the shizzle > bouldering

Quality Bouldering Piccies (Part V)

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User deactivated.:

--- Quote from: Fultonius on January 10, 2023, 03:30:39 pm ---Sounds good Paul Y Liam, I'll maybe start another thread. I struggle a bit with skin tones and then just generally being creative and making things look inspiring without being overdone.

I've got a mate who's been getting more into landscapes and has a very distinct style (dark and moody) which I appreciate but don't want to replicate. I've never quite felt like having a "style" other than just well composed and interesting (aiming for...). Due to my finger cut I decided to drag the camera up a few adjacent routes on this last trip to get some better angles.

--- End quote ---

I think it's probably a mistake to try and force a style early on for all your photos, and that's particularly true for us hobbyists that don't need a consistent look for clients. Your own style should naturally form over time by experimenting. Copying other peoples looks will be a part of that. Since you mention skin tones, getting that right is all about referencing for me.

Feel free to PM if you'd like to email me a raw file to edit or a JPEG to critique!


annual post to keep the thread alive  :great:  this one from a New Years Day outing to Shek O in HK, with connies finally getting cool enough to hang those slopers along the lip


SA Chris:
Really cool (photographer pedantry - that sea looks steep! :))

User deactivated.:
You've cheated yourself out of some steepness there! (looking at the horizon)

Edit - beaten to it! Usually you'd want the sea falling the other way :lol:


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