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Quality chuffing videos...

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You have 3 guesses as to what this thread is about....and the first two guesses don't count...

Okay dokay here's some I've got tucked away, sorry no download links yet but I will try to find them or try googling or searching your favourite climbing video clip site:

All of beardown's gritstone stuff: Piece of Mind, Gaia, New Statesman, Life Assurance, Crack and Slab, Jasmine, Equilibrium, Gritstone Year (most of these involve that bloke Jordan so Andi_e I'd get the cold shower ready now  :? ).

zebree - french canadian (I think?) dude working an utterly hideous overhanging crack. One of the best - and most brutal - clips around.

under.mpg - Czech dude Thomas someone-or-other climbs an 8c across a huge horizontal roof, very impressive and nice music.

baston8c - Dave Graham, dunno whether this was a flash or something but it's pretty cool sport climbing.

ElderStatesman - small, skinny and very strong bloke does small skinny and very hard arete with multiple ropes and big cams. Cameo appearance from me sulking beneath Finger Distance after another failed attempt to do it without mats.

niallPocketsExcellence_bg - Niall McClar (SP?) onsight soloing an E5 6a. Proper climbing.

millauF - Petzel thing - lots of ultra tanned, ultra honed, Euros gather around to compare pecs and attempt the odd F9b.

roctrip_millauF - Petzel again - exactly the same except less F9bs and more impressive falls.

gunks2f - another Petzel - mostly bouldering except there's a little bit of nice route stuff including a phat trad roof climb at the end.

PaisClipWm - spanish climbing trailer video that rman posted, only a trailer but enough impressive route stuff to sell the film.

Realisation clip - one of the best sport climbing clips around but to be honest we should all have Dosage anyway...

got most of them i think,  of course some are better than others! ;-)

not so sure about elder crack arete, a bit wack but nevertheless an incredibly difficult way of doing a bizzare line and quite good to have on film.

that snippet of potter soloing the nose is pretty inspiring (on masters V i think)....

You missed a couple.

- - Blimey.

- - you know what I mean. awesome stuff.

- Iker Pou on Action Directe - Damn that looks hard. But he climbs it like it's a warm up...

- Klem on a 9a - and just for a bit of comparison, a 9a from Klem. Not such a great movie, but some great gurning.

- Yuji onsighting 8c - world's first 8c onsight. worth a watch. The mind boggles.

- Realisation - Sylvain Millet getting in the first repeat.

- The dry-tooling dvd that black diamond send out for free is quite entertaining, though perhaps I should mention it in the quality non-climbing thread...

- Macleod on Breathless - not that exciting, but hey, it's E10.

a dense loner:
i think a grown man should be free to choose whether to throw chuffing vids on the fire or place them under the wheel of a large truck thats just starting its engine

You know, they probably won't burn that well. I'd suggest wood or maybe coal.


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