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Mobile phone recommendations please...

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Nokia E65 is a nice phone. It's Smart and does loads of shit that I never use it for but it also looks really cool unlike some Smart phones. And you can get it for free without a big monthly fee. On the downside it's pretty dumb in comparison to some of the proper Smart phones. Depends what you want it to do obviously but I find it a good compromise.


--- Quote from: cofe on January 15, 2008, 11:07:21 am ---N73 is shit. it's slower than most 80s computers.

--- End quote ---

I second that.
Ive had no end of problems with my N73... proper w@nk


Samsung G600 / G800 ?

You gotta rememeber that the n73 is an old phone now, it was a good phone when it came out all those years ago. There have been some massive firmware changes since tho, have you guys upgraded?

N95 = brick

I like my E65, just which it had a radio and better firmware updates and a ram hard disk.

I don't think I would consider a touch screen phone as they are far too small and fiddly, I have enough problems with the full screen ones at work, let alone a tiny phone screen.

I'm suprised you haven't opted for an iphone obi despite it being a crock of shit

SE = kids phones


Finally got an N95 and it's an amazing piece of kit - I couldn't get one on my service plan but if you can go for the 8GB version.


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