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competitions / Re: IFSC comps 2024
« Last post by edshakey on Today at 08:40:17 pm »
Yeah Sorato was just starting to struggle, I would have liked to see him get a little closer but not sure he could fight as far as Toby got.

Good for Erin to make another final too, successful comp considering GB only had two people in it.
competitions / Re: IFSC comps 2024
« Last post by lemony on Today at 08:01:31 pm »
Really strong return from Toby, not sure Sorato looked like he had that move in him even without the dry fire. A route for the boulderers?
bouldering / Altered hold at Minus 10 (Sidepull 3)
« Last post by Kingy on Today at 06:48:05 pm »
The slick sidepull for your LH which is the starting hold for the 7B+ problem 'Sharp Pocket' and a few others on the left side of the wall has changed. I hesitate to say chipped but it does look like it (didn't take a pic). Some of the patina on the top part of the hold which was always extremely slick and hard to hold onto has been removed leaving a grippier hold. Only a small area has suffered but enough to make a big difference. Doesn't really affect Sharp Pocket too much fortunately but the initial pull on is easier. This kind of damage could not have been caused by brushing IMO but something more agressive than that. Im hoping it was natural wear and tear rather than chipping...
music, art and culture / Re: TV/iplayer must watches
« Last post by SamT on Today at 06:26:46 pm »
"Last Breath" on Netflix at the moment.. Documentary about an accident with a North Sea SAT diver. Amazing insight to what's involved..lots of real footage. Pretty grim but persevere with it. It's a bit of an emotional rollercoaster.
chuffing / Re: Historical Nuggets
« Last post by i_a_coops on Today at 12:36:57 pm »
Waddage! And what an absolutely shameless sandbag (both the method and the grade  :bow: )
diet, training and injuries / Re: wrist pain
« Last post by lagerstarfish on Today at 12:05:29 pm »

Addiction doesn't really hurt but does feel weird/make the joint feels loose.

Looking forward to rest of the lyrics of this lost Kurt Cobain song
chuffing / Re: Historical Nuggets
« Last post by remus on Today at 11:35:11 am »
chuffing / Re: Historical Nuggets
« Last post by i_a_coops on Today at 10:49:11 am »
Anyone got a copy of the greatest staged photo of all time? Ken Palmer pretending to do Tuppence without the drop knee to keep the sequence secret?  :lol:

Think its in the old South Devon + Dartmoor guide....
diet, training and injuries / wrist pain
« Last post by haydn jones on Today at 10:38:50 am »
I am getting wrist pain. I've dotted on my wrist the painful area whilst abducting my wrist.

Addiction doesn't really hurt but does feel weird/make the joint feels loose.

Flexion and extension feels fine

Anyone have any experience with rehabing this injury/any ideas what I've most likely injured?

I'm pretty sure I picked the injury up from doing a gaston move with the right where I have to roll over with my left hand into a high under cut up and right of me.

chuffing / Re: Historical Nuggets
« Last post by Wil on Today at 10:29:17 am »

sorry Will for nicking the image link

No apology needed. They're Ray Wood's pics.

Neil is wearing La Sportive Mirages in the photos, as he was in quite a few others around the time. I remember seeing a pair at the wall when I was starting out and wondering how on earth you were supposed to contort your feet into them.
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