Can't think of any other rituals other than going through a prolonged period of pessimism and self-doubt if I'm attempting anything even remotely hard or project-like. This ritual is very important if I'm to get the least out of my session.
I feel rather guilty now as I always thought all that self doubt was just your way of making me feel bad about myself i.e."I can't do that project you worked on for months I'm too weak....oh, look at that I just flashed it, how surprising"
being very hungover.With regards to the last one, the best I have ever climbed followed a particularly heavy night, resulting in having to stop on the way out to the crag to be sick
I threw up on every street between My mate's and Leeds Wall, (where we went to buy a mat),
Serpent breathing is good. Boosts oxygen levels to the body and increases lung capacity. Inhale through the nose counting three, pause briefly, continue inhalation counting three, pause briefly, and inhale counting three again. Exhale slowly with control through the nose again. Repeat exercise counting four. Then try a set of fives etc.
Definitely Coffee first thing.Silvo Karo and Gullich cant be wrong. Ive also been partial to some pastries from the cake shop and the odd can of red bull to get the blood flowing. Dont really get much time to warm up cos its usually a race to beat the sun, a few easy problems and then onto the main event