especially if it stuffs one to the white supremacists by hijacking their favourite offensive term.
"Does it look like I got cunt written on my forehead?"
What You Want? Death, or Wogga Wogga?
knowledge 'pack uzzis or ' beat their hos' so I don't call them 'wiggas'.
I wondered about the League of Gentleman thing too but it's "Death by Mau Mau".
I once had to walk through Burley and Hyde Park in Leeds with an Irishman who was MDMAd off his face shouting things out like "this looks like the kind of place where N*****s would live!" Oh how I shat myself many times on the way home that night... A guy pulled up to us to offer his services and we had to watch said Irishman very carefully to make sure he didn't grab hold of a bag full of skunk or anything stupid like that... I crapped myself.