I cleaned this on sunday (15/06/08). It's the 7c at the far right of The Embankment and needs a bit more popularity to keep the ivy at bay. It's short but climbs really well. powerful and fingery. It was midge hell yesterday eve, so best to wait for a breeze.
I take it you were the guy on 'Fishing without a licence'. It was my head you nearly dropped a tree on while i was changing my shoes. Rab and Al had a quick go on this yesterday. The verdict was like you say, powerful.
It's a good little route that.
Anyone got any info on The Ogre, clean or dirty, new or old bolts?Gaz
the lower off for reptile smile down portland needs some attention, the lower off is half worn through!
whilst on the subject, Delta G and V2 at high tor are vastly underrated and both well worth going to do.