a UKB freecycle scheme might be a good idea instead of using actual freecycle (which now seems flooded with: I want a free Rolls Royce or brand new boxed Wii).

I'd prefer any items I have going spare to go to someone off here who needs them rather than a random free-cycler who may or may not turn up.

(Usual freecycle rules would apply, no money involved, no taking items to sell! etc.)

I'll kick it off with:

OFFERED: Black SONY multi-region DVD player with remote.

if it doesn't work then consider this a "Random shit I can't be bothered to ebay NoIII thread "
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on February 06, 2009, 02:11:42 pm

I'll take that off your hands Paul
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on February 06, 2009, 02:48:56 pm
ah the guy that got the BYOB vetoed? Only kidding. I (or my other half) will be down the works sometime in the coming week if that suits you?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on February 07, 2009, 12:37:34 am
ah the guy that got the BYOB vetoed? Only kidding. I (or my other half) will be down the works sometime in the coming week if that suits you?

Perfect. In fact, I was down there this eve. I'll be there for the Jerry lecture (of course!)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on February 07, 2009, 02:19:10 pm
I'll be there for Jerry...

I'll bring the DVD player.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Monolith on February 07, 2009, 03:09:01 pm
Class idea.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: account_inactive on February 07, 2009, 07:31:14 pm
Yes I will take all the credit for this Paul ;)

Would it be better to have a seperate part of the forum rather than one long thread?  I suppose whatever is easiest.  I have a bunch of stuff that I want to get rid of when I get back from Font.  Did I mention I was in Font?  I'm in Font.  I've also found free WIFI
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on February 07, 2009, 08:41:35 pm
I reckon so D-man. You're in Font?

Don't break that expensive new "Rock N Roll" bed when it starts to rain  :shag:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on February 17, 2009, 01:29:36 am
This hasn't really taken off but I'll persevere:

OFFERED: LARGE modular corner desk, birch, from ikea. Good condition apart from some sun bleaching under corner desk mat no worries though as the mat is included!
OFFERED: 4 Tier birch bookcase also ikea.

They'll need to go ASAP to make way for the board. Collection only i'm afraid (near the foundry). If there aren't any takers I'll give them to the place lagers suggested a while back

Drew: I'll be down the works tomorrow night if you want to take the DVD player off my hands?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: account_inactive on February 17, 2009, 07:03:28 pm
Maybe we can just trade things between ourselves Paul.  I'd love to take both of those items for my workshop

I'll also have a rummage around and see what I can find to put on here
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on February 17, 2009, 09:27:25 pm
Maybe we can just trade things between ourselves Paul.  I'd love to take both of those items for my workshop

I'll also have a rummage around and see what I can find to put on here

the works board may have just saved our spare room so i'll have to hold off for a week or so Dylan to see whats happening...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on February 18, 2009, 12:15:55 pm
... and on the scrounge....

I'm after a SMALL LCD flatscreen/ monitor to use as a second screen with Lightroom if anyone is upgrading. Ideally 3:4, not wide, can you swivel them upright (ie 'portrait') anyone?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on February 18, 2009, 08:11:24 pm
you would probably need to make a diy holder to hold it on its side, the software to rotate the screen should be easy to come accross
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on February 18, 2009, 08:40:35 pm
Genius jim, any idea if i'll need a new graphics card?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on February 18, 2009, 09:42:52 pm
let me get that crystal ball...... or are you going to give us a clue?
ps I would probably wait and see if you can get a monitor first
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on February 18, 2009, 09:50:14 pm
ok... my graphics card has two ports on the back though they don't look the same, one has dvi near it. What's in your crystal ball now? In mine all I can see is a wet Parisella's. Fat use.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Plattsy on February 19, 2009, 12:54:07 pm
I love this Freecycle idea.

Off the top of my head.

Homebrew kit

1st Generation X-box with games, controllers and DVD remote control. Boxed.

If you want more info let me know.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on February 19, 2009, 01:16:44 pm
Go on then...

I've got a Nokia 6500 classic in black that I don't need. Basically, after a long night of  :beer1: I left it in the pub in town, got it cancelled by Orange and forked out for a replacement...and then went back to the same pub the following weekend and they'd got it!

It's one of these mofos:


So, firstly it's locked, but I'm sure some dodgy geezer down the Manor has a mate in prison who can sort that for you. Also, it's currently on Orange, but again I'm sure that same mate can take care of that if you're not.

Secondly, it's just the phone, so you'd need to sort a charger yourself.

Thirdly, it's been used, but not much - I think I had it for a couple of months before I got the new one.

They're currently going for like £75-£100 on ebay but I can't be bothered with the faff.

As I'll probably have a bit of spare time on my hands shortly, how does a month's pass at the Works sound as a fair exchange?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on February 19, 2009, 01:23:01 pm
For UKBcycle: SHED.
OK, this is one for a few weeks time (when the weathers better) but I have a shed I want to get rid of. Its approx 2m by 1.25m - wood with felt roof. Its in great shape, been on concrete beam foundations (so not rotten). Its also boarded inside and secure (previous house owner was a landscape gardener and was security minded).
Basically its too big for what I need and takes up 20% of the garden!
I have not got a clue how to dismantle it (might not be straightforward), but happy to help.Oh, and its in Hull...
Probably worth about £400+ new...
A bit of a slow burner as it wont happen for a few weeks even months but if anyones interested..?

(I can put some pictures if if required,..)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on February 19, 2009, 06:07:13 pm
I'd love the phone TTT - I'm on orange, I've got a charger, but this is FREEcycle. I could make you up a me-mask for getting into the works free?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on February 19, 2009, 08:09:31 pm
As I'll probably have a bit of spare time on my hands shortly, how does a month's pass at the Works sound as a fair exchange?

The idea of freecycle is that no money changes hands and that things offered are completely free except for maybe offering to buy them a pint next time you see them in the pub!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on February 20, 2009, 01:44:18 pm
If they cancelled the phone I don't think it would work
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Bubba on February 20, 2009, 01:58:26 pm

Try it with a PAYG SIM ?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on February 20, 2009, 02:01:36 pm
Unlocking to other networks is no problem but if they've barred the IMEI then it's fucked.

There are (apparently) ways of changing the IMEI number but I wouldn't risk a five year stretch for the sake of buying a new phone.......... (

EDIT - now I've reread the OP it might be worth calling Orange and telling them that you've found the phone to see if they can unblock it. Well it's worth a try but they might tell you to piss off.

Sorry - how many edits of the same post. Meant to say, my Mrs did a similar thing and lost her phone, cancelled it and the next day some bloke called me saying he'd found it. We picked it up and O2 unbarred it. As I say, this was all done in a 24 hr period so I don't know if that's significant. THE END!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on February 20, 2009, 05:10:40 pm
I'd love the phone TTT - I'm on orange, I've got a charger, but this is FREEcycle. I could make you up a me-mask for getting into the works free?

Ah, sorry - been away and just returned to find this...

Apologies, hadn't realised about the free bit of the freecycle...or perhaps the cheeky cockernee in me escaped momentarily there.

Either way, JB, it's yours - you have PM.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on February 21, 2009, 06:52:39 am
I could make you up a me-mask for getting into the works free?
Haloween is a bit off yet word
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on February 25, 2009, 06:43:05 pm
OFFERED: LARGE modular corner desk, birch, from ikea. Good condition apart from some sun bleaching under corner desk mat no worries though as the mat is included!

any takers before it goes on real freecycle?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on February 26, 2009, 08:27:29 am
Does this mean wardrobe board is ON?

Thought Dylan wanted the desk?  :-\
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on February 26, 2009, 09:50:35 am
Does this mean wardrobe board is ON?

Thought Dylan wanted the desk?  :-\

Dylan has too much stuff so can't fit the desk atm. Wardrobe board is almost go, the works board is amazing but something closer to home stops me wasting so much time driving across town each week. I just need to work out how the hell to get the wood up here. 8 x 4 won't fit in the lift and i'm not carrying it up 6 (well 12!) sets of stairs.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on February 26, 2009, 11:36:58 am
I've got a broadband modem/router thingy which I no longer require. It's not wireless but has 4 ethernet ports (I think). It's a D-link one. A bit outdated nowadays but if anybody wants it, let me know.

(Based in Todmorden so could combine collection with a Bridies/Widdop visit, I could post it if the postee covers the cost but I'm not very good at that kind of shit so collection is probably safest)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on February 26, 2009, 12:02:14 pm
This modern fangled thing called the postal service is a bit tricky to get the hang of.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on March 15, 2009, 10:56:57 am
got a few things if anyone wants them:

- Technics CD player (SL-P477A) with remote, black. Works fine most of the time but can start skipping if it gets warm/feels in the mood.

- Sherwood amplifier (AI-1110), black. Volume control can be a bit temperamental. Think i bought this off obi wan a few years ago.

- couple of mordaunt short speakers, black. seem to work ok. might need new leads as the guinea pigs have been at the current ones. front grill keeps falling off one of them

i'm in sheff s10, or work in s11. let me know if you're interested.

word etc.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on March 15, 2009, 08:18:56 pm
got a few things if anyone wants them:

- Sherwood amplifier (AI-1110), black. Volume control can be a bit temperamental. Think i bought this off obi wan a few years ago.

I'd be pretty interested by this.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on March 15, 2009, 08:28:14 pm
it's yours drew. i might be at the works after work tomorrow so can stick it in the car?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on March 15, 2009, 08:41:23 pm
Sweet. If the weather's good, I'll be bouldering outdoors til about 7ish then will swing by t'Works. If it's bad I'll be at t'Works from about 6 onwards.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on March 15, 2009, 10:43:40 pm
I'll have the speakers off you word
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mike Tyson on March 15, 2009, 11:07:39 pm
I'd love the phone TTT - I'm on orange, I've got a charger, but this is FREEcycle. I could make you up a me-mask for getting into the works free?

Ah, sorry - been away and just returned to find this...

Apologies, hadn't realised about the free bit of the freecycle...or perhaps the cheeky cockernee in me escaped momentarily there.

Either way, JB, it's yours - you have PM.

Afraid the phone will be blacklisted if you reported it lost or stolen. They can monitor any usage on it so even if you did sell it on it'd be buggered.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on March 16, 2009, 08:30:25 am
I'll have the speakers off you word

Done. How'd you want to get dem off me word?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on March 16, 2009, 06:39:26 pm
I'll be over in a week or 2, I'll get them off you then, unless you fancy some cave action on wednesday?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on March 16, 2009, 08:26:26 pm
i guess i'll see you in a week or two then.  ;D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: reeve on March 16, 2009, 09:17:29 pm
Offered: Electric guitar and amp. A few years old, beginners quality. Probably not what you're looking for if you already play guitar to a reasonable standard. Requires the ability to tune it and, unlike me, no be entirely musically inept. Collection only, near climbing works.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on March 19, 2009, 10:11:57 am
Got some industrial shelving I need rid of
6' high x 3' wide x 1' deep
4 adjustable shelves
in manchester or can meet up at crags etc...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on March 19, 2009, 05:18:47 pm
Might have that for the cellar word.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: account_inactive on March 19, 2009, 06:37:31 pm
If the brown doesn't want it I'll have it monster
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on March 21, 2009, 06:29:52 am
righto, I'll put it in the car next time I'm over the peak and whoever answers the phone first or is in etc... gets the gear
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: account_inactive on March 21, 2009, 10:51:43 am
Looks like Crystal Suite will get it then ;)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on March 21, 2009, 10:50:59 pm
Offered: Electric guitar and amp. A few years old, beginners quality. Probably not what you're looking for if you already play guitar to a reasonable standard. Requires the ability to tune it and, unlike me, no be entirely musically inept. Collection only, near climbing works.

Lagers Jr would like it if it is still available...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on March 22, 2009, 03:39:27 pm
got a few things if anyone wants them:

- Technics CD player (SL-P477A) with remote, black. Works fine most of the time but can start skipping if it gets warm/feels in the mood.

- Sherwood amplifier (AI-1110), black. Volume control can be a bit temperamental. Think i bought this off obi wan a few years ago.

- couple of mordaunt short speakers, black. seem to work ok. might need new leads as the guinea pigs have been at the current ones. front grill keeps falling off one of them

i'm in sheff s10, or work in s11. let me know if you're interested.

word etc.

CD playa still up for grabs if anyone wants it???

also got a tv digi box going too with remote. works fine but TV guide can be a bit slow. peace and fucking.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on March 23, 2009, 06:02:25 pm
we've got a Black and decker strimmer that we don't need anymore, if anyone wants it. one of the handles is a bit damaged but it still works fine.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tlr on March 23, 2009, 06:35:03 pm
I'd like to get rid of a pair of Peugeot 306 snow tyres and wheels. Used for a couple of thousand miles at most, and stored in cool dark place.

Make a huge difference in snowy weather, made the wifes 306 better at getting up slopes than my 4 wheel drive Impreza.

In Sheffield, and collection only really.

One of you must have a 306! Snow forecast for the weekend too!

PM if interested.


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on March 23, 2009, 10:44:32 pm
I could do with the tyres, but of a haul to Aberdeen though.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tlr on March 24, 2009, 10:02:04 am
You're welcome to them if you can get them to Aberdeen.

Might be easier if someone in Sheffield took them off my hands though....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on March 24, 2009, 10:45:40 am
True. If no takers come up i could make a plan before winter - the tyre size is prety standard might fit a few cars. Or do you need rid of them?

(Just a thought, ours is a meridian with alloys - is tyre size identical?)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Stubbs on March 25, 2009, 11:48:05 am
Freeview box with remote, not anything fancy but freeview ain't available in Otley so it's of no use to me!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on March 25, 2009, 12:20:17 pm
How old is it? And what make? Ours is about 5 years old and starting to misbehave.

I have some mackerel feather lures if anyone wants any. Bought a load for buttons off fleabay, and have more than I will ever need. Can post in envelope.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on March 25, 2009, 12:49:41 pm
I'll have some feathers off you, Chris  :thumbsup:

PMing you in a minute...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on March 25, 2009, 01:01:34 pm
All good. Got a few.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Stubbs on March 25, 2009, 01:18:49 pm
How old is it? And what make? Ours is about 5 years old and starting to misbehave.

About 3 years, was working well before I moved out to the Boondocks...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on March 25, 2009, 01:31:11 pm
Got a tin of .177 air rifle pellets, pointed. The wife ordered the wrong size so free to a good home.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on March 25, 2009, 04:51:27 pm
Also just found a Nordic Track Nordic Rider Dual Motion torture device. The kind of thing bored housewives buy. Dunno where the fuck we got it from??? Or indeed when. And if I'm being completely honest about the description it is actually a collection of pieces that according to the label should combine to make a Nordic Track Nordic Rider Dual Motion torture device....

Collection from Todmorden, and if someone is genuinely interested I will try and put it together to check all the parts are present.

Dobbin can have first dibs on this as he missed out on the stove.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dobbin on March 26, 2009, 08:59:22 am
erm... dont hold this one for me. My mind boggles at my potential lack of nordic ability. And I have a mini wee house.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SteG on March 29, 2009, 08:59:06 pm
offered - block of foam 210cm x 160cm x 14cm

used to be in my climbing wall as part of a two layer setup but has been replaced by some thicker stuff. It's a bit thin to be used on it's own but would probably go OK with a bouldering mat/cushions/matress type affair over it.

London based if some kind person wants to take it off my hands for me  :wave:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Adam Lincoln on March 29, 2009, 09:20:58 pm
offered - block of foam 210cm x 160cm x 14cm
used to be in my climbing wall as part of a two layer setup

It may have been prematurely weakened with my hefty weight falling on it! (Is it the same foam as Bellgate?)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SteG on March 29, 2009, 10:11:49 pm
yep, the harder density base layer. seems to have re-gained it's shape ok tho  :whistle:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Adam Lincoln on March 29, 2009, 10:24:09 pm
yep, the harder density base layer. seems to have re-gained it's shape ok tho  :whistle:

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on March 31, 2009, 07:36:10 pm
Just been looking through my cupboards and found a UK charger and phone charger for the Motorola RZR.

Not sure if it's any use to anyone seeing how often phone manafacturers change plugs, I do know it's the same socket as some Blackberrys (Blackberries?), it's also a mini USB plug size as well.

PM if interested before it goes in the bin...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on April 01, 2009, 10:44:19 am
I've got a copy of Peak Bouldering which I found at the Plantation about a month ago, despite advertising it here and on ukc nobody has claimed it so does anybody want it? 

It's in pretty good nick with only a few ticks recorded.

Collection from Sheffield/Peak preferred or I'll post in return for a MRT donation.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on April 01, 2009, 10:56:29 am
Ah my mate will have that. He was on about getting a copy the other day. I'll PM you......
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on April 01, 2009, 02:24:08 pm
I've got a copy of Peak Bouldering which I found at the Plantation about a month ago, despite advertising it here and on ukc nobody has claimed it so does anybody want it? 

It's in pretty good nick with only a few ticks recorded.

Collection from Sheffield/Peak preferred or I'll post in return for a MRT donation.
If Jaspers mate doesnt want it let me know. I'd like one...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on April 02, 2009, 08:10:12 pm
Collection has been arranged so it's gone I'm afraid.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: r-man on April 03, 2009, 12:47:13 am
I saw one recently in the second hand bookshop on Sharrow Vale road (sheff). Purple and green cover, I think.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on April 03, 2009, 07:48:03 am
r-man this could get confusing. Is avatar thievery a puntering offence or should I just let you off with.....  :spank: ?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on April 03, 2009, 07:51:03 am
If Jaspers mate doesnt want it let me know. I'd like one...

Collection has been arranged so it's gone I'm afraid.

As a consolation I'll repost this gem as this is the chap who is picking up the guide....... (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on April 03, 2009, 08:22:51 am

As a consolation I'll repost this gem as this is the chap who is picking up the guide....... (

 :lol: Hope his topping out and descent skills have improved, could be entertaining getting him up/down The Pebble
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on April 03, 2009, 08:25:46 am
Yeah that was his first time climbing a couple of years ago and he was terrified!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: r-man on April 03, 2009, 12:14:47 pm
r-man this could get confusing. Is avatar thievery a puntering offence or should I just let you off with.....  :spank: ?

Woops. How did I not notice you already had that? I googled for that pic as well. I'll change it shortly.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on April 05, 2009, 10:54:35 am
No worries. Lime appreciation is to be encouraged.  ;D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on April 06, 2009, 04:53:28 pm
anyone got an excess of bolts for a woody they want shut of? I'm your man
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Falling Down on May 04, 2009, 01:55:31 pm
Bedroom/spare room carpet, medium Blue. 8ft x 12.5ft. Only 5 years old in good condition.  Collect from my house in High Peak (Chinley area) or meet me at Rubicon or the Tor sometime this week with a roof rack.  PM if you're interested. Ben
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on May 05, 2009, 09:49:34 am
anyone got an excess of bolts for a woody they want shut of? I'm your man

I've only just seen this. Do you still need bolts Jim?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on May 06, 2009, 09:48:07 am
Yes please andy
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on May 06, 2009, 10:00:17 am
I've got some too word. Hex heads though not allen.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on May 06, 2009, 10:08:31 am
I'll have them an all please kes
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on May 06, 2009, 03:36:02 pm
I've just found Bleau and Stone Monkey on VHS while packing stuff up to move - not much use to me as I no longer possess a video.

Anyone want them?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on May 06, 2009, 04:17:27 pm

Re-OFFERED: LARGE modular corner desk, birch, from ikea. Good condition apart from some sun bleaching under corner desk mat no worries though as the mat is included! I think the legs and one of the pieces can be used to form a more normally sized desk.
Re-OFFERED: 4 Tier birch bookcase also ikea.

Nobody want these?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on May 06, 2009, 04:22:03 pm

Re-OFFERED: LARGE modular corner desk, birch, from ikea. Good condition apart from some sun bleaching under corner desk mat no worries though as the mat is included! I think the legs and one of the pieces can be used to form a more normally sized desk.
Re-OFFERED: 4 Tier birch bookcase also ikea.

Nobody want these?

I'll take the bookcase if it's going - will PM you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on May 06, 2009, 06:21:38 pm
Yes please andy

Are you going up to the lakes do at the weekend? We are waiting on the weather for a final decision on whether to go, but that might be a way to get them to you. Or are you over this side any time soon?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on May 06, 2009, 09:13:16 pm
Didn't know about the lakes do but am in portugal till monday morning anyway. Will holla at you next time I'm over, will be in the next couple of weeks as I've got to pick some speakers up off dopefield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on May 06, 2009, 09:53:49 pm
Re-OFFERED: LARGE modular corner desk, birch, from ikea. Good condition apart from some sun bleaching under corner desk mat no worries though as the mat is included! I think the legs and one of the pieces can be used to form a more normally sized desk.
Re-OFFERED: 4 Tier birch bookcase also ikea.

Provisionally taken.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on May 06, 2009, 09:54:23 pm
Didn't know about the lakes do but am in portugal till monday morning anyway. Will holla at you next time I'm over, will be in the next couple of weeks as I've got to pick some speakers up off dopefield

Nice one, see you soon. Enjoy Portugal.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 06, 2009, 10:18:00 pm
Anyone want an old Cordless bouldering pad? Bit thin, and could do with a clean as it's been in the garage for a while. May be useful as another layer for a cellar?

Also getting rid of a Blackburn bike floor pump, I could never get it to work very well, so I got another.

Also [random one] anyone have a use for three nice boxes that posh kitchen knives came in? Too nice to bin, possibly good for artists brushes, nice pens etc?? Made of MDF or similar with hinged lids

Like this one... (knives not included, sorry!)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on May 06, 2009, 11:09:52 pm
I'll take the mat off your hands Toby  :great:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Bubba on May 07, 2009, 03:13:23 pm
Also getting rid of a Blackburn bike floor pump, I could never get it to work very well, so I got another.
Is that a track-pump? I'll give it a go if nobody else has taken it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Oli on May 07, 2009, 04:26:33 pm
A bit random but I've got a straight weights bar that someone in Shef can have if they want?
I found it in a cupboard when I moved into my current house 2 years ago and have no use for it.
It's hollow, has threaded ends and is about 160/170cm long. That is all I know.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 07, 2009, 05:04:54 pm
Also getting rid of a Blackburn bike floor pump, I could never get it to work very well, so I got another.
Is that a track-pump? I'll give it a go if nobody else has taken it?

Yup and it's yours. Holding the mat for the big lad until he returns from Costa-del-wifebeater.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on May 07, 2009, 07:34:14 pm
Cheers Toby, at this rate I'll have a full car load to come over and collect by the time I get back
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 07, 2009, 09:54:19 pm
We don't have enough room for it now due to shed development - 220 litre Blackwall compost bin going free; used, but now empty.
Could easily be converted into a great Dalek fancy dress costume or training facility for wannabe subterranean eco-warriors.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 07, 2009, 10:04:13 pm
I am also seeking to dispose of a sack of pebbles (feels like about 30kg) - they look too useful to throw away. Smooth rounded jobs in the 2 - 4 inch range. Ready bagged - ideal for those lame fountain-without-pond water features that The Mother-in-law is so fond of, but which anyone with a shred of taste would dig up and replace with an extra few square feet of play-worthy turf if they were to find themselves living in a house previously occupied by her.
These could also be very useful for G20, G8 or protesters wanting a decent stash of very chuckable missiles - possibly of great use if used in conjunction with the above item to create your very own Crusty Anarchist Training Camp.

NOTE: this item is not suitable for people who live in glass houses.


 like this

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: GCW on May 07, 2009, 10:08:16 pm
Is that actual size?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 07, 2009, 10:11:10 pm
Is what actual size? The pic of pebbles is just something that Go Ogle threw up and demonstrates the type of pebbles
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: GCW on May 07, 2009, 10:12:45 pm
Yeah, the pic.  I wanna be sure of what I'm not buying.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 07, 2009, 10:16:41 pm
Ah right.
Obviously I will be posting a video of these pebbles later in the week for all you serious bidders.

There are a lot more pebbles than in that picture, but I don't want to get into trouble for inciting rioting when people realise just how many quality pebbles can be bought for Fuck All.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on May 08, 2009, 09:23:42 am
How big is the compost bin?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on May 08, 2009, 10:02:04 am
There are a lot more pebbles than in that picture, but I don't want to get into trouble for inciting rioting when people realise just how many quality pebbles can be bought for Fuck All.

Pebbles are a precious commodity these days. There is now a notice on Stonehaven "beach" that says don't take the pebbles home with you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on May 08, 2009, 10:16:47 am
How big is the compost bin?

Aha! Hibernation is imminent!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on May 08, 2009, 10:25:52 am
How big is the compost bin?

Aha! Hibernation is imminent!

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 08, 2009, 11:19:19 am
How big is the compost bin?

The 220 litre compost bin ( has a volume of approximately 220 litres. It is 900mm high and has a base diameter of 740mm.
It is one of those without a base plate. Has a well fitting lid and a hatch at the bottom for when you want to dig for worms. Made out of post consumer recycled plastic.

15% discount for UKB members. 30% discount for all regular contributors to
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on May 08, 2009, 02:17:33 pm
I'll throw in some lettuce leaves and a torn up newspaper if that helps?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on May 08, 2009, 05:00:14 pm
I've got an Avent steam steriliser for any of you new parents out there.  It needs descaling (according to the missus) but works ok.

Think it's this one: (

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on May 08, 2009, 05:46:31 pm
I'll throw in some lettuce leaves and a torn up newspaper if that helps?

I can do better than that - I've got the limestone crags section of On Peak Rock that you could use?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 08, 2009, 05:54:33 pm
I've got an Avent steam steriliser for any of you new parents out there.  It needs descaling (according to the missus) but works ok.

Think it's this one: (

Mrs Starfish says we'd like it please.

I'll pm you
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: grumpycrumpy on May 21, 2009, 09:34:28 am
I'm giving away a wicker sofa , I tried to get various charities interested but as it's not got a fireproofed label they passed by on it .... I haven't got a pic , but it is very nice , the cushions are an interesting tulip design .... It'd look great in someones in conservatory
I'm in Font for a week , back on the 30th , but if you're interested let me know ( I can deliver in the Sheffield area )...

p.s. It has to go to a good home by the 4th of June or else I'll be forced to find out whether it's fireproof or not ...   
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on June 01, 2009, 09:07:57 pm
I'm having a clearout of the loft and garage, for starters:

14" portable tv (CRT) with remote control.

50-60 High and Climber magazines mostly from around '88 - 93ish.

Collect from Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on June 02, 2009, 08:11:07 am
Magazine's have gone.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: neil h on June 02, 2009, 08:15:38 am
anyone got an excess of bolts for a woody they want shut of? I'm your man

i got millions of them jim, you want some there yours i am trying to get shot, think I have about 7000 left over from old stock
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Adam Lincoln on June 03, 2009, 09:37:10 pm
Got a Blackberry Curve/Storm main charger free if anyone needs one. Wont fit the BB bold  :-[
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 04, 2009, 04:04:58 pm
Anyone want onion bulbs? We bought a load and were given a load and have no space. Piece of piss to grow. just stick in ground and remove nice fat onions in autumn. Got Some Jiffy bags lying about so can post.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on June 04, 2009, 04:08:13 pm
Anyone want onion bulbs?

are they bayonet or screw?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Bubba on June 04, 2009, 04:35:58 pm

Wanted - Axle Stands

A long shot I know, but if anyone has any cluttering up their garage then I'll take them off ya. Need to start self-servicing our cars and stop paying labour charges for easy jobs like changing the oil / pads / etc.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on June 04, 2009, 04:46:45 pm
Anyone want onion bulbs? We bought a load and were given a load and have no space. Piece of piss to grow. just stick in ground and remove nice fat onions in autumn. Got Some Jiffy bags lying about so can post.

I'll have some if poss? - theres a border in my garden that needs something useful in it (ie not flowers...)

If OK shall I PM you?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on June 04, 2009, 08:47:14 pm
Offered: Matsui Portable DVD Player
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on June 04, 2009, 09:05:37 pm
Offered: Matsui Portable DVD Player

Can we have it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on June 04, 2009, 10:03:09 pm
Have you still got that compost bin? Seeing as its getting hot now, I'll take it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on June 04, 2009, 10:07:20 pm
Have you still got that compost bin? Seeing as its getting hot now, I'll take it.

Yes, still got it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: grumpycrumpy on June 05, 2009, 07:41:53 am
I'm giving away a wicker sofa , I tried to get various charities interested but as it's not got a fireproofed label they passed by on it .... I haven't got a pic , but it is very nice , the cushions are an interesting tulip design .... It'd look great in someones in conservatory
I'm in Font for a week , back on the 30th , but if you're interested let me know ( I can deliver in the Sheffield area )...

p.s. It has to go to a good home by the 4th of June or else I'll be forced to find out whether it's fireproof or not ...   
It wasn't .....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 05, 2009, 10:59:08 am

I'll have some if poss? - theres a border in my garden that needs something useful in it (ie not flowers...)

If OK shall I PM you?

Aye, send us an address. Would a dozen be enough? 2 dozen? Let me know.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on June 11, 2009, 03:45:32 pm
Vauxhall Vectra Estate. T Reg. 2.0 16v. Tax runs out at the end of this month. Flat battery as it's been parked up at my work for the past 2 months. Not sure when the MOT is due.  Needs 2 new tyres. The car belongs to a mate, but he's going to scrap it.  Thought we may as well post something on here in case someone wants it?  Can be viewed daytime at The Foundry car park.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on June 12, 2009, 01:12:19 am
Vauxhall Vectra Estate. T Reg. 2.0 16v.
The car belongs to a mate, but he's going to scrap it.

Why is he scrapping it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on June 12, 2009, 09:16:06 am
Cos he's bought a T4.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dontfollowme on June 12, 2009, 10:42:57 am
Seem like a good deal for someone. Strange to think a T reg is 10 years old.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on June 12, 2009, 10:48:11 am
Vauxhall Vectra Estate. T Reg. 2.0 16v. Tax runs out at the end of this month. Flat battery as it's been parked up at my work for the past 2 months. Not sure when the MOT is due.  Needs 2 new tyres. The car belongs to a mate, but he's going to scrap it.  Thought we may as well post something on here in case someone wants it?  Can be viewed daytime at The Foundry car park.

Despite flat battery and not having moved in 2 months did it run okay when it was on the road?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on June 12, 2009, 03:31:11 pm
I think you best bet would be to speak to the man who it belongs to. I know he went to Font in it in February. PM me if you're interested
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: David S on June 16, 2009, 04:59:55 pm
I'm after some Compact Flash cards 512 mb and under in size. Anyone got any they don't want?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: GCW on June 20, 2009, 03:21:12 pm
Got 2 items if anyone wants them.

Item 1:  Leafed table, slight scratches on surface.  4 legs.  Both leaves in it's 80x80cm, each leaf adds 30cm ie max size 80x140cm.  Legs removable for easy transport.



Item 2.  Shit old bike that's been in the shed for months.  It works OK, be fine with a little TLC.  15 gears, bell, brakes, 2 wheels.  If anyone wants it let me know, otherwise I'll dump it soon.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on June 20, 2009, 07:52:42 pm
I'll take the can of Fosters, cheers, G.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: GCW on June 20, 2009, 08:03:39 pm
That's only there 'cos I couldn't be arsed putting all 4 legs on the table :lol:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on June 20, 2009, 09:10:38 pm
genius but why do you have cans of shit lager lying around?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: GCW on June 20, 2009, 09:14:56 pm
I don't usually, but I couldn't drink all 24 last night.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on June 20, 2009, 09:22:44 pm
Did you get called back in to work?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: GCW on June 20, 2009, 09:27:06 pm
Nah, had to drive some friends to the pub.

EDIT: Anyone want a table?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on June 20, 2009, 11:28:11 pm
Item 2.  Shit old bike that's been in the shed for months.  It works OK, be fine with a little TLC.  15 gears, bell, brakes, 2 wheels.  If anyone wants it let me know, otherwise I'll dump it soon.

Fuck yeah!!!


Them tyres are a bit bald. In fact they look like Lagers head!  :-[
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on June 20, 2009, 11:59:53 pm
Them tyres are a bit bald. In fact they look like Lagers head!  :-[

My head has better tread than those tyres

*colours fucked up for dramatic Torchwood effect
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on June 21, 2009, 12:15:27 am
Them tyres are a bit bald. In fact they look like Lagers head!  :-[

My head has better tread than those tyres

*colours fucked up for dramatic Torchwood effect

I thought that was three hands in a line! Holy crapsticks, that's awesome!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: GCW on June 21, 2009, 08:18:50 am
SOunds like a visit to the local dump tomorrow then :lol:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Serpico on June 21, 2009, 09:33:36 am


That is the single biggest testicle I've ever seen.
Not that I've actually seen that many.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: account_inactive on June 22, 2009, 03:20:17 pm
I've a car charger I bought for a N95 sitting unopened in a drawer if anyone wants it
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Falling Down on June 22, 2009, 03:52:44 pm
Two wetsuits..

Rip Curl F-Bomb 5/4/3 Just over three years old and still alright for a Spring/Autumn suit but the seams are a bit leaky so no good for winter anymore.

Sola Titanium 5/3 - About 8 years old but in pretty good nick as it got a full refurb.

Both size M (I'm 5'9 with a 40" chest and the Rip Curl is quite snug at that size).

Free to a good home.

PM me
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Falling Down on June 23, 2009, 11:30:06 pm
Rip Curl suit now accounted for...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Sloper on June 28, 2009, 08:28:56 pm
Ikea futon, used but clean with two matresses, free with a dontation to the MRT (your conscience decides how much). Buyer collects from Grindleford.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: stom on June 28, 2009, 09:31:01 pm
Free computer(or most of one).  Specs are as follows;

AMD Athlon 1800+
MSI Motherboard
1GB Ram
NVidia Geforce 4 Tiatnium Graphics Card
PS2 Keyboard
(needs a Hard drive and mouse addding to complete the system)

Also got a 15" Philips TFT monitor (Brilliance 150p) that i no longer require

Items are located in Sheffield.

PM me if you want either of these items....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: stom on June 29, 2009, 11:56:33 am
Monitor has gone.  The computer is still up for grabs though!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on June 29, 2009, 12:12:04 pm
i'll check the spec on mine - if you don't shift the whole thing i might take the RAM off you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on June 29, 2009, 12:24:18 pm
i'll check the spec on mine - if you don't shift the whole thing i might take the RAM off you.

Check whether your comp has DDR, DDR2 or DDR3 and make sure that in stom's computer matches.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: stom on June 29, 2009, 02:16:04 pm
I think the machines taken, however if they dont want it i'll let you know Dave!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on July 07, 2009, 02:25:15 pm
found canon front lens cap if anyone wants it. 62mm i think.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Fj on July 13, 2009, 09:53:39 am
I've also got a monitor if anyone wants it. Its a 17inch CRT (fat) and the colours might be slightly off, but its been good as a second screen.
based in Sheffield.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Fj on July 13, 2009, 10:36:01 am
also got a portable telly if anyone wants it? Think its also 15".
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: BVT on July 14, 2009, 11:04:45 pm
Qualcast electric lawnmower - cylinder type.  It still works, but the cut is pretty uneven, and to be honest i gave up on it when the roller seemed to do more than the blades!  Derby area.  It'll go to the tip in a couple of weeks if no-one wants it.  I'll rephrase that; i'll have to drive it to the tip in a couple of weeks.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on July 15, 2009, 08:38:26 am
Wireless router (G-spec), no built in modem, just a router. Belkin, might have the instructions knocking about, might not.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on July 15, 2009, 09:38:00 am
Wireless router (G-spec), no built in modem, just a router. Belkin, might have the instructions knocking about, might not.

Get instructions from Retrevo (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Scraggadoo on July 15, 2009, 12:47:53 pm
Qualcast electric lawnmower - cylinder type.  It still works, but the cut is pretty uneven, and to be honest i gave up on it when the roller seemed to do more than the blades!  Derby area.  It'll go to the tip in a couple of weeks if no-one wants it.  I'll rephrase that; i'll have to drive it to the tip in a couple of weeks.

Take the blade off, file cutting edges down to sharp edge and it'll good as new (unless it's the motor that's knackered, which it'll probably be by now!).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on July 15, 2009, 01:21:01 pm
I need to do that to ours if it helps. Can you just use an ordinary bastard file or is it hardened and needs something like a dremel?

(apologies for swearing).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Scraggadoo on July 15, 2009, 03:16:47 pm
As long as the file ain't a wood one or too coarse then yeah.  Usually you get the spanner to undo the bolt on the bottom of the lawnmower when you buy it, but it's pretty big so if you don't have it chances are you might have some difficulty in getting it off to get the blade off.

Don't have any power tools or the like (apart from a drill) so no idea.  Would just use whatever tools are available for the job.  Bear in mind that my mower is over 10 years old, motor is starting to pack up so could well be different for modern mowers of today.   :shrug:  Metal shouldn't be too hardened - a file should be more than adequate.


Just to be safe...  :P
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on July 15, 2009, 04:02:09 pm
Bear in mind that my mower is over 10 years old, motor is starting to pack up

Sounds exactly like mine, will have a look, as at the moment it seems to pull grassout rather than cut it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Scraggadoo on July 15, 2009, 09:09:51 pm
Can't hurt to give it a go then!

Let me know if it makes any difference... 
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on July 18, 2009, 08:07:44 pm

1 x George Foreman grilling thingy.
1 x Russell Hobbs juicer
10m of carpet grip strips, unused. 

All in Sheff. PM me. Word.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: BVT on July 18, 2009, 09:28:02 pm
Qualcast electric lawnmower - cylinder type.  It still works, but the cut is pretty uneven, and to be honest i gave up on it when the roller seemed to do more than the blades!  Derby area.  It'll go to the tip in a couple of weeks if no-one wants it.  I'll rephrase that; i'll have to drive it to the tip in a couple of weeks.

Take the blade off, file cutting edges down to sharp edge and it'll good as new (unless it's the motor that's knackered, which it'll probably be by now!).

I've bought a new mower now, but if anyone wants a bash at fettling the old one they are very welcome to give it a go.  Can't vouch for the motor, but it is working at the moment.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on July 18, 2009, 10:45:06 pm
just let me check whether i need 10m of carpet grips word
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on July 20, 2009, 10:42:35 am
Got these again:

- couple of mordaunt short speakers, black. seem to work ok. might need new leads as the guinea pigs have been at the current ones. front grill keeps falling off one of them - just needs a dab of glue. 

In Sheff.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on July 21, 2009, 02:54:39 pm
found a bottle of CAMPINGAZ CV470plus with easyclic plus, camping gas, think its full.
I have no use for it, located in east manchester
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: GCW on July 21, 2009, 03:01:12 pm
front grill keeps falling off one of them

The grills ruin the sound quality anyway, any audiophile would take them off.  :lol:

Can I assume noone wants my stunt table and dining bike?  Last chance before the Tip.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Plattsy on July 28, 2009, 08:19:19 am
Got a Metolius bouldering pad that needs to go. No sure of age as I bought it second hand but there is still some life left in it.

One of these except it's black and green and maybe a slightly older design. (

Can meet easily in Sheffield or meet half way to Leeds, Manchester etc.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: blur on July 28, 2009, 11:54:31 am
Plattsy, yhm.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Plattsy on July 28, 2009, 12:33:37 pm
Got a Metolius bouldering pad that needs to go. No sure of age as I bought it second hand but there is still some life left in it.

One of these except it's black and green and maybe a slightly older design. (

Can meet easily in Sheffield or meet half way to Leeds, Manchester etc.

Pad has gone.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Sloper on August 02, 2009, 07:24:48 pm
Futon ideal for firewood and matting for a woody if not for sleeping on, free to collect from grindleford.
Also 17" flat screen monitor, ideal for stoodents £15
separate cd player, £5
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on August 02, 2009, 07:51:49 pm
Its FREEcycle sloper. I know your tory mind will struggle with this concept, but the idea is you actually give stuff away. For nothing. Not a bean. I know, its ridiculous. This country! No wonder,  etc etc.

If you want to sell stuff try ebay.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Falling Down on August 03, 2009, 10:41:54 am
Two wetsuits..

Rip Curl F-Bomb 5/4/3 Just over three years old and still alright for a Spring/Autumn suit but the seams are a bit leaky so no good for winter anymore.

Sola Titanium 5/3 - About 8 years old but in pretty good nick as it got a full refurb.

Both size M (I'm 5'9 with a 40" chest and the Rip Curl is quite snug at that size).

Free to a good home.

PM me

Sola wetsuit still available if anyone wants it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on August 03, 2009, 10:59:49 am
Would it fit me at 5'6"? And what do the numbers mean? (5/3) I know nothing about wetsuits but was thinking of getting something cheap (or free) for DWS/messing about in the sea on the Isle of Man, Irish sea = cold water.
If you think it would be suitable FD I'll take it off your hands.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on August 03, 2009, 11:03:52 am
5/3 means 5mm for torso and 3mm for arms and legs. I use the same thickness for messing about in the sea here, and it is fin, so should be OK for the IoM

size chart (

Might be a bit long, but you can always turn up or trim arms and legs if rest is an OK fit.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on August 03, 2009, 11:08:23 am
Cheers Chris.
Hmmm, the chest is going to be about right, the waist will be too large and obviously the limbs too long. But turn ups are all the rage aren't they? Is snug fit critical? I don't mind looking like a twonk if the wetsuit will still be functional.
Is it possible to cut down the arms/legs if they really are ridiculous?
What the hell, FD I'll take it, I'll PM you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Falling Down on August 03, 2009, 11:18:55 am
It'll be fine Nik. If it is too long (though I think it'll be OK) you can always trim an inch or two off the arms and legs. I'll respond to your PM.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on August 03, 2009, 11:20:52 am
If you are just going to be using it for splashing about in the sea it should be fine. The crucial bit is around the neck and chest, if it is baggy around the waist you can always cinch it in with a chalkbag belt! Just take scissors to it or turn up if too long.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on August 03, 2009, 11:22:42 am
Nice one, wads all round methinks.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on August 04, 2009, 02:42:03 pm
Size 37 (generous 4?) Scarpa Veloce women's entry level rock shoe. Excellent condition - hardly used.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on August 04, 2009, 02:48:52 pm
Size 37 (generous 4?) Scarpa Veloce women's entry level rock shoe. Excellent condition - hardly used.

Are you parents Chinese?  Did they bind your feet, 'cause you have exceptionally small feet for someone of your stature Tom  :o
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Adam Lincoln on August 04, 2009, 07:16:19 pm
I have a Haines manual for the new shape Vectra. (diesel) if anyone wants it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on August 05, 2009, 12:14:21 am
I have a Haines manual for the new shape Vectra. (diesel) if anyone wants it?

Damn I was after the old shape petrol Vectra myself  :P

Do have a mechanic friend who might have it though, will ask him and get back to you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on August 05, 2009, 09:03:49 am
I have a Haines manual for the new shape Vectra. (diesel) if anyone wants it?

Amazing what they go for on fleabay. I bought one for about 8 quid, used it for 3 years, then sold it for a tenner.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Adam Lincoln on September 07, 2009, 06:31:23 pm
Orange prolite 4 thermarest, all perfect apart from the cells around where you put head have come unstuck and hence when you blow it up, they bulge. Almost like a cushion handily....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on September 07, 2009, 06:49:05 pm
Orange prolite 4 thermarest, all perfect apart from the cells around where you put head have come unstuck and hence when you blow it up, they bulge. Almost like a cushion handily....

i am keen to take this off your hands
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Adam Lincoln on September 07, 2009, 10:46:47 pm
Orange prolite 4 thermarest, all perfect apart from the cells around where you put head have come unstuck and hence when you blow it up, they bulge. Almost like a cushion handily....

i am keen to take this off your hands

Hey Ben, will be in peak on Thursday at the place we cant mention. Most of the morning i reckon. Can bring it then....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on September 08, 2009, 06:45:01 am
Orange prolite 4 thermarest, all perfect apart from the cells around where you put head have come unstuck and hence when you blow it up, they bulge. Almost like a cushion handily....
nice one Adam. I've pm'd you.  See you thurs.

i am keen to take this off your hands

Hey Ben, will be in peak on Thursday at the place we cant mention. Most of the morning i reckon. Can bring it then....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: chappers on September 08, 2009, 09:27:52 am
Orange prolite 4 thermarest, all perfect apart from the cells around where you put head have come unstuck and hence when you blow it up, they bulge. Almost like a cushion handily....

you know if you post it to cascade they will more than likely do a like for like replacement free of charge.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on September 08, 2009, 09:46:57 am
Orange prolite 4 thermarest, all perfect apart from the cells around where you put head have come unstuck and hence when you blow it up, they bulge. Almost like a cushion handily....
nice one Adam. I've pm'd you.  See you thurs.

i am keen to take this off your hands

Hey Ben, will be in peak on Thursday at the place we cant mention. Most of the morning i reckon. Can bring it then....

sorry, posted off my iphone and messed it up. see you thurs, i've pm d you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on September 24, 2009, 02:59:02 pm
Anyone want Chris Hoy's autograph. We have a stack left over after a recent corporate appearance.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on September 24, 2009, 08:09:21 pm
if he signed any bran flakes, i'll have a couple off you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on September 25, 2009, 09:04:37 am
I have a few, but not sure if they will survive postage.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: account_inactive on September 25, 2009, 09:10:26 pm
I have a load of climbing magazines if anybody wants them.  A mixture of OTE, Grimper, Friction and the odd Alpinist thrown in for good measure.

Want them to them to go in one lot.............

Based in Sheffield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on September 26, 2009, 09:25:28 am
Want them to them to go in one lot.............

Ignoring that completely. If you happen to have Alpinist 2 or 3 I would be really keen (they are the only ones (up to issue 18) that I don't have - stupidly lent one to Robbins and have never seen it again, maybe didn't buy the other)

Would swap them for a bit of slightly used DMM gear!!

Can't take all the mags as I have completely filled one wall of my mums house with mags already.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: account_inactive on September 28, 2009, 08:23:23 am
I'll have a look for you, although the selection is pretty random
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on September 28, 2009, 03:33:52 pm
Can I have any other Alpinists 0-17?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on September 28, 2009, 03:35:51 pm
I've got 13 if you want it word?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: galpinos on September 28, 2009, 04:17:10 pm
I'll take any sub-18 Alpinists that the others don't pilfer!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on September 30, 2009, 08:54:17 pm
Offered: TV stand thing with a couple of shelves for DVD playa, betamax etc. Fairly basic but in good nick. Colour is some kind of light wood lam thing. It's in Sheff.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on September 30, 2009, 10:21:19 pm
Offered: TV stand thing with a couple of shelves for DVD playa, betamax etc. Fairly basic but in good nick. Colour is some kind of light wood lam thing. It's in Sheff.

Is it compatible with VHS?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on September 30, 2009, 10:24:08 pm
at a push   ;D

you want it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on October 05, 2009, 02:00:03 pm
Two seater sofa and armchair. Habitat, 9-10 years old, Blue Cord. In fairly good nick (not holes/tears and sofa only a tiny bit saggy on one side) could do with a good clean and would probably look OK. I can't see any fireproof tags so we can't give it away to any charity shops etc...
Buyer Recipient to collect from S.Manchester (W.Didsbury). I've an estate so may be able to help with transport but dont want to bugger about much. The fairer half has offered first refusal to a friend, but they will probably say no... (cushions not included!)

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: account_inactive on October 05, 2009, 05:21:02 pm
Apologies as the Alpinists have gone missing from my collection (for some reason).  I do have a copy of Alp and a Euro mag called Up that I've kept back (other mags have been taken by the works)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tlr on October 08, 2009, 09:04:58 pm
Anybody want 70 unused whiteish bathroom tiles? Cleaning out the garage and found these boxes, tiles are sort of standard tile size, and must be collected from Sheffield.


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on November 01, 2009, 06:21:10 am
Have got a hifi stand in good condition that needs to go asap, I really should put it on fleabay and get a few quid for it but its got to go fast so its on here for nowt.
I thinks its 5 smoke glass shelves with 3 circular legs (1 at back, 2 at the sides at the front)
I'll take some photos this afternoon when I get up and post them.
Its collection only from east manchester ASAP
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on November 01, 2009, 04:06:20 pm

If its not gone by monday its going on fleabay
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on November 02, 2009, 12:40:05 pm
No takers?
Going on Fleabay this evening
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on November 22, 2009, 01:31:55 pm
"Coast to Coast" Backpackers Guide to South Africa. Little (A6?)  pocket size guide, couple of years old but most info is still relevant. Packed with useful info about hostels, budget travel, tours etc.

Speak before it goes in recycling
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on December 08, 2009, 08:53:30 pm
Having another clear out, be quick else it's going on freecycle.
- 12inch CRT colour TV + remote
- Stepper thing that Mrs Obi never uses
- Three wicker chairs
- B+W laser printer, works at the mo but 'fuser' light is
- Bosch IXO electric screwdriver, works but I never found it that useful/powerful

All a bit dusty/dirty from being in the attic or cellar, nothing a hoover or wipe down won't cure. Pick up ASAP from Broomhill, Shef as usual

More to come (I hope)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: butters on December 08, 2009, 10:11:43 pm
- Bosch IXO electric screwdriver, works but I never found it that useful/powerful

Pick up ASAP from Broomhill, Shef as usual

I will take the leccy screw driver - sure I can find a use for it.

Could you PM an address and when it is convenient to collect please?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Shaun on December 10, 2009, 09:39:54 pm
Double mattress and futon base that it goes on.Clean and in good condition
Two/3 seater habitat sofa, tatty but we would still be using it if we were not moving.We dont want to get rid of this untill between Xmas and new year(so we have something to sit on)
Wicker laundry basket
Ikea wooden frame chair.
All to collect from Highfield/Sharrow Sheffield.
Also on normal freecycle
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on December 10, 2009, 09:51:17 pm
Big box of photo filters, square type, fit cokin holder, around 100ish

Large amount of film, 35mm, 120mm, BW, neg, slide etc. All quite out of date but kept in reasonable cool dry conditions. Should be ok to use.

Come and have a browse if your keen.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on December 10, 2009, 10:04:40 pm
I'll have some 120 off you word and might have a quick look in filter box.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on December 10, 2009, 10:28:37 pm
and I could probably make use of the filters cofe doesn't get his filthy mitts on...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on December 10, 2009, 10:32:45 pm
I'll have whatever 120 cofe doesn't want.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on December 10, 2009, 10:48:55 pm
don't you mean 15-cofe-20
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on December 10, 2009, 10:52:26 pm
cofe believes pissing is like crying through your genitals.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on December 10, 2009, 11:21:56 pm
but when is he venerable?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: fatboySlimfast on December 16, 2009, 03:24:59 pm
*Double futon mattress, prob not good for sleeping on but would work as a base layer for your woodie padding.
*Also old ikea computer desk, narrow job with slide out keyboard thing, looks a bit naff but in good con.
Sheffield etc etc etc
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on December 16, 2009, 09:04:24 pm
another mattress - red ikea one off a 'Beddinge' sofa bed that the pikeys nicked from outside the house. good for kipping on or would 'jazz up' the woody rather nicely.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: simes on December 18, 2009, 12:57:10 pm
Does anyone want a homemade campus board? Its a bit old but still works.

You'll have to collect it from Sheffield 10.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: simes on December 26, 2009, 10:34:03 am
Has anyone in Sheffield got a bike they don't want that I can use to get to work on?

Cheers, Si.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on January 02, 2010, 04:12:57 pm
Metolius XXL Triple in some kind of olive green (in the pic), foam is quite soft but I'm a lightweight so its far from f*cked. Great for some additional ground cover. Available to pick up Sheffside (however it won't fit in a fiat panda).


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: daddy long legs on January 05, 2010, 11:45:16 am
Has anyone in Sheffield got a bike they don't want that I can use to get to work on?

Cheers, Si.

I've got an old steel framed Dawes Racing bike you can have....It's very light, 12 speed, old v. cool campag hubs, but rest is nowt special and may need a bit of work, like new inners. Just let me know and it's yours.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: simes on January 06, 2010, 07:48:20 am
Cheers. Has it got thin wheels? I gave up on my last road bike because of the Sheffield roads. I got fed up of the punctures.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: daddy long legs on January 06, 2010, 06:22:30 pm
Yeah very thin with super slick-tyres, yours if you want it, but guessing probably not as you might well suffer from 'pothole city's' roads!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: simes on January 07, 2010, 10:40:37 am
I think I'm going to say no to that and struggle on as I am at the moment then.

Thanks a lot though.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: daddy long legs on January 07, 2010, 07:01:41 pm
No probs.

If anyone else wants it, let me know....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on January 13, 2010, 06:01:54 pm

Fujitsu Siemens 16" Monitor
USB Keyboard and Mouse...WIRED

Currently in the North East (Newton Aycliffe) but if you let me know they can be brought back to Sheffield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on January 13, 2010, 08:09:31 pm
I've got a powerbar going free if anyone wants it, same as the one here (

It's got a few scratches on it but still fine for mounting a fingerboard to etc.

Collection from Sheffield (S8) or could meet at the works one evening.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 13, 2010, 08:47:33 pm

Fujitsu Siemens 16" Monitor

If that's a flat screen / LCD monitor than I'd like it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Danger on January 13, 2010, 08:53:27 pm
I will take the power bar!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on January 13, 2010, 09:18:57 pm
I will take the power bar!

It's yours.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on January 13, 2010, 09:55:05 pm
Got a pair of speakers going. Old Philips 8ohm speakers, in a nice black faux-wood with non-offensive plain black mesh fabric fronts. Good nick, all working last time I used em before moving house. About 15"x9"x7" each. Sheffield, obviously.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on January 13, 2010, 11:19:47 pm

Fujitsu Siemens 16" Monitor

If that's a flat screen / LCD monitor than I'd like it.

it is. its yours.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benj_d on January 13, 2010, 11:42:08 pm

Currently in the North East (Newton Aycliffe) but if you let me know they can be brought back to Sheffield

How are you finding Aycliffe? Been to the wall there? I've been once and I would call it ok. DCC is pretty good just up the road, but you might find the hardest stuff to be maybe a little bit easy.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on January 14, 2010, 12:36:50 am
How are you finding Aycliffe? Been to the wall there? I've been once and I would call it ok. DCC is pretty good just up the road, but you might find the hardest stuff to be maybe a little bit easy.
I don't live there anymore, I'm sheffield based these days. Its the monitor from my folks' old computer that I'm replacing for them. As for the wall: It gave me the fingers I have today FACT.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benj_d on January 14, 2010, 06:26:14 pm
How are you finding Aycliffe? Been to the wall there? I've been once and I would call it ok. DCC is pretty good just up the road, but you might find the hardest stuff to be maybe a little bit easy.
I don't live there anymore, I'm sheffield based these days. Its the monitor from my folks' old computer that I'm replacing for them. As for the wall: It gave me the fingers I have today FACT.

Ah, I read that wrong, thought you said 'you' were in aycliffe heh. Moving from aycliffe to sheff makes a lot more sense than the other way round haha.

Its a bit far for me really (35/40 min drive?), which is why i'd only been the once. Plus i have climbnewcastle and dcc both 15/20 mins from me  ;D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on January 17, 2010, 05:48:43 pm
dark wood table, about 1.5' by 1' top and about 3' high available if anyone can make use of it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on January 21, 2010, 08:52:25 pm
Got a pair of speakers going. Old Philips 8ohm speakers, in a nice black faux-wood with non-offensive plain black mesh fabric fronts. Good nick, all working last time I used em before moving house. About 15"x9"x7" each. Sheffield, obviously.

Would be keen for the speakers if you still have them Dave.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on February 07, 2010, 12:55:45 pm
Wharfedale Diamond 6 speakers. Sml bookshelf speakers in black. Cost £100 frm richer sounds years ago. At the time rated as one of the best £100 sml speaker. Collect from S11
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on February 07, 2010, 01:01:23 pm
I'll take those off your hands Tom.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on February 07, 2010, 09:11:00 pm
Got a pair of speakers going. Old Philips 8ohm speakers, in a nice black faux-wood with non-offensive plain black mesh fabric fronts. Good nick, all working last time I used em before moving house. About 15"x9"x7" each. Sheffield, obviously.

Would be keen for the speakers if you still have them Dave.

Soz ben, for some reason i've only just seen this reply. Alas i ended up taking the speakers to the st luke's shop on eccy road. If you're still keen they might still be there!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on February 13, 2010, 01:22:33 pm
water filter jug with 2 new sealed water filter cartridges going.
Collection from east Manchester
looks like dis:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Monolith on February 13, 2010, 04:31:39 pm
I'm keen if possible word. Will see you this week for crush all being well.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Plattsy on February 22, 2010, 12:03:24 pm
Roca 50metre - 10.5mm dynamic rope. Purchased as my first rope. Marked the middle using a regular marker only to find out that wasn't a good idea (total newb mistake). Retired straight away - not climbed with at all. About 4 years old. Only used twice to hoist/lower parts of a divan bed from a bedroom window. I'm aware second hand ropes are not very desirable but if anyone wants to take a look and thinks they can make use of it please let me know. Otherwise suggestions for recycling etc would be good or it's just going to get chucked. Located in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on February 23, 2010, 12:00:53 am

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Plattsy on February 23, 2010, 12:03:47 pm
It's good but it's not right.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: psychomansam on February 23, 2010, 01:54:18 pm
Sounds to me like you've got two perfectly good 25m ropes, ideal for most peak crags. Actually i'm tempted since your rope is A. newer, B. of more trustworthy history than my current 2nd hand rope! Wanna get rid? I'm in shef
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Plattsy on February 25, 2010, 05:30:28 pm
psychomansam you have a PM. I'll be at the works tonight from about 6:30pm onwards.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on February 25, 2010, 05:57:54 pm
Sounds to me like you've got two perfectly good 25m ropes

Sounds to me like he's got one perfectly good 50m rope!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on February 25, 2010, 05:59:51 pm
is it a risk you'd take? I did the same with mine (with something more destructive: Fluoro orange spray paint  :spank:). I wouldn't risk it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Plattsy on February 25, 2010, 09:49:54 pm
I didn't want to risk it myself. Turning it into two 25 metre ropes is a good option I think. Speaking of which. Psychomansam do you still want the rope?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Sloper on February 25, 2010, 10:06:26 pm
Load of bollocks.

I found a rope on the cromlech in about 1988 or maybe 89 and climbed on it until about 2004 taking loads of fairly decent falls, some times only on the 1/2 rope.

I chopped it up when the pisstaking got really bad and people were refusing to climb with me (maybe the rope just gave them the excuse  :shrug: ) and although there was the odd flat spot and stuff the core was in pretty good nick.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on February 26, 2010, 01:36:49 pm
is it a risk you'd take?

I seem to remember marking the middle of my first rope with a marker pen. I'm still using it to this day on sport routes. I have not died yet. The sheath is there to protect the core is it not? The pen is only going to be on the outermost fibres of the outer weave of the sheath - you probably do more damage to your rope every time you get it out in the sun or breathe on it.

Have there ever been any cases documented of a rope failing at exactly the middle point does to someone marking it with a pen? As far as I'm away instances of ropes failing at all are very rare and generally down to cutting over an edge. I probably take a greater risk every time I touch a shop doorhandle that has not been disinfected first.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on February 27, 2010, 11:49:45 am
You breathe on your rope!?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: stevej on February 27, 2010, 05:00:06 pm
Were some UIAA tests on ink, they soaked a length in everything they could find and tensile tested the lengths. Biggest thing that changed was that the rope lost some elasticity and some strength which over a two-inch wide marker-pen strip in the centre of your rope makes utterly no difference, even if you had it sat in a vat of typewriter ink all night.

From here: (

At Black Diamond, we don’t make ropes, and though we do have a drop tower, we don’t have the ability to perform official UIAA drop tests. However, I’m a curious guy, so I had my crack crew of engineers grab a few cords, mark them up with a Sharpie, and pull them in the tensile tester. As expected, the ropes always broke at the knot—the Sharpie’s middle mark seemingly having no effect on the strength of the cord during this test.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on February 27, 2010, 05:27:16 pm
I can't really be arsed to wade into this, but for a supposed Engineer that's a ludicrous statement. All he proved was that the ink did not weaken the rope as much as the knot. To suggest that it had 'no effect on the strength' is a huge extrapolation not evidenced by his test.

Tests done by the UIAA Safety Commission and some rope manufacturers have shown that marking ropes with liquids such as those provided by felt-tipped pens can damage them; even with those markers, sold specifically for marking ropes. The test results have shown a decrease of up to 50% of the rope strength, more correctly: of the energy absorption capacity of the rope (expressed by the number of falls in the standard test method in accordance with the UIAA Standard101).

Therefore the UIAA Safety Commission warns against marking a rope with any substance that has not been specifically approved by the rope manufacturer of that rope.

That's the right answer - probably its usable, but do you want to take the chance? There's a very good chance that your rope does not offer the performance that it should as a result of the ink. Whether that drop in performance would be dangerous is another question. This is highly unlikely to be noticeable in use, at least until it kills you.

I'd chop it in half, or at the very least avoid leading pitches longer than 25m (lowering off doesn't require much performance from a rope). There have been some very nasty accidents in rope access due to chemicals.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: grimer on February 27, 2010, 06:07:59 pm
I once spotted a rope in dave Thomsas' bin across the strreet, had it, and used it for about a year and a half. I'm still alive. Does this count as experimental proof?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on February 27, 2010, 06:21:00 pm
The UIAA also did test and said the chances of a rope failing due to a middle mark was "almost zero".
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on February 27, 2010, 06:38:27 pm
Folk's attitude to ropes always amuses me. Its the one item of climbing kit where the actual performance can't really be gauged by the end user to any extent. So you just get the cheapest, or you ignore damage. I've no doubt it doesn't really matter when working Chimes, but get on something a lot bigger and a lot scarier and you really don't need these things weighing on your mind.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on February 28, 2010, 10:30:35 am
Now you come to mention it I'd totally forgotten about that chapter in Deep Play entitled "shit i think my rope has suffered a slight loss of elasticity".
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Sloper on February 28, 2010, 03:39:30 pm
How many people take big falls anyway, virtually no one.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on February 28, 2010, 05:32:51 pm
I take it none of you have ever had to jug up a single rope twenty pitches off the deck then? Or done any actual performance testing on ropes? No. Whereas I've done a fair bit of both. I'm not a timid climber, but I don't take chances on knackered ropes or harnesses. The odds may be small, but you won't get another chance unfortunately.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on February 28, 2010, 05:42:33 pm
Isn't it the case that big falls aren't the problem, isn't it short falls (i.e. least amount of rope out to absorb the shock load of the fall) coupled with high fall factor. In which case a middle mark of a rope would be irrelevant as it would be the dead side of the belay device unless the rope was stupidly short?
This may be a point of pedantry, but as we're discussing theoretical monkey farts I thought I'd just throw it into the mix.

I'm thinking that the use of a solvent pen will in all likelihood weaken the rope, as will exposing it to sunlight and countless other things which happen to ropes every day. Will it weaken it enough to make it a snap risk? For my money probably not, but then I'm not tying on to the rope in question.

A JB no I haven't done performance testing, but even if I had I wouldn't be able to assess the quality of a rope I have in my hand, unless I test it to destruction. There could be a manufacturing fault, it could have been damaged in transit, it might have been made on Friday afternoon. I can only know the general performance of that model of rope, not the exact performance of that rope. The odds may be small etc etc...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on February 28, 2010, 05:58:40 pm
My point was more that having a fair amount of testing experience I actually having some basis for my opinion, rather than 'just using ropes and them not snapping'. There is a lot more to rope performance than 'it didn't snap'. You guys feel free to continue ignoring that.

For the record, there would be no need to test the rope to destruction, a single standard drop test would be fine, after which you could continue using it. And the manufacturing controls on Class 3 PPE eliminate faults. There are two big things which weaken ropes dramatically - wear, which is obvious, and chemicals, which may not be.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Houdini on February 28, 2010, 06:29:17 pm
How many people take big falls anyway, virtually no one.

It's falling on short lengths one should be more concerned for.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on February 28, 2010, 06:33:40 pm

It's falling on short lengths one should be more concerned for.

It certainly got Fraudini in trouble....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on February 28, 2010, 06:39:10 pm
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on February 28, 2010, 06:45:19 pm
JB I'm not ignoring your opinion. You obviously know a lot about ropes/testing/all sorts of other stuff but:
And the manufacturing controls on Class 3 PPE eliminate faults.
Whilst they may reduce (dramatically) the incidence of manufacturing (and even transit?) faults no controls can never completely eliminate the chance of a fault despite what the rope testing handbook may claim.

For the record, there would be no need to test the rope to destruction, a single standard drop test would be fine, after which you could continue using it.
And again not true. You could do the test and then continue to use the rope and it would in all likelihood be fine. However it is possible, albeit extremely unlikely, that the test damages the rope to such an extent that it will fail on the next fall. And the only way to check would be to test it, which my damage it to an extent that it will fail on the next fall. Repeat until rope breaks.....
We are talking about tiny tiny odds, but it is still a risk. As you say...
There is a lot more to rope performance than 'it didn't snap'.

Anyway this is all a bit silly and as I haven't got anything to give away right now I'll go.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on February 28, 2010, 07:21:39 pm
All that last post has illustrated is that you don't know what you're talking about I'm afraid. Everyone's a fucking expert these days.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on February 28, 2010, 07:26:48 pm
I think you must have misunderstood my post/point.

Not to worry, this is silly and OT. I don't want the rope.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Plattsy on February 28, 2010, 07:27:33 pm
Turn your back for two minutes and the thread goes to fuck.  ;)

Rope no longer available.

Got some slings I may or may not have pissed on. Retired straight away. Only used for cat's cradle since.  :-[
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on February 28, 2010, 07:56:39 pm
I'm pretty confident piss is fine.

Apologies for the short reply Nik, I'm pretty sure I did get your point, but I didn't agree and I'm in a bad mood.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Plattsy on February 28, 2010, 08:02:06 pm
Just in case there is interest in the slings I was joking.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: psychomansam on February 28, 2010, 10:08:29 pm
Rope received and much appreciated thanks Plattsy, now we just need some good weather so i can get on the grit  :bounce:

And to everyone else:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on February 28, 2010, 10:44:51 pm
and I'm in a bad mood.

Been living with Dense too long?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on February 28, 2010, 11:30:30 pm
How many people take big falls anyway, virtually no one.

My mate accidentally slipped off the top of Clogwyn Y Rhaeadr after having topped out on Cascade, and lobbed about 80m. He had about 45-50metres of rope out, and ripped a couple of screws. He was glad all his kit was well maintained.

But I do believe Houds, and Nik are right that the greatest forces created aren't by the long falls, but by falls of about 2 metres.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Houdini on March 01, 2010, 01:53:41 am
I said this before in another thread where some user was skamming 2nd hand access kit:

IMO, people who use kit of unknown provenance/2nd hand (in all the vaguaries of that title) are nuts.  Last time I looked, good kit costs fuck all.

I've as much ire for the likes of Christian Bindhammer, appearing in a Mammut (?) advert w/ his rope tied directly into his harness loop (not fail-safed through the loop and round the waist-webbing).  But that's another tale-of-woe entirely.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on March 01, 2010, 06:25:17 pm
But I do believe Houds, and Nik are right that the greatest forces created aren't by the long falls, but by falls of about 2 metres.

It has nothing to do with the length of the fall, but how the fall is arrested. Big falls have inherently more potential to create big forces, but very short falls can do so as well.

How many people take big falls anyway, virtually no one.

What a ridiculous comment. I've never taken a big fall; in fact I've fallen further soloing. Most of the big falls my friends have taken have been entirely unexpected. If I'm going to bother tying in its going to be to something worth tying into.  :wall:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Bubba on March 04, 2010, 05:14:44 pm

Old CRT Monitor free to a good home.

Iiyama Vision Master Pro 454.

Size, 19", Max resolution 1920x 1440 @ 85Hz.

Was considered a good monitor back in the day (,review-436-13.html)

Location South Sheffield (Norton).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Bubba on March 16, 2010, 11:47:44 am

Another monitor up for grabs - very similar to above but 22".

I know nobody really wants CRT these days but it seems a shame just to bung them in the tip - can anyone think of a place that would have a use for them?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on March 16, 2010, 12:14:49 pm
I might take that Bubba.

Current monitor is a venerable Iiyama Vision Master Pro 450. Screen diagonal is 18". Always been very impressed with peformance, especially colour fidelity.

If I can get a bigger screen of equal quality for nowt, its got to be good.

Just thinking of desk space, how deep is it? The 450 is ~17" front to back.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Bubba on March 16, 2010, 12:18:17 pm

This one is the Vision Master Pro 514.

It is indeed great but i'm switching to LCD to save space and go widescreen. Only think wrong is the input selection switch has fallen off - you can still switch inputs, you just need to use a pen or something to press the button.

Depth is a hearty 19" !
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on March 16, 2010, 12:28:50 pm
Sounds good. You at home this week?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Bubba on March 16, 2010, 12:30:47 pm

Sure am, will PM you details.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on March 16, 2010, 12:31:03 pm

The overall design is subdued but effective

Innit funny how things change.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on March 16, 2010, 08:57:14 pm
Just in time for spring...Mountain Equipment Down Jacket, Mens Large size, Burnt Orange colour. Was a sample from Magic Mountain a couple of years ago, material a bit thinner than the production ones so it does tear quite easily. Hence has a bit of stylish gaffer tape on it. Could also do with a clean, not due to heavy use but due to Mini-Obi emptying a bottle of ribena all over the living room, the corner of this coat got a splashing and now is a  bit crusty.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on March 16, 2010, 09:08:19 pm

Old CRT Monitor free to a good home.

Iiyama Vision Master Pro 454.

Size, 19", Max resolution 1920x 1440 @ 85Hz.

Was considered a good monitor back in the day (,review-436-13.html)

Location South Sheffield (Norton).

Current monitor is a venerable Iiyama Vision Master Pro 450. Screen diagonal is 18". Always been very impressed with peformance, especially colour fidelity.

Word, I might be interested in Bubba's or indeed JB's old one which presumably is now up for grabs.... is the difference just an inch in size?

CRTs are the shit.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Bubba on March 16, 2010, 09:22:45 pm

You're welcome to my 19", it's sat in the garage atm.

I think the Vision Master Pro series were all pretty similar - my 19" and 22" seemed identical quality-wise.

CRTs do rock but it's been nice to replace them and get about 8 sq ft of desktop real-estate back!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on March 16, 2010, 09:28:47 pm
Nice one.

So by that logic, if anyone wants a perfectly good Dell 17" CRT, hit me up.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on March 16, 2010, 09:37:46 pm
Diana Ross - Chain Reaction (

...I'll get my coat.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on March 16, 2010, 09:40:32 pm
Someone at the end of the chain is gonna end up with a shitty black & white 5" portable TV.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Zods Beard on March 16, 2010, 11:25:26 pm
Just in time for spring...Mountain Equipment Down Jacket, Mens Large size, Burnt Orange colour. Was a sample from Magic Mountain a couple of years ago, material a bit thinner than the production ones so it does tear quite easily. Hence has a bit of stylish gaffer tape on it. Could also do with a clean, not due to heavy use but due to Mini-Obi emptying a bottle of ribena all over the living room, the corner of this coat got a splashing and now is a  bit crusty.

Is this still up for grabs? I'm 5 11, think it'll fit. Now Magic Mountains I need all the coats I can get.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on March 17, 2010, 08:52:54 am
Word, I might be interested in Bubba's or indeed JB's old one which presumably is now up for grabs.... is the difference just an inch in size?

CRTs are the shit.

I'd take Bubba's, I think its a year newer and mine has a couple of (very) small scratches. Cofe can have mine. I'll pick 'em both up today Dave, then you only have to get up to mine.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on March 17, 2010, 09:38:25 am
Cheers ears. Let us know when you're around and I'll throw my CoG towards your gaff.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rginns on March 17, 2010, 01:39:24 pm
Hello chaps.

I've got an external tv aerial (suitable for digital) still boxed with fittings/cable etc that I had intended to put up for the digital switchover but got someone in to put one up as I couldn't be arsed to get on the roof (again).

Free to a good home if you're available to pick up from Bolton (or I could drop off at usual haunts, Broughton, West View, BUK etc.)

bust me a PM if interested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on March 17, 2010, 02:32:30 pm
Our crappy old one fell down about 2 weeks ago in a storm and not had a dry day free to get up and fix it, so been using crap set top one at the moment.

Will happily pay postage if no-one locally wants to take it off your hands, and it's not too much hassle to post.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on March 17, 2010, 02:50:35 pm
Watch you don't do a "Rod Hull" Chris.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on March 17, 2010, 03:56:15 pm
What, stick my fist up a muppet birds arse?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on March 17, 2010, 04:12:12 pm
No, attempt to watch Man United on tv.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on March 17, 2010, 04:26:43 pm
Or try to eat some JELLY! I am him.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on March 17, 2010, 04:31:57 pm
That's not a real arm.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rginns on March 17, 2010, 09:57:18 pm
Our crappy old one fell down about 2 weeks ago in a storm and not had a dry day free to get up and fix it, so been using crap set top one at the moment.

Will happily pay postage if no-one locally wants to take it off your hands, and it's not too much hassle to post.
okey dokey, no takers as yet, if it's the same tomorrow young man, it's yours.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on March 18, 2010, 09:27:50 am
nice one bruvva
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rginns on March 19, 2010, 01:40:55 pm
nice one bruvva

Aerial now departed, cheers!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on March 27, 2010, 07:12:37 pm
Family tent - few rips that can be gaffa taped.

Also kids 6/7 year old chopper type bike. Rusty but servicable.

Also thinking about it load of old bricks and some asphalt type roof felt for garden shed / rabbit hutch etc.

BTW if anyone has a rabbit or guinea pig to spare let me know.

Sheffield / Broomhill (near the Matrix)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on March 27, 2010, 08:49:53 pm
I would potentially be tempted by the bricks please, if I could come and do a colour match test, if that's OK?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on March 27, 2010, 08:51:16 pm
got the blueprints from fritzel at last then?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on March 27, 2010, 08:58:10 pm
That's right, but don't worry, I'll make it cozy for you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on April 06, 2010, 06:54:44 pm
More stuff...
- Pair of IKEA wooden filing 'cabinet' frames, holds standard A4 suspension files. They stack on top of each other. Ok, but files get a bit dusty
- Pair of Phillips CD140 phones, look like these
Great phones, we upgraded to a set of three with an answer machine.
...which means this is also redundant...
- BT Paragon 500

All in Broomhill, Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on April 06, 2010, 07:05:51 pm
I'd happily take the Phillips phones off you, can collect any evening pretty much.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on April 06, 2010, 09:24:15 pm
I'd be glad of the BT Paragon, please, and have sent a PM to that effect  :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on April 07, 2010, 10:50:53 am
- IKEA small blue chest of drawers, wooden drawers, blue metal surround. Drawers fit A4 paper. Ideal for stationary etc
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on April 11, 2010, 11:32:07 am

Old CRT Monitor free to a good home.

Iiyama Vision Master Pro 454.

Size, 19", Max resolution 1920x 1440 @ 85Hz.

Was considered a good monitor back in the day (,review-436-13.html)

Heads up - I took this off bubba but have found that probably due to age the brightness level isn't up to giving me a full range of shadow tones for photos. However I'm a picky mutherfucker using a hardware calibration tool, but basically for anyone else not intending to use the for exacting photo work its a bonzer CRT monitor. If anyone wants it let me know, otherwise I'll see if oxfam takes this stuff.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: account_inactive on April 23, 2010, 02:51:05 pm
Couple of things to get rid of.  Pick up from Sheffield or can post at cost

Logiteck USB game pad thingy
SVideo to Scart
Mac DVI-VGA adapter (bought the wrong size for macbook)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on April 23, 2010, 03:13:33 pm
Heads up - I took this off bubba but have found that probably due to age the brightness level isn't up to giving me a full range of shadow tones for photos.

You're welcome to try mu old one, its an older version of the same model, but I never had any problems with getting a great display.

However I'm a picky mutherfucker using a hardware calibration too

What did you end up using?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on April 23, 2010, 03:28:54 pm
Heads up - I took this off bubba but have found that probably due to age the brightness level isn't up to giving me a full range of shadow tones for photos.

You're welcome to try mu old one, its an older version of the same model, but I never had any problems with getting a great display.

Cheers word - I thought you were keeping that one as insurance? Turns out shortie's pop had got a decent nnnnnnnnnn19" sitting unused that I might try first, mainly cos it'd be nice to have some extra real estate.

However I'm a picky mutherfucker using a hardware calibration too

What did you end up using?

Inlaw's Spyder2. Although I think the way I had had it calibrated before (just done by eye with adobe gamma) was a remarkably close match to this anyway.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on April 23, 2010, 03:46:28 pm
some stuff that might be interesting or not?

northwave reto lamm snowboard boots from about 1995 size 10.5

puma football boots (astro turf) size 10 a bit fucked but playable in

5.10 guide tennies size 10 done a lot in them including a couple of walls so they aren't in great condition.

belkin wireless router and wifi thingy, don't know if it works or not. no manual, no discs.

is all going in the recycling thing soon so if you think anything might be useful to you pm me.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on April 25, 2010, 03:58:09 pm
Anyone got any spare RAM sitting idle? Could do with giving my old machine some more poke to delay getting a new one till I've got some spare cheddar.

Would have to be DDR DIMM (non-ECC, un-buffered) type for a desktop machine. Think my muthaboard takes up to 2gig.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on April 25, 2010, 05:51:28 pm

Sony DCR PC-101e SD camcorder, firewire port has packed up. You can rip from USB 2.0 but it sometimes gets the audio a bit wrong doing it this way.

Fujifilm E900 Digital Camera - I always hated it but I'm sure someone out there can give it a good home. Its got a 256 mb xd card in it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on April 25, 2010, 06:51:00 pm
Dave, what speed memory do you want?
I take it will be SD ram. Got a box full of bits and bobs and should be over sheff way one day next week.
What motherboard is it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on April 25, 2010, 06:52:04 pm
I've got a load of laptop memory - all 512mb sdims (I think - I'm really crap at remembering what its called) if anyones intersted I'll bang up a piccy or two... 
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on April 25, 2010, 07:15:26 pm
Dave, what speed memory do you want?
I take it will be SD ram. Got a box full of bits and bobs and should be over sheff way one day next week.
What motherboard is it?

Word nice one Jim, I think all DDR ram is SDram isn't it (?)....Anyway, the motherboard is this one ( At the moment I've got a single 1/2gig card at 200MHz (PC3200) but I assume faster will work fine.

Holler when you're in the area.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on April 25, 2010, 07:23:15 pm
what cpu have you got in it?
might be able to sort your out with a new m/b, cpu & ram for fuck all
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on April 25, 2010, 07:53:36 pm
its a sempron 2600+, 1.6GHz. Runs on solid fuel.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on April 25, 2010, 07:58:59 pm
shit, I've thrown away much faster
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on April 25, 2010, 09:06:42 pm
I bet your binman is running a lucrative ebay sideline.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on April 25, 2010, 11:08:31 pm
Sony DCR PC-101e SD camcorder, firewire port has packed up. You can rip from USB 2.0 but it sometimes gets the audio a bit wrong doing it this way.

Fujifilm E900 Digital Camera - I always hated it but I'm sure someone out there can give it a good home. Its got a 256 mb xd card in it.

Really? I'll take them both off your hands.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on April 26, 2010, 11:07:18 am
The video camera has gone via pm, sorry but you're welcome to the Fujifilm, I'll be at the works sometime this week (possibly tonight).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on April 26, 2010, 02:49:08 pm
some stuff that might be interesting or not?

northwave reto lamm snowboard boots from about 1995 size 10.5

puma football boots (astro turf) size 10 a bit fucked but playable in

5.10 guide tennies size 10 done a lot in them including a couple of walls so they aren't in great condition.

belkin wireless router and wifi thingy, don't know if it works or not. no manual, no discs.

is all going in the recycling thing soon so if you think anything might be useful to you pm me.

all gone except the wifi thingy. i have used this in the past so i know it did work at one time.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on April 29, 2010, 03:41:28 pm
small exercise trampoline from Decathlon


'bout 4 years old, but mainly used by a small child. Decathlon say it's suitable for child or adult, but we found that it is a bit stiff for anyone under 6 stone (still fun though).
Would suit large breasted glamour model for comedy video shoots

In Heeley, Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on April 29, 2010, 04:13:44 pm
Just got a new Sansa MP3 player that came free with some of the little foamy in your ear headphones. Given that I have some from a previous player I never use, as I have a set of Sennheisers, if  anyone wants these I will post them off.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on April 29, 2010, 04:50:17 pm
Sega Game Gear, mains adaptor and 5 games. The 2 button is a bit sticky, but might clean up with a bit of prodding

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on April 29, 2010, 06:14:56 pm
Old school pull test rig. One gauge that doesn't work (poss repairable?), one that did last time I tried. Bridge and various pulling attachments. Lost the machine screws that fix the gauge to the bridge, but shouldn't be hard to replace. With a bit of tinkering this lot could make a fine bolt testing rig. I'd prefer it if this went to a bolt fund group if they need such a thing. If a rope access person/company want it for work then they can make a donation to mountain rescue or a bolt fund.

Not been calibrated for years, but probably reliable enough for non-commercial uses.


In Heeley, Sheffield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on April 29, 2010, 06:39:41 pm
I'll take it please!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on April 29, 2010, 07:07:43 pm
Pull tester gone.

If anyone from the bolt fund or similar wants to use it, get in touch with JB
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on April 29, 2010, 07:19:50 pm
Sega Game Gear gone.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on April 29, 2010, 09:10:18 pm
Sega Game Gear gone.

Gutted-  if it falls through let me know man - the retro gamer in me got a little bit too excited when I was the original post!

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on May 22, 2010, 08:42:41 am
Decided to pull my thumb out and do some tidying.

Random shit that will likely be going on on Freecycle/CHarity Shops/Dump...

Old PC (Windows) games w/original discs

Tomb Raider (Original) x2 (no idea why!)
Star Wars Monopoly
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Grand Prix 2
Command & Conquer
Terry Pratchets Disc World
Ultimate Race
Half-Life (original)
Monty Python & the Quest for the Holy Grail
Nightmare Creatures
Atomic Bomberman
Wipeout 2097
Puzzle Bobble
Quake II
Sim City 2000
Worms UNited
Windows95 (no key though)


Mushroom Magic (arty paintings, useless for iding anythnig)
Bill Bryson - A short history of nearly everything
eHow - How to do just about everything (should be done under trade descriptions act)
The Missing Manual iPod & iTunes (Second Edition)
The Book of General Ignorance
Leicester A-Z Street Atlas
Atkins Made Easy (into wife territory now)
Sonya Fitzpatrick - Cat Talk (yep, pretty sure I've never read that)
Vicky Halls - Cat Counsellor (definitely never tried counselling the cats)

The real bargain here though is...

Man Walks into a Bar 2 : The Ultimate Collection of Jokes and One Liners

..I've never laughed so silently (wtf my brother thought I'd want with that I don't know!  :shrug:)


Linksys Cordless Internet Telephony Kit Model CIT200 (w/install disc)  Supposedly works with Skype  :google: for more details.
Iomega Zipdrive (might not work, never tried it out)
US Robotics USB phone handset
Microstar DVD-Rom Model MS-8216 (worked last time I had it in a computer)
Microstar CD-R/RW Model MS-8352A (worked last time I had it in a computer)
USB Mouse w/roll wheel
Logitech USB Headphones
Nisis USB Tablet (w/Disc for software & Win drivers, worked under Linux) ( - Pen held together with finger tape, but works ok.

Random Shit

Boca Clips x2 (
Umbra Bungee Wallet (Sea Green!) (
3x Round Apple Mouse Pads
Black Leather purse (H ~20cm x D 5cm x L ~30cm)
Durable laptop case
A4 (297x210mm) Glass clip frame
30cm x 24cm Glass clip frame
Dumbell (x1, might have the second somewhere) w/4 x York 1.1kg weights (plastic shit filled with concrete or whatever)

Sheffield based, happy to meet up to hand stuff over, PM for pics if really interested in anything.  If you want it posting you'll have to cover p&p.  I doubt anyone is that interested in any of it, but will leave the list up for a fortnight then try freecycle or take it to a charity shop.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on May 22, 2010, 08:56:49 am
I'll take the Chubby Brown "Under the helmet" DVD off you Slackers.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on May 22, 2010, 09:38:26 am
Sorry that one you'll have to pay for, £2.50 for you Roberto.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on May 22, 2010, 09:49:53 am
Three old mobile phones too that are worth £4-7 on the trade-in sights.  All worked last time used, can't be bothered to charge and test.

Nokia 7250i
Nokia 1110
Motorola RAZR V3i

Probably ideal for kids (who aren't aware of smartphones yet).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on May 24, 2010, 08:57:42 am
Three old mobile phones too that are worth £4-7 on the trade-in sights.  All worked last time used, can't be bothered to charge and test.

Nokia 7250i
Nokia 1110

Motorola RAZR V3i

Probably ideal for kids (who aren't aware of smartphones yet).

Only the Motorola left.

Cheers to lagerstarfish for the smoked trout  :great:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: badong on June 08, 2010, 08:09:30 pm
We're moving out of our current house so our cellar board has to come down. Were keeping the t-nuts/bolts /holds but if anyone can come and collect it from nottingham then the actual board is theirs.

its 5 ft by 8ft at 45 degrees, has a 10cm kick board/beamthing. could be a quick cheap way to get a training board started or the materials could be used to expand an existing set up.

Also needing to go is a big hefty gymn crash matt, bit mucky but in perfect working order.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: sidewinder on June 09, 2010, 10:12:13 am
How does it attach/mount, I am about to (within a week) move into a new house in Nottingham, which has a garage, if mounting it might be possible (and on measuring the garage it fits, including my car) I could well be interested.  I should be able to measure the garage this weekend.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: sidewinder on June 14, 2010, 09:56:12 am
I'm afraid it doesn't look like it is going to be possible to put this in my garage, sorry.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on June 14, 2010, 10:37:05 am
Nobody interested in the Boca clips?

Decided to pull my thumb out and do some tidying.

Random shit that will likely be going on on Freecycle/CHarity Shops/Dump...

Old PC (Windows) games w/original discs

Tomb Raider (Original) x2 (no idea why!)
Star Wars Monopoly
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Grand Prix 2
Command & Conquer
Terry Pratchets Disc World
Ultimate Race
Half-Life (original)
Monty Python & the Quest for the Holy Grail
Nightmare Creatures
Atomic Bomberman
Wipeout 2097
Puzzle Bobble
Quake II
Sim City 2000
Worms UNited
Windows95 (no key though)


Mushroom Magic (arty paintings, useless for iding anythnig)
Bill Bryson - A short history of nearly everything
eHow - How to do just about everything (should be done under trade descriptions act)
The Missing Manual iPod & iTunes (Second Edition)
The Book of General Ignorance
Leicester A-Z Street Atlas
Atkins Made Easy (into wife territory now)
Sonya Fitzpatrick - Cat Talk (yep, pretty sure I've never read that)
Vicky Halls - Cat Counsellor (definitely never tried counselling the cats)

The real bargain here though is...

Man Walks into a Bar 2 : The Ultimate Collection of Jokes and One Liners

..I've never laughed so silently (wtf my brother thought I'd want with that I don't know!  :shrug:)


Linksys Cordless Internet Telephony Kit Model CIT200 (w/install disc)  Supposedly works with Skype  :google: for more details.
Iomega Zipdrive (might not work, never tried it out)
US Robotics USB phone handset
Microstar DVD-Rom Model MS-8216 (worked last time I had it in a computer)
Microstar CD-R/RW Model MS-8352A (worked last time I had it in a computer)
USB Mouse w/roll wheel
Logitech USB Headphones
Nisis USB Tablet (w/Disc for software & Win drivers, worked under Linux) ( - Pen held together with finger tape, but works ok.

Random Shit

Boca Clips x2 (
Umbra Bungee Wallet (Sea Green!) (
3x Round Apple Mouse Pads
Black Leather purse (H ~20cm x D 5cm x L ~30cm)
Durable laptop case
A4 (297x210mm) Glass clip frame
30cm x 24cm Glass clip frame
Dumbell (x1, might have the second somewhere) w/4 x York 1.1kg weights (plastic shit filled with concrete or whatever)

Sheffield based, happy to meet up to hand stuff over, PM for pics if really interested in anything.  If you want it posting you'll have to cover p&p.  I doubt anyone is that interested in any of it, but will leave the list up for a fortnight then try freecycle or take it to a charity shop.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SpanishJuan on June 14, 2010, 10:47:05 am
I would be interested in the Bocca clips if they were
( or
I would look the bomb with these on my sun lounger
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on June 14, 2010, 10:51:11 am
Sorry Juan, they're just plain Boca clips, no fancy shapes I'm afraid.  Your's if you're interested though  :P
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SpanishJuan on June 14, 2010, 10:57:40 am
awww :'(, I had my heart set on a a pair of clams or flamingos. I think i'll pass on this occasion, but  cheers. Slackers, is the zip drive a free standing unit or an internal? 100mb job?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on June 14, 2010, 11:08:32 am
Zip drive is free standing, if I remember correctly it connects via serial port, not sure on capacity would have to check.

Can't actually remember the last time I checked it, but it would have been > 5 years ago.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 24, 2010, 05:30:40 pm
Used white static rope, 9mm ish. No idea of history (has been used offshore in the past), so not to be trusted for toproping (probably), but  Ok, for hanging shit up in garage etc. If there is a stack of demand I might have to limit how much I can give away. Can post if you pay me back.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on June 25, 2010, 01:54:18 pm
We have a white formica bookcase we are going to chuck unless someone can make use of it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on June 25, 2010, 02:09:43 pm
What are they using 9mm rope for offshore?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 25, 2010, 02:50:10 pm
Fucked if I know, rope access? Might be thicker than 9mm, can measure if you really want to know. I get the kit passed on to me, no questions, get asked. Got a brand new Body Glove drysuit to sell too. Too small for me.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on June 25, 2010, 03:06:36 pm
Too late. Mention it on freecycle, and you have to give it away.

I'm 5'8".  ;)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 25, 2010, 09:02:39 pm
Too late. Mention it on freecycle, and you have to give it away.

I'm 5'8".  ;)

Ok, it's yours. Postage and Packaging £200, payable on delivery. I still have your address on file.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on June 25, 2010, 09:07:18 pm
But free to collect yeah? I'll have a word with FD or Idol...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 25, 2010, 09:11:49 pm
Like you would trust idol eyes with anything of any value whatsoever :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on June 25, 2010, 09:23:09 pm
Too late. Mention it on freecycle, and you have to give it away.

I'm 5'8".  ;)

Ok, it's yours. Postage and Packaging £200, payable on delivery. I still have your address on file.


I'll take the £200 and the file, cheers.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 25, 2010, 09:56:04 pm
There's a smack in the mouth going spare too :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Xan on June 27, 2010, 02:08:52 pm
We have a white formica bookcase we are going to chuck unless someone can make use of it.

I'd like it if you haven't chucked it yet! Although, how big is it?

I have a George Forman grill which went on Freecycle the other day but I think I might have landed myself another no-show :( Anyone here interested?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on June 27, 2010, 07:08:54 pm
I have a George Forman grill which went on Freecycle the other day but I think I might have landed myself another no-show :( Anyone here interested?

If you're Shef based, I'll have it!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on June 28, 2010, 07:29:31 pm
We have a white formica bookcase we are going to chuck unless someone can make use of it.

I'd like it if you haven't chucked it yet! Although, how big is it?

Hi, it's 75cm wide by 175cm high (six shelves) and still available if you want it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Xan on June 29, 2010, 03:53:17 pm
Andy B:
Sweet, I'd love it then. Any chance you could get it to the works and I'll see if they don't mind me leaving it there until I can get it picked up in a van..

It's yours! Wanna pick it up or collect from t'works? Still got car issues?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 29, 2010, 04:11:46 pm
Isn't there a chilli peppers song about car issues?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on June 29, 2010, 05:00:38 pm
Andy B:
Sweet, I'd love it then. Any chance you could get it to the works and I'll see if they don't mind me leaving it there until I can get it picked up in a van..

I live near the works. I'll PM you now.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on July 03, 2010, 01:36:53 pm
medium navaho harness (sit harness only, no chest)- i've had it from new but have no certs or anything. light wear only but probably ten years old.

large? yellow petzl helmut, old roped access style. in good condition apart from a few sticker messes.

pm me please. local delivery or pick up in sheffield

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: badong on July 05, 2010, 04:39:22 pm
I'm afraid it doesn't look like it is going to be possible to put this in my garage, sorry.

No worries, ended up going to a scout camp.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on July 07, 2010, 08:43:37 pm
I've got a 5.10 T-shirt (supposedly a medium) in obscene green colour,

I've got another one in Red with big look at me 'Team' on the front.

Both too big for me and unworn.

I also have a Moon Camo green camo logo'd T-shirt, small. I'm not gangsta enough to want to try and wear this. Surely someone on here is?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: abarro81 on July 07, 2010, 08:56:00 pm
You think they'd fit a fat boy like me who's spent 3 weeks eating donuts and muffins? Not sure a small camo would suit me though...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on July 07, 2010, 08:58:14 pm
errr the camo one is a 'no'.

The FiveTen ones probably would. Just be very aware that you'll probably bump into a 14 year old called Geoffrey wearing the same T-shirt and he WILL burn you off.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: abarro81 on July 07, 2010, 09:04:55 pm
Maybe I could use tipex to modify it to 'cake eating team', 'team capillarisation' or similar so people know what to expect. Anyway, I'd happily take them off your hands if they fit, though wont be in Sheffield until a week on Monday-ish.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on July 07, 2010, 09:07:03 pm
no probs. You know where I am and should have my number (I'll change yours to Team America Fuck Yeah! should I?).

So who's going to go all dizzee gangsta and take the moon?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on July 07, 2010, 10:00:10 pm
Three halves of return train tickets. All off peak - valid until 21/22nd July.

1. Hull > Manchester (would work on all stops en-route etc..
2. Manchester > London
3. London > Hull

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on July 08, 2010, 12:05:22 am
So who's going to go all dizzee gangsta and take the moon?

Go on then. It'll look dope with the tweed jacket and the brogues.

Will PM you next time I'm down Sheffield way - which may be next weekend.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on July 08, 2010, 12:29:03 am
Good job i'll be in Watford then.  ;D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Three Nine on July 08, 2010, 05:48:22 pm
no probs. You know where I am and should have my number (I'll change yours to Team America Fuck Yeah! should I?).

So who's going to go all dizzee gangsta and take the moon?

Can I have them if they dont fit Barrows?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on July 08, 2010, 06:33:22 pm
sure. or maybe you should fight him for them? That might be more entertaining.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on July 09, 2010, 12:08:16 pm
Maybe I could use tipex to modify it to 'cake eating team', 'team capillarisation' or similar so people know what to expect.

Or just add an "S" in the front and a "Y" at the end.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: fatboySlimfast on July 09, 2010, 12:57:00 pm
Free to good home, fridge freezer. Small freezer with normal fridge combo, works fine , bit cosmetically ugly but pretty ok.
Sheffield area, ready to be COLLECTED now!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on July 09, 2010, 01:10:05 pm
i think we need one for AbracadAbseil. When do you need it shifting?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: bobkatebob on July 09, 2010, 01:45:55 pm
We are doing a clear out here in France and can bring things over next week if people are interested.
They can either be picked up in London by the castle next week or it can be taken to Sheffield next week.

Digital Photocopier Ricoh Aficio 1013 including some spare toner. (

Cannon N1220U flat bed scanner. USB leed required, hasn't been used in a while as no longer compatable with any OS in the house.

Samsung SyncMaster 700s plus CRT monitor.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on July 09, 2010, 02:12:42 pm
I daresay a photocopier would come in handy too... Sheffield next week would be perfect.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: bobkatebob on July 09, 2010, 02:34:17 pm
Ok, photocopier is yours. will PM you about delivery.

Scanner and monitor still looking for a home.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on July 09, 2010, 06:37:02 pm
medium navaho harness (sit harness only, no chest)- i've had it from new but have no certs or anything. light wear only but probably ten years old.

large? yellow petzl helmut, old roped access style. in good condition apart from a few sticker messes.

pm me please. local delivery or pick up in sheffield

somebody must want this - amateur tree surgeons, camera men with numb legs?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on July 09, 2010, 11:04:03 pm
medium navaho harness (sit harness only, no chest)- i've had it from new but have no certs or anything. light wear only but probably ten years old.

large? yellow petzl helmut, old roped access style. in good condition apart from a few sticker messes.

pm me please. local delivery or pick up in sheffield

somebody must want this - amateur tree surgeons, camera men with numb legs?

I'll have it please Ben. I've got a couple of Petzl chest harnesses in the loft, almost new but again out of ticket, that I will be able to offer to anyone who wants to make a full harness out of (obviosuly one that they take all responsibility for etc.)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on July 10, 2010, 08:06:11 am
you can have the helmet, i've sent you a pm. cheers.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: neil h on July 10, 2010, 10:42:43 am
I daresay a photocopier would come in handy too... Sheffield next week would be perfect.

You have mail
Title: mp3 player
Post by: Baron on July 12, 2010, 06:53:07 pm
Need a portable mp3 play for me hols. Anyone got one going?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ianfitz1 on July 12, 2010, 10:13:19 pm
I have a small metolious pad - about 3 foot square. Fold in the middle.

Very old now, foam ain't great but the cover is in reasonable nick.

It's yours if you collect it from S8 7DJ

best to email me as don't look on here too often - ian dot fitzel at
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Adam Lincoln on July 14, 2010, 05:59:32 pm
Few items of clothing up for grabs.

Moon Cypher pants - brown - pretty good condition - Large (more like a medium)
Moon Cypher pants - Dark green - good condition apart from a tiny hole just above knee - Medium
Moon tshirt - Moondust graphics on front - medium

Won't post but can usually be found at Kilnsey. Failing that, Preston.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: TobyD on July 17, 2010, 09:02:59 am
i'll have the green cyphers and the t shirt! i'll be at Kilnsey today....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on July 19, 2010, 07:10:37 pm
Don't care for the environment or the safety of toddlers? We've got a lovely un-used table top patio heater going free. Had it for a wedding present a few years ago and never got around to using it. A bit dusty from being in the garage for ages but otherwise brand new. No gas bottle but the pipe and adaptor are included. Go on, the whole global warming things a myth anyway isn't it? :guilty:

Like this one except from Argos..
( (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on July 19, 2010, 08:05:34 pm
If we had a patio... and a table; I'd have it.
As it is, we get a lot of fun out of smoking out the neighbours by burning their discarded wood of an evening. Not as satisfying as burning proper fossil fuel, I know, but feels dirty enough.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on July 26, 2010, 01:34:24 am
Barrows has decided he isn't man enough to wear the Five Ten T's so they're up for grabs once again.

TTT - you still wanting the moon one?

I'll be away for 16 days from Fri.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: clgladiator on July 26, 2010, 10:54:58 am
Barrows has decided he isn't man enough to wear the Five Ten T's so they're up for grabs once again.

Is this because they were too small to fit round his obese stomach? If that's the case, then I'm interested  :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on July 26, 2010, 12:43:32 pm
something like that.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: clgladiator on July 26, 2010, 12:50:36 pm
sent you a PM
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on July 26, 2010, 07:47:22 pm
Barrows has decided he isn't man enough to wear the Five Ten T's so they're up for grabs once again.

TTT - you still wanting the moon one?

I'll be away for 16 days from Fri.

Yeah - I'm still keen. I'll drop you a PM.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Tris on August 18, 2010, 10:14:35 pm
Sony 28" CRT TV available to be picked up - has in-built freeview tuner but I missed the Over-The-Air software upgrade so to get the in-built Freeview working you need to pay them folks at Sony £65 ish....... or you can just hook up your own box!

Apart from that TV works fine - cracking picture, it's just mahusive :)


PM me if anyone wants it - pick up in Altrincham (Cheshire). You would need a biggish car, this ain't going in no Ford Ka...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: reeve on August 24, 2010, 11:59:06 am
I've got a Maxtor 80GB 150 hard disk drive up for grabs. Never used it (unsure why I own it) so I can't even confirm that it works. Having said that I have no reason to believe that it doesn't. Collect from Sheffield (S8 or the works).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: account_inactive on August 24, 2010, 12:53:09 pm
Can I have that please Reeve  :wave: Will PM you my phone number etc
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Fultonius on August 25, 2010, 04:04:41 pm
Has anyone got a spare trampette that I could have / borrow for a few months?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on October 13, 2010, 02:25:15 am
Does anyone happen to have any jam jars they might want rid of? Its chutney time and I'm jarless.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on October 13, 2010, 07:18:55 am
I might have a couple spare, i'll check.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: richp on October 26, 2010, 10:49:32 am
Five VHS tapes uncovered during clearout-One Summer (peak) Boulder! (neuman, font/heeco etc) The Real Thing (Peak/Font) Stick It and Hard Grit- free to a good home, postage might be needed, based near Bristol.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SpanishJuan on October 26, 2010, 11:04:25 am
me, me, me,  :please: ;D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on October 26, 2010, 12:12:02 pm
I might have a couple spare, i'll check.
cheers Dave (missed this).

If not I'll just buy 10 jars of pickled beetroot like last time.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: erm, sam on October 27, 2010, 01:33:26 pm
2nd dibs on those videos please if Spanish J gets struck by a truck in the near future...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: LucyB on October 27, 2010, 07:17:21 pm
We are currently trying to beg, borrow or steal some baby clothes. We gave all our little baby stuff away, thinking it would be more useful for people to be using it while we got round to producing no 2! With the arrival of little one rapidly approaching (prob sometime in Nov), we could do with any new baby/ 0-3 month stuff.

We don't know the sex yet, so neutral or either is fine - no 1 child was dressed mostly in boys stuff, doesn't seem to have done her any harm (no more than having us for parents anyway  :)).

We do have loads of girls clothes from age 9 months to 2 years, so are prepared to do swaps if anyone is interested.

Based in Sheffield, prob easiest to meet at the Works.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: LucyB on October 31, 2010, 02:04:06 pm
Conservatory furniture free to good home - 2 comfy chairs and a small square coffee table. In good condition, but the cushion covers need a wash! I may or may not get round to doing it myself......

Pick up from Bradway, S17.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on November 04, 2010, 08:44:17 am

Anyone got a working PCMCIA wireless card kicking about spare? I've got a mate in prison who's just installed, ahem, <coughs> linux onto an 8-year-old craptop for shortie to use when in solitary, and could do with a wireless card for it. He assumes that todays laptops will have wireless built-in, so people may have wireless PCMCIA cards spare. Obviously they're not expensive to buy but this is a bit of an experiment so he doesn't want to put good money into something which might not work under linux anyway, and the hardware on the laptop could explode at any moment.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on November 04, 2010, 09:08:03 am
None spare, but if you do find one, check its compatibility/functionality under Linux here (

Does the laptop not have a built-in one/was it broken before installing Linux/hasn't worked yet?

If its that you've not got the internal one working check the PCI compatibility list here (

Failing PCMCIA USB wireless cards might be an option (see here (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on November 04, 2010, 09:14:38 am
Its not got anything built in (hence the request.....), I don't think many laptops did back in 2002/3 and this was always a shit laptop, I always had to use it on a wired LAN. I'll be sure to check anything offerered against that compatability list, cheers ears.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on November 04, 2010, 09:34:46 am
If no one has a spare available this ones £15 and purports to be supported (, or this Netgear one @£12.99 should work ( (although its model has an additional 'GE' appended to that listed on the supported devices).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on November 04, 2010, 09:41:22 am
Ideallty I want to stick with PCMCIA to keep it all internal, no bits sticking out to break/lose etc. Recon a USB stick will be like catnip to a toddler.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on November 04, 2010, 09:47:37 am
Fair-do's, not something I'd ever considered.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on November 04, 2010, 02:12:26 pm
I've got one (well a friend does at the moment, but she's not using it anymore). You're welcome to it. I'll get her to bring it into the Works for you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on November 04, 2010, 02:19:32 pm
Nice one fella. Just get her to leave it at the desk and I'll grab it whenever i'm next down there. Unless she'll be there tonight from 7:30 - 10pm...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on November 05, 2010, 08:30:43 am
Well a good showing for freecycled wireless cards today and also for linux (opensuse), that being that I stuck the card in and it worked straight away, no fucking about, awesome.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on November 05, 2010, 08:36:42 am
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on November 05, 2010, 11:06:39 am
Glad it worked. Pretty impressed, as I think it only cost me a tenner in Tesco anyway!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on November 08, 2010, 01:46:37 pm
And the onslaught of "random items wot I found" continues apace.
If anybody would like an electric bug zapper, of the kind found in sausage egg chips and beans cafs the length and breadth of the country, then holler else it's going on ebay/the tip.

It's white with a wire cage containing enticing blue lights that I feel strangely compelled to fly towards despite the growing feeling of inpending doom and the crackle of untamed electricity. It's about as big as a large cat (or small dog if that's your preference) and it has a plug on the end of a wire suitable for inserting in a domestic plug socket. Get 'em while they're hot.

I'm based in Todmorden but could probably find my way to the post office if absolutely needed...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: butterworthtom on November 08, 2010, 02:09:51 pm
I have a fully functional HP black and white laser printer gathering dust. PM me if you want it.

I am looking for an office chair of some kind in any state of repair to make my studying at uni more comfortable than a wooden chair if anyone can provide?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: iain_cbr on November 08, 2010, 04:46:34 pm
We are currently trying to beg, borrow or steal some baby clothes.

We may have some kiddie stuff lying around, ours is 3 months old now. Any neautral stuff is going to my sister (she's having a boy) but pink stuff will prob be going spare.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: clgladiator on November 08, 2010, 08:56:47 pm
I'm based in Todmorden but could probably find my way to the post office if absolutely needed...

could be interested, how much would postage be?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on November 08, 2010, 10:20:17 pm
I have a fully functional HP black and white laser printer gathering dust. PM me if you want it.

Where do you live for collection porpoises? Could do with one to print out the reams of notes I always get...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on November 09, 2010, 07:36:37 am
I'm based in Todmorden but could probably find my way to the post office if absolutely needed...

could be interested, how much would postage be?
I'll make enquiries at the royal mail today and let you know. Where are you based?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: butterworthtom on November 09, 2010, 12:19:14 pm
I have a fully functional HP black and white laser printer gathering dust. PM me if you want it.

Where do you live for collection porpoises? Could do with one to print out the reams of notes I always get...

Sheffield. Can bring to the climbing works.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: clgladiator on November 09, 2010, 12:26:03 pm
I'll make enquiries at the royal mail today and let you know. Where are you based?

cheers, im sheffield based  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on November 09, 2010, 12:27:51 pm
Ah fuck, haven't got time to drive to Sheffield. Never mind.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on November 09, 2010, 12:44:02 pm
I'll make enquiries at the royal mail today and let you know. Where are you based?

cheers, im sheffield based  :thumbsup:
Postage is looking like about a tenner (based on me guessing the weight and size, apparently large cats (or indeed small dogs) are not recognised standard sizes in the postal world. I mean, I ask you??) but I'll probably be down in Sheffield next weekend so could meet up or drop it at everyones favourite post office (The Works) if that suit you?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: philo on November 11, 2010, 02:25:27 pm
I have a pair of Puma Basket FS NYC if anyone wants them? Worn once but a little tight (and i got them for 50p - i can explain in a PM if you wish!)

Based in sunderland but any NE pickup/climbing wall holla will do.

Size 8

Black/ sulph

picture here:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on November 11, 2010, 03:22:45 pm
I'd like those please. I'll PM you now.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on November 13, 2010, 03:44:36 pm
Alright bummers - having a bit of a clearout in t'attic, found a load of shit I'll be sticking on here this week that anyone can have before it goes to tthe tip/oxfam/recylcing etc.

Lets start off with some Back issues of Summit magazine, complete set from Issue 8 to 24:

#8 Winter 1997
#9 Spring 1998
#10 Summer 1998
#11 Summer 1998
#12 Winter 1998/99
#13 Spring 1999
#14 Summer 1999
#15 Autumn 1999
#16 Winter 1999
#17 Spring 2000
#18 Summer 2000
#19 Autumn 2000
#20 Winter 2000
#21 Spring 2001
#22 Summer 2001
#23 Summer 2001
#24 Winter 2001

All in good nick.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on November 13, 2010, 03:47:21 pm
Also a 15" TV, Beko, (CRT). comes with remote, fully working. Has got a scart socket, hardly been used. Might be OK for someone's spare room or the kids bedroom?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on November 13, 2010, 04:04:34 pm
Also: 8 23x33" sheets of that 5mm compressed fibre underlay for underneath laminate flooring, if this is of any use to anyone.

ALso got some spare unused packs of laminate flooring - might be OK if anyone's trying floor out a porch or hallway:

One and a half pack of dark oak bevel edged laminate ({9372013}%2fcategories%3C{9372028}%2fcategories%3C{9372109}%2fspecificationsProductType%3dlaminate_flooring%2fspecificationsSpecificProductType%3dbevelloc&fh_refview=lister&ts=1289664631801&isSearch=false), kind of looks like bevel edged wood flooring. Amounts to just over 2 square meters of coverage.

One and a half pack of dark slate tile effect B&Q laminate ({9372013}%2fcategories%3C{9372028}%2fcategories%3C{9372109}%2fspecificationsProductType%3dlaminate_flooring%2fspecificationsSpecificProductType%3dtileloc&fh_refview=lister&ts=1289664470754&isSearch=false). Looks like 12" square slate tiles, I really liked this in our old kitchen. Again will cover just over 2 square meters.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Chris_Barr on November 14, 2010, 10:09:55 am
I have a fully functional HP black and white laser printer gathering dust. PM me if you want it.

You have mail!  :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: clgladiator on November 15, 2010, 03:39:00 pm
Postage is looking like about a tenner (based on me guessing the weight and size, apparently large cats (or indeed small dogs) are not recognised standard sizes in the postal world. I mean, I ask you??) but I'll probably be down in Sheffield next weekend so could meet up or drop it at everyones favourite post office (The Works) if that suit you?

Been a bit lax in replying  :spank: If its this weekend your coming down and you could drop it at the works or preferably the foundry if your heading there that would be ideal. cheers  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on November 15, 2010, 07:53:24 pm
I'll check on plans and let you know.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on November 20, 2010, 09:37:10 pm
Anyone have a small capacity CF card kicking about unused?   I'm talking Mb rather than Gb.

I've dug out and old digital camera for my nipper to start using but can't find the card.



Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on November 21, 2010, 04:52:45 pm
Anyone have a small capacity CF card kicking about unused?   I'm talking Mb rather than Gb.

I've dug out and old digital camera for my nipper to start using but can't find the card.


If 128mb will suffice then I think I have one in the office somewhere. Will check and report back when the bin lids are asleep
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on November 21, 2010, 05:46:22 pm
Cool thanks, 128 would be plenty.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: grumpycrumpy on November 30, 2010, 05:59:31 pm
One child's bed free to a good home ...... I haven't measured it up , but it's an Ikea one suitable for 3 year olds upward  , pine with extendable ends ...... There's a slightly mattress too ..... I'm available to deliver within a fifteen mile radius of Nether Edge ...... Unless you live in Brum and then I could drop it off next weds / 8th .....   
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on November 30, 2010, 06:23:59 pm
One child's bed free to a good home ......

 :wave:  :thumbsup:

I'll phone you later
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: grumpycrumpy on December 01, 2010, 01:48:59 pm
It's yours if you want it Lagers ...... I'll drop it round at your convenience ........ Or even your house if that would be better ......
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: iain_cbr on December 05, 2010, 07:39:12 pm
We've got 2 carrier bags worth of kiddies clothes age newborn to 3 months old. Some of it has never been worn. Most of it is pink/girly.
Should cost about 7 quid to post. They're ready for the charity shop in a day or two but thought I'd try on here first.
PM me if yer interested!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Sloper on December 06, 2010, 10:21:47 pm
Ex rental (bought when the shop was going bust) dinner suit, 38'' chest 32'' waist requires dry cleaning. Free, yeah I wasn't always this shape
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: reeve on December 06, 2010, 10:51:46 pm
Ex rental (bought when the shop was going bust) dinner suit, 38'' chest 32'' waist requires dry cleaning. Free, yeah I wasn't always this shape

I'd like this please Sloper. PM'd you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Sloper on December 15, 2010, 08:50:47 pm
Now taken by the slightly darker and younger version of M Jackson.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on January 10, 2011, 08:28:13 am
I'll have two double mattress going free if anyone needs/wants some padding under a woodie.

New beds/mattress' being delivered Saturday 15th January 2011, won't hold on to these old ones for long, if no one wants them then they're going to the tip.

Collection only based in Sheffield, PM me if interested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on January 25, 2011, 04:35:41 pm
Free to any diesel owners: Diesel engine oil and Redex diesel fuel system cleaner. Pick up from Leeds.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on January 25, 2011, 05:27:19 pm
Tevion car radio. Radio works, CD a little dodgy, display fading, has SD card slot. No Aux-in. Free to pick up from Leeds.

VW Golf Estate Boot cover. £20.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on February 02, 2011, 09:03:07 pm
PS/2 KVM Switch, Belkin - operates by keystrokes so no switch needed on the desk

PS/2 keyboard and 2 mouses, one optical one ball

TV aerial power amplifier made by Fringe, model P1235

Dell 90W laptop power supply model PA-1900-02D

Plug socket thingy that will measure power use, cost etc of the connected appliance
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on February 02, 2011, 10:40:57 pm
Could I take the power use measurer please?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on February 03, 2011, 07:19:57 pm
Could I take the power use measurer please?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Adam Lincoln on February 05, 2011, 08:08:13 pm
Epson Stylus printer if anyone wants it. Scans and copies also.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on February 05, 2011, 09:57:16 pm
You yorkshire way any time soon? I need to print off some pictures of Johnny G to put all over my wall.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Adam Lincoln on February 05, 2011, 10:08:08 pm
You yorkshire way any time soon? I need to print off some pictures of Johnny G to put all over my wall.

No plans yet. You will need to buy ink for it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on February 05, 2011, 10:11:49 pm
Word, I'll look into it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Sam on February 09, 2011, 09:49:24 am
moving from one house filled with my crap to another filled with the previous owners crap has left me with the following:

- George Foreman lean mean fat grillin' machine working order, with the little fat trays for dipping your grilled snack of choice, it's got George Foreman's signature on it and everything

- a portable air compressor/jump starter thingy - not sure the battery has enough poke for a biggish diesel engine (t4 owners take note) but it works & has a 240v charger & a socket for charging off the ciggy lighter should work for a fiesta or something

- cat box this is a "humane" one, with a handle, a door and slots so the cat can breathe, not one of those clever screw clamp ones like you've seen on the internet

- hammock new in a box free standing job suitable for adults, maybe 2...

- old paint tins, plus free dried paint x 30

- futon bed: base a bit dodgy, will need putting back together but think we've got all the bits.  Mattress a little bit dirty from being dropped when I hit my head on the open tailgate...  :wall:

- steam sterilising machine for babies stuff - I plugged it in and a light came on so guess it works, will need a good clean quite grubby

- lots of old climbing shoes mostly 4 & 8.5 evolv pontas (velcro & lace), bandits, hera (4), rockstar (4), boreal spyders (4) & 5.10 anasazi velcros: some have holes under the big toes or are just very worn, but might be good for resoles & wall work, seems a shame to throw them as the uppers and 97% of rubber are fine

- double mattress good for junkie-chic bedroom or board use. Have been told its ok to sleep on but I don't know. Probably good if you're a student who has set fire to their landlord's mattress.

more stuff coming as I find it...

all for collection from S8

edit: add 1 track pump for bikes, I think the presta setting is a bit fubar'd but it works fine on schrader valves (car type) or you could source a new head for it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on February 09, 2011, 09:56:48 am
can I have the jump starter and a pair of size 4 boots (whichever will be the least painful for small girls)?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Sam on February 09, 2011, 05:23:47 pm
+ 1 Intense Uzzi SLX frame - medium I think, circa 2003 Fox coil shock broken at chainstay weld Intense importers reckon £100 for a new one great project if you have a shed full of bits, it's got a octalink bb, guide & cut down raceface seatpost

collect in S8
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on February 09, 2011, 05:40:56 pm
TCA are accepting donations of old climbing gear to send to Climb Swaziland, are any climbing walls local to you?

I guess this includes old shoes? (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on February 19, 2011, 09:54:22 am
Got a 5 hook Ikea coat rack that screws to a door/wall. White wood back, with black hooks.

Also an ADDON ARM8100 router.

Both in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dingles on February 19, 2011, 10:05:14 am
ill take the 8.5 pontas please
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: account_inactive on February 19, 2011, 10:45:45 am
Free fibreglass insulation.  My mate has a shit load of this that he needs to get rid of.  Drop me a PM if interested as it's in Sheffield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: LucyB on February 19, 2011, 09:35:43 pm
Canon inkjet cartridges, for use with: S200/ S200X/ S300/ S330/ i250/ i320/ i350/ i450/ i470/ i470D/ i455/ i470D/ i455/ i475D/ F20

Replaces CANON 21/24CL

4 colour, 4 black

Copied all that from the box  :shrug: I had a Pixma iP2000, just bought a bundle of replacement cartridges when it told me it had run out of ink. It immediately decided it's waste tank was full or some such shit; according to the knowledge of t'interweb this means it's fubared. Pick up from the Works, can't be arsed to send them anywhere  ;)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: chris05 on February 22, 2011, 12:10:55 pm
Silent night king size mattress. Only a couple of years old. Has a slight sag on one side, as it was under warranty still we got it replaced. Would be fine for a spair bed/student (I would probably have carried on using it) or under a woody.

Pick up in Beeston, Notts.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on February 26, 2011, 01:19:03 pm
The gymnastics club just up from the Works looks to have replaced a lot of their covered/carpeted foam matting which is stacked in various sizes in the corner of the car park at the back and looks ideal for woodies.

It's located at the back of the nasty white and blue office building a hundred or so yards up Little London rd from the Works and turn left by the weeping willow type tree and left again at the bottom.

Get it before it's carted away to landfill.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on February 26, 2011, 01:40:18 pm
Oh yes. We have just discovered that our two rabbits are not both females as we were told. So if anyone wants an adult rabbit or babies let me know. Grey, cute not sure what other rabbit specifications there are.

Not quite free as Mrs Shark is currently raising money for the NSPCC so a donation would be welcome. Also can probably provide a hutch as we have two. Broomhill/Sheffield based.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on February 26, 2011, 01:53:37 pm
I am shocked that you would even contemplate carting cute grey bunnies off to become landfill

oh, wait... two separate posts
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on February 26, 2011, 01:59:26 pm
Grey, cute not sure what other rabbit specifications there are.


But, seriously now, I may well be interested, my nipper's been after pets and we had agreed that we'd get a couple of rabbits in spring.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on February 26, 2011, 04:20:47 pm
But, seriously now, I may well be interested, my nipper's been after pets and we had agreed that we'd get a couple of rabbits in spring.

Cool. You could have the adult one now or one or more of the babies once weaned.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on February 28, 2011, 02:58:06 pm
26" CRT telly. Big. Silver.

In Sherwood, Nottingham.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on February 28, 2011, 03:03:47 pm

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on February 28, 2011, 04:46:19 pm



Thats nearly perfect El Stallioni, except for the green tights and a bow resting against the tree..
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on March 02, 2011, 08:50:47 pm
Anyone in Sheff want a Black and Decker Adjustable Wrench?
Already got one (and rarely use it tbh) but got another for Xmas.
They don't go for much on Ebay (so no takers for selling on please)

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on March 02, 2011, 09:02:49 pm
is taht the sort od size that woild fit a bottom bracket tool?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on March 02, 2011, 09:14:20 pm
I doubt it, the jaws don't open that wide, I'll check.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on March 02, 2011, 09:23:49 pm
Not to worry cheers, I used to have one like that but leant it to someone and never saw it again.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Scouse D on March 02, 2011, 09:34:38 pm
Anyone want a fully functioning white samsung 850W microwave?
It's in good nick, just a bit of the paint inside has peeled off under the turnstile.
Good microwave we're only getting rid as we're getting a new kitchen with new stuff in.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on March 02, 2011, 09:40:26 pm
Not to worry cheers, I used to have one like that but leant it to someone and never saw it again.
Jaws open 30mm, yours if you want it Nai.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on March 02, 2011, 09:59:56 pm
Thanks, doesn't sound quite big enough.

(btw, I bought a 2nd hand trailer after your advice in another thread - lots on ebay all the time - when your youngest is old enough you're welcome to borrow it for a test run before shelling out for one, make sure the kids take to it, etc)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on March 02, 2011, 10:16:54 pm
Anyone want a fully functioning white samsung 850W microwave?
It's in good nick, just a bit of the paint inside has peeled off under the turnstile.
Good microwave we're only getting rid as we're getting a new kitchen with new stuff in.

You're supposed to shift your hot gear in a pub carpark word. For cash. Sometimes I wonder if you're a scouser at all.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on March 02, 2011, 11:34:47 pm
Scouse FAIL
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Nigel on March 03, 2011, 01:59:50 pm
Anyone want a fully functioning white samsung 850W microwave?
It's in good nick, just a bit of the paint inside has peeled off under the turnstile.
Good microwave we're only getting rid as we're getting a new kitchen with new stuff in.

This still going Scouse? If so could I bagsy it? We need a new one. Can meet you in a pub car park if you like, as long as they aren't filming an episode of Inner City Sumo in it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on March 04, 2011, 05:42:51 pm
26" CRT telly. Big. Silver.

In Sherwood, Nottingham.

Now gone.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on March 04, 2011, 10:17:07 pm
Anyone in Sheff want a Black and Decker Adjustable Wrench?
Already got one (and rarely use it tbh) but got another for Xmas.
They don't go for much on Ebay (so no takers for selling on please)

I would like this please if it is still going. Been using my mums one for all my little handyman jobs (I like to carry around a large tool box to make it seem more like I know what I am doing, and for some reason my mum gets upset when I borrow all her stuff - God knows what she nees and adjustable wrench for)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on March 05, 2011, 12:14:02 am
Sorry, meant to say it's promised to Lagers, he PM'd me about it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on March 10, 2011, 01:11:54 pm
Got an Early learning centre blossom farm baby cot mobile that we need rid of asap.
In very good condition, comes with remote. Located in East Manchester
Spins round, some tunes, and got some sort of hypno, multi coloured changing light in the middle, worked well with our kids.
Looks like this
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Snoops on March 11, 2011, 09:33:41 am
Not one for flagging the other channel but Alan JAmes giving away baby stuff if anyone needs:

Having a clear out and have some good quality baby and child stuff available.

Car Seat 1
Good quality seat for child aged 4 to 8 or so. Actually is designed for younger children as well but we have lost the harness so it can only now be used with a seat belt.

Car Seat 2
A booster seat with a high back suitable for children aged 5 to 10. Used with a seat belt.

Travel Cot
Small flat-pack travel cot in reasonable condition.
Old pram. Good for small children up to toddlers. In working ordered but we bought it secondhand 10 years ago so it is not the most modern-looking pram.

Preferably as a job lot but will consider separately.

Pick up in Sheffield only.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on March 11, 2011, 10:56:01 am
sounds like he wants actual money for the stuff?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Snoops on March 11, 2011, 11:20:29 am
sounds like he wants actual money for the stuff?

No it says 'free' on the topic post
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on March 11, 2011, 12:03:26 pm
sounds like he wants actual money for the stuff?

No it says 'free' on the topic post

If only "someone" had included one of those handy link things you can click on for people to look at the thread themselves!  ::)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on March 11, 2011, 12:34:50 pm
I was tricked by the bit that said "Preferably as a job lot but will consider separately" and UKC is banned at work, so I couldn't check

Didn't mean to imply that Snoop was a fUKCwit
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Snoops on March 11, 2011, 01:24:47 pm
sounds like he wants actual money for the stuff?

No it says 'free' on the topic post

If only "someone" had included one of those handy link things you can click on for people to look at the thread themselves!  ::)

Wish I hadn't bothered now.......... :shrug:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on March 11, 2011, 01:33:17 pm
Wish I hadn't bothered now.......... :shrug:

I'm glad you did, we need a bigger child seat and I've managed to send a message despite not being able to do it in the normal way
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on March 11, 2011, 02:13:00 pm
Wish I hadn't bothered now.......... :shrug:

I'm sorry, but you went to the bother of copying and pasting the text and posting it here, to provide a link to it would have been much more effort and avoided any ambiguity.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ianv on March 11, 2011, 09:08:33 pm
Following items are cluttering up my house and are free to a good home, picked up nr Bradford (Wilsden) or the Depot

Decathlon mountain bike hardtail frame with rigid forks XT front and rear mechs (old) m/l
Riser bars
Flat bars
Stem (longish)
Amp- decent Richer Sound one- Kenwood
Speakers- decent Richer Sound one with cables
Old wires (RPs, rocks and stuff), nuts and cams. These are old but I was never a big trad climber so not used much. There is a decent rack worth.
50 ish M8 T nuts and bolts

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on March 11, 2011, 09:20:48 pm
Following items are cluttering up my house and are free to a good home, picked up nr Bradford (Wilsden) or the Depot

Decathlon mountain bike hardtail frame with rigid forks XT front and rear mechs (old) m/l
Riser bars
Flat bars
Stem (longish)
Amp- decent Richer Sound one- Kenwood
Speakers- decent Richer Sound one with cables
Old wires (RPs, rocks and stuff), nuts and cams. These are old but I was never a big trad climber so not used much. There is a decent rack worth.
50 ish M8 T nuts and bolts

I'll take your cams sir - have PM'd you!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on March 11, 2011, 09:44:40 pm
Do the amp and speakers work together and are ready to go? Audio newbie.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ianv on March 11, 2011, 10:32:57 pm
Amp and speakers worked together last time I tried.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: butters on March 11, 2011, 10:34:37 pm
Do the amp and speakers work together and are ready to go? Audio newbie.

You will need a CD Player or some other form of audio input if you are going to get any sound out of it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Adam Lincoln on March 11, 2011, 10:54:16 pm

Amp- decent Richer Sound one- Kenwood
Speakers- decent Richer Sound one with cables

Ill take these.... Can collect no probs. Could meet at Depot?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ianv on March 12, 2011, 08:50:00 am

Amp- decent Richer Sound one- Kenwood
Speakers- decent Richer Sound one with cables

Ill take these.... Can collect no probs. Could meet at Depot?

will give andi_e first shout as he asked, if he doesn't want them they are yours.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on March 12, 2011, 09:15:36 am
Let Adam have them, I've got enough crap knocking around here as it is.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on March 12, 2011, 12:07:46 pm
The gymnastics club just up from the Works looks to have replaced a lot of their covered/carpeted foam matting which is stacked in various sizes in the corner of the car park at the back and looks ideal for woodies.

It's located at the back of the nasty white and blue office building a hundred or so yards up Little London rd from the Works and turn left by the weeping willow type tree and left again at the bottom.

Get it before it's carted away to landfill.

Noticed this morning there are still mats there for the taking
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on March 12, 2011, 01:49:31 pm
Following items are cluttering up my house and are free to a good home, picked up nr Bradford (Wilsden) or the Depot

Decathlon mountain bike hardtail frame with rigid forks XT front and rear mechs (old) m/l
Riser bars
Flat bars
Stem (longish)
Amp- decent Richer Sound one- Kenwood
Speakers- decent Richer Sound one with cables
Old wires (RPs, rocks and stuff), nuts and cams. These are old but I was never a big trad climber so not used much. There is a decent rack worth.
50 ish M8 T nuts and bolts

I'll take whats left. will send you a pm
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: iain_cbr on March 13, 2011, 08:49:11 pm
We've got an ongoing supply of young girls clothing as our youngest (and last) outgroes them. We're currently dropping them off at a charity shop but if anyone wants them, just let me know. She's currently 7 months, so we'll have a bunch of 6-9 month stuff coming up soon, then more and more as she gets bigger.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Snoops on March 18, 2011, 08:24:44 am
One white fridge
One white freezer

These 2 are the not the youngest kids on the block, but they work fine and are in reasonable shape considering approx 10 years old, few scuffs and scratches

Sheff pickup - obviously you would need a suitable vehicle.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on March 18, 2011, 07:50:15 pm
One white fridge
One white freezer

I might know someone who'll have both of these. Can I get back to you tomorrow?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on April 03, 2011, 04:27:08 pm

One MILLION candlewatt 'torch', rechargeable, got car charger, may be able to find mains charger though not with it at the mo. Could be useful for lantern sessions although quite a narrow beam if I remember. Pocket sized, if your pocket could hold a medium sized dog.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on April 03, 2011, 04:42:30 pm
I'll have it please word.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on April 14, 2011, 11:40:41 am
Big plastic barrel, the sort you'd store rainwater in on the allotment. Collect from S18
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on April 14, 2011, 11:48:09 am
Unlikley, but we have a B&W enlarger that was given to us, but we will realistically never use. Postage would be hundreds, it's enormous and heavy.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tlr on April 17, 2011, 06:36:28 pm
8ft mini-mal board bag
Jack wolfskin 2 man tent
Boot mounted bike rack
Roof bars for estate car

Collection from Sheffield.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: clgladiator on April 18, 2011, 09:29:23 am
I'd be interested in the tent. Have sent you a PM
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: grimer on April 18, 2011, 11:59:17 am
I'd take the bi crack
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on April 18, 2011, 03:12:38 pm
Is that you offering a set of definitive guidebooks?

I'll take them.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rehab21 on April 18, 2011, 04:45:18 pm
Jack wolfskin 2 man tent
Would be fab if not already taken

Roof bars for estate car

Will pm you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nic mullin on April 26, 2011, 11:35:45 pm

I've got a spare super off-peak train ticket from Sheffield to London (valid via Chesterfield only) valid until the 7th of May if anybody wants it.

I needed a single from London to Sheffield, but it was cheaper to buy a return  :shrug: this is the unused return half.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Fultonius on April 27, 2011, 08:16:13 am
Glasgow/Central Belt pickup only.

1. IKEA glass/matt black metal framed coffee table & dining table. Both measure about 1.5m x 1.1m ish (i.e. 4 to 6 seat) and 2 matt black metal frame/wicker type chairs.

2. Also: 1.2m diameter trampette, great for rehab/physio! Was £20 from decathlon.

Can't provide photos until after 12th May when I get back from Azerbaijan. Pickup around that time too.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: LucyB on April 27, 2011, 03:21:44 pm
Sprog no. 2 has now been diagnosed as dairy intolerant - this time round I have to go dairy-free as well  :(

Anyone want a big box of HiPP organic first formula? Pick up from Sheffield/ the Works.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Fultonius on April 27, 2011, 06:35:28 pm
I ahd that! Projectile vomit at the thought of milk based products till I was 5 and a lifetime of problems...

Lot's of good quality yoghurt seemed to be the best way to get me on to dairy! I still have orange juice in my cereal...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: LucyB on April 27, 2011, 07:19:34 pm
Oh yes, I know about the projectile vomit... poor you, most unpleasant  :sick:

No. 1 sprog seemed to get over it, we managed to get her onto dairy by about 14 months. She's still not keen though, does have her cereal dry or dipped in juice - you pair of weirdos  ;)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Fultonius on April 27, 2011, 07:25:00 pm
My mum once cuaght a proj-vom from the other side of the room in her dress!

And there's nowt wrong with OJ and cereal...I'm NORMAL....really....  :-[
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on April 28, 2011, 07:44:26 pm
Got some bits:

Guinea pig cage

9x 4ft pieces of 3x1 rough sawn timber

About two dozen roof slates

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ianv on April 28, 2011, 09:17:19 pm
I could be interested in the timber. Where are you?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on April 28, 2011, 09:28:11 pm
Sheff S10
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on April 29, 2011, 06:35:16 pm
We've got some IKEA wire basket drawers (with a fabric zippable cover), and a load of carpet gripper rods (ideal for rubicon style board holds) going.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on April 29, 2011, 09:23:04 pm
Are these the IKEA wire basket drawers (with a fabric zippable cover) that can be turned into a Lotus Elise by simply adding petrol? If so, I'll have them if you can chuck a bit of petrol in.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ianv on April 30, 2011, 06:43:02 am
Sheff S10
Bit far so will pass. Thanks anyway.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: grumpycrumpy on April 30, 2011, 08:15:25 am
I'd love to take the timber off your hands Cofe ....... I'm building a play shed out of recycled materials for Holt House and these would be perfect for the job .......

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on April 30, 2011, 08:40:52 am
Sure thing. Drop me a pm.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 01, 2011, 12:16:15 pm
Pair of Ikea 'Folkstorp' plywood side tables

Bit faded in areas due to having TV on for several years. Not bad nick overall.

Sheffield S10, pick up ASAP if interested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on May 01, 2011, 09:03:30 pm
Got some bits:

Guinea pig cage

9x 4ft pieces of 3x1 rough sawn timber

About two dozen roof slates

I'd love the guinea pig cage please mate...
Title: 2 x Britax First Class Plus car seats
Post by: underground on May 01, 2011, 09:22:11 pm
We now have 2 of these Britax First Class Plus ( car seats that are surplus to requirements and ready for anyone who wants them to collect near Sheffield / Chesterfield / Peak....

Now - I know about the advice about not using second hand car seats due to history etc. so,

One of the seats we bought new, has always been used by us and has never been involved in crash or similar, or abused

The other, we got from oldfella and was received in good faith as in the same state as ours - put it this way, both of them are used by our son still, one in our car, one in grandparents, and would be still - we just happened to visit someone with scales and he seems to be the right weight to start using a booster instead.... so we are going to do it to save the hassle with getting arms in and out of straps.
Title: Re: 2 x Britax First Class Plus car seats
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 01, 2011, 10:25:00 pm
We now have 2 of these Britax First Class Plus ( car seats that are surplus to requirements and ready for anyone who wants them to collect near Sheffield / Chesterfield / Peak....

Yes please, have PMd you
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 01, 2011, 10:27:46 pm
Sorry withdrawing the offer of the Ikea tables for the mo, Mrs Obi wants to try and Ebay them as seems they are quite rare.
Title: Re: 2 x Britax First Class Plus car seats
Post by: underground on May 01, 2011, 11:22:54 pm
We now have 2 of these Britax First Class Plus ( car seats that are surplus to requirements and ready for anyone who wants them to collect near Sheffield / Chesterfield / Peak....

Yes please, have PMd you

One seat taken, PM'd you back.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Ru on May 02, 2011, 09:13:14 am
We now have 2 of these Britax First Class Plus ( car seats that are surplus to requirements and ready for anyone who wants them to collect near Sheffield / Chesterfield / Peak....

If you still have one left it would be very useful.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: wiain on May 03, 2011, 09:04:33 pm
We have a spare waterbutt that we have replaced with a slimline. I think it's about 260l - the kind that looks like a big green barrel. Pickup from Hillsborough or Foundry.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on May 03, 2011, 09:10:15 pm
We now have 2 of these Britax First Class Plus ( car seats that are surplus to requirements and ready for anyone who wants them to collect near Sheffield / Chesterfield / Peak....

If you still have one left it would be very useful.

Sorry Ru, and everyone else - both seats now snapped up.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: wiain on May 04, 2011, 09:58:02 pm
Waterbutt has been bagsied.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: iain_cbr on May 07, 2011, 07:32:43 pm
Chicco Little Driver baby walker, in pretty good nick. Pick up in warrington. Going to charity shop next week (probably tuesday) so let me know if you want it!

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on May 09, 2011, 04:33:54 pm
does anyone happen to have a home energy monitor lying around?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 09, 2011, 08:06:37 pm
does anyone happen to have a home energy monitor lying around?


Would you like it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on May 09, 2011, 08:30:21 pm
Can I ask how it works first? It seems most of them clip around the cable coming into your home and measure the current somehow.

The problem is, living in a flat that cable comes into the fusebox from behind a wall and I can't see it so I'm not sure I 'can' actually use it... (probably should have checked that first!).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 09, 2011, 09:10:50 pm
You might be able to fit it on the cable leading to your electric meter- probably in some sort of cupboard out on the communal landing/corridor. Building management/concierge might be able to help?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on May 09, 2011, 09:12:13 pm
its 6 stories down in a pretty well insulated and protected room (i.e. I don't think the transmitter will work?)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on May 09, 2011, 09:36:58 pm
does anyone happen to have a home energy monitor lying around?

We switched to British Gas for the best price - although we didn't receive a monitor.

My brother in law did, however, a smart meter that has a well fly monitor, which also measures the meters wirelessly, so the man never comes round to read it, nor do you have to fill in the card.

So, just a thought - don't know what happens if you stop using british gas or owt!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on May 09, 2011, 09:47:19 pm
Just remembered we now have 2 x pushchairs to go to a good home.

Both stroller types, one's a Chicco one, really light and packable - the grandparents had this and we used it for holidays so it's almost new
Like this but 6 years old and much more basic and I don't know if any sunshade remains attached: (

Next one a mamas and papas Pulse buggy, like this (

also in great nick but the solid tyres are a tad worn. Still loads of life left in it.

Neither of them have the supplied raincover either.
Title: VHS climbing videos
Post by: simes on May 22, 2011, 04:09:15 pm
I've got:


Best Forgotten Art
Stick It
Hard Grit
Total Control - Jim Jewell soloing in North Wales
Body Machine - Old Fawcett video peak district routes
Sea Fever - Pembroke by Martin Crocker
The Real Thing
Masters Of Stone 4
Contact - Castle Hill, New Zealand
Some Climbers Present... Dan Honeyman's first video.


Alison Hargreaves...Jim Ballard Goes to K2 etc
Bonnington's history of climbing
Christophe Profit climbing the north face trilogy in winter
Stone Monkey / Buoux 8c
Leo Houlding - My Right Foot
Pennine Rock from Channel 4 with Chris Bonnington.

Free to anyone who still has a video player.

Cheers, Si.

Title: Re: VHS climbing videos
Post by: 205Chris on May 22, 2011, 05:21:08 pm
I've got:


Best Forgotten Art
Stick It
Hard Grit
Total Control - Jim Jewell soloing in North Wales
Body Machine - Old Fawcett video peak district routes
Sea Fever - Pembroke by Martin Crocker
The Real Thing
Masters Of Stone 4
Contact - Castle Hill, New Zealand
Some Climbers Present... Dan Honeyman's first video.


Alison Hargreaves...Jim Ballard Goes to K2 etc
Bonnington's history of climbing
Christophe Profit climbing the north face trilogy in winter
Stone Monkey / Buoux 8c
Leo Houlding - My Right Foot
Pennine Rock from Channel 4 with Chris Bonnington.

Free to anyone who still has a video player.

Cheers, Si.

Could I have Pennine Rock, Sea Fever, Contact and Body Machine please.

Can collect from Sheffield.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 26, 2011, 09:07:42 pm
Few computer bits...

- Logitech 2.1 speakers with small sub, volume control maybe a bit flakey.
- Logitech webcam - QuickCam Pro 5000, works fine except no drivers for Win7  :slap:

Pick up from Shef S10
Title: Re: VHS climbing videos
Post by: nai on May 26, 2011, 09:37:12 pm
I've got:


Best Forgotten Art
Stick It
Hard Grit
Total Control - Jim Jewell soloing in North Wales
Body Machine - Old Fawcett video peak district routes
Sea Fever - Pembroke by Martin Crocker
The Real Thing
Masters Of Stone 4
Contact - Castle Hill, New Zealand
Some Climbers Present... Dan Honeyman's first video.


Alison Hargreaves...Jim Ballard Goes to K2 etc
Bonnington's history of climbing
Christophe Profit climbing the north face trilogy in winter
Stone Monkey / Buoux 8c
Leo Houlding - My Right Foot
Pennine Rock from Channel 4 with Chris Bonnington.

Free to anyone who still has a video player.

Cheers, Si.

Could I have Pennine Rock, Sea Fever, Contact and Body Machine please.

Can collect from Sheffield.


And could I have Best Forgotten Art and Pennine Rock Please?

Title: Re: VHS climbing videos
Post by: 205Chris on May 27, 2011, 03:17:56 pm
I've got:


Best Forgotten Art
Stick It
Hard Grit
Total Control - Jim Jewell soloing in North Wales
Body Machine - Old Fawcett video peak district routes
Sea Fever - Pembroke by Martin Crocker
The Real Thing
Masters Of Stone 4
Contact - Castle Hill, New Zealand
Some Climbers Present... Dan Honeyman's first video.


Alison Hargreaves...Jim Ballard Goes to K2 etc
Bonnington's history of climbing
Christophe Profit climbing the north face trilogy in winter
Stone Monkey / Buoux 8c
Leo Houlding - My Right Foot
Pennine Rock from Channel 4 with Chris Bonnington.

Free to anyone who still has a video player.

Cheers, Si.

Could I have Pennine Rock, Sea Fever, Contact and Body Machine please.

Can collect from Sheffield.


And could I have Best Forgotten Art and Pennine Rock Please?

Sorry Ian - I'm afraid I've already collected Pennine Rock but I'll happily lend it to you. There's some dynamite stuff on there, Myers on Brad Pit, Ruth Jenkin on Caviar, Moffatt on Evolution etc. Plus appearances from the odd UKBer.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on May 27, 2011, 03:50:57 pm
you could have picked up LFA for me while you were there...

That'd be good cheers, only bothered about seeing it the once anyway.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on May 27, 2011, 04:07:05 pm
you could have picked up LFA for me while you were there...

I would have done but I picked it up on Monday before you posted  ;)

I've already got BFA on video anyway so I can lend you that too.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 27, 2011, 04:13:41 pm
Few computer bits...

- Logitech 2.1 speakers with small sub, volume control maybe a bit flakey.
- Logitech webcam - QuickCam Pro 5000, works fine except no drivers for Win7  :slap:

Pick up from Shef S10

Webcam promised to Simes
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on May 31, 2011, 01:12:45 pm
I have about 20 metres of standard diameter blue plastic water pipe, and an 800mm B+Q kitchen cabinet carcass up for grabs if anyone could use either of them.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: stom on May 31, 2011, 01:31:56 pm
I'll take the pipe if your Sheffield based?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on June 01, 2011, 10:23:23 pm
I'll take the pipe if your Sheffield based?
We live near the works.

Pm me to arrange collection of the pipe.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: simes on June 18, 2011, 11:34:32 am
I've still got 4 videos left:

Stone Monkey / Buoux 8c, The Real Thing, Hard Grit and Stick It.

And if anyone is interested I've also got:

The Best of It's a Knockout (which is fucking hillarious), The Lonelinss Of The Long Distance Runner, The Way of the Dragon, Trigger Happy TV, The Fast Show, Ghandi, Have I Got News For You, and some copied tapes.

Cheers, Si.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on June 18, 2011, 03:59:41 pm
I'd like the four climbing vids, if they are still available please.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on June 21, 2011, 01:02:39 pm
I have an old school Joe Brown helmet in red, if anyone wants it. It's not in perfect nick, with a couple of chips, but PM me if you fancy it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: iain_cbr on June 22, 2011, 08:58:08 am
3 packs of girls pull ups type thingies. 2 full packs, one with a couple missing. shame to chuck em, they're a fortune!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on June 22, 2011, 09:07:25 am
How do pull-ups differ between gender?  Grab bar/holds and lift :shrug:

Or am I mis-interpreting what you have?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: unclesomebody on June 28, 2011, 05:53:45 pm
Also found in an old shoebox today were some unused rolls of 35mm film. If anybody still uses film (it's so retro chic these days - trust me) then get in touch!

4 rolls of Velvia 50
2 rolls of Provia 100
1 roll of Reala 100

I don't know expiry dates, but they were probably bought sometime around 2005. If that means they are useless now let me know so I can bin them! They've currently on ebay for around £7 a roll, so this is a bargain. FREE! (if you want to make a donation to MS Research then that's cool too but it's not a requirement!).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dan lane on June 28, 2011, 06:32:27 pm
I'll take the film! sent you an email.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on July 04, 2011, 07:23:41 pm
Single mattress going spare. Decent quality, clean, comfy, and good nick just a bit dated - i.e. more than suitable for a spare bedroom, not some rotten piece of shit to bum hookers on in a back alley. I think we got it from my julie's aunty when she moved house, it was in her spare room. Unlikely to have have had much use other than the odd night here and there.

CRT monitor going spare. Hansol, decent quality, probably about 17". Someone take it for a spare monitor or its going down the tip.

Computer going spare: my old PC, served me well for over 5 years. Can't remember the spec offhand but its got a wifi card, 160gb of HDD, half a gig of ram, DVD writer etc. Can chuck in a mouse and keyboard too if you need it. I used this with XP on it for half a decade and never once had a bluescreen error and rarely had to force it to reboot so it was pretty stable. The only thing I need to do to it is sort out how to securely erase the HD.

Obviously these are in sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Rich Armour on July 04, 2011, 07:38:51 pm
Hi Dave,

I'll take the computer and the monitor if its still goin, can pick up from Sheffield

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Rich Armour on July 04, 2011, 07:40:17 pm
Will send you an email with my details

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on July 04, 2011, 07:42:24 pm
Done! I'll PM your ass.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on July 09, 2011, 01:06:44 pm
Surely it'd be easier just to PM the man himself rather than communicating through his donkey?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: RichK on July 18, 2011, 01:40:42 pm
Single & Double mattress going spare.
Clean & average nic.
Collect only from High Peak area/eves.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on July 21, 2011, 10:53:51 pm
Word up, got some climbing VHS going spare to anyone not yet in the 21st century:

Lets start with probably the three best climbing videos ever made:
Stick It
Hard Grit

Then also throw in:
Dosage Volume 1 (BRING THE RUCKUS!!!)
Frequent Flyers (Boone Speed and Obe Carrion-up-the-Khyber tick the world)

Also got Enter The Dragon and Crouching Tiger for anyone who likes their jap-slapping vids.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: The Aaronator on July 24, 2011, 11:00:45 pm
Husky snow chains. Never used. Size HUSKN 020, to fit wheels 155 65 13 or similar. Free to anyone who climbs at Kilnsey, Malham, BoulderUK, Bolton or thereabouts and can meet to pick them up.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on August 02, 2011, 08:51:58 pm
A long shot but I've got a DeLonghi stand alone ceramic cooker (model ESS 601) going free if anyone wants it. Looks like this (

Works fine but my parents have just moved house and I've acquired their old one so surplus to requirements.

Collection from Sheffield.

Or if no one wants it does anyone know of any charities etc. in Sheffield who would take it off my hands? Would be a shame to throw it out as there's nothing wrong with it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: LucyB on August 02, 2011, 09:30:39 pm
I think Remar might take it - they also pick up from your house, so pretty useful. There's another charity on Queens Road (I think - opposite the little retail park before you get to B&Q), might be called St Leonard's or something like that. They also pick up but only on certain days in each area. Both help equip homeless people in new homes.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on August 02, 2011, 10:21:11 pm
St Vincent de Paul furniture store is under St Wilfred's Centre on Queens Road. SVP do an amazing job helping people who have no way of getting furniture. For people moving off the streets and into a bare, unfurnished flat the help from SVP makes a huge difference. Electrical stuff has to be PAT tested so check if they can take it.

Don't encourage REMAR please
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: simes on August 03, 2011, 09:48:58 am
What's wrong with REMAR?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on August 03, 2011, 02:03:14 pm
have a look at this thread (

I can coroborate the worst bits

I daren't write too much in case the cult members track me down and lock me up in a foreign farm house miles from anywhere with no suitable medical support
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on August 03, 2011, 02:38:09 pm
have a look at this thread (

I can coroborate the worst bits

I daren't write too much in case the cult members track me down and lock me up in a foreign farm house miles from anywhere with no suitable medical support


Remar are a Portuguese charity who believe that they rehabilitate people from substance dependency. Primarily supporting Portuguese people, they do support British and other nationalities as well. When they support people who have a home base in the UK, they move them to a Remar project some distance from their home base. Their belief is that you must break the individual from everything that they know, as their family bonds etc. were part of their life as a dependent substance user. In order to ensure that they do this effectively they withhold the individual's benefit book/other means of self support, they accompany them to statutory and health appointments to ensure the person is not in a position to discuss with professionals the support they recieve from Remar, and they ensure that the person's daily life is filled with work. Particularly they do not believe in drug assisted withdrawals from substances of addiction and therefore would not support someone in accessing medication which would help them deal with the pain of withdrawal, or block future cravings.
In my past life I have worked with around 15-20 people who came to Sheffield due to support offered by Remar, and based on my experience I certainly wouldn't be purchasing their gardening/removal/whatever services.

They sound as bad as scientologists!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on August 03, 2011, 03:30:11 pm
To be a bit more balanced about it: I have never met anyone who has died as a result of the REMAR technique, but I have met a couple of people for who it has worked.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on August 03, 2011, 03:33:49 pm
To be a bit more balanced about it: I have never met anyone who has died as a result of the REMAR technique, but I have met a couple of people for who it has worked.

Probably a good reason for that!  :tease:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on August 04, 2011, 09:47:38 pm
Thanks for the suggestions folks. I did try St. VdP but they don't accept cookers.

I have however now found someone to take it off my hands.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on September 01, 2011, 06:19:39 pm
Pair of Ikea 'Folkstorp' plywood side tables

Bit faded in areas due to having TV on for several years. Not bad nick overall.

Sheffield S10, pick up ASAP if interested.

These are back on offer if anyone wants them...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on September 02, 2011, 09:05:56 am
Tables now promised to CLM, and AndyH is second in line.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on September 02, 2011, 11:31:23 am
Word up, got some climbing VHS going spare to anyone not yet in the 21st century:

Lets start with probably the three best climbing videos ever made:
Stick It
Hard Grit

Then also throw in:
Dosage Volume 1 (BRING THE RUCKUS!!!)
Frequent Flyers (Boone Speed and Obe Carrion-up-the-Khyber tick the world)

Also got Enter The Dragon and Crouching Tiger for anyone who likes their jap-slapping vids.

Single mattress going spare. Decent quality, clean, comfy, and good nick just a bit dated - i.e. more than suitable for a spare bedroom, not some rotten piece of shit to bum hookers on in a back alley. I think we got it from my julie's aunty when she moved house, it was in her spare room. Unlikely to have have had much use other than the odd night here and there.

Just want to bump these badboys. Had some interest in the mattress but nobody who went the distance.

VHSs will be heading to the bin if not taken soon.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: saulgilsenan on September 05, 2011, 02:04:39 am
New to the forum so sorry if this is a selfish first post. If nobody shows any interest in those climbing VHS's Dave I'll happily take them off your hands, where do you reside? :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on September 05, 2011, 01:22:46 pm
I'm in S11. Send us a PM and they're yours, lets make this happen.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on October 15, 2011, 01:37:21 pm
we've got our old mattress up for grabs if anyone wants it. silentnight miracoil, double size, well used (hee hee). ideal for a cheapskate, or a home wall. In Sheffield, S10, available in about a week's time.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: jonjon on November 02, 2011, 07:59:56 am
I ve got a sofa - two seater and matching arm chair up for grabs, they are a 'rich' cream colour and about five years old. Good condition. PM me if interested. Quite expensive ones I think.

In Sheffield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on November 02, 2011, 01:16:49 pm
We've got a  Microwave if anyone wants it?

Its fairly old and quite small but it still works. We were just given one which will burn anything in under 30s...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: simes on November 02, 2011, 03:25:06 pm
Can I take the microwave please? Mine blew up last week. Cheers. Si.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on November 02, 2011, 03:27:03 pm
yeah (i'll just check my better hasn't promised it elsewhere), I think you know where we are?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: jonjon on November 02, 2011, 07:07:44 pm
sofa gone (did I say the dog goes with it)

Thanks for watching.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: grumpycrumpy on November 03, 2011, 12:07:24 am
sofa gone (did I say the dog goes with it)

Thanks for watching.
Dang and blast it ........ Another trip to Oxfam in Broomhill is called for .....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: J L on November 04, 2011, 08:14:57 pm

Anyone keen for a double futon mattress. Hardly been used and in good nick.

It currently lives in Hathersage but would like new adventures elsewhere.


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on November 07, 2011, 10:18:49 pm
We have a Russell Hobbs four slice toaster up for grabs, similar to/ the same as this:

PM me if you fancy it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Fj on November 08, 2011, 04:26:16 pm
black 19 inch Reliysis CRT monitor. pick up in sheffield or can deliver to the works.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: philo on November 08, 2011, 05:57:31 pm
We have a Russell Hobbs four slice toaster up for grabs, similar to/ the same as this:

PM me if you fancy it.

what size bread does it hold?  (is it deep)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on November 08, 2011, 08:20:57 pm
Each slot is about an inch wide and and 5 inches deep.

Someone else has asked for it, but if they don't want it then you're in. I still owe you for those Pumas.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: stevej on November 09, 2011, 10:55:11 am
black 19 inch Reliysis CRT monitor. pick up in sheffield or can deliver to the works.

If you're struggling to get rid and haven't replaced it yet you can part-exchange them with dell; they give you a tenner for postage and £60+ off a shiny new monitor

info (
the money you get back when you buy one of these (
a dell retailer which sells one of those monitors for £100 excluding the £60 cashback (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Steve R on November 10, 2011, 11:50:40 pm
Could do with a couple of items for our shared house, thought I'd try here on the off chance..... a) a > door width ply off-cut for beastmaker mounting and b) Anyone got a hoover they want rid of?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on November 11, 2011, 09:33:30 am

Anyone keen for a double futon mattress. Hardly been used and in good nick.

It currently lives in Hathersage but would like new adventures elsewhere.


If you are still getting rid of this I could make use of it below my bouldering wall (it can go next to our old futon mattress) bit of a waste if it is in good nick, but it will be low hassle to get rid of as I am in Hathersage to.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ShortRound on November 11, 2011, 09:43:49 am

I have a Zanussi Fridge/Freezer going free to anyone willing to pick it up. It'll be available from 19th November.

It's in good working order, pretty spacious and about 5'5" in height.

Based in South Lancashire, near Haslingden. About 30mins from Manchester.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on November 11, 2011, 06:33:21 pm
Could do with a couple of items for our shared house, thought I'd try here on the off chance..... a) a > door width ply off-cut for beastmaker mounting and b) Anyone got a hoover they want rid of?
Where are you based? I can sertainly address your ply needs but am based in westest West Yorkshire.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Steve R on November 13, 2011, 07:55:27 pm
Thanks very much Nik - kindly got given a piece of ply the other night so sorted now.  Cheers anyway!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: philo on November 14, 2011, 06:37:46 pm

no bother if its claimed, were the pumas any good?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on November 15, 2011, 06:19:16 pm
Natalie has just returned from work with her xmas bonus; a blue plastic sledge (no, I'm not joking)...

Any takers?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on November 15, 2011, 06:31:46 pm

no bother if its claimed, were the pumas any good?

Sorry, Philo, the toaster was collected. I love the Pumas thanks.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on November 15, 2011, 06:37:26 pm
Natalie has just returned from work with her xmas bonus; a blue plastic sledge (no, I'm not joking)...

Any takers?

To to pre-empt any unpleasantness, you looking to offload the sledge or the shortie (or both)?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: simes on November 19, 2011, 10:24:31 am
Does anyone want a TV Tuner card? I tried it on Ebay but no takers. It can be used to capture video from an analogue camera too.

Picture here: (

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on November 22, 2011, 05:11:31 pm
You do all realise that as soon as it snows you're going to be fighting over the sledge (incidentally am I the only one who thinks celebrating one million man hours worked without serious injury by giving out sledges, isn't so bright?)...

A bit of a longshot but does anyone happen to have an old fridge? Ours has broken and its the annoying built-in type that are ridiculously overpriced and require me to do more DIY than I currently have time for. If not I'll be using our balcony as a larder and fighting off Sheffields pigeons!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on November 25, 2011, 03:55:59 pm
No fridge but I can get hold of an air rifle if you need a hand with the pigeons.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on November 25, 2011, 04:05:33 pm
Its ok, I used a rock.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on November 27, 2011, 10:34:44 pm
Anyone want?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on November 27, 2011, 10:35:45 pm
If it's got a fridge Paul could use it...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on November 27, 2011, 10:55:29 pm
The plywood flooring/unfinished stud wall in that kitchen is an embarrassment.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on November 27, 2011, 11:51:38 pm
The plywood flooring/unfinished stud wall in that kitchen is an embarrassment.

The "almost finished look" is very fashionable so Keith Sharples tells me
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on November 28, 2011, 07:00:35 pm
shark - you have pm
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on December 17, 2011, 02:48:12 pm
...sorry just thought of someone who might want it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on December 29, 2011, 11:16:35 pm
Single mattress going spare. Decent quality, clean, comfy, and good nick just a bit dated - i.e. more than suitable for a spare bedroom, not some rotten piece of shit to bum hookers on in a back alley. I think we got it from my julie's aunty when she moved house, it was in her spare room. Unlikely to have have had much use other than the odd night here and there.

Shortie's giving my serious GBH of the earhole about the state of our attic, so one way or another I'm getting rid of this over the next few days, either taking it to the tip or if anybody wants it speak up now.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on December 30, 2011, 02:26:07 pm
Some more shit popped up from our attic - get it before I bin it:

USB 3.5" floppy disc drive - thats right! old school "memory cards". Worked last time I used it, about 8 years ago.

USB universal card reader - Jessops brand, USB2, reads CF.MD, SD, miniSD, XD, SM, Sony MS Pro/duo.
Virtually unused in packaging - I think when I got this whatever combination of card and computer I had at the time used to drop the connection when you were transferring. SO the reader could be fucked, or one of the slots, or my old computer (or USB ports) could have been fucked. Take a chance.

These are in sheff to collect. Or if anyone wants it posting just cost you the stamp.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on December 30, 2011, 02:26:57 pm
I'd love the card reader Dave.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on December 30, 2011, 02:34:58 pm
Its yours.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on January 02, 2012, 09:11:37 pm
Got a breadmaker going free: Morphy Richards, looks like this:


We've had this for years (7?) and always had great results with it. Could probably do with a clean, and we once baked bread onto the inside of the top window (it was on a warm day!), but other than that its fine. The only real caveat is it will (unless you can sort it) need a new pan buying as the current one doesn't let the blade rotate smoothly anymore and hence it tends to rotate itself out of mount during the kneading cycle. New pans are about £25 on the internet ( Holler at me.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: simes on January 02, 2012, 10:16:44 pm
I would love the breadmaker if you still have it.
Will message you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 07, 2012, 07:05:37 pm
80 Xmas tree lights, old non-led type, most still work, needs a bulb or two to get them all working, 'premier' if your after them for spares.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on January 09, 2012, 09:58:59 pm
Have a 17" CRT Samsung monitor going spare, this one I think:

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on January 10, 2012, 11:34:11 am
It may be I could get some cash for these but in the  past most folk have been put off by the age, they're over 20 years old but have had very little use and haven't been used since about 1993. I think they're Koflach Extrems and they're size 5, they're in good nick and look fine but that's not to say they won't split and fall apart the first time they're used.

( (

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on January 10, 2012, 07:40:11 pm
In the very near future we will be cleaning out a lot of the kids toys they no longer play (it'll mostly be baby type toys) with and possibly some clothes and maybe a few other bits and pieces.
If anyone might be interested in any of it (or know of any good causes that will want it) please let me know either on here or by pm and I can let you know what sort of stuff it'll be.
It'll be all in good condition and clean. If they don't go on here we will be giving them away to charity etc...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on January 12, 2012, 10:05:44 pm
I've got a pair of UK 8.5 Red Chilli rock shoes on offer.

I wouldn't try Duel in them, but they still got lots of rubber left, if anyone fancies them.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on January 12, 2012, 10:16:13 pm
Also a 3/4 size acoustic guitar. Needs re-stringing, but looks OK other than that.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on January 12, 2012, 10:18:17 pm
I've got a pair of UK 8.5 Red Chilli rock shoes on offer.

I wouldn't try Duel in them, but they still got lots of rubber left, if anyone fancies them.

are they better than my paranoias word? I think I may wear through them in the next decade and will need a replacement of a similar pedigree.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on January 12, 2012, 10:26:48 pm
Let's face it. Roller boots are better than Scarpas.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on January 12, 2012, 10:32:31 pm
and an old school Sanyo record/ tape/ CD player with speakers.

Sorry for the individual posts. I'm having a sort.
Title: Re: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on January 12, 2012, 11:09:47 pm
Let's face it. Roller boots are better than Scarpas.

I'll try the chilis AND the rollerboots then. You drive a hard bargain.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on January 15, 2012, 06:52:27 pm
Office chair (also having a clear out)

( (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on January 15, 2012, 09:51:04 pm
I'd take the office chair if it's still available, the one in my current student house is awful! I'm based in Sheffield so could pick it up sometime easy enough.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on January 15, 2012, 11:33:23 pm
If the red chillis are still around about, i'd be keen, unless dave has snaffled them up...
In return can offer some plastic boots, red, about size 8 1/2 for anyone interested... bit small for me unfortunately, and i got them free. Pick up in leeds, or can probably arange postage.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on January 16, 2012, 03:27:34 pm
Office chair gone, still got the monitor and boots....

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on January 16, 2012, 04:14:49 pm
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk

I'll happily take that of your hands Ian :tease:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on January 16, 2012, 04:16:25 pm
Many thanks for the chair!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on January 16, 2012, 06:14:27 pm
If the red chillis are still around about, i'd be keen, unless dave has snaffled them up...

If Dave doesn't want them, they're yours.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: clm on January 16, 2012, 07:13:43 pm
Beko fridge freezer. Ideally swap for small chest freezer, the type with the same footprint as a fridge or washer.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on January 27, 2012, 04:12:52 pm
This is a bit of a long shot, but following a bit of user error on my part / crap address checking on website's part I have a spare 1Gb of RAM for an HP530 laptop.

I assume it must be compatible with other stuff, so if you want it give me a shout.

It's this one: (
Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on January 27, 2012, 06:10:17 pm
We've got a fold out double bed/futon/sofa thing up for grabs. Good for a spare room, we just need to free up some space. (

Metal frame and mattress. Animal blanket not included innit. Collect from Sheff.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: grumpycrumpy on January 30, 2012, 06:51:44 am
We've got a fold out double bed/futon/sofa thing up for grabs. Good for a spare room, we just need to free up some space. (

Metal frame and mattress. Animal blanket not included innit. Collect from Sheff.

You've got mail ......
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on January 30, 2012, 09:26:58 am
I also have a futon/ sofa bed thing I want shot of, identical to Cofe's (minus animal blanket and with cream rather than purple futon part) by the looks of it.

In Nottingham if anyone wants it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on February 15, 2012, 04:26:45 pm
Large quantity of kids play balls, probably about 600

Several packs of the cheap type from Argos etc (

We don't have the room to store them and rarely get them out. (10min playing, 30min picking them all up again!)

Just had a thought, the works should do a soloing wall above a ball pit...they could call it highBALL!  :punk: I'm a genius...I'm gonna copyright that idea...anyway....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on February 15, 2012, 04:59:57 pm

We don't have the room to store them and rarely get them out. (10min playing, 30min picking them all up again!)

I hear you one that. Highballpooling - genius idea. I think we have about 100 we can contribute.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on February 15, 2012, 05:44:10 pm
Mrs obi has promised the balls to a mate...spoilling our highBALL plans...spoil sport.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tlr on February 28, 2012, 04:47:13 pm
Pine single bed and mattress. Nothing wrong with it but surplus to requirements.

Pick from Sheffield asap - I could do with getting rid of this pronto.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on March 01, 2012, 09:56:18 am
3 child car seats - suitable from birth

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on March 01, 2012, 10:03:20 am
 Bread machine, just like Daves one above. Also in need of replacement pan and blade.
Collect from Dronfield Woodhouse
Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on March 18, 2012, 11:23:34 am

Electrolux Hoover. Works ok, but needs emptying regularly. In Sheff.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on March 18, 2012, 11:38:35 am
Electrolux Hoover. Works ok,

Hmm. Should we judge that by the state of the floor?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on March 18, 2012, 12:13:53 pm
3 child car seats - suitable from birth


all gone
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on March 18, 2012, 08:26:52 pm
Electrolux Hoover. Works ok,

Hmm. Should we judge that by the state of the floor?

His ceiling's a fucking discrace.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on March 18, 2012, 11:29:02 pm

Electrolux Hoover. Works ok, but needs emptying regularly. In Sheff.

Mills is going to be all over this.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: psychomansam on March 21, 2012, 10:09:54 am
Begging request: My faith in Aldi has been reduced by my current clock/alarm/radio, which drifts its radio reception away from whatever channel its on. Fuzz fuzz fuzz. Was wondering if any lovely souls had an old one knocking about?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Grubes on March 21, 2012, 10:37:43 am
I have a sony one going free in huddersfield. I got for my kitchen forgetting my kitchen is in my cellar and does not get radio reception :slap: It's 1 year old used for about 2hours in that time.

However as it cost me about £8 from sainsbury and if you in llanberis its definately not worth the petrol
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Plattsy on March 25, 2012, 12:38:00 pm
Anyone want a Sony CRT triniton 28" TV with stand.
Just switched it on for the first time in ages and it still works.
Pick up in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Plattsy on March 26, 2012, 01:55:13 pm
TVs gone.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on March 26, 2012, 02:16:48 pm
Thats Thorpe Hesley for you. :look:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: psychomansam on March 26, 2012, 02:59:31 pm
I have a sony one going free in huddersfield. I got for my kitchen forgetting my kitchen is in my cellar and does not get radio reception :slap: It's 1 year old used for about 2hours in that time.

However as it cost me about £8 from sainsbury and if you in llanberis its definately not worth the petrol

Just saw this. I actually live in Sheffield again now. Still not worth the diesel, what a world! Thanks for the offer though.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: psychomansam on March 26, 2012, 03:00:07 pm
I have a sony one going free in huddersfield. I got for my kitchen forgetting my kitchen is in my cellar and does not get radio reception :slap: It's 1 year old used for about 2hours in that time.

However as it cost me about £8 from sainsbury and if you in llanberis its definately not worth the petrol

Just saw this. Sounds like something i'd do, that! I actually live in Sheffield again now. Still not worth the diesel, what a world! Thanks for the offer though.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: csl on March 27, 2012, 04:05:59 pm

Electrolux Hoover. Works ok, but needs emptying regularly. In Sheff.

If this hasn't been taken i'd love it and my dirty student house would be very grateful!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on March 27, 2012, 04:30:17 pm
yeah, just replied to your PM.
Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dobbin on April 04, 2012, 07:39:11 pm
Anybody want an original Xbox which has been hacked and works as a media centre? Will play pretty much any format divx, mp4 etc. so it's a smart tv for your old non smart tv! To put it into context, this box sits wired to your telly, and physically plugged into your network, then you either FTP media onto it and play it from its own hdd, or you can stream across the network. By media I mean films you have downloaded.

Also installed sega mega drive roms (sonic and prince of Persia). These are the original versions.

Bunch of Xbox games also. All free. Two controllers, and remote control.

Collection only. I live in s10.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Somebody's Fool on April 04, 2012, 09:31:38 pm
I'll have it if it's still going
Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dobbin on April 05, 2012, 10:36:38 am
It's yours mate. I will box it up and pop it in the wall or something. Or of course, welcome to come and get it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dobbin on April 05, 2012, 09:51:55 pm
I've made an error and had actually gotten a pm from someone else first. Sorry
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on April 07, 2012, 06:29:31 pm
Let me know if anyone wants:

Spare bulb kit No 14 from Halfrauds (Fiat Punto)

ipod Nano arm strap thing for running (my ipod dropped to bits before I got chance to use it)

Small electric slow cooker
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on April 07, 2012, 08:12:02 pm
Let me know if anyone wants:

Spare bulb kit No 14 from Halfrauds (Fiat Punto)

ipod Nano arm strap thing for running (my ipod dropped to bits before I got chance to use it)

Small electric slow cooker

Looks like the Xbox one is more useful as a media server than mine which as an internal HD but won't allow you to do anythign with it!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: LucyB on April 08, 2012, 10:22:44 pm
What make is the slow cooker, and how small is it?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on April 09, 2012, 10:35:01 am
'Hinari Lifestyle 1.5L'
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: LucyB on April 09, 2012, 02:09:20 pm
Cheers, looks a bit small.
Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on April 14, 2012, 09:50:33 am

Anybody want a foot spa or bath spa thing before they go in the bin? Gruffalo not included.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on April 14, 2012, 11:39:21 am
It's that time again...

- Baby bath and 'top and tail bowl'
- Car mirror baby thingy, bit scratched but they won't care.
- Rocking horse for 1-3 year olds (probably)
- IKEA baby beads wire thingy (brilliantly if you google that exact phrase it's the first pic!)

All pic up from S10 ASAP
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Xan on April 17, 2012, 09:23:03 am
Interested in the slow cooker if it's still available Paul.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on April 23, 2012, 08:27:08 pm
Got our old sliding patio door up for grabs, in far too good condition to throw away, white plastic type, comes with good quality lock and 4 keys. size is 1780mm wide by 2080mm height. also comes with 2x 500mm wide panels that can be added on to either or both sides to increase the width of the door. Will get a picture up tomorrow if it doesn't rain all day.
Needs to go quick so will be sticking it on ebay on Friday if no interest.
Would rather it went to a good home for free, so if you know anyone that might want it let them know asap
Collection only from Stockport.
Ciao for now
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on April 23, 2012, 10:04:04 pm
Interested in the slow cooker if it's still available Paul.

it is, drop me a pm?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: old cheese on April 24, 2012, 09:26:03 pm
Have a couple of old bouldering mats. Alpkit phud, seen better days and could do with a couple of stitches here and there. Also first generation drop zone which has quite good foam but the outer needs a bit of attention. Based in Nottingham but get out quite a bit

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on April 24, 2012, 09:38:27 pm
ill have them, if your ever up yorkshire way?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: old cheese on April 24, 2012, 09:48:12 pm
Sorry dunnyg, no plans to go up to Yorkshire soon but will try to get to peak this Sunday If you wanna come down?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on April 24, 2012, 10:21:25 pm
dont spose i could be cheeky and ask for pictures? gonna have to call in some favours as i have no car. cheers :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on April 25, 2012, 10:11:32 am
I'll have a mat if one's still going please! I'm in Nottingham.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on April 25, 2012, 11:47:05 am
Go for both if you want, im going to sturggle to get to peak
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: old cheese on April 25, 2012, 07:58:15 pm
Ok cheque. Which one you want or both. Can drop them off at wall for you if you want. Tell me when you go down and I will pop them/it over
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on April 25, 2012, 08:56:25 pm
Sweet, I'll have the Drop Zone please! :thumbsup: PM'd you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on April 25, 2012, 11:04:39 pm
What's up with the Phud? If it's still useable I'll take it if you're going to be in the peak this weekend. If not, could possibly collect from Notts as I'm based in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: old cheese on April 26, 2012, 06:53:40 am
The phud is just a bit tired and some of the stitching at the folding bit needs repair.

I was gonna go out this Sunday weather permitting.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on April 26, 2012, 08:04:31 am
I'll take it then thank you, if you're heading through then drop me a PM. Any idea where you're heading?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: old cheese on April 26, 2012, 09:16:29 pm
Eh James, will drop you a pm if I out sunday. Weather will be a deciding factor
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on April 26, 2012, 09:30:35 pm
looks like you'll be staying in then  :P
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on April 27, 2012, 02:24:51 pm
That's cool cheers, if not then I should be able to collect at some point. I'm working tomorrow night and wont get in until about 4/5am on Sunday so I'll set an alarm and check the computer in the morning. Are you planning to set off/decide at any time in particular so I can try and work around that to maximise sleep haha?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on April 27, 2012, 03:17:28 pm
Currently the forecast is looking better for Saturday.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: old cheese on April 28, 2012, 05:24:00 pm
James, sorry, looking grim for tomo. Will hang onto mat until next weekend. Sorry but today the misses had me shed moving so could not make it out. If owt changes I will message you or reply tomo before lunch
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on April 28, 2012, 05:36:36 pm
No problem, I don't blame you! Yeah sure, just drop me a message.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Tommy on April 29, 2012, 09:37:46 am
JVC Casette/radio for car. KS-RT 35.

I'll keep it for a couple of days, but chucking out after that. Sheffield pick up.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on April 29, 2012, 10:08:03 am
JVC Casette/radio for car. KS-RT 35.

I'll keep it for a couple of days, but chucking out after that. Sheffield pick up.

I wouldn't mind having a look to see if it will fit in my car.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on April 29, 2012, 02:29:35 pm
- Electric waffle iron.
- Very large kitchen knive, about a 10inch blade.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on April 29, 2012, 05:11:14 pm
patio door is now gone
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on April 29, 2012, 06:26:54 pm
- Electric waffle iron.
- Very large kitchen knive, about a 10inch blade.

Can we have the knife please Toby?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on April 30, 2012, 02:39:08 pm
Re the mats.....
The one that hasnt been claimed yet, could you give it to mr Malloch wheneevver you give him hte other one? He said (and hopefully still will) that he would bring the mat up to leeds

cheers  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: old cheese on April 30, 2012, 06:10:17 pm
Sorry dunnyg, dropzone gone now. Still holding alpkit pad for James. Hope to get it to him this weekend
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on May 01, 2012, 02:51:06 pm
no worries
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on May 01, 2012, 03:06:24 pm
Colorado Daydream - bouldering film. I'm not going to lie to you it's not brilliant, otherwise I wouldn't be giving it away!

If you watch with a finger on the FF though, there are a few nice looking probs.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Fultonius on May 01, 2012, 03:53:34 pm
A mate bought  me that once. Like you say, pretty dire. Turn the TV volume down, put some of your favourite tunes on and skip through the pish to the decent bits, which are rare.

Does anyone have a copy of Stonelove they could send me?  I bought the VHS many moons ago, but it got chewed in the VHS player, which I ceremoniously binned. I'd quite like to watch it again though. Happy to take a DVD rip. (Which I'm entitled to, since I actually bought the film once!)

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on May 01, 2012, 05:18:44 pm
Does anyone have a copy of Stonelove they could send me?  I bought the VHS many moons ago, but it got chewed in the VHS player, which I ceremoniously binned. I'd quite like to watch it again though. Happy to take a DVD rip. (Which I'm entitled to, since I actually bought the film once!)

Ask this guy (;u=3250)  :P
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: old cheese on May 04, 2012, 10:36:13 pm
Eh James, you have a pm regarding the split mat
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on May 09, 2012, 08:50:15 pm
In the course of moving house I've found my old Moon velcro topped bag thing I had for a good while.

I used it as a bag for all my bouldering gear to stuff inside my pad, but I think they're actually intended as a big chalk bag.


Free to a good home - pick up in Leeds area / walls / crags etc

Would consider swap for large Japanese saloon car...

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on May 09, 2012, 09:04:11 pm
Ill have it :) can get it from leeds wall/depot or from wherever you live (depending how far it is) if no one elsehas jumped in first... No saloon car to swap, but have some plastic boots i cant get rid of about size 7 and a half.....? Too small for me
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on May 09, 2012, 09:13:45 pm
Cool man, it's yours - not climbing this week but I'll probably be about.

Will message you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 10, 2012, 08:42:38 pm
Kenwood White plastic kettle. 'Cordless' type, with separate stand. Worked fine last time I used it about 5 years ago!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on May 23, 2012, 10:42:57 pm
Anyone use Super Chalk? I don't get on with it but it was all Outside Calver could provide me with after I drove to the Peak without my chalkbag today so I now have sore, throbbing hands and a nearly-full bag of it.

Nottingham based but in the Peak loads.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 23, 2012, 11:15:45 pm
Electric waffle iron. Works. Good if you like waffles...and can be arsed making your own. S10
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on May 24, 2012, 01:02:41 pm
Sorry, a housemate has just said that they will have it...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 24, 2012, 04:18:15 pm
Sorry, a housemate has just said that they will have it...
What? The chalk or the waffle iron?!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on May 24, 2012, 04:23:17 pm
Or both?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on May 24, 2012, 04:52:12 pm
My bad, neither.

I offered a steamer/rice cooker that we've had lying around unused for the last year. But someone has now said they'll keep it when they move, I just didn't know how to delete the post so just edited it.

However, if someone wants to bring me that waffle, I'm bloody hungry!!1  ;D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on May 27, 2012, 07:55:16 pm
Double futon mattress, no base. Comfy
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on May 27, 2012, 09:54:29 pm
has it seen plenty of action?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on May 27, 2012, 10:20:49 pm
Playhouse like this one only dilapidated. Will need dismantling natch.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on May 28, 2012, 11:52:41 am
Got four of these (

in the 60cm x155cm size, natural finish.

Decent nick, all fittings etc.

in Sheffield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 28, 2012, 01:24:15 pm
Playhouse like this one only dilapidated. Will need dismantling natch.

You have PM
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle. Turbo Trainer
Post by: mrconners on June 05, 2012, 06:02:59 pm
Free to good home.
Yellow Turbo Trainer TRANZX (

Same as this one. Im based in Whaley Bridge, High Peak

PM me if you are interested  :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: fatboySlimfast on June 08, 2012, 07:07:01 am
Trampoline-12ft width, no nets, padding on frame but maybe needs extra, surface in  good nick.
its from the in laws house and its way to big for thier garden, either pick up from Stoney or from sheffield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on June 11, 2012, 09:11:20 pm
Electric waffle iron. Works. Good if you like waffles...and can be arsed making your own. S10

Last chance on the waffle iron and/or kettle. Don't make me put them in the bin!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 12, 2012, 09:32:24 am
Diving masks. Got about 6 kicking about, so can give 2 away if anyone wants one.

No idea of brand etc, but good quality silicone rubber used once or twice and then passed on by a friendly dive co-ordinator (father in law) after lying in back of stores for a few years. So probably paid for by an oil giant - get a freebie from them, one chance only!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on June 12, 2012, 09:40:29 am
paid for by an oil giant - get a freebie from them, one chance only!

Try going to a conference, you can't move for the weight of free mugs, pens, bottle openers, fossil shark's teeth, toy cars, mouse mats and infinite other free objects they pile on top of you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 12, 2012, 12:09:20 pm
Yeah, but to offset that you have to sit through a conference. As far as freebies go - you never went to Offshore Europe did you?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 17, 2012, 07:55:14 am
Looks lke two masks gone. Possibly One more if anyone wants it
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rich d on June 17, 2012, 09:15:01 am
Looks lke two masks gone. Possibly One more if anyone wants it
if there's still one left I'd like it thanks.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 17, 2012, 02:35:55 pm
Cool pm me addresses if you haven 't already
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Luthor on June 18, 2012, 07:56:45 pm
Single mattress. Hunters bar area Sheffield.

Plus approx 80 old climbing mags, mainly late 90's OTE. Any takers before the blue recycling bin gets them?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on June 18, 2012, 10:01:34 pm
I'll have the mags. How soon do you need to get rid of them?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Gritlad on June 18, 2012, 10:39:22 pm
be keen for the mags too but first come first served and all that....
any left i will take please
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Luthor on June 19, 2012, 10:48:42 am
I'll have the mags. How soon do you need to get rid of them?

not in a desperate rush but soonish would be good. you local?

be keen for the mags too but first come first served and all that....
any left i will take please

could split if all parties agree?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on June 25, 2012, 10:25:20 pm
Just remembered this. :oops:  :sorry:

I'm in Nottingham- I can meet you in the Peak sometime as I'm there most weekends or if Gritlad's closer I'm happy for him to have them if he hasn't already and they're still available.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: metal arms on June 27, 2012, 09:11:21 pm
Fridge/Freezer - A bit tatty looking but does fridge and freeze.
Table - Square small dining table.  Think it's an IKEA job.
Bed - Metal frame.  Missing one slat but luckily the mattress covers it up.

Both Liverpool.  I will deliver except maybe the bed (but only in Liverpool otherwise collection) as I'm feeling kind.  Gotta go by Saturday morning if not they're off to the skip.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on June 30, 2012, 12:12:23 pm
Just found my old copy of Stonelove on VHS. Home of such classic quotes as "a fucking kilo of apples!" and "I'm certainly not having my cock pierced". Yours for the tidy sum of fuck-all.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on June 30, 2012, 04:29:15 pm
Also found cofe's old Cordless mat in my cellar. Its a bit past crag use, but fine for under a cellar board etc. Hit me up before it goes to the tip.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on July 01, 2012, 12:42:05 pm
garage clearout, all s10 pick up ASAP

- Brabantia washing line, decent one.
- paddy Hopkins roof bars, fittings for screw in roofs. most foot kits available.
- old bike rack, rear mount. bit rusty.
- b&d tool box on wheels, just the drawers, not the top box.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on July 01, 2012, 12:44:00 pm
Short lengths of decent speaker wire 1.5m each
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on July 01, 2012, 01:34:23 pm
Small white speakers suitable for wall mounting. No brackets
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on July 01, 2012, 02:50:41 pm
Clarke folding trolley in need of clean.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on July 01, 2012, 05:18:26 pm
Bike rack judged unsafe so now binned
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: metal arms on July 03, 2012, 04:21:02 pm
Also found cofe's old Cordless mat in my cellar. Its a bit past crag use, but fine for under a cellar board etc. Hit me up before it goes to the tip.

PM'd you
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on July 15, 2012, 09:57:51 am
I've got approximately 250 mags, mainly On The Edges, Highs and Climbers from the nineties and early 2000's and various others. Pick up is from Spring Lane, Sheffield and will have to be this week if anyone wants them.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on July 15, 2012, 10:55:44 am
Toby, can I have the trolley and roof bars please?

I'll be in your neck of the woods today...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on July 15, 2012, 06:08:29 pm
Toby, can I have the trolley and roof bars please?

I'll be in your neck of the woods today...
sorry, trolley gone to lagers. Bars are yours if you want them.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on July 16, 2012, 11:30:13 am
Yes please. Pm on the way...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Luthor on July 17, 2012, 11:03:43 am
Just remembered this. :oops:  :sorry:

I'm in Nottingham- I can meet you in the Peak sometime as I'm there most weekends or if Gritlad's closer I'm happy for him to have them if he hasn't already and they're still available.

Hi Sorry for the late reply - they've gone now. L
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: fatboySlimfast on July 18, 2012, 07:08:08 am
Got a load of seasoned hardwod for burning, need to get shot of by friday morn at latest. outside my house you can come and get it NOW! Possibly more than one cars worth in total weight.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: butters on July 18, 2012, 10:03:17 am
Got a load of seasoned hardwod for burning, need to get shot of by friday morn at latest. outside my house you can come and get it NOW! Possibly more than one cars worth in total weight.

Is that the same wood that I wanted to collect from your garage? If it is PM me an address and I will collect it tonight.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: fatboySlimfast on July 18, 2012, 10:42:50 am
Butters, that was the framing timber which is still up for grabs and some other bits, pm'd yah. Im running out of time so speed is of the essence
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on July 18, 2012, 06:54:38 pm
-sorry gone-
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dolly on July 30, 2012, 12:16:33 pm
Sony Trinitron PVM14N5E monitor if anyone wants it ?
Used, some screen burn.

Would need to picked up from Sheff
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on August 14, 2012, 10:50:13 am
OK peeps, got to get rid of our computer desk. Its the type on castors with a pull-out keyboard bit, shelves up top above monitor and storage down below. Not entirely dissimilar to this sort of thing (, only with more shelves at the bottom. Its a similar colour to this picture too.

I'll be attempting to take it apart tonight so collect from sheffside ASAP. Hit me up on the PM.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dolly on August 15, 2012, 05:13:38 pm
Got a standard Sky box going spare if anyone wants it?
Pick up from Sheff.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on August 15, 2012, 05:29:15 pm
OK peeps, got to get rid of our computer desk. Its the type on castors with a pull-out keyboard bit, shelves up top above monitor and storage down below. Not entirely dissimilar to this sort of thing (, only with more shelves at the bottom. Its a similar colour to this picture too.

I'll be attempting to take it apart tonight so collect from sheffside ASAP. Hit me up on the PM.

Come on peeps, I know you all got computers, don't make me give this to those bastards at Oxfam. (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dolly on August 15, 2012, 06:02:19 pm
Brand new speakers for a SONY HT-SS 1000 Home theatre system with cables. Still wrapped.
Not including sub woofer or amp.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dolly on August 16, 2012, 05:21:06 pm
Pair of Mordaunt Short MS 077 speakers from the mid 70s.
Wooden casing - proper r8 retro.
I don't have the grills anymore that I can see.
The last time I tried them over 13 years ago they worked fine.
Just putting them on here to see if anyone is interested in that sort of retro stuff
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on August 19, 2012, 03:46:05 pm
Kids trampoline. OK nick, needs a clean. Broomhill S10
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on August 26, 2012, 10:04:37 pm
Found these under the bed, Birkenstocks size 43, normal width fittting. Black leather upper, beige footbed, hardly any wear. I think i realised I needed the wide fitting after wearing a couple of times.

Perfect for anyone rocking a middle-class guardian reader or retired english teacher vibe.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: account_inactive on August 27, 2012, 04:02:47 pm
I already have some but will alert Dobbin/Saltbeef etc
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on August 30, 2012, 10:23:19 pm
Can you wear socks with them successfully?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on August 30, 2012, 10:25:14 pm
You can if you're 60.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on August 30, 2012, 10:25:25 pm
...or german.
Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on August 30, 2012, 10:36:31 pm
Or Belgian..
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on September 09, 2012, 04:24:49 pm
A few things:

Haynes motor manual for VW Golf/Bora, 1998 - 2000 (R-X plate) including estate.

Climbing mags:

Gravity magazine, issues 4, 5, 8 and 11;
Friction magazine, issues 5, 11, 12 and 18;
Climber magazine, Jan, Feb 2005, Jan, July, Sept 2006;
On The Edge, issues 113, 116, 132, 134-143 (sorry, I'm keeping the famous issue 120 with the Gaskins interview!)

More stuff to come.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Fultonius on September 18, 2012, 10:35:13 am
What engines does the Haynes manual cover?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on September 18, 2012, 06:42:56 pm
Internal combustion ones.

I'll check when I get home (a week yesterday)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on September 18, 2012, 06:46:53 pm
Found these under the bed, Birkenstocks size 43, normal width fittting. Black leather upper, beige footbed, hardly any wear. I think i realised I needed the wide fitting after wearing a couple of times.

Perfect for anyone rocking a middle-class guardian reader or retired english teacher vibe.

Incase anyone else asks, these are now gone.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: TobyD on September 23, 2012, 10:37:06 am
WANTED: (in about 2 weeks time) Furniture to furnish rented unfurnished flat  - bookshelf / table / chair or 2 / couch / futon that sort of stuff.  If anyone wants rid of anything like this, i can collect from Sheffield; PM me and we can sort something out. cheers T
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: kc on September 28, 2012, 10:21:54 pm
I got some old mags waiting to go in the blue bin.

8 copies of Climbing 1990-99
3 Rock & Ice 1994/95
6 Climber 1994-2000
14 OTE 94-2000

I can leave outside to pick up anytime.
Sheffield 7

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Barratt on September 29, 2012, 10:58:41 am
Free woody/hols - see the post in FS.

Job lot.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on October 01, 2012, 10:45:56 pm
Slightly random selection of freebies:

- Two kiddie stairgates, one wooden, one metal. Wooden one is slightly skanky, needs a clean/paint.
- New but out of date can of expanding foam. Went out of date in May, should be fine to use, might expand slightly less than normal
- Loads of bath sealant strip, ivory and white
- Hoselock hose adaptor for square mixer tap

Pickup S10/Broomhill ASAP.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on October 01, 2012, 10:53:23 pm
What engines does the Haynes manual cover?

Bollocks, forgot about this. Diesel and petrol, it covered my 1.9TDi, what engine is yours?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on October 01, 2012, 11:30:02 pm
Can I have the expanding foam please Toby?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on October 02, 2012, 08:37:29 am
Can I have the expanding foam please Toby?
Yes, and that knife I promised you months ago
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on October 02, 2012, 05:09:23 pm
One of these (

Super heavy duty TV wall bracket. Original version in silver. Pretty good nick. Weighs a ton. The wall is likely to collapse before this bends.

£99 on ebay ( (new) to you...FREE!

Collect from Sheffield ASAP.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on October 02, 2012, 07:18:30 pm
I'll collect that TV bracket after work tomorrow please TW
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Fultonius on October 02, 2012, 08:15:32 pm
What engines does the Haynes manual cover?

Bollocks, forgot about this. Diesel and petrol, it covered my 1.9TDi, what engine is yours?

Oh yeah, I forgot about this too - 2.5TDi. Might take it anyway - can you post? I can send you a fuck all for the postage...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Danger on October 04, 2012, 11:21:55 am
Does anyone want this TV?
It is large in every dimension.
Also comes with the remote and flap for the front.
(reflection of my legs not included)
Pick up from Walkley, Sheffield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Danger on October 04, 2012, 02:27:39 pm
Approx. measurements are

W 80cm x H 50cm x D 50cm
Screen 26 inches
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on October 04, 2012, 02:34:53 pm
Does anyone want this TV?
It is large in every the first 3 dimensions. It is very small in the 4th dimension, and is of an as yet uncalculated size in the 5th.
Also comes with the remote and flap for the front.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on October 04, 2012, 06:28:58 pm
Yo, got an nice quality ikea desk/table going begging. Its white, got four sturdy legs which detach, the table top measures about 120x80cm and its about and inch and a half thick. The top of the table has got a fair few cuts and scratches from where shortie used it for craft shit. Come and get it from S11 before the weekend when it goes to those bastards at oxfam. Charity starts at home etc.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on October 04, 2012, 07:09:40 pm
Would it be possible to saw the legs down on the table make it kiddy height?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Luthor on October 04, 2012, 07:18:32 pm
Yo, got an nice quality ikea desk/table going begging. Its white, got four sturdy legs which detach, the table top measures about 120x80cm and its about and inch and a half thick. The top of the table has got a fair few cuts and scratches from where shortie used it for craft shit. Come and get it from S11 before the weekend when it goes to those bastards at oxfam. Charity starts at home etc.

Second dibs on this Dave, could pick up tomorrow teatime..

Cheers, Lex
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on October 04, 2012, 07:25:34 pm
Go for it, sounds a bit nice to butcher then let the kids wreck it further
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on October 04, 2012, 07:32:35 pm
The legs are tubular metal so not ideal for sawing down unless you're really keen and handy. Probably best for Luthor? if so hit us up via facebook or something Lex.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on October 04, 2012, 07:40:52 pm
Think I'd just wreck it and end up with an unstable, sounds like Luthor will make better use of it
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Luthor on October 04, 2012, 07:57:40 pm
The legs are tubular metal so not ideal for sawing down unless you're really keen and handy. Probably best for Luthor? if so hit us up via facebook or something Lex.

Sound, will ping u
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on October 06, 2012, 01:15:01 pm
Kids bouncy  castle. Small mendable hole.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: schloosh on October 08, 2012, 09:05:29 am
Mama's and Papa's Primo Viaggio IP car seat and Surefix base (will split)
Been used by 2 kids so showing some wear but still plenty of life left, have got pics if required, no crashes etc.

Collect from either Holmfirth or Sheffield (office hours)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: schloosh on October 08, 2012, 10:30:34 am
Mama's and Papa's Primo Viaggio IP car seat and Surefix base (will split)
Been used by 2 kids so showing some wear but still plenty of life left, have got pics if required, no crashes etc.

Collect from either Holmfirth or Sheffield (office hours)

Sorry, just the car seat is free to a good home, after £15 for the Surefix base....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on October 08, 2012, 11:35:32 am
I think you misunderstand the concept of freecycling.

And I haven't forgotten commitment to supplying the diving masks from earlier in the year to the people who PMed me, just life continues to be a bit mental. If anyone needs one of them desperately in the next month or so holler and I will post asap.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: schloosh on October 08, 2012, 11:40:29 am
I think you misunderstand the concept of freecycling.

just posted 2 items for free instead of the one I should have......
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrconners on October 08, 2012, 01:00:44 pm
Blackburn track pump (,mod%3D4&safe=active&surl=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=7600895252745922562&sa=X&ei=y75yUIyWBs2GhQfTv4AQ&ved=0CEMQ8gIwAA)

They are only £20 new so would only recommend a pick up if you are passing through Whaley Bridge. I have replaced the head with a multi head that fits presta and schraeder.

PM if your interested.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: schloosh on October 08, 2012, 02:58:03 pm
Mama's and Papa's Primo Viaggio IP car seat and Surefix base (will split)
Been used by 2 kids so showing some wear but still plenty of life left, have got pics if required, no crashes etc.

Collect from either Holmfirth or Sheffield (office hours)

Surefix base has now gone.
Car seat (for free  :-[ ) still available
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on October 18, 2012, 04:30:15 pm
13 bolt hangers and some lower off mailons in a big piece of ply free to someone who will use them re-equipping Peak lime. Available to collect within the next week from Jagged Globe next to the Foundry climbing wall. (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Monolith on October 18, 2012, 06:26:49 pm
A size 7 left shoe 5.10 Anasazi Velcro in very good condition. Can't remember where the hell it's from but if you want it, pickup from Wirral or can leave it at a Liverpool climbing wall of your choice. Must go.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on October 21, 2012, 06:19:33 pm
TP baby swing seat, like this one (

Frame or tree not included.

S10 pickup.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cowboyhat on October 24, 2012, 06:57:10 pm
Obsolete Format giveaway:

One Summer VHS
The Real Thing VHS
Stone Love VHS

plus others I can't remember what but they might not have Ben and Jerry in.

Maybe Hard Grit?

Anyway, pickup N16 or meet me in the peak when I come up mid November.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Monolith on October 24, 2012, 10:36:25 pm
Lonesome cowboy, please could I take Stone Love and One Summer if possible? I'll be Yorks based asap if we could meet for a crush n'pint? Maybe bring that Lee fella along too when he surrenders his Swiss passport?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on October 25, 2012, 09:05:24 am
I'm to far gone for that now
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Monolith on October 25, 2012, 12:32:59 pm
You and Crouchie should get a flat together in Bellinzona. Become pimps or some shit?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on October 25, 2012, 05:27:25 pm
No, he dresses like a dickhead
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Richie Crouch on October 25, 2012, 11:39:01 pm
The tranmere rovers away kit circa 91-93 is a greatly undervalued choice of sending attire!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on October 31, 2012, 12:00:21 pm
small collection of wife beaters - vests, not Stella Artois - free to a good home

all size Large (now 3 stone too small for me)

one Ron Hill running, one Reebok cotton suitable for benchpressing, one Coque Sportif cotton ideal for deadlifting, one Kalenji/Decathlon running.

all in good condition

I just tried them on and looked like I was wearing a sports bra

Also got a couple of pairs of running shorts that would fit 32-34" waist - to complete that Big Ron look

collection in Heeley, Sheffield or could meet in Sheaf/Broadfield/Lidl/B&M Bargains or maybe Pets at Home
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on October 31, 2012, 03:28:44 pm
Still got about 250 old mags going in Sheffield if anyone wants them. Going to recycling if nobodys keen.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: fatboySlimfast on October 31, 2012, 04:58:29 pm
Still got about 250 old mags going in Sheffield if anyone wants them. Going to recycling if nobodys keen.

Jazz or climbing.....?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Stubbs on October 31, 2012, 05:31:23 pm

Jazz or climbing.....?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: fatboySlimfast on October 31, 2012, 06:34:33 pm
ahem :whistle: (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on October 31, 2012, 08:10:40 pm
Stubbs is down with the kids, he knows what you meant but is yanking your boob about it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on November 01, 2012, 02:28:00 pm
Yes, they are all grott mags, 250 copies of Razzle and Fiesta, all stuck together with man glue.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on November 01, 2012, 02:59:49 pm
Yes, they are all grott mags, 250 copies of Razzle and Fiesta, all stuck together with man glue.
is your eyesight too poor to use them after all that 'reading'?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on November 01, 2012, 03:01:23 pm
He hasn't been climbing in years because of severe tennis elbow.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on November 01, 2012, 07:48:31 pm
Any early OTE in there ?

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on November 03, 2012, 09:58:56 am
Any early OTE in there ?

Sorry all the OTEs have gone already.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lukeyboy on November 08, 2012, 09:58:41 pm
I've got an ironing board up for grabs, pick up from Bristol area.

It's not very attractive, but it works ok. It's quite sturdy and normal sized, but the foam/cover is thin and knackered, and could probably do with being replaced.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on November 13, 2012, 08:14:27 pm
About 3 years of Wired magazine. BroomHill asap etc.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Ti_pin_man on November 14, 2012, 01:28:55 pm
kingsize divan base, come in two parts but free from south west london for the next few days before I take it to a tip, I'd rather give it away as theres nowt wrong with it but if i have to tip it I will have to.  If not I need the space.  free to good home.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dolly on November 14, 2012, 01:41:57 pm
Several DVD players going free.
Almost none will have power cables (just a standard lead)
Almost all will have remotes.

Will need to be collected from Sheff. Please PM me if interested
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: LucyB on November 14, 2012, 03:13:28 pm
Several DVD players going free.
Almost none will have power cables (just a standard lead)
Almost all will have remotes.

Will need to be collected from Sheff. Please PM me if interested

You been doing over student houses again, Dolly?  :whistle:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dolly on November 14, 2012, 03:20:45 pm
Er  just some kit to er.. get rid of.
Best not to ask for a receipt though
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: joe cook on November 15, 2012, 03:59:32 pm
2 seater sofa up for grabs, cream coloured with circles pattern. Good condition, pick up from Walkley.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on November 15, 2012, 04:33:55 pm
Pair of Mad Rock Mugens. Unworn, size 6.5. Still in box.
Based in westest west yorks.
PM me if interested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on November 15, 2012, 10:09:50 pm
I'll try them, you teat. Bring em' to the Depot tomozzle if you could.

Don't forget about those T-rocks.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on November 15, 2012, 10:14:01 pm
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: butterworthtom on November 16, 2012, 12:09:45 am
Hey Joe,
Can I give you a maybe on the sofa? Any chance of a photo? I'd have to arrange to pick it up from someone with a van and see if I could get it up my stairs.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: joe cook on November 16, 2012, 11:21:15 am
no problem - I will be able to sort a photo - talk to me at the Foundry if you come in in the next few days. It wouldn't go up my stairs but we live in a weird shaped old house - I'll get some measurements for you!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: butterworthtom on November 16, 2012, 03:29:58 pm
Cheers :) Ill be in the floundry tonight
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SpanishJuan on November 17, 2012, 10:00:35 pm
A little fridge/ freezer available for anyone wanting to pick up from Warrington/Widnes area.

 Door open on Coolzone, Model:CZ51164 (
Door closed on Coolzone, Model:CZ51164 it still freezes stuff and kept stuff cool, doesn't come with a warranty (
pm me.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dolly on November 19, 2012, 10:51:49 am
Just a bump on the DVD players if anyone is interested.
Most of them do have power cables having checked.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on November 30, 2012, 08:55:39 am
Decathlon pull up bar 88cm

Home made clip stick (really long fishing type pole from decathlon plus springy thing on the end)

Canon scanner. Old but does decent scans. All software and cables present. Worked with cs2.

Pm me? Pick up in Sheffield.

Not free but don't want to make a new thread. Cambridge audio A1 amp £40 Ono.

Thanks for looking.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on December 04, 2012, 05:45:45 pm
Decathlon pull up bar 88cm

Home made clip stick (really long fishing type pole from decathlon plus springy thing on the end)

Canon scanner. Old but does decent scans. All software and cables present. Worked with cs2.

Pm me? Pick up in Sheffield.

Not free but don't want to make a new thread. Cambridge audio A1 amp £40 Ono.

Thanks for looking.

Scanner gone.

Ten? Metre speaker cable with xlr connectors. As above, pm me. Pick up Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wipey Why on December 05, 2012, 10:15:49 am
41 inch projection TV with integrated stand.

Pick up from Manchester

PM me
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: whealiebob on December 09, 2012, 10:44:25 pm
Evening all!

Got a couple of old bouldering guides, thought I'd offer them up before I bin them:

Jason Myers' - Bouldering in the Peak Vol2 and Steve Rhodes' Bouldering on Yorkshire Gritstone.

Know they're pretty useless as guides now, but thought someone might want them for historical interest. Live near Matlock, but happy to spend a quid to post them rather than bin them.


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: deacon on December 10, 2012, 09:06:25 am
If the Myers book is still available I'd defo take it off your hands.
I'll put a few quid towards a named charity for you :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on December 10, 2012, 09:08:36 am
Cheap basic wired telephone going if anyone needs one in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: whealiebob on December 10, 2012, 09:18:41 am
Sorry Deacon, Peak Bouldering already promised to Gritlad

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on December 11, 2012, 11:09:59 am
Got a copy of Programming Perl 3rd Edition By Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, Jon Orwant ( up for grabs (decided to invest time in Python ( instead).

The Index was missing some pages when I bought it years ago, but the content (that I read) seemed fine and coherent.  Otherwise pretty good nick.

Collect in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on December 11, 2012, 11:53:03 am
Evening all!

Got a couple of old bouldering guides, thought I'd offer them up before I bin them:

Jason Myers' - Bouldering in the Peak Vol2 and Steve Rhodes' Bouldering on Yorkshire Gritstone.

Know they're pretty useless as guides now, but thought someone might want them for historical interest. Live near Matlock, but happy to spend a quid to post them rather than bin them.



Hi, could I take the Rhodes guide for the aforementioned historical interest?


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: whealiebob on December 11, 2012, 04:05:24 pm

Hi, could I take the Rhodes guide for the aforementioned historical interest?



Course you can! PM me your address and I'll stick it in the post. If you're feeling good hearted could you donate the postage cost to MacMillan?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on December 14, 2012, 01:56:52 pm
Before I bin them, anyone run a youth group or know someone who does that could use a used 5.10 back catalogue?
Most have holes in toes/rands but ok otherwise, all a UK 6, euro 40.

( (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on December 14, 2012, 08:46:11 pm
I bet the your local Venture Scouts will take them.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lukeh on December 14, 2012, 10:19:23 pm
Before I bin them, anyone run a youth group or know someone who does that could use a used 5.10 back catalogue?
Most have holes in toes/rands but ok otherwise, all a UK 6, euro 40.

( (

I thought schemes sending old shoes to poor parts of the world were common (sure I've seen collection boxes at various walls..) but the internet didn't throw up a whole lot of answer in my brief search.

It did reveal this though: Keep on running on Attercliffe road (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on December 15, 2012, 10:10:55 am
Electric waffle iron? Anyone?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on December 15, 2012, 04:42:00 pm
I bought too much foam for my woodie.
Three sheets of open cell foam up for grabs.
Roughly 2x2 metres and about 8 cm thick.

Free to a good home.
Guiseley, NW Leeds collection.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on December 15, 2012, 11:28:46 pm
Enough to stuff a pouffe?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on December 15, 2012, 11:32:12 pm
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on December 16, 2012, 09:01:51 am (

Thought I'd mentioned it last time?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Shy Ted on December 16, 2012, 10:51:29 am
I bought too much foam for my woodie.
Three sheets of open cell foam up for grabs.
Roughly 2x2 metres and about 8 cm thick.

Free to a good home.
Guiseley, NW Leeds collection.

I would bloody love some of that stuff.  Am building a woodie myself and working in Leeds next week.  It's meant to be
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on December 16, 2012, 04:11:44 pm
I bought too much foam for my woodie.
Three sheets of open cell foam up for grabs.
Roughly 2x2 metres and about 8 cm thick.

Free to a good home.
Guiseley, NW Leeds collection.

One sheet for the pouffe, 2 for the woodie.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on December 16, 2012, 06:00:13 pm
CAMP 'Rockstar' helmet, blue, if anyone wants it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lurcher on December 16, 2012, 06:23:46 pm
Having a bit of an attic clear out, got a hard case for an acoustic guitar if anyone needs one.  Good condition, hardly used .

collect near hathersage
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on December 16, 2012, 06:53:46 pm
CAMP 'Rockstar' helmet, blue, if anyone wants it?

if only you hadn't used capital letters and quote marks
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrconners on December 31, 2012, 05:11:24 pm
Decathlon Domyos extendable pull up bar.

From 600mm smallest size, extends to easily fit a 2'6" door (760mm) and probably up to a 2'9" door (840 mm)

Boux 8c on VHS
The real thing on VHS.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on December 31, 2012, 06:44:46 pm
CAMP 'Rockstar' helmet, blue, if anyone wants it?

Going in the Green Peak Gear bin shortly if it isn't taken...  :tumble:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Luthor on December 31, 2012, 09:28:05 pm
CAMP 'Rockstar' helmet, blue, if anyone wants it?

Going in the Green Peak Gear bin shortly if it isn't taken...  :tumble:

Paul, I'll nab this for my lad if it isnt already binned.. Cheers. lex
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on January 01, 2013, 02:51:12 am
2 claims via PM but I'll stick you down as 3rd Lex!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: unclesomebody on January 04, 2013, 06:14:11 pm
Thermarest Prolite 4 Regular. It's a few years old now, and it's been repaired a couple of times. There is a tiny hole in it, but I used it like that for a year. It does deflate overnight but the last time I used it it was still ok in the morning. I've bought a new one now so if you want to repair this you could have a very good thermarest. No stuff sac.

Collection in Bristol or I'll post if you cover the cost.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: unclesomebody on January 04, 2013, 07:58:52 pm
Thermarest has been snapped up by the heaviest skinny man I've ever met

Title: Sportiva Katana size 6.5 / 40 and Five Ten Newton (old style) size 10 / 44
Post by: duncan on January 06, 2013, 01:41:44 pm
Given to me by Johnny G (;u=1300).  I wore them a few times but I've given up on super-tight shoes.  Toe not through but nearly due for a resole.


The Newtons are in a similar state of wear but considerably smellier.

Collect from London.  A small donation to the Dorset Bolt Fund ( would be appreciated.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Xan on January 06, 2013, 05:30:32 pm
Got a large futon with a metal frame up for grabs - folds out into a bed with room for two (though probably smaller than a standard double). When used as a sofa it's about 2m long. The futon itself has a dark green/cream pattern and can be removed for washing. Generally it has seen better days but could be covered with a throw or even totally re-covered if you're handy enough!

We've taken it apart so the pieces would probably fit in a large estate car - longest piece is 2m long. Totally forgot to take a photograph or measure accurately in the excitement of removing it to put our new sofa in - sorry. Yell if you're interested!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on January 06, 2013, 10:12:16 pm
I could post a video of you playing Guitar Hero sat on it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Xan on January 07, 2013, 09:36:58 am
I could post a video of you playing Guitar Hero sat on it?

I don't think anyone needs to see that!

Futon's gone now anyway...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on January 07, 2013, 11:12:23 am
My turn for the magazine giveaways!

Loads of climbing mags, 70s to late 90s (but mainly 80s), mainly Climber and High. Hundreds of the fuckers. If you like lycra, bolt wars debates and/ or depressing-looking adverts with bearded men in 80s cagoules these are for you!

Sound on Sound magazines (it's a sound engineering mag. I suppose if you need to ask then you won't want them!) complete from late '99 to early '09. A must for the fan of geekily in-depth reviews of now obsolete samplers and equally geekily in-depth interviews with people who attained legendary drum sounds

Pickup from Nottingham.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on January 18, 2013, 05:20:03 pm
Anyone in Sheffield happen to have a spare wireless router kicking around? It seems mine has just died (as always an untimely death!)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on January 19, 2013, 11:45:25 am
Offered for a week before it goes to the charity shop...

PS2, couple of controllers, couple of memory cards and a stack of games for both PS1 and PS2.

Leeds area, Meanwood - as it's a fairly decent amount of stuff collection only, at a push I could take it to The Depot.

Also about 30 copies of "Good Food" magazine, odd pages ripped out for recipes but largely OK.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on January 21, 2013, 11:24:11 am
PS2 and shizzle gone to Stallion.

Good Food magazines still up for grabs!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: GraemeA on January 21, 2013, 05:34:14 pm
We have just been ripping out the EuroSafe offices and have stacks and stacks of Rock Wool that needs a good home, otherwise it will be skipped
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on January 21, 2013, 05:56:03 pm
If you like lycra, bolt wars debates and/ or depressing-looking adverts with bearded men in 80s cagoules these are for you!

Surprised Doylo hasn't bitten your hand off already.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on January 25, 2013, 02:21:03 pm
Free bouldering wall ( (one "minor" catch for most on this forums though and its not the paint job for which you need  8)).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Three Nine on January 28, 2013, 12:38:43 pm
Anyone throwing out an armchair/padded chair at all?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on January 28, 2013, 01:04:42 pm
I've got one (or possibly two, a matching pair, I'll have a hunt round) you can have, it's pretty dusty and I think a bit cat scratched on the front of one of the arms. It's green if you care?? Would probably clean up OK.

I'm based in Todmorden which probably isn't convenient for collection, but thems the breaks...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dod on January 28, 2013, 05:34:50 pm
Set of dismantled pine flat pack shelves/drawers without instructions (!)
Set of white shelves still standing
A small folding bridge table

Or alternatively firewood.
Crookes, Sheffield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: stevej on January 28, 2013, 07:29:15 pm
Interested in the shelves. Based in crookes too so can easily collect. Could i get very rough dimensions please? Ta, Steve
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dod on January 28, 2013, 09:53:00 pm
the white ones are; i would say 1m high, 0.7m wide and 25cm thick. roughly. number of shelves and where they sit can be changed if that makes sense. the flatpack pine ones I have no idea im afraid.
Youve got probably a max of 2 days before I get fed up with them, smash them and then find a skip to put them in
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: stevej on January 29, 2013, 11:07:02 am
Happy to take both of those then, I've sent you a pm.

Thanks a lot!

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Three Nine on January 29, 2013, 02:44:29 pm
I've got one (or possibly two, a matching pair, I'll have a hunt round) you can have, it's pretty dusty and I think a bit cat scratched on the front of one of the arms. It's green if you care?? Would probably clean up OK.

I'm based in Todmorden which probably isn't convenient for collection, but thems the breaks...

Cheers Nik, am sorted now thanks.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on January 31, 2013, 02:31:09 pm
I have a copy of hard grit on vhs.

I've watched it to death.

If anyone still has that modern technology, and can be bothered to pick it up in bristol, it's yours.

If you haven't seen it, it does answer the question, what would jerry do, sort of.

Title: Luke - hard grit
Post by: crimp on January 31, 2013, 03:28:30 pm
Hi Luke

sorry mate, not too tech savvy, but learning.

I don't use TCA, can't afford it.

I live in shire if you can collect@

will be going to dicks climbing for some nuts Saturday if that help.

You have first dibs for now.

Title: Re: Luke - hard grit
Post by: slackline on January 31, 2013, 03:39:20 pm
Hi Luke

sorry mate, not too tech savvy, but learning.

Near the top of every forum page is a row of text reading...

"Home" "Forum" "Wiki" "Media" "Profile" "My Messages" "Logout"

Hovering over each of these reveals a little menu.

Sounds as though you want the "My Messages" and then "Read Messages" from there you'll be able to read the direct/personal message you've presumably received from Luke and underneath the message there should be a "Reply" button.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on January 31, 2013, 03:58:08 pm
Thanks slackline.

Im finding my feet here. All pointers gratefully accepted.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on January 31, 2013, 04:07:34 pm
Thanks slackline.

Im finding my feet here. All pointers gratefully accepted.

This forum is very much like many others.

Although if you've only really used UKC then it will feel unfamiliar as UKC use their own "bespoke" forum software (which in my opinion is inferior to opensource solutions such as the Simple Machines Forum that powers UKB here).

See the Wiki site FAQ ( for a handful of useful articles.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wipey Why on February 01, 2013, 05:27:15 pm
Climbing shoe giveaway - Most will need resoling but apart from that are generally fine.

Miura VS - 3.5 (36)

Talons - 5.5 (39)

Pink Anasazi - 7 (41)

White Anasazi - 6.5 (40)

Free if you want to pick them up (Manchester based)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 02, 2013, 11:09:29 am
Seems to be manners to let folks know when an item is taken.

Hard grit video has gone, winging its way to new owner.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: metal arms on February 02, 2013, 11:49:23 am
2 'floating' shelves like this (

1 bathroom cabinet like this (

Pick up in Liverpool or I can take it to a wall for you.  All brand new in boxes.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: metal arms on February 06, 2013, 02:11:33 pm
2 'floating' shelves like this (

1 bathroom cabinet like this (

Pick up in Liverpool or I can take it to a wall for you.  All brand new in boxes.

These are gone now.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 07, 2013, 09:08:12 am
On the scrounge-

Looking for an old used but useable pair of rock shoes size 7, for teenage daughter to use when she visits at school holidays.

Also looking for a pre loved fingerboard, manufactured or home made, and any surplus used Mickys.

Will collect in bristol.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on February 07, 2013, 09:35:48 am
any surplus used Mickys.

Huh? (  :doubt:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 07, 2013, 09:44:34 am
Sorry, went all a bit 80s climbing rhyming slang there. Got over inspired by seeing Ron again.

Mickys = Michaels

Michaels = Michael Boltons

Michael Boltons = bolt on holds.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lukeyboy on February 07, 2013, 12:13:26 pm
Sorry, went all a bit 80s climbing rhyming slang there. Got over inspired by seeing Ron again.

Mickys = Michaels

Michaels = Michael Boltons

Michael Boltons = bolt on holds.

Come on Slackers, how did you not get that?  :slap:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on February 07, 2013, 12:44:33 pm
On the scrounge-

Looking for an old used but useable pair of rock shoes size 7, for teenage daughter to use when she visits at school holidays.

Also looking for a pre loved fingerboard, manufactured or home made, and any surplus used Mickys.

Will collect in bristol.


Is that rock shoes size 7 or street shoe size 7?

If the latter I'm a street shoe 7 and I've got a pair of 5:10 Verdes and a pair of Dragons that fit me (from memory they're both size 6.5, though of course being 5:10s this means practically nothing), both of which only just gone through the toe(s), would be fine for an occasional / beginner.

Was about to chuck them in the bin so you're welcome to one of the other pair, or both - only thing is I'm in Leeds, happy to post if you want to make a donation to Headway for the amount.

Oh, and I'm not one of these sock-wearing people so caveat emptor on the aroma of a pair of well used climbing shoes!

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 07, 2013, 12:47:53 pm
My bad!

The terminology's different now.

I've only ever done E1/E2 tops, which today would make me punter.

Perhaps we need a back in the day glossary.

Now routes/problems can be UK/French/US/font/V grades, whatever.

Back in in the day we used big Ron Fawcett's grading: was it hard Ron? Aye, it took 2 fags!

Grade sorted and understood.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 07, 2013, 01:03:28 pm
Thanks tommytwotone.

That's much appreciated

She's 6 and half, 7, street shoe so sounds ideal.
I'll PM you my address later. Post them second class, i only get to see her at school holidays, so no mad rush.

Include your address, and I'll happily send you postage back and a donation for headway in cash. Can't donate mesen, no credit cards, bank accounts, etc.


Shoes, sorted.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 07, 2013, 02:08:16 pm
Hi tommytwotone.

I think i sent you a pm with details.

Can you please confirm. Thanks. Its not showing up on my sent messages.

I passed something to someone on this forum before, and didn't get sent message notifications then either.

Cheers bud.

(Ps it might be me being tech retarded. If so, don't spank me, show me how)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on February 07, 2013, 02:14:20 pm

(Ps it might be me being tech retarded. If so, don't spank me, show me how)

There is a check-box underneath where you write your Personal Messages (PM) that needs to be ticked to "Save a copy in [your] outbox".

If you didn't check this box the sent message won't appear in your sent messages folder.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on February 07, 2013, 02:20:16 pm
Hi tommytwotone.

I think i sent you a pm with details.

Can you please confirm. Thanks. Its not showing up on my sent messages.

I passed something to someone on this forum before, and didn't get sent message notifications then either.

Cheers bud.

(Ps it might be me being tech retarded. If so, don't spank me, show me how)

No worries fella, you're coming through loud and clear - will bring those shoes in tomorrow and stick them in the post for you; I'm on a mission to clear my house up in anticipation of Mrs. Tone moving in, so your taking them off my hands is much appreciated!

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 07, 2013, 02:22:03 pm

Cheers slackline

Duly noted for future.

you're definitely my go to person for site how to tech stuff.

I would plus 1 your karma every time you help me out, but don't know how.

Ps any help you need with 80s climbing lingo, see me.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on February 07, 2013, 02:23:23 pm
I would plus 1 your karma every time you help me out, but don't know how.

You can only do so after having made 50 posts (if I remember correctly).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 07, 2013, 02:28:09 pm
Well when i reach that you're first on my list, for being so welcoming and helpful from day one.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 07, 2013, 02:36:11 pm

i explained a Mickey for you.

Return the favour. Why wad? What's the derivation?

Cheers bud
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on February 07, 2013, 02:39:28 pm
No idea, was in place/use before I joined.

When referring to a person as a "Wad" I take it to mean that they are very good (at climbing).

In terms of karma, I guess its "You've been helpful".

Certainly doesn't mean What A Dick ( in these parts.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ianv on February 10, 2013, 11:26:41 am
some bike gear:

1 white scott saddle (skinnish one)
1 white kona saddle (off a DH bike)
1 scott stem maybe 70mm
1 scott seat post 34.9 scott specific I think
1 kona oversize bars 740ish
2 rockshox poploc thingys
1 pr kids 16 inch wheels
1 front V brake for a kids bike
1 pr old and knackered dianese knee/shin pads

West yorks based, can drop in the depot or other local leeds/bradford walls but cant be arsed posting anywhere, sorry.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ianv on February 10, 2013, 12:57:09 pm
but cant be arsed posting anywhere, sorry.

will make an exception if I actually know you in real life  :whistle:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rich d on February 10, 2013, 05:47:22 pm
I know it's better to give than receive but just bust my kitchen scales, does anyone have a spare set of digital ones for my bread related exploits?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 18, 2013, 04:05:08 pm

Bit of an outside chance ask this one.

I am after a pre loved laptop in Bristol area. See mobular phones and laptops Thread, slackline says what i need, probably means more to you than me.

In return, i offer you a day of my time, to assist you with diy, gardening, charity work, whatever. Won't do your work/business mind. That's outside the point.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on February 18, 2013, 04:49:28 pm
I've got a Jessops slide viewer if anyone wants it. Like this:


And a Sharp Ghetto Blaster, like this:


It's a bit battered, and needs a power lead, but I think it works. Ideal for the cellar climber who wants to roll mad thug in the clutch while training.

In Sheff.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on February 18, 2013, 04:54:12 pm
Cofe that ghetto blaster is hideous. If someone takes it off your hands let me know who it is
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on February 18, 2013, 04:55:50 pm
Ideal for the cellar climber who wants to roll mad thug in the clutch while training.

In Sheff.

Yo, you should get P-Robz and D-Wudz over to your crib to peep it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on February 18, 2013, 05:07:26 pm
Thanks for the DM dense, I'll drop the Sharp off at the wall for you later.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 18, 2013, 05:17:04 pm

that ghetto blaster ain't no hitachi super woofer and no mistake.

It's still pretty bitching!

If you're ever passing bris I'll take it
Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on February 18, 2013, 08:50:03 pm
Is that the one with the crossfader between tape decks?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on February 19, 2013, 09:03:01 am
Thanks for the DM dense, I'll drop the Sharp off at the wall for you later.
Do you want a hand bringing it in?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on February 19, 2013, 11:22:55 am
How much does it weigh Cofe? I was thinking of getting some kettlebells for the TGU's and this might work instead... ;)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: fatboySlimfast on February 19, 2013, 11:35:38 am
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on February 19, 2013, 11:44:48 am
FBSF, do you still have that camping shower you were freecycling a while back?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Grubes on February 19, 2013, 12:00:15 pm
Cofe, Have you thought about sticking it on a chain and selling it to some hipster? could probably get a decent wedge from some douche in his sisters cardie
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on February 19, 2013, 12:17:05 pm
What about donating it to tommyztone, would go well with his pastel jumpers at Hip Hop Karaoke.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 20, 2013, 03:41:28 pm

is the sharp still going? Can you pass it to someone coming to bristol, or who can drop it off at junction 18, Avonmouth, of M5? If so, dibs.
Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on February 20, 2013, 06:14:04 pm
What about donating it to tommyztone, would go well with his pastel jumpers at Hip Hop Karaoke.

:) harsh... But it would work..
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on February 21, 2013, 09:14:34 am

is the sharp still going? Can you pass it to someone coming to bristol, or who can drop it off at junction 18, Avonmouth, of M5? If so, dibs.

It's gone I'm afraid.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 25, 2013, 02:52:01 pm

WANTED - calling all Bristol cellar dwellers!

You build your shit out of ply right?

I be looking for a ply offcut. 3 foot by 10 inches by 18mm thick.

It's for my fingerboard baseboard.

Can't find any thick enough in skips. Can get proper job at builders merchants, or timber merchants, but fuck paying for whole 8 by 2 sheet for what i wants.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on February 25, 2013, 03:23:37 pm
What about donating it to tommyztone, would go well with his pastel jumpers at Hip Hop Karaoke.

 :) harsh... But it would work..

Gutted...if only I'd spotted it last week, we could have used it yesterday to bump out some ill flavaz underneath Boyager fo' rizzeal.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on February 25, 2013, 03:45:56 pm
Crimp have you tried going into a timber merchants or b&q and asking? They always have off cuts which they would generally give away
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on February 25, 2013, 04:05:44 pm
Have tried a couple. They are all "no offcuts, but can sell you a sheet for 25 squid."
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on March 03, 2013, 05:39:14 pm
full sized dishwasher, old well used and in need of a new cutlery rack but works well.
To collect in Hazel Grove, Stockport.
Going in the skip next week if not wanted

(can we pin freecycle to the top of the for sale/wanted forum?)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on March 03, 2013, 06:24:24 pm
Anybody want a tall white hotpoint fridge in very good condition for free. 135cm x 55cm x 60cm.
shout up quick before it goes on ebay
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on March 03, 2013, 06:46:32 pm

i would love the fridge. But i expect you're in the peaks, and postage to bristol would be prohibitive.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on March 03, 2013, 07:01:56 pm
sorry, not sure where the peaks are but I'm in Stockport and I'm not posting it. Yours if you want to collect it
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on March 03, 2013, 07:14:40 pm
The peaks is that big green bit to the east of stockport. When i lived in bolton, it seemed to consist of browstones and wilton quarries. But then i did live in Johnson fold.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Bubba on March 03, 2013, 08:19:53 pm
Isn't that The Peak?  Fuck knows where the peaks is  :icon_321:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on March 03, 2013, 08:28:49 pm



Title: Re: Sportiva Katana size 6.5 / 40 and Five Ten Newton (old style) size 10 / 44
Post by: duncan on March 03, 2013, 08:49:23 pm
Given to me by Johnny G (;u=1300).  I wore them a few times but I've given up on super-tight shoes.  Toe not through but nearly due for a resole.


The Newtons are in a similar state of wear but considerably smellier.

Collect from London.  A small donation to the Dorset Bolt Fund ( would be appreciated.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on March 03, 2013, 08:55:24 pm
I seem to recall the peaks being the same as the the peak, only less pedantic.

Green rolling hills, with everything a tad upgraded.  i am sure we're on about the same place!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on March 30, 2013, 04:09:31 pm
Spare doorframe fitting chin up bar.

Brand new. Same as one i use and i be 14 stone.

In bristol if you want it.

Probably too heavy to make it economical to post.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on April 14, 2013, 05:49:18 pm
Large 5 shelf book case. Open backed. Solid build. Good nick. Blue shelves, wood sides.
Collect asap from S10.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on April 18, 2013, 01:59:01 pm
Some 12"'s free to a willing home:
Roni Size - Brut Force
SL2 - On A Ragga Tip
FSOL - Papua New Guinea

Collection from Westest West Yorkshire
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on April 18, 2013, 02:04:35 pm
What's on the flip of On A Ragga Tip? Is it DJs Take Control?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on April 18, 2013, 03:00:01 pm
Side 1
On A Ragga Tip

Side 2
Changing Trax
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on April 18, 2013, 03:07:38 pm
Roni size please. bristol represent.

If postage cheap enough?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on April 18, 2013, 03:09:27 pm
PM me your address and I'll whack it in the post.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on April 18, 2013, 03:17:58 pm
Cheers nik.

Will do, and cover post.

Ps. Free new chin up bar still going in bristol. Weight make it uneconomical to post, if anyone want to collect or meet up for it, shout.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on April 24, 2013, 06:13:09 pm
Free to a good home...

Metolious Chalk Bucket in camo print. The drawstring is a bit knackered and frayed but with a bit of jiggling about it works OK. Getting shot as I'm having a clear out and I've replaced it.

Leeds / Depot / Almscliff etc area.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on April 24, 2013, 07:08:59 pm
Free to a good home...

Metolious Chalk Bucket in camo print. The drawstring is a bit knackered and frayed but with a bit of jiggling about it works OK. Getting shot as I'm having a clear out and I've replaced it.

Leeds / Depot / Almscliff etc area.
Yes please?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on April 24, 2013, 07:33:09 pm
Done - bucket gone!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dolly on April 27, 2013, 03:07:05 pm
Bike carrier free to a good home.
Same style as the one in the pic. Probably about 10 years old and I got it secondhand. Its used but works perfectly well. Have used it to take three bikes on holiday lots of times but now I have a towbar mounted one (check me out)
Pick up only from S8

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on April 27, 2013, 05:59:00 pm
keen on that, I'll text you
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on April 28, 2013, 09:36:53 am
A3 bubble jet printer.  Canon ix5000 going at work.  Full working order as far as I am aware (though I have never seen it in action) probably needs ink cartridges.  Sheffield area.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: AB on April 28, 2013, 09:55:26 am
Yes please to printer, just sent you a message
Title: Guidebooks and shoes
Post by: duncan on April 29, 2013, 09:14:27 am
Stanage BMC - 2002 Simmonite. The back-to-front version.
Dorset Rockfax - 2005 Oxley.
Rock Climbing in Scotland - 2004 Kevin Howlett. Selective guide complete with essential midge ratings.

Previously advertised Sportiva Katanas (size 6.5 / 40) and Five Ten Newtons (old style) size 10 / 44 are still available.


I think I was a little negative about the Newtons. I'd say they were about half-way through their life-cycle and the stink seems to have dissipated!

Collect from London or post at cost.  A small donation to the Dorset Bolt Fund ( would be appreciated.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on April 29, 2013, 09:51:28 am
Scotland and Dorset gone in 30 seconds (nearly literally).

Dave Simmonite is feeling lonely.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dod on April 29, 2013, 11:44:19 am
duncan, sent you a message about the katanas
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on May 01, 2013, 03:05:55 pm
A pile of 'digital SLR photography' magazine from last year. Full of useful tutorials. Ideal for a newbie. I've found them really useful. Pick up from guiseley, leeds, ls20
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on May 07, 2013, 09:57:54 am
A small hobby arc welder. Only a cheapo thing and not great but does work and is sufficient to get started in the wonderful world of welding. I've probably got a few welding rods knocking about as well which will be past their best but hey-ho. It did come with a chipping hammer (that I've lost) and a really shit hand held eye shield which I probably threw away due to its uselessness (get a proper mask, it's your eyes FFS). Anyway if anybody wants it collection only from deepest darkest west yorkshire.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: grumpycrumpy on May 08, 2013, 09:50:18 am
Ikea Bunk Bed....... Frame only  ....... In pieces at the moment and I've lost the instructions on how to put them together again ........ Shouldn't be too much of a problem as they are fairly logical ........ Can be collected from S7 ( five minutes from The Works ) or I will deliver in't Sheffield area ........   
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 08, 2013, 12:36:00 pm
Ikea Bunk Bed....... Frame only  ....... In pieces at the moment and I've lost the instructions on how to put them together again ........ Shouldn't be too much of a problem as they are fairly logical ........ Can be collected from S7 ( five minutes from The Works ) or I will deliver in't Sheffield area ........   

Might be interested. Is it like any of these? (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: grumpycrumpy on May 08, 2013, 01:35:08 pm
Aye ....... Looks like it could be the MYDAL ...... 
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 08, 2013, 02:09:18 pm
Pretty sure we'll have it off you, just confirming with the boss.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Robl on May 09, 2013, 08:34:38 am
A pile of 'digital SLR photography' magazine from last year. Full of useful tutorials. Ideal for a newbie. I've found them really useful. Pick up from guiseley, leeds, ls20

I'd be keen for these if still available, just getting to grips with my camera.   :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on May 09, 2013, 09:18:47 am
A pile of 'digital SLR photography' magazine from last year. Full of useful tutorials. Ideal for a newbie. I've found them really useful. Pick up from guiseley, leeds, ls20

I'd be keen for these if still available, just getting to grips with my camera.   :2thumbsup:
Sorry mate, should have updated. I've promised them to someone else.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Robl on May 09, 2013, 11:06:16 am
No worries pal  :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wil on May 09, 2013, 02:36:51 pm
 I have a small Ikea desk up for grabs. On wheels roll out keyboard part. Roughly 2 feet by 3. Can't remember the model, but is in good condition , pick up from dronfield our can meet at peak crag sometime.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: metal arms on May 11, 2013, 06:38:04 pm

4 more 'floating' shelves like this (

3 used, 1 brand new in a box.  1 needs screws for the fixings.

Pick up in Liverpool or I can take it to a wall for you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: al on May 13, 2013, 11:32:29 am
having a clear out at home and have a pile of old loose weights from the school
loads of round red/gold weights of different sizes, x2 barbells, x4 dumbbells, a few bar clamps, and a bench and bar stand of mine, plus other bits and bobs - god knows how i ended up with them! think i grabbed them when the building got shut down.
anyway anyone fancy some historical kit? (might have some of malc's magic dust still on them)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on May 13, 2013, 04:25:20 pm
I'm interested in the weights Al. You're in Sheffield I presume?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: al on May 13, 2013, 09:09:05 pm
yep cheque, can you pick them up? (its a bit of a handfull)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on May 14, 2013, 10:57:27 am
I might be able to get them this weekend Al- I'll have to let you know. If someone else can get them sooner then I'm happy for them to have them.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: al on May 14, 2013, 01:31:35 pm
ok, i've PM'd you my number
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on May 14, 2013, 02:17:50 pm
I've got a shitload of off-cuts of Kingspan (100mm). Some of it's quite small bits, and some of it is bigger pieces. I don't know what anyone could do with it? I guess if you had the patience you could build a kingspan jigsaw to insulate something?? Anyway it seems a shame to just dump it as it is pretty much the mack daddy of insulation and cost me a fortune. If anybody can use some of it then it's here for the taking in, as usual, deepest darkest West Yorkshire (A.K.A. Todmorden).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on May 14, 2013, 10:58:21 pm
Also got a front loading washing machine. Quite old (~12 years) and hasn't been used for the past couple of years (because we got another washing machine, not because we stopped washing our clothes). Probably still works fine but might be a bit stinky so need running empty a couple of times to clean it up. Anyway if anybody wants it let me know and I'll put it through a cycle to check it still works and start the cleaning process.

Also got a 9" angle grinder, generic B&Q-esque cheapo type thing looking for a home.

And two matching armchairs, in green. Both well used and currently pretty dusty, but comfy enough. One of them is cat scratched. Probably not up to formal drawing room use, but good for a training room/shed/workshop/garage/sex-dungeon.

Based in Todmorden, West Yorkshire.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on May 15, 2013, 10:30:00 am
Rockworks finger board. Fed up of tripping over it in the garage. West Leeds.

Like this one but with a more subtle colour scheme. (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crimp on May 15, 2013, 10:50:21 am
Any prescription spec wearing fish botherers etc?

Got a pair of polarised over glasses sat here doing nothing for last couple of years.

These ones in fact (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on May 15, 2013, 10:57:59 am
I've got a shitload of off-cuts of Kingspan (100mm). Some of it's quite small bits, and some of it is bigger pieces. I don't know what anyone could do with it? I guess if you had the patience you could build a kingspan jigsaw to insulate something?? Anyway it seems a shame to just dump it as it is pretty much the mack daddy of insulation and cost me a fortune. If anybody can use some of it then it's here for the taking in, as usual, deepest darkest West Yorkshire (A.K.A. Todmorden).

Someone was asking about insulation on the campervan page a while back.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rginns on May 15, 2013, 11:23:39 am
Rockworks finger board. Fed up of tripping over it in the garage. West Leeds.
Like this one but with a more subtle colour scheme. (
awesome, just the sort of thing I've been after for the garage woody. Have PM'd you  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on May 15, 2013, 11:58:44 am
Rockworks finger board. Fed up of tripping over it in the garage. West Leeds.

Like this one but with a more subtle colour scheme. (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 15, 2013, 06:16:24 pm

Someone was asking about insulation on the campervan page a while back.
I imagine 100mm would be too deep for a campervan.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: butters on May 15, 2013, 07:29:13 pm

Someone was asking about insulation on the campervan page a while back.
I imagine 100mm would be too deep for a campervan.

You may get 100mm in one or two places but depending on where you are putting it 25mm or 50mm is what I would recommend.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ed brown on May 18, 2013, 06:15:51 pm
4x 205/55 R16 part worns.
2x Hankook Ventus Primes and 2x Pirelli P6000's.

Summer tyres from my dear departed Golf. Sheffield pick up.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: deacon on May 18, 2013, 07:16:29 pm
Hey Ed I'd really like to take these tyres. I think they're the right size but will be able to check this evening.
I'm in Sheff too so will be able to pick them up whenever it suits you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Xan on May 23, 2013, 09:05:08 am
I've got a copy of "LA Climbs - Alternative Uses for Architecture" looking for a good home. Read about it here: (

I'm based in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on June 04, 2013, 10:46:37 am
Car Roof Box, it's a biggish one. Not a posh Mont Blanc or anything just generic plastic thing. It's a bit knackered (the rear plastic clip thing is broken and one of the metal "hold it open to put your stuff in" things has snapped so it kind of flops about at the front rather than being held open). But it locks and will hold stuff. It comes attached to a couple of roof bars with fitmentss to attach to roof rails. It was on a Peugeot 307 (bastard fucking thing...) but I guess with a bit of jiggery pokery it should be modifiable to fit any roof rails??
As ever based in Todmorden.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on June 05, 2013, 08:56:20 pm
Britax Isofix Car Seat. (  Group 1, 9-18kg ie 1 - 4yrs.

A very good seat, our daughter has outgrown it. Doesn't feel right to sell it so on freecycle. Was happy to carry her in it on Monday, but now we have a bigger replacement.  Clean, fabric washed, some slight pilling, otherwise perfect nick. Obviously has not been involved in any bangs or mistreatment.

The user manual is downloadable from the britax link. Seat looks like
this: (         and this. (

PM me if interested. If no-one takes will be down the tip next week. Pick-up Stockport.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on June 05, 2013, 09:07:30 pm
I'd be very keen for the car seat please Jonathan. PM me with your address and I'll work out when I can get over. Ta!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on June 05, 2013, 09:21:58 pm
No problem JB. PM'd you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on June 29, 2013, 07:21:13 am
armchair available - pick up from Heeley, Sheffield

comfortable, solid

cream cover needs cleaning up due to children - it probably will clean up OK, I once fell asleep with a full glass of red wine and managed to get the stain out

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on June 29, 2013, 07:24:39 am
also, wooden cot available - all fittings etc

1990's Mothercare quality

I don't think it even has any bite marks

its brought up 6 children so far and has plenty of life left in it

pick up from Heeley
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Xan on June 29, 2013, 11:28:42 pm
Could I have the chair please lagerstarfish? I live just down the road from Heeley - will PM you my contact details :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: abarro81 on July 05, 2013, 08:58:22 pm
'Towsure E19' 1000W inverter. It didn't work right in my van, giving an intermittent output, but I never put more than 20min effort into trying to get it to work, since I'm a lazy bastard. I suspect those with more knowledge of what the hell their doing could get it to work properly... Pick up from S10 or I can bring it to the foundry one evening.

PM me if you want it as I may not remember to check this thread.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on July 27, 2013, 12:48:00 pm
Angled frame saw, needs a new blade.
TP kids swing, needs a tree or frame.
Lush skimboard. Wooden. OK but base could do with some work. A failed attempt at varnishing it is peeling off.
Collection BroomHill.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on July 27, 2013, 01:21:07 pm
Heavy base for garden umbrella
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on August 03, 2013, 03:25:14 pm
Guitar stand, similar to this one (

Collection from Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on August 03, 2013, 04:19:16 pm
Guitar stand, similar to this one (

Collection from Sheffield.
perfect, can I have it please?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on August 03, 2013, 04:35:24 pm
Guitar stand, similar to this one (

Collection from Sheffield.
perfect, can I have it please?

It's yours. Drop me a PM to arrange collection.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on August 08, 2013, 09:49:06 pm
Slimming down my DVD collection so...anyone want some climbing DVDs?

Prefer to shift them as a job lot, Leeds wall / Yorkshire crag etc collection...

West Coast Gimps
Gone West (Devon / Dartmoor etc)
Dosage Vol 1

PM if interested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on August 08, 2013, 11:10:58 pm
All gone but Gone West...anyone? Anyone?

(Hopes Adge is still lurking...)

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on August 09, 2013, 09:20:13 am
I'd like to see Gone West, but would then probably pass it on. Would you mind dropping it at a mate's in Horsforth?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ben on August 09, 2013, 11:24:43 am
I'd be keen for Gone West after you SAC, maybe you could forward it Westwards when you've seen it? 
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on August 09, 2013, 11:56:35 am
No bother. Unless you are going to be in Yorkshire any time soon and want first shotty? We are seeing Horsforth mates 2nd week September.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on August 09, 2013, 12:09:29 pm
Righto - all gone...

Yes Chris - PM me where you want it dropping and I'll stick Gone West through the letterbox.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on August 09, 2013, 12:52:35 pm
Will do, got it at home somewhere. Not far from station. Thanks
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ben on August 09, 2013, 02:04:21 pm
No bother. Unless you are going to be in Yorkshire any time soon and want first shotty?
nope won't be up there this year i don't think, only visit north of Brum will be the Lakes next week
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on August 12, 2013, 09:18:47 pm
Love Gone West, great soundtrack, amazing-looking climbing and great car/evil beast/unruly cattle scenes.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on August 20, 2013, 04:47:04 pm
Solar charger for phone / ipod / mp3 player. Branded merchandising diven out free at Offshore Europe event 2 years ago and never used. Been in desk drawer ever since

It's a bit like this, may ne the same, got no logos though (

No instructions, but I think you need to charge it once or twice via USB to condition battery. You can read up on it in reviews.

Got a bag of unrecognised adaptors, but definitely has USB and mini USB.

Will post if anyone wants it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on August 20, 2013, 09:07:51 pm
Could I take that please?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Gritlad on August 21, 2013, 11:44:38 am
WTD: Large ( 20 to 25L) bucket with a lid and also a piece of small plastic flexible tube.
Happy to pay a few quid.
Failing this does anyone know where I could get the said items from in sheffield? Had a look on various websites (B&Q, wilkos e.t.c)  but either too pricey or they do not have a lid
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on August 21, 2013, 11:49:01 am
Home enemas are a risky way to lose weight.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Grubes on August 21, 2013, 12:25:15 pm
WTD: Large ( 20 to 25L) bucket with a lid and also a piece of small plastic flexible tube.
I guess you saw this but just in case?

bucket with lid ( brewing&VBMST=home brewing&VBMTC=85c202387c342a29c7910992b7b6780b

tube (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Gritlad on August 21, 2013, 12:28:10 pm
Cheers, saw the bucket but thought before I pay £10 I would ask around.
Didn't see the pipe though so thanks   :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Grubes on August 21, 2013, 01:08:44 pm
Thought the same £10 for a bit of plastic is pretty expensive
Have you tried a local pound shop (or similar if you have one)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Gritlad on August 21, 2013, 01:15:43 pm
Going to look around the shops on Friday, according to various forums you can pick up large buckets (sometimes 20L) from chips shops and supermarkets often for free however getting it with a lid which is a crucial bit is a bit trickier.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on August 22, 2013, 08:35:22 pm
Own brand orbital sander. Kind of like this one ( In fact almost certainly that one just with slightly different branding (if it sweetens the deal it's blue not black).

Collection from S8 or local crag / wall.
Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on August 27, 2013, 12:42:10 pm
Salter digital bathroom scales - with sadly broken display. This does mean its partially usable as per the picture (i.e. if you know your stones it'll tell you your lbs). Feet not included.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on August 27, 2013, 01:05:41 pm
Well done TT, you broke the scales. Time for a diet?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on August 27, 2013, 01:52:27 pm
Well done TT, you broke the scales. Time for a diet?

I'll swap it for your Beanie... ;)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on August 27, 2013, 02:37:49 pm
I'll swap it for your Beanie and I'll throw in £10 too.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: psychomansam on August 29, 2013, 05:46:04 pm
Salter digital bathroom scales - with sadly broken display. This does mean its partially usable as per the picture (i.e. if you know your stones it'll tell you your lbs). Feet not included.


You sheffield based?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Luthor on August 30, 2013, 04:30:33 pm
Got 3 Ikea folding bar stools needing a new home

like these: (

Sheffield S11 pick up

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on August 30, 2013, 04:38:56 pm
Salter digital bathroom scales - with sadly broken display. This does mean its partially usable as per the picture (i.e. if you know your stones it'll tell you your lbs). Feet not included.

You sheffield based?

Hi Sam - no but if you're not fussed about waiting a couple of weeks I can pass through Sheff and drop it off...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dr_botnik on September 06, 2013, 11:56:36 pm
WANTED: a microwave, in the sheffield area. Mine is sparking, went to look under the revolving plate and theres a rusty hole :o
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on September 07, 2013, 12:37:14 am
Got 3 Ikea folding bar stools needing a new home

like these: (

Sheffield S11 pick up

If these are still available I'd love to pick them up next week please Lex
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: iain on September 07, 2013, 06:49:43 am
WANTED: a microwave, in the sheffield area. Mine is sparking, went to look under the revolving plate and theres a rusty hole :o
You'd be welcome to ours, guaranteed to have no rusty holes. pm'd you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Luthor on September 07, 2013, 10:59:35 am
Got 3 Ikea folding bar stools needing a new home

like these: (

Sheffield S11 pick up

If these are still available I'd love to pick them up next week please Lex

Yep, that's fine mate. Monday night any good? PM if you need my number.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on September 10, 2013, 01:57:35 pm
got 2 or 3 1kg bags of unopened easi-filler (like powder pollyfiller but better) going free, collect from hazel grove stockport
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: PATRuL on September 14, 2013, 04:12:53 pm
Most OTE's and a few random others

Collection nr Cambridge
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on September 30, 2013, 07:25:07 pm
Slimming down my DVD collection so...anyone want some climbing DVDs?

Prefer to shift them as a job lot, Leeds wall / Yorkshire crag etc collection...

West Coast Gimps
Gone West (Devon / Dartmoor etc)
Dosage Vol 1

PM if interested.

EDIT: No takers for West Coast Gimps - anyone want it?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on September 30, 2013, 08:10:08 pm
Yes that sounds interesting - the less polished stuff is often the best. PM'd you. Thanks.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on October 01, 2013, 02:14:35 pm
America the Beatiful NPS pass - This covers entry to all national parks and some state parks (this includes most of the major climbing areas). We'd both signed it and its worn off (it has space for two signatures). Expires Apr 2014.

I also have a generic cr*p monopod.

Both in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Stubbs on October 01, 2013, 02:29:36 pm
Word I'll take the National Parks pass off your hands, off to Yosemite and Beeshop in November (hopefully the national parks will be reopened by then)!

Not sure I'm going to be down before then - can I PM you my address and offer a small donation for postage?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wood FT on October 01, 2013, 02:37:25 pm

I also have a generic cr*p monopod.

Both in Sheffield.

i'll take the monopod off you, it'll go nicely with my generic crap tripod. At the foundry tonight if you're in/near?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on October 01, 2013, 10:32:19 pm
Stubbs I'll stretch to a stam ( PM me), if you can avoid signing it then it might even do for someone else too.

Guy I live near so let me know next time you're there and it's yours.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wood FT on October 03, 2013, 09:11:19 pm
Stubbs I'll stretch to a stam ( PM me), if you can avoid signing it then it might even do for someone else too.

Guy I live near so let me know next time you're there and it's yours.

sorry Paul only just saw this, will let you know.

Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on October 04, 2013, 09:48:34 am
Word up shortie could do with a phone charger at work, so of anyone has got an iphone charger going begging, the older type for an iphone4, holler at me.

I did just buy a cheapo nonbrand on from ebay but the fucking thing doesn't work.....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on October 11, 2013, 09:04:59 pm
Tvonics freeview box. Scart only. S10 etc
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on October 11, 2013, 09:06:56 pm
Word up shortie could do with a phone charger at work, so of anyone has got an iphone charger going begging, the older type for an iphone4, holler at me.

I did just buy a cheapo nonbrand on from ebay but the fucking thing doesn't work.....
Don't they charge off a usb cable?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on October 11, 2013, 10:53:25 pm
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Sidehaas on October 12, 2013, 07:10:28 am

Got a red 3 seater sofa, available free to collect from derby in a couple of weeks, anyone interested?   Its about 6-7 years old,  from argos/homebase.  Can send photos if wanted.   Si
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on October 13, 2013, 06:20:43 pm
Word up shortie could do with a phone charger at work, so of anyone has got an iphone charger going begging, the older type for an iphone4, holler at me.

I did just buy a cheapo nonbrand on from ebay but the fucking thing doesn't work.....

did apple ever do the fake charger amnesty thing?

get a real one in exchange for a fake or summat like that?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ducko on October 15, 2013, 09:45:08 pm
Double mattress free reasonable condition - abergele
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Doylo on October 15, 2013, 09:47:52 pm
You worn it out?  ;)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on October 25, 2013, 10:13:21 am
Two tyres going free, collect from Sheffield...


Also have a double bed divan going spare, will be posting that on Freecycle in the next few days.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: kc on October 29, 2013, 09:28:22 pm
Cot bed

Several years old, clean and in a reasonable condition. Missing a couple of bolts that should be easy enough to replace.

Much like the one shown here it will convert from a cot to a bed. You can have the mattress too. (

Pick up from S11.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: AndyB on November 05, 2013, 08:40:33 am
Ikea dining room table, as new. Free. Needs picking up from offices just off eccy road... its roughly 1m by 2m.

Like this one: (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: joe cook on November 05, 2013, 10:31:51 am
Can I take the table please?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: AndyB on November 05, 2013, 11:01:53 am
Sure - have PM'd you...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Gritlad on November 05, 2013, 12:39:50 pm
Anyone got a keyboard (Elton john style) around sheffield, dont mind paying a not if its a decent one?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on November 05, 2013, 01:08:00 pm
Anyone got a keyboard (Elton john style)

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on November 08, 2013, 11:24:11 am
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on November 10, 2013, 10:27:25 am
Clearing out stuff.....


One Summer
Stone Monkey
Hard Grit
Stick It


For all those with rose tinted glasses (,2.0.html) about the quality of magazines in days gone by....

High Issues 73 (December 1988) through to 122 (January 1993) (previously owned by nai (;u=2982))*
Climber & Hill Walker Issues November 1988 through to March 1992 (some gaps, also previously owned by nai (;u=2982))*
On The Edge Issues 109 (July 2001) through to 143 (December 2004/January 2005 the last issue).
Rock (now defunct quarterly Australian magazine ( Issues from 2005 to 2006 61, 64, 65, 66, 67 & 68
Friction Issues 1 (2004) through to 18 (2008, although missing 16)

If these aren't claimed I'll see if any of the Sheffield walls want them otherwise they'll be recycled around xmas.

* I've flicked through these quickly and lazily snapped pics and articles with my phone that I'll post to the relevant threads when I've got some time (don't have the time or inclination to scan them I'm afraid).


Sun Ultra 10 (incl. keyboard & mouse) (

No idea of processor or RAM, bequeathed to me by a colleague around 2007 when they upgraded.  Likely still has the original Sun OS on it, but can't remember ever booting it up.


From Sheffield.


Please PM me if interested (;sa=send;u=1471).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on November 12, 2013, 08:57:46 pm
Two crash mats, covered in blue plastic tarp, gym stylee.
They measure approx 5' x 9', about 18" deep but quite soft now.

They're battered but serviceable, side of one tarp has split along length (think the velcro closure's knackered) and just needs stitching up. They started life as proper gym crash mats. Would suit woody garage etc. I forgot to take a photo, will do next time I'm there, may be a while though if weather's good this weekend.

On their way to a tip very soon if not taken off our hands.

Pick up from Macclesfield. PM me if interested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on November 19, 2013, 02:37:48 pm
George Foreman:


Sheffield, near Foundry. I'd like to get rid of this quickly if at all possible.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on November 21, 2013, 06:16:15 pm
Now gone.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on November 21, 2013, 06:26:06 pm ( (

I find it surprising no-one wants crash mats like these under their woody but if they're not taken soon they'll be binned. Pretty expensive when new.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on November 26, 2013, 08:55:23 pm
I'd take them but postage to Aberdeen probably not worthwhile
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on November 26, 2013, 08:58:29 pm
Battery pack and charger for power devil drill. PDD2197k is model but you would hope there was some crossover with other models. Drill is knackered shame to just bin the rest if anyone needs it
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Gritlad on November 26, 2013, 09:08:54 pm
Could you not give the drill to your brother in law? minus the power pack?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wood FT on November 26, 2013, 09:50:34 pm
will never get tired of that
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on November 27, 2013, 08:48:07 am
Back of the net!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: fatboySlimfast on November 27, 2013, 09:28:34 am
Baby gate, wooden with fixings. haas to be attached to wall/fame etc but clips on and off fully.

baby fire safety grate thing (

need shifting this week, location sheffield ish
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on November 29, 2013, 11:28:57 pm

A couple of New Naturalists I have duplicates of - they are Bloomsbury reprints in good nick.

'Insect Natural History' by A. D. Imms, and 'A Natural History of Man in Britain' by H.J. Fleure and M. Davies

Collect from Dronny or meet me in Sheff centre, and I don't mind posting at cost
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on November 30, 2013, 10:01:25 am

A couple of New Naturalists I have duplicates of - they are Bloomsbury reprints in good nick.

'Insect Natural History' by A. D. Imms, and 'A Natural History of Man in Britain' by H.J. Fleure and M. Davies

Collect from Dronny or meet me in Sheff centre, and I don't mind posting at cost

yes please
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: reeve on November 30, 2013, 08:47:22 pm
I have some old friends to give away. All :sick: serviceable but either rigid stem or just a bit used. They'd suit someone putting together their first rack who's a bit skint. Collect from Sheffield. Sizes 1.5 to 3
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on November 30, 2013, 08:51:00 pm
I too have some old friends to give away. Still of use to the right person, but quite middle-aged and set in their ways and we've just grown apart so might need a real enthusiast to take them on. Lib Dem voters need not apply, suited to someone with a more yoof-ful agenda.
Available for collection Manchester and Stockport.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on November 30, 2013, 08:56:10 pm
I have some old friends to give away. All :sick: serviceable but either rigid stem or just a bit used. They'd suit someone putting together their first rack who's a bit skint. Collect from Sheffield. Sizes 1.5 to 3

I'd take these if they're still available. Based in Sheffield and keep telling myself I'll get out and try some trad instead of clipping bolts...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: reeve on November 30, 2013, 09:15:19 pm
All yours James. PM'd you
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on December 16, 2013, 12:03:46 am
Does anyone have a 2 into 1 (or 3 into 1) HDMI splitter/adapter?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: sjw on January 01, 2014, 02:02:35 pm
Having a sort out. Prana trousers, dark green, size small (30" waist), few scuffs and that but no holes...I don't mind dropping them in the post.

[edit] now gone [/edit]

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: psychomansam on January 02, 2014, 09:34:04 pm
Flat screen TV. Small. The sort of size of a computer monitor.
+ a freeview box.

Collection only from Walkley.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on January 03, 2014, 04:57:31 pm
1m square pine table.

Epson R200 printer (no leads, not been used for years, don't know if it works)

Both Sheffield S10. Need collecting next few days if anyone wants...

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: clgladiator on January 04, 2014, 01:58:04 pm
Flat screen TV. Small. The sort of size of a computer monitor.
+ a freeview box.

Collection only from Walkley.

Sent you a PM re the TV
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on January 07, 2014, 12:13:40 pm
Got 3 boxes of old climbing mags:


obv this is only a selection but there is some quality in there! Pick up in Hathersage
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on January 07, 2014, 12:26:29 pm
I might keep these they are great! Definition of the Adam Long 'Flash':


ps the covers aren't all of Craig Smith in skin colored lyra tights...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on January 07, 2014, 12:34:29 pm
sorry OT:

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wood FT on January 07, 2014, 12:53:22 pm
now that is advertising, I'm sold.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: psychomansam on January 07, 2014, 04:23:25 pm
Flat screen TV. Small. The sort of size of a computer monitor.
+ a freeview box.

Collection only from Walkley.

This was taken yesterday. Incidentally, I wasn't in but the other half told me it was taken by 'a weedy student'.  ;D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on January 07, 2014, 04:26:21 pm
Some US Climbing Mags, all 5-10 years old. Not sure which, will need to sort through box.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wood FT on January 07, 2014, 04:37:43 pm
Flat screen TV. Small. The sort of size of a computer monitor.
+ a freeview box.

Collection only from Walkley.

This was taken yesterday. Incidentally, I wasn't in but the other half told me it was taken by 'a weedy student'.  ;D

that's spot on if it was clgladiator but probably unintended
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Gritlad on January 07, 2014, 04:58:38 pm
Twas me guy  ;D weedy but not a student.
Incidentally I can't get my Xbox to work on the tv so its again free for anyone willing to collect  :(
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on January 08, 2014, 02:01:49 pm
Xbox 360 Controller (aftermarket, wired)
Xbox 360 media remote control (aftermarket, a bit shit but does the job). - I'm fairly sure that heavily using the 360 as a media box was what caused it to get the RROD (just out of the extended warranty, bummer).

Collect from S3 / The Foundry. They'll be disappearing shortly either way.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on January 13, 2014, 11:03:37 am
Offered: electric guitar and amp

Guitar is cheap Fender Telecaster copy in sunburst-y type colour, think it's a hybrid of 2 guitars fixed together by my Dad (who's in a band and does this kind of thing). Amp is a generic rectangular thing, think it's about 25 watts - fine for use in house as a practice amp.

I re-strung the guitar a year or two ago, and the amp comes with a lead to connect to the guitar.

Getting rid as a result of impending baby.

Leeds  / local walls and crags pickup only. You've got until the weekend and then it goes to the tip.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on January 13, 2014, 11:13:23 am
Surely there are local charities who will take it off your hands? Don't bin it!

Quick google ( (

must be others.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on January 13, 2014, 02:05:29 pm
Good shout Chris - cheers, will sound them out if there aren't any takers on here.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on January 13, 2014, 02:24:34 pm
if nothing else I'm sure a charity shop would love it, anything but landfill!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on January 13, 2014, 02:37:48 pm
BHF will collect such shizzle (

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on January 16, 2014, 11:02:49 am
got a Yak canoe spraydeck, size Large.  no idea how I came to have it, never owned a canoe..

Looks like it's been repaired a couple of times but is intact.

Collect in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 21, 2014, 06:48:51 am
we're hopefully moving house in a month or so, so I am starting to give away stuff

pick up from Heeley - I'm giving it away rather than ebaying because I don't want the hassle of packing and posting

two ELC wooden trikes with trailers - good condition

like this

one red scuttle bug (fold up trike) - good condition


a pair of La Sportiva K3 mountaineering boots - only used a few times on snow and ice and in snowboard bindings twice, hardly any signs of wear - probably worth a donation to mountain rescue by the recipient

size 45, but on the small size. I take a 45 mostly (sometimes 46) and my toes touch the end - making front pointing uncomfortable for me, which is why they haven't been used.

I've had these for about 15 years - they were a display pair from a shop window. the rubber over the toe is sort of cracked/perished, but still all there
rigid boots that work very well with step in crampons

review (

not the actual boots, but identical

pair of roof bars with brackets that fasten on to roof rails - from Nick at Work's cursed car (can't find the post that says what kind of car it was). well worn, but working

tropical freshwater fish
one male dwarf gourami, four harlequins, one large neon tetra, one (maybe two) assassin snail(s). all from a healthy disease free tank
some plants from the tank as well
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on January 21, 2014, 08:34:39 am
Lagers you reckon the boots would fit a G who takes a uk 9.5/10 in trainers? If so I got a mate in prison who was woefully undershod last time he was in the mountains in snow who might try them.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on January 21, 2014, 09:30:08 am
Anyone with a small (or pending) binlid who hasn't got a scuttlebug take his hand off. Ours has had so much use from our 2 that the wheels are wearing flat. Packs flat for taking in car on hols etc.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 21, 2014, 09:40:59 am
Lagers you reckon the boots would fit a G who takes a uk 9.5/10 in trainers? If so I got a mate in prison who was woefully undershod last time he was in the mountains in snow who might try them.

they are quite bulky, so getting them into prison will be painful

I'll PM you
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on January 21, 2014, 09:45:28 am
Power Mac G5 Quad 2.5GHz 12 0r 16gb RAM (can't quite remember) In original box, all start up discs paperwork etc present. also os 10.4 tiger discs. no hard drive.

downside, will not start up. History - when i got my new computer I wanted to transfer the video card from this into the new one but being in a bit of a rush I pulled the graphics card out intstead. It popped straight back in but i heard something break off and when I tried to start it up again it wouldn't.

So if you are good at fixing things or need spare parts PM me.

Bit of a long shot this but can't bring myself to take it to the dump, so if anyone is in the mood to try and resurrect it collect from Sheffield, or if local I could deliver - PM me
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on January 21, 2014, 09:46:16 am
Lagers you reckon the boots would fit a G who takes a uk 9.5/10 in trainers? If so I got a mate in prison who was woefully undershod last time he was in the mountains in snow who might try them.

If they don't work out you can have your Asolo's back if you want them, I got some Scarpas for my Peru trip.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on January 21, 2014, 09:46:36 am
Bake a shoe cake?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on January 21, 2014, 11:22:38 am
Anyone with a small (or pending) binlid who hasn't got a scuttlebug take his hand off. Ours has had so much use from our 2 that the wheels are wearing flat. Packs flat for taking in car on hols etc.

Lagers - what Chris said...can I take the Scuttlebug?

Not sure what my plans are this weekend, could feasibly get a trip down to The Peak / Sheffield wall if you fancy a climb as well.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 21, 2014, 12:54:26 pm

Lagers - what Chris said...can I take the Scuttlebug?

Not sure what my plans are this weekend, could feasibly get a trip down to The Peak / Sheffield wall if you fancy a climb as well.

it's yours

it doesn't take up much room when folded so it could be sent via the crash pad relay service

I hope to be out stroking scrittle at the weekend
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 21, 2014, 03:40:56 pm
Power Mac G5 Quad 2.5GHz 12 0r 16gb RAM (can't quite remember) In original box, all start up discs paperwork etc present. also os 10.4 tiger discs. no hard drive.

downside, will not start up. History - when i got my new computer I wanted to transfer the video card from this into the new one but being in a bit of a rush I pulled the graphics card out intstead. It popped straight back in but i heard something break off and when I tried to start it up again it wouldn't.

So if you are good at fixing things or need spare parts PM me.

Bit of a long shot this but can't bring myself to take it to the dump, so if anyone is in the mood to try and resurrect it collect from Sheffield, or if local I could deliver - PM me
I'm game, got a G4 which I may be able to swap bits from.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 24, 2014, 06:36:40 am
next up in the great Starfish household give away

Lascal Buggy Board

we haven't cut down any of the straps and have the extension bits, so it will fit 99% of pushchairs

the quick release clips work fine

also got the strap that holds it up when not being ridden

we got it second hand, but the rider decided she liked the independence of walking - so not used a great deal by us

these have enough clearance for the drivers toes to go underneath - makes life easier

pick up in Heeley

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nic mullin on January 25, 2014, 11:27:58 am
Got a double mattress going spare - sprung type, bit lumpy but in reasonable condition, would be fine for under a board.

Vax turboforce 2000 watt vacuum cleaner (upright, bagless type) that needs a new brush assembly but is otherwise fully functional. This is the bit you'd need to buy: (

Also got a single, unmatched right foot Salomon Super Mountain Guide 9 - fully rigid B3 leather mountaineering boot, compatible with step-in crampons. The left one was misplaced on the way back from an Alps trip some years ago. Used for a few trips to Scotland in winter and several summer alps trips, but still plenty of life left. Some wear to the sole, and usual scratches/scuffs on the upper, but basically good condition. If you're a size 8 and were stupid enough to lose a right boot but held onto the left, this is your lucky day.   

All items in Walkley, can deliver within Sheffield or meet up at a crag in the vicinity. Taking everything to the tip next weekend if nobody wants it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Monolith on January 25, 2014, 01:32:26 pm
Got a big stack of past editions of Architecture Today magazine, some Pritzker prize catalogue/s, other architectural periodicals etc. Too large a collection to post but anybody can pick up from me in Wirral if desired.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nic mullin on January 25, 2014, 02:59:25 pm
Forgot to add, also have a pair of Shimano M110 SPD shoes in euro size 40, some cosmetic wear, and bits of the yellow faux-leather covering around the hole where you put your foot in have persished due to age (I bought them sometime in the late 90s) but plenty of life in them. They no longer fit me, plus I haven't ridden clipped in for about 15 years, so free to anybody who might use them.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 25, 2014, 05:12:58 pm
just found this in the cellar - MSR XGK II multi fuel jet stove


not used for 20 years or so

compares favourably with the newer version (

I'm pretty sure all the bits are with it - including fuel bottle and wind shield

ideal if you're skint and headed to somewhere adventurous
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on January 25, 2014, 05:38:09 pm
Got a big bag of boys clothes, all clean and quality. Probably suit 1 to 2 year old, collection in Stockport asap before they go to charity shop
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Somebody's Fool on January 25, 2014, 06:22:11 pm
i'd be keen for the stove if it's still going?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Sarnian on January 25, 2014, 06:40:57 pm
I too am keen for the stove if Somebody's fool doesn't take it, I live in Sheffield if that sways anything.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 26, 2014, 08:09:20 am
the stove is gone

if for any reason they decide they don't want it, I'll offer it to the next person (in chronological order)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 26, 2014, 10:57:11 am
pair of replica Indian cavalry swords with scabbards 

these are cheap replicas designed for the tat market, but with a bit of sharpening they would do for a homicidal rampage

would go well on the wall of a pirate captain's cabin

the blades have a pretty pattern on them

the hand guards could do with a polish


over 16s only
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on January 26, 2014, 11:30:15 am
Do you have any stuffed mammals going? Preferably small woodland ones.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 26, 2014, 11:47:37 am
not yet
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 26, 2014, 11:58:35 am
Lagers wins the award for most random giveaway yet. Do tell how you came to have these? Were they your pride and joy on display on the wall in your front room?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 26, 2014, 12:07:12 pm
bought from 2 separate car boot sales when I was about 13 and liked killing stuff

cost £3.50 and £4.something

same as the bottom one in this pic


suitable for sabre rattling
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 26, 2014, 12:10:00 pm
swords now gone

really hoping that they are not going to be used for a grade settling duel
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 26, 2014, 12:13:30 pm
Do you have any stuffed mammals going? Preferably small woodland ones.

Thanks in advance.

only stuffed animals are a piranha, a puffer fish and a dried starfish - I'm keeping all of them
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rich d on January 26, 2014, 03:33:19 pm


only stuffed animals are a piranha, a puffer fish and a dried starfish - I'm keeping all of them
[/quote] you should start moisturising then Lagers.
Which nutter took the swords? Just so I don't make the mistake of giving them negative karma at any point in the future.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on January 26, 2014, 03:42:19 pm
bought from 2 separate car boot sales when I was about 13 and liked killing stuff

cost £3.50 and £4.something

same as the bottom one in this pic


suitable for sabre rattling

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 27, 2014, 07:33:51 pm
it was interesting to find out that when browsing the site using tapatalk on a tablet in a very public place - the NSFW pics just show up like any other picture
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on January 29, 2014, 01:46:27 pm
A few old guides:

Borrowdale 1978
Langdale 1980
Paul Nunn selected peak (hardback)
Geoff Cram et al selected lakes (hardback)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on January 29, 2014, 07:24:15 pm
Can I take the paul nunn guide.  Happy to pay postage.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on February 08, 2014, 02:16:50 pm
G4 PowerMac 867MHz
Pretty old but fully working
1.5Gb RAM, two 75GB HDDs. DVD-R

Running OSX 10.5.8 (latest version that will run)
iLife09, AdobeCS2, iWork 09

Mouse, keyboard, no monitor.

Collect from S10.

Could do with a new motherboard batt to remember the time

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: funsized on February 09, 2014, 03:15:06 pm

Is the mac still available? I live in Sheffield, so would be able to pick it up whenever suits you....

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on February 10, 2014, 12:11:11 pm

2 desks going at work - in Sheffield.

Clearly its only the desks and not any of the gumpf on them.

Red desk on trestles 80 by 120 ( few bits of the red laminate have scabbed off in places) (

other desk 60 by 120 (

free to collect from Oakbrook Road in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on February 10, 2014, 02:33:19 pm
messaged you about the desks Sam
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on February 10, 2014, 02:38:12 pm

Desks now gone.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on February 18, 2014, 06:39:37 pm
Free to a good home - old climbing guides and a couple of walking books.

Rock Climbing In The Peak District - Paul Nunn
Rock Climbing In Snowdonia - Paul Williams
Cockfax Yorkshire Limestone - Mick Ryan
Southern Sandstone - Dave Turner
Walks In Snowdonia - Don Hinson
AA Pub Walks and Cycle Rides in Yorkshire & Yorkshire Dales
Arrapicare a Cala Gonone (Sardinia sport guide) - Corrado Conca


Ideally I'd shift them as a job lot to save hassle, Leeds area / walls pickup.

I'll give it until Sunday but if noone's interested they'll go to the charity shop.

DM if interested.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on February 18, 2014, 08:23:09 pm
Books now gone.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on February 19, 2014, 09:53:31 am
Don't give up TTT, one day you will climb again. One day you will sleep again!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rginns on February 19, 2014, 10:26:05 am

AA Pub Walks and Cycle Rides in Yorkshire & Yorkshire Dales

Alcoholics anonymous pub walks?
Nice concept... :pissed:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: funsized on February 20, 2014, 05:05:16 pm

I have a free mouse to collect from Nether Edge. I don't think its a door mouse, just the regular variety. It doesn't look very used, but it is very jumpy. Ideally the collector would live at least three miles away because apparently that's how far you need to remove them from a property to ensure no return.

No cat owners please.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SpanishJuan on February 28, 2014, 11:26:17 pm
I have a free mouse to collect from Nether Edge. I don't think its a door mouse, just the regular variety.
I'd only be interested if its a yellow necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) I already have house and wood mice ;-)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: reeve on March 02, 2014, 04:08:12 pm
I have an old ice axe (DMM predator) with adze, and a pair of unidentified rigid crampons in a nauseatingly pink bag. Not sure where I got either from but were almost certainly second hand to me. Probably only of real interest to someone who is trying to get some winter kit together and is very skint.

Collect from Heeley, Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Willy on March 03, 2014, 06:02:41 pm
Would be interested in the ice axe and crampons, I'm in heeley so could pick them up pretty easy.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: reeve on March 03, 2014, 08:54:36 pm
I think you might have been beaten to them by PM I'm afraid Willy. Pending collecting though so I'll let you know if it changes.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wood FT on March 03, 2014, 09:09:42 pm
I have an old ice axe (DMM predator) with adze, and a pair of unidentified rigid crampons in a nauseatingly pink bag. Not sure where I got either from but were almost certainly second hand to me. Probably only of real interest to someone who is trying to get some winter kit together and is very skint.

Collect from Heeley, Sheffield.

don't do it Reeve, Ama Dablam ground up 2015 c'monnnnn
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on March 08, 2014, 10:09:13 am
Got an old (late nineties) Santa Cruz Heckler MTB rotting in the cellar. It's about a 16.5" frame I think, 100mm travel from coil shock and Manitou x-vert forks. Utterly neglected, not ridden for six years, bit mouldy, seatpost stuck in frame, no disk mounts I think. Will check. But, the right person could give it some love and sort it out I reckon. Free to a good home. In Sheff, S10.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on March 10, 2014, 09:15:19 am
If you get no takers send it here? (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on March 10, 2014, 10:42:26 am
Good call Chris, Cofe these lads will take it off your hands (

Same/similar setup. Non-profit etc. Just off London Rd.

Gave them my old lava-dome in the end and they were well grateful.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on March 10, 2014, 10:44:55 am
Good call Chris, Cofe these lads will take it off your hands (

Same/similar setup. Non-profit etc. Just off London Rd.

Gave them my old lava-dome in the end and they were well grateful.

 :agree: my friend gets his bike serviced there too as its just round the corner from him.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dolly on March 10, 2014, 11:10:56 am
Garden shredder which seems to have jammed.
I'm fairly sure that if you want it and can be bothered to take it apart it can be unjammed
Collect from S8
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Norton Sharley on March 17, 2014, 05:35:35 pm
HP 5610 printer fax scanner full working order S11
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on March 22, 2014, 03:50:09 pm
two grape vines

one is "Golden Champion" variety and the other is possibly the same, but I can't be sure

both about 10 yrs old and have been producing fruit

been growing in a greenhouse, but with my penchant for throwing stones I have had to dismantle it

both are planted in the ground at the moment

I can help with digging them up if anyone fancies having a go at transplanting them

in Sheffield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on March 22, 2014, 05:13:53 pm
Two large (aprox 10ft by 5ft ish) 18in thick pieces of foam suitable for a woodie.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on March 22, 2014, 07:16:04 pm

two grape vines

one is "Golden Champion" variety and the other is possibly the same, but I can't be sure

both about 10 yrs old and have been producing fruit

been growing in a greenhouse, but with my penchant for throwing stones I have had to dismantle it

both are planted in the ground at the moment

I can help with digging them up if anyone fancies having a go at transplanting them

in Sheffield

This sounds like a cunning ruse to dig up Lagers Japanese knotweed ;)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rginns on March 22, 2014, 10:31:21 pm
Two large (aprox 10ft by 5ft ish) 18in thick pieces of foam suitable for a woodie.
Ooh yes please if still available
Will need to arrange transport
Do you have a time limit?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on March 23, 2014, 08:17:24 pm
Two large (aprox 10ft by 5ft ish) 18in thick pieces of foam suitable for a woodie.
Ooh yes please if still available
Will need to arrange transport
Do you have a time limit?

I was going to skip them but if you can collect then ASAP please. They are in a garage that is due to be demolished.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on March 23, 2014, 09:01:26 pm
Might be keen if rginns can't get them soon enough for you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rginns on March 23, 2014, 10:54:30 pm
Working away, then have funeral on friday is next Saturday ok?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on March 24, 2014, 03:54:44 pm
Working away, then have funeral on friday is next Saturday ok?

Yes fine - you mean the 5th yes?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rginns on March 24, 2014, 04:38:22 pm
Working away, then have funeral on friday is next Saturday ok?
Yes fine - you mean the 5th yes?
Was hoping for 29th if possible?
Will have confirmation of trasport tomorrow if that suits?
cheers Shark
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rginns on March 31, 2014, 12:25:53 pm
Thanks for the foam Shark, I can now get rid of the skanky mattress set up...
Slightly better return time of 1hr 20 to get back!
Thank you!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on March 31, 2014, 12:48:10 pm
Garden shredder which seems to have jammed.
I'm fairly sure that if you want it and can be bothered to take it apart it can be unjammed

You been trying to do a "Fargo" with it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on April 05, 2014, 05:18:31 pm
Pure evoke 1-xt in Sheffield.

Its basically a bit dickie.. works fine for a random amount of time but then freezes..I.e sound stops, the scrolling info stops and the buttons no longer work.  Looks like some sort of software crash.  Unplug and replug it in and off you go again.

Someone might be able to fix it. . There is a usb connection at the back and I vaguely recall something in the manual about updates for the firmware.

Anyway. . Free to collect from sharrow, Sheffield.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on April 05, 2014, 08:54:10 pm
Yes please. Will pm you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on April 06, 2014, 12:44:25 pm
Standard Def CRT Sony Trinitron TV. 27"? 4:3 screen.

Great picture, good sound, slight damage to RH speaker vent. Silver colour, not too hideous to the eye but it weighs a lot.

Free to a good home, pick up in Sheffield (Sharrow, S7). PM me.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on April 06, 2014, 03:20:37 pm
Yes please. Will pm you.

No PM received  :shrug:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on April 06, 2014, 03:33:19 pm
Lexmark 5305 printer going en Leeds. LS6/7. Not 100% it works, but if you bung some ink in you will find out. Has just sat about unused for the last couple of years - cheaper to print at uni.

Has a scanner on it and stuff like that.

Looks like this (

Pick-up would be best, but possibility of wall drop off (depot, leeds wall)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Ali on April 07, 2014, 06:45:50 pm
Anyone want a double mattress & a single one to use with a home board? We were given them when we built ours but haven't used them as we were lucky enough to be given some proper matting. Available for collection in Cheshire (nr Helsby).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: sjw on April 07, 2014, 08:10:50 pm
I have a pair of (drumroll please) V10s in 'not bad' condition, UK9, that are free to a good home. I would prefer them to have an appreciated home and not just end up with someone after a free pair of shoes to trash at the wall (sadly, they're the wrong size to join Stubb's ever increasing artillery of 5.10's (are you opening the collection for public viewing soon?)) so they are there for the taking. Collect from Stockton-on-Tees (yes, I know), or I don't mind putting them in the post. Photo here: (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on April 07, 2014, 08:40:36 pm
You got mail....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: sjw on April 07, 2014, 08:44:10 pm
V10s gone to dave.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on April 08, 2014, 12:33:57 am
Stockton-on-Tees gone to the dogs
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on April 09, 2014, 06:55:49 am
Sony tv now gone.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on April 30, 2014, 12:09:57 pm
Got a few DVDs to give away after the Wideboyz masterclass.

If anyone wants a copy of Wideboyz and a couple of BMC "Essentials" DVDs (Rock Climbing Essentials and Climbing Wall Essentials) then give me a shout.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on April 30, 2014, 12:55:13 pm
I could take the widebuoys off your hands.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on April 30, 2014, 01:55:22 pm

It's yours. See what happens this weekend vis-a-vis boulderage otherwise I'll bung it in the post for you.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on April 30, 2014, 02:38:15 pm
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 19, 2014, 08:33:09 pm
Maclaren Techno XT buggy

well used, but fully functional

it has the after-market hinge covers

probably got the rain cover too

pick up 10 mins from Burbage
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 19, 2014, 10:07:44 pm
For any new Dads out there (i'm looking at you Fj  :thumbsup:) might be handy to leave at the Grandparents, saves you carting your one over every visit.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on May 20, 2014, 10:09:10 am
Can I have the buggy Lagers please?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 20, 2014, 11:16:13 am
it's yours
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on May 20, 2014, 02:19:33 pm
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Grubes on May 21, 2014, 07:53:07 am
medium size dog cage
I have given up trying to sell this so available for free,22611.0.html (,22611.0.html)

It could easily fit a toddler and a few toys if you are suffering the terrible twos  :whistle:

Available for collection from hudds
or I could meet in leeds/sheff if you give a small donation to yorkshire air ambulance/CAC
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 27, 2014, 03:53:53 pm
TP kids swing seat, needs a frame to suspend it from. Older version of this kind of thing (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on May 27, 2014, 04:36:34 pm
Still got a small Freeview box, scart only, any takers?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on June 04, 2014, 06:11:50 pm
Our kitchen is getting ripped out on Monday. The units are wood effect and dated but in good condition. A friend is having a couple of them but the rest will be skipped unless anyone wants them.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on June 06, 2014, 09:05:05 am
Half a u-bolt up for grabs if anyone wants it? Last known location keyhole cave
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on June 06, 2014, 09:09:10 am

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on June 06, 2014, 03:37:50 pm
Shark will you have a bit of work top left? Looking at about 200 wide x usual dimensions
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on June 06, 2014, 04:12:58 pm
Shark will you have a bit of work top left? Looking at about 200 wide x usual dimensions

Should have. I'll set it aside and let you know when you can pick it up.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on June 06, 2014, 06:08:47 pm
Genius cheers ;D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SteG on June 11, 2014, 10:22:27 pm
Various climbing DVDs being cleared out as I no longer have a DVD player.

Dosage 1 through 5
Between the trees
On sight
Winter sessions
Stick it
Some old petzl compilation thing from 2005

Also have Captain of Crush 1.5 if anyone is remotely interested before I give it the local charity shop.

Collect from central London or i can deliver to rubicon/raven tor in early July.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on June 11, 2014, 10:26:59 pm
Wow...can I take BTT, Onsight and Stick It please?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SteG on June 11, 2014, 10:42:44 pm
Wow...can I take BTT, Onsight and Stick It please?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on June 12, 2014, 06:38:34 am
I wouldn't mind the Dosage DVDs please but am in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SteG on June 12, 2014, 08:26:07 am
I wouldn't mind the Dosage DVDs please but am in Sheffield.

Could you pick them up from rubicon in a couple of weeks?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on June 12, 2014, 08:29:25 am
I reckon so, have sent you a message.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on June 12, 2014, 08:48:22 am
I'd be a Rubicon pickup too (am in Leeds but could come down).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SteG on June 12, 2014, 10:31:13 am
Sounds good. Will PM you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 12, 2014, 12:19:46 pm
Can I take winter sessions and rampage?

Not in London or Peak, but do you ever go near Tavistock Square, my brother works there.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 12, 2014, 12:24:22 pm
2 x Canon batteries NB-4L one original Canon, one a copy version. Plus charger V04484. From an IXUS 30, now dead. You can have the camera as well if you want a shot at fixing it. Can post.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on June 12, 2014, 12:27:33 pm
I think that's the same battery as our sx220 takes, so yes please

edit - my mistake, it takes the 5L

ignore this

carry on
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 12, 2014, 12:31:13 pm
Tentatively gone to Lagers - check and confirm with PM address? You want charger too?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on June 12, 2014, 12:38:12 pm
realised that it's not the right battery
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 12, 2014, 12:40:17 pm
Oh well, still up for grabs then.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SteG on June 12, 2014, 12:42:59 pm
Can I take winter sessions and rampage?

Not in London or Peak, but do you ever go near Tavistock Square, my brother works there.

Great. I can drop them by Tavistock sq. one lunch time. I'll PM my details in a bit so we can arrange.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on June 12, 2014, 04:29:37 pm
Could I take the captain of crush please?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SteG on June 12, 2014, 07:06:12 pm
Could I take the captain of crush please?

Good man, it's yours. PM me for delivery details.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on June 13, 2014, 01:29:08 pm
Ive got a decorative stone circle thing - thats been clogging up the alleyway at the side of my house for the last year that used to be in the front garden.  Unfortunately its not natural stone - like concrete slabs - a few squares that make up the centre then some angled pieces to make up a circle around it - (

similar to that - but a bit more 'wickes'

cant quite remember how it looks

21 slabs in total I think

Pickup in Greystones S11.....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on June 13, 2014, 01:58:30 pm
Ive got a decorative stone circle thing - thats been clogging up the alleyway at the side of my house for the last year that used to be in the front garden.  Unfortunately its not natural stone - like concrete slabs - a few squares that make up the centre then some angled pieces to make up a circle around it - (

similar to that - but a bit more 'wickes'

cant quite remember how it looks

21 slabs in total I think

Pickup in Greystones S11.....

what sort of size are the slabs?

I have no desire to build a circle, but could do with some slabs to stabilize the river bank at the far edge of the estate - I was going to buy some cheap and nasty shite from b and q, but free and wickesish would be fine
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on June 13, 2014, 02:05:31 pm
they're 45cm by 45cm - theres two that are square slabs - two half moon ones that went in the middle - then quite a few that are shape i cant describe...
you okay to take them all though  :)

you could make something nice from the rest of them!! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 13, 2014, 02:23:53 pm
could do with some slabs to stabilize the river bank at the far edge of the estate I was going to buy

Do we refer to you as Lord Lagerstarfish now? Have you got somone to do something about ther drainage in the lower field?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on June 13, 2014, 03:43:21 pm
they're 45cm by 45cm - theres two that are square slabs - two half moon ones that went in the middle - then quite a few that are shape i cant describe...
you okay to take them all though  :)

you could make something nice from the rest of them!! :thumbsup:

yeah, I can take all of them

I'm not far away from you

I'll PM you
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on June 13, 2014, 03:54:21 pm
thank fudge - slabs gone...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on July 09, 2014, 12:48:21 pm
This is being given away at work. Anyone want me to nab it for them? (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on July 09, 2014, 01:56:23 pm
Just a cartridge or a full projector?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rginns on July 09, 2014, 04:12:50 pm
If it's a projector then yes please!
Got a shit load of club slides that I can't display ...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rich d on July 09, 2014, 04:33:28 pm
If it's a projector then yes please!
Got a shit load of club slides that I can't display ...

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on July 09, 2014, 04:33:52 pm
If it's a projector then yes please!
Got a shit load of club slides that I can't display ...

Just the Carousel I'm afraid...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rginns on July 09, 2014, 05:05:20 pm
Nice club jpg rich d...

No worries, cheers Tom!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on July 17, 2014, 08:00:24 pm
12 piece platinum rim dinner set (4 x bowls, side plates, dinner plates).

Unwanted raffle prize. Clearly quality stuff as it's hand wash only  ;)

S8 based.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lukeyboy on July 18, 2014, 08:12:32 am
Bookcase - was on gumtree ( but happy to give away.


Collection only from Bristol, needs to be ASAP next week.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: deacon on August 15, 2014, 02:27:15 pm
Anyone want a double mattress for your board? Not bad nick so would be fine for an actual real life bed too  :)
Pickup North Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on August 18, 2014, 11:11:31 am
I've got a BT telephone system ie a number of handsets and switchboard thingy suitable for a small company. I bought it 10 years ago and it was taken out 4 years ago.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on August 18, 2014, 11:28:17 am

I might be interested in the telephone system.

I can swap for an extendable ladder!!  ;)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on August 18, 2014, 12:07:22 pm

I might be interested in the telephone system.

I can swap for an extendable ladder!!  ;)

I'll bring it home for you to pick up
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on August 18, 2014, 12:21:30 pm
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on September 01, 2014, 08:26:23 pm
Nearly full Aptonia ISO drink powder, red berry. (650g) Decathlon own brand. Just stocked up on SIS so this will not get used. I'm not going to pretend this is lovely, it is drinkable and the price is right if there are any riders on a tight budget out there! Collect from Broomhill.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on September 08, 2014, 06:07:23 pm
Moon Bouldering shoulder bag (like this ( but in red / black)

The stitching on the front zip has come apart over a 2 inch length or so and it's a bit dusty, otherwise it's fine.

Collection from Sheffield (S8) would be easiest.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: account_inactive on September 09, 2014, 10:56:17 pm
I'd love that Chris. Will PM you
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on September 15, 2014, 08:54:20 pm
Nice dark brown leather armchair, located in Dronfield, needs collecting ASAP. Fits in the back of an estate. Good nick, the odd slight cat scratch.
Very similar shape to this, but not shiny: (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on October 03, 2014, 11:24:58 am
Angle grinder, jigsaw and circular saw. All 240v. Collect from Chesterfield or meet me in Sheff one lunchtime.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: butters on October 03, 2014, 12:01:16 pm
Angle grinder, jigsaw and circular saw. All 240v. Collect from Chesterfield or meet me in Sheff one lunchtime.

Wouldn't mind the angle grinder and circular saw - can't collect till Monday though if that is an issue.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on October 03, 2014, 04:31:21 pm
I've got a load of fancy car cleaning products that came with the car (and the last car).

I've scavenged the stuff that'll be of any use to me but I'll never be washing the fucker myself so if they're of use to anyone then they can have them. They come in nice case things too by the way which could be quite useful.

Pick up from Woodseats or I can leave em at The Works.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on October 06, 2014, 10:24:13 am
What is this "car cleaning" of which you speak?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Grubes on October 07, 2014, 09:13:12 am
What is this "car cleaning" of which you speak?
Its what happens when it rains
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on October 07, 2014, 11:39:34 am
It's what I pay someone to do while I go for a pint at The Broadfield.

underground has baggsied the cleaning products as he uses in house child slave labour to make his car shiny.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on October 17, 2014, 09:32:01 pm
I've got a 1000mm b and q wall cabinet carcass in decent condition if anyone would like it. Collect from Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on October 24, 2014, 08:38:13 pm
Angle grinder, jigsaw and circular saw. All 240v. Collect from Chesterfield or meet me in Sheff one lunchtime.
@butters - got your VM but didn't catch the number, PM me and I'll call round on the way home from work next week
Someone was after the jigsaw too, still here, I'll check in a bit and sort something out.

Right, these items might not be to everyone's taste but might be worth attending to with a sledgehammer if you need some fill for a hole in the ground!

Moulded concrete water feature - 2 levels and displays 2 otters happily playing in a waterfall. No pump to add to the realism I'm afraid as I broke it ripping it out.

Moulded concrete bird bath. Looks exactly like a tree.

2 x Moulded concrete avian objects, very lifrlike representations of nesting doves that have fallen in a tin of white emulsion
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on October 31, 2014, 03:09:19 am
6x4 shed. Coming down on Saturday and needs collecting before the next weekend.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: will_s87 on October 31, 2014, 08:04:41 am
double bed base, devan style. No drawers,

collect stoke
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ed brown on October 31, 2014, 03:33:00 pm
System board.

8'x8' with a mix of wood and resin holds.
Works at 45 degrees for your average Font 7C wannabe;-)
Pick-up from York
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: TMR on October 31, 2014, 06:33:21 pm
yhm regarding system board
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on November 08, 2014, 07:09:52 pm
Full size Pool table. Slate bed. Legs come off. Rickety and warped but still good fun to use. Balls and cue available too. Also have a small table tennis table top that can rest on top as well.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on December 19, 2014, 01:52:12 pm
print copy of this years Fell and Rock Journal (2014, No. 84)

pick up in Sheffield

if no one wants it I'll probably take it down The Works so Dense can flick through it while he drinks coffee
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on December 19, 2014, 04:48:05 pm
I've always said you look like a good egg :P
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: grumpycrumpy on December 21, 2014, 11:36:30 am
For the young wad in your life .......

1 x pair Quechua rock slippers size 12.5

1x pair Mad Rock slippers size 4.5

I x Kids Camp Harness 

Free to a good home ....... They can either be collected from me in Nether Edge or from The Works, as I occasionally drag my sorry ass down there .........
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Delbert on December 21, 2014, 04:43:38 pm

We'd love to have the kids Camp harness if its still available. We're ok for shoes though thanks. I'm newly registered, a friend told me about your post, and not sure of the system. We're in Crosspool and I take the kids to The Mini Works on Mondays.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on December 21, 2014, 05:03:18 pm
we'd like the shoes -both pairs if they're available

reminds me that I need to sort through ski stuff

and it'd be good to see you Grumpy
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: grumpycrumpy on December 21, 2014, 08:34:20 pm
Consider them yours .........

Delbert, I'll drop the harness off at the Mini Works next monday, please send me a pm with the name I should leave it under ........

I can drop yours at your house Lagers or, if you fancy a pint at t'Broadfield,  there, sometime over the festive period ........
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: abarro81 on December 26, 2014, 01:06:56 pm
Got an old electric guitar that's been sat in my dad's house for years. Has case, some spare strings etc but no amp.. Anyone want it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: neilslim on December 26, 2014, 01:36:09 pm
I'd be more than up for taking the guitar off your hands if still available?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: abarro81 on December 26, 2014, 01:49:38 pm
Yup. Where are you based? I'll be back in Sheffield from Sunday
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: neilslim on December 26, 2014, 03:02:08 pm
Mighty Rutland! Will be in Sheffield sunday though, so can arrange pick up if still ok?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: csurfleet on January 07, 2015, 01:14:57 pm
Don't suppose anyone has a chest of drawers lying about they don't need? The better half is taking up residence so to counter the loss of any remaining freedom I'm installing places for her to put things  :wub: :wavecry:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 10, 2015, 05:17:07 pm
Full sheet of 18mm ply. The water resistant one. Been outside under a tarp for a while so got water marked. Still sound but I'll probably get a fresh sheet when I finally get around to doing the project I bought it for. Pick up from Broomhill with a van or car with roof bars
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 10, 2015, 07:02:42 pm
Nai is after a sheet of ply - I've alerted him to the offer
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on January 10, 2015, 07:05:40 pm
*Screeches into thread and applies handbrake

I'd like it if possible and have suitable transportation.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 10, 2015, 07:48:44 pm
Its yours. Pm me about collection.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 10, 2015, 09:35:35 pm
I love it when a plan comes together
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on January 10, 2015, 10:00:08 pm

I love it when a plan comes together

Which A team character would you be in the UKB re-make?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 10, 2015, 10:01:46 pm
the one-off love interest

Murdoch with a cooking and eating obsession armed with welding kit - unless Houdini returns to take up the role
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on January 10, 2015, 10:06:27 pm
I think there's more mileage in the ukb judge Dredd remake...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on January 10, 2015, 10:25:41 pm
You're such a crazy fool.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on January 10, 2015, 10:32:51 pm

Lagers gets first dibs, as per his other thread, but I have a 2ft by 8ft sheet of ply, sandtexed and T-nutted that I want rid of.  Nether edge area.  Can drop off as I have roof bars if its around sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on January 11, 2015, 10:27:22 pm
Couple of items offered:

1 IKEA Billy bookcase in light brown/beige (i.e standard issue Ikea colour). Own an item of furniture Previously owned by not one but two UKB members!

3 x IKEA Benno CD/DVD racks in Beech (I.e Ikea dark brown).

All need collection from Leeds/Bradford kinda area (BD14 to be more precise).

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on January 12, 2015, 11:26:23 am
I've got a Metolius Wood Grips compact fingerboard I no longer need if anyone wants to pick it up from S7
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 12, 2015, 12:12:16 pm
I've got a Metolius Wood Grips compact fingerboard I no longer need if anyone wants to pick it up from S7

if this is still available, I'd like it for my low budget secret training facility
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Grubes on January 12, 2015, 12:23:45 pm
TTT was about to go buy a bill in the near future.
I will take it off your hands.

will it fit in the back of a ford focus?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on January 12, 2015, 12:29:10 pm
You're welcome to it Grubes - as for whether it'll go in the back of a Focus...I should imagine so, but check the Ikea website for dimensions and shit I guess.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on January 12, 2015, 12:37:25 pm
We've got some kitchen cupboards - dated but solid. Probably useful for a utility room or garage.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on January 12, 2015, 12:37:30 pm

You're welcome to it Grubes - as for whether it'll go in the back of a Focus...I should imagine so, but check the Ikea website for dimensions and shit I guess.
normally easy to pull ikea stuff apart..
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Grubes on January 12, 2015, 12:41:00 pm

You're welcome to it Grubes - as for whether it'll go in the back of a Focus...I should imagine so, but check the Ikea website for dimensions and shit I guess.
normally easy to pull ikea stuff apart..
yea just thiinking about the length of the sides.

how quickly do you need it gone?
I think if should fit in the focus flat packed. Billys are not that bulky.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on January 12, 2015, 12:41:21 pm
Full size Pool table. Slate bed. Legs come off. Rickety and warped but still good fun to use. Balls and cue available too. Also have a small table tennis table top that can rest on top as well.

Still available BTW
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on January 12, 2015, 01:05:51 pm

You're welcome to it Grubes - as for whether it'll go in the back of a Focus...I should imagine so, but check the Ikea website for dimensions and shit I guess.
normally easy to pull ikea stuff apart..
yea just thiinking about the length of the sides.

how quickly do you need it gone?
I think if should fit in the focus flat packed. Billys are not that bulky.

Soon as poss really, we're on a mission to declutter / sort out house now Xmas is out of the way.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Grubes on January 12, 2015, 01:09:40 pm
are you free wednesday night?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on January 12, 2015, 01:19:36 pm

You're welcome to it Grubes - as for whether it'll go in the back of a Focus...I should imagine so, but check the Ikea website for dimensions and shit I guess.
normally easy to pull ikea stuff apart..

Yeah it's the putting it back together after it's been "pulled apart" that's the problem.  ;)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: csurfleet on January 12, 2015, 01:24:28 pm
Grubes, you up for a trip to the depot on Weds? I'll give you a hand with the book case on the way :D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Grubes on January 12, 2015, 02:10:35 pm
will see if I can convince tes to feed and play with ana and let you know
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on January 12, 2015, 02:18:50 pm
will see if I can convince tes to feed and play with ana and let you know

Weds night sounds like its gonna be WILD!!! Shelf taking down and transportation party! WHOOOOP! Lock up yer daughters and barricade the doors...


(I shall be washing my hair)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Grubes on January 12, 2015, 02:23:16 pm
says the married bloke with the bad back. you got a cane yet?

Saying that I am nearer to 30 than 25 now, might as well just give up now. (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on January 12, 2015, 02:30:31 pm
says the married bloke with the bad back. you got a cane yet?

Saying that I am nearer to 30 than 25 now, might as well just give up now. (

Sorry - took me a while to respond, was just changing my bag. Now what was that? *presses nose against screen*
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on January 12, 2015, 04:05:46 pm
Yeah, I'm around Weds night. Will text you my details Luke.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on January 16, 2015, 02:09:13 pm
Quite literally a free cycle. :D

This has been lying in the croft behind MrsTT's house in S.Manc probably for over a year looking at it. Origin unknown... If anyone wants to hoik it out and take it away be my guest.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 31, 2015, 12:39:38 pm
I've got a pair of those powerline plug things, supposed to be 85mbps but I couldn't get a tenth of that. State of the 2006. Free to anyone who want them...
like this... (

Collect Broomhill/works etc.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nic mullin on February 06, 2015, 09:29:03 am
Got a fridge going spare, the kind that is meant to go in a fitted unit, but this is just the fridge bit.

Approximate dimensions 60cm wide, 55cm deep, 82cm high.

Full working order.

In Walkley, either you can collect or I'm happy to drop it off in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on February 06, 2015, 11:05:00 am
Sounds ideal for installing in a mancave
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on February 14, 2015, 02:27:49 pm
For all you runners out there...

Macpac ultramarathon rucksack.

Bought it in the late 90s and has been used on and off as a general day sac.

still in quite good nick.

sits low on back and the hip belt and straps ensure it doesn't jiggle about 

Sheffield/works etc


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 02, 2015, 12:18:53 pm
box of magazines

a dozen or more Good Homes mags a load of scapbooking mags - probably other similar stuff for you craft folk

collect from S11
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: bigtuboflard on May 10, 2015, 07:46:51 pm
Right. Hopefully my new bike project will be arriving in the next month so need to clear some space for it. Hence my On One Inbred singlespeed bike is up for grabs. Yes. For nothing. So long as it goes to a good home and not get scrapped I'll be happy.

It's size 16.5" so suit up to around 5' 9". Almost new wheel on the front, nice and light and is probably one of the nicest riding bikes I've owned. Well used but good kit on it and great alternative to a full suspension bike to hone your skills and fitness.

Pick up from Hathersage.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: highrepute on May 10, 2015, 10:28:51 pm
Right. Hopefully my new bike project will be arriving in the next month so need to clear some space for it. Hence my On One Inbred singlespeed bike is up for grabs. Yes. For nothing. So long as it goes to a good home and not get scrapped I'll be happy.

It's size 16.5" so suit up to around 5' 9". Almost new wheel on the front, nice and light and is probably one of the nicest riding bikes I've owned. Well used but good kit on it and great alternative to a full suspension bike to hone your skills and fitness.

Pick up from Hathersage.
I would feel almost guilty taking that off you for free. But I'd love to have it! Sent you a pm
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on May 29, 2015, 01:17:50 pm
Got a LOT of old climbing mags. From early 70s to modern. Also 20-30 old climbing guides.

Project record player - cracked cover but last time I used it it worked well.

50+ vinyl LPs. Some classical, some other (Floyd, Stones, T Rex, Queen, Beatles) some blues etc (Thelonious Monk, Fats Waller, Bessie Smith, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday...)

A little bit of more modern shit: Roots/Reggae: Champion Sound, Mikey Dread Pave the Way, Iration Steppas, Phuture assasins Roots n Future, The Trojan story (triple box set) Dr Alimantado Best Dressed Chicken in Town (worth it for the cover alone)

Couple others: Enter the Dragon Sound track. Doyen D The Money Shot - as featured on Stick It? "Mr Fantastic grab the mic and blast it, Northern scum, loud mouth, fat bastard..." Classic bit of 2000s UK hip hop (it's the dirty version) If pos I would like to get a digital copy of this...

All going in the skip unless anyone keen. In Hathersage.  Will prob mention the mags on UKC as well.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on May 29, 2015, 01:46:21 pm
Surely someone charity will take the vinyl off you? Whatever you don't landfill it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: butters on May 29, 2015, 01:49:07 pm
I will take the vinyl - no way that is going in a skip.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on May 29, 2015, 01:54:43 pm
To be honest it would have only been the mags in the skip - the vinyl would have gone back into my mums loft along with the record player so that whenever I went up there I could look wistfully at them and try to justify getting the big stereo back into the front room... But even better if someone actually may play them - butters let me know when you may be heading Hathersage way or I may head Works way at some point.

The mags are quality - enjoy reading them from time to time but they are taking up about 4m of book case.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cowboyhat on May 29, 2015, 02:03:21 pm
The mags would make a great digitising project for someone, maybe my assistant when I win the lottery.

I don't have space either mind, Zone 2 etc.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Johnny Brown on May 29, 2015, 02:26:02 pm
There might be a bonus 12" of The Real thing opener Marmion: Schoneberg in there somewhere, I've only got the sleeve.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on May 29, 2015, 03:17:29 pm
There might be a bonus 12" of The Real thing opener Marmion: Schoneberg in there somewhere, I've only got the sleeve.

nope. What were you doing getting a tune like that? Are any of the things listed yours?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on June 05, 2015, 12:57:18 am
I'd love the turntable if it's still kicking about... PM coming
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Xan on June 10, 2015, 05:48:17 pm
I've got a big old-school TV looking for a new home. The screen is big, but the depth is quite hefty too! Full working order, with cables etc. Comes on a stand. Needs a digibox to get actual TV channels - we've just been using it for DVDs.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: luckyjez on June 11, 2015, 01:31:01 pm
Likewise, I have a Philips CRT television and stand (with glass shelves not shown in photo). Usual CRT downsides but a high quality picture.
It's currently in Mansfield but I can get it to Hathersage for collection or could potentially deliver it to Chesterfield or Sheffield areas.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on June 21, 2015, 05:58:50 pm
Substantial pile of old joists, beams and planks from demolition that could be used for firewood. Collect from Broomhill before it gets skipped
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on June 21, 2015, 07:53:24 pm
You too paranoid to burn them yourself?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Xan on June 22, 2015, 08:36:04 am
Would anyone want a double futon? No cover.. We've had it for the van, but not really using it enough and it's just taking up space...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Xan on June 22, 2015, 01:28:03 pm
Ah, looks like the futon is going to a new home already. (Can't edit, sorry!)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cowboyhat on June 23, 2015, 01:54:25 pm

Used Rab Summit Jacket in Black with matching black tape, size L. In ok condition - I was given a replacement.

Its an earlier model from maybe 15? years ago so from before the build quality dipped. Hasn't been used for about the last four years or more since I was bought a new one. Hung onto it for the Mrs to use but she hasn't.

North London but can deliver Sheffield/ Peak.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: fatneck on June 24, 2015, 10:52:43 am
I PM'd you re the jacket Cowboyhat. Did you get it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cowboyhat on June 24, 2015, 10:55:24 am
Just now yes. I'll respond.

(Fatneck was the first person to message me so he is the winner).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: iain on June 24, 2015, 12:03:46 pm
I've got a kiddies slide (not rated for adult size kids) and a basketball hoop up for grabs. Based in Sheffield for pickup or could meet at a peak crag.

The slide's about 10ft long, best mounted 4-5ft-ish high.

House not uncluded.

PM me if keen.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on July 18, 2015, 12:20:53 pm
Petrol mower. Left at my house by the previous owners. It works. I've used it a few times but prefer the cut of the electric one I own. Prob just needs a service and blades sharpening.
It's in my way so it's going out on the kerb soon.

Pick up only (too big for post box). Ls20
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on July 18, 2015, 12:49:06 pm
I'm in for the mower Andy. Royalty job? Does it start?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on July 18, 2015, 12:49:36 pm
Rotary not royalty. Bastard phone.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on July 18, 2015, 01:21:32 pm goes round and
I'd best find you a pic...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on July 18, 2015, 01:28:18 pm

50 quid on eBay! I'm a man of my word though. Free to you TT   :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on July 18, 2015, 02:28:00 pm

50 quid on eBay! I'm a man of my word though. Free to you TT   :)

Put it on eBay Man! It is also not the type.. (After a spinning helicopter style rather than combine harvester one) or gumtree.. More luurcal - pick up etc..
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on July 18, 2015, 05:24:58 pm
Nah, needs to go. They don't use those spinning ones at wimbledon darling. It's going on the kerb next weekend if anyone wants it/wants to sell it
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on July 24, 2015, 09:29:03 am
Mower gone.

Wickes professional cordless drill. Bit temperamental. Would suit a young gun in their early forays into diy
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Will Hunt on July 26, 2015, 12:51:18 pm
My mate is keen to take that drill off your hands. He's just moving into his first house. I need to pop over to Guiseley today anyway so can collect if you're around. Give us a bell if you're in.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on July 26, 2015, 04:12:22 pm
Will has been and raided my man cave so the drill has gone. It's now available on eBay if anyone's still interested  ;D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on August 18, 2015, 12:18:32 pm
Substantial pile of old joists, beams and planks from demolition that could be used for firewood. Collect from Broomhill before it gets skipped

Still available
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on August 18, 2015, 01:20:08 pm
Nearly at Guy Fawkes? Although I would stay clear of bonfires if I was you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on August 21, 2015, 11:55:42 am
Rockworks fingerboard, come and collect from S11.(
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on August 21, 2015, 12:04:16 pm
Rockworks fingerboard, come and collect from S11.

yes please

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on August 21, 2015, 12:40:48 pm
Done. Hit me up, will need collecting before Monday. You got my mobile no?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on August 21, 2015, 12:45:03 pm
can't find your number

PM me and I'll speak to you later

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: GraemeA on August 24, 2015, 01:08:02 pm
Atacama speakers stands, 24 inches high. No idea what model they are but they are heavy with lovely sharp spikes  :)

Apollo hifi stands, 3 glass shelves, 17 1/2" x 171/2". The whole unit is 28 1/2 high. More spikes.

Collect from my house, S8, or if you give me a day's notice from The Works.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on August 27, 2015, 12:03:11 pm
OK last call for all the old timber joists and boards for those with woodburners.

If you live close to Broomhill I will even drop it off - otherwise its going to the Council recycling centre

Also a large outside rabbit hutch. Roof needs covering / waterproofing.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on August 30, 2015, 06:04:04 pm
Decathlon Btwin kids bike. Green one. 14inch wheels. May be able to find the stabilisers. Tatty but works. Sheffield.

Possible other outdoor/garden toys for toddlers if I can persuade others to part with them.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on September 03, 2015, 06:49:02 am
Atacama speakers stands, 24 inches high. No idea what model they are but they are heavy with lovely sharp spikes  :)

Apollo hifi stands, 3 glass shelves, 17 1/2" x 171/2". The whole unit is 28 1/2 high. More spikes.

Collect from my house, S8, or if you give me a day's notice from The Works.

Graeme, I'd be keen to take the stands if you still have them.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: kc on September 10, 2015, 12:29:10 pm
Replaced the loft ladder with a staircase, so I have a spare 3 section aluminium loft ladder going.
Sheffield 11.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on September 10, 2015, 12:45:08 pm
Replaced the loft ladder with a staircase, so I have a spare 3 section aluminium loft ladder going.
Sheffield 11.
Yes please, would be handy. Will PM you about collecting.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on September 10, 2015, 01:32:59 pm
Telescoping ladder is better for routes?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on September 13, 2015, 12:35:31 pm
Still got the big sheet of exterior ply if its of use to anyone? Nai? Water marked but sound.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on September 13, 2015, 12:49:39 pm
if nai doesn't want the ply, I'll put it to good use

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on September 13, 2015, 04:00:15 pm
if nai doesn't want the ply, I'll put it to good use
its yours Lagers. Its was a while back Nai asked for it. I doubt he still needs it. Can you collect?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on September 13, 2015, 04:09:07 pm

can collect one night this week if that suits?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: GraemeA on September 18, 2015, 12:57:48 pm
Dave - yep they are yours, they are in the lock-up at the Works ready for collection
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on September 18, 2015, 02:18:20 pm
Damn! I thought graham had gone teetotal and was donating his wine collection
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on September 18, 2015, 05:05:42 pm
Dave - yep they are yours, they are in the lock-up at the Works ready for collection

Hey, Graeme, that's great. Thanks.

Will pick up soon.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on September 22, 2015, 02:34:32 pm
two empty, non refillable helium tanks (F50 size) - recyclable steel according to the markings

the safety discs have been punched out as per manufacturers instructions, but Sheffield council's waste disposal/recycle contractors won't accept them

ideal vessel for creating a couple of improvised explosive devices

collection from S11 until I get a chance to smuggle them into NE Derbyshire - where the council does recycle them
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on September 27, 2015, 12:08:14 pm
Pair of Koflach Clima plastic boots (not even sure if plastics are still a thing?), UK 6 I think with a pair of yeti gaiters. 25 years old and unused for 20. They seem sound, could last years but might fall to bits first time they're used.


Soft beginners snowboard boots, euro 40, relative babies at around 12yrs old, unused for maybe eight.


Ski/snowboard helmet, small, about 10 years old. Not suffered any major impacts, seems OK but have replaced it due to age, probably fine if you're not a worrier.


Collect from s17.

Sent from my XT1068 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on September 28, 2015, 07:44:00 am
I'd be well keen for the snowboard boots, only ever board on my wife's old thing when we have snow here and not really into squeezing into her size 5s anymore.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nic mullin on September 29, 2015, 08:49:59 pm
I'm interested in the plastic boots if still available...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on September 30, 2015, 08:43:23 am

One Summer
Stone Monkey
Hard Grit
Stick It (video & case!)
Stone Love

Collect in Sheffield or will post if at your expense.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on October 04, 2015, 11:49:18 am
Free to a good home - old IKEA TV stand.

Measures 63cm x 44cm x 40cm. Has a couple of dings and scrapes from numerous house moves.

Pickup from BD19 or potential rendezvous in Yorkshire / Leeds / Peak / Sheffield.

TV, XBox etc not included!

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andyd on October 04, 2015, 01:57:36 pm
Are you parting with this because it has now become a hazard?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on October 04, 2015, 09:16:42 pm
Nah, we're just having a massive clearout so it needs to go one way or the other.

It'll be replaced by our much nicer, much more 'vintage' wooden chest.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: bigtuboflard on October 05, 2015, 06:43:21 am
Got a Burton/Red HiFi snowboard helmet, size large in white going, it's coming to that winter season so make sure you protect that delicate head of yours. Pick up from Sheffield or Peak District.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on October 05, 2015, 09:44:52 am
Got a Burton/Red HiFi snowboard helmet, size large in white going, it's coming to that winter season so make sure you protect that delicate head of yours. Pick up from Sheffield or Peak District.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

good idea

It's probably time that I started wearing a helemet

I can pick up in Sheff - PM me your contact details

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: bigtuboflard on October 05, 2015, 05:45:55 pm
Message sent...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on October 05, 2015, 08:30:44 pm

It's probably time that I started wearing a helmet

There you go
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Concretesnail on October 10, 2015, 07:22:19 am
Any body want a double nmatress for a home board? I havent got space for a home board so its going begging or its off to the local recycle place.
North staffs/leek way for collection. Though if youre local i can come to you as its an easy fit in the van.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on October 15, 2015, 07:52:23 am
Computer desk, collect from S17.


Sent from my XT1068 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on October 15, 2015, 06:10:07 pm
How about a printer to go with that!

canon mx410
fully working (surplus from work)

Sheffield/works etc


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on October 15, 2015, 07:18:38 pm
How about a printer to go with that!

canon mx410
fully working (surplus from work)

Sheffield/works etc

Sam, I would be very interested in the printer! I'm down at the Broady/Nether Edge. Would go well with my recent cast off PC from Lagers  :)
Can obviously collect.

Dave T.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on October 15, 2015, 08:17:47 pm
its yours dave.. I'll pop it round some time.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on October 15, 2015, 09:16:39 pm
its yours dave.. I'll pop it round some time.

Sam, thanks, that's great. I'll make you a decent coffee  8)

My mobi number 07935333012

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Duncan campbell on October 15, 2015, 10:52:31 pm
Looking for a cheap/free shitty bike for bezzing round Sheffield on limiting time spent travelling maximising life time... Anyone want rid of a bike?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on October 16, 2015, 07:17:53 am
How about a printer to go with that!

canon mx410
fully working (surplus from work)

Sheffield/works etc

Sam, I would be very interested in the printer! I'm down at the Broady/Nether Edge. Would go well with my recent cast off PC from Lagers  :)
Can obviously collect.

Dave T.

the PC came to me from Sam in the first place
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on October 16, 2015, 09:24:29 am

 :lol:  (I did wonder!)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on October 16, 2015, 09:27:47 am
its yours dave.. I'll pop it round some time.

Sam, thanks, that's great. I'll make you a decent coffee  8)

My mobi number 07935333012

Okey dokey, I'll text you.  It'll probably be sometime this weekend if you're around
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tlr on October 26, 2015, 06:09:10 pm
Anyone want a ski/snowboarding helmet?

Giro 99, size medium, 55-57cm head apparently.

In Dore, Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: kc on October 28, 2015, 02:18:21 pm
50/50 free standing fridge freezer Beko about 10 years old. Still working but the fridge does ice up from time to time and a bit of cracked plastic on the freezer draws.

Zanussi cooker much like the one in the link but older. Still functions but the clock and timmer buttons are jammed.

All new kitchen so these appliances have been replaced with new integrated stuff.

Sheffield 11.
Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on October 28, 2015, 05:39:42 pm
Just moved house so got a shit load of cardboard boxes spare. Come and get em before they hit the recycling. Mainly brown, cuboid, various sizes, would be ideal for storing stuff in, or tramp hotels for homeless midgets at a push.

Sheff S11
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on November 27, 2015, 10:22:57 am
Dyson upright cleaner. Works fine but the handle is broken so effectively only the pipe is useable. Would be fine for garage workshop etc. Tried repairing it several times. Want rid so be quick.
Collect S10.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Nigel on November 27, 2015, 11:02:50 am
I'll go for that Toby, need a new one, my hoover just started shooting sparks out. Tried to fix that but everything's a sealed unit these days  >:(
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on November 27, 2015, 01:16:08 pm
loads of dyson spares on ebay... virtually any component available and usually very easy to dismantle and fix.  I've replaced the motor and hose on mine for not much money.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on November 27, 2015, 01:18:24 pm
my hoover just started shooting sparks out.

Sounds like an improvement! Can you get mine to do that?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Nigel on November 27, 2015, 02:42:13 pm
my hoover just started shooting sparks out.

Sounds like an improvement! Can you get mine to do that?

You wouldn't want it to be honest, having them playing in the house gets a bit wearing.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on November 27, 2015, 02:45:48 pm
This house ain't big enough for the both of them.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on December 01, 2015, 05:26:36 pm
Microwave going free, Sharp, 800w, about 10yr old but all working except a couple of segments on the display are fading. Bit marked on outside but basically all gravy. Collect from S11.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on December 01, 2015, 06:04:52 pm
I'll have!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: metal arms on December 02, 2015, 10:05:22 am
Bit marked on outside but basically all gravy.

That should just wipe off I reckon
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on December 02, 2015, 10:46:52 am
Bisto is a bastard to get off you know.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on December 02, 2015, 10:47:26 am
Argh, Bisto.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on December 04, 2015, 11:37:15 am
Strap on bike rack.  used on my astra and mondeo estates though fairly generic fit.

Sheffield / works / peak

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tlr on December 06, 2015, 04:36:54 pm
Marantz SR4200 AV Receiver, fully working, old but decent surround sound Amp.

Eltax Liberty centre speaker, good condition.

Collection from Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on December 06, 2015, 05:35:00 pm
Marantz SR4200 AV Receiver, fully working, old but decent surround sound Amp.

Eltax Liberty centre speaker, good condition.

Collection from Sheffield.

That sounds really interesting. Will happily take it. Is it one item? I'll pm you my number  ;D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DubDom on December 09, 2015, 06:33:02 pm
Anyone know how to get a hold of some netting anywhere, the sort that rope access companies rig?
Bit random, I know.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: erm, sam on December 09, 2015, 11:15:49 pm
Sam, can you get 4 bikes on your bike rack? And do bikes jump off it randomly mid drive?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on December 10, 2015, 08:56:17 am
Anyone know how to get a hold of some netting anywhere, the sort that rope access companies rig?
Bit random, I know.


What size?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on December 10, 2015, 12:10:01 pm
Sam, can you get 4 bikes on your bike rack? And do bikes jump off it randomly mid drive?


Erm, We used to get 4 on - but he kids bikes are bigger now, Not sure, we'd have to try.  I always used the spare straps to tie on the outer most bike to prevent modification of the bike via a process of being bounced down french roads at 60mph.

Your welcome to have it.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: erm, sam on December 10, 2015, 05:28:50 pm
I belive the process is also know as ablation.
If you don't mind keeping it until we next meet then I would like it please.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DubDom on December 14, 2015, 04:27:14 pm
Anyone know how to get a hold of some netting anywhere, the sort that rope access companies rig?
Bit random, I know.


What size?

Hi Chris
As long as I can get it into the back of my car, I'll take it!!! If it's a wee scrap, I'll gladly take whatever is available

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on December 15, 2015, 09:26:55 am
I think I have some that's about 2m x 1m that was in the back of our Peugeot to hold stuff down. Trouble is our garage is a total midden, would take me a week to find. There's some on the top of our no longer used recycling box? Only about 1/2 m square though.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DubDom on December 27, 2015, 05:56:14 pm
Hi Chris

thanks very much for the offer - I don't want to put you through the hassle. I'll keep a look out for a bit, I'm sure that I'll turn some up!

thanks again

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 08, 2016, 06:14:48 pm
got some furniture that needs a home - I can get pics at the weekend, but need rid soon

couple of swivel office chairs - one fabric, one pretend leather, both worn, but working

large 2 seater sofa  - brown suede with fabric cushions - very comfy, good condition

chunky wooden dining table and 4 chairs - solid things

old chest of drawers - nowt special

pine double bed frame - Argos thing - been repaired in one corner, but you cant see when a mattress is on

all in S8
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: AlistairB on January 08, 2016, 06:51:25 pm
got some furniture that needs a home - I can get pics at the weekend, but need rid soon

PM sent
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 08, 2016, 07:59:18 pm

chunky wooden dining table and 4 chairs - solid things

still available
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on January 09, 2016, 08:14:02 pm
Simond Kids Climbering boots.

Velco fastening.

uk kids 10 or eu 28.

Barely worn. Sheffield.  Pick up at Works/Sharrow/Fulwood (work).



Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on January 09, 2016, 08:18:38 pm
Kids Decathlon Bike Helmet.

Bought last year and instantly rejected by my son so never used. Just moved from shelf to shelf at home.

Sheffield/Works/Sharrow/Fulwood (work hours).




Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 10, 2016, 08:05:31 am

chunky wooden dining table and 4 chairs - solid things

still available

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: maybe_si on January 10, 2016, 08:51:53 pm
Is any of that furniture still available?  Moving back up to the Peak after 3 years in London, renting somewhere unfurnished so in need of a double bed and sofa...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 10, 2016, 09:00:31 pm
if there's anything that AlistairB doesn't take, I'll let you know
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 10, 2016, 09:01:58 pm
got some furniture that needs a home - I can get pics at the weekend, but need rid soon

PM sent

sent you a reply  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on January 11, 2016, 07:26:08 pm

Kids rock boots now gone.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: galpinos on January 15, 2016, 11:18:51 am
Is any of that furniture still available?  Moving back up to the Peak after 3 years in London, renting somewhere unfurnished so in need of a double bed and sofa...

Still need a double bed? Queen/king (I can't remember) from our spare room going free to a good home? Three drawers for storage underneath, only really been used by guests over the last 4 years so mattress in good nick?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: maybe_si on January 15, 2016, 01:05:07 pm

Have pinged you a message, cheers
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 16, 2016, 10:08:01 am
all my furniture has gone

now available - a couple of hundred books - mostly sci fi and fantasy


and these

pick up from S11, otherwise they'll be going to a charity shop

I'd rather that someone take the lot rather than cherry pick

there will be more books later in the week
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on January 16, 2016, 10:15:06 am
Why've you got so many books? You're a library and I claim my £5
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 16, 2016, 10:43:32 am
one of my recently deceased mates left me his collection of approx 600 fantasy and sci-fi books

I'm trying to limit what I keep to books that I am likely to read - which doesn't include most fantasy 
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on January 16, 2016, 11:41:38 am
If there's no takers for the books you could contact the libraries that were closed by the council but remain volunteer run, I believe they're happy to take donations.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 16, 2016, 11:42:25 am
hadn't thought of that

nice one
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: fried on January 16, 2016, 01:17:09 pm
Or failing that, invite Fiend round for a barbecue.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on January 18, 2016, 07:54:43 pm
I've got a double bed and mattress going free if anyone wants it?

4ft6, divan style. Very good condition, used for around 9 months while I let my spare room out.

Collection from Sheffield (S8).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on January 26, 2016, 08:57:41 am
Theres a single mattress in reasonable nick going in leeds if any one is interested? Ls6. Good cor bed or board.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on January 26, 2016, 07:40:47 pm
I've got a double bed and mattress going free if anyone wants it?

4ft6, divan style. Very good condition, used for around 9 months while I let my spare room out.

Collection from Sheffield (S8).

This has gone
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on February 15, 2016, 11:13:48 am

I've got a Bosch Maxxis fridge freezer that needs a new home asap.  If its not gone by thursday it will sadly be taken to the dump.

Works perfectly except the bulb has gone (this hasn't bothered us though and they are easy to replace). It'll be a perfect beer fridge!

pics here:

Collect from sheffield s8.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on February 15, 2016, 11:26:45 am

I've got a Bosch Maxxis fridge freezer that needs a new home asap.  If its not gone by thursday it will sadly be taken to the dump.

Works perfectly except the bulb has gone (this hasn't bothered us though and they are easy to replace). It'll be a perfect beer fridge!
Collect from sheffield s8.

can't see the pics due to being at work, but pretty sure I'd like the fridge - can collect tomorrow

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on February 16, 2016, 01:35:41 pm
Just found an old, pair of Bad Rocks (the yellow ones) in size 8.5 and I'm willing to give them away for free. There's plenty of life left in them, I don't think they've been fully broken in yet so they'd be perfect for someone with a strange rubber fetish. I have a feeling i bought them new off monkey boy over ten years ago...

Anyway, anybody want them?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on February 16, 2016, 01:49:05 pm
Just found an old, pair of Bad Rocks (the yellow ones) in size 8.5 and I'm willing to give them away for free. There's plenty of life left in them, I don't think they've been fully broken in yet so they'd be perfect for someone with a strange rubber fetish. I have a feeling i bought them new off monkey boy over ten years ago...

Anyway, anybody want them?

Tell you what, give me a tenner and I'll take them off you. Whats more (is there no end to my generosity???) I'll even consider letting you pay for the postage...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on February 16, 2016, 02:02:40 pm
I can't believe you only want a tenner for them, have you no shame?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on February 16, 2016, 02:38:31 pm
Any advances on £-10? I was thinking more around the £0 mark.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on February 16, 2016, 02:43:10 pm
I'll take £5 and let you pay 2nd class postage
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Kim on February 19, 2016, 03:38:36 pm
I have a rear seat for a Fiat Doblo plus fixings/seat belts (including ones for securing a wheelchair) which has failed to sell on ebay for 99p so going free before it goes to the tip.

Also a single futon mattress, see pic, been sat in a damp van for a bit too long so probably not great for a bed anymore but would make a good cellar wall pad/sofa I reckon.


Collect from Meersbrook, ideally before weds, or could probably drop off between here and Peak.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on March 06, 2016, 11:27:14 am
Canon charger CB-2LXE for S100. Probably same as S120 etc. Lost my S100  :( so surplus to requirements.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on March 08, 2016, 03:30:49 pm
Ikea bookcase Pretty sure it's this one ( Bit of a mark on the top, easily worked-around by putting something on top of it.

Ikea shelves, tall, narrow (180cmish x 80cmish x 30cmish) open sides (the side panels are each like a tall steel arch if that makes sense), so needs big hardbacks at each end to work as a decent bookcase.

Apple Power Mac G5 Left-hand one on here ( with 17" Apple Studio display, mouse, keyboard and selection of genuine software from the era. Looks like this:  ( basically, if you imagine it's 2005 this is a seriously badass computer. Bear in mind that the monitor connects via the now-defunct "ADC" connector (God bless you Apple  ::) ) that needs an adapter (available on eBay but not that cheaply) to use with virtually any other computer ever.

B&W DM4 70s hi-fi speakers. Lovely speakers, I use my other pair everyday. The only issue with these is that one has a tweeter (or crossover, I've never investigated it) issue. Would be well worth the effort to fix- there's a tweeter on eBay for £27 posted at the moment I see. I have a 70s hifi amp that I will happily chuck in but it has a crackling issue when the volume's adjusted.

Akai S01 "classic" rackmount sampler- ideal for the masochistic retro "EDM" creator  :geek: . Mint condition!

Pictures on request. It's all in Nottingham at the moment, can easily deliver to Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on March 08, 2016, 03:53:32 pm
Word looks like the G5 is the model with PCI slots rather than PCI-X - in which case I'll take it to try my scsi scanner on. What version of OSX is on it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on March 08, 2016, 04:11:25 pm
I'll set it up when I get in tonight and confirm the details Dave. It would be great if you could make use of it.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: highrepute on March 08, 2016, 10:56:45 pm
I would like the bookshelf mike, Sheffield based. Have sent you a pm
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on March 15, 2016, 11:06:06 am
Ikea swivel Office chair- looks like this (

Still got the hi-fi speakers and sampler as in my post above too.

As before, it's all in Nottingham but nae bother to bring it to Sheffield/ Chesterfield/ Mansfield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on March 15, 2016, 11:07:49 am
Mike if you don't mind bringing it up to Sheffield with you, I'll take it
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on March 15, 2016, 11:48:48 am
It's yours Mark. I'll PM you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on March 15, 2016, 12:11:02 pm
B&W DM4 70s hi-fi speakers. Lovely speakers, I use my other pair everyday. The only issue with these is that one has a tweeter (or crossover, I've never investigated it) issue. Would be well worth the effort to fix- there's a tweeter on eBay for £27 posted at the moment I see. I have a 70s hifi amp that I will happily chuck in but it has a crackling issue when the volume's adjusted.

Would be keen for the speakers if you still have them. I'll not make it to Nottingham any time soon but I am based in the Peak (although I will be away from this weekend for 2 weeks)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on March 15, 2016, 12:17:11 pm
Would be keen for the speakers if you still have them. I'll not make it to Nottingham any time soon but I am based in the Peak (although I will be away from this weekend for 2 weeks)

 :thumbsup: I'll PM you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on March 24, 2016, 07:03:07 pm
what with the rain and all, this might be of use

I have a 2 day adult pass for Euro-Disney valid until 30/3/2016. Doesn't include parking or owt

Pick up in Milly-la-Foret or meet on the rocks where me and the kids are going if it isn't raining

Due to Richard Branson being my comms guy, I have no working SIM at the moment. I do have internet in the gite, so should get PM/DM/email etc

priority goes to my Twatter followers, obvs
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on March 29, 2016, 09:55:00 am
Few things to clear out of new house, thought id check here before going to the tip-
child gate thing to stop kids falling down the stairs, in good condition with fixings
16 white bathroom/kitchen tiles 30x20cm
About 4m of skirting board
and loads of other bits of cheap wood, might be ok for shelves or burning
Lots of extension leads
Big boxes for moving house

in s7
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on March 29, 2016, 11:06:03 am

I'll probably be interested in the skirting board! Have been looking for a piece for ages.

Around later.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on March 29, 2016, 11:11:03 am
child gate thing to stop kids falling down the stairs, in good condition with fixings

I might be needing this soon so will take it off your hands.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on March 29, 2016, 12:48:26 pm

I'll probably be interested in the skirting board! Have been looking for a piece for ages.

Around later.


Sorry Dave, I have just realised this is floorboard that slots together not skirting board :slap:
Drew I'll message you
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on March 29, 2016, 02:59:00 pm

I'll probably be interested in the skirting board! Have been looking for a piece for ages.

Around later.


Sorry Dave, I have just realised this is floorboard that slots together not skirting board :slap:
Drew I'll message you

Seriously, no worries!

Bit of a long term project anyway. I'm sure the room will survive with the gap for another 25 years!

Re edit.. wrong Mark I think! (Slap also). But thank you.
Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Stu Littlefair on April 05, 2016, 08:12:54 pm
Got a sofa bed to get rid of. Red, 2 seater. Bit dirty but fabric in good condition.

Pickup only from sheffield. (

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ashtond6 on April 28, 2016, 09:01:05 pm
( (

A sofa in the style of this chair available in Sheffield this weekend. It's basically 3 seats. In great condition! I was very shocked when I found out it was old.

To be honest I'm gutted to let it go!  :'(

(Otherwise, does anyone have anywhere I can store it for 12 months????)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on April 29, 2016, 05:35:06 pm
If anyone is in a 90s kind of mood I've got about 50 old On The Edge magazines to get rid of
and an old CRT TV and Video Player, inc scart leads etc, good for watching old climbing VHSs on
Collect from S7 please
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: psychomansam on May 04, 2016, 10:41:07 am
( (
( (
At a walkley/hillsborough location
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Grubes on May 23, 2016, 11:16:44 am
free standing woodie and holds.
8ftx2ft t-nut filled panels and a bucket full of holds

I have had a free standing woody I was given the end of last year but I have not go round to building it. I also can't get the boards into my cellar to build it.
I am now looking to sell my house and need to get the boards out of the way.

Free to a good home but need to be collected by 31st may lastest or will be left out in the rain.
Donation to YAA or holme valley MRT appreciated but not a necessity.

holds are used and you can keep the bucket too.

Collection from huddersfield, if your interested pm
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on May 23, 2016, 12:49:21 pm
( (
( (
At a walkley/hillsborough location

Thanks for the sofa, Sam, and delivering it.

It's great. Looks good in the spare room, next to the inclined bench and free weights  ;D

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on May 23, 2016, 01:47:40 pm
Large rabbit hutch and other lagomorphic accessories available
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 23, 2016, 02:26:11 pm
Large rabbit hutch and other lagomorphic accessories available

yes please - assuming it is suitable for athletic guinea pigs
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on May 23, 2016, 02:39:37 pm
Large rabbit hutch and other lagomorphic accessories available

yes please - assuming it is suitable for athletic guinea pigs

What have you been feeding them ?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on May 23, 2016, 02:42:29 pm
dandelion leaves and dried pellets

they're a bit Haydn
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Grubes on May 23, 2016, 03:13:54 pm
Woodie potentially gone thanks
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: TobyD on June 05, 2016, 12:06:18 am
Scarpa Vapour Vs 39.5
Evolv Defy 6.5 uk

both worn a bit but plenty of life I'd rather give em away to someone keen than try and flog them - free to a good home, can possibly deliver to sheffield / peak location
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: TobyD on June 05, 2016, 09:51:56 am
probably better to message me if you want them rather than replying in thread by the way.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on June 09, 2016, 06:03:40 pm
Having a bit of a clear out-

White Petzl Elios Helmet  size 2 (53-61cm)
Berghaus waterproof, size medium, bit small for me

Little flymo electric lawnmower. Looks new. Bit unnccesary for my 1m square patch of grass/moss

in S7
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Rich Armour on June 10, 2016, 06:30:33 am
Have pm'd you about the helmet
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on June 10, 2016, 09:11:23 am
Helmet has gone now
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on June 11, 2016, 10:11:38 am
Lawnmower has been bagsied
Also now have a single bed and mattress. Good condition, wooden frame, mattress is good also
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on June 24, 2016, 04:12:26 pm
Free rock salt

Homebase at Woodseats are giving away bags of rock salt

I was doing a bit of harmless flirting at the checkout and the woman asked me of I wanted some rock salt for free  - her words were "please, take all of it if you can"

in front of the store is a couple of pallets of large bags of rock salt - now with a sign on saying"free"

many of the bags are split, so maybe take a bucket or bags - plenty of them were not split

presumably this is to help deal with the frosty attitude from Europe that we are expecting for the next half century

winter is coming and the dead come with it
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on June 24, 2016, 04:24:39 pm
Oh I've missed you
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jaspersharpe on June 26, 2016, 05:54:22 pm
Helmet has gone now
Is this about Fiend being banned?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on June 26, 2016, 06:31:05 pm
Helmet has gone now
Is this about Fiend being banned?
Cameron   :wank:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on June 26, 2016, 08:49:02 pm
 I have a free rotary hand push grass mower if anyone can use it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on June 27, 2016, 08:40:06 am
Collection from Sheffield...

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: a dense loner on June 27, 2016, 08:50:38 am
If rampage was in that shot as well I'd have wadded you ten times over!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: al on June 29, 2016, 08:44:41 am
flymo going spare (its well used but in good working order) - sheffield pickup
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cowboyhat on June 29, 2016, 01:26:17 pm
Trek Mountain trail follow-on bike.

Its for kids, attaches to the back of your bike to create a sort of tandem type thing where they can pedal or not.

Its in great condition and i probably should sell it on ebay but apathy.

I have a good picture of it but its stuck on my phone, again, tv go home.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cowboyhat on June 29, 2016, 03:52:45 pm
<a data-flickr-embed="true"  href="" title="20160612_143942"><img src="" width="2048" height="1152" alt="20160612_143942"></a><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

i don't know whats worse, flickrs bullshit embed code or slacklines 'helpful' photo thread.,6411.25.html
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Matthew Ferrier on June 29, 2016, 03:52:56 pm
Small box of wood if anyone wants it (box not included).

Offcuts and knackered holds from our board. There are some pieces which may be usable for stuff but it's probably best for burning. Pickup from Sheffield S6.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Matthew Ferrier on June 29, 2016, 03:53:27 pm
Sorry for the massive image but I cba finding out how to shrink it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on June 29, 2016, 04:55:49 pm
Sorry for the massive image but I cba finding out how to shrink it.

Its written on the Wiki (

You include a width argument (in pixels) to the image markup....

Code: [Select]
[img width=1024][/img]

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Matthew Ferrier on July 01, 2016, 01:15:48 pm
Wood gone. Sorry again for the big image and thanks for pointing out how to resize it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on July 04, 2016, 03:16:58 pm
Offered: Motorola Moto E (3rd gen I think, non 4G model)

Following on from mobile phones thread - I have a shiny new G4 so my old phone's going begging.

I think it's got negligible resale value so sticking it on here to see if anyone wants it.

It's just a phone so no charger, sim, SD card or anything.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on July 04, 2016, 04:45:49 pm
If we can sort out swapping it over I'll take that off you for my nipper.  I'll drop you a PM
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on July 04, 2016, 08:18:01 pm
Nice on chief, will hold onto it for you. Might be a good excuse for a Peak jaunt soon...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: al on July 14, 2016, 01:56:02 pm
Offered: Motorola Moto E (3rd gen I think, non 4G model)
if nai doesn't want this I'll take it
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on July 25, 2016, 07:23:18 pm
Got a pair of axle stands and a creeper going free if anyone wants them?

Collection from Sheffield (S8)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on July 25, 2016, 08:03:51 pm
Flymo Micro Lite. Suitable for a small terrace lawn but not much bigger than that. Collection from S7.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: fatboySlimfast on July 26, 2016, 06:22:32 am
is there some kind of flymo death cult in the western suburbs of sheffield or are you speaking in code?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: highrepute on July 30, 2016, 10:52:55 am

Anyone want this cool box that can be plugged in to mains or lighter socket. Possibly useful to van owners on search of a non permanent refrigeration option. Originally from aldi. Sheffield based.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on July 30, 2016, 11:13:10 am
I'd like this. Not in Sheffield though, how urgently do you need it gone?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on July 30, 2016, 04:33:27 pm
I can collect today from Sheffield! Mrs T_B wants one of those so definitely interested James.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: highrepute on July 31, 2016, 11:24:34 am
I'm sorry if this is terrible etiquette but as it is logistically easier for Tom to come get it I'm going to give it to him. Sorry Duncan.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: danm on August 08, 2016, 12:03:36 pm
Got various bits of furniture etc to get rid of, can't be arsed to eBay them:

Wooden dining table: small rectangle, with 2 semicircular leaves which hinge out to seat 4-6

Ikea metal coat rack

2 person sofa, brown.

Sofa bed. The fabric cover is fairly hideous but it's a very comfortable and high quality bed.

Collect from S7, pics if you want them.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on August 20, 2016, 08:15:58 pm
Few bits of furniture. Collection from Sheffield S8

Black glass TV stand in good condition:

Cabinet - got some scrapes and scratches on sides but we used as a games cabinet in an alcove

Chair - A bit grubby and currently roughly covered in the black and white fabric.

Seems a shame to bin it all.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on August 22, 2016, 09:46:22 pm
Stuff now smashed up and dumped.
Its sad how hard it is to give stuff away sometimes!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on September 08, 2016, 10:30:11 am
I have an early 80s Pioneer hifi amp ( if anyone wants it. It's got a bit of a crackle on the volume knob but it's right towards the bottom of the range.

In Sheffield.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on September 08, 2016, 11:14:37 am
Stuff now smashed up and dumped.
Its sad how hard it is to give stuff away sometimes!

I would have given it to a charity or charity shop, some will collect, only takes a couple of calls.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wood FT on September 08, 2016, 01:25:51 pm
I have an early 80s Pioneer hifi amp ( if anyone wants it. It's got a bit of a crackle on the volume knob but it's right towards the bottom of the range.

In Sheffield.

I'll have it please Cheque, I've got two speakers in need of an amp.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on September 08, 2016, 01:45:56 pm
I have an early 80s Pioneer hifi amp ( if anyone wants it. It's got a bit of a crackle on the volume knob but it's right towards the bottom of the range.

In Sheffield.

I'll have it please Cheque, I've got two speakers in need of an amp.

It's yours Wood. I'll PM you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on September 08, 2016, 02:09:06 pm
I have an early 80s Pioneer hifi amp ( if anyone wants it. It's got a bit of a crackle on the volume knob but it's right towards the bottom of the range.

In Sheffield.

I'll have it please Cheque, I've got two speakers in need of an amp.

Going to pair them up with a Chromecast Audio ( for a cheap streaming solution?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on September 10, 2016, 07:11:20 pm
I've got 2 'aural envelope' freestanding speakers that I don't need anymore taking up space - both worked last time I used them with amp turntables etc. One has the mesh cover hanging off but you can take the other one off so they match anyway? Pickup s11...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on September 10, 2016, 08:16:05 pm
Hi Tom - Ill take them please. Let me know when good to pick up
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on September 10, 2016, 08:18:41 pm
Perfect be in tommorow evening - send me your number I'll get you my address shark
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wood FT on September 11, 2016, 01:04:26 pm
I have an early 80s Pioneer hifi amp ( if anyone wants it. It's got a bit of a crackle on the volume knob but it's right towards the bottom of the range.

In Sheffield.

I'll have it please Cheque, I've got two speakers in need of an amp.

Going to pair them up with a Chromecast Audio ( for a cheap streaming solution?

Thanks that's a good idea
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on September 11, 2016, 05:54:03 pm
You're welcome Guy.

Still got these lying around, doubt charity shops will be interested so going in the bin if no interest this time round...

Collection from Sheffield...

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on September 11, 2016, 10:38:53 pm
I've not got Stone Love or One Summer so keen for those. Will have the others as well rather than you bin them
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on September 15, 2016, 01:22:50 am
Sand going free. Could be useful for anyone doing some paving. Sheffield S7 ish.

Outside 43 Fossdale Road, there is a huge Jewson delivery sack, full of sand, and a notice saying "free sand", so I guess it's legit, and you won't get dragged away for taking some  ;D

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on September 20, 2016, 10:49:03 am
Free Henry hoover. Good working order, all the attachments, spare bags. It sucks. Has been verbally abused greatly in the past so probably looking for a calmer home. Collect from Leeds.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on September 21, 2016, 10:51:13 am
I've not got Stone Love or One Summer so keen for those. Will have the others as well rather than you bin them

Thanks Neil - I wish my dorsal fin was as handsome as that

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on September 21, 2016, 11:11:31 am
You're welcome, glad they've found a home.

Got an old pair of Boreal Cruxes I found in my spare kit bag, not worn them in about five or six years and tried them out this morning only to be reminded of why...they're too small for my feet (I'm a size 9 and these are an 8.5)....


Small nick in the toe of the left boot...


Based in Sheffield and too lazy to post, PM if interested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on September 21, 2016, 11:19:48 am
Knowing the size of the feet for which they are too small may help potential suitors ;)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on October 16, 2016, 12:21:21 pm
Nikon F80 with 28-80 lens. No battery or film but worked the last time I used it.

Road bike wheels. Pair of wheels from my Cannondale R500. Entry level stuff but would do as a pair of winter wheels or similar. Includes tyres.

Based in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nic mullin on October 16, 2016, 01:30:41 pm
I'll give the F80 a good home if still available.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wood FT on October 16, 2016, 05:24:36 pm
Nikon F80 with 28-80 lens. No battery or film but worked the last time I used it.

Road bike wheels. Pair of wheels from my Cannondale R500. Entry level stuff but would do as a pair of winter wheels or similar. Includes tyres.

Based in Sheffield.

Chris I'll take the wheels/tyres please
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on October 16, 2016, 05:32:43 pm
I'll give the F80 a good home if still available.
Chris I'll take the wheels/tyres please

Done and done. I'll PM you to sort collection.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on October 16, 2016, 11:08:03 pm
Just in case Wood FT doesn't take them for any reason, I'd have the wheels off you. Looking for upgrades to my basic commuter. Had to get one quick after mine got nicked this week.  :furious:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on October 22, 2016, 08:44:25 am
Pine Toddler bed. With mattress. Collect from S7.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on October 22, 2016, 04:45:19 pm
Black and Decker Firestorm 18v cordless. The charger no longer works so it is in perfect working order but perfectly useless unless you have a replacement charger.  No longer made so not possible to buy through normal channels. PM me if you want it otherwise it's for the skip. (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on October 23, 2016, 08:07:10 pm
Performance Power SDS drill. 240v. Its heavy and quite heavy duty. Packs a bit of a punch and may well be better as a bit of a breaker as opposed to a drill.

been languishing in the garage for a good few years.  IIRC, the motor was starting to smell a bit burney.. like the brushes were going..But seemed fine just now when I plugged it in and gave it a few quick blasts.

Nether Edge.. Works.. Sheffield.. Peak etc.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: bigironhorse on October 27, 2016, 10:00:40 pm
I've got some rear car seat covers knocking about that don't fit my car so they're free to anyone who might want them. Black and red and suitable for any medium-big sized car. I have a fabia and they're slightly to big for that.

Hunters bar / Uni of Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on October 31, 2016, 04:41:07 pm
Ply climbing wall panels:

One of my neighbours dismantled some of his climbing wall and gave the panels to me, unfortunately I am already taking up as much of the garage as I am allowed for my wall so I can't use them.

18mm ply, drilled and T nuted. They are in sections of up to about 4' square. He said there were about 3 sheets worth (guessing 8'x4')

Car roof rack:

After my car got crashed into and written off I now have a spare roof rack, I have one pretty much brand new set I'll be keen to get a few ££s for but I also got given (by the same neighbour) a Thule set. Feet fit on roof rails (his was a Passat, mine an Avensis) and has those slightly areo bars - the bars are actually pretty short approx. 1m - I can go and measure them if this is critical.

All in Hathersage
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on October 31, 2016, 05:29:22 pm
Car roof rack:

After my car got crashed into and written off I now have a spare roof rack, I have one pretty much brand new set I'll be keen to get a few ££s for but I also got given (by the same neighbour) a Thule set. Feet fit on roof rails (his was a Passat, mine an Avensis) and has those slightly areo bars - the bars are actually pretty short approx. 1m - I can go and measure them if this is critical.

All in Hathersage

I'll have the rack please Ben, and may take the £££ set off you as well.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on November 01, 2016, 12:25:11 pm
Cool, come by and you can have a look at it all, got some bike carriers that fir on the roof rack too (think I have 4 or 5 in total, prob only need 2) which you can have.

Just had nearly 100 8'x4' insulation panels delivered so garage now pretty full - anyone willing to take the ply panels would be appreciated...

ps cofe - I'll pm you my number, or you can get it off Adam
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on November 01, 2016, 12:31:25 pm
Cheers word, I'll be in touch.
Title: Road bike wheel and turbo trainer tyre.
Post by: mrconners on November 27, 2016, 06:48:33 pm
Free to a good home. I gave away the Turbo some time ago and found almost brand new wheel, tyre and cassette under the stairs. Im near Buxton. P.M. if interested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on November 28, 2016, 10:39:20 am
I'd love those panels El Moch, but sadly probably not feasible getting them up here.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on December 02, 2016, 07:03:17 pm
washing machine going free to a good home - priority to skint Peak activists, obviously

can't remember the make or model, but I'll get pics/specs tomorrow - pretty modern

pick up from S8 or for the right charitable donation you can help me get it into my van and into your house (in Sheffield)

needs to be out by Tuesday - I can keep it in my van for a short period if needed
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on December 02, 2016, 09:32:59 pm
We have an IKEA Kramfors corner sofa (sold as a chaise longue) in a teal colour that needs to go to make room for a board. Nat is trying to flog it locally but in reality we just want rid. It's in very good condition but some idiot removed the fire safety tag one day.

Collection from Chatburn and it's not fitting in a car!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on December 04, 2016, 06:40:42 pm
just dismantled a shower cubicle, so have the glass from one end (6ft by 2ft) plus the two parts of the folding glass door (each 6ft by 1ft)

could be useful for making a cloche or similar

I assume its glass - certainly pretty tough and totally clear

pick up from S11
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: abarro81 on December 05, 2016, 12:01:12 pm
2 pieces of Willow fence/screening if anyone wants them, each piece is 4m long and 1.5m high. Pick up in Sheffield... PM me if you want them or want a photo
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Scouse D on December 05, 2016, 12:07:16 pm
wall hanging kitchen cabinet with oak framed door (b and Q cooke and lewis Carisbrooke) . 60cm diameter.
Pick up in sheff.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on December 05, 2016, 06:35:42 pm
just dismantled a shower cubicle, so have the glass from one end (6ft by 2ft) plus the two parts of the folding glass door (each 6ft by 1ft)

could be useful for making a cloche or similar

I assume its glass - certainly pretty tough and totally clear

pick up from S11

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on December 11, 2016, 08:42:21 pm
yhm re screening.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on December 11, 2016, 09:13:26 pm
washing machine going free to a good home - priority to skint Peak activists, obviously

can't remember the make or model, but I'll get pics/specs tomorrow - pretty modern

pick up from S8 or for the right charitable donation you can help me get it into my van and into your house (in Sheffield)

needs to be out by Tuesday - I can keep it in my van for a short period if needed

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on December 22, 2016, 09:44:32 am
2 Tonne Trolley Jack

Velbon DF40 Tripod (pin missing from one of the leg support brackets - nothing serious)

DMM Highball / POD Mat - both old and could do with re-foaming but outside is fine

Moon Resin Fingerboard (normal one, not the phatboy)

All collect from Sheffield before tomorrow
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Nigel on December 22, 2016, 10:11:17 am
Hi Chris,

PM'd you about the jack & DMM pad.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on December 22, 2016, 10:50:02 am
2 Tonne Trolley Jack

Velbon DF40 Tripod (pin missing from one of the leg support brackets - nothing serious)

DMM Highball / POD Mat - both old and could do with re-foaming but outside is fine

Moon Resin Fingerboard (normal one, not the phatboy)

All collect from Sheffield before tomorrow

Pad and Jack gone. Fingerboard spoken for.

POD Mat / Tripod still available.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on December 29, 2016, 12:18:48 pm
Due to Amazon screwing up I've got two copies of "Let my people go surfing".

Collection Lancs or Manc Depot.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on December 29, 2016, 12:52:08 pm
 Bit of a random one, but might be of interest to someone. I've got a dozen home taped VHS tapes of various climbing programmes from the nineties, including: Jerry winning the Leeds Grand Prix 89 (with some cameos from a few UKBers), Trilogie Pour Un Homme Seoul (Profit's three north face solo link up), various episodes of The Climbers, a rerun of the 60s live broadcast from the old man of Hoy, Aguilles Raphael, Mountain Men? (Can't remember what that is), the news report from the opening of the Berghaus Wall, The Ogre. Plus old VHS's of Star Wars and James live in Manchester. PM me if you're interested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rossydoodle61 on December 29, 2016, 02:34:10 pm
Due to Amazon screwing up I've got two copies of "Let my people go surfing".

Collection Lancs or Manc Depot.

I'll take this if it's still going. A friend had just recommended it the other day.

I'm a Manc Depot regular.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on January 08, 2017, 07:49:46 pm
Got an LG surround sound system that I bought off a mate a couple of years ago and never bothered to set it up. 
Free to anyone that wants to come and it up from sheffield, S8.

It all works but I cant find the remote but i think you can still do everything with the buttons on the amp/dvd player.

(p.s. is it possible to embed google drive pics?  it didnt work when I used the [img] command)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on January 09, 2017, 10:53:59 pm
Error 404

(p.s. is it possible to embed google drive pics?  it didnt work when I used the [img] command)

You need to use the image address, not the address for the page the image is shown on.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 15, 2017, 04:59:58 pm
Got an LG surround sound system that I bought off a mate a couple of years ago and never bothered to set it up. 
Free to anyone that wants to come and it up from sheffield, S8.

It all works but I cant find the remote but i think you can still do everything with the buttons on the amp/dvd player.

(p.s. is it possible to embed google drive pics?  it didnt work when I used the [img] command)

PMed you about this  (about the item itself, not the embedding issue)

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: deacon on January 16, 2017, 09:05:03 pm
I've got the official ukb balance bike to pass on to its next owner. I got it from Tommy but I think it's been through a couple of other ukb nippers too.
It has detachable pedals so can convert from regular bike to balance bike. It weighs a fair bit more than the newer style but is still a great little bike.

Pick up from Graves Park/ Woodseats.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on January 19, 2017, 06:37:44 pm
Hi lagers,
Sorry for delay, not been on in a while. Replied.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on January 21, 2017, 05:35:39 pm
I'll take this if it's still going. A friend had just recommended it the other day.

I'm a Manc Depot regular.

I dropped you a PM a while ago but haven't heard anything back - are you still wanting it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rossydoodle61 on January 22, 2017, 08:00:34 pm
I'll take this if it's still going. A friend had just recommended it the other day.

I'm a Manc Depot regular.

I dropped you a PM a while ago but haven't heard anything back - are you still wanting it?

Sorry for the delay. New year got in the way and it totally slipped my mind. Sent you a PM [emoji106]
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: stone on January 31, 2017, 03:20:06 pm
I want to get rid of one of those large roll up metolius bouldering pads. It still has plenty of life in the (replaced to original specification) foam but the casing is tatty and one of the straps is broken. I would still be using it if I could fit it in my car along with my newer pad. To collect from Glossop ideally.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dave on January 31, 2017, 03:42:02 pm
You can't just go giving away the classic pinches wall mat just like that Stone!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 31, 2017, 03:59:00 pm
if it's the same size as my large metolius pad, I'd be interested in having it for the foam, but not sure when I'd get over to Glossop any time soon
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: stone on January 31, 2017, 04:43:56 pm
Potentially I could alternatively hand it over at the Dam House car park in Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: erm, sam on January 31, 2017, 05:20:55 pm
If the sheffield hook up doesn't happen I'd be happy to pick it up from Glossop..
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: stone on January 31, 2017, 05:33:21 pm
Can I say a Glossop pick up takes priority if you can do that soonish in an evening or early morning. My address is 21 Norfolk street SK13 7QU (very close to the Station). It is double yellow lines but we normally pull up onto the pavement for unloading etc.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on January 31, 2017, 06:24:08 pm
yeah, give erm, sam  the pad  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on January 31, 2017, 07:17:20 pm
Comes with a free fishing rod I believe.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: erm, sam on January 31, 2017, 09:28:00 pm
pm sent
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: stone on February 01, 2017, 01:13:56 pm
Sam, I seem inept at the pm thing on here. In case I screwed up in trying to reply, the answer is collection at 8:30pm today (wed) would be great. Cheers.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on April 01, 2017, 08:21:01 am
Random one...we have 10 (may be more knocking about) good quality, wooden clothes hangers going spare and the charity shops won't take them.

Available as I've had to buy a job lot of thin ones to squeeze my clothes in amongst everyone else's.

Pick up from BD19 (Gomersal/Cleckheaton) area.

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Eddies on April 01, 2017, 09:51:53 am
I've got 45 No. 2'x2' concrete paving slabs I need shot of asap. Collect from Buxton.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Ste on April 01, 2017, 10:19:22 pm
4 X Continental Vancocontact Tyres off a VW T5

These are a good quality van tyre that are designed for low road noise and to do mega miles. They have maybe done about 2,000 miles or a little more but would be good for at least another 10-15k miles. No sidewall damage and Im reasonably sure they haven't had any puncture repair work done.

205/65 R16 107/105 T

Free to collect from Skipton area or I could possibly drop them in Leeds or Manchester.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on April 26, 2017, 12:30:00 pm
box of Flash Power Mop replacement cleaning pads and a bottle of the cleaning fluid

found these in the cupboard - we don't have a powermop anymore

pick up from S11
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: erm, sam on May 19, 2017, 07:54:56 am
Inov8 Talon 212 size 10.5, well used, but have some miles left in them.
Inov8 Mudclaw 225 size 11, used but in decent nick

Collection from Romiley, Stockport, or you could pay the postage.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on May 19, 2017, 09:56:38 am
Sam, you have a PM.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on July 14, 2017, 07:24:28 pm
 Very sturdy bicycle workshop stand, quick attach/release lever etc. In Walton just off the road to Matlock outside chesterfield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Nigel on July 14, 2017, 07:57:10 pm
Could be interested in that underground, will send PM
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on July 14, 2017, 09:39:56 pm
On the off chance that this guy going by the name of 'Nigel' doesn't take it, can I have it please Jim?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Nigel on July 15, 2017, 11:19:04 am
I'll lend it you Cofe
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on July 15, 2017, 11:32:04 am
Thanks, 'Nigel'.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Nigel on July 17, 2017, 10:38:34 am
Could be interested in that underground, will send PM

Hi underground, I sent a pm last week but I've heard that they might not be working? Did you get it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: underground on July 17, 2017, 12:41:41 pm
Got it and replied, slackers gave me a head s up
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on July 26, 2017, 11:41:43 pm
Kids car seat, cheap one but in good nick. Good for spare/grand parents car etc.
Older version of this

Pick up in Broomhill, S10
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on August 04, 2017, 03:46:49 pm
Small Karcher K2.08 pressure washer. Developed a small internal leak so it doesn't properly turn off. Still works ok but could die fully so not worth selling. Better than not having one! Also got a patio attachment.
Collect from S10 Broomhill
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on August 04, 2017, 04:02:38 pm
Small Karcher K2.08 pressure washer. Developed a small internal leak so it doesn't properly turn off. Still works ok but could die fully so not worth selling. Better than not having one! Also got a patio attachment.
Collect from S10 Broomhill

I'd be interested in the lance and patio attachment (and any other parts that could work with my Karcher, hose?), but am not back in UK for another 10 days

if someone wants the whole thing to repair, give it to them instead of me

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on August 05, 2017, 08:35:50 am
Thule roof rack that clamps onto those horrible rails some cars have on as standard, similar to this
I have lost the key for the lock, which I think you need to adjust them, although I managed to get them off my car without, and you can buy spares for a couple of quid
Pickup from S7 although may be able to arrange meeting in the Peak if really keen
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on August 05, 2017, 11:35:29 am
Yes please mark
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on August 06, 2017, 08:35:42 am
Kids car seat, cheap one but in good nick. Good for spare/grand parents car etc

Pick up in Broomhill, S10

This still available Toby?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on August 06, 2017, 09:22:38 am
Sorry someone collecting today.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on August 06, 2017, 10:15:08 am
Nay bother
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on August 06, 2017, 06:21:44 pm
Yes please mark
Sent you a message, hopefully they are working again
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on August 08, 2017, 12:51:16 pm
Thanks, replied
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tlr on August 14, 2017, 11:31:47 am
Anyone want a fridge? Clean and fully working.

146cm high, standard width and depth.

Ideally to be picked up asap from Lodgemoor.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on August 19, 2017, 11:54:22 am
Would anyone want Alex Honnold's book? I'm having a little clear out and it was one that didn't really inspire me.

I work in Leeds and climb at most of the local walls so could drop off locally. Alternatively let me know your address and I'll pop it in the post in the next few days.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on August 20, 2017, 08:36:51 am
I wouldnt mind a look at the book james. Can pick up from depot or the lab
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on August 20, 2017, 09:36:13 am
I wouldnt mind a look at the book james. Can pick up from depot or the lab

Either would be fine for me. I'm away until next Wednesday (30th) now but I'll drop you a message when I'm back and coincide a session.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on August 21, 2017, 01:41:50 pm
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on September 05, 2017, 09:28:37 pm
Basic Decathlon ski helmet. Large (56-59cm). Black. Used for one week.

That attic ladder I got off someone on here a while back. Never gonna get around to fitting it.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on September 12, 2017, 09:35:06 am
Few bits from work (S11):

- Lacie Electron 19 Blue IV monitor. Decent monitor, needs a kettle power lead, looks like it's got the other VGA one, plus the calibration gizmo. Also got the hood, but it needs cleaning up - looks like the glue on the velcro which held it on has gone bad – doesn't affect the monitor.

- HP Scanjet 3770 flatbed scanner. Needs leads.

- Canon CanoScan N670U scanner. Needs (one?) lead – just USB I think.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dawid01 on September 12, 2017, 09:42:02 am
Few bits from work (S11):

- Lacie Electron 19 Blue IV monitor. Decent monitor, needs a kettle power lead, looks like it's got the other VGA one, plus the calibration gizmo. Also got the hood, but it needs cleaning up - looks like the glue on the velcro which held it on has gone bad – doesn't affect the monitor.

- HP Scanjet 3770 flatbed scanner. Needs leads.

- Canon CanoScan N670U scanner. Needs (one?) lead – just USB I think.
I would be very much interested. Will pm you

Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on September 12, 2017, 11:19:05 am
Few bits from work (S11):

- Lacie Electron 19 Blue IV monitor. Decent monitor, needs a kettle power lead, looks like it's got the other VGA one, plus the calibration gizmo. Also got the hood, but it needs cleaning up - looks like the glue on the velcro which held it on has gone bad – doesn't affect the monitor.

- HP Scanjet 3770 flatbed scanner. Needs leads.

- Canon CanoScan N670U scanner. Needs (one?) lead – just USB I think.
Yes please to the Canon scanner.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on September 13, 2017, 09:44:22 pm

I forgot about this book, sorry! When will you next be down at one of the walls? Just tried to PM but they don't seem to be working
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on September 17, 2017, 12:02:47 pm
Free to a good home, slightly outdated but still perfectly good Flip Mino HD camcorder thing.

Has sufficient memory for 1 hour of recording, picture quality is OK too...see my Vimeo for examples. (

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on September 17, 2017, 06:33:04 pm
Free to a good home, slightly outdated but still perfectly good Flip Mino HD camcorder thing.

we'd like that for beavers/cubs TTT !

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on September 17, 2017, 11:44:23 pm
It's yours fella. Ping us your address and I'll pop it in the post for ya.

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on September 18, 2017, 08:49:28 pm
Big shelf unit 1.3m wide. 2.45m high, 0.3m deep. 6 shelves (some removed in this pic). A bit wonky but serviceable/fixable. Going to the tip weds/thurs unless anyone's interested. Packs flat by the look of things. S.Manchester.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: simes on October 04, 2017, 05:36:10 pm
I'm having a clearout. Will anyone take these books off my hands? Ideally all in one go as I'm a bit busy at the moment.
Also I've got a waterproof case for a Samsung Galaxy S4 going free.
I'm in Sheffield, near the Brammal Lane ground.
Cheers, Si. ( ( (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: buster martin on October 08, 2017, 12:11:43 am
Hi Si

would love these books, if they're still available?


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on October 27, 2017, 04:50:09 pm
Having a clear out. Anyone want any of the following...
- Halfords roof box - mountain rescue donation
- 3 Decathlon bike racks for roof bars - free
- Roof Bars off a Micra (I think, not mine) - free
- Thule roof bars off a Honda Accord pre 2008 without rails - mountain rescue donation
All collect from Broomhill.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on November 04, 2017, 05:07:46 pm

Father in Law is moving house soon and clearing stuff out.

about 10 Rolls of seatbelt webbing - 180m long.  totally random but I've actually used the 1 roll I have a fair bit. Random slings etc.

Also a 6 channel Amp - 150W I think. Carlboro Marlin 6-300.

Probably various other stuff in the future too.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on November 17, 2017, 10:20:06 am
roll of loft insulation. Still in packaging, surplus to requirements.

Sat on my drive in Sharrow.  (the ends might be a bit damp down, but I'm sure it'll dry quite quickly).

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on November 19, 2017, 11:37:50 am
Desk- IKEA Klas ( Surface is 109x76cm, height 74 or 71cm. Has some chips around the edges of the top.

Printer/scanner- EPSON Stylus CX5200
I've only used it as a scanner for the last couple of years. Also have some ink cartridges, manual and  shoebox full of A4 paper.

Sheffield S10.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on November 19, 2017, 04:56:42 pm
Can I take the printer please Mike? I can pick up one evening this week
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: battery on November 20, 2017, 07:18:04 pm
Obi wan, sent you a Pm about that loft ladder if it's still going...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: slackline on December 05, 2017, 11:28:27 am
Before I stick it on Gumtree/Fleabay to sell for spares anyone interested in a Sun Ultra 10 (http://) please message me directly.

I inherited this from an employer about a decade ago and intended to wipe the Solaris OS and install Gentoo GNU/Linux.  Never got round to it so its sat unused for that time.  No idea if it boots, might be useful for spares if you need any.

Collection only from Sheffield.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on December 06, 2017, 08:34:29 pm
Various fly fishing kit. Free but preferably with a donation to a homeless charity / mountain rescue.

Collection from Sheffield / Peak.

Shakespeare Black Fly Rod ~ 1990s vintage
Cheap folding net
Ryobi masterline reel (with a line - possibly floating - I can't remember)
Box of ~20 various flies
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 09, 2018, 10:37:50 am
Various free stuff, all collect from S10/Broomhill:

- Small Karcher pressure washer, leaking but still working (just). With patio cleaner. Lagers has first dibs if he still wants it?
- Kids met helmet 52-57, black
- Decathlon bike racks (3) for roof bars.
- Various non-LED bulbs, lots of GU10s, MR16 etc
- USR 24 port gigabit switch, quite noisy fan. Should work fine.
- Old Metolius wedge fold pad, quite thin by modern standards, fine as a starter, top mat etc
- Honeywell thermostat with LED
- Horsemann Centaurplus C17 central heating controller

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: bigironhorse on January 09, 2018, 12:15:02 pm
Hi obi wan. I'll take the pad of that's okay. Can collect most evenings. Cheers.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on January 09, 2018, 01:31:01 pm
Potentially interested in the central heating controller and thermostat. Need to check compatability but I'll PM you either way.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Catcheemonkey on January 09, 2018, 02:29:18 pm
I could really use the bike racks, I’ll drop you a PM later on.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 09, 2018, 05:48:59 pm
I could really use the bike racks, I’ll drop you a PM later on.
Apologies, these have already been requested elsewhere. Sorry

Pad, helmet and racks now requested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on January 10, 2018, 11:34:09 am
Got a basic DJ mixer ( going begging. In great condition, particularly considering it's age and the fact that it's a DJ mixer, but the crossfader is a bit scratchy. You can mix using the channel faders of course though.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on January 10, 2018, 11:54:17 am
I'm interested in that Cheque!

Do you want any cash for it?

(I can swap it for a Fairhead Guide  :-[ )

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on January 10, 2018, 02:52:57 pm
A Fairhead guide sounds like a good deal Sam.  ;D I'll text you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: bigironhorse on January 10, 2018, 09:31:36 pm
Cheers obi wan. Wadded.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on February 02, 2018, 10:44:56 am
An Addis box full of various art supplies; crayons, pens, pencils through to bits of jewellery-making stuff etc.
Cheap but barely used over-the-ear type headphones, the sort of thing they give out to all the kids in school music lessons. 1/4" jack plug so won't plug directly into laptops or tablets though.

4-way mains extensions
, white plastic domestic type with light but no switch, I have five or so, all around 3m long.

Euro/ US mains cables
, C13 "kettle lead" connectors on the other end. ~2m length

2 UK mains to C13 "kettle lead " mains cables ~2m length, grey.

Loads of UK mains to C7 "Figure of eight" mains cables, three brand  new ~2m new white ones, lots of black ones of various lengths.

Three stereo phono-phono audio cables. Two <1m, one longer.

Lots of thin stereo audio cable- I think there's two lengths, both 6m+. I can put minijack plugs or sockets on this if required.

8m of double stereo audio cable- I can put jack or phono plugs on this.

Lots of minijack, jack, XLR & phono audio connectors.

Two obscenely long network cables (Cat5 I imagine), the sort of thing you'd use to put your computer in a seperate room to the modem in pre-wifi days.

Fucking loads of USB cables. Mostly ~2m A (rectangular) to B (square). Some other types too.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on February 04, 2018, 10:52:55 am
just more than 50% of this left over: Mapei shower waterproofing kit: ( going for free.
Should easily do a small/medium shower or round a bath. Very easy to apply.
Collect from Stockport

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on February 10, 2018, 11:36:42 am
Ikea canvas wardrobe, I'm in Sheffield S7 if anyone wants it, same as this one here
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on February 10, 2018, 12:12:04 pm
Vivitar (Kiron) Pentax K fit 24mm f2 + 55mm skylight filter. Ancient but in excellent cosmetic and mechanical condition.

Best use at f2.8 and up but still a very good climbing / landscape lens. Review here:

Suggest donation to Dorset Bolt Fund but mostly want to see this getting some use.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on February 11, 2018, 03:47:55 pm
Hi Mark.

I'd be interested in the wardrobe if you still have it. Would be really useful. Too much paint/chalk dust.

I'm not sure I still have your number. Can you pm me?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on February 14, 2018, 05:32:24 pm
Vivitar (Kiron) Pentax K fit 24mm f2 + 55mm skylight filter. Ancient but in excellent cosmetic and mechanical condition.

Best use at f2.8 and up but still a very good climbing / landscape lens. Review here:

Suggest donation to Dorset Bolt Fund but mostly want to see this getting some use.

As an accumulator of quality old lenses for my K1, and probably the only Pentax DSLR user on this forum I feel obliged to take this off your hands if it's still available...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on February 15, 2018, 09:10:23 am
I've got an XBox 360 going spare that isn't worth the hassle of trying to flog on eBay / CEX or whatever, and I've upgraded to an XBox One so it needs to go.


XBox 360 + power unit, cables etc - console is fine but the silver cover on the disc drawer has come off
2 x controllers

Games - from memory: Fifa 17, Tekken 6, GTA V - might have another couple of games knocking about

Pick up from BD19 or Leeds / walls in Leeds etc.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: spidermonkey09 on February 15, 2018, 09:51:29 am
I'll take that off your hands Tommy, will PM you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on February 15, 2018, 09:59:36 am
Nice one - quick off the mark.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: danm on April 09, 2018, 01:31:46 pm
A well used pair of La Sportiva Trango S Evo GTX, size 43. Collect from S8.

You'll need to find some footbeds as I took out the originals as I use Superfeet.

These were a brilliant alpine/winter walking scrambling boot, until my feet grew and they no longer fit!

They'll take a crampon but I wouldn't do anything above walking or easy ridges or gullies in them.

Edit for added photo:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on April 09, 2018, 01:47:20 pm
Hi Dan.

I'd be very interested in those, of available.

Are you on the same number?

Dave T.

PS. Can't get the link to open.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on April 09, 2018, 01:51:17 pm
I have an old oak table, painted black. Extendable, with spindle legs, if anyone is interested.

I'll have to work out what to do with photo uploads, since recent Flickr changes..  :wall:


Sheffield S7
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Schnell on April 09, 2018, 02:40:21 pm
Equally interested in the boots. Will deffo take them if previous poster doesn't.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on April 12, 2018, 03:27:32 am
My old table.

Anyone? S7

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: unclesomebody on April 12, 2018, 04:11:35 pm
I have a few hundred CD's worth of live techno sets from the 90's/00's that need a new home. I inherited these from a friend/DJ in belgium about 10 years ago and haven't done anything with them so it's time to move them on. For all I know these could be the ONLY copies in existence of some of these sets. If you google some of them nothing comes up... Lots of Jeff Mills, Adam Beyer, Laurent Garnier, Richie Hawtin, Marco Carola, etc. In amongst all the live sets there might be some CD rips but they are few and far between. 

Would be great for a collector or someone with more garage space than me. This is all on CD in mp3 format. Collection in Bristol! FREE. Or better yet a £5 donation to a charity of your choosing.

A full list can be found here:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cjsheps on April 12, 2018, 04:47:10 pm
I have a few hundred CD's worth of live techno sets from the 90's/00's that need a new home. I inherited these from a friend/DJ in belgium about 10 years ago and haven't done anything with them so it's time to move them on. For all I know these could be the ONLY copies in existence of some of these sets. If you google some of them nothing comes up... Lots of Jeff Mills, Adam Beyer, Laurent Garnier, Richie Hawtin, Marco Carola, etc. In amongst all the live sets there might be some CD rips but they are few and far between. 

Would be great for a collector or someone with more garage space than me. This is all on CD in mp3 format. Collection in Bristol! FREE. Or better yet a £5 donation to a charity of your choosing.

A full list can be found here:

I bet there are some absolute gems in there! I would be extremely keen to take them off your hands (with donation obviously) if you could wait ~10 days. I'll be passing through Bristol on either the 23rd or the 24th (probably the latter).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: unclesomebody on April 12, 2018, 04:49:50 pm
Works for me! Send me a PM.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cjsheps on April 12, 2018, 11:06:36 pm
PM'd you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Monolith on April 13, 2018, 01:05:08 pm
Nothing nicer than witnessing the start of a techno relationship. Congratulations both.  :dance1: :dance1: :dance1:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: unclesomebody on April 30, 2018, 10:51:03 pm
Techno CD's are actually still available if someone wants them.

Also up for grabs is a king size foam mattress (160cm). Still fine to use but 8 years old. Collection only from Bristol.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: largeruk on May 01, 2018, 08:17:56 am

Can't send you a PM as the messaging system seems not to be working?!

I did send you a PM originally about the techno cds and my brother's birthday - not sure if you remember but please do get in touch so we can sort something out.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nic mullin on June 19, 2018, 11:25:15 pm
2 ikea klippan sofas available in Sheffield. Look like these: but about ten years older. Theyre a bit tatty and and our cat has scratched the bejesus out of them in places. They are comfy, and the only damage is to the covers which are removeable and washable/replaceable -  you can get new ones from ikea.

I can deliver in the Sheffield area on Saturday, or you can collect before that if you’re keen.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on June 26, 2018, 11:30:02 am
CD player going- Technics SL-PJ26A ( Works fine except the drawer sticks a little sometimes (you just press the button again and it opens fine), sounds good, proper “they don’t make ‘em like that any more” build quality etc.

It’s got security paint on it ‘cos I saved it from being chucked out from work and it’s from an era when a CD player was a highly valuable item.

In Sheffield. I can post it but it’ll be a good couple of weeks before I can get it to a Post Office.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on June 27, 2018, 08:53:41 pm
LG 32” HD TV. Hit and miss whether it works (screen freezes if you turn it off then try to turn it on again straight away) or if it’s a bit warm. Not worked last few days, but we were given a replacement so don’t need it. Might work, might be a brick.

In Sheffield S10 if anyone fancies trying it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on July 20, 2018, 12:36:29 pm
CD player above is still available. Got a minidisc(!) deck going too.

Possibly of more interest are two bouldering mats-

Beal “Big Air Bag” ( in green.

and Franklin/ Black Diamond Drop Zone ( It’s the outer of a Franklin one refoamed with the insides of a more recent BD one.

Both on fallable-on condition but too scruffy to expect money for. In Sheffield.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on July 20, 2018, 01:54:23 pm
Hi Mike,

I'd be interested in the Mats,  My old 1st generation POD one is like tissue paper these days.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Schnell on July 20, 2018, 02:28:01 pm
Hi Cheque, if for some reason Sam passes one or more of these up I'd certainly have one.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on July 20, 2018, 03:55:06 pm
Hi folks.

This is a bit of a long shot, and I'll post on for sale/wanted later too.

Does anyone in Sheffield have an old PC that they'd be willing to pass on (for a fee perhaps)?

I was generously given an old XP machine by lagers a few years ago, but it's not a viable repair any longer.

I've a lot of material to process, which I can't do on my phone! Alternatively, I'm looking at second hand machines for about £100 from the local computer repair shop.

Any help gladly appreciated!

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on July 20, 2018, 04:41:54 pm
Hi Cheque, if for some reason Sam passes one or more of these up I'd certainly have one.

Both gone I’m afraid Schnell.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: remus on July 21, 2018, 11:38:32 am
Hi folks.

This is a bit of a long shot, and I'll post on for sale/wanted later too.

Does anyone in Sheffield have an old PC that they'd be willing to pass on (for a fee perhaps)?

I was generously given an old XP machine by lagers a few years ago, but it's not a viable repair any longer.

I've a lot of material to process, which I can't do on my phone! Alternatively, I'm looking at second hand machines for about £100 from the local computer repair shop.

Any help gladly appreciated!


Sent you a pm Dave.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on July 21, 2018, 12:00:44 pm
Hi folks.

This is a bit of a long shot, and I'll post on for sale/wanted later too.

Does anyone in Sheffield have an old PC that they'd be willing to pass on (for a fee perhaps)?

I was generously given an old XP machine by lagers a few years ago, but it's not a viable repair any longer.

I've a lot of material to process, which I can't do on my phone! Alternatively, I'm looking at second hand machines for about £100 from the local computer repair shop.

Any help gladly appreciated!


Sent you a pm Dave.


Sorry it's not come through. My number is 07935333012.  ;D

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on July 23, 2018, 10:36:38 am
Just a long shot again, anyone else with a PC they can lend/sell/give away!

Very kind offer from Remus, unfortunately not working, but many many thanks.

I have some options with my PC repair man if necessary but thought I'd ask here first! My own isn't a viable repair, with XP.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: danm on August 16, 2018, 06:09:19 pm
Having a clear out, free to a good  home:

Terra Nova Polar Lite 2 tent. Lightweight 4 season tunnel tent. Not had much use since I got a popup tent which is more suited to my needs. Groundsheet leaks a bit after I managed to pitch it on top of some thistles in the dark but tent is otherwise sound and in good condition.

Blue expedition barrel with screw on lid.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on August 16, 2018, 09:52:26 pm
I'll be interested in both those Dan - how big is the barrel??
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on August 17, 2018, 09:12:44 am
I'd love to take the tent off your hands Dan as we are trying to get smaller tents for the Cub group here, and get shot of the awful old canvas ones, but getting it to Aberdeen might be more hassle than it's worth.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: danm on August 17, 2018, 09:52:03 am
I'll be interested in both those Dan - how big is the barrel??
Barrel has been nabbed already by a friend, but the tent is yours if you want it. I'm around all weekend, pm me to arrange pickup.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on August 17, 2018, 10:45:46 am
Cool - I'm around too - I'll txt you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lurcher on October 08, 2018, 02:57:04 pm
Anyone want a free punchbag?

3' x 1'  Domyos - from decathlon i think it was, weighs 25/30kg hardly used

has chains for hanging up on a bar or whatever

collect from bamford

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mike Tyson on October 08, 2018, 08:26:22 pm
Dam! I’m after one (no jokes now  :boxing: ) but I’m absolutely nowhere near Bamford  :lol:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Snoops on October 09, 2018, 10:43:01 am
Hi Lurcher,

Id love the bag, can pick up? Have PM you

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lurcher on October 09, 2018, 11:25:26 am
Hi no PM came through so give me  a call /text    07914 434472
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on November 08, 2018, 05:02:43 pm
Big wardrobe thing. I haven't put it together but I'm told all the bits are there. 2x 2 draws at the bottom, double wardrobe bit and the thing on the right sits on top of it. Can measure up if needed
I reckon you'd get it all in a decent size car or estate
Pick up S7 please

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on April 15, 2019, 01:15:32 pm
Two VW T4 transporter steel wheels with winter tyres - photos

pm me please, collection only in sheffield S7, April 15th - 25th after that they're going in the skip unfortunately.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wood FT on April 15, 2019, 06:15:18 pm
Ben, do you know if these will fit a T5? I’ve searched but can’t find anything. Keen if so.


Edit: It appears not. Ignore above.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on April 16, 2019, 09:20:31 am
Can confirm they won't, I've looked previously.

Surely a breaker would take them off your hands rather than them getting landfilled.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on April 17, 2019, 11:12:18 am
gone to the tyre recyclers - Guy they defo wouldn't fit your T5.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: casa on April 17, 2019, 02:16:00 pm
i've got a pristine copy of 'Rock climbing in Wales' 2nd Edition by Ron James - anybody want it ?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: shark on April 29, 2019, 04:39:30 pm
A bunch of monitors and computers and a filing cabinet in and by a skip outside the Globe Works just round the corner from the Milestone
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: hobblingfool on May 05, 2019, 08:20:48 pm
I have a pair of 5.10 Hornets (UK size 10.5) that have never been worn. The laces have been nibbled by a mouse but other than that look brand new. These are very soft downturned shoes that aren't comfy but if they fit you they will be great on steep problems. Free to a good home. Regularly at the valley in Newcastle so could collect from there.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ashtond6 on May 06, 2019, 10:59:25 am
I have a pair of 5.10 Hornets (UK size 10.5) that have never been worn. The laces have been nibbled by a mouse but other than that look brand new. These are very soft downturned shoes that aren't comfy but if they fit you they will be great on steep problems. Free to a good home. Regularly at the valley in Newcastle so could collect from there.

Id take them and give you some cash :) but would need posting unfortunately
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: hobblingfool on May 06, 2019, 12:35:46 pm
I can post them. How about £20 and I'll give whatever I don't spend on postage I will give to CAC?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ashtond6 on May 06, 2019, 12:55:19 pm
I can post them. How about £20 and I'll give whatever I don't spend on postage I will give to CAC?

You have mail  :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: bigironhorse on June 01, 2019, 10:47:09 am
Nearly full tube of u-pol tiger sealant pu-adhesive. Recently used to reseal car door window seals but now have no further use for it, will just be going in the bin. S11.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on July 08, 2019, 12:41:57 pm

Few books/guides going - will be going to Oxfam at the weekend if nowbody wants them.



Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on July 08, 2019, 04:14:35 pm
I'll have the three in the last picture please Sam. I'll have The Peak Past & Present too if no-one else wants it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on July 08, 2019, 10:13:23 pm
 :thumbsup: All yours.  Can drop them up at yours sometime soon. Will stick em in the car so I have them on me.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dpb on July 31, 2019, 10:49:51 am
Hi all

I'm currently ripping out an IKEA kitchen, solid wood doors and work top.  Any body want any units for garage storage etc? Includes tall unit for double oven and 2 corner units(1 with carousel ) wall units 2 of which have glass doors, reduced depth base units.  (sink unit and pan drawer already taken).  Some units have been modified to fit round pillars etc. 

Collection Derby DE22 area ASAP.


Dave Bond
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: spidermonkey09 on July 31, 2019, 08:14:36 pm
This Margalef guide;

Having flicked through it, its probably more of historical than practical interest. Free to whoever wants it, can post if you bung a few quid towards ACAV, which is aiming to protect access to the Grampians and Arapiles.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on August 10, 2019, 12:14:24 pm
Britax Römer Kidfix.
Highback class 2/3 booster with isofix. I have 2 of these with original manuals now daughter has outgrown them. Free to a good home(s).
Slightly older version of this

Obviously, never involved in any mishap so in excellent nick. Collect from Stockport.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on August 10, 2019, 12:42:03 pm
Britax Römer Kidfix.
Highback class 2/3 booster with isofix. I have 2 of these with original manuals now daughter has outgrown them. Free to a good home(s).
Slightly older version of this

Obviously, never involved in any mishap so in excellent nick. Collect from Stockport.

Yes please!! Can pick up this WE if that’s alright?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on August 10, 2019, 08:46:46 pm
Booster seats have now gone.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on August 17, 2019, 08:01:12 pm
Freecycle! I’ve got a ‘vintage’ Raleigh Sun GT10 bike in the shed that’s taking up room. Looks like it is missing pedals, one of the wheels may be a bit out of shape and it doesn’t have any tyres, so it needs some TLC but the frame looks to be in good nick.
Sheffield S7
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on August 19, 2019, 07:37:30 pm
I should add the frame is 60cm from pedals to seat, which I understand is quite big. And it's not a massive shitheap I make out in the first post! It will be a nice little restoration job for someone
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: webbo on August 19, 2019, 08:06:51 pm
Can you not move the seat post up and down, therefore adjusting the distance between saddle and pedal.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on August 19, 2019, 08:28:09 pm
Can you not move the seat post up and down, therefore adjusting the distance between saddle and pedal.

Thats a good idea - you should patent that Webbo ;)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on August 19, 2019, 08:30:58 pm
I mean the solid part of the frame, from where the pedals join to the part where the seat is clamped in. A quick google suggested that’s the standard measure of bike frames. But I know fuck all about bikes
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: webbo on August 19, 2019, 08:51:04 pm
The standard way of measuring is from the centre of the bottom bracket .i.e the spindle/axle that holds the cranks/ chain set on. To the bottom of the seat post( this on a bike with flat top tube/ cross bar or where it would be on one with a sloping top tube)
If your bike is 60 cm when measuring it this way it’s huge.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rich d on September 24, 2019, 10:38:19 am
I've got an old (but not ruined) Holdz bouldering mat if anyone wants one as an additional mat or a starter mat. It's had some use but is still in OK condition although I wouldn't use it as a solo mat for high balling, and at the moment it's sat in my spare room. Collection from Notts - if anyone wants it.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on September 24, 2019, 11:09:28 am
I have 2 copies of old Nick White South Devon and Dartmoor. if anyone wants 1.

My mum found it in a charity shop and bought it for me for a quid, didn't have the hear to tell her I have it and it's out of date.

I'll Post free, make a donation to Mountain Rescue if you want.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Duma on September 24, 2019, 03:28:02 pm
I already have one, but for anyone that doesn't, this is utterly brilliant, my favourite guide ever.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on September 24, 2019, 03:34:33 pm
It really is a cracking read. Full of bonkers bits
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: reeve on September 24, 2019, 03:35:48 pm
I have 2 copies of old Nick White South Devon and Dartmoor. if anyone wants 1.

My mum found it in a charity shop and bought it for me for a quid, didn't have the hear to tell her I have it and it's out of date.

I'll Post free, make a donation to Mountain Rescue if you want.

Go on then please Chris - I'd love it!  ;D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on September 24, 2019, 03:38:44 pm
Drop me a message here or facebook and I'll mail it to you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: reeve on September 24, 2019, 03:45:36 pm
Have PM'd you on here
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on September 24, 2019, 08:52:33 pm
Can't tell if you have just the 1 going spare? Love this guide, but an ex got it, so of there is another going I'd be keen
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on September 24, 2019, 09:27:29 pm
Perhaps your ex gave it to a charity shop and Chris's mum bought it....... etc

Sorry.. I'll get  me coat..
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on September 24, 2019, 09:29:30 pm
It's like the lion king innit,
'its the circle of liiiiiiiife'
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on September 25, 2019, 09:10:08 am
Sorry, got 2, keeping 1, even though I have the new guide and live as far away as I possibly could. Maybe Reeve will enjoy reading all the good bits and then pass it on..
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on September 25, 2019, 11:29:48 am
Possibly my all-time favourite guidebook, though Iain Peter's North Devon and Cornwall runs it close. It's the anti-RockFax.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rich d on October 02, 2019, 04:42:09 pm
I've got an old (but not ruined) Holdz bouldering mat if anyone wants one as an additional mat or a starter mat. It's had some use but is still in OK condition although I wouldn't use it as a solo mat for high balling, and at the moment it's sat in my spare room. Collection from Notts - if anyone wants it.

Hi guys, if no one fancies this (obvs it's for free) I'll chuck it up on the other channel
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on October 02, 2019, 06:34:10 pm
I could do with it, but probably not worth shipping to Aberdeen.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on October 03, 2019, 10:39:43 am

Rounded to subrounded decorative gravel of varying lithology, medium to coarse gravel (phi -3 to -5 on the Wentworth scale).

Perfect for gardens, driveways or small-scale flood management projects.

45-50 small plastic rubble sacks of the stuff

Collect from N Leeds or can arrange delivery within reason.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on October 03, 2019, 01:13:49 pm
What colour is it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on October 03, 2019, 03:24:58 pm
Greyish brownish pinkish. Or do you want that In Munsell colours?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on October 03, 2019, 03:42:54 pm
Greyish brownish pinkish works for me thanks.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on October 04, 2019, 12:23:18 am
On reassessment I'd say it's 60% creamy yellow sandstone, 30% limestone and 10% reddish granite stuff. I can bring in a sample to uni if you like.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on October 04, 2019, 10:26:46 am
Doesn't sound like it would match the drive, if it was loads of white kind of pointy but a bit round, smallish but not that small I would be keen.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: rich d on October 04, 2019, 10:47:04 am
I could do with it, but probably not worth shipping to Aberdeen.
sorry Chris it's gone closer to home.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on October 04, 2019, 10:55:35 am
No worries, glad it's gone.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy_e on October 04, 2019, 12:13:43 pm
Doesn't sound like it would match the drive, if it was loads of white kind of pointy but a bit round, smallish but not that small I would be keen.

There's a sample of it under my chillis in a hummus pot by my desk at Priestley level 8...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on October 10, 2019, 01:32:11 pm
 Few bits for a good home
Udg record bag smallish one in camo print - probably 50/60 records - bit dusty but my days of carting records are done. Like below but dustier

Also 6 pine chairs 4 pretty solid 6 spindle on the back type Jobs and 2 a bit  odd from the set -flimsier with a bit of dog chew on the bottom but would buff up.  Ideally they all go in a job lot!

Collection S11 greystones....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Gritlad on October 10, 2019, 11:30:21 pm
Few bits for a good home
Udg record bag smallish one in camo print - probably 50/60 records - bit dusty but my days of carting records are done. Like below but dustier

PMd regarding the record bag!!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on October 11, 2019, 08:02:48 am
Record bag gone to grit lad - the chairs still looking for a new dining room to grace though....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on October 26, 2019, 09:04:13 am
Bit of a cheeky speculative punt this, but don't suppose anyone within a sensible radius of Leeds has a toddler bed they want shot of?

We're selling our place, youngest is in our 3rd bedroom / box room which wouldn't accommodate a single bed so looking for a stopgap till we move into somewhere larger.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: crzylgs on November 06, 2019, 02:26:09 pm
Having an Autumn clean... So far have discovered an ancient pair of Scarpa Vapour's. I don't think they'd be any good even for a beginner climber but I've heard of shoe re-solers sometimes wanting them to practice on. Is that still a thing?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: remus on November 16, 2019, 11:02:09 pm
I've got a canon efs 10-18mm lens knocking around that could do with a new home. UV filter and lens cap included at this bargain price of £0! Pickup from South Sheffield or can post at cost.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: reeve on November 17, 2019, 08:27:40 am
I've got a canon efs 10-18mm lens knocking around that could do with a new home. UV filter and lens cap included at this bargain price of £0! Pickup from South Sheffield or can post at cost.

Hi Remus, I'd love this please! I'll send you a message
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on November 26, 2019, 06:24:20 pm
As the work continues in our kitchen (the chairs went to charity shop in end)
We have a pretty beefy pine Welsh dresser - heavily varnished in the 80s but super solid - would be good with a sand down or paint?
Also a 7ish foot pine table - with a hefty base - ie not 4 legs. The base was Annie Sloaned green a few years ago but the tops nice.
Big car or van needed for both!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nic mullin on December 02, 2019, 09:44:51 pm
Divan base (just the base, no mattress), standard double. Light blue, 2 halves that clip together, one of which has drawers. Nowt wrong with it.

TV wall mounting bracket, exactly this one:
I've cut the tops off the vertical arms so they didn't stick out from behind the TV, which might mean it won't work with a proper massive TV (like 60"+) but fine with anything normal size.

A bit over half of a bottle of T-Cut colour fast, bright red. Says on the bottle that it blends with all shades of light red. Would be ideally suited to an individual who owns a red car that has superficial damage to the paintwork and doesn't want to spend a tenner to find out if T-Cut will help.

Silverline battery/bulb/fuse tester. Looks exactly like this one:
but black. Brand new, in box.

Edited to add: a pair of (genuine Volkswagen) bolts to fit an isofix bar in the back seat of a 2001 Volkswagen Passat. I'm sure they'll fit a bunch of other VAG cars too. Part No. WHT-001-230.

Can deliver in Sheffield/nearby.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Will Hunt on December 15, 2019, 12:00:58 pm
Do we do requests here?
Has anybody in West Yorkshire got a Next To Me bed that they're not using for a month or two?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: jacobw on January 11, 2020, 10:36:04 am
Bag of trad gear going

A friend gave me this when he left the country last year but I won't be using it any time soon. Free to a good home, obvs. It's a collection of cams, nuts and hexes in various sizes with carabiners and a bag to carry it all in.

I don't want to sell it because I don't know how to check it all properly.

Foundry suggested I post it here :)

To be collected but I could drop it off if you're in Sheffield.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: B0405413 on January 11, 2020, 10:41:20 am
Pm'd you
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: remus on January 11, 2020, 05:42:17 pm
I'd take the nuts if they're going.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Rich Armour on January 12, 2020, 11:37:28 am
I've got an old Rope just sitting around, I think it's probably a 50m. It's not suitable to climb on anymore but if anyone can put it to some other good use they're welcome to it.

Collection from Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: jacobw on January 14, 2020, 07:06:08 pm
Gone: bag of trad Gear

Thanks all for the interest. It's gone now to a school so hopefully they'll get enjoy it :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Drew on January 24, 2020, 03:59:46 pm
I've got an old Rope just sitting around, I think it's probably a 50m. It's not suitable to climb on anymore but if anyone can put it to some other good use they're welcome to it.

Collection from Sheffield.

I know someone who would have use for a woodland charity (I think) trust if it's still available?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Rich Armour on January 24, 2020, 04:19:49 pm
It's been taken now I'm afraid.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Schmiken on January 26, 2020, 12:17:58 pm
Got a pair of 26 X 2.25 Schwalbe Nobby Nics for free if anyone wants to collect from Loughborough. Brand new in boxes.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on March 11, 2020, 10:32:05 am
I have a futon available. Pics here (

A few marks on it but great for a spare room or van.

Ill put it on Facebook marketplace at the end of the week if no one wants it from here.

Collection only from Sheffield S8.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on March 12, 2020, 03:59:22 pm
I have a futon available. Pics here (

A few marks on it but great for a spare room or van.

Ill put it on Facebook marketplace at the end of the week if no one wants it from here.

Collection only from Sheffield S8.

This is now gone. 
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on May 26, 2020, 09:29:37 pm
Old foam outside the back of Nottingham Depot. Free to a good home. First come, first served! (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on June 22, 2020, 08:14:16 pm
I’ve got about 14 slabs of stone that used to make up a patio in the back garden. Some rectangular 10ish and a couple of semi circles. Could be made into a patio again or for other paving type uses. Think lagers had my last patio for making a path? Possibilities are endless. Socially distanced collection in s11....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on June 30, 2020, 07:46:54 pm
 Slabs gone!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on July 02, 2020, 09:55:44 am
. Think lagers had my last patio for making a path?

path still going strong!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on August 03, 2020, 02:26:24 pm
Volumes a mate gave me a while back, I think from the works initially.

Come and get em. The one rule is you must take them all.  They'll be on the drive for today if anyone wants to collect and I'll put them outside on the pavement tomorrow for any random passers by.

At:    139, s8 0br. (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: remus on August 03, 2020, 02:33:45 pm
Oooh tempting!

Can't see those pics, can you grant public access?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on August 03, 2020, 03:30:50 pm
Oooh tempting!

Can't see those pics, can you grant public access?

Sorry, try this one
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on August 04, 2020, 08:33:12 am
Oooh tempting!

Can't see those pics, can you grant public access?

Sorry, try this one

These disappeared overnight. Hopefully by a climber rather than some opportunist looking for a quick quid. Nevertheless, now gone. Thanks
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on August 04, 2020, 08:51:33 pm
These disappeared overnight. Hopefully by a climber rather than some opportunist looking for a quick quid. Nevertheless, now gone. Thanks

It was me.

I thought I had replied last night. Obviously didn't manage to get it right. Also thought I had sent a PM

I went fishing until it got dark. On the way home I saw that the moon was out, so got some moonlight bouldering in. Glanced at my phone. Saw the holds available and replied to say I would pick them up.
I was somewhat moonstruck, so probably technologically incompetent
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: webbo on August 04, 2020, 09:23:50 pm
I would check your wallet Mr Cus.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on August 04, 2020, 09:31:22 pm
These disappeared overnight. Hopefully by a climber rather than some opportunist looking for a quick quid. Nevertheless, now gone. Thanks

It was me.

I thought I had replied last night. Obviously didn't manage to get it right. Also thought I had sent a PM

I went fishing until it got dark. On the way home I saw that the moon was out, so got some moonlight bouldering in. Glanced at my phone. Saw the holds available and replied to say I would pick them up.
I was somewhat moonstruck, so probably technologically incompetent

Haha, glad they went to a good home!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on August 04, 2020, 09:43:29 pm
I would check your wallet Mr Cus.

The cat flap was open, so I assumed that everything in the house was up for grabs as well
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on August 14, 2020, 06:08:30 pm
I have a Sky+ HD box if anyone wants it (left from previous homeowner)? These seem pretty common. I've replaced it with a Humax HDR.

It works as a satellite receiver but you can't record without paying Sky (I believe you can actually pay them ~£10 a month to allow recording of FTA channels).

I'm based in Lancs (Colne ish) or if anyone wanted to sort out a courier I could box it up easily enough.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on August 17, 2020, 10:23:30 am

Owl Energy Monitor - Free if any one wants it. Sharrow, Sheffield

(its not the "USB" one that connects to a PC, it just monitors, but has no data storage).


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Catcheemonkey on August 17, 2020, 03:22:34 pm
Perfect - my owl looks knackered.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on August 17, 2020, 04:36:53 pm
Catcheemonkey has reminded me - I have a baby carrier (backpack thing you stick a baby >> toddler in when walking) that’s really good and in great condition (it came from catcheemonkey originally via here).

Anyone interested? Manchester way - but I venture into the peak fairly often.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Ally Smith on August 17, 2020, 07:23:38 pm
Messaged you about the baby-carrier - our first is due in December :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on August 17, 2020, 07:49:11 pm
Messaged you about the baby-carrier - our first is due in December :)

Congratulations! Exciting times ahead!!

(though bear in mind its a frame/backpack type one not a baby bjorn (etc..) so she/he won't be able to use it until they can hold their own head up comfortably - more than 6 months old..)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on August 18, 2020, 08:11:56 am
Perfect - my owl looks knackered.

Very droll  :lol:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Ally Smith on August 18, 2020, 09:38:49 am

Congratulations! Exciting times ahead!!

(though bear in mind its a frame/backpack type one not a baby bjorn (etc..) so she/he won't be able to use it until they can hold their own head up comfortably - more than 6 months old..)


Yeah, figured we'd need sling, buggy, etc, etc for the first few months, then hopefully once the weather picks up in the spring we can get out and a rucksack style carrier would be useful. 
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on August 18, 2020, 09:49:58 am
Certainly will, not long before a large infant in a sling kills your lower back.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tommytwotone on August 18, 2020, 08:07:04 pm
And that's assuming it isn't knackered by the bending over changing the little one, picking up, putting down etc etc...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: andy popp on August 19, 2020, 06:51:06 am
Messaged you about the baby-carrier - our first is due in December :)

Hey, that's wonderful news Ally!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dolly on August 19, 2020, 10:13:52 am
I've got about 10/11 pairs of old climbing shoes. some up to 20 years old, original pinks, velcros some Sportiva shoes, slippers, and probs Scarpa as well.
All used but not completely knackered and I don't want them any more.
Seems a shame to just throw them away into landfill and AFAIK isn't anywhere to re-cycle them.
Any ideas as to what to do with them ?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wil on August 19, 2020, 10:14:54 am
I used to wash them then give them to student clubs for beginners to use.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on August 19, 2020, 10:59:33 am
Heeley development trust used to use them for introducing people to bouldering.
No idea if they still do
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on August 19, 2020, 11:39:53 am
I've got about 10/11 pairs of old climbing shoes. some up to 20 years old, original pinks, velcros some Sportiva shoes, slippers, and probs Scarpa as well.
All used but not completely knackered and I don't want them any more.
Seems a shame to just throw them away into landfill and AFAIK isn't anywhere to re-cycle them.
Any ideas as to what to do with them ?

I’ll WhatsApp you but I’ve given 5-10 old pairs to MrJonathanarthur who uses them with kids at his school in intros to climbing (iirc).

Happy to pass them on to him (he’s in S Manchester too).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomtom on August 19, 2020, 11:40:57 am
Ps  AliK 👍 baby carrier. Assuming there’s no rush in your part I’ll dig it out when back from hols
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: sdm on August 19, 2020, 12:29:21 pm
I've got about 10/11 pairs of old climbing shoes. some up to 20 years old, original pinks, velcros some Sportiva shoes, slippers, and probs Scarpa as well.
All used but not completely knackered and I don't want them any more.
Seems a shame to just throw them away into landfill and AFAIK isn't anywhere to re-cycle them.
Any ideas as to what to do with them ?

There was a charity or school who posted on the other channel not long ago looking for any worn out shoes to introduce kids to the outdoors. Think they were N Wales based but not sure.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: al on August 19, 2020, 02:33:59 pm
Heeley development trust used to use them for introducing people to bouldering.
No idea if they still do
not for a few years now (think they do have some if they need any in the future)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on August 19, 2020, 03:07:16 pm
I've got about 10/11 pairs of old climbing shoes...
Seems a shame to just throw them away into landfill and AFAIK isn't anywhere to re-cycle them.
Any ideas as to what to do with them ?

I stuff any unwanted old climbing gear into the recycling bins in Outside/ Awesome Walls/ Foundry, including climbing shoes (that I’ve put through the wash first) and no signs saying “please don’t put x in here” have appeared yet.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on August 19, 2020, 03:13:42 pm
Hi Dolly, maybe your local Scout troop would be interested?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on August 19, 2020, 06:07:27 pm
I noticed that Blacks have a sign outside that says something along the lines of  "donate your old gear and get 15% off"
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dolly on August 21, 2020, 09:02:13 pm
Cheers for all replies. Plenty of options
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on August 23, 2020, 12:09:20 pm
Job lot of ink cartridges for canon  printers.


4 x PGI-5 Black
5 x CLI-8 Black
2 x CLI-8 Cyan
4 x CLI-8 Magenta
3 x CLI-8 Yellow


Pixma  iP4200 iP4300 iP4500 iP5100 iP5200 iP5200R iP5300 iP7600 MP500 MP530 MP600  MP600R MP610 MP800

MP800R  MP810 MP830 MP950 MP960 MP970 MX850 Pixus iP7500

Free to collect - Sharrow, Sheffield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: kac on September 06, 2020, 01:51:15 pm
I have a black ikea shelf unit i'm looking to freecycle. Can't remember what its called but seems to be most similar to the kallax units. Its around 49inches wide and 75 inches high. Can try to send a photo if interested. Collection from Sheffield S8.

Also on the remote chance someone wants a brand new shower tray I have a free one. Apparently there is a small mark on it so was replaced. Its a Victoria plumb one 1400 x 900 x 40. I can send a photo if interested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on September 06, 2020, 03:13:14 pm
Job lot of ink cartridges for canon  printers.


4 x PGI-5 Black
5 x CLI-8 Black
2 x CLI-8 Cyan
4 x CLI-8 Magenta
3 x CLI-8 Yellow


Pixma  iP4200 iP4300 iP4500 iP5100 iP5200 iP5200R iP5300 iP7600 MP500 MP530 MP600  MP600R MP610 MP800

MP800R  MP810 MP830 MP950 MP960 MP970 MX850 Pixus iP7500

Free to collect - Sharrow, Sheffield

Hi Sam.

Can I collect these? Assuming they'll fit the printer/scanner you gave me.

Hope all's well.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on September 06, 2020, 04:40:06 pm
Your welcome to them.

Not sure if they'll fit that printer or not. They're from my canon MP600r which died recently and went to the tip. (after I'd tried to fix it to no avail)

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on September 08, 2020, 12:01:47 am
Thank you Sam.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on September 08, 2020, 11:10:30 am
take it they fit then?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on September 08, 2020, 11:21:34 am
Anything fits if you have a big enough hammer
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on September 14, 2020, 02:34:23 pm
take it they fit then?

Hi Sam.

Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately they're not compatible with the scanner you gave me.

Anyone else want them? I'll put them on Gumtree and if they sell, I'll donate to the bolt fund.

Posted now. £20. Who knows?!

.. I'm sure I can pick up an angle grinder from Lidl for that.. ;)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on September 21, 2020, 09:05:47 am
Mountain Review issues 1-9.
Alpinist issues 1-12 plus some others in the teens and twenty’s.
VHS - Best forgotten art, stick it, A film by some climbers.

Collect from S7
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on September 21, 2020, 11:11:53 am
I’d love the early Alpinists and can collect if still available. You do know they sell for a surprising amount SH? (I promise not to flip them!)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on September 21, 2020, 11:24:03 am
VHS - Best forgotten art, stick it, A film by some climbers.

This has reminded me of the guy who posted on here a few years ago trying to flog old climbing VHSs at £10-15 a pop on the grounds that they they were vintage collectibles, not realising that a) the crossover between hipstery people who collect VHS tapes and people who post on UKB is pretty much zero and b) half the forum regulars have a pile of old climbing VHSs that they can’t give away .  :lol:

Edit: found the thread ( but I’d forgotten the best but- he’d asked for them for free less than a month earlier.  :lol:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on September 21, 2020, 11:40:03 am
A gem.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on September 21, 2020, 12:08:40 pm
Oh right Duncan. Sorry, I should flog em if they’re worth something. Just assumed mags were worthless.

It was really ‘A film by some climbers’ that I thought someone might want. I know a lot of Dan’s stuff is online but it’s quite cool to have one of the original VHSs. Though tbf it’s been in the attic and might be dead come to think of it!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on September 21, 2020, 12:55:03 pm
Tom, the early numbers go for a not negligible amount on eBay ( if you can be bothered with all the rigmarole.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on September 21, 2020, 01:00:21 pm
Cheers. Not exactly rushed off my feet at the mo
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on September 26, 2020, 06:35:31 pm
Seems unbelievable but I’ve got the final lot of slabs out of my patio after a lockdown project. These are concrete squares 45 x 45 - all pretty good nick - I’ve got 20 of them! Collection in greystones s11. Let me know if you want a few or all!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on October 06, 2020, 08:10:46 pm
 One for the nippers - I’ve got a pair of ninja juniors - uk 9-10 free to a good home if anyone’s young ones want them - both mine grown out of them - barely any wear and always had socks on. Pickup S11...I’ll throw some paving slabs in for free too
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on October 06, 2020, 08:25:40 pm
Hi Tom, could we have the ninjas please?
We’re ok for paving slabs though.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on October 07, 2020, 07:31:24 am
All yours Andy!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on October 07, 2020, 01:51:37 pm
Thanks Tom. I’ve got two numbers for you in my phone. Does your newest number end 88 or 94, or have you changed it again?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on October 08, 2020, 07:30:12 pm
Sorry Andy - just saw this - I’ve changed it again - basically untraceable. I’ve dropped you a message
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cwaddy on October 09, 2020, 12:57:20 pm
Does anyone want a Guinea pig cage and some bits? Its big though, 120 cm by 60 by 50. Also all the stuff for cold water fish except the tank. And a scruffy but working  Beko fridge freezer (half and half) 188cm high by 60 by 63 deep. lacking some shelves but Ok otherwise.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cwaddy on October 09, 2020, 12:58:17 pm
ps thats all in Hathersage
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Xan on October 27, 2020, 11:07:35 am
Two pairs of Scarpa shoes going spare.

Instinct VS and Mago.

Both size 35. Not holding out much hope anyone will want ‘em to be honest but seems a shame to throw them away!

Took a photo but can’t figure out how to upload on my phone - I can email it if anyone’s interested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on November 01, 2020, 06:19:13 pm
We’re moving into a house in Skipton this month (all being well) and planned to go to one of the cheap second-hand furniture places to get all the bits we don’t have. Lockdown means that most of that probably won’t be open now as I guess it’s all non-essential.

We’ll have enough to move in (one sofa, a small dining table, mattress (but no bed frame), coffee table, fridge, desk), but if anyone happens to be getting rid of stuff that could be collected then it could be very useful. Mainly need things like wardrobes to stop us having to live out of suitcases.

We went to a few places today but without knowing proper measurements we were reluctant to spend on things that might not fit...

It will probably turn out that we can order enough online or find things on eBay but thought I’d ask in case.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Neil F on December 13, 2020, 01:59:45 pm
Mountain Magazines

A box of 21 assorted issues of Mountain. Earliest No. 56 (Ray Jardine on Separate Reality). Latest No. 136 (Arty farty shot of Sardinian granite).  Lots of classic articles in these.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on January 23, 2021, 12:53:48 pm

Panasonic viera TV, 32”. Decent TV about 8 yrs old, now replaced so going free w remote. Works nicely, will balance okay on edge but was on wall mount so no stand.

Collection Stockport.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tlr on January 24, 2021, 08:05:10 pm
3 chests of drawers, 2 matching in dark ‘wood’ one in oak style. Work fine and reasonably presentable, but not the exactly the finest quality, I just want them out of the garage. Each with 3 drawers, matching ones are 72cm and 44cm wide by 62cm high, other is 80cm wide by 69cm high.

Collection from S17, happy to send pictures.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on January 31, 2021, 10:33:11 am
One pair of Metolius rock rings

240w Black and Decker orbital sander

Brand new Lasportiva tarantulas, size UK 6.5

All free, collection S7
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nai on January 31, 2021, 10:57:36 am
PMd you re the tarantulas
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Stabbsy on February 19, 2021, 10:46:21 am
2 matching bookcases, probably IKEA. 80cm x 150cm x 40cm, each one is split into 8 sections - 4 sections high, 2 sections wide, dark brown/black "wood". Good condition, I can sort a photo out if needed. Collection Sheffield S10.

Previously offered to James Malloch (sent you a PM James!) so he gets first refusal.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: TobyD on February 19, 2021, 12:03:41 pm
One pair of Metolius rock rings

240w Black and Decker orbital sander

Brand new Lasportiva tarantulas, size UK 6.5

All free, collection S7

PM'd you about the rock rings
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on February 19, 2021, 01:13:44 pm
2 matching bookcases, probably IKEA. 80cm x 150cm x 40cm, each one is split into 8 sections - 4 sections high, 2 sections wide, dark brown/black "wood". Good condition, I can sort a photo out if needed. Collection Sheffield S10.

Previously offered to James Malloch (sent you a PM James!) so he gets first refusal.

Hey - apologies I missed your PM. We managed to source more furniture than we need in the end so I'll pass on these - thanks a lot for the offer though!

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Stabbsy on February 19, 2021, 02:12:41 pm
2 matching bookcases, probably IKEA. 80cm x 150cm x 40cm, each one is split into 8 sections - 4 sections high, 2 sections wide, dark brown/black "wood". Good condition, I can sort a photo out if needed. Collection Sheffield S10.

Previously offered to James Malloch (sent you a PM James!) so he gets first refusal.

Hey - apologies I missed your PM. We managed to source more furniture than we need in the end so I'll pass on these - thanks a lot for the offer though!


No worries. Free to good home if anyone else is keen. I'll put them on Gumtree next week if not.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: danm on February 19, 2021, 03:37:05 pm
2 matching bookcases, probably IKEA. 80cm x 150cm x 40cm, each one is split into 8 sections - 4 sections high, 2 sections wide, dark brown/black "wood". Good condition, I can sort a photo out if needed. Collection Sheffield S10.

Previously offered to James Malloch (sent you a PM James!) so he gets first refusal.

Hey - apologies I missed your PM. We managed to source more furniture than we need in the end so I'll pass on these - thanks a lot for the offer though!


No worries. Free to good home if anyone else is keen. I'll put them on Gumtree next week if not.
I'll take them both if still going? Can collect at a time to suit.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Stabbsy on February 19, 2021, 05:13:33 pm
2 matching bookcases, probably IKEA. 80cm x 150cm x 40cm, each one is split into 8 sections - 4 sections high, 2 sections wide, dark brown/black "wood". Good condition, I can sort a photo out if needed. Collection Sheffield S10.

Previously offered to James Malloch (sent you a PM James!) so he gets first refusal.

Hey - apologies I missed your PM. We managed to source more furniture than we need in the end so I'll pass on these - thanks a lot for the offer though!


No worries. Free to good home if anyone else is keen. I'll put them on Gumtree next week if not.
I'll take them both if still going? Can collect at a time to suit.

They’re all yours Dan. I’ll send you a PM later and we can sort out collection.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: danm on February 20, 2021, 10:10:10 am
Cheers, you can also get me on crackbook as Dan Middleman
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: JamieG on March 04, 2021, 10:12:14 pm
I've got a small white IKEA desk and small black IKEA office chair going free. Both in pretty decent condition (chair better than desk) if anyone wants them. Seems a shame to throw them away. Pick up from Mossley (near Stalybridge). Can post photos too if anyone is interested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Nigel on March 08, 2021, 10:17:33 am
Got one double mattress needs to go. Fairly old and wearing out, but with a mattress topper its still fine for sleeping on if you like very soft mattresses. Most likely destined to go beneath a home board I imagine. Available for pick up from Meersbrook in Sheffield any day this week.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: remus on March 08, 2021, 10:51:38 am
Got one double mattress needs to go. Fairly old and wearing out, but with a mattress topper its still fine for sleeping on if you like very soft mattresses. Most likely destined to go beneath a home board I imagine. Available for pick up from Meersbrook in Sheffield any day this week.

I've got a board in need of just such a mattress! I've dropped you a message with my number, can collect today if that works?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Nigel on March 08, 2021, 10:56:42 am
Cheers remus, pm'd you...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on March 15, 2021, 08:47:24 am
Climbing wall pad foam.
2 big chunks 2x1m and almost 2x1m. For collection just south of ilkley. 30cm deep. Also have some carpet to cover it. Ex commercial wall.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Martin Nash on March 15, 2021, 09:01:56 am
I’m really interested. PM you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on March 15, 2021, 09:13:21 am
I'd be interested if it doesn't go too - a lot of thumping through the ceiling with our normal pads under the board!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on March 15, 2021, 09:22:54 am
Someone messaged me within 5 minutes(!) so it is gone for now. If anything changes or there is any left over I will let you know.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Stabbsy on March 15, 2021, 10:01:17 am
Some more Ikea shelving. 200H x 130W x 45D. 5 shelves and a 4-drawer chest of drawers, but it's modular so you can adjust to your needs to some extent. I can sort a photo is anyone's interested. Collection S10.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on March 22, 2021, 10:17:13 am
Powerbar pull up bar.
The sort that hooks into a door frame and will kill you if you pull on the wrong bit.
Pickup in S11.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on March 22, 2021, 02:24:41 pm
Powerbar pull up bar.
The sort that hooks into a door frame and will kill you if you pull on the wrong bit.
Pickup in S11.


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Snoops on April 12, 2021, 04:06:59 pm


Dinner table, folds out. Needs some polish/TLC as can be seen.
S10 pickup, you would need a van, or roof rack
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on April 12, 2021, 04:23:29 pm
...and a car for the roofrack to go on :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on April 12, 2021, 04:25:29 pm
Dinner table, folds out.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: TobyD on April 22, 2021, 11:39:35 am
A few physiotherapy text books; Anatomy and Physiology and stuff like that, and a goniometer. They'll be off to a charity shop unless anyone in Sheffield wants them?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on April 25, 2021, 10:23:25 am
IKEA shoe rack.
( (

Oak chair. Found outside a pub. Cracked seat mended and used for 15 years. Now for someone else.

( (

Wooden folding clothes drying stand.

( (

For collection from N. London.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on April 25, 2021, 10:27:21 am
Evolv Bandit SC (ie Velcro) size 5. Originally El Mocho’s and discretely signed thus. Outgrown rapidly and still have very good edges.

Optional donation to Derby Mountain Rescue.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on May 04, 2021, 12:59:11 am
Late reply to Snoops about the table.

Hi Snoops.
I've dropped you a PM with my number.

I think the table looks lovely. As you've had no replies here, I thought I'd ask if I could take it?
Had a couple of things here, so thought I'd wait.

You may have let it go already though.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: chris05 on May 04, 2021, 10:43:48 am
Double futon mattress and base (130cm wide). The mattress is a little lumpy but could probably be improved with a bash. Happy to send pics. Located West of Halifax (HX4).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Snoops on May 04, 2021, 11:05:53 am
Sorry Dave,

I've given to it Emmaus now.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on May 07, 2021, 01:45:18 am
Great to hear it went to a good home. Looked like a really nice table  ;D

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on May 07, 2021, 10:36:25 pm
I've got some proper knackered half ropes (one in a couple of pieces), not fit for climbing on as bad things have happened to them and they are almost as old as me. Anyone got any use or know of any good places to get rid of them? Skipping them seems like a complete waste, but I also have plenty of other old rope sat around unused...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wil on May 07, 2021, 11:03:11 pm
 My friend at Dyno Dog Gear would take them from you. She makes dog leads and collars from them. (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Fiend on May 18, 2021, 04:38:57 pm
Quite probably off-topic or useless but for the same of one tiny post....

Final piece of the CD clearance, bloody loads of MP3 CDs for free. Take them!
Literally hundreds upon hundreds of MP3 tracks I bought and wrote to CD for the old car, mostly dnb, some hardcore, techno, dubstep etc. Plus a load of mixes too. If someone doesn't take them for free this week they go to recycling.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: CrimpyMcCrimpface on May 26, 2021, 12:13:37 pm
If anyone is thinking to install coving in a room of their house, I have 4 leftover strips of 100mmx2m Polystyrene strips, plus about 2m in scraps. They are from Wickes, this product ( I just couldn't complete the room without using partial packs. Easy to install just need priming.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: sam_read on May 26, 2021, 12:48:18 pm

On the off chance you’re based in Sheffield I’d happily take the coving off of you.


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: CrimpyMcCrimpface on May 26, 2021, 02:44:11 pm

On the off chance you’re based in Sheffield I’d happily take the coving off of you.



Yep I am, sorry should have mentioned! In Crookes. PM me and we can sort it out
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: sam_read on June 01, 2021, 08:46:40 am
Hi All

Just brought a house and getting rid of what the previous folk left behind....

Wardrobe and desk, good nick but not the best quality

Dressing table, bedside units x 2 and 5 wardrobe doors off built in set all matching....seems pretty decent stuff.

Collection from S8


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: JK on July 30, 2021, 05:07:47 pm
I've got a cot which turns into a toddler bed which is free to a good home. You can see it here:

It is currently dismantled and so easy to transport. Collection from Wetherby.

We're moving house so looking to shift it within the next week or two.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on September 11, 2021, 01:07:17 pm
Got an original 90s pod bouldering mat and one of the old metolius pads going begging.  Fed up of tripping over them in the garage. 

Foam is old as you'd expect. Outers still ok. Could re-foam.. or just use for extra pads under your main ones on those high balls.

Collect from Sharrow.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on September 11, 2021, 01:51:36 pm
Got an original 90s pod bouldering mat and one of the old metolius pads going begging.  Fed up of tripping over them in the garage. 

Foam is old as you'd expect. Outers still ok. Could re-foam.. or just use for extra pads under your main ones on those high balls.

Collect from Sharrow.

I'd like the Pod mat please - I've got foam that should fit - I'll be over your way this afternoon
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on September 11, 2021, 02:07:21 pm
Can anyone Ilkley way use a couple of guitar hangers? Both are wall hangers, one has a gate the closes when you put a guitar on it, the other is just a straight hanger. No appropriate wall space at the new house, so going free. Can sort out some pictures if anyones keen.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on September 11, 2021, 02:12:22 pm
Got an original 90s pod bouldering mat and one of the old metolius pads going begging.  Fed up of tripping over them in the garage. 

Foam is old as you'd expect. Outers still ok. Could re-foam.. or just use for extra pads under your main ones on those high balls.

Collect from Sharrow.

I'd like the Pod mat please - I've got foam that should fit - I'll be over your way this afternoon

POD one gone to Lagers.. Metolius one still available.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: iain on September 11, 2021, 03:22:51 pm
Hey Sam, I'd like it if you're able to wait until the last week in September for me to pick it up?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on September 11, 2021, 06:46:51 pm
Hey Sam, I'd like it if you're able to wait until the last week in September for me to pick it up?

Sure.. I've been tripping over it for 10 years so another 2 weeks will be ok.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: iain on September 11, 2021, 10:16:37 pm
Cheers  :)
I'll be in touch
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on September 12, 2021, 02:25:51 pm
Cheers  :)
I'll be in touch

Nice one..
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on October 24, 2021, 12:16:03 pm
Original Boulder Britain guide. Got the newer version now so just taking room up on the shelf.

Chuck a small (or huge if you like) donation at CAC if you want it.

Collect from Sharrow Sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on October 24, 2021, 07:25:10 pm
Guide now gone.  8)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cowboyhat on October 28, 2021, 10:41:56 am
La sportiva 'Roots Pant' which is a pair of climbing trousers in this sort of burgundy colour:

size UK medium ish. Fit someone 5'11 and a 30ish waist, (the waist is elastic anyway). The actual size is written as US XS, EU S.

I like them but I bought some others in almost the same colour that I slightly prefer. I don't need two pairs of claret trousers.

They're quite new, been worn half a dozen times to climb outside.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wellsy on October 28, 2021, 11:34:31 am
That size works for me. Where are you based? If you bang em in the post I'll send you postage and do a charity donation to somewhere of your choice to boot :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on October 28, 2021, 11:57:33 am

Late entry to look at my fucking red trousers (
(I'm just jealous I can't fit into them)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cowboyhat on October 28, 2021, 06:14:22 pm
That size works for me. Where are you based? If you bang em in the post I'll send you postage and do a charity donation to somewhere of your choice to boot :)


I'm Stoke Newington but frequently in the Peak/ Sheffield. Can post if thats better? DM me

And Duncan; that is me in the picture.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on October 28, 2021, 08:23:22 pm

And Duncan; that is me in the picture.

I thought I recognised the back of Lightfoot House, but looks like it was further up the road at St Cuthbert's
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wellsy on October 29, 2021, 08:33:13 pm
That size works for me. Where are you based? If you bang em in the post I'll send you postage and do a charity donation to somewhere of your choice to boot :)


I'm Stoke Newington but frequently in the Peak/ Sheffield. Can post if thats better? DM me

And Duncan; that is me in the picture.

Dropped you a PM :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cowboyhat on November 03, 2021, 05:17:59 pm
5.10 Rogue, size UK8

I bought these to knock about in the wall with, they've stretched quite a bit and are too big to even do that now.

Overall good condition.

( Guide: i've always been 7/7.5 Velcros, whites, greens etc, 8 Dragons, same sizing for unparalell. )
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on November 03, 2021, 07:47:03 pm
 Home wall enthusiasts-Theres's currently a lot of birch ply sat outside Manc Depot. first come first served. mostly 8x4m sheets but some off-cuts also. I expect you'd need a van. or a trailer. or a chinook.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Teaboy on November 03, 2021, 08:14:44 pm
I’m half way up a route in the Himalayas, anyone got any food, aidera, climbing gear and gas they can lend me? Couldn’t be tossed carrying up my own.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Adam Lincoln on November 03, 2021, 08:34:14 pm
I’m half way up a route in the Himalayas, anyone got any food, aidera, climbing gear and gas they can lend me? Couldn’t be tossed carrying up my own.

That joke might be lost on here 🤣

Got some powerbars but they are about to go out of date.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: teestub on November 03, 2021, 08:51:40 pm
I’ve got some etriers half way up almscliff that you’re welcome to borrow, as long as you don’t put them back and text me to apologise.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on November 03, 2021, 09:18:36 pm
Home wall enthusiasts-Theres's currently a lot of birch ply sat outside Manc Depot. first come first served. mostly 8x4m sheets but some off-cuts also. I expect you'd need a van. or a trailer. or a chinook.

8m x 4m sheets - be able to build your own crag with those
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on November 03, 2021, 09:40:51 pm

8m x 4m sheets - be able to build your own crag with those

 :lol: 8ft x 4ft

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on November 03, 2021, 11:21:08 pm
FFS, best cancel that chinhook then.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on November 04, 2021, 11:20:50 am

Got some powerbars but they are about to go out of date.

When you are going to climb the Murderhorn, Powersauce bars are all the nutrition you need.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: aka butters on November 07, 2021, 03:15:00 pm
Static Rope (60m I think). Never been used (I was given it for installing a USB card for someone). Always been stored out of direct sun light etc.

Possibly one for lagers - three boxes of assorted 2000AD (issues1112 -1400ish) and 80 odd editions of Judge Dredd Megazine from around 2004 I think.

Two Fiamma levelling plates in a bag -

Collect from Sheffield S2
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on November 07, 2021, 03:29:58 pm
Could we have the levelling plates please?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: aka butters on November 07, 2021, 03:31:41 pm
All yours And
Could we have the levelling plates please?


Consider them your sir. I will IM you with my address etc.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on November 07, 2021, 03:32:35 pm
Brill. Thank you!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on November 07, 2021, 03:32:56 pm
I’d like that static please!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: aka butters on November 07, 2021, 03:36:53 pm
I’d like that static please!

All yours - will drop you an IM
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: aka butters on November 07, 2021, 04:01:37 pm
From earlier:

Possibly one for lagers - three boxes of assorted 2000AD (issues1112 -1400ish) and 80 odd editions of Judge Dredd Megazine from around 2004 I think.

Couple more things as well.

ASUS H87M-E motherboard with (I think) 4GB RAM stick. No BIOS battery by the looks of things - Link (   

UGREEN 4 port USB 3 Switch Box - Link (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on November 07, 2021, 06:01:17 pm
From earlier:

Possibly one for lagers - three boxes of assorted 2000AD (issues1112 -1400ish) and 80 odd editions of Judge Dredd Megazine from around 2004 I think.

Yes please!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on November 08, 2021, 02:24:52 am
Static Rope (60m I think). Never been used (I was given it for installing a USB card for someone).

I'm picturing you abbing in to do that..  ;D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on November 22, 2021, 01:57:28 pm
Old guidebooks: Stanage (Simmonite), Portland (Latest CC), Pembroke (CC Twofer), Cheddar Sport (Crocker first ed.), Southern Sandstone (CC), Gower and SE Wales, and early Rockfaxes to Pembroke, Costa Daurada, Dorset, Peak Bouldering and Costa Blanca/Mallorca/El Chorro

Will post if you make a Dorset bolt fund donation, otherwise collect central/north London or The Westway.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: remus on November 22, 2021, 02:47:46 pm
If no one else wants them after a couple of days I'll take them Duncan. Old guides are always useful for adding extra detail to I've got quite a collection already though, so if someone else will get more use out of them that'd probably be better.

Im in sheff so would be making a donation to the dorset bolt fund.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on November 22, 2021, 08:49:11 pm
Hi - can I specifically have the Stanage guide.. if Remus doesn't desperately want it.

Happy to donate.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: remus on November 22, 2021, 10:41:41 pm
All yours Sam. Depending how it works out, Id be happy to get them all posted to mine and then drop stanage off at yours Sam?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on November 22, 2021, 11:48:33 pm
Hi - can I specifically have the Stanage guide.. if Remus doesn't desperately want it.

Happy to donate.

Is that to use as a cheat stone on the Hulk, Sam?  :P
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on November 23, 2021, 08:23:41 am
All yours Sam. Depending how it works out, Id be happy to get them all posted to mine and then drop stanage off at yours Sam?

Sounds like a good idea.

Stuck a small donation in already.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on November 23, 2021, 11:38:54 am
Thanks for sorting that out Remus and Sam  :)

I'll message you via FB.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: robertostallioni on November 25, 2021, 01:33:20 pm
Fire up the chinook!
More free manc depot stuff….
Random size/shape foam. 300mm deep. Perfect for home wall. All sat outside by the skip. First come first served
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on November 25, 2021, 03:30:11 pm
Fire up the chinook!
More free manc depot stuff….
Random size/shape foam. 300mm deep. Perfect for home wall. All sat outside by the skip. First come first served

Along these lines, I have some foam that Ste gifted me for my home wall before Nat decreed she wanted it matting properly (given my history). It's a standard thick blue gym mat. The cover isn't in good condition but the foam is good for home board type situations. Available for pick-up in Lancs, near Widdop. If I leave it too long I'll no doubt end up with a mouse moving in.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Teaboy on November 25, 2021, 03:44:15 pm
Fire up the chinook!
More free manc depot stuff….
Random size/shape foam. 300mm deep. Perfect for home wall. All sat outside by the skip. First come first served
Damn, I was looking at that last night wondering what would happen to it. My van is now in Wales until Tuesday
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on December 01, 2021, 12:24:02 pm
Does anyone want a PlusNet Hub One router?

They emailed me yesterday (about 1yr after my contract ended) offering a freepost return label for refurbishment/recycling but I thought I'd offer it to UKBers first. Where I am home broadband is best served via 4G (40mbps down rather than the 1mbps PlusNet managed via the landline!) so it's no use even as backup and I have another that I can use as an AP if needs be.

Along these lines, I have some foam that Ste gifted me for my home wall before Nat decreed she wanted it matting properly (given my history). It's a standard thick blue gym mat. The cover isn't in good condition but the foam is good for home board type situations. Available for pick-up in Lancs, near Widdop. If I leave it too long I'll no doubt end up with a mouse moving in.

Teaboy is taking this on Sat.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cowboyhat on December 13, 2021, 02:51:44 pm
Adidas 5.10 Dragon Lace UK9 - used once.

Pay postage and they're yours.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cowboyhat on December 13, 2021, 03:30:26 pm
Gone now
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on December 13, 2021, 03:48:32 pm
Along these lines, I have some foam that Ste gifted me for my home wall before Nat decreed she wanted it matting properly (given my history). It's a standard thick blue gym mat. The cover isn't in good condition but the foam is good for home board type situations. Available for pick-up in Lancs, near Widdop. If I leave it too long I'll no doubt end up with a mouse moving in.

Teaboy is taking this on Sat.

This is still available (and for reference does NOT fit in a T5 featuring a side kitchen).

3m x 1.5m x 300mm thk.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Adam Lincoln on December 13, 2021, 04:07:58 pm
Along these lines, I have some foam that Ste gifted me for my home wall before Nat decreed she wanted it matting properly (given my history). It's a standard thick blue gym mat. The cover isn't in good condition but the foam is good for home board type situations. Available for pick-up in Lancs, near Widdop. If I leave it too long I'll no doubt end up with a mouse moving in.

Teaboy is taking this on Sat.

This is still available (and for reference does NOT fit in a T5 featuring a side kitchen).

3m x 1.5m x 300mm thk.

funnily enough I have the same mat under my board and had similar issue with it not fitting in a T5 and side kitchen.  ::)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Nike Air on December 13, 2021, 04:12:18 pm
 Pickles might want this, have you asked him?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Teaboy on December 13, 2021, 08:31:01 pm

Teaboy is taking this on Sat.

This is still available (and for reference does NOT fit in a T5 featuring a side kitchen).

3m x 1.5m x 300mm thk.

Always worth trusting an engineer, who deals in volumes etc on a daily basis, than your own hunches based on nothing more than "How big can a gym mat be?"

All I came away with was board envy. Sorry Paul
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: spidermonkey09 on December 15, 2021, 09:10:00 am
Before I bin/try and work out how to recycle them... If anyone has any use for the below just shout.

Hive Nano 2 Hub
BT Home Hub 3.0
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on January 22, 2022, 09:14:53 pm
I have a spare one of these, if anyone wants it. The foam in the grips has split a bit, so I wrap them in tape, but it's perfectly functional.

Cantilever type pull up bar:

I'm in Nether Edge, Sheffield.

I picked up a brand new one from the recycling skips at Tesco ;)

PM me, or reply here.
Cheers, Dave.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on January 22, 2022, 09:29:18 pm
Before I bin/try and work out how to recycle them... If anyone has any use for the below just shout.

If you fail to Freecycle them PlusNet got in touch out of the blue offering to recycle my hub (Freeport). I'd imagine you can do similar easily enough through BT etc.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: unclesomebody on January 23, 2022, 11:01:00 am
Along these lines, I have some foam that Ste gifted me for my home wall before Nat decreed she wanted it matting properly (given my history). It's a standard thick blue gym mat. The cover isn't in good condition but the foam is good for home board type situations. Available for pick-up in Lancs, near Widdop. If I leave it too long I'll no doubt end up with a mouse moving in.

Teaboy is taking this on Sat.

This is still available (and for reference does NOT fit in a T5 featuring a side kitchen).

3m x 1.5m x 300mm thk.

I'd take this if I could figure out a way of getting it to Scotland. Only just across the border but it's probably not worth a dedicated trip just to pick it up. Can you send me a whatsapp with your exact location and I'll check?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mark20 on January 23, 2022, 11:42:05 am
I have a spare one of these, if anyone wants it. The foam in the grips has split a bit, so I wrap them in tape, but it's perfectly functional.

Cantilever type pull up bar:

I'm in Nether Edge, Sheffield.

I picked up a brand new one from the recycling skips at Tesco ;)

PM me, or reply here.
Cheers, Dave.
I'll have this is if it's still available please Dave?
Will be useful for when I'm working away
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on January 23, 2022, 05:03:26 pm
[quote author=unclesomebody
I'd take this if I could figure out a way of getting it to Scotland. Only just across the border but it's probably not worth a dedicated trip just to pick it up. Can you send me a whatsapp with your exact location and I'll check?

I don't seem to have your number these days. Either drop me a PM or my number hasn't changed in at least a decade. For planning I'm a few miles from Widdop crag back towards Colne.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: DAVETHOMAS90 on January 23, 2022, 06:28:07 pm
I have a spare one of these, if anyone wants it. The foam in the grips has split a bit, so I wrap them in tape, but it's perfectly functional.

Cantilever type pull up bar:

I'm in Nether Edge, Sheffield.

I picked up a brand new one from the recycling skips at Tesco ;)

PM me, or reply here.
Cheers, Dave.
I'll have this is if it's still available please Dave?
Will be useful for when I'm working away

Mark that's great. I'll give you a call now. Just listening to the footy on the radio you gave me  :2thumbsup:

That's the radio that Remus gave me. Ha ha. Thank you Remus :thumbsup: Sorry, you gave me the Flymo for my postage stamp of grass ;)

Great to pass this on.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on January 28, 2022, 03:55:03 pm
Quote from: unclesomebody
I'd take this if I could figure out a way of getting it to Scotland. Only just across the border but it's probably not worth a dedicated trip just to pick it up. Can you send me a whatsapp with your exact location and I'll check?

Now gone (although not to Scotland).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Stabbsy on February 14, 2022, 09:24:02 am
We’re having our bathroom redone this week, so there’s a few fixtures going if they’re any use to anyone. Free-standing bath with chrome mixer tap and shower head plus a pedestal sink. Both in decent condition. They would need collecting from Sheffield S10. On Gumtree if you want a look at photos.

I’d give UKB folks priority if you message on here, although keen to get rid of them reasonably quickly so there’s space for all the new stuff when that gets delivered.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on February 26, 2022, 09:55:40 am
Small metolius bouldering mat.
Lifted off a skip on our street.
Original first generation so very old. Foam is completely shot but cover and straps all look good. It's 85 X 70 cm when unfolded so on the small side. Foam is 7cm thick but needs replacing.
Suitable for a mini wads up coming font trip maybe or as an extra gap filler for those highballs. 

Collection from Sharrow Sheffield or can drop around Sheffield if I'm out and about.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on April 03, 2022, 10:54:04 am
1. Three cast-iron single bed frames. Ex-hospital (pre-1970s). Two are 79cm wide (narrow single), one is 91cm wide. Disassembles into three parts for transport. Springs a bit saggy, recommend a board under a mattress. Need a couple of coats of paint but very solid and robust, will be going strong when anything from IKEA will have been landfill for decades.

2. Large sheet of MDF (155cm x 183cm x 2.5cm; ~50kg). Has been used as a mattress support with the two single bed frames.

Collection from N. London, you'll need a decent sized vehicle.

Donation to bolt fund would be appreciated.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Durbs on April 06, 2022, 10:49:44 am
Anyone fancy Dosage V and On Sight DVDs?

I no longer own a DVD player...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on April 06, 2022, 11:23:37 am
I’d like Dosage V please Durbs. Where are you based?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Durbs on April 06, 2022, 11:54:52 am
I’d like Dosage V please Durbs. Where are you based?

The wilds of Surrey - we do have the postal service though, so other options are possible :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Stabbsy on April 06, 2022, 04:22:01 pm
I’d like Dosage V please Durbs. Where are you based?

The wilds of Surrey - we do have the postal service though, so other options are possible :)

I’d be keen for Onsight if it’s not already gone. I think I live close enough to Cheque (if you still live up Lodge Moor way?) that you could keep it simple and send them together.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on April 06, 2022, 04:48:25 pm
Yeah that’d work.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Durbs on April 07, 2022, 08:48:20 am
Excellent - shall message you now
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on April 21, 2022, 08:21:11 pm
1. Three cast-iron single bed frames. Ex-hospital (pre-1970s). Two are 79cm wide (narrow single), one is 91cm wide. Disassembles into three parts for transport. Springs a bit saggy, recommend a board under a mattress. Need a couple of coats of paint but very solid and robust, will be going strong when anything from IKEA will have been landfill for decades.

2. Large sheet of MDF (155cm x 183cm x 2.5cm; ~50kg). Has been used as a mattress support with the two single bed frames.

Now all gone. Delighted the MDF will have a new life as a bass bin!   :punk:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Andy B on April 22, 2022, 08:14:04 am
Alpkit full length, fat depth (~75mm) thermarest style sleeping mat. It has an L shaped tear that has been covered with gaffa tape, but is still a slow puncture. It should be fixable properly if you have time and inclination.
Collection from bamford or possible delivery to some parts of sheffield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: csl on May 01, 2022, 07:25:12 pm
My lockdown board has finally got to go, free for anyone who can collect from SE London - holds not included.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on May 01, 2022, 09:10:04 pm
Can you deliver to Bingley? My friend might be keen.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on May 03, 2022, 09:15:43 am
I've just taken down a canvas of this:

( ( Capitan, Yosemite ( by travelswithmyt4 (, on Flickr

I think it's unlikely but if anyone wants it before it gets condemned to the garage (which it likely won't survive) then let me know.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Nike Air on May 03, 2022, 09:55:01 am
I've got a friend who might like that. He's well into el cap pics..
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on May 03, 2022, 10:08:29 am
Alex ( says Hi?

Its dimensions are 480W x 600H (mm).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Nike Air on May 03, 2022, 10:34:57 am
Haha unfortunately it isn't Alex, though that would be ace!

Maybe I could pick it up in a week when we're back from Scotland?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on May 03, 2022, 10:42:24 am
Maybe I could pick it up in a week when we're back from Scotland?

Of course. We both WFH so most of the time at least one of us is in.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Durbs on May 03, 2022, 02:51:52 pm
My lockdown board has finally got to go, free for anyone who can collect from SE London - holds not included.


Have pm'd - I'm in Epsom so might be close enough to collect easily :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: csl on May 03, 2022, 03:37:15 pm
You'll make my wife very happy  :lol:

The BMX in the background is also free to a good home in case anyone is interested, needs a bit of love.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: User deactivated. on May 14, 2022, 11:53:47 am
I've got 32 T-nut holds free to a UKBer before I stick them on an ebay auction. Mostly jugs and easy pinches. Might be useful useful for circuits.

Collection from South Leeds as they weigh about 20kg.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: reeve on May 14, 2022, 12:02:39 pm
Hi Liam, we're planning on making a circuit board so a few extra jugs could be well handy. 32 is probably more than we'd need, so assuming you're willing to split them could I get a photo of then from you please?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: User deactivated. on May 14, 2022, 12:19:47 pm
If you PM me an email address / phone number I'll send a photo
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 36chambers on May 14, 2022, 02:05:08 pm
If you PM me an email address / phone number I'll send a photo

I've just PM'd you, in case there are any leftovers after reeve :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: chris05 on May 17, 2022, 07:51:58 am
Large corner office desk and set of drawers. Collection from near Stainland, Halifax. Happy to send pics and measurements if anyone is keen?

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: spidermonkey09 on May 18, 2022, 05:50:17 pm
 I've PMd you Chris
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: chris05 on May 19, 2022, 08:43:03 am
I've PMd you Chris

I don't seem to have a message. Can you try again and/or email me? Thank. Chris
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: spidermonkey09 on May 19, 2022, 09:10:03 am
I've just tried again but can't see it in my sent items so dunno whats going on. Would it be possible to email me some photos and dimensions of the desk to see if it will fit in the room? My email is cheers!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: chris05 on May 19, 2022, 09:15:14 am
I've just tried again but can't see it in my sent items so dunno whats going on. Would it be possible to email me some photos and dimensions of the desk to see if it will fit in the room? My email is cheers!

Dimensions and photo sent to your email. Chris
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: spidermonkey09 on May 19, 2022, 09:18:51 am
Cheers; just for anyone else who might be keen, not for me as too big for the room.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Scouse D on June 06, 2022, 08:24:05 pm
4ft folding snooker table basically brand new unwanted gift. Not the flattest table but ok and the cushions are very soft and spongy. It doesn't get used enough to warrant the space in the conservatory for us. Dont expect a crucible quality table but it's good enough to have a decent game with a pre teen or teen child. It's this one in green  comes with snooker and pool balls, 2 cues, scoreboard and 2 triangles. Collect from dronfield.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: adamb on August 29, 2022, 08:43:47 pm
Crusher fingerboard mount for doorframe, like this one…

Prob needs a new wooden piece at back as has been trimmed down but depends on doorframe!

Preferably pickup from Stoney or SW Shef
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on September 04, 2022, 07:21:50 pm
Couple of bits of furniture up for grabs in s11.

Pretty chunky pine Welsh dresser - needs the old varnish taking off and would come up pretty nicely and look smart - just not in our house.

Also got a relatively large dining table - pine top already sanded looks nice - rectangular - odd base that’s been painted but can fire some pics and measurements if any ones interested. It’s roughly 3m x 1.5

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on September 05, 2022, 07:38:27 pm
I've got a battery operated doorbell with two 240v socket receivers going in BB10 3RF as the house actually has no real forward facing windows so I've just fitted a video doorbell which I know is going to be an ongoing pain.

I seem to remember the battery was recently replaced and was a bit tricky to get a good contact.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: chris05 on September 19, 2022, 03:07:36 pm
MSR whisperlite stove including fuel bottle. Only used a few times many years ago. Haven't tested it recently but no reason to think it won't work! Collection from HX4.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dac on November 07, 2022, 01:15:35 pm
Buffalo big face shirt, size 38.

Only worn 3 of 4 times, then mrs dac bunged in in the tumble drier causing the pile inner to shrink slightly.

This was about 3 years ago, it’s never going to fit me again, (and I’ve not been winter climbing since pre-pandemic) so it’s free to a good home. I’d rather it was used for its intended purpose rather than just being used for cold weather dog walking / gardening / whatever.

Fit wise it’s probably shrunk about 1 size, I’m 5’10” and 11.5 stone and it’s just too snug for me ( if the waist didn’t rise up when I lifted my arms I’d keep it.

Happy to post it (for free).

Drop me a line.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wellsy on November 07, 2022, 01:33:01 pm
I'll happily take that off you, I'll be using it to stay warm between goes during lamp sessions mind you, so I'll not be too upset if you palm it off on someone else :D
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dac on November 07, 2022, 06:25:06 pm
Well if no winter climbers are forthcoming then it's yours. I am aware that a post on UKC would be seen by more of the bimbly gully climbing types that such a garment appeals to however I don't wish to field 30 odd enquiries into size, colour, how warm it is, can I use it in the Alps/climbing wall/ect. At which point a 150 post discussion over the merits of a buffalo vs. goretex / paramo / down jacket commences. All of which I am obliged to read.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mrjonathanr on November 07, 2022, 07:34:56 pm
My sympathies Dac, After similar adventures in shrinkage I have refused to have one in the house (tumble dryer, not Buffalo).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on November 07, 2022, 08:56:00 pm
Well if no winter climbers are forthcoming then it's yours. I am aware that a post on UKC would be seen by more of the bimbly gully climbing types that such a garment appeals to however I don't wish to field 30 odd enquiries into size, colour, how warm it is, can I use it in the Alps/climbing wall/ect. At which point a 150 post discussion over the merits of a buffalo vs. goretex / paramo / down jacket commences. All of which I am obliged to read.

Surely mention the old joke about how it's different from a Bison?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wellsy on November 07, 2022, 11:25:59 pm
Well if no winter climbers are forthcoming then it's yours. I am aware that a post on UKC would be seen by more of the bimbly gully climbing types that such a garment appeals to however I don't wish to field 30 odd enquiries into size, colour, how warm it is, can I use it in the Alps/climbing wall/ect. At which point a 150 post discussion over the merits of a buffalo vs. goretex / paramo / down jacket commences. All of which I am obliged to read.

I can't really blame you on that front tbh!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dac on November 14, 2022, 03:43:26 pm
Well then, seems no-one else has any interest in a Buffalo shirt.

Wellsy, drop me a message with an address in it and I'll get it posted off to you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Wellsy on November 17, 2022, 11:50:13 am
Sent you a PM :)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Stabbsy on November 24, 2022, 11:20:28 am
For any of the Sheffield folks, I've just put a canvas covered wardrobe thing on Gumtree. Free to a good home if it's any use to anyone.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: butters on November 24, 2022, 02:27:20 pm
I have a pair of Acoustic Solutions 1000 floor standing speakers free to a good home. Must be 20 years old now at least but still sounded good when I disconnected them.

Collect from Sheffield 
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Jim on January 19, 2023, 10:30:28 am
Climbing magazine mostly ote's from 97 to 2005 free to good home before they go in the recycling, collect from hazel grove, Stockport. Also on freecycle:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: remus on January 19, 2023, 11:18:04 am
Amazing, I'll take those off your hands! Will drop you a DM tomorrow out collection.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on January 28, 2023, 09:17:57 pm
Punch bag (decathlon 20kg job) in good nick. Got a swivel hanger for attaching to ceiling and some gloves going too if of interest.
Located between Ilkley and Otley.

Got during lockdown and it was great, but no space for it at the new house. Can sort some pictures if anyone's bothered.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 36chambers on January 28, 2023, 11:36:08 pm
I'll take it :strongbench:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on January 29, 2023, 09:38:56 am
Surely you mean  :boxing: ?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: dunnyg on January 29, 2023, 10:16:07 pm
All yours.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: sdm on January 30, 2023, 07:59:44 pm
Anyone interested in a 170x140x5cm foam mattress? The previous owner had it made for my van but I replaced it with something a bit more luxurious.

It is quite soft but I slept fine on it for a few nights before I upgraded. Would be fine if someone is looking to do a cheap van conversion. Pick up from Northampton/Milton Keynes or I can meet at a Peak crag on a weekend or I could drop off somewhere en route if it isn't too far out of the way.

I also have 2 standard double mattresses and 2 single mattresses that have served as board matting for 10+ years. I wouldn't sleep on them but they'll do a job if anyone is after some no frills matting to go under a board. I'm guessing there won't be any takers for these, in which case they'll go to the tip in a couple of days.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on April 03, 2023, 12:08:52 pm
Does anybody have any suggestions where I might be able to get a load of polystyrene? We've been doing some gardening work in preparation for the summer and have some recycled planters that will bankrupt me if I fill them fully with topsoil.

I also have two iPhone SE cases (the semi-hard type) if they're of use to anybody? One is the newer shape (dark green edging, pretty much unused) the other the older shape (that looks like a 5C; it has a pattern on it).

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on April 03, 2023, 12:30:21 pm

Seriously... there is a load of restortion work going on in the general cemetery in sheffield at the moment.  They have been using some huge blocks (2m x 1m x 1m) of xps to use as form work I think (filling the old catacombs).  There seems to be large chunks of it all over the place. 

If you're down this way at all, might be worth a chat with the foreman on site?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on April 03, 2023, 12:42:46 pm
Thanks, but I'm in Lancs (Colne ish near Widdop) these days. I spec this stuff ( all the time but usually on London jobs so the offcuts aren't close to home.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on April 10, 2023, 08:25:59 am
Lump of foam.  1.5m X 1m X 0.15m
A bit grubby from storage but great as a pad for a woodie. 
I think I have another around the same size in the eaves of the loft somewhere so you can have both.
Pic here:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on April 10, 2023, 11:24:06 am
Lump of foam.  1.5m X 1m X 0.15m
A bit grubby from storage but great as a pad for a woodie. 
I think I have another around the same size in the eaves of the loft somewhere so you can have both.
Pic here:

Forgot to mention- s8 Sheffield
Would also be good in the bottom of a planter...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Scouse D on June 03, 2023, 02:50:33 pm
Littlelife backpack baby/toddler carrier with detachable sunshade. Great quality needs a little sponge down.

B one child's bike seat. Attaches to seatpost tube. Excellent quality
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Bradders on June 03, 2023, 03:18:07 pm
Keen for the bike seat, will PM.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: kac on June 03, 2023, 03:53:04 pm
If the backpack is suitable for a chubby 1 and a half year old I'd be keen. Will send a message.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on June 08, 2023, 03:20:06 pm

Marmot Precip Lightweight waterproof,

Mens Large

This one.

Pretty much unused. Has a tiny tiny scuff on the hip on one side.

Free to good home, collect in Sharrow, Sheffield

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dingdong on June 08, 2023, 04:08:32 pm

Marmot Precip Lightweight waterproof,

Mens Large

This one.

Pretty much unused. Has a tiny tiny scuff on the hip on one side.

Free to good home, collect in Sharrow, Sheffield

I’ll take it if it’s still going!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on June 09, 2023, 10:37:55 am
PM sent

I’ll take it if it’s still going!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on June 12, 2023, 09:23:25 am
Now collected.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on June 27, 2023, 09:20:57 am
Got 8 White office desk tops to get rid off.

120cm wide, 80cm deep.

They've come off the top of sit/stand desks, so have some screw holes in the underside, otherwise in decent nick.
(We've replaced them with some bigger ones).

Collection from Sharrow Vale/Psalter Lane, Sheffield. But might be able to drop locally.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Paul B on June 27, 2023, 04:04:01 pm
Through work my wife got a case of Beer from Beer52. Inside the case was an offer for another free case (w/ free postage) which a family member used. That case also has a voucher code in it.

So, if anyone wants a free case of beer with free postage then use this:

To cancel you've got to phone up or else it turns into a subscription.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: El Mocho on July 11, 2023, 01:14:39 pm
Got a Tivoli audio music thingy I no longer use. Model two. Looks lovely. Got speaker, radio/amp, subwoofer and pretty sure somewhere the CD player. It's an old model - had it nearly 20 years. Not internet/Bluetooth compatible. Probably got all/most of the cables. Hathersage.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on July 15, 2023, 01:35:26 pm
In process of doing up our house so have to put fire doors in most places. Have 3 of the original 50’s (I think) solid wood doors going spare if anyone in need. Not painted but need some tlc/filling etc. Also have 8 lengths of 4m mdf architrave left over - if anyones doing up their house probably enough for a whole downstairs.  Collection as always s11.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on July 28, 2023, 04:07:08 pm
Wrist widget / strap. Often useful for little finger side wrist pain (TFCC).

I have one that was helpful but is now rather worn. I bought a replacement advertised as identical. It isn't and isn't quite as helpful for me. Still better than nothing.

Postage at cost.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on August 20, 2023, 08:49:03 pm
LaSportiva Tarantulas - Kiwi Green Size 40, Never worn

1 folding metal step ladder (A-frame style). The kind of ladder a 50-something might take to Burbage to check out the top of West Side Story  ;)

Metolius Rock Rings

12" Oscillating fan - been in a garage so a bit dusty

All free - collection in S7
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Aussiegav on August 20, 2023, 09:26:46 pm
8ft 2.4m trampoline with safety net & padding. Kids don’t use nowadays. Collect from S10. Sheffield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Mr_Cus on August 22, 2023, 07:38:36 am
Box of DVDs.
Some classics ( eg: bottom)
Only one climbing one which is supramonte.
Collection woodseats, sheffield. (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Will Hunt on September 05, 2023, 09:39:05 am
The UKB LittleLife kid carrier is ready to move to a new home having previously served Lagers and 3T. Still in good condition. Have had some great days out with it in the hills so would be nice to see it kept in the UKB family. Collection from Bingley/Leeds wall/Harrogate Wall/Yorkshire crags.


Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ali k on September 05, 2023, 10:59:01 am
What age is this for Will? It looks like something I’d get a lot of use out of but ours is due in early Jan so don’t want to deprive another UKBer if it’s only for toddlers?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Will Hunt on September 05, 2023, 11:51:08 am
I don't have the instructions for it but looking at similar products from LittleLife they are for 6 months - 3 years. This makes sense - the earliest photos I have of my youngest using it are from when he was 9 months, though he could have used it earlier.

I think you're only down the road so if nobody else comes forward then it's yours.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: ali k on September 05, 2023, 03:03:46 pm
Brilliant thanks Will. No rush given it’s not here yet, but if you do need to get rid soon let me know.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on September 09, 2023, 07:43:08 pm
LaSportiva Tarantulas - Kiwi Green Size 40, Never worn

1 folding metal step ladder (A-frame style). The kind of ladder a 50-something might take to Burbage to check out the top of West Side Story  ;)

Metolius Rock Rings

12" Oscillating fan - been in a garage so a bit dusty

All free - collection in S7

No takers yet so all this stuff is still going free.

Also got x2 8ft x 4ft T-nutted on panels in marine grade ply plus a further 2ft x 8ft T-nutted panel going free.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: lagerstarfish on September 10, 2023, 02:07:44 pm
LaSportiva Tarantulas - Kiwi Green Size 40, Never worn

1 folding metal step ladder (A-frame style). The kind of ladder a 50-something might take to Burbage to check out the top of West Side Story  ;)

Metolius Rock Rings

12" Oscillating fan - been in a garage so a bit dusty

All free - collection in S7

No takers yet so all this stuff is still going free.

Also got x2 8ft x 4ft T-nutted on panels in marine grade ply plus a further 2ft x 8ft T-nutted panel going free.

I'd like the shoes, rings and fan please - I can pick up today if that suits
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on September 10, 2023, 03:23:10 pm
Hi Lagers,

They're yours. I'll drop you a PM.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on September 10, 2023, 11:51:46 pm
The UKB LittleLife kid carrier is ready to move to a new home having previously served Lagers and 3T. Still in good condition. Have had some great days out with it in the hills so would be nice to see it kept in the UKB family. Collection from Bingley/Leeds wall/Harrogate Wall/Yorkshire crags.



Awe.. that brings back some memories.. we had one exactly the same. So good. #whistful
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on September 18, 2023, 09:15:09 pm
Anyone in need of a kingsize bed frame?

Too big for our new attic room and kids would get lost in it.

It’s a painted one not plain wood - in decent nick. Ready to go in bits in s11.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Aussiegav on September 19, 2023, 11:57:57 am
A selection of BMXs. One small for a child. 3 that would suit early teens. All in good working order.  Just sat in my cellar. Collection from S10.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tomc on September 26, 2023, 08:11:15 am
Hopefully I’ve messaged you gav - if it worked
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Aussiegav on September 26, 2023, 11:43:25 pm
Got it. Replied.  :icon_beerchug:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tedj234 on September 30, 2023, 03:33:11 pm
Having a clear out and following guidebooks available:

- [ ] Yosemite Valley Free Climbs
- [ ] Yosemite Valley Bouldering
- [ ] South Lake Tahoe climbing
- [ ] Lake Tahoe Bouldering
Bishop Bouldering - Wolverine

- [ ] Costa Daurada
- [ ] El Chorro
- [ ] Costa Blanca

Lleida Climbs - POD

- [ ] Western Grit
- [ ] West Country climbs

Pick up Sheffield or Birmingham or can stick them in the post at cost.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tk421a on September 30, 2023, 04:10:18 pm
I'll take the Yosemite one's if you'd be happy to post? Will DM you.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tedj234 on October 01, 2023, 08:45:52 am
Yosemite and Western Grit now taken.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on October 01, 2023, 09:25:24 am
I'll take the el chorro one if that's ok. In Sheffield so can arrange pickup.  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: tedj234 on October 01, 2023, 09:32:00 am
Nice one. Send me a DM and we can sort.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on October 02, 2023, 06:28:07 pm
DM sent.. did you get it?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dave Mayes on October 05, 2023, 06:12:42 pm
My parents are looking to get rid of their brown recliner rocking chair - seems to be a Harvey’s Bel Air model.

110cm wide, 110cm deep (145cm with footrest up), 84cm tall.

Based in S12 - send me a PM and I can pass you on to them.

Photo here:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on October 06, 2023, 01:58:59 pm
Black Diamond Mondo Pad.

Shell is OK but the foam is pretty shot. Probably OK beneath a home board but I would want to lob off anything high onto it.

Collection S7
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: chickencurry60 on October 06, 2023, 04:05:15 pm
Sent you a PM
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: 205Chris on October 06, 2023, 04:12:34 pm
Sent you a PM

Replied  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on December 08, 2023, 10:55:31 pm
Got an IKEA “Beddinge” sofa bed going for anyone who can pick it up from Sheffield S10.

Really good as both a sofa and a bed (and as there’s a very similar current IKEA equivalent “Nyhamn”  mattresses and covers for it are readily available) but I’ve discovered today that it’s too big to get down into the basement of my new house so it needs a new owner!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on December 11, 2023, 02:30:14 pm
We've got some stuff at the office which will go to the dump if we can't otherwise move it on before Christmas:

- Netgear 24-port gigabit switch

- Corner desks (x3?)

- Office chair (bit knackered but sort of fine)

- A1 picture frames (x7)

In Sheffield, S11.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: benpritch on December 11, 2023, 02:37:34 pm
- A1 picture frames (x7)

Interested in a couple of these, could you describe or send a photo please, Cofe?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: remus on December 11, 2023, 02:40:13 pm
I'll take the netgear switch off your hands cofe, want to dm me collection details that work for you?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cofe on December 11, 2023, 02:57:14 pm
I'll text you some pics, Pritch, and I'll DM you Remus.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on December 11, 2023, 09:55:07 pm
Got a few items of furniture from my dads house in Bamford.. have a look here.

PM me for dimensions if you're serious about something.

Needs to be gone before Jan 8th.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on December 13, 2023, 02:40:17 pm

Did you get my PM?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: duncan on December 31, 2023, 12:55:53 pm
Black Diamond Wiz Kid child’s harness. Adjustable leg loops, one size fits all (but not a strapping 14 year old). This ( suggests it’s suitable for people <50kg. A little cosmetic damage to the decorative trim; structural parts appear completely solid with minimal wear to my non-expert eye.

This is a proper harness with belay and gear loops which would be fine to lead on outside. Current version is called Kids Momentum and this is effectively what it is.

A donation to the Derby MR or Dorset Bolt Fund is always appreciated.

Collect London or I can post.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on February 12, 2024, 04:30:38 pm
Bunch of Climber magazines..

Pretty complete set from 2007 thru 2013

Free to collect from Sharrow, Sheffield.
Title: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Neil F on February 13, 2024, 09:40:48 pm
2 tickets for P Widdy's talk at Buxton Opera House, this coming Saturday (17th Feb) at 7.30.  Bought a while ago, but now double booked...  :-\
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Hydraulic Man on February 13, 2024, 11:36:50 pm
I'll have them please Neil...
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Neil F on February 14, 2024, 08:05:13 am
They’re yours H Man.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: remus on February 14, 2024, 08:20:18 am
Bunch of Climber magazines..

Pretty complete set from 2007 thru 2013

Free to collect from Sharrow, Sheffield.

If there's no takers for the complete set I'd take a few of these to plug some gaps in the Mountain Heritage Trust ( collection, but it'd only be 15 or so out of the whole.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on February 14, 2024, 08:54:58 am

Sure, go for it.  Let me know what's needed.  No takers here or on UKc so may as well.  I might dump the rest down the works/depot.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: sherlock on February 21, 2024, 06:36:45 pm
Free pads, a scuffed up Metolius Magnum with loads of life left in it
An Edelrid Balance, thought it was excellent as a base on rocky coastal landings.
Donations to Dundonnell MRT.
Can possibly drop off in Highland region or collect?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: sherlock on February 22, 2024, 08:21:14 am
Free pads, a scuffed up Metolius Magnum with loads of life left in it
An Edelrid Balance, thought it was excellent as a base on rocky coastal landings.
Donations to Dundonnell MRT.
Can possibly drop off in Highland region or collect?
Pads now gone, pending collection.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dolly on March 20, 2024, 11:56:50 am
A couple of old taco style pads going free
1 Snap , 1 BD.
BD is quite thin and has got wet in the shed where I had a leak but is otherwise OK
Snap is in OK condition really. The foam is just a bit thin for my old knees

Pick up from S8 or a dodgy car park nearby in the dark. Message if interested ta
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on March 20, 2024, 12:44:24 pm
I had a leak

too far to bog?
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Aussiegav on March 20, 2024, 04:28:19 pm
. Message if interested ta

Message sent
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Dolly on March 21, 2024, 01:21:32 pm
Sorry pads gone now
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Snoops on April 14, 2024, 10:37:39 am
4 winter tyres hardly used and in really good nick probably have a few seasons left on them. One has a small screw in it but tiny could be fixed. Car kaput so no use.
Pickup S10
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Droyd on April 24, 2024, 02:50:37 pm
I have an absolutely disgusting Saturn that I keep meaning to take to the tip, but am posting here in case anyone out there has incredibly low standards.

The foam is useless, the cover is ripped, and at some point a while back one of my cats decided to use it instead of the litter tray.

Free to a good/anosmic home if someone wants to collect it from Sheffield, but not holding my breath (or I am, but only because it stinks).
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: mr chaz on April 24, 2024, 03:13:19 pm
What a pitch  :lol:

I'll be first to say, no thanks!
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on April 25, 2024, 08:34:54 am
In the words of Douglas Ballaytyne "Ah'm oot"
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Aussiegav on May 11, 2024, 03:21:31 pm
Freestanding Basketball Net

Free to collect from S10.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Aussiegav on May 12, 2024, 04:19:13 pm
Freestanding Basketball Net

Free to collect from S10.

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on May 14, 2024, 12:08:21 pm
Small Marquee

Apparently it’s about 8m long. Trying to avoid having to put it up. Taking up space in our warehouse so need to get rid this week ideally.

Collection from 45 Mowbray Street, S3 8EN.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on May 14, 2024, 02:11:54 pm
Small Marquee

Apparently it’s about 8m long. Trying to avoid having to put it up. Taking up space in our warehouse so need to get rid this week ideally.

Collection from 45 Mowbray Street, S3 8EN.

Any indication on the condition this is in T_B? Asking for a friend
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: T_B on May 14, 2024, 02:21:17 pm
Looks to be in ‘good’ condition. We used to use it for charity events and my boss does tend to look after stuff.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nik at work on May 14, 2024, 02:59:39 pm
Cool, I’ll pass this on and give you a shout if they’re interested. Thanks
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on May 18, 2024, 02:29:29 pm
Kids harness.
Simond decathlon "Easy 3"
Hardly used at all and certainly never fallen on etc.

This one.

Photos here.

Collect from Sheffield (Netheredge) or Works.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on May 18, 2024, 02:32:06 pm
Ditto .. kids Edelrid chalk bag
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Bradders on May 18, 2024, 04:45:40 pm
Kids harness.
Simond decathlon "Easy 3"
Hardly used at all and certainly never fallen on etc.

This one.

Photos here.

Collect from Sheffield (Netheredge) or Works.

What size / rough age would it be suitable for?

(sorry if I've missed it somewhere)
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on May 19, 2024, 02:11:54 pm
From the website.

kids size:
waist size: 52 cm to 76 cm
thigh sizes: 25 cm to 45 cm's-climbing-harness-first-klimb-junior/_/R-p-143819
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Scouse D on May 19, 2024, 09:05:33 pm
Sony hi fi with speakers. Cassette, cd and dab radio (needs new aerial) model HCD-GPX9. Collect from Dronfield
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Scouse D on May 19, 2024, 09:11:15 pm
Also getting rid of this lovely kids bike with detachable stabilisers. On eBay but free to ukb
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on May 20, 2024, 10:07:11 am

What size / rough age would it be suitable for?

(sorry if I've missed it somewhere)

@Bradders,   you still interested.  I can't see an age range.  Guess you could measure your groms waists. I'm guessing my lad was about 7or 8 when we got it but really can't remember.  There's that whole thing about them needing some hips so the waistbelt works ok if they invert (hence the full body harnesses for younger ones).

If not, I'll stick it on faceache.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: Bradders on May 20, 2024, 11:29:05 am
Sorry thanks for checking, will be too big for my daughter for a while yet.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on May 20, 2024, 12:44:40 pm
From the website.

kids size:
waist size: 52 cm to 76 cm
thigh sizes: 25 cm to 45 cm's-climbing-harness-first-klimb-junior/_/R-p-143819

OT, but do these harnesses have a weight limit? My son still fits his waist wise, but only because he's stick thin and gangly. As he's leading now, makes me think that he might need to move up from one of these....
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: remus on May 20, 2024, 12:54:04 pm
The en standard only specifies a single set of requirements for sit harnesses so any weight limit would be the same as an adult harness.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SA Chris on May 20, 2024, 01:05:11 pm
Thanks remus.

Worth putting on backburner if you can grab one, they are out of full body harnesses surprisingly fast.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nic mullin on May 20, 2024, 06:00:20 pm
Kids harness.
Simond decathlon "Easy 3"
Hardly used at all and certainly never fallen on etc.

This one.

Photos here.

Collect from Sheffield (Netheredge) or Works.

That’d be perfect for my eldest if Bradders doesn’t want it.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: SamT on May 20, 2024, 07:33:51 pm
Hi Nic. . Yours on the assumption Bradders doesn't want it. (Too big)

PM me and we can arrange collection/delivery.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: nic mullin on May 20, 2024, 10:35:44 pm
Thanks Sam, have PM’d.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: TobyD on May 24, 2024, 12:02:11 pm
Dining table, oak 152cms X 76cms. In good condition but being replaced.

Free but collect only. It's in South Devon. PM me if interested.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on August 04, 2024, 06:10:15 pm
Anyone want an old school Petzl harness?

Size XL and from 1997. An old housemate left it here and doesn’t want it back. Could be okay for adding weight or some nostalgia.

Will bin it if no takers.

( (
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on August 05, 2024, 11:10:44 am
The companies that make belts etc. from old climbing gear would love that. Put it in the gear recycling bin at Outside or the Sheffield climbing walls.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on August 05, 2024, 11:35:33 am
The companies that make belts etc. from old climbing gear would love that. Put it in the gear recycling bin at Outside or the Sheffield climbing walls.

Do you know of any whom I could send it to directly? I guess I could post to Outside or somewhere, but I'm up in North Yorkshire so too far to drop off.
Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: cheque on August 05, 2024, 01:31:16 pm
Sorry James, I thought you were in Sheffield (you were recently I believe?), there’s an address at the bottom of [url]this page[/url].

Title: Re: UKB Freecycle
Post by: James Malloch on August 05, 2024, 03:23:11 pm
Sorry James, I thought you were in Sheffield (you were recently I believe?), there’s an address at the bottom of [url]this page[/url].

I was down there for a month recently, but back up north now. Thanks for the link. I've a friend visiting this weekend who is near to the foundry. I'll get him to pop it in there if no one else wants it beforehand.
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