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calling of the lime

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--- Quote from: north_country_boy on May 18, 2008, 09:01:58 pm ---Maybe keen for Cheedale weds, two tier ideally,  i'll try post here on tues if so or pm you....

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Excellent. Two Tier's good for me.

No one for tomorrow? I'll check tomorrow morning in case anyone's free before I start working the phones.

fucking hell you leave the country for a weekend and the lime gets called. good effort Randy Harrington.

SA Chris:

--- Quote from: moose on May 18, 2008, 08:30:58 pm ---Unnecessary fella... those who this applies to can feel when the lime's been called.... whether they really want to or not.  This sadly even applies to punters like myself: I was in the Lakes this weekend and, rather than save all my grunt for the mighty Bowderstone, felt a perverse urge to visit Woodwell and Trowbarrow (Red Wall - it's like Minus10... with passing motocross bikers).

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You reckon climbers across the country feel it? Depending on your commitment to the way of the lime, some stop what they are doing and let out an almighty howl, others feel less. I must admight I felt a slight twitch and a shiver up the spine as the cosmiverse realigned slightly, even though i was halfway up a mountain route in the middle of nowhere (well the Aardverikie Estate anyway).

Good luck with the wedding Mr Harris.


Hurrah. Must admit I feel slightly guilty that the customary routes were not possible as I told Mr Haggis I'd binned my old harness (and wanted to go to Rubicon) so was unavailable to belay on the retrospectively called Wednesday. If I'd realised the significance then I would have changed my plans, purchased a harness, DONE ANYTHING POSSIBLE to ensure the correct calling of the lime!  ;)

Ah well. Here's to a top lime season.  :beer1:


--- Quote from: SA Chris on May 19, 2008, 08:26:33 am ---You reckon climbers across the country feel it? Depending on your commitment to the way of the lime, some stop what they are doing and let out an almighty howl, others feel less. I must admight I felt a slight twitch and a shiver up the spine as the cosmiverse realigned slightly, even though i was halfway up a mountain route in the middle of nowhere (well the Aardverikie Estate anyway).

--- End quote ---

I felt it as a sick, sick, sinking feeling.  My stomach plummeted like a sabotaged elevator.  The Bowderstone itself seemed to give a convulsive shrug, as though the very fabric of the Universe had rejected me.  I departed chastenned, like an unplugged electrical appliance, barely reaching my car before all power faded. The sun still shone, the birds still sang, but the world was a different, less friendly place. A glass ceiling had been placed on my ambitions: a barrier to fulfillment only perceptable to those who dare to strive. 

The "calling" is a misnomer.... it is not the lime that sings a siren song.  The lime remains silent, indifferent whilst all other rock types scream in their sunbaked agony... geology itself mournes the summer! 

Still, not all bad: Shallow Grave was a cracking problem.  God I love vertical crimping. 

So, here's to a season of trad pitches that go on forever with sustained moves from base to belay.  The joy of placing as many nuts as you can carry with the self-satisfied ethical glow of having placed no cams.  Getting pumped as you realise that threads are invariably far more trouble than they're worth.  Exhausted internal debates about the strength of bent, rusted pitons: the triumph of hope over metallurgy ("well, they'll slow me down, and that looks like a jug up there").  Shame-faced conversations about the effect of vegetation on technical grades.  The occassional hold falling off to keep your belayer awake ("what do you mean you forgot your helmet....!?").


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