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Bouldering Comps

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£17?? :!:  Christ, for £17 i hope you get someone blowing you between problems.  :wink:

Oh yeah, thats an optional extra - potential competitors swayed by this news should also note that its Graeme Alderson doing the do  :shock:

Saturdays senior final of the British Bouldering Championship went off well. Overall winner Gaz Parry was beaten in this round by and on form and very vocal Andy Earl and the laydees had to play second fiddle to Lucy Creamer who was far and away the winner.

The qualifiers consisted of 12 problems of excellent quality, the setting dream team of vickers and bishton excelled themselves with imaginative climbing and good moves for both Men and women, the scores aren't up on the bmc site as yet so I dunno who got though on what points or owt but I understand it was 70 something to qualify.

Keep checking the link -

The final was dead exciting! there were 5 probs and only three of them got ascents at all. I will be going next year. After training very hard all year! Well worth the £2 to spectate and if you competed you got a t-shirt! wooo - worth the £15!


--- Quote from: "dobbin" ---Oh yeah, thats an optional extra - potential competitors swayed by this news should also note that its Graeme Alderson doing the do  :shock:
--- End quote ---

Now that conjures up a delightul image  :shock:


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