the shizzle > shootin' the shit

Coming back from a layoff- getting strong again

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No, didn't see Jellyeyes - will have a more in depth look at the place sometime.

Jon reckoned there was still some stuff to be done up there, and it'd be good to see the project offwidth, just so I can look at it, and run away. Any idea where that is?

A mate of mine reckoned he had an entire crag x up there somewhere but I've never managed to extract the information, despite using copious amounts of alcohol to loosen his resolve.

The "mythical" project offwidth apparently lies in some bolders to the south of the area with the routes "on the air", "gavel neese" etc. This is what Mo told me. I once had a potter around there, didn't see owt, but then again i didn't really know what i was looking for.

As for secret crags, there are loads of old quarries around there, bolow the crag ond over the back. I belive some people from the foundry have climbed there.


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