Leg shavers anonymous (Read 573824 times)

Percy B

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#175 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 06, 2007, 03:17:49 pm
Every time a car managed to get past and pipped their horn in disgust they gave the car driver the two finger salute. Now I'm not one to get upset when I drive around but I thought this was a liitle out of order. So when it came my turn to go past I wound down the passenger window and told the naughty pushbikers what I thought of their selfish and innappropriate behaviour to which one of the group decided to bang on the roof of my car.

 :lol: Dave, are you sure it was you driving? Last time I was in a car with you my ears were bleeding from the volume of your ranting at other road users! Not to mention the V-flicking, fist shaking, etc, etc. Rarely are the words Simmonite and road rage NOT used in the same sentence....!!!!


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#176 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 06, 2007, 05:28:02 pm
Red lights?  I don't even look at the light, I look to see if it's safe.  I actually get confused when it's green and people give me priority. 

even round blind corners where the national speed limit applies

I don't know if you're being sarky, but just because a national speed limit applies doesn't mean it's safe to drive at it.  You drive at the speed at which it's safe to stop in the distance you can see to be clear. 

I went over a blind brow in a 40 (at 40, in that Village on the way to Rubicon, in a car, if they'd've kept going right I'd've swerved round them) and crashed head on into a young family turing right on the other side.  In my defence I wan't breaking the lnmiit, and Kim or Strawberry had just gone over before me at speed (I always fuck myself up in a car following someone), but plainly I shouldn't have been going that fast over a blind brow. 

I especially like re-overtaking them in the line of traffic.

Which side do you over take them on?  I've tried going on the outside but except on wide roads and the delineated bridge over the docks it's pretty scary.  I prefer to undertake, or jump on to the path...

it really fucks me off when people ride bikes on the pavement.

It really fucks me off when pedestrians walk in the middle of cycle lanes!  Cars don't look to see if anything's coming before they pull through them either, especially Taxis (are all these guys a bunch of wankers or is it just me?).  I general I'm more than aware of pedestrians because I've fallen off enough times avoiding them, and ride what in a way that is safe for everyone yet as fast as possible.  I heard a complaint on Richard and Judy or something about cyclist's being horrible, spitting and that at old women in cars.  But I ask you:  who nearly killed who?  Who's in charge of the dangerous (i.e. heavy) vehicle and nearly of insufficient mental faculty to be trusted with it?

I won't single out Simmo's violence here given we're all 'fessing up but (given the 40 example above, myself in the past included) some car drivers really do completely disengage their brain about what is safe worrying about what is legal.  Even given other's safety may not be the first thing on someone's mind who's protected by seat belt and airbag, money isn't either.  Once a guy was belting round a road in heavy rain at night really fast and had to stop quick sharp to avoid hitting us.  Now fair enough it was a one way street and if I'd have been knocked down that would be my fault hands down.  I thought I could probaly survive suburban speeds and my bike didn't cost me anything - I was piss wet and just wanted to get inside ASAP.  I tried to make the point that he should maybe like to take more care of his 20 thousand pound pimped up crystal glass elevator by not driving it around at break neck speeds at night over standing water, but when I did this by twanging his ariel to show how vulnerable his car was, all his mates got out cos they thought I'd really trashed his car.  Thank fuck I'd done nowt and the rain took the fight out of them - they drove off.  I like the tap on the roof idea but I think this is the best retaliation against cars (if you've got an escape route and it's not full of neds) and maybe even buses:  Smash a wing mirror.  I've heard of this being done effectively against a posh bird in a Merc who cut someone up, and you know, motorized metallic finish wing mirrors are surprisngly expensive these days and insurance excesses and premiums are unfairly high these days too. 

So anyway: one way streets do not apply to me on a bike.  They were invented because cars and trucks are like really fucking wide, and bikes especially racers are like really fucking narrow.  Even on normal streets that are parked double cars seem to think I can get by with 24'' of space (I'm maybe 20", or something).  What's the world coming too when I can't cycle down wider one way streets, or the one way street next to the one I live on to get home? 

Cars and Trucks are raping the world we live in and many people who drive them are forcing the health costs of their sedentary couch potatoe lifestyles on all of us.  On my bike I'm tired and no I'm not going to stop if I can help it, cos then I have to get going again (besides the fact that my brake's not that good it's safer to swerve). 


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#177 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 06, 2007, 05:59:14 pm
I don't know if you're being sarky, but just because a national speed limit applies doesn't mean it's safe to drive at it.  You drive at the speed at which it's safe to stop in the distance you can see to be clear.
I didn't say it was safe to do so. But there are plenty drivers out there who will drive too fast for conditions and so will still splatter you on your bike. Whether or not the driver is in the wrong is irrelevant when you're dead.


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#178 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 06, 2007, 06:20:55 pm
True.  I'm not recommending cycling two a breast, but I'm not saying they should watch out for cyclist's in particular.  There could be anyhting round that blind bend, someone broken down, I've had to swerve for a fallen tree (in a car) before, or indeed a small family car turning right across you.  It's probably futile to look for logic in the actions of knobheads, but you can't help but ask why the fuck they do that when it's an accident waiting to happen?  If they thought about it, then they'd hopefully realise it just isn't worth it, but that's probably the point that they just have not (like I had not) thought of that. 


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#179 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 06, 2007, 08:13:19 pm
out with boys one winter sunday,pretty hardcore day 80 miles+.coming back into town this guy in car cuts us up so one the guys garry bangs on his roof when we stop at a set of traffic the next set of lights he jumps out and grabs howard who hasn't seen the previous incident and has no idea whats going on other than some bloke has grabbed him by the throat.
in hull cycling circles howard is a legend in his own lunch time and not too well known for restaint.needless to say we pedal off  with a man laid in the road by his car, engine running door wide open. :whistle:


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#180 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 06, 2007, 08:20:16 pm
riding fast in a group has got to be one of the best cycling sensations (as well as freshly shaved thigh against lycra / 10 sec plus manual wheelie / unwrapping and eating mars bar while riding raleigh grifter no-handed) and i am quite happy with riding 2 abreast in a big group. as a driver, i'd prefer to overtake 15 riders if they were 2 across rather than in single file. that said, if i'm on a narrow road in a group i would tend to try to string it out a bit.

David S

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#181 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 08, 2007, 02:45:00 pm
I won't single out Simmo's violence here given we're all 'fessing up but

Hey Paz, the only reason I got pissed off was the fact that these guys were openly taking the piss. Laughing and joking about the fact they were holding up the traffic and actually spreading themselves across the road as soon as it was possible for anyone to overtake. Basically giveing cyclists a bad name and being a bunch of t*$ts. Anyway it was a long time and having been knocked off a bke by someone pulling out without looking, I give cyclists a bit more respect. But it doesn't mean that the odd dickhead doesn't still piss you off.

And Percy I don't have any idea what your talking about, must be confusing me with someone else ;)


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#182 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 09, 2007, 05:56:44 pm
riding fast in a group has got to be one of the best cycling sensations (as well as freshly shaved thigh against lycra / 10 sec plus manual wheelie / unwrapping and eating mars bar while riding raleigh grifter no-handed) and i am quite happy with riding 2 abreast in a big group. as a driver, i'd prefer to overtake 15 riders if they were 2 across rather than in single file. that said, if i'm on a narrow road in a group i would tend to try to string it out a bit.

Tell that to the guys who went down  on the way into ghent today!!!

And i saw a guy manual all the way down the hill past the jet station in crookes - well over 10 secs.  it was well...erm...brown.


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#183 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 09, 2007, 06:16:06 pm
Hands up- I ain't a serious cyclist.  A bike gets me from A to B when I need it, but I'm not a big fan of riding on the streets.
Commuting on a motorbike everyday most of what you guys say rings true.  I'd like to think I watch out for shaven-legged, lycra-clad road (ab)users both on the bike and when driving, but I know how dim many car drivers are.  Plenty of near misses to talk of but (touch wood) nothing serious.

Nowt but respect for your cojones, but you guys are crazy!!!   :lol:
Stay safe.


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#184 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 10, 2007, 12:24:08 pm

And i saw a guy manual all the way down the hill past the jet station in crookes - well over 10 secs.  it was well...erm...brown.

i once interviewed a guy who had managed to wheelie all the way from notting hill gate tube to marble arch without stopping. pedalling of course, but a fine achievement nonetheless.


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#185 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 10, 2007, 04:05:09 pm
Due to my fucked wrist, i've been looking  for a road bike for the past month. Living in S10 I decided a compact geat set is needed (50/34) and being a Yorkshireman I am looking for some kind of good deal! )I.e last years model etc, this is proving very difficult to get a bargain with a compact. I did nearly get 2006 Ribble, but they ran out of compacts, so if anyone knows of any bargains, or is selling a 52-54 with compact, I'd be grateful ;D.
Yours .....a tight skint bastard!


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#186 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 10, 2007, 08:22:56 pm
Not compact but 39 with a 27 (at least) on the back
Dolan Prefissio frame, ITM carbon/ alu bars
Ritchey adjustable stem
Carbon forks and seat post
Campag xenon 9 speed
Hand built wheels on Italian rims
Look pedals

All black - looks great. 18 months old. Haven't got any pics, but fatdoc has seen it and will vouch for the fact it looks the biz. PM me if want more details/interested
S8 so not that far away


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#187 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 10, 2007, 11:17:55 pm
i once interviewed a guy who had managed to wheelie all the way from notting hill gate tube to marble arch without stopping. pedalling of course, but a fine achievement nonetheless.

American Kurt Osborn has wheelied from coast to coast, obviously with breaks as it's quite a long way. The longest continuous wheelie i can find a record of him doing is 11 hours :lol:


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#188 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 11, 2007, 09:39:39 am
fuck me dolly, what you selling that one for???


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#189 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 11, 2007, 10:01:28 am
Due to my fucked wrist, i've been looking  for a road bike for the past month. Living in S10 I decided a compact geat set is needed (50/34) and being a Yorkshireman I am looking for some kind of good deal! )I.e last years model etc, this is proving very difficult to get a bargain with a compact. I did nearly get 2006 Ribble, but they ran out of compacts, so if anyone knows of any bargains, or is selling a 52-54 with compact, I'd be grateful ;D.
Yours .....a tight skint bastard!
i bought a bike with a compact 50/36 but after a mate suggested i went the whole hog and should just get an electric scooter instead.i changed it for 53/39. :-[


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#190 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 11, 2007, 12:08:52 pm
50 / 34 for me...

i cant climb, and i'm proud!! (that makes 2 sports before anyone else says it)


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#191 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 11, 2007, 12:20:38 pm
with 50/34 you've no excuses i.e"well if i'd got a 34 inner ring then it would be....................."

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#192 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 11, 2007, 12:27:15 pm
... a compact ...

isn't that one of those tins your gran carries round to powde her nose ?


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#193 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 11, 2007, 12:46:29 pm
very similar and the implication is you need to be a granny to have one on your bike. :whistle:


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#194 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 11, 2007, 03:01:17 pm
fuck me dolly, what you selling that one for???

Decided I only need one black framed Dolan really. This is the other black Dolan - not the one I went out on the other day

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#195 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 11, 2007, 03:13:04 pm
very similar and the implication is you need to be a granny to have one on your bike. :whistle:

Perhaps that's where the term 'granny ring' comes from  :whistle:


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#196 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 11, 2007, 03:28:13 pm
And i saw a guy manual all the way down the hill past the jet station in crookes - well over 10 secs.  it was well...erm...brown.

Are we talking skateboard manuals here? I've done way over 10 secs, fuck knows how far i've gone in terms of metres but my longest was probably the entire length of stratford-upon-avon skatepark.


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#197 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 11, 2007, 04:12:30 pm
Cheers, I'll PM you, but really after a 34/50 dude.


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#198 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 11, 2007, 11:43:01 pm
50 / 34 for me...

i cant climb, and i'm proud!! (that makes 2 sports before anyone else says it)

dear me. when i went to vietnam i stuck a 13-29 cassette on, but left the 53/39 on the front. and i managed to pedal over the hai van pass, with a 30l saddlebag and a handlebar bag full of assorted crap.

(my knee did semi disintegrate that evening though)


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#199 Re: Leg shavers anonymous
July 12, 2007, 10:28:29 am
my knees are fine  ;)


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