the shizzle > bouldering

Calling of the grit?

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Dobbin speaking of the Cornice -
--- Quote --- Walked past yesterday - utterly totally fucked. An actual stream running down the crag.
--- End quote ---

Well, is it time?
 I'm not sure who should be tasked with this grave decission, who is the yin to the Andy Harris' Yang?
 In the absense of an official callsman I propose that the temps are dropping, the lime seems irrepairably washed out and now is the time to go grit.
 Now I know the lime might yet come good and some of its bouldering is in better nick in the colder months, but all things considered I'd say an early grit call is good as it means you can make the most of darker northern venues which go a bit kermit during winter proper.
 What say you?

Johnny Brown:
I cannot call the grit yet, only three of the five conditions have so far been met. Sandstone season is open though.

nik at work:
Saturday at the plantation and Sunday at Crattcliffe was definitely too hot and humid for a formal calling IMHO. Opportunistic grit is still possible but a mass calling seems early just now.

JB is obviously THE caller of the grit...

Interesting concept, a narrow Sandstone season squeazed twixt one behemoth and the next  :-\ .
Five conditions, I'm guessing?
1. Bracken dead - check (half dead anyway)
2. Lime wet - check
3. Midges gone - not yet
4. Cold temps - not really
5. A crow is born with the head of quail - check

Still a bit too early with all the humidity and warmth, but we are on the cusp of the calling and it'll only take a small drop in temperatures to do it.  There was a cold and misty autumn feel early yesterday, shame it turned so warm by lunchtime.

I agree though, it's JB's calling.


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