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Routes database and new problems


I can't get the routes database to work again - seems to happen regularly with me. Am I doing something wrong? The dropdowns won't give me any choices. Also sent in two new problems on Friday but I don't think they've registered - again, am I doing something wrong? One problem was from 1997 and I was told this was out of range. Help.

It's not your fault - it's mine! About once a week the problems pages go wrong. It's easily sorted by a server-reboot but I won't be able to do this 'til this evening. The reason this happens is some java code that screws up the database connections. I've not sorted this code out because it's getting re-written (albeit very slowly  :cry: ) anyway, so there's not a lot of point as it'll be replaced sometime soon.  Should be usable from tonight again anyway.
The problem with 1997 being out of range is a validation check. I assumed nobody would be entering problems from so long ago, so put in place code to stop people entering such old values. I can get this sorted. In the meantime if you just drop me a mail with the problem info on, I can put it onto the database.


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