places to visit > abroad

IMPORTANT news about Sonlerto and Brione

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a dense loner:
right that's the last random login i did sorted out. my statements need no such provenance, whatever that means. well it's pretty obvious what it means but i've never heard it before.
a gentleman always comes second ferret

Paul B - you aren't big enough to call someone a wanker because you believe their phraseology is uncool.

Brione = CLOSED

neil h:
i dont think its important, you can sticky my font issue instead  :)

I've been seeing problems like black mirror and the Dosage Jump in a lot of videos listed as being in Brione, wondering if

A) People are either unaware of or ignoring the access issues?

B) These problems are not in a sensitive area?

C) Access is no longer an issue for this area?

Adam Lincoln:

--- Quote from: CanadianDave on March 25, 2011, 09:23:30 pm ---I've been seeing problems like black mirror and the Dosage Jump in a lot of videos listed as being in Brione, wondering if

A) People are either unaware of or ignoring the access issues?

B) These problems are not in a sensitive area?

C) Access is no longer an issue for this area?

--- End quote ---

I was only aware of problems at Sonlerto. I certainly haven't seen any footage of anything there of late? Black mirror is elsewhere, and not sure what you mean by Dosage jump?


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