technical > photography

something for the holiday sir?

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I want to get a camera that is a little bit smaller and more discreet than the ones I normally use - D200 / 6x7 rangefinder / Hasselbald V system.  The kind of thing you can use in a group of people without them all thinking you are an evil Parisian paparazzi murderer.  Or the kind of thing that won't attract Japanese tourists keen to know whether you opted for the VR version of that big lens...

I was thinking something along the lines of a Ricoh GR digital.  There is this new Sigma thing too, but it's had mixed reviews. Or should I rob da bank and get a Leica M8...?

It'll be something to partner the 6x7 on a street based photographic tour of new york and california. I should really take my old OM2, but I can't really be arsed with 35mm at the moment.

Anyone got any ideas...?

Falling Down:
I have a Leica D-Lux 3 and it's absolutely fantastic.  Full A & S and ISO manual control (including focus), a widescreen aspect ratio, 10 (or 12) Megapixels, beautiful colours, shoots in RAW.  It fits in the pocket and shoots fast and has a good flash. 

A perfect point and shoot with a lot of oomph and extras.  I barely use the SLR these days...

some something really pocketable you can't knock the small canon ixus range. all of em are good.

but are the pictures any good?

even the g9 sounds a bit shit.

i want something with a bit of soul.   not some duty free special.

JB - are you out there?

a bit of soul? you're talking digital camera here. have as much soul as you like, you still won't be using it in 10 years time.

The pictures will be as good as the person driving it. Heres a snap my shortie took with her ixus 60.

Leica M8s look absolutley utter dogshit.


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