Games, games, games (Read 312746 times)


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#775 Re: Games, games, games
March 04, 2018, 11:24:51 pm
Just finished PREY after 30 hours, which simultaneously felt long (because it was continually interesting) and not long enough (because I didn't want it to end).
A few flaws with it:

1. The future art deco style is a matter of taste.
2. Navigating the station can become tiresome - slow inside, confusing outside.
3. The initially thrilling Typhon lose a bit of impact in the late game.
4. The crew quarters are unrealistically small.
5. The lack of a reflection in the many mirrors is jarring.


That's it.

I dock it a percent for each of those flaws - down to 95%

Everything else is excellent. Really spot on. Single player gaming at it's best, up there with the top plot-driven intelligent FPSes and continuing their traditions perfectly. I know I'm late to last year's party, but if anyone is sitting on the fence, just do it.


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#776 Re: Games, games, games
April 29, 2018, 10:53:43 am
One for the cute massive in tha burrow: Ghost Of A Tale ||
Aka Mouse Souls: Prepare To Styx Edition. Basically if what you really want in gaming is a direct combination of Styx (gameplay mechanics), Wind In The Willows (characters and theme) and a hint of Dark Souls (map unfolding and occasional traps), then this is the game you've been waiting for. And it's actually really well done, if you don't mind slow gameplay as your routes and quests slowwwly unfold (around a tiny game world). The setting and plot are fine, the control system is refreshingly direct and responsive, and the mouse Tilo is endearingly cute and well animated. There's a few issues: some graphical glitches, textures are a bit busy, night time is very gloomy, navigating the world is slow, and it really could have done with voice acting. But I really liked it (and I am not a fan of cartoony cuteness) and reckon it's well worth a look...


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#777 Re: Games, games, games
April 29, 2018, 10:59:00 am
And from tiny meeses to giant robots: Battletech

It's out, and entirely unsurprisingly, it delivers. Slick and very functional turn-based combat in the classic easy to grasp hard to master vein, well themed settings, properly chunky and satisfying weapons / effects, and a full single player campaign (with a lot of waffly story I'm trying hard to ignore). XCom with 30m tall battle mechs?? Just get it.


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#778 Re: Games, games, games
July 24, 2018, 09:29:55 am
Of specialist and old fashioned interest, but:

2 decades overdue, I made a Quake custom level. Pretty pleased with it as a first ever level so I did a walkthrough and explanation.


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#779 Re: Games, games, games
December 14, 2019, 10:58:19 am
Been a good autumn for catching up on games. Not many games released of interest this year as I refuse to be held hostage by Epic Games anti-consumer, anti-competitiveness, anti-choice EGS exclusives, but still some good stuff.

Game Of The Year: A Plague Tale - Innocence.

Pretty much as good as "young children avoiding pestilent rats" sims go. My Steam review:

A truly beautiful narrative game. Sure it has the usual narrative / interactive movie pitfalls (linear, restrictive, stealth-lite / puzzle-lite gameplay is mostly adequate rather than exceptional - although it does get progressively more interesting, apart from the dire and obtuse boss combat), BUT as far as the genre goes it really is a captivating experience. Graphics are excellent and are fully harmonious with the art direction and atmosphere rather than just being good for the sake of it, the whole presentation is of a rich and realistic medieval world. With the surprisingly endearing characters and characterful (and sometimes gruesome) hazards, it is quite enthralling.

It's also only £20 at the moment so if you have any taste, decency, or shreds of humanity left, you'll get it:

Here's a few shots to give some flava:

Other stuff:

Dishonoured 2: Death Of The Outsider

Part sequel, part DLC, all the usual Dishonoured tricky gameplay / stylish dieselpunk goodness, but also a fantastic final level that's the aesthetic highlight of the series.

Battletech: Heavy Metal

More mech mashing. Battletech is now a classic game and this just adds more of the same, albeit at a steep price. But the new mechs are stylish and full of character, new weapons are useful, and the new flashpoint is nice enough.

Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus

Turn-based Strategy is one of the most thriving genres at the moment. This 40K offering is very "gamey" and "arena-y" and lacks a proper sense of exploration and progression, but more than makes up for it with great fun gameplay that gives you far more options than the usual TBS normal, allowing for some really enjoyable and rewarding action. Nice to see devs really focusing on the gameplay and pulling it off.

Mutant Year Zero: Seeds Of Evil

Yet more TBS, and this one is full of ALL the character that W40K:M lacks. Good exploration, great characters, lovely atmosphere graphics for the genre, and the gameplay is streamlined but still fun. This is the DLC to the main game and continues the high quality with additional challenges and a strong theme.


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#780 Re: Games, games, games
December 14, 2019, 11:33:05 am
Got a relatively free weekend with no outdoor climbing plans so... As I type this I'm downloading the latest expansion / DLC for Grim Dawn called 'Forgotten Gods'. Grim Dawn itself is an excellent aRPG game (slower paced and story-line driven in comparison to Diablo 3 / Path Of Exile) can often be picked up on sale for sub <£10 prices along with the first couple bits of DLC.

I often go out of my way to avoid games that get a little rapey in their use of DLC / Season passes etc - mainly because I game so little it isn't worth it but also I dislike that sales model.

This game though is such good value, the developers really have put work in with their continued updates and additions, they definitely earn they ££! Also there is a decent modding community, probably best after having played through the game you can try out some mods. That is my plan after playign Forgotten Gods... want to try out something called 'Grim Dawn Reborn 3.0':

Can be downloaded from the above link if anyone fancies :)


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#781 Re: Games, games, games
December 14, 2019, 11:36:51 am
Grim Dawn - best of the "recent" triptych of fairly similar ARPGs. It's got the grit and style of Path Of Exile (but not the randomly generated maps thank fuck) blended with the fun and spectacle of Diablo 3. All the ARPG cliches you could ever want from an instantly forgettable story, entirely overcomplicated 3-4 tier character system, dungeons with giant spiders etc etc JESUS CHRIST WILL IT NEVER END. But it plays smoothly and looks great, the world detailing is the best I've seen.

I concur with Grim Dawn overall. However Forgotten Gods ran so slowly on my machine (like proper bugged to shittery slowly) that I had to cancel it for a refund.

Talking of ARPGs (with a bit of TBS too), I'm going to dive into Divinity Original Sin 2 next. I played 50 hours of the Early Access and even that truncated version was a GOTY for 2017 or whenever it was. Definitely one to see one through the grim winter evenings.


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#782 Re: Games, games, games
December 15, 2019, 10:10:59 am
Ahh that sucks it didn't run well :/ If it was some sort of early release bug it might have been patched now? But decent that you got a refund. I've started the new Oathkeeper class from the beginning so won't get to the new content for a while...

DOS2 is another excellent game. I did a co-op online play through with a friend. Lots of fun. Equally good as a solo player. So much flavour and back story to all the characters. No spoiler but Loshe was a particular fave, some powerful 'hits you in the feels' parts to her play through. Have fun!


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#783 Re: Games, games, games
December 15, 2019, 05:45:35 pm
Oooh I might make sure I have her then.


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#784 Re: Games, games, games
January 18, 2020, 10:07:06 am
Crzylgs help! I've started DOS2 with Lohse (2handed+metamorph) as main char, Red Prince (dual wielding semi-tank), Sebille (scoundrel + support), Fane (archer + necro support), got well into the Driftwood area and I'm finding it pretty gruelling. Despite my personal playstyle being very exploratory / looty I still find myself underpowered for most combats (I'm lvl 12 facing lvl 13-14), especially first attempts because almost all the non-magister combats seem to involve some unpredictable instant death trick (possessed dwarf that mutates into a voidwoken with more hp and armour than my entire party, assassins with infinitely castable invisibility, endless oil blob voidwoken, scarecrows with non-cancellable terror  etc etc etc). I'm juggling gear, crafting scrolls etc etc, abusing teleport as much as I can, but I'm still having to save-scum to fuckery to get anywhere, which TBH spoils the otherwise fun exploration and immersion. Help! (And no, "rebuild entire party" is not ideal). P.S. This is after 120+ hours in DoS1 and DoS2 EA plus probably 1000 hours combined in RPG and turn-based strat games in general. HUH.


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#785 Re: Games, games, games
January 18, 2020, 03:35:28 pm
Been quite a while since I've played it tbh but seems like there could have been quests you've missed that you might be able to double back to so that you're not under-levelled?

I remember there are some quests / areas that either difficult to do or easy to miss when you first play though.

In terms of tips:
- stealing from NPCs (unless this is against your RP rules) can be very beneficial in terms of affording better items/spells etc.
- Not wanting to rebuild your entire party but if you could work in a Summoner it might make things easier. It always seemed very powerful to me as you essentially gain a throwaway party member to distract enemies with.

I think once you gain a couple more levels you'll be able to benefit from a greater variety of skills and abilities that really complement each other. There are certain combos that work really... I can't remember all the skill names but things like rain > freeze for an AoE CC ability. Basically all CC abilities are powerful in this game. Depending whether you party ends up doing more magic or physical damage you can target your CC against the other type of enemies. This allows you to 'nuke' down a target or two that you're strong against, then have way less incoming damage to deal with for rest of battle.

Hope that was of some help, sorry can't be more specific is a game i enjoyed and played through with a friend co-op but didn't play over prolonged duration for everything to be burned into memory.

Haven't been playing much recently apart from a little gem called 'Mindustry'. I imagine its a rather 'marmite' game, essentially explained as 'Factorio + Tower Defense':

You can get it for 'name your price' here directly from the game developer 'Anuke'.

Or buy on Steam for £5.


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#786 Re: Games, games, games
January 18, 2020, 10:15:33 pm
Cheers dude. I've got a couple of chars who can do basic summons so am using that all the time. I'm using teleport and knockdown for CC but i think I need to up my game in that area. I've started making sure I explore in a circle around driftwood rather than going too far in one direction and getting out of my depth. Will keep plodding on...


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#787 Re: Games, games, games
January 23, 2020, 07:19:13 pm
If you're somewhat lacking in psyche for another great ""winter"" weekend's forecast, there are some great games in the Steam Sale at the mo:

About 10 fuck alls each for those, all were legit great at full price.

20 fuck alls for that and one of the most beautiful games you'll ever play.


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#788 Re: Games, games, games
January 25, 2020, 11:00:33 pm
Crzylgs cheers for the pro-tips, I guess I still have some noobism as I didn't know the CC acronym!! I guess I have neglected it as many of the turn-based strats i've played recently - especially Battletech where there is a single "knocked down" option that doesn't even take a turn out - haven't featured it majorly. So now I have nudged things that way, I'm still lacking AOE CC, but I've got:
Lohse with Knockdown, Battering Ram and Chicken Claw, and Summon Oily Blob
Red Prince with Knockdown, Battering Ram, Teleport and Shocking Touch
Sebille with Sleeping Potion and Teleport
Fane with Teleport and Summon Bone Widow plus the usual selection of special arrows.
So now once I strip physical armour off I can keep the main enemies perma knocked down - often after using teleport or wings/flight/linked pyramids to get myself in advantageous position and also to teleport the main enemies away from support, then use tele and summons to keep them out of the way. I've managed to get through a few fights first go this evening which is a merciful relief. There are still some that are as imba as fuck or impossible first go unless you know a specific trick (Blackpits Aethera Boss, lamenting horror with infinite void howl stack, that fucking burning bitch with her one-bo first turn attack etc etc etc). But it's better.


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#789 Re: Games, games, games
January 26, 2020, 11:42:51 am
No worries, glad to help. Am sure you've figured it out by now but for any others CC was referring to Crowd Control. Any ability that can hinder your opponents ability to control their character, either preventing movement, silencing spellcasting ability, or making them completely skip a turn.

In my younger days I was a bit of a veteran of all sorts of Player Vs Player games... CC plays an integral role to these so I've always highly valued it.

Some (easier/more straight forward) games you can ignore CC and simply 'nuke' down enemies one by one... But in DoS, especially on harder difficulties well organised, thoughtful and often even sequential chained together CC is a must!

Seems like you're nicely getting the hang of it and doing much better now  :punk:


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#790 Re: Games, games, games
February 15, 2020, 11:46:05 am
Storm Ciara and now Dennis has resulted in me finding a little gem called Battle Brothers:

Haven't sunk many hours into it yet but reviews seem mostly positive and from my initial messing around its a fun mixture of RPG and Squad building/management.


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#791 Re: Games, games, games
March 24, 2020, 01:01:58 pm
Seems we're going to have more time for games so hears a few of my favourites from the last year or so.

Hollow Knight - Amazing metroidvania in a beautiful arty bug inspired world. Great atmosphere, controls really well and quite a challenge. Overall one of my top games of all time.

Obra Dinn - Weird murder mystery puzzle game on a Marie Celeste type ship. Very cool and unique game from the same guy that did Papers, Please (also excellent).

Bloodbourne - If you want to fully embrace the grim plague type aesthetics  of current times, this is an amazing game. Absolutely nails, obtuse and simply divine. One of the best games I've played. Not relaxing at all!

Currently playing the Outer Wilds. So far so good exploring a weird solar system trying to unravel the time looping mystery. Will report back, seems very cool.


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#792 Re: Games, games, games
March 24, 2020, 07:16:26 pm
Good bump Jamie.

I'm about to finish Divinity Original Sin 2 which is as good an ultra-detailed immersive timesink RPG as it ever gets (and was 50% off on Steam yesterday).

Then I got stacked up: Black Mesa (Half Life remake), Dragon's Dogma, Jedi Fallen Order, and Metro Exodus. I'm putting Doom Eternal on hold until the price drops, but there's plenty of previous Epic Game Store exclusives coming to Steam later this year.

My topical pick for these times is of course: A Plague Tale: Innocence. Unlike Bloodborne it is not at all nails nor obtuse (indeed the polar opposite in many ways), but it is absolutely beautifully presented and thoroughly captivating as "walking sims with lite stealth and puzzle sections" go. Plus, rats, lots of rats.


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#793 Re: Games, games, games
March 24, 2020, 09:45:28 pm
I really enjoyed the last Doom. Just so much fun. And quality soundtrack.

Plague tale sound interesting. Might have to check that out.


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#794 Re: Games, games, games
March 25, 2020, 09:00:11 am
Currently playing the Outer Wilds. So far so good exploring a weird solar system trying to unravel the time looping mystery. Will report back, seems very cool.

Absolutely loved outer wilds. Just whizz about in your comedy spaceship enjoying the (quantum?) physics until the sun explodes. It really is quite a beautiful game. Kid-safe and educational too if anyone needs to consider that.

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#795 Re: Games, games, games
March 25, 2020, 02:37:57 pm
Have I posted about STEEP on here? ski, snowboard, wingsuit, parapente or even extreme sledging down some great mountains. Graphics are amazing.


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#796 Re: Games, games, games
March 25, 2020, 03:32:18 pm
Currently working my way through Witcher 3 (bit late to it as have a switch) and Untitled Goose game.
Any game where you get to stroll round as a goose honking at ppl and being a dick is on to something :lol:! Even got my other half curious enough to start playing


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#797 Re: Games, games, games
March 25, 2020, 05:51:59 pm
I've heard Untitled Goose Game is really good. Need to check that out too.

Witcher 3! Now we're talking. I loved that game. Epic time sink though. I've had to back off massive games like that since the little one came along. No chance I can play 100+ hr games anymore. Although I do have a switch which has been great on the train (although obviously not at the moment). Enjoy.


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#798 Re: Games, games, games
March 28, 2020, 09:43:06 am
Tabletop Simulator - was a friends birthday yesterday who is quite a keen board game player (think Dixit, Carcassonne, 7 Wonders, Splendor) originally was planning a board game get together which had been cancelled with the Corona shutdown.

I've recently discovered Tabletop Simulator... Knew of its existence for a long time but had always ignored for some reason, anyway it is superb! After my suggestion we managed to organise a group of 8 of us (with varying IT expertise) to all install TTS get on Discord for voice comms conference room style and had an evening of eating nachos and drinking beer. Was a really fantastic change of vibe from the last couple weeks.

Had so much fun I was tempted to joint post this to 'Good things that happen since Corona' thread but probably more appreciated in here.

For more of an overview of exactly what TTB is, I'll give it my best shot:

The 'game' itself simply acts like a framework/sandbox then other people add content to the Steam Workshop where they have essentially uploaded. You'll find a vast array of games from humble card and board games to people ripping entire Warhammer armies to allow games of 40k, Killteam etc.

I've been really impressed with it and for £15 is an absolute bargain. Can see myself using it a lot of the coming weeks but also beyond any lockdown simply to pay board games with people who love around the country/world  :2thumbsup:

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#799 Re: Games, games, games
March 29, 2020, 03:15:41 pm
When you say "vast array" of games, is there a list anywhere of all the games you can get for it? My interest is definitely piqued as we often have games nights which are obviously cancelled at the moment. Can you get Catan, Citadels, Istanbul, Smallworlds etc etc etc on there?


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