Broken ankle recovery (Read 3495 times)

nic mullin

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Broken ankle recovery
May 04, 2007, 07:19:25 pm

I know this has been covered a lot lately, but having had a search around this site and UKC I've not found much that I'm not doing already. Here's the deal:

just over 6 weeks ago I fell off a wet topout in font (on the second day of my trip there :furious: ). By all accounts I'd cracked the bone that caps over the outside of my right ankle and torn all the ligaments on the outside half of my talus out of their insertions, bringing a few small dinnerplate shaped bits of bone out with them. Got put in plaster while still in France, then got one of those Aircast efforts once i was back in the UK. I'm now out of the cast, off crutches and getting physio.

The problem is, I've lost a huge amount of mobility, it's still huge and mis-shapen and certain (pretty vital) movements really hurt. The two that worry me most at present are bringing my knee forward over my toes (injured leg I can just manage this with support from a wall, but it hurts to buggery. With the healthy leg I can put my foot flat on the floor over 6 inches from the wall and bring my knee forward until it touches it, keeping my heel on the floor). The second is pushing up onto my toes (eg when climbing stairs). I can perform this movement (with some pain, but tolerable) with a little weight on my injured leg, but can't push forward from my toes when walking or going up steps.

The pain always seems to come from the same areas (quelle surprise) - in front of the bony bit on the outside of my ankle over onto the top outside of my foot and behind the bony bit on the inside of my ankle. Not surprisingly, these are the areas that are swollen. The pain is always much worse in the morning, to the point where I can't walk without a heavy limp and lots of pain.

At the moment, I'm doing contrast baths, taking arnica and sometimes using a crutch to help me hold good form when I'm walking. In terms of exercises, I'm pointing my toes/bringing them up towards me, tilting my foot side to side, rotating my ankle, writing the alphabet in the air, pulling my toes up with a towel to stretch my calf, raising the inside and outside of my foot alternately, leaning forward over my injured foot to bring my knee over my toes, doing raises up onto my toes and several warm up type stretches. All of these are done religiously each evening over about an hour. I'm also walking as much and as normally as possible - about 4 miles round trip to work and mooching about while I'm there. I've been doing all this for about a week and it's only feeling worse  :wall: . I've not got another physio appointment until next Monday, but if the exercises I'm doing aren't effective or could be counterproductive I don't want to spend another 9 days not getting anywhere before finding out what I should be doing.

So, any of you medical/physio/injured types know any other exercises/treatments that might help me out? 

Also, anybody care to hazard a guess as to whether it will be able to handle a trip to the Alps by August? 

And finally, ideas for staying fit (aerobically) without beating on my ankle too much - swimming, getting on the bike? Or will these fuck me up worse?

Any advice appreciated. Thanks in advance y'all.


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#1 Re: Broken ankle recovery
May 04, 2007, 07:55:16 pm
Sent You PM.


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#2 Re: Broken ankle recovery
May 05, 2007, 10:47:42 am
fantastic synopsis of what a truly fucked ankle is like to live with and the rehab needed... i know, i've got one.

all of the above is me too... though i think i had a bit more day to day function at your stage. my foot in certain stretches is still only 50% there. i bought an ultrasound machine... and after about 3 months stopped function type physio (when i could get up the stairs on my toes), and found someone to sort my back / sciatic nerve / mechanical imbalances out as well as frictioning of scar tissue.

i did mine the day of the works party (at stanage), i have yet to commit to a boulder problem outside full on... but it is getting better... in time.

personally i'd forget about the alps, buy a road bike and get the joint as mobile as poss asap.

BTW, have your films been seen by an orthopod here in the UK. Sub chondral fractures of the talus are hard to see on some xrays and in some fracture patterns there may be in indication for internal fixation. you may not have a fracture pattern of this type, i do know it's seen in climbers.

Paul B

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#3 Re: Broken ankle recovery
May 05, 2007, 11:33:12 am
Firstly sorry to hear of your injury. I've currently got a broken lower leg and the physio excercises you've described seem to be pretty much all of the same ones that I have been given and have been using over the last 3 months, the good news there is that they do start to pay off after time or have done in my case. The only thing that you haven't listed which I've been using was a balance board,for me it was probably to try and sort out balance more than anything else but it does allow you to stretch to your limit by rocking as far forward....back, side to side etc, anyway I think it helped a lot. Hope you get it sorted soon.


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#4 Re: Broken ankle recovery
May 05, 2007, 11:49:17 am
I once had my leg in a cast for a week. To rebuild the atrophied muscles I was told to stand on one leg with my eyes closed for as long as I could, every day for 3 months. I think this is probably an advanced exercise, and not one to undertake if gentler ones are causing you problems (and especially if you can't do this with your eyes open) - but for the final stages I'd imagine it's quite effective, as you have to really work the muscles to keep yourself in balance.

nic mullin

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#5 Re: Broken ankle recovery
May 05, 2007, 01:12:14 pm

Christ there's a lot of fucked ankles out there at the moment!

Sorry to hear about all your injuries & thanks for the advice - I hope you all recover quickly.

Paul, having seen the photos of your leg that are up on this site I feel like a right pussy coming on here and wingeing about mine!

I'm glad you recommend getting on the bike for mobility fatdoc - I think one of the most frustrating things is that I'm not doing any 'proper' exercise at present - waving my foot around in the air whilst sat in front of the telly feels like a half-arsed attempt at improving things (even though I'm sure it's effective). Doing something physical with a bit of grunt involved should help motivation if nothing else. 

Wobble-boarding is still a bit much at the moment (I've got one from a back injury a few years ago), but have been standing on one leg brushing my teeth etc (can't wait till I get to the eyes closed stage so i don't have to watch myself getting toothpaste all over my face).


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