the shizzle > chuffing

Summer wishlist '05

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We've got a winter bouldering orientated ticklist thing going on, but what are you keen to get done for the other six months while the grit's too warm? Limestone bouldering? Moorland grit? Classic trad? Sport routage? Give up climbing and learn to surf?
 At the moment wht's inspiring me:

 Mecca - Finish what i've started, if the undercut ever dries
 Gordale - Get stuck into some big stuff, maybe the Caveroutes and Supercool
 Breach of the Peace - Massive exposure at Malham, footless moves on a roof at the top of a 200 foot overhang wall (it doesn't climb the whole height of this BTW)
 Urgent Action or the Thumb - More big classic sport routing at Kilnsey
 Positron or other of the classic E5s - Finally get round to doing some classics on main wall at Gogarth
 Grinah - Get up to some of the fabled Bleaklow bouldering areas
 London Wall - Has been on the list for several years now but never seem to get round to it.
 Right Wall - Again another super-classic thats burning a hole in my ticklist

ben's roof
a short sport 8a
banana peel, an 8 pitch granite slab 5.8 at squamish
some classic squamish problems
cosmic wheels
the thing (now we are really getting fanciful - anyone got ni beta?)
but really any shady non-sweaty climbing will do.

I take it from the veritable avalanche of replies that the rest of you will be mooching around a midge infested Plantation moaning about bad skin and greasy conditions :roll:

having been to malham i'm totally psyched!
gotta go back, wanna tick the crag maybe 7c( should do chisseling next time i'm up)
 the machine. if the start dries and if i get any stamina.
to stop being a gaylord and actually climb witha string, rather than lways going  to the tor, and bouldering... which i'm going to do in about 5 mins.

I was gonn ahead up to the lakes with my moderately graded ticklist to do stuff like Beastmaster, V5 and Voodoo People, V7 at Warton Pinnacle.
With trips to Carrock, Kentmere, Sampson Stones and the like thrown in for good measure.

If it gets really bad I may go for my annual trip to Stoney, or training at Almscliff when I really can't be arsed.


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