the shizzle > beta - bouldering

Fish arete, Wimberry

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--- Quote from: Bradders on October 25, 2023, 07:03:20 pm ---It's been a while but I remember Fish Groove being really good. Think I deployed lank on Fish Arete and likewise didn't think much of it. Still haven't been back for the sit 7.5 years later perhaps as a result.

--- End quote ---

Fish groove is really good. There's also an obvious sit to the weird crimpy problem on the left, starting on an undercut which looks good. What's that?

Didn't manage the sit but keen to go back. Jamie, PM me your number if you're keen to join forces as the fewer pads lugged up that hill the better!

Re the stand, I pulled on from the undercut as per earlier posts on this thread, maybe I've cheated myself out of a move.

To a short arse like me dynos are just showboating, it's climbing not jumping  :devangel:

I've never managed fish groove (but then I haven't tried it in years). Should give that a go too again, think it's 7b from a low start.

By 'weird crimpy thing' do you mean You're Joking just to the left of fish groove? If so, I believe the sit start is still a project. And possibly pretty nails.

Yeah that's the one, pull on with the crimps and go to the top. Interesting, that needs doing as its all there.


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