the shizzle > the ukb t-shirt


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I will actually have a few hours in the daytime when i'm not in bed this week  :boohoo:

So i'll try to get in touch with some printers.

Anyone got any personal recommendations

I guess the criteria are:
- cheap
- good quality
- allow small production runs on different shape/sized blanks
- erm, dunno

How many shirts are you doing?

have used these a few times bubba (we just did the school shirts there and they seem fine) - round the back of ron harrison

You could try the place Crabstix (he who made Winter Sessions) works for.
Shirt Prints Direct
(0114) 255 9000161-165 London Road

Sheffield S2 4LH

All the t-shirts I've had from there have been well printed. And being a climber he may make a special effort on these ones....

Obi-Wan is lost...:
The guy who does the Five Finger Thing stuff for the Works has his own t-shirt printer I believe. Check with Sam W.


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