the shizzle > the ukb t-shirt

How's my belaying?

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Those signs that say
--- Quote ---How's my driving?  Call 999
--- End quote ---
always make me smile.

Dr T:

--- Quote from: Paz on January 30, 2008, 09:29:26 pm ---visit

--- End quote ---

How's about

The Mick Ryan Fan Club...

Will Hunt:
If its one that slags off UKC in some way I'll get my order in now.


--- Quote from: GCW on January 30, 2008, 09:39:18 pm ---Those signs that say
--- Quote ---How's my driving?  Call 999
--- End quote ---
always make me smile.

--- End quote ---

My bike leathers have "How's my riding? Call 0800 Fuck you" on the back of them :)

Also some white doves on the legs and smiley hash leaves on the arms. All very silly i know. I remember getting some extremely dim looks from a squad of police riders at a Cadwell track day....before burning them all off  :great:


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