places to visit > uk and eire

Lakes scrambles

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Pinnacle Ridge is the only 'scramble' I've done in the Lakes, was good fun with some able non-climbers who found it the right level of 'exciting'.

Jack's Rake was the other one that sprung to mind, it looks really improbable but is a great feature and lots of good fells and scenery nearby. Only downside is that it's a busier area, particularly the first bit up to the tarn.


If you do decide to branch into climbing, middlefell buttress in langdale is pretty straightforward - nice generous belay ledges too. Could probably drag someone without rock shoes up that reasonably ok. The higher technicality would make up for the fact it's near the road - it's not exactly a big day out but they'd probs still enjoy?

It's certainly classic (1902 I think?) but might be very busy on a weekend, popular with guides. Midweek maybe not so bad?

If it's nice weather, you can ghyll scramble up to the tarn to the bottom of pavey. Might want a rope if not confident, but you won't want rock shoes. Could then go up jack's rake.


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