the shizzle > chuffing

Quality chuffing videos...

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andy popp:

--- Quote from: duncan on March 22, 2024, 09:39:29 am ---most notable for ukb readership for an interview with first ascentionist Jonny Woodward, still drinking tea and with only the faintest of twangs after more than 40 years in the USA.

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Looking forward to watching this later. Getting to meet and spend a couple of hours climbing on the grit with Jonny sometime in the mid-90s was one of the highlights of my climbing life.

I think i spotted Jonny Woodwood in a clip advertising a film called The Mentor that's just out


--- Quote from: grimer on March 22, 2024, 03:10:27 pm ---I think i spotted Jonny Woodwood in a clip advertising a film called The Mentor that's just out

--- End quote ---

You did. A portrait of Maria Cranor, an amazing woman. Jonny was married to Maria for a a number years, though the film doesn't mention this.

Bit of Seb pr0n.


Just re-discovered this which I must have seen before, definitely quality for anyone who has been to CH or read the guide or just likes outrageous-for-the-grade routes  :icon_321: <<< smiley is topical for the climb  ;D


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