technical > POI files

Suggestions and feedback

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I'm very tempted to moderate your posts Lovejoy with my new found moderating powers but unfortunately you would just moderate them back seeing as you have the same powers.
I think it 4456713 btw

Must have changed, it used to be 5318008
I'll shut up now

they had to disconnect that line, some fool kept ringing up asking about bee-hives

Johnny Brown:
You may laugh, a phone at burbage west would be very handy as its in signal hole for orange at least. I was once at Porth Ceriad when the SOS phone rang. We picked it up, they asked what the surf was like. We told them it was 6ft and clean. We lied.

Somebody's Fool:
Looks like Jim might have to start driving round with his arms inside his car.


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