technical > photography

Vimeo Group- UKBouldering

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No doubt they do, but employing someone to go and find all the files for every group whenever something gets lost is probably something they can't be arsed with.

Perhaps use the UKB Wiki for storing/hosting files in future?

(Although I think Bubba or another admin may need to relax the file extensions that are permitted)

Just spent an hour putting vids in folders, only to find the videos within the folder won't link (it just gives the Vimeo-Uh-oh page).  Does it work for anyone else, or am I wasting my time?

Working fine the folders idea by the way.


--- Quote from: GCW on July 06, 2012, 05:38:48 pm ---Just spent an hour putting vids in folders, only to find the videos within the folder won't link (it just gives the Vimeo-Uh-oh page).  Does it work for anyone else, or am I wasting my time?

--- End quote ---

Works for me.

Is it just me?  If I go into the Northumberland folder and click on "In the Woods!", the video link won't work?


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