technical > photography

Lightweight compact tripod that isn't horrifically spenny?

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SA Chris: is the type of thing I was thinking of. Not really cheap though; the head alone is about £80, but really nice to use.

Johnny Brown:
Fo the camcorder or camera? Or both? Don't get a ball-head for video.

Stability ultimately depends on weight. The lighter the cam, the lighter the tripod can be. Carbon Fibre pods cheat this a bit but start at £200. No light tripod will be particularly stable at full extension.

SA Chris:
No, I assumed this was for Bubba's new SLR. Lightweight tripods can be made more stable by hanging something from a hook in the middle of the legs. Even a few rocks in a plastic bag helps.

Cheers lads - I want something I can use for the SLR but I can carry about easily in my pad, etc - those manfrotto carbons look nice but v. expensive. Might wait 'til something comes up on ebay.

SA Chris:
forgot to mention that if you only want to use one occasionally for landscapes, night pics, etc, these are a handy bit of kit to just keep in your pack;

I have used mine for taking a night photo of campfires at Joshua Tree, long exposures of london at night, etc. The velcro strap is just about long enough to strap it to a streetlamp sized pole, or you can extend it by DIY means.


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