the shizzle > shootin' the shit

ROOM 101

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Shop assistants who offer unsolicited assistance; "are you OK there?" as soon as you walk in the door. or "if you need any help give me a shout". Yes thank you dickhead, i know how the whole shopping thing works.

TV adverts with making claims such as "kills up to 100% of germs" which don't actually tell you anything except the definition of the percentage system.

*I like umberellas, I think there is something quintessentially English / foppyfaggish about them.

*Dave got the big one early - you're barely over the threshold of their premises and want to take your order.  A little rude I think.

*If umberellas must go in Room 101 then I offer, smokers on dancefloors:  I'm sick of getting burned around the arms by some pilled-up cunt dancing w/their eyes closed, leaving fat smoldering cherries whenever they light up.  Fuck off and die, or at least hold them above your head.

SA Chris:
Pseudo-science in general.

Was one for some fruit drink recently that claimed to contain something that "research has shown may contribute to preventing blindness". Or some such horseshit.

"Cheesestrings- made from 100% Real Cheese", yeah, and 100% real plastic, and 100% real e-numbers too.

The Osbournes.   

All of them.  Now.


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