the shizzle > shootin' the shit


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Norton Sharley:
I'd just like to say I've just booked my winter fortnight in Canada.  :great:

SA Chris:
Where 'bouts? Good deal? We are currently throwing ideas about for a Cananad trip.

Norton Sharley:
Banff and Kicking Horse.  There's no such thing as a good deal unless you sleep on a mates floor I don't think but checked out package prices versus diy flight and accomodation also diy flight and rv rental.  Package deals win hands down.  Still bastard expensive though.

And thats before I consider booking the heli boarding, which as Bubbs will tell you may some 10 years later still be the reason for his current financially inclement position!

Just ring round loads and get them to do the hard work for you unless you've got a straight 7 or 14 nighter in which case the websites are bob on.  Prices for most companies go up next week though (15th) so be quick.

Snowing in Whistler as we speak, and I flew over the rockies last week, and they are looking v. snowy.
Hope it's another good year - soooooo much snow last season!

Norton Sharley:
allegedly alberta resorts are already open!


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