the shizzle > music, art and culture


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A thread for those interested in architecture.

I'm fascinated w/ wartime bunkers.  Lucky me, I'm in the right place for it as they're plastered all over my city.  Why there is one not 100m from where I sit now:

As you can see clearly, this bunker is in the process of conversion into two flats:  each will have two floors, and they're already on the market @ €190,000+ which is a fine price in the current climate (imagine buying a haus guaranteed not to have any structural problems - at least for many a generation).

And here is the city's big one, the Daddy, the wartime command centre: an amazing brutalist structure.  After WW2, the authorities wanted to raize it to the ground on the grounds it was a strong Nazi symbol - alas - she was built to last and it was calculated the amount of TNT required would send it into orbit, not the ground.  I'm glad they let it stand for many reasons, one of which is that a techno club called Übel und Gefährlich (Ugly & Dangerous) is based here.  As you can imagine, there are zero noise issues w/ local residents.

And LR shot showing zee Überbunker and the 200m HH fernsehentürm (tv tower).  A cracking structure it is too (a while back the München-based firm I worked for were due to have the concrete inspection contract for the underside of the large dish of the München TV tower, which would have meant muggins 'ere would have needed to aid from the stem to the lip drilling & bolting my way across the underside.  Guts me they lost the contract, what a wild job that would have been!)

And this is the HH Chilehaus - included as it's a stunner - check out that arete!  :o

Does anyone have any favourites in their own manor?

Speaking of concrete, Wormesley's big mess in Sheff holds a strange facination for me. I'm looking forward to seeing how the renovation goes. Ugly, but appealing (definition of "cute"?)

Always makes me smile

Redolent of a smooth Selfridges in Brum.  I like.

I'm a doity bandwidth buster  :whistle:

Here's the Chilehaus once more *fingers crossed*

And @ night

not my manor, but i wish it was...


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