Dreams... (Read 80411 times)


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#100 Re: Dreams...
February 01, 2008, 02:48:04 pm
I dont know how to make a daisy chain...I would love to know.
I'm down your way at the weekend, will I come and show you?  :P

Quote from: Dream Dictionary
Daisy - This flower can symbolize innocence, beauty, and purity. The color of the Daisy is also associated with the sun and can represent illumination and enlightenment.
It's not so easy to look up feelings and their related meanings though  :-\


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#101 Re: Dreams...
February 01, 2008, 03:30:43 pm
I don't have one arm pull-up dreams, but I do have dreams in which my bicycle handling skills are massively increased.  Lots of endo and wheelie hopping, amazing feats of dirt jumping and things of that nature.  I used to wake up, convinced that I have somehow "learned" the techniques rather like that chap in the Matrix. And then I would go and put my new-found skills into action. And hurt myself quite badly. I've since discovered that dream gravity functions in a different way to real gravity, and also that dream dirt is a lot softer than real dirt.

My most interesting dream of recent times was most exciting. It was the night before a friend's wedding.  In the dream, I was acting entirely uncharacteristically, lecturing various wedding guests about how amazing my speech was going to be.  When I finally swaggered on stage, I was quite drunk, forgot most of what I had planned to say, and it went down like a lead balloon. I was very upset at this, and was in tears before I'd even got to the end.  I then sat down looking fairly fucked off.  Amazingly, some moments later, Natalie Portman appeared next to me. She explained that she thought that I had misjudged the audience quite badly . I agreed. Then she said brightly that she would still like me to shag her, and led me away to a dark corner in the church. She then removed her little dress, got down on all fours and explained patiently that she "preferred it that way".  So far so good. Then I heard the vicar's voice from behind a pair of thick red curtains that had appeared next to us.  He was worried that the disastrous speech had left me in an unhealthy state of mind, and wanted to offer me some kind of spiritual support.  So, there I was, having sex with a very eager Natalie Portman, with my head poking out between the curtains, in deep and earnest conversation with a priest about Christian theology and the role of religion as a cure for depression.

Then I woke up, amazed at my brain's capacity for weirdness, but also slightly unfulfilled...

Interestingly, the actual wedding day was almost the exact reverse, with much pre-speech nerves, followed by a very successful rendition, and ending up with a priest-less encounter with a rather unattractive bridesmaid...

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#102 Re: Dreams...
February 01, 2008, 04:27:06 pm
 :lol: brilliant....


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#103 Re: Dreams...
February 01, 2008, 07:00:02 pm
Curious . . .   

I'd imagined you as more of a naughty forty insatiable widow in expensive Italian leopard-print clothing kinda guy; I mean, how else would you get hold of 40 year old Cabernet sauvignons so readily . . . 



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#104 Re: Dreams...
February 01, 2008, 07:42:38 pm
It's pinot, not cabernet sauvignon...

It's funny you mention the older woman though. I was at a party only a couple of weeks ago, where I described the most uncomfortable party situation I had ever experienced. (Although I don't think it actually was...) Anyway, some Christmases ago, me my family and I laid on a bit of a bash, to which we invited my little sister's ex schoolfriends and their recently divorced mother (her husband had left her for his secretary I think). The mother was pretty hot and amply bosomed, in a kind of Horse and Hounds chic kind of way. We both got quite drunk and I was telling her about a cookbook I was writing and she was trying to put her hand down my trousers. The evening was cut short when the idiot boyfriend of one of the girls turned up to take them all home.  I did managed to procure her email address though, and followed it up with a number of slightly iffy attempts at online seduction.

The following xmas we were invited for drinks at their place.  The mother had a new "boyfriend". A terminally dull teetotaller who might have been called Brian, although I can't remember. Anyway, someone gave me a very small glass of wine, and then we suddenly found ourselves, the guests and the hosts, standing in an uncomfortable circle, unable to make any conversation.  I stood there wondering whether I could break the ice by pointing out something like, "This is really jolly isn't it? I mean, Brian, it must be a year to the day since your new ladyfriend was searching for my cock while I was animatedly discussing the recipe for Saddle of Lamb 'Terry Eagleton'. Yes girls, your divorcee mother was trying to get it on with your schoolfriend's brother, and he would certainly have obliged.  Can I have some more wine please?"

The night was almost saved when I met the 19 year old blonde 5ft10 gorgeous spawn of the teetotaller. However, I failed to pick up her email address and so my persistent efforts were alas entirely wasted.


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#105 Re: Dreams...
February 01, 2008, 08:12:57 pm

I don't have problems w/ old lasses - just fat ones . . .    And I don't know what it is about short & slight guys and fat chicks but they seem to view me as fair game . . .  Recall a party in Mancester, HAVOC if I recall, and this lass must've taken a shine on the dancefloor.  Cut to afterparty and lo - she's there too - takes my hand and nearly shakes it off w/ every smile & wink in the book . . .  Later on she's pestering the fuck out of me (having just had her first E) - and I'm being an utter gentleman (a slightly petrified one, but . . .) - she ends up asking for a kiss to which I reply that I'm to be married to a lass who's expecting my child (downright lie but if you're gonna tell 'em, aim high) and she bogs off for a bit, bottom lip sticking out like a doorstop.  Cue to later on the dancefloor/livingroom and I get whisked off my feet from behind like a fucking ragdoll!  Miss Go-lightly won't take no for an answer and insists on taking what she wants even if it must be burgulary.  I recall shouting for help as she wants me upstairs the now!  Thankfully it ended happily - if a little bruised for me, as ah tell thee: she was a right crusher - when her friend spotted her and shouted at her to put the poor lad down at which I was dropped like a chop the dog had nicked from the table!

I'm really careful these days and carry a small palmsize canister of mace when I'm out on the streets by myself . . .   You never do know who you'll meet . . .  And there's many a waking-nightmare waiting to happen . . .


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#106 Re: Dreams...
February 01, 2008, 11:24:51 pm
Ive had a couple of recurring dreams.
#1 Only happened a few times and hasn't happened for ages. Men come to my house to kill me. I see them coming out of my bedroom window. A massive gun battle then ensues with me coming out the rambo-esque winner.
What could be better  ;D

#2 This one is weird. Ive been having it since I was much younger (pre 10) and it has slowly become less common (I think its because I only get it when I need a piss badly). The dream seems to last for aaaaaages but I always wake up well before dawn busting for that piss that I really should have taken before going to beddy bos. I'm not sure how it manages to last so long but its basically me and my mum sitting on the grass making daisy chains (I dont know how to make a daisy chain). I start to feel something strange is happening but I cant really put my finger on what it is. This dream drives me absolutely mad because on waking I can remember it quite vividly and feel like working out what is happening is just inches out of my grasp yet I still cant quite work out. There are certain things I can associate with what is happening though:
1. Something evil is coming.
2. I cant hear anything but I feel a very low pitch noise.
3. The dream feels sharp throughout.
The last 2 of those are pretty bizzare but thats the only way I can really put it down in words. I always wake up in a cold sweat. Its the oddest dream Ive ever had because nothing really feels like it should. The whole dream feels like its sharp and narrow. Not like a knife edge but more like cheese wire. Its one of the most difficult things Ive ever had to describe in words but the whole dream is mostly a feeling with very little visual.
I'm pretty sure i know exactly the sort of thing you're on about, though mine were slightly different. Disturbing but thankfully they grew scarcer the older i got, if that's any comfort.


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#107 Re: Dreams...
February 02, 2008, 12:18:12 am
I used to love good Nightmares- the ones you woke up in a cold sweat shitting your pants.  2 different, but recurring, dreams spring to mind:
1.  I've had a party in the flat in Glasgow (the one I lived in as a student) and everyone but the flatmate has gone.  I'm tidying up.  It's raining but across the street I suddenly see an evil figure in a long cloak standing on the rainswept roof opposite.  I think nothjing of it and continue to tidy.
Someone has made 2 wax cats out of candles, but they are very lifelike and have bright yellow eyes.  Initially I'm impressed but then I notice their eyes follow me around.  Eventually I go close to look and one leaps at me.  Little fuckers.  I crush one under my foot and it deforms, but then reforms itself as I watch and resumes the attack (kinda like Terminator 2, but this is years before that).
ANyway, I fight 'em off for a bit but then one leaps at my neck a starts chewing.  As I fall back my flat mate screams "it's chewing through the artery....... and I wake up.
Very Lovecraftian. The first time I had this I had to wake my flat mate up and sit for an hour smoking cigs.  That's how much it shat me up.. Fucking cool.

2.  Not as exciting, but I was younger.  The groud is full of evil worms (yeah, I know).  Anything in contact with the ground can be devoured by the worms, which then maintain the original form so you can't tell.
Start of dream:  sat in car with my parents.  They suddenly start to scream as the worms get them, but I manage to escape, and luckily I can fly (wow).   The rest of these dreams involves flying about avoiding the worms and people infested with them etc Quite scary when you're young.

Freud say's it's cos I'm gay/ want to fuck Fern Britten etc  Bullshit, it's like going to the cinema for a horror movie.  All good fun.


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#108 Re: Dreams...
February 02, 2008, 12:45:57 am
Freud say's it's cos I want to fuck Fern Britten
Freud? Don't we all want to fuck Fern Britten?


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#109 Re: Dreams...
February 02, 2008, 12:51:13 am
Freud? Don't we all want to fuck Fern Britten?



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#110 Re: Dreams...
February 02, 2008, 01:55:32 am
Freud? Don't we all want to fuck Fern Britten?


urr, YEAH! Let me at it...  :shag:

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#111 Re: Dreams...
February 02, 2008, 01:55:42 am
I used to love good Nightmares- the ones you woke up in a cold sweat shitting your pants.  2 different, but recurring, dreams spring to mind:
1.  I've had a party in the flat in Glasgow (the one I lived in as a student) and everyone but the flatmate has gone.  I'm tidying up.  It's raining but across the street I suddenly see an evil figure in a long cloak standing on the rainswept roof opposite.  I think nothjing of it and continue to tidy.
Someone has made 2 wax cats out of candles, but they are very lifelike and have bright yellow eyes.  Initially I'm impressed but then I notice their eyes follow me around.  Eventually I go close to look and one leaps at me.  Little fuckers.  I crush one under my foot and it deforms, but then reforms itself as I watch and resumes the attack (kinda like Terminator 2, but this is years before that).
ANyway, I fight 'em off for a bit but then one leaps at my neck a starts chewing.  As I fall back my flat mate screams "it's chewing through the artery....... and I wake up.
Very Lovecraftian. The first time I had this I had to wake my flat mate up and sit for an hour smoking cigs.  That's how much it shat me up.. Fucking cool.

Shit the bed! Literally.  :o


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#112 Re: Dreams...
February 02, 2008, 12:04:44 pm
Mo'cushion fo'the pushin'


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#113 Re: Dreams...
February 26, 2008, 10:05:30 pm
Since pot is a no-no and the missus has banned me from drinking for a few days, I'm having spectacular dreams at the moment.

The night before last was scary and fully lucid:  I'm in a place where I've been but once in life but strangely more than once in my dreamstate.  It doesn't matter where I was but I'd done a fair bit of vampire killing here.  And I was there again.  I spent sometime arranging a collection of French peasants agricultural tools into the rafters of barn (one of those half-open types) w/ the intention of using them to lure vampires under (just like I'd done before) and behead them with the collection of mattocks, scythes etc.. which I'd balanced above head-height. 

But this night I was scared, and I knew that King Vampire was watching, waiting for the right moment.  I could see king vampire behind the crenellations of a castle a few hundred metres away as the moon was low and behind him.    He knew I knew and I knew that he knew I knew.  I was petrified he'd come for me as somehow I knew my vampire slaying days were over and this time I was toast.  So I somehow managed to keep him pacing on the castle roof and this really pissed him off.

In fact, I'm certain Dracula is keen to visit my headspace so I've dosed myself w/ a valerian capsule and a cup of hot valerian tea in the hope I sleep like a log.  Waking up is a chore after valerian (AKA baldrian, powerful herbal sleepy stuff) I feel überdrowsy first thing but it's better than getting bloodsucked and turning into a vampire (obviously).  Fraudini said I was mumbling stuff in tongues and was sweating like a bitch on heat, so . . .    Well, see what tonite brings.   Garlic will most definitely be by my bed tonite!


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#114 Re: Dreams...
February 26, 2008, 10:21:42 pm
From Dream Dictionary.

To see a vampire in your dream, symbolizes seduction and sensuality, as well as fear and death. The vampire represents contrasting images of civilized nobility and aggression/ferocity. It may depict someone in your waking life whose charm may ultimately prove harmful. Deep down inside you know that this person is bad for you, yet you are still drawn to it. Vampires also sometimes relate to decisions about sex and losing your virginity. Alternatively, to see a vampire suggests that you are feeling physically or emotionally drained. The vampire may also be symbolic for someone who is addicted to drugs or someone in an obsessive relationship.

To dream that you are a vampire, signifies that you are sucking in the life energy of others for your own selfish benefit.

Weird huh?


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#115 Re: Dreams...
February 27, 2008, 02:02:48 am
I regularly dream about cooking and new recipes (oh yeah and killing KP's waitress and members of the public who ask for well done steak) and have managed to remember a few ones the following day. Some have been a real success.

Note to self and the world in general we all get the sexual dreams from time to time, but I cna seriously recommend not having one while catching 40 winks transiting in Philly airport, I barely managed to talk my way out of getting arrested, if it wasn't stupid o clock approaching sparrow fart I think i would have been done for.


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#116 Re: Dreams...
March 01, 2008, 10:57:29 am
How about this one then?

Last night I dreamt I met houdini.

I was walking round leeds when I went in to some fashion shop or other and saw a man complaining about "emo cunts" who I somehow recognised as the man himself. We complained a while about the state of modern culture until fraudini came back from her shopping. We went to a restaurant/buffet thing where houdini got loads and loads food (wierd stuff like tentacles, as well as a wide variety of breads, cheeses, meats and also, an entire steak dinner) and I kept thieving bits of it. Even though we were in Leeds, it was a part of Leeds I'd never been before (because it doesn't exist)...

I know there was more to the dream but I can't remember it any more. I could 5 minutes ago, which is strange...

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#117 Re: Dreams...
March 01, 2008, 09:07:44 pm


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#118 Re: Dreams...
March 01, 2008, 10:02:17 pm
Hmmm...  Whilst both Fraudini and I have found ourselves in Leeds/Otley/Almscliffe/Caley.  We don't do tentacles!

Must concede I find that vampire quote from the dream dictionary more alarming and relevant the more I read it...

Valerian / Baldrian.  Hmm... I sure did dose myself good, I recall no vampires - but infact dreamed of a large expanse of very shallow water.

To see water in your dream, symbolizes your unconscious and your emotional state of mind. Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy. It is also symbolic of spirituality, knowledge, healing and refreshment. If the water is calm, clear, then it signifies that you are in tune with your spirituality. It denotes serenity, peace of mind, and rejuvenation. If you are splashed by water, then it represents your need to be revitalized and more expressive. To dream that water is boiling, suggests that you are expressing some emotional turmoil. It also may mean that feelings from your unconscious are surfacing and ready to be acknowledged.?

To see muddy or dirty water in your dream, indicates that you are wallowing in your negative emotions. You may need to devote some time to clarify your mind and find internal peace. Alternatively, it suggests that your thinking/judgment is unclear and clouded. If you are immersed in muddy water, then it indicates that you are in over your head in a situation and are overwhelmed by your emotions.

To hear running water in your dream, denotes meditation, reflection and pondering of your thoughts and emotions.

To dream that you are walking on water, suggests that you have supreme and ultimate control over your emotions. It may also suggest that you need to "stay on top" of your emotions and not let them explode out of hand. Alternatively, it is symbolic of faith in yourself.

Water Carrier

To see a water carrier in your dream, signifies favorable prospects in fortune and love. To dream that you are a water carrier, foretells that you will rise above your current position.

To see a waterfall in your dream, symbolizes beauty and grace. It may represent your goals and desires.

Water Lily
To see a water lily in your dream, signifies grief, sorrow, and bereavement.

Water Skiing
To dream that you are water skiing, represents an uplift in your spirituality and increase in your self-confidence. It also indicates feelings of peacefulness and freedom.

To dream that you are underwater, suggests that you are feeling overcome with emotions and are in need of greater control in your life. You may be in over your head regarding some situation.

To dream that you are breathing underwater, represents a retreat back into the womb. You want to return to a state where you were dependent and free from responsibilities. Perhaps you are feeling helpless, unable to fulfill your own needs and caring for yourself.? Alternatively, you may be submerged in your emotions.

To see a watermelon in you dream, represents emotions of love, desire,? lust, and fiery passion.? Pregnant women or women on the verge of their menstrual cycle often dream of such fruits, as watermelons. Alternatively, watermelons may be associated with summertime ease, leisure, and relaxation.

To dream that you are on or see a waterslide, suggests that you? are being swept away by your emotions. You are slowly exploring the realm of your unconscious. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are going with the flow of things without any objections or resistance.

To see a waterbed in our dream, suggests that have come to accept and recognizing your emotions.? You are slowly acknowledging aspects of your unconscious. It also represents a rise in your unconscious and repressed energy, particularly issues dealing with sexuality, fear, aggression, etc..

To see a watermill in your dream, suggests that you need to keep your options open and utilize the resources that is available to you. You also need to proceed at a steady pace in realizing your goals. The dream is one of motivation and renewal.

So, not much about shallow water, though walking on water is the closest example here.  I'm sure it would be pure arrogance to accept that solution here.  Must read up on Dream Theory.

Anyone read My Education?  As seen earlier in this thread. 

Really must start writing this shit down & sell it to potheads when I'm too old to work the ropes.  Mugs'll love it.

Of late, insomnia/wine have kept me awake till 2.30am.  I rise at 7.30-8 am daily.  I currently favour listening to some very slow techno on headphones, something w/ plenty of space and room for interpretation, plenty to occupy my brain and ward off those fucking vampires.  Sleeparchive (ha!) in particular...  I wake @ 6am w/ banging techno (the soft mix being superceded by some horrific 4/4   torture).  Really must programme my machine better.

Tonite I've drunk a bottle (a restless amount) and hope to confront this vampire once and for all.  I'll see if I can enter the dream at the same point again.

Damn it!  Where's soapy when you need him? 


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#119 Re: Dreams...
March 01, 2008, 10:51:06 pm
But that's the thing... I knew it was you in my dream but in real life it can't have been you. In my dream "houdini" was short, shaven hair and glasses, quite nerdy looking, and you were eating meat (am I right in thinking you're a veggy?)


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#120 Re: Dreams...
March 02, 2008, 07:11:44 pm
How strange!

In my dreams Houdini is tall, dark, outrageously handsome, and eats 8A+ for elevenses . . .


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#121 Re: Dreams...
March 09, 2008, 12:27:00 pm
Total bongo-bongo dreams this morn:

I'm in a 2-up 2-down mid-terraced house that looks like Rotherham but is in fact along the Hamburg dock fronts (where there are no Rotherham-esque terraces at all.)

I return to the house via the back garden to find Jasper and Lagers' waiting impatiently.  I tell them I have plaice & fine white bordeaux, but they say it's time to go swimming and we'll eat/drink afterwards (which I thought was strange as Jasper had made it known he is very fond of fine white Bordeaux . . .)   My kit isn't to hand & suggest they wait for me in the car.  Exeunt.

Cut to indoors.  Evidently I live like a tramp: there is trash everywhere, utter chaos.  There's no way I'll find my noseclip and trunks in this shithole (strange, I'm very tidy in life).  I met my sisiter in the house, I've no idea why she's there, which doesn't matter as she's angry w/ me for something unclear & has no intention of helping w/ the search.  But I can't find shit in this dump and after half an hour of frantic behaviour I go through to the front of the house to find Jasper & Lagers' waiting for me in the wheels (which turns out to be an articulated car transporter ie: two layers of cars on a trailer; odd thing was, there was no conventional truckcab, but the front half of a sky-blue Ford Anglia w/ the trailer hitched to the caravan bar . . . )  Inside the Anglia/cab hybrid there is an unidentified young boy of maybe 5 or 6 & a dog: black w/ white muzzle that tries to bite my face off from over the front seat as soon as I get in the back.  Lagers' is narked that I still haven't found my trunks and suggests we just head to the pool & take it from there.  While he's telling me this I've got this ill-tempered pooch at arms length, Jasper says he's fine & means no harm(?!).  I ask which pool we're going to & am told the one in Sheff'(!) - which as we're in Hamburg in a car transporter full of vehicles w/ a rabid dog at my throat - I find kinda odd. 

From this moment till I woke, I pondered why Jasper and Lagers' wanted to drive to a Sheff' pool in such a fashion and why we were not drinking fine white Bordeaux w/ plaice in the back garden as originally suggested . . .

Go figure.


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#122 Re: Dreams...
March 09, 2008, 01:52:05 pm
Interesting. It wasn't your house - it was probably mine. I do live in a terraced house and left to my own devices I regularly live like a tramp: there is often trash (I think of it as useful stuff) everywhere and usually utter chaos. That is the only link between your dream and the real world though.

Jas and I would have either turned up in his sporty little piece of high quality german engineering or in my sporty piece of high quality german engineering. I usually have spare swiming stuff in my car and you could have used that, but, as you might expect, we would have gone for the eating and drinking option without a moment's hesitation.

I did care for a very large and terrifying staffy for a while - she looked like 60lb of certain death, but was soft as owt. Could have been her?

I have been swimming every day for the last 4 days... and I did forget my goggles on thursday...


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#123 Re: Dreams...
March 10, 2008, 11:20:49 am
And I can't stand swimming (unless I'm on holiday somewhere hot when it's more lolling about in water than swimming anyway) but love wine and good food.

Funny. I was thinking it must be Lagers' house before I read his post.  :lol:

Just trying to explain to work colleagues now why I am giggling like a fool. The Ford Anglia car transporter pushed me over the edge.


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#124 Re: Dreams...
May 20, 2008, 09:57:17 pm
From this morning (a lucid dream):

I'm walking along a street and meet my favourite breed of dog.  In German: Mops.  English:  Pug/Ethel from Eastenders dog.  (They're so cute!)  It runs indoors and I follow it.  The front door leads direct to the living room and it is empty ie: no people. I play w/ the dog.  Suddenly the room is occupied and I feel uncomfortable: this is someones house afterall and I am tresspassing. 

I get up and make to leave.  Reach the front door.  A grey cat scratches its way up the side of the door to a position above the handle and squats flat against the wood of the door in the area where the palm-plate (those brass things) might be found.  Its fur changes to mauve and I watch the cat distort to approx. 3mm thick; I see it's skull flatten before my eyes!

I look to the people in the room.  Bizarrely they behave as this was utterly normal. I decide there and then that this is a dream I have no place in and make myself wake from it forthwith - being somewhat frightened to continue . . .


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