Elbow (golfers?) injury recovery advice please. (Read 86466 times)


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  Just found this article by the same guy that wrote the "Dodgy Elbows" article in Rock & Ice. 

Thanks for that. Any & all info welcome.


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Quick question: Eccentric exercises, should I do low weights / high reps, medium / medium, or high weights low reps? At the moment doing 3 sets x 10 reps x 14kg daily, or the same with 16kg if I go to the gym. I can feel a very slight stress on the injury (right arm, different injury this year) but overall this feels pretty comfortable... :weakbench:


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Assuming a common flexor tendonosis and not one of the other reasons for medial elbow pain, the general view is to keep the reps. fairly low and gradually increase the force through the tendon. You can increase the force by increasing the weight or increasing the rate of deceleration.  If you are getting elbow pain after dynoing/snatching then making the deceleration phase of the roll short and sharp might be an idea. 

You could also try a more climbing-related finger flexor eccentric exercise by holding a half-crimp position and lowering yourself into an open-handed grip.  Probably best if you start this is partially loaded not full body-weight - stand on scales.  This would have the usual advantages and disadvantages of more specific exercises: more likely to carry-over to the real thing, harder to quantify, easier to do wrongly and possibly riskier.  Usual caveats about random advice apply.

Discomfort at the painful spot whist exercising is certainly acceptable and probably desirable.  If you get a constant ache the following day you need to ease-back slightly. 


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Just read the Athlon dodgy elbow  article and started following it religiously, it does say that the exercises will aggregate the injury. But they also aggregate The brachoradialis. Is this normal? Should i see a physio to check I am doing them right. Keep getting the feeling I'll make it all worse some how! Cheers


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Also I just reread some of the posts and people suggest push ups. I thought this would be counter productive...


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Do the Dodgy Elbows exercises 3 sets of 10 for both eccentric wrist curl and the hammer exercises.  The ten reps should be at a weight that is tiring but not causing failure.  Two days on, one off, or every other days works.  The very important detail is to consistently play with the angle of your elbow while doing the exercises and to do them at the angle which is most irritating to the injury - aggravation during the exercise is a good thing.  I know of people who have done the exercises for two months with no benefit and then went from injured elbow to fine elbow within 3 weeks of doing the hammer exercises with an almost completely straight arm.  You could ice in a bowl of water and ice cubes for 10 minutes after your exercises for a few weeks, this will help settle any inflammation issues that you may currently have along with the epicondylosis. 


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all about elbow angle then. cheers


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Whats the hammer exercise..? (awaits torrent of abuse...)


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in the 'dodgy elbow' article its the exercise where you have weight on one end of a dumbell bar... i think...


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in the 'dodgy elbow' article its the exercise where you have weight on one end of a dumbell bar... i think...

Is that a twist exercise? Like the wrist curls but instead you rotate the wrist..


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Yeah not the wrist curls the other one where you resist the weight as it pulls you're palm to face up. Just realising how hard it is to describe it haha


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I have heard that over using ultra sound can start to brake down bone structures :jaw:


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Anyone else had pretty major numbness/ pins and needles type symptoms from their Golfer's Elbow?

I'm getting really numb hands overnight and when waking up (sometimes the pins and needles occur at other times e.g certain angles of holding a knife and fork). I've had flare ups of Golfer's before (remedied with the eccentric dumbbell curls) but this one is BAD.

At the moment I'm doing the curls daily and I've added in 2 sets of 20 push ups in the last few days as a desperate measure.



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Anyone else had pretty major numbness/ pins and needles type symptoms from their Golfer's Elbow?

I'm getting really numb hands overnight and when waking up (sometimes the pins and needles occur at other times e.g certain angles of holding a knife and fork). I've had flare ups of Golfer's before (remedied with the eccentric dumbbell curls) but this one is BAD.

At the moment I'm doing the curls daily and I've added in 2 sets of 20 push ups in the last few days as a desperate measure.


Just a thought but there are a few nerves that run through the elbow joint, radial, ulnar etc.. . If you have swelling or a lot of scar tissue on the golfer tendon it may be inpinging the nerve. Best thing to do would be ice and rest it and commence the strengthening when it's back pain free.


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As the previous poster says, doesn't sound like purely a tendon problem, but suggests nerve irritation somewhere.  'Somewhere' could be around the elbow* but it could equally be neck, shoulder or wrist or a combination. You need to see someone to be sure.  Usual terms and conditions apply.

*like Jerry


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I was lazy with the rehab exercises for a few months and seem to be paying the price now. :wall:
It is quite worrying this nerve involvement. I've never had to consult a physio/ doc over this before. Hope it doesn't come to that. Cheers for the advice


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I found other shoulder exercises really help. Now when I start to feel tweaky elbows I work the shoulders and it seems to really help.


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Same as me that. Thought I had golfers but now tahts pretty much gone and now I'm left with nerve pain... Been climbing today and now my elbow feels like I wacked my funny bone too hard... Load of neck stretches and a kind of Egyptian dancing hand movement to 'floss' the nerves! Still hurts everyday for the last 4 months... If you find a cure tell me please hahaha


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started putting those microwavable bean bags on my neck and taking warm baths after climbing... starting to work wonders on nerve pain!!


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For those who have/have had golfers: when you do the eccentric curls (the wrist pronator ones particularly) and you get it to hurt a bit do you find all pain then disappears for a while? This happens for me, seems really strange that aggravating it then makes it hurt less, anyone know how that works?


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tbh I find they do nothing for me... the russian squat lift things with a 5kg dumbell work really well.. but that may just be me..


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If I do the curls and it hurts it took a while for the pain to die a bit then It seems to go...  Don't know if its me forgetting... Hahahaha


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seems really strange that aggravating it then makes it hurt less, anyone know how that works?

Breaking down of misaligned collagen so it remodels more linearly?


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Does that mean I should do lots of it? Most thingd online just say something like 3 sets of 10 a day, I'm happy to do plenty more than that if it might help, but obviously dont want to do too much and make it worse in any way.


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3 sets of 20 i read?


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