Is the Plantation overrated? (Read 5148 times)


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Is the Plantation overrated?
October 07, 2002, 11:43:55 pm
posted by: guest date: 2002-08-06 time: 06:25:44 reply  x
  When I get up there, I always think what's all the fuss about. Some nice problems, but not enough of them. Anything down the non-popular end of stanage?

postId: 156 posted by: StuartM date: 2002-08-06 time: 09:37:11 reply  x
  In reply to post 154: i always thought so - a few absolute gems but as far as good circuits go there's way better crags to head to - too many people aswell

postId: 159 posted by: mike date: 2002-08-06 time: 10:11:13 reply  x
  In reply to post 156: That's my main problem with the place, the sheer amount of people it gets - I don't bother at weekends any more. Some wicked problems though, although some are starting to get a bit trashed. When I first used to go there, there was a little bald patch in the grass below Pebble Arete - now look at the place.

postId: 160 posted by: guest date: 2002-08-06 time: 13:14:23 reply  x
  In reply to post 154: Most of the problem with the plantaion is with the people who have no imagination and come from outside the peak and would never consider going anywhere else, maybe burbage at a push. I live in sheffield and i only go to the plantation about 3-4 times over the winter and never in the summer. Its the same with routes there - if i go to stanage to do routes i only go either evenings or weekend if it is north end - i just can't be doing with the crouds at any other time. For me half the fun of bouldering is going and finding new stuff or places you've never been to, with a few mates, not thrashing same problems over and over like every Tom, Dick and Harry.

postId: 162 posted by: mike date: 2002-08-07 time: 10:12:40 reply  x
  In reply to post 160: Yeah, I agree entirely - although it's hard to escape the crowds in the Peak, it's worth the effort. Problem is that for a lot of southern climbers, the Peak is they're nearest destination, so the place gets swamped. Shame most people don't use their imagination a bit more, and go to the lesser known places. Still managed to have the Plantation to myself a few times over the winter, which is how it used to be.

postId: 172 posted by: guest date: 2002-08-08 time: 09:54:57 reply  x
  In reply to post 160: agree entirely - been to Burb S boulders sometimes and it's just full of wankers up for the day and turning the place into a climbing wall.

postId: 175 posted by: guest date: 2002-08-08 time: 12:42:33 reply  x
  In reply to post 172: had virtually a whole week to myself at eagle tor, rowtor and cratcliffe - then went to stanage and it was like victoria station. but that's the problem with the UK - too small and too many people

postId: 177 posted by: StuartM date: 2002-08-09 time: 00:50:34 reply  x
  In reply to post 172: "it's just full of wankers up for the day " thats a bit harsh - just because people live in Sheff doesn't mean they have the ultimate access right above everyone else, it is within a 'National Park' after all. Also, not everyone living outside Sheff is a wanker!

postId: 179 posted by: guest date: 2002-08-09 time: 11:48:46 reply  x
  In reply to post 177: and not everyone living in sheff is NOT a wanker

postId: 182 posted by: mike date: 2002-08-09 time: 12:36:08 reply  x
  In reply to post 177: Yeah, that is a bit harsh, and I don't mean it's like that every weekend, or from every non Peak climber but just had some bad experiences where the place has been overrun by people with very bad attitudes. I think some people feel that they need to turn up the attitude-ometer when they're in the Peak or something. A mate started talking to a group once, only to have one of them say something along the lines of "oh you're from sheffield are you, bet you think you're really shit hot, don't you?", etc, etc. Just makes it unpleasant for everyone there, and reinforces people's notion that the Peak is full of twats. Conversely, we've had great days out where we've hooked up with people from all over the place, bouldered with them and showed them round - this often ends up in an invitation to check out their home areas, etc, and in my eyes, everyone gets much more out of it this way and it makes for a pleasant day out.

postId: 183 posted by: mike date: 2002-08-09 time: 12:36:49 reply  x
  In reply to post 179: no, there's quite a few wankers in Sheff too. Usually the wannabees who have something to prove.


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