places to visit > something for the weekend - hookups and lifts

Buses from sheff to peak

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That's some serious walking!

I think I know what you mean - I did a scramble in Wales last year that had a five mile walk in/out. The hike definitely added to the experience; like you say, an excellent warmup/comedown.

sorry about off topic but what was the scramble Bub's? been wanting to get some more hiking/scrambling done


It was Crib Lem, in the Carneddau.

I did it on my own on a viciously windy day - you literally couldn't stand on the summit.

Great fun - the scrambling isn't hard so you don't need a rope, but the position is superb coz you're above a 300ft cliff. Take a compass for navigating back down if it's a white-out on the summit as it's quite featureless up there. Some shit pics here.

Johnny Brown:
Genius, I like the direction this thread is taking! Proper days out, remote scrambles, bouldering is so 2001. Combine the two and go to the grinah stones...

 I've walked to the crag a couple of times, biking is maybe a better option if you want to do it regularly. Walk out, hitch back is a good combo.

Hitching from Hunter's bar - I've picked folk up a few times when its obvious they're going cragging. They're never actively hitching though, I just pull up and offer them a ride. Good for the karma...

ps that day out in the Carneddau looks quality bubbs...

andy popp:
Its probably not really the advice passion monkey was looking for though! The climbing/walking combo (and as Johnny says, why not combine the two) just works perfectly in the Peak with the proximity of both the city and lots of different crags. Walking out from and back to the city is very different somehow from a mountain walk-in, which you have to do because the road's stopped. Contrary to Johnny, I think walking back is probably best in terms of both mental and physical effects. You get a different relationship with the landscape that's missing when you drive or probably even when you run or cycle. It kind of connects you to Peak climbing history too, this is how people (Eric Byne and that crew) used to have to use the Peak because there was nothing else. Something else I enjoyed one summer when I was a bit injured was to get the train to Edale and then take in a series of crags on the southside of Kinder


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