the shizzle > bouldering

A beginner's guide to bouldering

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Eventually, I'm getting round to writing it! So, here is your chance to contribute to what may (or may not) be the greatest bouldering article after 'Master Of Rock'

What I want is any advice you, the ukB follower of the faith, would like to impart to the beginner.

It doesn't have to be anything world shattering, it may be plain boring or obvious, but a beginner may want to know it and they'll have you to thank!

So, anything you have will be greatly received, and duefully credited in the article.

Any pictures you'd like to submit , perhaps demonstrating said advice, would be even better.....

So get posting, or email me. I'll expect to be kept up night after night reading it all

Oh, by the way, there'll be a prize for the best 3 submissions.....A good one an' all

you feeling rich matey?? What's the prize?

Ok, essentials:

[*]chalk and tick mark etiquette
[*]brushes and using them properly
[*]spotting techniques
[*]techniques and terminology, eg dyno, sprag, egyptian, etc
[*]grades (and about not getting hung up on them!)
[*]avoiding the Peak as it's already too fucking crowded

without getting bogged down in the semantics of "which shape brush is best" and "which boots are best for heelhooking", I would say there are only 3 essentials for bouldering, in order of importance:

1. Respect - for the rock, other people and yourself
2. Enthusiasm - sense of exploration, curiosity and psyche
3. Perspective - at the end of the day its supposed to be fun

If you've got these then you won't go far wrong.

Wise words Dave....

Not brush shapes, but more how to brush responsibly, use of wire brushes, etc, etc....

Don't think it can be a guide to teach someone how to climb, but just putting them straight on the basics.

I think as far as getting better is concerned the most important thing you can learn, is self belief. Not a giant ego, but the basic theory of well, if Ben and Jerry, Lisa Rands, Greg Lowe etc are all good, there is no reason that I can't be just as good. After all they all started at he beginning too and they all put in hard work.

Its just down to how much effort I want to put in.


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