places to visit > something for the weekend - hookups and lifts

Mr Mills - Warehouse Project - Manc Town - Friday

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my mate jeff in the old boddingtons brewery on friday.... :great:

blimey....see me resisting like mad....can't really go as have super important client meetings at work the following week - pah!  :'(

anyway just thought you might like to know....think i know a fair few people who will be going along

(has anyone else been to any of the warehouse project nights? - been reading mixed reviews (ok make that bad reviews) about sound quality and no-shows)

Good shout on Mr.Mills. Sadly I wasn't part of our crew that went to Friday's Autechre/LFO/Surgeon joint, but heard it was very good if only for poor sound quality (as you mentioned too jfw).

Unclesomebody is a likely cert I believe for this (?). Sadly, there was no way in hell work are going to give me the Saturday off and hence I can't attend.  >:(

Knees up to everyone who does attend, enjoy it!

Me and some others are going along on Friday.  Some other good names on the bill too, but I can't remember who exactly. 

I've not been but I've got friends who've been to the Warehouse malarky and they ain't been particularly negative about it, in fact several people have been very positive.  Not heard anything about sound quality, so I'm presuming it's at least reasonable.  The no shows business seems to blight lots of venues from time to time and it really sucks doesn't it?

Mono - what do you need Saturday off work for?  The club finishes by 6am.  Train home by about half six, get back to Liverpool half seven and Bob's yer uncle.  You've gone soft mate.  ;)


load of my mates are going but I declined.

If I go to that sort of night I wanna neck stuff and that's just bad for me these days, so I usually just pass it over.

Missed Mr Scruff's 6 hour set at Plug last Friday too :(


--- Quote from: Bubba on November 28, 2006, 08:49:28 am ---If I go to that sort of night I wanna neck stuff and that's just bad for me these days, so I usually just pass it over.

--- End quote ---

Do you have any of that restraint going spare Bubba?  If so, I wouldn't mind borrowing some as mine is running low...

Actually, to be honest I'm pretty restrained and limit my club/party excesses to every other month or so these days.  Being a climber is a very good way of being restrained as going climbing is always better than getting off my head and dancing for six hours.  Then again, a week of wet weather can skew my vision a bit.


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