places to visit > abroad

Help with visiting Arrakis

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--- Quote from: Johnny Brown on March 11, 2024, 12:12:12 pm ---Arrakis is 88 light years away. If time or budget is tight, you might consider Perfection, Nevada.
Pros: climate and rock are pretty good
Cons: worms somewhat less domesticated.

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You could probably hitch.
Apparently it’s not fashionable anymore, but there’s a regular Guild transport run and quite a few “unofficial” carriers bringing back the orange shit they put in Pumpkin Spice Lattes…

Best thread for ages, nice work all.

Animal welfare question

Personally thought the baby worm was deliriously happy to be presented with so much water and was writhing around with pleasure (before the blue poison was extracted) and reclined in ecstasy.

However, it has been put to me that it was merely drowned.

What happened ?

Water is poisonous to wormy bois on Arrakis


--- Quote from: Wellsy on March 14, 2024, 09:28:25 pm ---Water is poisonous to wormy bois on Arrakis

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